Esempio n. 1
def check_if_rpi(fname):
    from sct_image import get_orientation_3d
    if not get_orientation_3d(fname, filename=True) == 'RPI':
            '\nERROR: ' + fname +
            ' is not in RPI orientation. Use sct_image -setorient to reorient your data. Exit program.\n',
            1, 'error')
def resample_image(fname,
    Resampling function: add a padding, resample, crop the padding
    :param fname: name of the image file to be resampled
    :param suffix: suffix added to the original fname after resampling
    :param binary: boolean, image is binary or not
    :param npx: new pixel size in the x direction
    :param npy: new pixel size in the y direction
    :param thr: if the image is binary, it will be thresholded at thr (default=0) after the resampling
    :param interpolation: type of interpolation used for the resampling
    :return: file name after resampling (or original fname if it was already in the correct resolution)
    im_in = Image(fname)
    orientation = get_orientation_3d(im_in)
    if orientation != 'RPI':
        im_in = set_orientation(im_in, 'RPI')
        fname = im_in.absolutepath
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_in.dim

    if round(px, 2) != round(npx, 2) or round(py, 2) != round(npy, 2):
        name_resample = sct.extract_fname(fname)[1] + suffix
        if binary:
            interpolation = 'nn''sct_resample -i ' + fname + ' -mm ' + str(npx) + 'x' +
                str(npy) + 'x' + str(pz) + ' -o ' + name_resample + ' -x ' +

        if binary:
            #'sct_maths -i ' + name_resample + ' -thr ' + str(thr) + ' -o ' + name_resample)
  'sct_maths -i ' + name_resample + ' -bin ' + str(thr) +
                    ' -o ' + name_resample)

        if orientation != 'RPI':
            im_resample = Image(name_resample)
            im_resample = set_orientation(im_resample, orientation)
            name_resample = im_resample.absolutepath
        return name_resample
        if orientation != 'RPI':
            im_in = set_orientation(im_in, orientation)
            fname = im_in.absolutepath
        sct.printv('Image resolution already ' + str(npx) + 'x' + str(npy) +
        return fname
Esempio n. 3
def resample_image(fname, suffix='_resampled.nii.gz', binary=False, npx=0.3, npy=0.3, thr=0.0, interpolation='spline'):
    Resampling function: add a padding, resample, crop the padding
    :param fname: name of the image file to be resampled
    :param suffix: suffix added to the original fname after resampling
    :param binary: boolean, image is binary or not
    :param npx: new pixel size in the x direction
    :param npy: new pixel size in the y direction
    :param thr: if the image is binary, it will be thresholded at thr (default=0) after the resampling
    :param interpolation: type of interpolation used for the resampling
    :return: file name after resampling (or original fname if it was already in the correct resolution)
    im_in = Image(fname)
    orientation = get_orientation_3d(im_in)
    if orientation != 'RPI':
        im_in = set_orientation(im_in, 'RPI')
        fname = im_in.absolutepath
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_in.dim

    if round(px, 2) != round(npx, 2) or round(py, 2) != round(npy, 2):
        name_resample = sct.extract_fname(fname)[1] + suffix
        if binary:
            interpolation = 'nn''sct_resample -i '+fname+' -mm '+str(npx)+'x'+str(npy)+'x'+str(pz)+' -o '+name_resample+' -x '+interpolation)

        if binary:
            #'sct_maths -i ' + name_resample + ' -thr ' + str(thr) + ' -o ' + name_resample)
  'sct_maths -i ' + name_resample + ' -bin ' + str(thr) + ' -o ' + name_resample)

        if orientation != 'RPI':
            im_resample = Image(name_resample)
            im_resample = set_orientation(im_resample, orientation)
            name_resample = im_resample.absolutepath
        return name_resample
        if orientation != 'RPI':
            im_in = set_orientation(im_in, orientation)
            fname = im_in.absolutepath
        sct.printv('Image resolution already ' + str(npx) + 'x' + str(npy) + 'xpz')
        return fname
def get_centerline_from_point(input_image, point_file, gap=4, gaussian_kernel=4, remove_tmp_files=1):

    # Initialization
    fname_anat = input_image
    fname_point = point_file
    slice_gap = gap
    remove_tmp_files = remove_tmp_files
    gaussian_kernel = gaussian_kernel
    start_time = time()
    verbose = 1

    # get path of the toolbox
    status, path_sct = commands.getstatusoutput("echo $SCT_DIR")
    path_sct = sct.slash_at_the_end(path_sct, 1)

    # Parameters for debug mode
    if param.debug == 1:
        sct.printv("\n*** WARNING: DEBUG MODE ON ***\n\t\t\tCurrent working directory: " + os.getcwd(), "warning")
        status, path_sct_testing_data = commands.getstatusoutput("echo $SCT_TESTING_DATA_DIR")
        fname_anat = path_sct_testing_data + "/t2/t2.nii.gz"
        fname_point = path_sct_testing_data + "/t2/t2_centerline_init.nii.gz"
        slice_gap = 5

    # check existence of input files

    # extract path/file/extension
    path_anat, file_anat, ext_anat = sct.extract_fname(fname_anat)
    path_point, file_point, ext_point = sct.extract_fname(fname_point)

    # extract path of schedule file
    # TODO: include schedule file in sct
    # TODO: check existence of schedule file
    file_schedule = path_sct + param.schedule_file

    # Get input image orientation
    input_image_orientation = get_orientation_3d(fname_anat, filename=True)

    # Display arguments
    print "\nCheck input arguments..."
    print "  Anatomical image:     " + fname_anat
    print "  Orientation:          " + input_image_orientation
    print "  Point in spinal cord: " + fname_point
    print "  Slice gap:            " + str(slice_gap)
    print "  Gaussian kernel:      " + str(gaussian_kernel)
    print "  Degree of polynomial: " + str(param.deg_poly)

    # create temporary folder
    print ("\nCreate temporary folder...")
    path_tmp = "tmp." + strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S")
    print "\nCopy input data...""cp " + fname_anat + " " + path_tmp + "/tmp.anat" + ext_anat)"cp " + fname_point + " " + path_tmp + "/tmp.point" + ext_point)

    # go to temporary folder

    # convert to nii
    im_anat = convert("tmp.anat" + ext_anat, "tmp.anat.nii")
    im_point = convert("tmp.point" + ext_point, "tmp.point.nii")

    # Reorient input anatomical volume into RL PA IS orientation
    print "\nReorient input volume to RL PA IS orientation..."
    set_orientation(im_anat, "RPI")
    # Reorient binary point into RL PA IS orientation
    print "\nReorient binary point into RL PA IS orientation..."
    # + 'fslswapdim tmp.point RL PA IS tmp.point_orient')
    set_orientation(im_point, "RPI")

    # Get image dimensions
    print "\nGet image dimensions..."
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image("tmp.anat_orient.nii").dim
    print ".. matrix size: " + str(nx) + " x " + str(ny) + " x " + str(nz)
    print ".. voxel size:  " + str(px) + "mm x " + str(py) + "mm x " + str(pz) + "mm"

    # Split input volume
    print "\nSplit input volume..."
    im_anat_split_list = split_data(im_anat, 2)
    file_anat_split = []
    for im in im_anat_split_list:

    im_point_split_list = split_data(im_point, 2)
    file_point_split = []
    for im in im_point_split_list:

    # Extract coordinates of input point
    data_point = Image("tmp.point_orient.nii").data
    x_init, y_init, z_init = unravel_index(data_point.argmax(), data_point.shape)
    sct.printv("Coordinates of input point: (" + str(x_init) + ", " + str(y_init) + ", " + str(z_init) + ")", verbose)

    # Create 2D gaussian mask
    sct.printv("\nCreate gaussian mask from point...", verbose)
    xx, yy = mgrid[:nx, :ny]
    mask2d = zeros((nx, ny))
    radius = round(float(gaussian_kernel + 1) / 2)  # add 1 because the radius includes the center.
    sigma = float(radius)
    mask2d = exp(-(((xx - x_init) ** 2) / (2 * (sigma ** 2)) + ((yy - y_init) ** 2) / (2 * (sigma ** 2))))

    # Save mask to 2d file
    file_mask_split = ["tmp.mask_orient_Z" + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)]
    nii_mask2d = Image("tmp.anat_orient_Z0000.nii") = mask2d
    nii_mask2d.setFileName(file_mask_split[z_init] + ".nii")

    # initialize variables
    file_mat = ["tmp.mat_Z" + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)]
    file_mat_inv = ["tmp.mat_inv_Z" + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)]
    file_mat_inv_cumul = ["tmp.mat_inv_cumul_Z" + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)]

    # create identity matrix for initial transformation matrix
    fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul[z_init], "w")
    fid.write("%i %i %i %i\n" % (1, 0, 0, 0))
    fid.write("%i %i %i %i\n" % (0, 1, 0, 0))
    fid.write("%i %i %i %i\n" % (0, 0, 1, 0))
    fid.write("%i %i %i %i\n" % (0, 0, 0, 1))

    # initialize centerline: give value corresponding to initial point
    x_centerline = [x_init]
    y_centerline = [y_init]
    z_centerline = [z_init]
    warning_count = 0

    # go up (1), then down (2) in reference to the binary point
    for iUpDown in range(1, 3):

        if iUpDown == 1:
            # z increases
            slice_gap_signed = slice_gap
        elif iUpDown == 2:
            # z decreases
            slice_gap_signed = -slice_gap
            # reverse centerline (because values will be appended at the end)

        # initialization before looping
        z_dest = z_init  # point given by user
        z_src = z_dest + slice_gap_signed

        # continue looping if 0 <= z < nz
        while 0 <= z_src < nz:

            # print current z:
            print "z=" + str(z_src) + ":"

            # estimate transformation
                + "flirt -in "
                + file_anat_split[z_src]
                + " -ref "
                + file_anat_split[z_dest]
                + " -schedule "
                + file_schedule
                + " -verbose 0 -omat "
                + file_mat[z_src]
                + " -cost normcorr -forcescaling -inweight "
                + file_mask_split[z_dest]
                + " -refweight "
                + file_mask_split[z_dest]

            # display transfo
            status, output ="cat " + file_mat[z_src])
            print output

            # check if transformation is bigger than 1.5x slice_gap
            tx = float(output.split()[3])
            ty = float(output.split()[7])
            norm_txy = linalg.norm([tx, ty], ord=2)
            if norm_txy > 1.5 * slice_gap:
                print "WARNING: Transformation is too large --> using previous one."
                warning_count = warning_count + 1
                # if previous transformation exists, replace current one with previous one
                if os.path.isfile(file_mat[z_dest]):
          "cp " + file_mat[z_dest] + " " + file_mat[z_src])

            # estimate inverse transformation matrix
  "convert_xfm -omat " + file_mat_inv[z_src] + " -inverse " + file_mat[z_src])

            # compute cumulative transformation
                "convert_xfm -omat "
                + file_mat_inv_cumul[z_src]
                + " -concat "
                + file_mat_inv[z_src]
                + " "
                + file_mat_inv_cumul[z_dest]

            # apply inverse cumulative transformation to initial gaussian mask (to put it in src space)
                + "flirt -in "
                + file_mask_split[z_init]
                + " -ref "
                + file_mask_split[z_init]
                + " -applyxfm -init "
                + file_mat_inv_cumul[z_src]
                + " -out "
                + file_mask_split[z_src]

            # open inverse cumulative transformation file and generate centerline
            fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul[z_src])
            mat =
            x_centerline.append(x_init + float(mat[3]))
            y_centerline.append(y_init + float(mat[7]))
            # z_index = z_index+1

            # define new z_dest (target slice) and new z_src (moving slice)
            z_dest = z_dest + slice_gap_signed
            z_src = z_src + slice_gap_signed

    # Reconstruct centerline
    # ====================================================================================================

    # reverse back centerline (because it's been reversed once, so now all values are in the right order)

    # fit centerline in the Z-X plane using polynomial function
    print "\nFit centerline in the Z-X plane using polynomial function..."
    coeffsx = polyfit(z_centerline, x_centerline, deg=param.deg_poly)
    polyx = poly1d(coeffsx)
    x_centerline_fit = polyval(polyx, z_centerline)
    # calculate RMSE
    rmse = linalg.norm(x_centerline_fit - x_centerline) / sqrt(len(x_centerline))
    # calculate max absolute error
    max_abs = max(abs(x_centerline_fit - x_centerline))
    print ".. RMSE (in mm): " + str(rmse * px)
    print ".. Maximum absolute error (in mm): " + str(max_abs * px)

    # fit centerline in the Z-Y plane using polynomial function
    print "\nFit centerline in the Z-Y plane using polynomial function..."
    coeffsy = polyfit(z_centerline, y_centerline, deg=param.deg_poly)
    polyy = poly1d(coeffsy)
    y_centerline_fit = polyval(polyy, z_centerline)
    # calculate RMSE
    rmse = linalg.norm(y_centerline_fit - y_centerline) / sqrt(len(y_centerline))
    # calculate max absolute error
    max_abs = max(abs(y_centerline_fit - y_centerline))
    print ".. RMSE (in mm): " + str(rmse * py)
    print ".. Maximum absolute error (in mm): " + str(max_abs * py)

    # display
    if param.debug == 1:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        plt.plot(z_centerline, x_centerline, ".", z_centerline, x_centerline_fit, "r")
        plt.legend(["Data", "Polynomial Fit"])
        plt.title("Z-X plane polynomial interpolation")

        plt.plot(z_centerline, y_centerline, ".", z_centerline, y_centerline_fit, "r")
        plt.legend(["Data", "Polynomial Fit"])
        plt.title("Z-Y plane polynomial interpolation")

    # generate full range z-values for centerline
    z_centerline_full = [iz for iz in range(0, nz, 1)]

    # calculate X and Y values for the full centerline
    x_centerline_fit_full = polyval(polyx, z_centerline_full)
    y_centerline_fit_full = polyval(polyy, z_centerline_full)

    # Generate fitted transformation matrices and write centerline coordinates in text file
    print "\nGenerate fitted transformation matrices and write centerline coordinates in text file..."
    file_mat_inv_cumul_fit = ["tmp.mat_inv_cumul_fit_z" + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)]
    file_mat_cumul_fit = ["tmp.mat_cumul_fit_z" + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)]
    fid_centerline = open("tmp.centerline_coordinates.txt", "w")
    for iz in range(0, nz, 1):
        # compute inverse cumulative fitted transformation matrix
        fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], "w")
        fid.write("%i %i %i %f\n" % (1, 0, 0, x_centerline_fit_full[iz] - x_init))
        fid.write("%i %i %i %f\n" % (0, 1, 0, y_centerline_fit_full[iz] - y_init))
        fid.write("%i %i %i %i\n" % (0, 0, 1, 0))
        fid.write("%i %i %i %i\n" % (0, 0, 0, 1))
        # compute forward cumulative fitted transformation matrix"convert_xfm -omat " + file_mat_cumul_fit[iz] + " -inverse " + file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz])
        # write centerline coordinates in x, y, z format
            "%f %f %f\n" % (x_centerline_fit_full[iz], y_centerline_fit_full[iz], z_centerline_full[iz])

    # Prepare output data
    # ====================================================================================================

    # write centerline as text file
    for iz in range(0, nz, 1):
        # compute inverse cumulative fitted transformation matrix
        fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], "w")
        fid.write("%i %i %i %f\n" % (1, 0, 0, x_centerline_fit_full[iz] - x_init))
        fid.write("%i %i %i %f\n" % (0, 1, 0, y_centerline_fit_full[iz] - y_init))
        fid.write("%i %i %i %i\n" % (0, 0, 1, 0))
        fid.write("%i %i %i %i\n" % (0, 0, 0, 1))

    # write polynomial coefficients
    savetxt("tmp.centerline_polycoeffs_x.txt", coeffsx)
    savetxt("tmp.centerline_polycoeffs_y.txt", coeffsy)

    # apply transformations to data
    print "\nApply fitted transformation matrices..."
    file_anat_split_fit = ["tmp.anat_orient_fit_z" + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)]
    file_mask_split_fit = ["tmp.mask_orient_fit_z" + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)]
    file_point_split_fit = ["tmp.point_orient_fit_z" + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)]
    for iz in range(0, nz, 1):
        # forward cumulative transformation to data
            + "flirt -in "
            + file_anat_split[iz]
            + " -ref "
            + file_anat_split[iz]
            + " -applyxfm -init "
            + file_mat_cumul_fit[iz]
            + " -out "
            + file_anat_split_fit[iz]
        # inverse cumulative transformation to mask
            + "flirt -in "
            + file_mask_split[z_init]
            + " -ref "
            + file_mask_split[z_init]
            + " -applyxfm -init "
            + file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz]
            + " -out "
            + file_mask_split_fit[iz]
        # inverse cumulative transformation to point
            + "flirt -in "
            + file_point_split[z_init]
            + " -ref "
            + file_point_split[z_init]
            + " -applyxfm -init "
            + file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz]
            + " -out "
            + file_point_split_fit[iz]
            + " -interp nearestneighbour"

    # Merge into 4D volume
    print "\nMerge into 4D volume..."
    # im_anat_list = [Image(fname) for fname in glob.glob('tmp.anat_orient_fit_z*.nii')]
    fname_anat_list = glob.glob("tmp.anat_orient_fit_z*.nii")
    im_anat_concat = concat_data(fname_anat_list, 2)

    # im_mask_list = [Image(fname) for fname in glob.glob('tmp.mask_orient_fit_z*.nii')]
    fname_mask_list = glob.glob("tmp.mask_orient_fit_z*.nii")
    im_mask_concat = concat_data(fname_mask_list, 2)

    # im_point_list = [Image(fname) for fname in 	glob.glob('tmp.point_orient_fit_z*.nii')]
    fname_point_list = glob.glob("tmp.point_orient_fit_z*.nii")
    im_point_concat = concat_data(fname_point_list, 2)

    # Copy header geometry from input data
    print "\nCopy header geometry from input data..."
    im_anat = Image("tmp.anat_orient.nii")
    im_anat_orient_fit = Image("tmp.anat_orient_fit.nii")
    im_mask_orient_fit = Image("tmp.mask_orient_fit.nii")
    im_point_orient_fit = Image("tmp.point_orient_fit.nii")
    im_anat_orient_fit = copy_header(im_anat, im_anat_orient_fit)
    im_mask_orient_fit = copy_header(im_anat, im_mask_orient_fit)
    im_point_orient_fit = copy_header(im_anat, im_point_orient_fit)
    for im in [im_anat_orient_fit, im_mask_orient_fit, im_point_orient_fit]:

    # Reorient outputs into the initial orientation of the input image
    print "\nReorient the centerline into the initial orientation of the input image..."
    set_orientation("tmp.point_orient_fit.nii", input_image_orientation, "tmp.point_orient_fit.nii")
    set_orientation("tmp.mask_orient_fit.nii", input_image_orientation, "tmp.mask_orient_fit.nii")

    # Generate output file (in current folder)
    print "\nGenerate output file (in current folder)..."
    os.chdir("..")  # come back to parent folder
    fname_output_centerline = sct.generate_output_file(
        path_tmp + "/tmp.point_orient_fit.nii", file_anat + "_centerline" + ext_anat

    # Delete temporary files
    if remove_tmp_files == 1:
        print "\nRemove temporary files...""rm -rf " + path_tmp, error_exit="warning")

    # print number of warnings
    print "\nNumber of warnings: " + str(
    ) + " (if >10, you should probably reduce the gap and/or increase the kernel size"

    # display elapsed time
    elapsed_time = time() - start_time
    print "\nFinished! \n\tGenerated file: " + fname_output_centerline + "\n\tElapsed time: " + str(
    ) + "s\n"
def get_centerline_from_labels(
    fname_in, list_fname_labels, param, output_file_name=None, remove_temp_files=1, verbose=0

    path, file, ext = sct.extract_fname(fname_in)

    # create temporary folder
    path_tmp = sct.slash_at_the_end("tmp." + strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S"), 1)"mkdir " + path_tmp)

    # Copying input data to tmp folder
    sct.printv("\nCopying input data to tmp folder...", verbose)"sct_convert -i " + fname_in + " -o " + path_tmp + "data.nii")
    file_labels = []
    for i in range(len(list_fname_labels)):
        file_labels.append("labels_" + str(i) + ".nii.gz")"sct_convert -i " + list_fname_labels[i] + " -o " + path_tmp + file_labels[i])

    # go to tmp folder

    ## Concatenation of the files

    # Concatenation : sum of matrices
    file_0 = Image("data.nii")
    data_concatenation =
    hdr_0 = file_0.hdr
    orientation_file_0 = get_orientation_3d(file_0)
    if len(list_fname_labels) > 0:
        for i in range(0, len(list_fname_labels)):
            orientation_file_temp = get_orientation_3d(file_labels[i], filename=True)
            if orientation_file_0 != orientation_file_temp:
                print "ERROR: The files ", fname_in, " and ", file_labels[
                ], " are not in the same orientation. Use sct_image -setorient to change the orientation of a file."
            file_temp = load(file_labels[i])
            data_temp = file_temp.get_data()
            data_concatenation = data_concatenation + data_temp

    # Save concatenation as a file
    print "\nWrite NIFTI volumes..."
    img = Nifti1Image(data_concatenation, None, hdr_0)
    save(img, "concatenation_file.nii.gz")

    # Applying nurbs to the concatenation and save file as binary file
    fname_output = extract_centerline(

    # Rename files after processing
    if output_file_name != None:
        output_file_name = output_file_name
        output_file_name = "generated_centerline.nii.gz"

    os.rename(fname_output, output_file_name)
    path_binary, file_binary, ext_binary = sct.extract_fname(output_file_name)
    os.rename("concatenation_file_centerline.txt", file_binary + ".txt")

    # Process for a binary file as output:"cp " + output_file_name + " ../")

    # Process for a text file as output:"cp " + file_binary + ".txt" + " ../")

    # Remove temporary files
    if remove_temp_files:
        print ("\nRemove temporary files...")"rm -rf " + path_tmp, error_exit="warning")
Esempio n. 6
def main():

    # initialization
    fname_mask = ''

    # Get parser info
    parser = get_parser()
    arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:])
    fname_data = arguments['-i']
    fname_mask = arguments['-m']
    vert_label_fname = arguments["-vertfile"]
    vert_levels = arguments["-vert"]
    slices_of_interest = arguments["-z"]
    method = arguments["-method"]
    verbose = int(arguments['-v'])

    # Check if data are in RPI
    input_im = Image(fname_data)
    input_orient = get_orientation_3d(input_im)

    # If orientation is not RPI, change to RPI
    if input_orient != 'RPI':
        sct.printv('\nCreate temporary folder to change the orientation of the NIFTI files into RPI...', verbose)
        path_tmp = sct.tmp_create()
        # change orientation and load data
        sct.printv('\nChange input image orientation and load it...', verbose)
        input_im_rpi = set_orientation(input_im, 'RPI', fname_out=path_tmp+'input_RPI.nii')
        input_data =
        # Do the same for the mask
        sct.printv('\nChange mask orientation and load it...', verbose)
        mask_im_rpi = set_orientation(Image(fname_mask), 'RPI', fname_out=path_tmp+'mask_RPI.nii')
        mask_data =
        # Do the same for vertebral labeling if present
        if vert_levels != 'None':
            sct.printv('\nChange vertebral labeling file orientation and load it...', verbose)
            vert_label_im_rpi = set_orientation(Image(vert_label_fname), 'RPI', fname_out=path_tmp+'vert_labeling_RPI.nii')
            vert_labeling_data =
        # Remove the temporary folder used to change the NIFTI files orientation into RPI
        sct.printv('\nRemove the temporary folder...', verbose)
        # Load data
        sct.printv('\nLoad data...', verbose)
        input_data =
        mask_data = Image(fname_mask).data
        if vert_levels != 'None':
            vert_labeling_data = Image(vert_label_fname).data
    sct.printv('\tDone.', verbose)

    # Get slices corresponding to vertebral levels
    if vert_levels != 'None':
        from sct_extract_metric import get_slices_matching_with_vertebral_levels
        slices_of_interest, actual_vert_levels, warning_vert_levels = get_slices_matching_with_vertebral_levels(mask_data, vert_levels, vert_labeling_data, verbose)

    # Remove slices that were not selected
    if slices_of_interest == 'None':
        slices_of_interest = '0:'+str(mask_data.shape[2]-1)
    slices_boundary = slices_of_interest.split(':')
    slices_of_interest_list = range(int(slices_boundary[0]), int(slices_boundary[1])+1)
    # Crop
    input_data = input_data[:, :, slices_of_interest_list, :]
    mask_data = mask_data[:, :, slices_of_interest_list]

    # Get signal and noise
    indexes_roi = np.where(mask_data == 1)
    if method == 'mult':
        signal = np.mean(input_data[indexes_roi])
        std_input_temporal = np.std(input_data, 3)
        noise = np.mean(std_input_temporal[indexes_roi])
    elif method == 'diff':
        data_1 = input_data[:, :, :, 0]
        data_2 = input_data[:, :, :, 1]
        signal = np.mean(np.add(b0_1[indexes_roi], b0_2[indexes_roi]))
        noise = np.sqrt(2)*np.std(np.subtract(b0_1[indexes_roi], b0_2[indexes_roi]))
    elif method == 'background':
        sct.printv('ERROR: Sorry, method is not implemented yet.', 1, 'error')
    elif method == 'nema':
        sct.printv('ERROR: Sorry, method is not implemented yet.', 1, 'error')

    # compute SNR
    SNR = signal/noise

    # Display result
    sct.printv('\nSNR_'+method+' = '+str(SNR)+'\n', type='info')
Esempio n. 7
def main(fname_anat, fname_centerline, degree_poly, centerline_fitting, interp,
         remove_temp_files, verbose):

    # extract path of the script
    path_script = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/'

    # Parameters for debug mode
    if param.debug == 1:
        print '\n*** WARNING: DEBUG MODE ON ***\n'
        status, path_sct_data = commands.getstatusoutput(
            'echo $SCT_TESTING_DATA_DIR')
        fname_anat = path_sct_data + '/t2/t2.nii.gz'
        fname_centerline = path_sct_data + '/t2/t2_seg.nii.gz'

    # extract path/file/extension
    path_anat, file_anat, ext_anat = sct.extract_fname(fname_anat)

    # Display arguments
    print '\nCheck input arguments...'
    print '  Input volume ...................... ' + fname_anat
    print '  Centerline ........................ ' + fname_centerline
    print ''

    # Get input image orientation
    im_anat = Image(fname_anat)
    input_image_orientation = get_orientation_3d(im_anat)

    # Reorient input data into RL PA IS orientation
    im_centerline = Image(fname_centerline)
    im_anat_orient = set_orientation(im_anat, 'RPI')
    im_centerline_orient = set_orientation(im_centerline, 'RPI')

    # Open centerline
    print '\nGet dimensions of input centerline...'
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_centerline_orient.dim
    print '.. matrix size: ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz)
    print '.. voxel size:  ' + str(px) + 'mm x ' + str(py) + 'mm x ' + str(
        pz) + 'mm'

    print '\nOpen centerline volume...'
    data =

    X, Y, Z = (data > 0).nonzero()
    min_z_index, max_z_index = min(Z), max(Z)

    # loop across z and associate x,y coordinate with the point having maximum intensity
    x_centerline = [0 for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index + 1, 1)]
    y_centerline = [0 for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index + 1, 1)]
    z_centerline = [iz for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index + 1, 1)]

    # Two possible scenario:
    # 1. the centerline is probabilistic: each slices contains voxels with the probability of containing the centerline [0:...:1]
    # We only take the maximum value of the image to aproximate the centerline.
    # 2. The centerline/segmentation image contains many pixels per slice with values {0,1}.
    # We take all the points and approximate the centerline on all these points.

    X, Y, Z = ((data < 1) * (data > 0)).nonzero()  # X is empty if binary image
    if (len(X) > 0):  # Scenario 1
        for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index + 1, 1):
            x_centerline[iz - min_z_index], y_centerline[
                iz - min_z_index] = numpy.unravel_index(
                    data[:, :, iz].argmax(), data[:, :, iz].shape)
    else:  # Scenario 2
        for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index + 1, 1):
            x_seg, y_seg = (data[:, :, iz] > 0).nonzero()
            if len(x_seg) > 0:
                x_centerline[iz - min_z_index] = numpy.mean(x_seg)
                y_centerline[iz - min_z_index] = numpy.mean(y_seg)

    # TODO: find a way to do the previous loop with this, which is more neat:
    # [numpy.unravel_index(data[:,:,iz].argmax(), data[:,:,iz].shape) for iz in range(0,nz,1)]

    # clear variable
    del data

    # Fit the centerline points with the kind of curve given as argument of the script and return the new smoothed coordinates
    if centerline_fitting == 'nurbs':
            x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit = b_spline_centerline(
                x_centerline, y_centerline, z_centerline)
        except ValueError:
            print "splines fitting doesn't work, trying with polynomial fitting...\n"
            x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit = polynome_centerline(
                x_centerline, y_centerline, z_centerline)
    elif centerline_fitting == 'polynome':
        x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit = polynome_centerline(
            x_centerline, y_centerline, z_centerline)

    # Split input volume
    print '\nSplit input volume...'
    im_anat_orient_split_list = split_data(im_anat_orient, 2)
    file_anat_split = []
    for im in im_anat_orient_split_list:

    # initialize variables
    file_mat_inv_cumul = [
        'tmp.mat_inv_cumul_Z' + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)
    z_init = min_z_index
    displacement_max_z_index = x_centerline_fit[
        z_init - min_z_index] - x_centerline_fit[max_z_index - min_z_index]

    # write centerline as text file
    print '\nGenerate fitted transformation matrices...'
    file_mat_inv_cumul_fit = [
        'tmp.mat_inv_cumul_fit_Z' + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)
    for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index + 1, 1):
        # compute inverse cumulative fitted transformation matrix
        fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], 'w')
        if (x_centerline[iz - min_z_index] == 0
                and y_centerline[iz - min_z_index] == 0):
            displacement = 0
            displacement = x_centerline_fit[
                z_init - min_z_index] - x_centerline_fit[iz - min_z_index]
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' % (1, 0, 0, displacement))
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' % (0, 1, 0, 0))
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' % (0, 0, 1, 0))
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' % (0, 0, 0, 1))

    # we complete the displacement matrix in z direction
    for iz in range(0, min_z_index, 1):
        fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], 'w')
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' % (1, 0, 0, 0))
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' % (0, 1, 0, 0))
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' % (0, 0, 1, 0))
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' % (0, 0, 0, 1))
    for iz in range(max_z_index + 1, nz, 1):
        fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], 'w')
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' % (1, 0, 0, displacement_max_z_index))
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' % (0, 1, 0, 0))
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' % (0, 0, 1, 0))
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' % (0, 0, 0, 1))

    # apply transformations to data
    print '\nApply fitted transformation matrices...'
    file_anat_split_fit = [
        'tmp.anat_orient_fit_Z' + str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)
    for iz in range(0, nz, 1):
        # forward cumulative transformation to data + 'flirt -in ' + file_anat_split[iz] + ' -ref ' +
                file_anat_split[iz] + ' -applyxfm -init ' +
                file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz] + ' -out ' +
                file_anat_split_fit[iz] + ' -interp ' + interp)

    # Merge into 4D volume
    print '\nMerge into 4D volume...'
    from glob import glob
    im_to_concat_list = [
        Image(fname) for fname in glob('tmp.anat_orient_fit_Z*.nii')
    im_concat_out = concat_data(im_to_concat_list, 2)
    #'fslmerge -z tmp.anat_orient_fit tmp.anat_orient_fit_z*')

    # Reorient data as it was before
    print '\nReorient data back into native orientation...'
    fname_anat_fit_orient = set_orientation(im_concat_out.absolutepath,
    move(fname_anat_fit_orient, 'tmp.anat_orient_fit_reorient.nii')

    # Generate output file (in current folder)
    print '\nGenerate output file (in current folder)...'
                             file_anat + '_flatten' + ext_anat)

    # Delete temporary files
    if remove_temp_files == 1:
        print '\nDelete temporary files...''rm -rf tmp.*')

    # to view results
    print '\nDone! To view results, type:'
    print 'fslview ' + file_anat + ext_anat + ' ' + file_anat + '_flatten' + ext_anat + ' &\n'
Esempio n. 8
def check_if_rpi(fname):
    from sct_image import get_orientation_3d
    if not get_orientation_3d(fname, filename=True) == 'RPI':
        printv('\nERROR: '+fname+' is not in RPI orientation. Use sct_image -setorient to reorient your data. Exit program.\n', 1, 'error')
Esempio n. 9
def main(fname_anat, fname_centerline, degree_poly, centerline_fitting, interp, remove_temp_files, verbose):
    # extract path of the script
    path_script = os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/'
    # Parameters for debug mode
    if param.debug == 1:
        print '\n*** WARNING: DEBUG MODE ON ***\n'
        status, path_sct_data = commands.getstatusoutput('echo $SCT_TESTING_DATA_DIR')
        fname_anat = path_sct_data+'/t2/t2.nii.gz'
        fname_centerline = path_sct_data+'/t2/t2_seg.nii.gz'
    # extract path/file/extension
    path_anat, file_anat, ext_anat = sct.extract_fname(fname_anat)
    # Display arguments
    print '\nCheck input arguments...'
    print '  Input volume ...................... '+fname_anat
    print '  Centerline ........................ '+fname_centerline
    print ''
    # Get input image orientation
    im_anat = Image(fname_anat)
    input_image_orientation = get_orientation_3d(im_anat)

    # Reorient input data into RL PA IS orientation
    im_centerline = Image(fname_centerline)
    im_anat_orient = set_orientation(im_anat, 'RPI')
    im_centerline_orient = set_orientation(im_centerline, 'RPI')

    # Open centerline
    print '\nGet dimensions of input centerline...'
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_centerline_orient.dim
    print '.. matrix size: '+str(nx)+' x '+str(ny)+' x '+str(nz)
    print '.. voxel size:  '+str(px)+'mm x '+str(py)+'mm x '+str(pz)+'mm'
    print '\nOpen centerline volume...'
    data =

    X, Y, Z = (data>0).nonzero()
    min_z_index, max_z_index = min(Z), max(Z)
    # loop across z and associate x,y coordinate with the point having maximum intensity
    x_centerline = [0 for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index+1, 1)]
    y_centerline = [0 for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index+1, 1)]
    z_centerline = [iz for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index+1, 1)]

    # Two possible scenario:
    # 1. the centerline is probabilistic: each slices contains voxels with the probability of containing the centerline [0:...:1]
    # We only take the maximum value of the image to aproximate the centerline.
    # 2. The centerline/segmentation image contains many pixels per slice with values {0,1}.
    # We take all the points and approximate the centerline on all these points.

    X, Y, Z = ((data<1)*(data>0)).nonzero() # X is empty if binary image
    if (len(X) > 0): # Scenario 1
        for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index+1, 1):
            x_centerline[iz-min_z_index], y_centerline[iz-min_z_index] = numpy.unravel_index(data[:,:,iz].argmax(), data[:,:,iz].shape)
    else: # Scenario 2
        for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index+1, 1):
            x_seg, y_seg = (data[:,:,iz]>0).nonzero()
            if len(x_seg) > 0:
                x_centerline[iz-min_z_index] = numpy.mean(x_seg)
                y_centerline[iz-min_z_index] = numpy.mean(y_seg)

    # TODO: find a way to do the previous loop with this, which is more neat:
    # [numpy.unravel_index(data[:,:,iz].argmax(), data[:,:,iz].shape) for iz in range(0,nz,1)]
    # clear variable
    del data
    # Fit the centerline points with the kind of curve given as argument of the script and return the new smoothed coordinates
    if centerline_fitting == 'nurbs':
            x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit = b_spline_centerline(x_centerline,y_centerline,z_centerline)
        except ValueError:
            print "splines fitting doesn't work, trying with polynomial fitting...\n"
            x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit = polynome_centerline(x_centerline,y_centerline,z_centerline)
    elif centerline_fitting == 'polynome':
        x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit = polynome_centerline(x_centerline,y_centerline,z_centerline)

    # Split input volume
    print '\nSplit input volume...'
    im_anat_orient_split_list = split_data(im_anat_orient, 2)
    file_anat_split = []
    for im in im_anat_orient_split_list:

    # initialize variables
    file_mat_inv_cumul = ['tmp.mat_inv_cumul_Z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)]
    z_init = min_z_index
    displacement_max_z_index = x_centerline_fit[z_init-min_z_index]-x_centerline_fit[max_z_index-min_z_index]

    # write centerline as text file
    print '\nGenerate fitted transformation matrices...'
    file_mat_inv_cumul_fit = ['tmp.mat_inv_cumul_fit_Z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)]
    for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index+1, 1):
        # compute inverse cumulative fitted transformation matrix
        fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], 'w')
        if (x_centerline[iz-min_z_index] == 0 and y_centerline[iz-min_z_index] == 0):
            displacement = 0
            displacement = x_centerline_fit[z_init-min_z_index]-x_centerline_fit[iz-min_z_index]
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(1, 0, 0, displacement) )
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(0, 1, 0, 0) )
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 1, 0) )
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 0, 1) )

    # we complete the displacement matrix in z direction
    for iz in range(0, min_z_index, 1):
        fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], 'w')
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(1, 0, 0, 0) )
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(0, 1, 0, 0) )
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 1, 0) )
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 0, 1) )
    for iz in range(max_z_index+1, nz, 1):
        fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], 'w')
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(1, 0, 0, displacement_max_z_index) )
        fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(0, 1, 0, 0) )
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 1, 0) )
        fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 0, 1) )

    # apply transformations to data
    print '\nApply fitted transformation matrices...'
    file_anat_split_fit = ['tmp.anat_orient_fit_Z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)]
    for iz in range(0, nz, 1):
        # forward cumulative transformation to data'flirt -in '+file_anat_split[iz]+' -ref '+file_anat_split[iz]+' -applyxfm -init '+file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz]+' -out '+file_anat_split_fit[iz]+' -interp '+interp)

    # Merge into 4D volume
    print '\nMerge into 4D volume...'
    from glob import glob
    im_to_concat_list = [Image(fname) for fname in glob('tmp.anat_orient_fit_Z*.nii')]
    im_concat_out = concat_data(im_to_concat_list, 2)
    #'fslmerge -z tmp.anat_orient_fit tmp.anat_orient_fit_z*')

    # Reorient data as it was before
    print '\nReorient data back into native orientation...'
    fname_anat_fit_orient = set_orientation(im_concat_out.absolutepath, input_image_orientation, filename=True)
    move(fname_anat_fit_orient, 'tmp.anat_orient_fit_reorient.nii')

    # Generate output file (in current folder)
    print '\nGenerate output file (in current folder)...'
    sct.generate_output_file('tmp.anat_orient_fit_reorient.nii', file_anat+'_flatten'+ext_anat)

    # Delete temporary files
    if remove_temp_files == 1:
        print '\nDelete temporary files...''rm -rf tmp.*')

    # to view results
    print '\nDone! To view results, type:'
    print 'fslview '+file_anat+ext_anat+' '+file_anat+'_flatten'+ext_anat+' &\n'