Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: arocchi/Klampt
def fixed_objective(link,ref=None,local=None,world=None):
    """Convenience function for fixing the given link at the current position
    in space.  If local and world are not provided, the entire link is
    constrained.  If only local is provided, these points are fixed
    to their current positions in space.  If only world is provided,
    the points on the link with the given world position are constrained in
    refcoords = ref.getTransform() if ref is not None else se3.identity()
    Tw = link.getTransform()
    Trel = se3.mul(se3.inv(refcoords),Tw)
    if local is not None and not hasattr(local[0],'__iter__'):
        #just a single point, make it a list of points
        local = [local]
    if world is not None and not hasattr(world[0],'__iter__'):
        #just a single point, make it a list of points
        world = [world]
    if local is None and world is None:
        #fixed rotation/position objective
        return objective(link,ref,R=Trel[0],t=Trel[1])
    elif local is None:
        #fixed point, given by world coordinates
        Trelinv = se3.inv(Trel)
        local = [se3.apply(trelinv,p) for p in world]
        return objective(link,ref,local=local,world=world)
    elif world is None:
        #fixed point, given by local coordinates
        world = [se3.apply(Trel,p) for p in local]
        return objective(link,ref,local=local,world=world)
        raise ValueError("ik.fixed_objective does not accept both local and world keyword arguments")
Esempio n. 2
def fixed_objective(link, ref=None, local=None, world=None):
    """Convenience function for fixing the given link at the current position
    in space.  If local and world are not provided, the entire link is
    constrained.  If only local is provided, these points are fixed
    to their current positions in space.  If only world is provided,
    the points on the link with the given world position are constrained in
    refcoords = ref.getTransform() if ref is not None else se3.identity()
    Tw = link.getTransform()
    Trel = se3.mul(se3.inv(refcoords), Tw)
    if local is not None and not hasattr(local[0], '__iter__'):
        #just a single point, make it a list of points
        local = [local]
    if world is not None and not hasattr(world[0], '__iter__'):
        #just a single point, make it a list of points
        world = [world]
    if local is None and world is None:
        #fixed rotation/position objective
        return objective(link, ref, R=Trel[0], t=Trel[1])
    elif local is None:
        #fixed point, given by world coordinates
        Trelinv = se3.inv(Trel)
        local = [se3.apply(trelinv, p) for p in world]
        return objective(link, ref, local=local, world=world)
    elif world is None:
        #fixed point, given by local coordinates
        world = [se3.apply(Trel, p) for p in local]
        return objective(link, ref, local=local, world=world)
        raise ValueError(
            "ik.fixed_objective does not accept both local and world keyword arguments"
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self,
     self._name = name
     self._parent = parent
     self._worldCoordinates = worldCoordinates
     self._data = None
     if relativeCoordinates == None:
         if worldCoordinates == None:
             raise ValueError(
                 "One of relativeCoordinates or worldCoordinates must be provided"
         if parent == None:
             self._relativeCoordinates = worldCoordinates
             self._relativeCoordinates = se3.mul(
                 se3.inv(parent.worldCoordinates()), worldCoordinates)
         self._relativeCoordinates = relativeCoordinates
         if worldCoordinates == None:
             if parent == None:
                 self._worldcoordinates = relativeCoordinates
                 self._worldCoordinates = se3.mul(parent.worldCoordinates(),
Esempio n. 4
 def coordinates(self):
     """Returns the SE(3) coordinates that transform elements from the
     source to the destination Frame."""
     if self._destination == None:
         return self._source.worldCoodinates()
     return se3.mul(se3.inv(self._destination.worldCoordinates()),
Esempio n. 5
 def updateFromWorld(self):
     """For any frames with associated world elements, updates the
     transforms from the world elements."""
     for (n, f) in self.frames.iteritems():
         if f._data == None: continue
         if hasattr(f._data, 'getTransform'):
             worldCoordinates = f._data.getTransform()
             if hasattr(f._data, 'getParent'):
                 p = f._data.getParent()
                 if p >= 0:
                     plink = f._data.robot().link(p)
                     parentCoordinates = plink.getTransform()
                     f._relativeCoordinates = se3.mul(
                         se3.inv(parentCoordinates), worldCoordinates)
                     f._relativeCoordinates = worldCoordinates
                 f._relativeCoordinates = worldCoordinates
             f._worldCoordinates = worldCoordinates
             #update downstream non-link items
             for c in self.childLists[f._name]:
                 if == None or not hasattr(c._data, 'getTransform'):
                     c._worldCoordinates = se3.mul(f._worldCoordinates,
         if isinstance(f._data, tuple) and isinstance(
                 f._data[0], SimRobotController):
             controller, index, itemtype = f._data
             #TODO: update the frame from the controller data
     for (n, g) in self.subgroups.iteritems():
Esempio n. 6
 def translationCoordinates(self):
     """Returns the coordinates of the origin of this frame in R^3, relative
     to its destination"""
     if self._destination == None:
         return self._source.worldOrigin()
     return se3.apply(se3.inv(self._destination.worldCoordinates()),
Esempio n. 7
 def setFrameCoordinates(self, name, coordinates, parent='relative'):
     """Sets the coordinates of the frame, given as an se3 element.
     The coordinates can be given either in 'relative' mode, where the
     coordinates are the natural coordinates of the frame relative to
     its parent, or in 'world' mode, where the coordinates are the
     global world coordinates, or they can be given relative to any
     other frame in this coordinate Group.  If None, this defaults
     to the root frame of this Group."""
     f = self.frame(name)
     if parent == None:
         parent = 'root'
     if isinstance(parent, str):
         if parent == 'relative':
             parent = f._parent
         elif parent == 'world':
             parent = None
             parent = self.frames[parent]
     if parent:
         worldCoordinates = se3.mul(parent._worldCoordinates, coordinates)
         worldCoordinates = coordinates
     if parent == f._parent:
         f._relativeCoordinates = coordinates
         f._relativeCoordinates = se3.mul(
             se3.inv(f._parent._worldCoordinates), worldCoordinates)
     f._worldCoordinates = worldCoordinates
Esempio n. 8
 def setFrameCoordinates(self,name,coordinates,parent='relative'):
     """Sets the coordinates of the frame, given as an se3 element.
     The coordinates can be given either in 'relative' mode, where the
     coordinates are the natural coordinates of the frame relative to
     its parent, or in 'world' mode, where the coordinates are the
     global world coordinates, or they can be given relative to any
     other frame in this coordinate Group.  If None, this defaults
     to the root frame of this Group."""
     f = self.frame(name)
     if parent==None:
         parent = 'root'
     if isinstance(parent,str):
         if parent=='relative':
             parent = f._parent
         elif parent=='world':
             parent = None
             parent = self.frames[parent]
     if parent:
         worldCoordinates = se3.mul(parent._worldCoordinates,coordinates)
         worldCoordinates = coordinates
     if parent == f._parent:
         f._relativeCoordinates = coordinates
         f._relativeCoordinates = se3.mul(se3.inv(f._parent._worldCoordinates),worldCoordinates)
     f._worldCoordinates = worldCoordinates
Esempio n. 9
 def updateFromWorld(self):
     """For any frames with associated world elements, updates the
     transforms from the world elements."""
     for (n,f) in self.frames.iteritems():
         if f._data == None: continue
         if hasattr(f._data,'getTransform'):
             worldCoordinates = f._data.getTransform()
             if hasattr(f._data,'getParent'):
                 p = f._data.getParent()
                 if p >= 0:
                     plink = f._data.robot().link(p)
                     parentCoordinates = plink.getTransform()
                     f._relativeCoordinates = se3.mul(se3.inv(parentCoordinates),worldCoordinates)
                     f._relativeCoordinates = worldCoordinates
                 f._relativeCoordinates = worldCoordinates
             f._worldCoordinates = worldCoordinates
             #update downstream non-link items
             for c in self.childLists[f._name]:
                 if == None or not hasattr(c._data,'getTransform'):
                     c._worldCoordinates = se3.mul(f._worldCoordinates,c._relativeCoordinates)
         if isinstance(f._data,tuple) and isinstance(f._data[0],SimRobotController):
             controller,index,itemtype = f._data
             #TODO: update the frame from the controller data
     for (n,g) in self.subgroups.iteritems():
Esempio n. 10
 def to(self,newframe):
     """Returns a Point representing the same point in space, but
     in a different reference frame"""
     if newframe == None or newframe=='world':
         return self.toWorld()
     newlocal = se3.apply(se3.inv(newframe.worldCoordinates()),self.worldCoordinates())
     return Point(newlocal,newframe)
Esempio n. 11
 def to(self, newframe):
     """Returns a Point representing the same point in space, but
     in a different reference frame"""
     if newframe == None or newframe == 'world':
         return self.toWorld()
     newlocal = se3.apply(se3.inv(newframe.worldCoordinates()),
     return Point(newlocal, newframe)
Esempio n. 12
 def click_ray(self,x,y):
     """Returns a pair of 3-tuples indicating the ray source and direction
     in world coordinates for a screen-coordinate point (x,y)"""
     R,t = se3.inv(
     #from x and y compute ray direction
     u = float(x-self.width/2)
     v = float(self.height-y-self.height/2)
     scale = math.tan(self.fov*math.pi/180.0)/self.width
     d = (u*scale,v*scale,-1.0)
     return (t,so3.apply(R,d))
Esempio n. 13
 def viewport(self):
     """Gets a Viewport instance corresponding to the current view.
     This is used to interface with the Widget classes"""
     vp = Viewport()
     vp.x,vp.y,vp.w,vp.h = 0,0,self.width,self.height
     vp.n,vp.f = self.clippingplanes
     vp.perspective = True
     aspect = float(self.width)/float(self.height)
     rfov = self.fov*math.pi/180.0
     vp.scale = 1.0/(2.0*math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect)*aspect)
     return vp
Esempio n. 14
 def viewport(self):
     """Gets a Viewport instance corresponding to the current view.
     This is used to interface with the Widget classes"""
     vp = Viewport()
     vp.x,vp.y,vp.w,vp.h = 0,0,self.width,self.height
     vp.n,vp.f = self.clippingplanes
     vp.perspective = True
     aspect = float(self.width)/float(self.height)
     rfov = self.fov*math.pi/180.0
     vp.scale = 1.0/(2.0*math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect)*aspect)
     return vp
Esempio n. 15
 def click_ray(self,x,y):
     """Returns a pair of 3-tuples indicating the ray source and direction
     in world coordinates for a screen-coordinate point (x,y)"""
     R,t = se3.inv(
     #from x and y compute ray direction
     u = float(x-self.width/2)
     v = float(self.height-y-self.height/2)
     aspect = float(self.width)/float(self.height)
     rfov = self.fov*math.pi/180.0
     scale = 2.0*math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect)*aspect
     d = (u*scale,v*scale,-1.0)
     d = vectorops.div(d,vectorops.norm(d))
     return (t,so3.apply(R,d))
Esempio n. 16
 def click_ray(self,x,y):
     """Returns a pair of 3-tuples indicating the ray source and direction
     in world coordinates for a screen-coordinate point (x,y)"""
     R,t = se3.inv(
     #from x and y compute ray direction
     u = float(x-self.width/2)
     v = float(self.height-y-self.height/2)
     aspect = float(self.width)/float(self.height)
     rfov = self.fov*math.pi/180.0
     scale = 2.0*math.tan(rfov*0.5/aspect)*aspect
     d = (u*scale,v*scale,-1.0)
     d = vectorops.div(d,vectorops.norm(d))
     return (t,so3.apply(R,d))
Esempio n. 17
 def click_ray(self,x,y):
     """Returns a pair of 3-tuples indicating the ray source and direction
     in world coordinates for a screen-coordinate point (x,y)"""
     R,t = se3.inv(
     #from x and y compute ray direction
     u = float(x-self.width/2)
     v = float(self.height-y-self.height/2)
     scale = math.tan(self.fov*math.pi/180.0)/self.height
     #HACK: I don't know why this seems to work!
     scale *= 0.925
     d = (u*scale,v*scale,-1.0)
     d = vectorops.div(d,vectorops.norm(d))
     return (t,so3.apply(R,d))
Esempio n. 18
 def __init__(self, name, worldCoordinates=se3.identity(), parent=None, relativeCoordinates=None):
     self._name = name
     self._parent = parent
     self._worldCoordinates = worldCoordinates
     self._data = None
     if relativeCoordinates == None:
         if worldCoordinates == None:
             raise ValueError("One of relativeCoordinates or worldCoordinates must be provided")
         if parent == None:
             self._relativeCoordinates = worldCoordinates
             self._relativeCoordinates = se3.mul(se3.inv(parent.worldCoordinates()), worldCoordinates)
         self._relativeCoordinates = relativeCoordinates
         if worldCoordinates == None:
             if parent == None:
                 self._worldcoordinates = relativeCoordinates
                 self._worldCoordinates = se3.mul(parent.worldCoordinates(), relativeCoordinates)
Esempio n. 19
 def mousefunc(self, button, state, x, y):
     if _VisualEditorBase.mousefunc(self, button, state, x, y):
         self.value = se3.mul(se3.inv(self.frame), self.xformposer.get())
Esempio n. 20
 def mousefunc(self,button,state,x,y):
     if _VisualEditorBase.mousefunc(self,button,state,x,y):
         self.value = se3.apply(se3.inv(self.frame),self.pointposer.get())
Esempio n. 21
 def mousefunc(self, button, state, x, y):
     if _VisualEditorBase.mousefunc(self, button, state, x, y):
         self.value = se3.apply(se3.inv(self.frame), self.pointposer.get())
Esempio n. 22
 def mousefunc(self,button,state,x,y):
     if _VisualEditorBase.mousefunc(self,button,state,x,y):
         self.value = se3.mul(se3.inv(self.frame),self.xformposer.get())
Esempio n. 23
 def pointFromWorld(self,worldCoordinates=[0,0,0],frame='root'):
     """Alias for to(point(worldCoordinates,'root'),frame)"""
     f = self.frame(frame)
     local = se3.apply(se3.inv(f._worldCoordinates),worldCoordinates)
     return Point(local,f)
Esempio n. 24
 def coordinates(self):
     """Returns the SE(3) coordinates that transform elements from the
     source to the destination Frame."""
     if self._destination==None:
         return self._source.worldCoodinates()
     return se3.mul(se3.inv(self._destination.worldCoordinates()),self._source.worldCoordinates())
Esempio n. 25
 def pointFromWorld(self, worldCoordinates=[0, 0, 0], frame='root'):
     """Alias for to(point(worldCoordinates,'root'),frame)"""
     f = self.frame(frame)
     local = se3.apply(se3.inv(f._worldCoordinates), worldCoordinates)
     return Point(local, f)
Esempio n. 26
 def translationCoordinates(self):
     """Returns the coordinates of the origin of this frame in R^3, relative
     to its destination"""
     if self._destination==None:
         return self._source.worldOrigin()
     return se3.apply(se3.inv(self._destination.worldCoordinates()),self._source.worldOrigin())