Esempio n. 1
def getImagesByPlate(plateid, download=False, mode=None, as_url=None, verbose=None, release=None):
    ''' Get all images belonging to a given plate ID

    .. deprecated:: 2.3.0
       Use :class:`marvin.utils.general.images.get_images_by_plate` instead.

    Retrieve all images belonging to a given plate ID from either your local filesystem SAS
    or the Utah SAS.  Optionally can download the images by rsync using

    When as_url is False, both local and remote modes will allow you to access
    the full path to the images in your local SAS.  WHen as_url is True,
    local mode generates the Utah SAS url links, while remote mode generates the
    Utah SAS rsync links.

    Auto mode defaults to remote.

        plateid (int):
            The plate ID to retrieve the images for.  Required.
        download (bool):
            Set to download the images from the SAS
        mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}):
            The load mode to use. See
            :doc:`Mode secision tree</mode_decision>`.
            the cube exists.
        as_url (bool):
            Convert the list of images to use the SAS url (mode=local)
            or the SAS rsync url (mode=remote)
        verbose (bool):
            Turns on verbosity during rsync
        release (str):
            The release version of the images to return

        listofimages (list):
            The list of images


    warnings.warn('getImagesByPlate is deprecated as of Marvin 2.3.0. '
                  'Please use get_images_by_plate', MarvinDeprecationWarning)

    assert str(plateid).isdigit(), 'Plateid must be a numeric integer value'

    # setup marvin inputs
    release = release if release else marvin.config.release
    drpver, __ = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release)
    #dir3d = getDir3d(plateid, mode=mode, release=release)

    # setup Rsync Access
    is_public = 'DR' in release
    rsync_release = release.lower() if is_public else None
    rsync_access = RsyncAccess(label='marvin_getplate', verbose=verbose, public=is_public,

    # if mode is auto, set it to remote:
    if mode == 'auto':
        warnings.warn('Mode is auto.  Defaulting to remote.  If you want to access your '
                      'local images, set the mode explicitly to local', MarvinUserWarning)
        mode = 'remote'

    imgname = 'mangaimagenew' if check_versions(drpver, 'v2_5_3') else 'mangaimage'

    # do a local or remote thing
    if mode == 'local':
        full = rsync_access.full(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu='*', dir3d='*')
        listofimages = rsync_access.expand('', full=full, as_url=as_url)

        # if download, issue warning that cannot do it
        if download:
            warnings.warn('Download not available when in local mode', MarvinUserWarning)

        return listofimages
    elif mode == 'remote':
        rsync_access.add(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu='*', dir3d='*')

        # set the stream
        except AccessError as e:
            raise MarvinError('Error with sdss_access rsync.set_stream. AccessError: {0}'.format(e))

        # get the list
        listofimages = rsync_access.get_urls() if as_url else rsync_access.get_paths()

        if download:
            return listofimages
Esempio n. 2
def getImagesByList(inputlist, download=False, mode=None, as_url=None, verbose=None, release=None):
    ''' Get all images from a list of ids

    .. deprecated:: 2.3.0
       Use :class:`marvin.utils.general.images.get_images_by_list` instead.

    Retrieve a list of images from either your local filesystem SAS
    or the Utah SAS.  Optionally can download the images by rsync using

    When as_url is False, both local and remote modes will allow you to access
    the full path to the images in your local SAS.  WHen as_url is True,
    local mode generates the Utah SAS url links, while remote mode generates the
    Utah SAS rsync links.

    Auto mode defaults to remote.

        inputlist (list):
            A list of plate-ifus or mangaids for the images you want to retrieve. Required.
        download (bool):
            Set to download the images from the SAS.  Only works in remote mode.
        mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}):
            The load mode to use. See
            :doc:`Mode secision tree</mode_decision>`.
            the cube exists.
        as_url (bool):
            Convert the list of images to use the SAS url (mode=local)
            or the SAS rsync url (mode=remote)
        verbose (bool):
            Turns on verbosity during rsync
        release (str):
            The release version of the images to return

        listofimages (list):
            The list of images you have requested


    warnings.warn('getImagesByList is deprecated as of Marvin 2.3.0. '
                  'Please use get_images_by_list', MarvinDeprecationWarning)

    # Check inputs
    assert isinstance(inputlist, (list, np.ndarray)), 'Input must be of type list or Numpy array'
    idtype = parseIdentifier(inputlist[0])
    assert idtype in ['plateifu', 'mangaid'], 'Input must be of type plate-ifu or mangaid'
    # mode is checked via decorator

    # convert mangaids into plateifus
    if idtype == 'mangaid':
        newlist = []
        for myid in inputlist:
                plateifu = mangaid2plateifu(myid)
            except MarvinError:
                plateifu = None
        inputlist = newlist

    # setup Rsync Access
    release = release if release else marvin.config.release
    drpver, __ = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release)
    is_public = 'DR' in release
    rsync_release = release.lower() if is_public else None
    rsync_access = RsyncAccess(label='marvin_getlist', verbose=verbose, public=is_public,

    imgname = 'mangaimagenew' if check_versions(drpver, 'v2_5_3') else 'mangaimage'

    # if mode is auto, set it to remote:
    if mode == 'auto':
        warnings.warn('Mode is auto.  Defaulting to remote.  If you want to access your '
                      'local images, set the mode explicitly to local', MarvinUserWarning)
        mode = 'remote'

    # do a local or remote thing
    if mode == 'local':
        # Get list of images
        listofimages = []
        for plateifu in inputlist:
            dir3d = getDir3d(plateifu, mode=mode, release=release)
            plateid, ifu = plateifu.split('-')
            if as_url:
                path = rsync_access.url(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu=ifu, dir3d=dir3d)
                path = rsync_access.full(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu=ifu, dir3d=dir3d)

        # if download, issue warning that cannot do it
        if download:
            warnings.warn('Download not available when in local mode', MarvinUserWarning)

        return listofimages
    elif mode == 'remote':
        # Add plateifus to stream
        for plateifu in inputlist:
            dir3d = getDir3d(plateifu, mode=mode, release=release)
            plateid, ifu = plateifu.split('-')
            rsync_access.add(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu=ifu, dir3d=dir3d)

        # set the stream
        except AccessError as e:
            raise MarvinError('Error with sdss_access rsync.set_stream. AccessError: {0}'.format(e))

        # get the list
        listofimages = rsync_access.get_urls() if as_url else rsync_access.get_paths()
        if download:
            return listofimages
Esempio n. 3
def getRandomImages(num=10, download=False, mode=None, as_url=None, verbose=None, release=None):
    ''' Get a list of N random images from SAS

    .. deprecated:: 2.3.0
       Use :class:`marvin.utils.general.images.get_random_images` instead.

    Retrieve a random set of images from either your local filesystem SAS
    or the Utah SAS.  Optionally can download the images by rsync using

    When as_url is False, both local and remote modes will allow you to access
    the full path to the images in your local SAS.  WHen as_url is True,
    local mode generates the Utah SAS url links, while remote mode generates the
    Utah SAS rsync links.

    Auto mode defaults to remote.

        num (int):
            The number of images to retrieve
        download (bool):
            Set to download the images from the SAS
        mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}):
            The load mode to use. See
            :doc:`Mode secision tree</mode_decision>`.
            the cube exists.
        as_url (bool):
            Convert the list of images to use the SAS url (mode=local)
            or the SAS rsync url (mode=remote)
        verbose (bool):
            Turns on verbosity during rsync
        release (str):
            The release version of the images to return

        listofimages (list):
            The list of images

    warnings.warn('getRandomImages is deprecated as of Marvin 2.3.0. '
                  'Please use get_randome_images', MarvinDeprecationWarning)

    release = release if release else marvin.config.release
    drpver, __ = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release)
    is_public = 'DR' in release
    rsync_release = release.lower() if is_public else None
    rsync_access = RsyncAccess(label='marvin_getrandom', verbose=verbose, public=is_public,

    imgname = 'mangaimagenew' if check_versions(drpver, 'v2_5_3') else 'mangaimage'

    # if mode is auto, set it to remote:
    if mode == 'auto':
        warnings.warn('Mode is auto.  Defaulting to remote.  If you want to access your '
                      'local images, set the mode explicitly to local', MarvinUserWarning)
        mode = 'remote'

    # do a local or remote thing
    if mode == 'local':
        full = rsync_access.full(imgname, plate='*', drpver=drpver, ifu='*', dir3d='stack')
        listofimages = rsync_access.random('', full=full, num=num, refine=r'\d{4,5}.png', as_url=as_url)

        # if download, issue warning that cannot do it
        if download:
            warnings.warn('Download not available when in local mode', MarvinUserWarning)

        return listofimages
    elif mode == 'remote':
        rsync_access.add(imgname, plate='*', drpver=drpver, ifu='*', dir3d='stack')
        except AccessError as e:
            raise MarvinError('Error with sdss_access rsync.set_stream. AccessError: {0}'.format(e))

        # refine and randomize
        listofimages = rsync_access.get_urls(limit=num) if as_url else rsync_access.get_paths(limit=num)

        if download:
            return listofimages