Esempio n. 1
def test_rr_searches(restarts, initial_max):

    hill_restart_solution = 0
    hill_avg = []
    annealing_restart_solution = 0
    annealing_avg = []
    for i in range(restarts):
        # Get new starting point
        internal_p = SineVariant(randrange(0, initial_max),

        # Solve using hill-climbing + random restarts
        current_hill_solution = hill_climbing(internal_p)
        if current_hill_solution > hill_restart_solution:
            hill_restart_solution = current_hill_solution

        # Solve the problem using simulated annealing + random restarts
        current_annealing_solution = simulated_annealing(
            internal_p, exp_schedule(k=30, lam=0.005, limit=1000))
        if current_annealing_solution > annealing_restart_solution:
            annealing_restart_solution = current_annealing_solution

    # Print results of each test
    print('Hill-climbing (RR) solution       x: ' +
          str(hill_restart_solution) + '\t\tvalue: ' +
          str(internal_p.value(hill_restart_solution)) +
          '\taverage of runs: ' + str(sum(hill_avg) / len(hill_avg)))

    print('Simulated annealing (RR) solution x: ' +
          str(annealing_restart_solution) + '\t\tvalue: ' +
          str(internal_p.value(annealing_restart_solution)) +
          '\taverage of runs: ' + str(sum(annealing_avg) / len(annealing_avg)))
Esempio n. 2
def compare_algorithms_for_this_world(world,

    # using the initial as our baseline
    best_hill_climber = world
    best_annealing = world

    # initializing averages
    avg_hill_climber = 0
    avg_annealing = 0

    # our small world problem representation
    tsp = TSP(world, dist_dict)

    # try both algorithms over and over
    for i in range(0, attempts):

        hill_climber = hill_climbing(tsp)
        annealing = simulated_annealing(
            tsp, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=1000))

        # keep track of the best solutions
        if tsp.value(hill_climber) > tsp.value(best_hill_climber):
            best_hill_climber = hill_climber
        if tsp.value(annealing) > tsp.value(best_annealing):
            best_annealing = annealing

        # maintain average values
        avg_hill_climber += tsp.value(hill_climber)
        avg_annealing += tsp.value(annealing)

    # Calculate the average
    avg_hill_climber /= attempts
    avg_annealing /= attempts

    # Ouptut: world statistics
    print("World of size " + str(len(world)) + " with " + str(attempts) +
          " per algorithm")

    hill_path = str(best_hill_climber)
    annealing_path = str(best_annealing)

    if not print_solution:
        hill_path = ""
        annealing_path = ""

    # Output: hill climbing results
    print("Hill Climbing:\t" + hill_path + "\tbest: " +
          str(tsp.value(best_hill_climber)) + "\tavg: " +
          str(round(avg_hill_climber, 2)))

    # Output: simulated annealing results
    print("Annealing:\t" + annealing_path + "\tbest: " +
          str(tsp.value(best_annealing)) + "\tavg: " +
          str(round(avg_annealing, 2)))
def test_knapsack_simulated_annealing_large_scale_1():
    params = open_file("../dataset/large_scale/knapPI_1_100_1000_1")
    problem = KnapsackProblem(params[0], params[1])
    ins_problem = InstrumentedProblem(problem)
    result = simulated_annealing(ins_problem, exp_schedule(1000, 0.0005, 4000))
    optimum = int((
    assert optimum == 9147
    assert result.value <= optimum
    assert result.value >= 8000
def test_knapsack_simulated_annealing_low_dimensional_2():
    params = open_file("../dataset/low-dimensional/f2_l-d_kp_20_878")
    problem = KnapsackProblem(params[0], params[1])
    ins_problem = InstrumentedProblem(problem)
    result = simulated_annealing(ins_problem,
                                 exp_schedule(2000, 0.00005, 200000))
    optimum = int((open(
    assert optimum == 1024
    assert result.value == optimum
Esempio n. 5
def test_searches(searchspace):
    # Solve the problem using hill-climbing.
    hill_solution = hill_climbing(searchspace)
    print('Hill-climbing solution            x: ' + str(hill_solution) +
          '\t\tvalue: ' + str(p.value(hill_solution)))
    # Solve the problem using simulated annealing.
    annealing_solution = simulated_annealing(
        searchspace, exp_schedule(k=30, lam=0.005, limit=1000))
    print('Simulated annealing solution      x: ' + str(annealing_solution) +
          '\t\tvalue: ' + str(p.value(annealing_solution)))
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    r = csv.reader(file('../step2.csv'))
    titles =
    data = [array(map(float, csValues)) for csValues in r]

    valueFunc = value(data)
    final = simulated_annealing(
        zeros((len(titles) - 1,)),
        successor2, valueFunc,
        schedule=search.exp_schedule(k=0.1, lam=0.0015))

    print valueFunc(final)
    print final
Esempio n. 7
def simulated_annealing(initial, successor, value,
    current = initial
    val_cur = value(current)
        for t in xrange(sys.maxint):
            T = schedule(t)
            print '%5d %0.4f %0.6f' % (t, T, val_cur)
            if T == 0:
                return current
            next = successor(current)
            val_next = value(next)
            delta_e = val_next - val_cur
            if delta_e < 0 or utils.probability(math.exp(-delta_e/T)):
                current = next
                val_cur = val_next
    except BaseException, e:
        return current
Esempio n. 8
        return math.fabs(x * math.sin(x))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Formulate a problem with a 2D hill function and a single maximum value.
    maximum = 30
    initial = randrange(0, maximum)
    p = SineVariant(initial, maximum, delta=1.1)
    print('Initial                      x: ' + str(p.initial) + '\t\tvalue: ' +

    # Solve the problem using hill-climbing.
    hill_solution = hill_climbing(p)
    annealing_solution = simulated_annealing(
        p, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=1000))

    hill_restarts = hill_solution
    hill_value_accumulator = 0
    hill_x_accumulator = 0

    annealing_restarts = annealing_solution
    annealing_value_accumulator = 0
    annealing_x_accumulator = 0

    restarts = 100
    for i in range(restarts):
        initial = randrange(0, maximum)
        p = SineVariant(initial, maximum, delta=1.1)

        hill_solution = hill_climbing(p)
Esempio n. 9
        (10, 3): 9,
        (10, 4): 2,
        (10, 5): 1,
        (10, 6): 6,
        (10, 7): 4,
        (10, 8): 6,
        (10, 9): 8,
        (10, 10): 3
    # print(cities)

    # Initialize a path using numerical order
    path = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0]

    # Initialize the TSP problem
    p = TSP(cities, distances, path)
    print("Initial Path:", path)

    # Solve the problem using hill climbing.
    hill_solution = hill_climbing(p)
    print('\tSolution:\t' + str(hill_solution))
    print('\tValue:\t\t' + str(p.value(hill_solution)))

    # Solve the problem using simulated annealing.
    annealing_solution = \
        simulated_annealing(p, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=10000))
    print('\nSimulated annealing:')
    print('\tSolution:\t' + str(annealing_solution))
    print('\tValue:\t\t' + str(p.value(annealing_solution)))
Esempio n. 10
class TSP2(Problem):

    def __init__(self, n, initial):
        self.n = n
        self.initial = initial

    def actions(self, state):
        actions = []
        for column in range(self.n):
            for row in [x for x in range(self.n) if x != state[column]]:
                actions.append([column, row])
        for i in range(1,10):
        return actions

    def result(self, state, move):
        """Makes the given move on a copy of the given state."""
        new_state = state[:]
        new_state[move[0]] = move[1]
        return new_state

    def goal_test(self, state):
        """Check to see if there are no conflicts."""
        return not any(self.conflicted(state, state[col], col)
                       for col in range(len(state)))

    def conflicted(self, state, row, col):
        """Check to see if placing a queen at (row, col) would conflict with
        return any(self.conflict(row, col, state[c], c)
                   for c in range(col))

    def conflict(self, row1, col1, row2, col2):
        """Check to see if two queens placed in (row1, col1) and (row2, col2)
        respectively would conflict with each other.
        return (row1 == row2  # # same row
                or col1 == col2  # # same column
                or row1 - col1 == row2 - col2  # # same \ diagonal
                or row1 + col1 == row2 + col2)  # # same / diagonal

    def value(self, state):
        """This method computes a value of given state based on the number of
        conflicting pairs of queens. It doesn't follow AIMA-Python's NQueens
        gradient-descent formulation; instead, it counts the number of
        non-conflicting pairs (e.g., top score: 28 for a 8-queen problem;
        worst score: 0).

        # Start with the highest possible score (n combined 2).
        value = math.factorial(self.n) / (2 * math.factorial(self.n - 2))

        # Loop through all pairs, subtracting one for every conflicted pair.
        for pair in itertools.combinations(range(self.n), 2):
            if self.conflict(state[pair[0]], pair[0], state[pair[1]], pair[1]):
                value -= 1
        return value

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Set the board size.
    n = 8

    # Initialize the board with all queens in the first row.
    board = [0] * n
    print('Start:    ' + str(board))

    # Initialize the NQueens problem
    p = TSP2(n, board)
    print('Value:    ' + str(p.value(board)))

    # Solve the problem using hill climbing.
    hill_solution = hill_climbing(p)
    print('\tSolution: ' + str(hill_solution))
    print('\tValue:    ' + str(p.value(hill_solution)))
    print('\tGoal?     ' + str(p.goal_test(hill_solution)))

    # Solve the problem using simulated annealing.
    annealing_solution = simulated_annealing(
        exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=10000)
    print('Simulated annealing:')
    print('\tSolution: ' + str(annealing_solution))
    print('\tValue:    ' + str(p.value(annealing_solution)))
    print('\tGoal?     ' + str(p.goal_test(annealing_solution)))
Esempio n. 11
File: Progetto: bff3/cs344
        for k in vertexstring[i + 1:]:
            vertex_dict[k] = rnd.randint(1, maxdist)
        graph_dict[vertexstring[i]] = vertex_dict
    return graph_dict

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # invalid_it = ['C','D','B','A']
    # valid_it = ['C','A','B','D']
    # simpleTSP = TSP(invalid_it, simple_map)
    # print(hill_climbing(simpleTSP))
    graph_dict = gen_graph(vertexstring='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
    myGraph = UndirectedGraph(graph_dict)
    myTSP = TSP(get_city_list(myGraph), myGraph)
    values = []
    for _ in range(1000):
        hill_climbing_solution = hill_climbing(myTSP)
        # print(hill_climbing_solution)
        # print(myTSP.value(hill_climbing_solution))

    annealing_solution = simulated_annealing(myTSP, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=100000))

Esempio n. 12
                     eforie=(562, 293),
                     fagaras=(305, 449),
                     giurgiu=(375, 270),
                     hirsova=(534, 350),
                     iasi=(473, 506),
                     lugoj=(165, 379),
                     mehadia=(168, 339),
                     neamt=(406, 537),
                     oradea=(131, 571),
                     pitesti=(320, 368),
                     rimnicuvilcea=(233, 410),
                     sibiu=(207, 457),
                     timisoara=(94, 410),
                     urziceni=(456, 350),
                     vaslui=(509, 444),
                     zerind=(108, 531))

initial1 = random.choice(list(locations.keys()))
problem1 = TSP(locations, initial1)
initial2 = random.choice(list(locations.keys()))
problem2 = TSP(locations, initial2)

hill_solution = hill_climbing(problem1)
print('\nHill-climbing solution       x: ' + '\tvalue: ' +
      str(math.fabs(problem1.value(hill_solution))) + "\n\n")

annealing_solution = simulated_annealing(
    problem2, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=15000))
print('\nAnnealing solution       x: ' + '\tvalue: ' +
      str(math.fabs(problem2.value(annealing_solution))) + "\n\n")