def _book_list(request, queryset, qtype=None, list_by='latest', **kwargs): """ Filter the books, paginate the result, and return either a HTML book list, or a atom+xml OPDS catalog. """ q = request.GET.get('q') search_all = request.GET.get('search-all') == 'on' search_title = request.GET.get('search-title') == 'on' search_author = request.GET.get('search-author') == 'on' # If no search options are specified, assumes search all, the # advanced search will be used: if not search_all and not search_title and not search_author: search_all = True # If search queried, modify the queryset with the result of the # search: if q is not None: if search_all: queryset = advanced_search(queryset, q) else: queryset = simple_search(queryset, q, search_title, search_author) all_books = Book.objects.all() paginator = Paginator(queryset, BOOKS_PER_PAGE) page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) try: page_obj = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): page_obj = # Build the query string: qstring = page_qstring(request) # Return OPDS Atom Feed: if qtype == 'feed': catalog = generate_catalog(request, page_obj) return HttpResponse(catalog, mimetype='application/atom+xml') # Return HTML page: extra_context = dict(kwargs) extra_context.update({ 'book_list': page_obj.object_list, 'total_books': len(all_books), 'q': q, 'paginator': paginator, 'page_obj': page_obj, 'search_title': search_title, 'search_author': search_author, 'list_by': list_by, 'qstring': qstring, }) return render_to_response( 'books/book_list.html', extra_context, context_instance=RequestContext(request), )
def _book_list(request, queryset, qtype=None, list_by="latest", **kwargs): """ Filter the books, paginate the result, and return either a HTML book list, or a atom+xml OPDS catalog. """ q = request.GET.get("q") search_all = request.GET.get("search-all") == "on" search_title = request.GET.get("search-title") == "on" search_author = request.GET.get("search-author") == "on" # If no search options are specified, assumes search all, the # advanced search will be used: if not search_all and not search_title and not search_author: search_all = True # If search queried, modify the queryset with the result of the # search: if q is not None: if search_all: queryset = advanced_search(queryset, q) else: queryset = simple_search(queryset, q, search_title, search_author) all_books = Book.objects.all() paginator = Paginator(queryset, BOOKS_PER_PAGE) page = int(request.GET.get("page", "1")) try: page_obj = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): page_obj = # Build the query string: qstring = page_qstring(request) # Return OPDS Atom Feed: if qtype == "feed": catalog = generate_catalog(request, page_obj) return HttpResponse(catalog, mimetype="application/atom+xml") # Return HTML page: extra_context = dict(kwargs) extra_context.update( { "book_list": page_obj.object_list, "total_books": len(all_books), "q": q, "paginator": paginator, "page_obj": page_obj, "search_title": search_title, "search_author": search_author, "list_by": list_by, "qstring": qstring, } ) return render_to_response("books/book_list.html", extra_context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def advanced_search(self): tegs = simpledialog.askstring(title='Advanced Search', prompt='Enter Tegs: ') if tegs is None: return tegs = tegs.split(' ') images = s.advanced_search(tegs) count = str(len(images)) if tegs is None: return self.root.title("DVP " + "Search: " + str(tegs) + ' : ' + count) if tegs[0] == '': self.root.title("DVP " + "Search without tegs" + ' : ' + count) self.refresh_images(images)
def _book_list(request, queryset, qtype=None, list_by='latest', **kwargs): """ Filter the books, paginate the result, and return either a HTML book list, or a atom+xml OPDS catalog. """ q = request.GET.get('q') search_all = request.GET.get('search-all') == 'on' search_title = request.GET.get('search-title') == 'on' search_author = request.GET.get('search-author') == 'on' context_instance = RequestContext(request) user = resolve_variable('user', context_instance) if not user.is_authenticated(): queryset = queryset.filter(a_status = BOOK_PUBLISHED) published_books = Book.objects.filter(a_status = BOOK_PUBLISHED) unpublished_books = Book.objects.exclude(a_status = BOOK_PUBLISHED) # If no search options are specified, assumes search all, the # advanced search will be used: if not search_all and not search_title and not search_author: search_all = True # If search queried, modify the queryset with the result of the # search: if q is not None: if search_all: queryset = advanced_search(queryset, q) else: queryset = simple_search(queryset, q, search_title, search_author) paginator = Paginator(queryset, BOOKS_PER_PAGE) page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) try: page_obj = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): page_obj = # Build the query string: qstring = page_qstring(request) # Return OPDS Atom Feed: if qtype == 'feed': catalog = generate_catalog(request, page_obj) return HttpResponse(catalog, mimetype='application/atom+xml') # Return HTML page: extra_context = dict(kwargs) extra_context.update({ 'book_list': page_obj.object_list, 'published_books': len(published_books), 'unpublished_books': len(unpublished_books), 'q': q, 'paginator': paginator, 'page_obj': page_obj, 'search_title': search_title, 'search_author': search_author, 'list_by': list_by, 'qstring': qstring, }) return render_to_response( 'books/book_list.html', extra_context, context_instance = RequestContext(request), )
def _book_list(request, queryset, qtype=None, list_by='latest', **kwargs): """ Filter the books, paginate the result, and return either a HTML book list, or a atom+xml OPDS catalog. """ q = request.GET.get('q') search_all = request.GET.get('search-all') == 'on' search_title = request.GET.get('search-title') == 'on' search_author = request.GET.get('search-author') == 'on' context_instance = RequestContext(request) user = resolve_variable('user', context_instance) if not user.is_authenticated(): queryset = queryset.filter(a_status=BOOK_PUBLISHED) published_books_count = Book.objects.filter( a_status=BOOK_PUBLISHED).count() unpublished_books_count = Book.objects.exclude( a_status=BOOK_PUBLISHED).count() # If no search options are specified, assumes search all, the # advanced search will be used: if not search_all and not search_title and not search_author: search_all = True # If search queried, modify the queryset with the result of the # search: if q is not None: if search_all: queryset = advanced_search(queryset, q) else: queryset = simple_search(queryset, q, search_title, search_author) paginator = Paginator(queryset, BOOKS_PER_PAGE) page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) try: page_obj = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): page_obj = # Build the query string: qstring = page_qstring(request) # Return OPDS Atom Feed: if qtype == 'feed': catalog = generate_catalog(request, page_obj) return HttpResponse(catalog, mimetype='application/atom+xml') # Return HTML page: extra_context = dict(kwargs) extra_context.update({ 'book_list': page_obj.object_list, 'published_books': published_books_count, 'unpublished_books': unpublished_books_count, 'q': q, 'paginator': paginator, 'page_obj': page_obj, 'search_title': search_title, 'search_author': search_author, 'list_by': list_by, 'qstring': qstring, 'allow_public_add_book': settings.ALLOW_PUBLIC_ADD_BOOKS }) return render_to_response( 'books/book_list.html', extra_context, context_instance=RequestContext(request), )
def _book_list(request, queryset, qtype=None, list_by='latest', **kwargs): """ Filter the books, paginate the result, and return either a HTML book list, or a atom+xml OPDS catalog. """ q = request.GET.get('q') search_all = request.GET.get('search-all') == 'on' search_title = request.GET.get('search-title') == 'on' search_author = request.GET.get('search-author') == 'on' if not request.user.is_authenticated(): queryset = queryset.filter(a_status=settings.BOOK_PUBLISHED) published_count = Book.objects.\ filter(a_status=settings.BOOK_PUBLISHED).count() unpublished_count = Book.objects.\ exclude(a_status=settings.BOOK_PUBLISHED).count() # If no search options are specified, assumes search all, the # advanced search will be used: if not search_all and not search_title and not search_author: search_all = True # If search queried, modify the queryset with the result of the # search: if q is not None: if search_all: queryset = advanced_search(queryset, q) else: queryset = simple_search(queryset, q, search_title, search_author) paginator = Paginator(queryset, settings.BOOKS_PER_PAGE) page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) try: page_obj = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): page_obj = # Build the query string: qstring = page_qstring(request) # Return OPDS Atom Feed: if qtype == 'feed': catalog = generate_catalog(request, page_obj) return HttpResponse(catalog, content_type='application/atom+xml') # Return HTML page: extra_context = dict(kwargs) extra_context.update({ 'book_list': page_obj.object_list, 'published_books': published_count, 'unpublished_books': unpublished_count, 'q': q, 'paginator': paginator, 'page_obj': page_obj, 'search_title': search_title, 'search_author': search_author, 'list_by': list_by, 'qstring': qstring, 'allow_public_add_book': settings.ALLOW_PUBLIC_ADD_BOOKS, 'allow_user_comments': settings.ALLOW_USER_COMMENTS, }) return render(request, 'books/book_list.html', extra_context)