def test_getid(self):
        self.assertEqual(base.getid(4), 4)

        class TmpObject(object):
            id = 4

        self.assertEqual(base.getid(TmpObject), 4)
    def _handle_vlan(self, server, vlan_id, vlan_type, nics=[], unset=False, **kwargs):
        Set/Unset tagged/untagged vlan id for the server.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to power on.
        :param vlan_id: The tagged vlan id for the server.
        :param vlan_type: tagged-vlan or untagged-vlan type.
        :param unset: Boolean flag to unset the vlan_id for the server.
        if vlan_id is not None:

            action_params = {}
            if unset:
                action_params.update({'remove': vlan_id})
                action_params.update({'add': vlan_id})
            self.run_hooks('modify_body_for_action', action_params, **kwargs)

            if nics:
                for nic in nics:
                    url = '/servers/%s/nic/%s/%s' % (base.getid(server), nic[3:], vlan_type)
                    self.api.client.put(url, body=action_params)
                u = '/servers/%s/nic' % (base.getid(server))
                nics = self._list(u)
                for nic in nics:
                    url = '/servers/%s/nic/%s/%s' % (base.getid(server),, vlan_type)
                    self.api.client.put(url, body=action_params)
    def get(self, scard, **kwargs):
        Get a specific scard.

        :rtype: Instance of :class:`Scard`
        return self._get(base.getid(scard),
                         '/chassis/scard/%s' % base.getid(scard))
    def get(self, scard, **kwargs):
        Get a specific scard.

        :rtype: Instance of :class:`Scard`
        return self._get(base.getid(scard),
                         '/chassis/scard/%s' % base.getid(scard))
    def get(self, server):
        Get a server.

        :param server: ID of the :class:`Server` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`Server`
        return self._get(base.getid(server),
                         "/servers/%s" % base.getid(server))
Esempio n. 6
    def get(self, fantray):
        Get a fantray.

        :param fantray: ID of the :class:`FanTray` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`FanTray`
        return self._get(base.getid(fantray),
                         "/chassis/fanTray/%s" % base.getid(fantray))
    def get(self, interface):
        Get a interface.

        :param interface: ID of the :class:`Interface` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`Interface`
        return self._get(base.getid(interface),
                         "/interfaces/%s" % base.getid(interface))
    def get(self, pool):
        Get a pool.

        :param pool: ID of the :class:`Pool` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`Pool`
        return self._get(base.getid(pool),
                         "/storage/pools/%s" % base.getid(pool))
Esempio n. 9
    def get(self, powersupply):
        Get a powersupply.

        :param powersupply: ID of the :class:`PowerSupply` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`PowerSupply`
        return self._get(base.getid(powersupply),
                         "/chassis/powersupply/%s" % base.getid(powersupply))
    def get(self, fantray):
        Get a fantray.

        :param fantray: ID of the :class:`FanTray` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`FanTray`
        return self._get(base.getid(fantray),
                         "/chassis/fanTray/%s" % base.getid(fantray))
Esempio n. 11
    def get(self, disk):
        Get a disk.

        :param disk: ID of the :class:`Disk` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`Disk`
        return self._get(base.getid(disk),
                         "/storage/disks/%s" % base.getid(disk))
Esempio n. 12
    def get(self, disk):
        Get a disk.

        :param disk: ID of the :class:`Disk` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`Disk`
        return self._get(base.getid(disk),
                         "/storage/disks/%s" % base.getid(disk))
Esempio n. 13
    def get(self, interface):
        Get a interface.

        :param interface: ID of the :class:`Interface` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`Interface`
        return self._get(base.getid(interface),
                         "/interfaces/%s" % base.getid(interface))
    def get(self, smcard):
        Get a smcard.

        :param smcard: ID of the :class:`SMCard` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`SMCard`
        return self._get(base.getid(smcard),
                         "/chassis/smcard/%s" % base.getid(smcard))
Esempio n. 15
    def get(self, volume):
        Get a volume.

        :param volume: ID of the :class:`Volume` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`Volume`
        return self._get(base.getid(volume),
                         "/storage/volumes/%s" % base.getid(volume))
Esempio n. 16
 def set_management_mode(self, scard, mode, force=False, **kwargs):
     Set management mode of the specified scard
     url = "/chassis/scard/%s/mgmtMode" % base.getid(scard)
     body = {'value': mode}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 17
 def deactivate_led(self, disk, **kwargs):
     De-activate LED of the specified Disk
     url = "/storage/disks/%s" % base.getid(disk)
     body = {'action': 'deactivate-led'}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 18
 def power_on(self, disk, **kwargs):
     Power on the specified Disk
     url = "/storage/disks/%s" % base.getid(disk)
     body = {'action': 'power-on'}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
 def add_untagged_vlan(self, interface, vlan_id, **kwargs):
     Add untagged vlan for the given Interface
     url = '/interfaces/%s/vlans/untaggedVlans' % base.getid(interface)
     body = {'add': str(vlan_id)}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 20
 def set_management_mode(self, scard, mode, force=False, **kwargs):
     Set management mode of the specified scard
     url = "/chassis/scard/%s/mgmtMode" % base.getid(scard)
     body = {'value': mode}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 21
 def deactivate_led(self, disk, **kwargs):
     De-activate LED of the specified Disk
     url = "/storage/disks/%s" % base.getid(disk)
     body = {'action': 'deactivate-led'}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
 def remove_tagged_vlan(self, interface, vlan_id, **kwargs):
     Remove tagged vlan for the given Interface
     url = '/interfaces/%s/vlans/taggedVlans' % base.getid(interface)
     body = {'remove': str(vlan_id)}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
 def no_shutdown(self, interface, **kwargs):
     Start the specified network Interface
     url = "/interfaces/%s/shutdown" % base.getid(interface)
     body = {'value': False}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 24
 def add_untagged_vlan(self, interface, vlan_id, **kwargs):
     Add untagged vlan for the given Interface
     url = '/interfaces/%s/vlans/untaggedVlans' % base.getid(interface)
     body = {'add': str(vlan_id)}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 25
 def power_on(self, disk, **kwargs):
     Power on the specified Disk
     url = "/storage/disks/%s" % base.getid(disk)
     body = {'action': 'power-on'}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 26
 def remove_tagged_vlan(self, interface, vlan_id, **kwargs):
     Remove tagged vlan for the given Interface
     url = '/interfaces/%s/vlans/taggedVlans' % base.getid(interface)
     body = {'remove': str(vlan_id)}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 27
 def no_shutdown(self, interface, **kwargs):
     Start the specified network Interface
     url = "/interfaces/%s/shutdown" % base.getid(interface)
     body = {'value': False}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 28
 def _action(self, action, pool, info=None, **kwargs):
     Perform a pool "action" -- .
     body = {"action": action}
     self.run_hooks('modify_body_for_action', body, **kwargs)
     url = '/storage/pools/%s' % base.getid(pool)
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 29
 def _action(self, action, server, info=None, **kwargs):
     Perform a server "action" -- power-on/power-off/reset/etc.
     body = {"action": action}
     self.run_hooks('modify_body_for_action', body, **kwargs)
     url = '/servers/%s' % base.getid(server)
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 30
 def _action(self, action, volume, info=None, **kwargs):
     Perform a volume "action" -- .
     body = {"action": action}
     self.run_hooks('modify_body_for_action', body, **kwargs)
     url = '/storage/volumes/%s' % base.getid(volume)
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 31
    def create(self, slot, pool_name, disks, raid_level=0, **kwargs):
        Create a pool on the given scard slot using disks of that slot.

        :rtype: Instance of :class:`Pool`
        disks = map(lambda x: str(x), disks)
        body = {'disks': ','.join(disks), 'raidLevel': raid_level}
        url = '/storage/pools/%s/%s' % (base.getid(slot), pool_name)
        return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 32
    def detach_volume(self, server, vdisk=0, **kwargs):
        Detach volume attached to vdisk # of given server

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to power on.
        :param vdisk: The vdisk number of the server to detach volume to.
        url = '/servers/%s/vdisk/%s' % (base.getid(server), vdisk)
        return self._delete(url)
Esempio n. 33
 def add_tagged_vlan(self, interface, vlan_id, **kwargs):
     Add tagged vlan for the given Interface
     url = '/interfaces/%s/vlans/taggedVlans' % base.getid(interface)
     if isinstance(vlan_id, list):
         vlan_id = map(lambda x: str(x), vlan_id)
         body = {'add': ','.join(vlan_id)}
         body = {'add': str(vlan_id)}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
 def add_tagged_vlan(self, interface, vlan_id, **kwargs):
     Add tagged vlan for the given Interface
     url = '/interfaces/%s/vlans/taggedVlans' % base.getid(interface)
     if isinstance(vlan_id, list):
         vlan_id = map(lambda x: str(x), vlan_id)
         body = {'add': ','.join(vlan_id)}
         body = {'add': str(vlan_id)}
     return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 35
    def power_off(self, server, force=False, **kwargs):
        Power off a server.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to power off.
        :param force: force the server to power off.
        action = 'power-off'
        url = '/servers/%s?action=%s' % (base.getid(server), action)
        if force:
            url = '%s&force=true' % url
        return self.api.client.put(url, body={})
Esempio n. 36
    def attach_volume(self, server, volume, vdisk=0, **kwargs):
        Attach volume to vdisk # to given server

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to power on.
        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID) that is to be attached.
        :param vdisk: The vdisk number of the server to attach volume to.
        body = {"value": volume}
        self.run_hooks('modify_body_for_action', body, **kwargs)
        url = '/servers/%s/vdisk/%s' % (base.getid(server), vdisk)
        return self.api.client.put(url, body=body)
Esempio n. 37
    def create(self, size, pool, volume_id=None, **kwargs):
        Create a volume of the given size in the given pool.

        :param volume_id: ID of the :class: `Volume` to create
        :param pool: Object  of the :class: `Pool` in which the volume will be
        :param size: Size of the new volume in GB.
        create_params = {}
        if volume_id is None:
            volume_id = str(binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(6)))
        if pool and volume_id and size:
            create_params = {'volume-size': str(size)}
            resource_url = "%s/%s" % (base.getid(pool), volume_id)
            return self._create(resource_url, create_params)
Esempio n. 38
 def delete(self, volume):
     self._delete("/storage/volume/%s" % base.getid(volume))
Esempio n. 39
 def delete(self, pool, **kwargs):
     Delete the specified pool.
     url = '/storage/pools/%s' % base.getid(pool)
     return self.api.client.delete(url)
Esempio n. 40
 def get_boot_order(self, server):
     url = '/server/%s/bios/bootOrder' % base.getid(server)
     ret,val = self.api.client.get(url)
     return (ret , val.split(" ")[0])
    def test_getid(self):
        self.assertEqual(base.getid(4), 4)

        class TmpObject(object):
            id = 4
        self.assertEqual(base.getid(TmpObject), 4)