def run_main(args): import sct_utils as sct from spinalcordtoolbox.mtsat import mtsat sct.start_stream_logger() fname_mtsat, fname_t1map = mtsat.compute_mtsat_from_file(, args.pd, args.t1, args.trmt, args.trpd, args.trt1, args.famt, args.fapd, args.fat1, fname_b1map=args.b1map, fname_mtsat=args.omtsat, fname_t1map=args.ot1map, verbose=1) sct.display_viewer_syntax([fname_mtsat, fname_t1map], colormaps=['gray', 'gray'], minmax=['-10,10', '0, 3'], opacities=['1', '1'], verbose=args.v)
# ========================================================================================== def main(args=None): # initialization verbose = 1 # check user arguments if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] # Get parser info parser = get_parser() arguments = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:]) di = arguments['-di'] da = arguments['-da'] db = arguments['-db'] # Compute MSCC MSCC = mscc(di, da, db) # Display results sct.printv('\nMSCC = ' + str(MSCC) + '\n', verbose, 'info') # START PROGRAM # ========================================================================================== if __name__ == "__main__": sct.start_stream_logger() # call main function main()
def main(args): import io import sct_utils as sct import pickle import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sct.start_stream_logger() # make sure number of inputs and labels are the same if len(arguments.input) != len(arguments.label): raise RuntimeError("Mismatch between # of files and labels") # fs = 10 # font size nb_plots = args.input.__len__() list_data = [] text_results = [] # numerical results to display inside the figure for fname_pickle in args.input: df = pickle.load(, "rb")) # filter lines based on status. For status definition, see sct_pipeline # Note: the > 0 test is to filter out NaN df_dice = df.query( "(status != 200) & (status != 201) & (dice > 0 )")["dice"] list_data.append(df_dice.get_values()) # compute statistics count_passed = df.status[df.status == 0].count() count_failed = df.status[df.status == 99].count() count_crashed_run = df.status[df.status == 1].count() count_crashed_integrity = df.status[df.status == 2].count() count_total = count_passed + count_failed + count_crashed_run + count_crashed_integrity text_results.append('\n'.join([ "PASS: {}/{}".format(count_passed, count_total), "FAIL: {}".format(count_failed), "CRASH_RUN: " + str(count_crashed_run), "CRASH_INTEGRITY: " + str(count_crashed_integrity) ])) pos = np.arange(nb_plots) # plot fig fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) plt.violinplot(list_data, pos, points=100, widths=0.8, showmeans=True, showextrema=True, showmedians=True, bw_method=0.5) plt.grid(axis='y') plt.ylabel('Dice coefficient') plt.xticks(pos, args.label) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ylim = ax.get_ylim() for i in range(nb_plots): plt.text(i + 0.02, ylim[0] + 0.01, text_results[i], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom') plt.savefig('violin_plot.png')
def run_main(): sct.start_stream_logger() parser = get_parser() args = sys.argv[1:] arguments = parser.parse(args) # Input filename fname_input_data = arguments["-i"] fname_data = os.path.abspath(fname_input_data) # Method used method = 'optic' if "-method" in arguments: method = arguments["-method"] # Contrast type contrast_type = '' if "-c" in arguments: contrast_type = arguments["-c"] if method == 'optic' and not contrast_type: # Contrast must be error = 'ERROR: -c is a mandatory argument when using Optic method.' sct.printv(error, type='error') return # Ga between slices interslice_gap = 10.0 if "-gap" in arguments: interslice_gap = float(arguments["-gap"]) # Output folder if "-ofolder" in arguments: folder_output = sct.slash_at_the_end(arguments["-ofolder"], slash=1) else: folder_output = './' # Remove temporary files remove_temp_files = True if "-r" in arguments: remove_temp_files = bool(int(arguments["-r"])) # Outputs a ROI file output_roi = False if "-roi" in arguments: output_roi = bool(int(arguments["-roi"])) # Verbosity verbose = 0 if "-v" in arguments: verbose = int(arguments["-v"]) if method == 'viewer': path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(fname_data) # create temporary folder temp_folder = sct.TempFolder() temp_folder.copy_from(fname_data) temp_folder.chdir() # make sure image is in SAL orientation, as it is the orientation used by the viewer image_input = Image(fname_data) image_input_orientation = orientation(image_input, get=True, verbose=False) reoriented_image_filename = sct.add_suffix(file_data + ext_data, "_SAL") cmd_image = 'sct_image -i "%s" -o "%s" -setorient SAL -v 0' % ( fname_data, reoriented_image_filename), verbose=False) # extract points manually using the viewer fname_points = viewer_centerline(image_fname=reoriented_image_filename, interslice_gap=interslice_gap, verbose=verbose) if fname_points is not None: image_points_RPI = sct.add_suffix(fname_points, "_RPI") cmd_image = 'sct_image -i "%s" -o "%s" -setorient RPI -v 0' % ( fname_points, image_points_RPI), verbose=False) image_input_reoriented = Image(image_points_RPI) # fit centerline, smooth it and return the first derivative (in physical space) x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit, z_centerline, x_centerline_deriv, y_centerline_deriv, z_centerline_deriv = smooth_centerline( image_points_RPI, algo_fitting='nurbs', nurbs_pts_number=3000, phys_coordinates=True, verbose=verbose, all_slices=False) centerline = Centerline(x_centerline_fit, y_centerline_fit, z_centerline, x_centerline_deriv, y_centerline_deriv, z_centerline_deriv) # average centerline coordinates over slices of the image x_centerline_fit_rescorr, y_centerline_fit_rescorr, z_centerline_rescorr, x_centerline_deriv_rescorr, y_centerline_deriv_rescorr, z_centerline_deriv_rescorr = centerline.average_coordinates_over_slices( image_input_reoriented) # compute z_centerline in image coordinates for usage in vertebrae mapping voxel_coordinates = image_input_reoriented.transfo_phys2pix([[ x_centerline_fit_rescorr[i], y_centerline_fit_rescorr[i], z_centerline_rescorr[i] ] for i in range(len(z_centerline_rescorr))]) x_centerline_voxel = [coord[0] for coord in voxel_coordinates] y_centerline_voxel = [coord[1] for coord in voxel_coordinates] z_centerline_voxel = [coord[2] for coord in voxel_coordinates] # compute z_centerline in image coordinates with continuous precision voxel_coordinates = image_input_reoriented.transfo_phys2continuouspix( [[ x_centerline_fit_rescorr[i], y_centerline_fit_rescorr[i], z_centerline_rescorr[i] ] for i in range(len(z_centerline_rescorr))]) x_centerline_voxel_cont = [coord[0] for coord in voxel_coordinates] y_centerline_voxel_cont = [coord[1] for coord in voxel_coordinates] z_centerline_voxel_cont = [coord[2] for coord in voxel_coordinates] # Create an image with the centerline *= 0 min_z_index, max_z_index = int(round( min(z_centerline_voxel))), int(round(max(z_centerline_voxel))) for iz in range(min_z_index, max_z_index + 1):[ int(round(x_centerline_voxel[iz - min_z_index])), int(round(y_centerline_voxel[iz - min_z_index])), int( iz )] = 1 # if index is out of bounds here for hanning: either the segmentation has holes or labels have been added to the file # Write the centerline image sct.printv('\nWrite NIFTI volumes...', verbose) fname_centerline_oriented = file_data + '_centerline' + ext_data image_input_reoriented.setFileName(fname_centerline_oriented) image_input_reoriented.changeType('uint8') sct.printv('\nSet to original orientation...', verbose)'sct_image -i ' + fname_centerline_oriented + ' -setorient ' + image_input_orientation + ' -o ' + fname_centerline_oriented) # create a txt file with the centerline fname_centerline_oriented_txt = file_data + '_centerline.txt' file_results = open(fname_centerline_oriented_txt, 'w') for i in range(min_z_index, max_z_index + 1): file_results.write( str(int(i)) + ' ' + str(round(x_centerline_voxel_cont[i - min_z_index], 2)) + ' ' + str(round(y_centerline_voxel_cont[i - min_z_index], 2)) + '\n') file_results.close() fname_centerline_oriented_roi = optic.centerline2roi( fname_image=fname_centerline_oriented, folder_output='./', verbose=verbose) # return to initial folder temp_folder.chdir_undo() # copy result to output folder shutil.copy(temp_folder.get_path() + fname_centerline_oriented, folder_output) shutil.copy(temp_folder.get_path() + fname_centerline_oriented_txt, folder_output) if output_roi: shutil.copy( temp_folder.get_path() + fname_centerline_oriented_roi, folder_output) centerline_filename = folder_output + fname_centerline_oriented else: centerline_filename = 'error' # delete temporary folder if remove_temp_files: temp_folder.cleanup() else: # condition on verbose when using OptiC if verbose == 1: verbose = 2 # OptiC models path_script = os.path.dirname(__file__) path_sct = os.path.dirname(path_script) optic_models_path = os.path.join(path_sct, 'data/optic_models', '{}_model'.format(contrast_type)) # Execute OptiC binary _, centerline_filename = optic.detect_centerline( image_fname=fname_data, contrast_type=contrast_type, optic_models_path=optic_models_path, folder_output=folder_output, remove_temp_files=remove_temp_files, output_roi=output_roi, verbose=verbose) sct.printv('\nDone! To view results, type:', verbose) sct.printv( "fslview " + fname_input_data + " " + centerline_filename + " -l Red -b 0,1 -t 0.7 &\n", verbose, 'info')
fname_sc=fname_sc, fname_ref=fname_ref, path_template=path_template, path_ofolder=path_results, verbose=verbose) # run the analyze lesion_obj.analyze() # remove tmp_dir if rm_tmp: shutil.rmtree(lesion_obj.tmp_dir) printv( '\nDone! To view the labeled lesion file (one value per lesion), type:', verbose) if fname_ref is not None: printv( 'fslview ' + fname_mask + ' ' + path_results + lesion_obj.fname_label + ' -l Red-Yellow -t 0.7 & \n', verbose, 'info') else: printv( 'fslview ' + path_results + lesion_obj.fname_label + ' -l Red-Yellow -t 0.7 & \n', verbose, 'info') if __name__ == "__main__": start_stream_logger() main()
def test(path_data='', parameters=''): verbose = 0 dice_threshold = 0.9 add_path_for_template = False # if absolute path or no path to template is provided, then path to data should not be added. # initializations dice_template2anat = float('NaN') dice_anat2template = float('NaN') output = '' if not parameters: parameters = '-i t2/t2.nii.gz -l t2/labels.nii.gz -s t2/t2_seg.nii.gz ' \ '-param step=1,type=seg,algo=centermassrot,metric=MeanSquares:step=2,type=seg,algo=bsplinesyn,iter=5,metric=MeanSquares ' \ '-t template/ -r 0' add_path_for_template = True # in this case, path to data should be added parser = sct_register_to_template.get_parser() dict_param = parser.parse(parameters.split(), check_file_exist=False) if add_path_for_template: dict_param_with_path = parser.add_path_to_file(deepcopy(dict_param), path_data, input_file=True) else: dict_param_with_path = parser.add_path_to_file(deepcopy(dict_param), path_data, input_file=True, do_not_add_path=['-t']) param_with_path = parser.dictionary_to_string(dict_param_with_path) # Check if input files exist if not (os.path.isfile(dict_param_with_path['-i']) and os.path.isfile(dict_param_with_path['-l']) and os.path.isfile(dict_param_with_path['-s'])): status = 200 output = 'ERROR: the file(s) provided to test function do not exist in folder: ' + path_data return status, output, DataFrame(data={ 'status': int(status), 'output': output }, index=[path_data]) # return status, output, DataFrame( # data={'status': status, 'output': output, # 'dice_template2anat': float('nan'), 'dice_anat2template': float('nan')}, # index=[path_data]) # if template is not specified, use default # if not os.path.isdir(dict_param_with_path['-t']): # status, path_sct = commands.getstatusoutput('echo $SCT_DIR') # dict_param_with_path['-t'] = path_sct + default_template # param_with_path = parser.dictionary_to_string(dict_param_with_path) # get contrast folder from -i option. # We suppose we can extract it as the first object when spliting with '/' delimiter. contrast_folder = '' input_filename = '' if dict_param['-i'][0] == '/': dict_param['-i'] = dict_param['-i'][1:] input_split = dict_param['-i'].split('/') if len(input_split) == 2: contrast_folder = input_split[0] + '/' input_filename = input_split[1] else: input_filename = input_split[0] if not contrast_folder: # if no contrast folder, send error. status = 201 output = 'ERROR: when extracting the contrast folder from input file in command line: ' + dict_param[ '-i'] + ' for ' + path_data return status, output, DataFrame(data={ 'status': int(status), 'output': output }, index=[path_data]) # return status, output, DataFrame( # data={'status': status, 'output': output, 'dice_template2anat': float('nan'), 'dice_anat2template': float('nan')}, index=[path_data]) # create output path # TODO: create function for that import time, random subject_folder = path_data.split('/') if subject_folder[-1] == '' and len(subject_folder) > 1: subject_folder = subject_folder[-2] else: subject_folder = subject_folder[-1] path_output = sct.slash_at_the_end( 'sct_register_to_template_' + subject_folder + '_' + time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") + '_' + str(random.randint(1, 1000000)), slash=1) param_with_path += ' -ofolder ' + path_output sct.create_folder(path_output) # log file # TODO: create function for that import sys fname_log = path_output + 'output.log' sct.pause_stream_logger() file_handler = sct.add_file_handler_to_logger(filename=fname_log, mode='w', log_format="%(message)s") # # stdout_log = file(fname_log, 'w') # redirect to log file # stdout_orig = sys.stdout # sys.stdout = stdout_log cmd = 'sct_register_to_template ' + param_with_path output += '\n====================================================================================================\n' + cmd + '\n====================================================================================================\n\n' # copy command time_start = time.time() try: status, o =, verbose) except: status, o = 1, 'ERROR: Function crashed!' output += o duration = time.time() - time_start # if command ran without error, test integrity if status == 0: # get filename_template_seg fname_template_seg = get_file_label( sct.slash_at_the_end(dict_param_with_path['-t'], 1) + 'template/', 'spinal cord', output='filewithpath') # apply transformation to binary mask: template --> anat 'sct_apply_transfo -i ' + fname_template_seg + ' -d ' + dict_param_with_path['-s'] + ' -w ' + path_output + 'warp_template2anat.nii.gz' + ' -o ' + path_output + 'test_template2anat.nii.gz -x nn', verbose) # apply transformation to binary mask: anat --> template 'sct_apply_transfo -i ' + dict_param_with_path['-s'] + ' -d ' + fname_template_seg + ' -w ' + path_output + 'warp_anat2template.nii.gz' + ' -o ' + path_output + 'test_anat2template.nii.gz -x nn', verbose) # compute dice coefficient between template segmentation warped into anat and segmentation from anat cmd = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + dict_param_with_path[ '-s'] + ' -d ' + path_output + 'test_template2anat.nii.gz' status1, output1 =, verbose) # parse output and compare to acceptable threshold dice_template2anat = float( output1.split('3D Dice coefficient = ')[1].split('\n')[0]) if dice_template2anat < dice_threshold: status1 = 99 # compute dice coefficient between segmentation from anat warped into template and template segmentation # N.B. here we use -bmax because the FOV of the anat is smaller than the template cmd = 'sct_dice_coefficient -i ' + fname_template_seg + ' -d ' + path_output + 'test_anat2template.nii.gz -bmax 1' status2, output2 =, verbose) # parse output and compare to acceptable threshold dice_anat2template = float( output2.split('3D Dice coefficient = ')[1].split('\n')[0]) if dice_anat2template < dice_threshold: status2 = 99 # check if at least one integrity status was equal to 99 if status1 == 99 or status2 == 99: status = 99 # concatenate outputs output = output + output1 + output2 # transform results into Pandas structure results = DataFrame(data={ 'status': int(status), 'output': output, 'dice_template2anat': dice_template2anat, 'dice_anat2template': dice_anat2template, 'duration [s]': duration }, index=[path_data]) sct.remove_handler(file_handler) sct.start_stream_logger() return status, output, results