def NQueenDriver(): attempted = 0 hc_solved = 0 sa_solved = 0 saf_solved = 0 for i in range(1000): attempted += 1 hc = hill_climbing(MyNQueen(8)) if -1 not in hc: hc_solved += 1 print(f"hill_climbing solution: {hc}") sa = simulated_annealing(MyNQueen(8)) if -1 not in sa: sa_solved += 1 print(f"simulated annealing solution: {sa}") saf = simulated_annealing_full(MyNQueen(8)) if -1 not in saf: saf_solved += 1 print(f"Simulated annealing full solved: {saf}") print( f"N-Queen: Hill climbing (solved/attempted) {hc_solved} / {attempted}" ) print( f"N-Queen: Simulated annealing (solved/attempted) {sa_solved} / {attempted}" ) print( f"N-Queen: Simluated annealing full (solved/attempted) {saf_solved} / {attempted}" )
def test_maxsat_hillclimbing_restarts(fn, restarts): if VERBOSE_TESTING: print 'Hillclimbing with random restarts...(' + str(HILL_CLIMBING_RESTARTS) + ')' ms = MAXSAT(fn) # print "Initial: ", ms.true_clauses(ms.initial) t0 = time.time() best = None highest = 0 for x in range(HILL_CLIMBING_RESTARTS): ms.initial = ms.init_variables(True) # randomize sol = search.hill_climbing(ms) if ms.true_clauses(sol) > highest: highest = ms.true_clauses(sol) best = sol[:] td = time.time() - t0 if VERBOSE_TESTING: print ms.true_clauses(ms.initial), '->', ms.true_clauses(best) print "Time: %.2f" % td return ms.true_clauses(best), round(td, DEC_PRECISION)
def test_rr_searches(restarts, initial_max): hill_restart_solution = 0 hill_avg = [] annealing_restart_solution = 0 annealing_avg = [] for i in range(restarts): # Get new starting point internal_p = SineVariant(randrange(0, initial_max), initial_max, delta=1) # Solve using hill-climbing + random restarts current_hill_solution = hill_climbing(internal_p) hill_avg.append(current_hill_solution) if current_hill_solution > hill_restart_solution: hill_restart_solution = current_hill_solution # Solve the problem using simulated annealing + random restarts current_annealing_solution = simulated_annealing( internal_p, exp_schedule(k=30, lam=0.005, limit=1000)) annealing_avg.append(current_annealing_solution) if current_annealing_solution > annealing_restart_solution: annealing_restart_solution = current_annealing_solution # Print results of each test print('Hill-climbing (RR) solution x: ' + str(hill_restart_solution) + '\t\tvalue: ' + str(internal_p.value(hill_restart_solution)) + '\taverage of runs: ' + str(sum(hill_avg) / len(hill_avg))) print('Simulated annealing (RR) solution x: ' + str(annealing_restart_solution) + '\t\tvalue: ' + str(internal_p.value(annealing_restart_solution)) + '\taverage of runs: ' + str(sum(annealing_avg) / len(annealing_avg)))
def compare_algorithms_for_this_world(world, dist_dict, attempts=30, print_solution=False): # using the initial as our baseline best_hill_climber = world best_annealing = world # initializing averages avg_hill_climber = 0 avg_annealing = 0 # our small world problem representation tsp = TSP(world, dist_dict) # try both algorithms over and over for i in range(0, attempts): hill_climber = hill_climbing(tsp) annealing = simulated_annealing( tsp, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=1000)) # keep track of the best solutions if tsp.value(hill_climber) > tsp.value(best_hill_climber): best_hill_climber = hill_climber if tsp.value(annealing) > tsp.value(best_annealing): best_annealing = annealing # maintain average values avg_hill_climber += tsp.value(hill_climber) avg_annealing += tsp.value(annealing) # Calculate the average avg_hill_climber /= attempts avg_annealing /= attempts # Ouptut: world statistics print("World of size " + str(len(world)) + " with " + str(attempts) + " per algorithm") hill_path = str(best_hill_climber) annealing_path = str(best_annealing) if not print_solution: hill_path = "" annealing_path = "" # Output: hill climbing results print("Hill Climbing:\t" + hill_path + "\tbest: " + str(tsp.value(best_hill_climber)) + "\tavg: " + str(round(avg_hill_climber, 2))) # Output: simulated annealing results print("Annealing:\t" + annealing_path + "\tbest: " + str(tsp.value(best_annealing)) + "\tavg: " + str(round(avg_annealing, 2)))
def test_searches(searchspace): # Solve the problem using hill-climbing. hill_solution = hill_climbing(searchspace) print('Hill-climbing solution x: ' + str(hill_solution) + '\t\tvalue: ' + str(p.value(hill_solution))) # Solve the problem using simulated annealing. annealing_solution = simulated_annealing( searchspace, exp_schedule(k=30, lam=0.005, limit=1000)) print('Simulated annealing solution x: ' + str(annealing_solution) + '\t\tvalue: ' + str(p.value(annealing_solution)))
def test_knapsack_hill_climbing_large_scale_3(): params = open_file("../dataset/large_scale/knapPI_1_500_1000_1") problem = KnapsackProblem(params[0], params[1]) ins_problem = InstrumentedProblem(problem) result = hill_climbing(ins_problem) optimum = int(( open("../dataset/large_scale-optimum/knapPI_1_500_1000_1").readline())) assert optimum == 28857 assert result.value <= 10000 assert result.value >= 9800
def run_local_search(runType, inFile, outFile=OUTFILE): print >> outFile, '--------------------------------' fi = FORBIDDEN_ISLAND(inFile) if runType == 'SA': print >> outFile, 'Simulated Annealing' sTime = time.time() rtn = search.simulated_annealing(fi, annealing_schedule()) print >> outFile, ' Time: {} secs'.format(time.time()-sTime) print >> outFile, ' Value: {}'.format(fi.value(rtn.state)) print >> outFile, ' baseValues: {}'.format(rtn.state) elif runType == 'GA': print >> outFile, 'Genetic Algorithm' sTime = time.time() rtn = genetic_search(fi, fi.value) print >> outFile, ' Time: {} secs'.format(time.time()-sTime) print >> outFile, ' Value: {} / {}'.format(fi.value(rtn), fi.numClause) elif runType == 'StA': print >> outFile, 'Steepest ascent' sTime = time.time() rtn = search.hill_climbing(fi) print >> outFile, ' Time: {} secs'.format(time.time()-sTime) print >> outFile, ' Value: {} / {}'.format(fi.value(rtn), fi.numClause) elif runType == 'StAR': print >> outFile, 'Steepest ascent random restarts' valueL = [] timeL = [] for r in range(20): sTime = time.time() fi.random_start() rtn = search.hill_climbing(fi) timeL.append(time.time()-sTime) valueL.append(fi.value(rtn)) print >> outFile, ' Time: {} secs'.format(sum(timeL)/float(len(timeL))) print >> outFile, ' Mean: {} / {}'.format(sum(valueL)/float(len(valueL)), fi.numClause) print >> outFile, ' Min: {} / {}'.format(min(valueL), fi.numClause) print >> outFile, ' Max: {} / {}'.format(max(valueL), fi.numClause)
def test_maxsat_hillclimbing(fn): if VERBOSE_TESTING: print 'Hillclimbing...' ms = MAXSAT(fn) # print "Initial: ", ms.true_clauses(ms.initial) t0 = time.time() solution = search.hill_climbing(ms) td = time.time() - t0 if VERBOSE_TESTING: print ms.true_clauses(ms.initial), '->', ms.true_clauses(solution) print "Time: %.2f" % td return ms.true_clauses(solution), round(td, DEC_PRECISION)
def EightPuzzleDriver(): hill_solved_count = 0 hill_attempted_count = 0 sa_attempted_count = 0 sa_solved_count = 0 saf_attempted_count = 0 saf_solved_count = 0 solution = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0) for i in itertools.permutations(list("012345678")): initial = tuple([int(j) for j in list(i)]) my_8_pz = MyEightPuzzle(initial) hc = hill_climbing(my_8_pz) hill_attempted_count += 1 if (solution == hc): print(f"Hill climbing solved {initial} -> {state}") hill_solved_count += 1 my_8_pz = MyEightPuzzle(initial) sa = simulated_annealing(my_8_pz) sa_attempted_count += 1 if (solution == sa): print(f"Simulated annealing solved {initial} -> {state}") sa_solved_count += 1 my_8_pz = MyEightPuzzle(initial) saf = simulated_annealing_full(my_8_pz) saf_attempted_count += 1 if (solution == saf): print(f"Simulated annealing full solved {initial} -> {state}") saf_solved_count += 1 if hill_attempted_count > 1000: break print( f"8-puzzle: Hill climbing (solved / attempted): {hill_solved_count} / {hill_attempted_count}" ) print( f"8-puzzle: Simulated annealing (solved / attempted): {sa_solved_count} / {sa_attempted_count}" ) print( f"8-puzzle: Simulated annealing full (solved / attempted): {saf_solved_count} / {saf_attempted_count}" )
import tours import search from itertools import permutations from random import choice reg_tours = tours.generate_instances(100) reg_tours = [list(permutations(cities)) for cities in reg_tours] optimal = search.brute_force(reg_tours) # random tour selected_tours = [list(choice(permus)) for permus in reg_tours] search.random_tour(selected_tours) # hill climbing with randomly selected starting points min_costs = search.hill_climbing(selected_tours) # count optimal tours and print out num_optimal = sum(x == y for x, y in zip(min_costs, optimal)) print("OPTIMAL PATHS FOUND: " + str(num_optimal)) print() ''' for tours with lots of cities 100 cities proved to take incredibly long, 50 gets the job done in a reasonable amount of time ''' big_tours = tours.generate_instances(100, 50) search.hill_climbing(big_tours)
def value(self, state): mcovered = state.num_covered() # /(state.N*state.M) over_covered = state.num_over_covered() / state.num_covered( ) if state.num_covered() > 0 else 0 antennas_used = len(state.antennas) / state.A power_used = state.total_power() / state.P return mcovered - over_covered - antennas_used - power_used initial = state(2, 8, 120, 120) problem = city_antenna(initial) print("Initial sate") print(initial.forbidden) problem.initial.print_state() sol = search.hill_climbing(problem) print("") print("Final sate") sol.state.print_state() print(sol.state.antennas) print(sol.solution()) """ a = state(9, 9, 12, 12, ()) print(a.add_antenna((2, (8,8)))) print(a.add_antenna((2, (0,0)))) print('Num antennas: ', len(a.antennas)) print('Antennas: ', a.antennas) print('Covered squares: ', a.num_covered()) print('Total power: ', a.total_power()) print(a.forbidden)
idx += 1 assert (len(pos) == 2 or not pos) return pos def __str__(self): return 'driver: {} Route: {}'.format(self.user['id'], """ This is going to call the Hill Climbing algorithm """ state = State(n=100, m=50) state.generate_random_problem() print('Initial global distance: {}'.format(state.global_distance())) hc = CO2(state) print('Initial value: {}'.format(hc.value(state))) print() final = search.hill_climbing(hc) print() print('Final global distance: {}'.format(final.global_distance())) print('Final value: {}'.format(hc.value(final))) print() print("Final state:") print(final)
class TSP(Problem): def __init__(self, instance): self.city_count, self.matrix = read_txt_file(instance + ".txt") self.initial = get_initial_route(self.matrix, self.city_count) def actions(self, state): return get_possible_pairs(self.city_count) def result(self, state, action): return two_opt_swap_route(state, *action) def cost(self, state): cost = 0 start = state[0] for end in state[1:]: num = self.matrix[start][end] cost += num start = end last_to_home = self.matrix[state[-1]][state[0]] return cost + last_to_home def value(self, state): return 1 / (self.cost(state) + 1) p = search.InstrumentedProblem(TSP("gr48")) g = search.hill_climbing(p) print(g) print(p.cost(g))
def value(self, x): return math.fabs(x * math.sin(x)) if __name__ == '__main__': # Formulate a problem with a 2D hill function and a single maximum value. maximum = 30 initial = randrange(0, maximum) p = SineVariant(initial, maximum, delta=1.0) print('Initial x: ' + str(p.initial) + '\t\tvalue: ' + str(p.value(initial))) # Solve the problem using hill-climbing. hill_solution = hill_climbing(p) print('Hill-climbing solution x: ' + str(hill_solution) + '\tvalue: ' + str(p.value(hill_solution))) # Solve the problem using simulated annealing. annealing_solution = simulated_annealing( p, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=1000)) print('Simulated annealing solution x: ' + str(annealing_solution) + '\tvalue: ' + str(p.value(annealing_solution))) # Implements 100 random restarts, finding the average and best solutions for each algorithm best_hill_solution = 0 best_annealing_solution = 0 sum_hill_solutions = 0 sum_annealing_solutions = 0 for i in range(100):
for i in range(2, len(state) - 1): l[1] = l[i] l[i] = second action = list_to_string(l) l[i] = l[1] l[1] = second actions.append(action) return actions def result(self, state, action): state = action return state def path_cost(self, c, state1, action, state2): return c + 1 def value(self, state): l = list(state) cost = 0 for i in range(0, len(l) - 1): index_1 = self.nodes.index(l[i]) index_2 = self.nodes.index(l[i + 1]) cost += -1 * self.costs[index_1][index_2] return cost #result = astar_search(TSPProblem(nodes, costs)) #result = recursive_best_first_search(TSPProblem(nodes, costs)) result = hill_climbing(TSPProblem(nodes, costs, initial)) print(['-'.join(list(result))])
towns = 10 world = World(towns) path = [] for i in range(towns): path.append(i) random.shuffle(path) print(path) tsp = TSP(world, path) print('Initial x: ' + str(tsp.initial) + '\t\tvalue: ' + str(-tsp.value(path)) ) startHill = time.time() # Solve the problem using hill-climbing. hill_solution = hill_climbing(tsp) endHill = time.time() print('Hill-climbing solution x: ' + str(hill_solution) + '\tvalue: ' + str(-tsp.value(hill_solution)) ) print("Time taken was", round(endHill - startHill, 7)) startAnneal = time.time() annealing_solution = simulated_annealing( tsp, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=1000) ) endAnneal = time.time() print('Simulated annealing solution x: ' + str(annealing_solution) + '\tvalue: ' + str(-tsp.value(annealing_solution)) )
possibilities = list(node.state.possible_values(i, j)) return len(possibilities) - 1 return 0 choices = { 'depth_first': depth_first_tree_search, # 'best_first_uniform': uniform_cost_tree_search, 'best_first_h1': lambda x: best_first_tree_search(x, h1), 'best_first_h2': lambda x: best_first_tree_search(x, h2), 'best_first_greedy_h1': lambda x: best_first_greedy_tree_search(x, h1), 'best_first_greedy_h2': lambda x: best_first_greedy_tree_search(x, h2), 'best_first_h3': lambda x: best_first_tree_search(x, h3), 'best_first_greedy_h3': lambda x: best_first_greedy_tree_search(x, h3), 'best_first_graph_h1': lambda x: best_first_graph_search(x, h1), 'best_first_graph_h2': lambda x: best_first_graph_search(x, h2), 'hill_climbing': lambda x: hill_climbing(x), 'annealing': lambda x: simulated_annealing(x, schedule=sim) } # print(sys.argv) searchers = sys.argv[1:] lewisProblems = map(LewisSudokuProblem, sudokus) naiveProblems = map(SudokuProblem, sudokus) #csv header print("problem,searcher,explored,states,tests,solution,value") for (i, (p1, p2)) in enumerate(zip(lewisProblems, naiveProblems)): #print("Initial state:") for s in searchers: if s in ['hill_climbing', 'annealing']: ip = InstrumentedProblem(p1)
eforie=(562, 293), fagaras=(305, 449), giurgiu=(375, 270), hirsova=(534, 350), iasi=(473, 506), lugoj=(165, 379), mehadia=(168, 339), neamt=(406, 537), oradea=(131, 571), pitesti=(320, 368), rimnicuvilcea=(233, 410), sibiu=(207, 457), timisoara=(94, 410), urziceni=(456, 350), vaslui=(509, 444), zerind=(108, 531)) initial1 = random.choice(list(locations.keys())) problem1 = TSP(locations, initial1) initial2 = random.choice(list(locations.keys())) problem2 = TSP(locations, initial2) hill_solution = hill_climbing(problem1) print('\nHill-climbing solution x: ' + '\tvalue: ' + str(math.fabs(problem1.value(hill_solution))) + "\n\n") annealing_solution = simulated_annealing( problem2, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=15000)) print('\nAnnealing solution x: ' + '\tvalue: ' + str(math.fabs(problem2.value(annealing_solution))) + "\n\n")
for k in vertexstring[i + 1:]: vertex_dict[k] = rnd.randint(1, maxdist) graph_dict[vertexstring[i]] = vertex_dict return graph_dict if __name__ == '__main__': # invalid_it = ['C','D','B','A'] # valid_it = ['C','A','B','D'] # simpleTSP = TSP(invalid_it, simple_map) # print(hill_climbing(simpleTSP)) graph_dict = gen_graph(vertexstring='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') print(graph_dict) myGraph = UndirectedGraph(graph_dict) myTSP = TSP(get_city_list(myGraph), myGraph) values = [] for _ in range(1000): hill_climbing_solution = hill_climbing(myTSP) values.append(myTSP.value(hill_climbing_solution)) # print(hill_climbing_solution) # print(myTSP.value(hill_climbing_solution)) print(max(values)) annealing_solution = simulated_annealing(myTSP, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=100000)) print(annealing_solution) print(myTSP.value(annealing_solution))
def value_function(b, n, d): return math.pow(b, d + 1) - (n + 1) * b + n city_num = 20 start = generate_random_init(city_num) print(start) tsp = TSPHillClimbingProblem(start, cities=generate_random_cities(city_num, 100)) #print(tsp.actions(start)) # compare the execution time start_time = time.time() path = hill_climbing(tsp) print(path) print("Execution time for hill-climbing: {}".format(time.time() - start_time)) xs = [] ys = [] for i in range(len(path)): xs.append(tsp.cities[path[i]][0]) ys.append(tsp.cities[path[i]][1]) xs.append(tsp.cities[path[0]][0]) ys.append(tsp.cities[path[0]][1]) plt.plot(xs, ys) plt.axis([-1, 100. + 1, -1, 100 + 1])
import search from utils import (is_in, argmin, argmax, argmax_random_tie, probability, weighted_sampler, memoize, print_table, open_data, Stack, FIFOQueue, PriorityQueue, name, distance, vector_add) eight_puzzle = search.EightPuzzle((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 6, 0)) nqueens = search.NQueensProblem(8) romania_problem = search.GraphProblem('Arad', 'Craiova', search.romania_map) prob = search.PeakFindingProblem( (0, 0), [[0, 5, 30, 20], [10, 5, 45, 20], [6, 9, 18, 22] ]) #N,W,S,E considered to find peak print(search.hill_climbing(prob))
if debug: # Debug statement. print("\nDistances between pairs of cities: A --> B and B --> A") for key, value in cityDistancesUnique.items(): print("Key is: " + str(key)) print("Value is: " + str(value)) ################################################################################################ # Initialize the Traveling Salesman Problem. travel = Salesman(cityDistancesUnique, cities) # Solve the problem using hill climbing. hillStartTime = time.time() hill_solution = hill_climbing(travel) hillEndTime = time.time() print('Hill-climbing:') print('\tSolution: ' + str(hill_solution)) print('\tValue: ' + str(travel.value(hill_solution))) print('\tTime to find solution using hill-climbing: ' + str(hillEndTime - hillStartTime)) # Solve the problem using simulated annealing. annealStartTime = time.time() annealing_solution = simulated_annealing( travel, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=10000)) annealEndTime = time.time() print('Simulated annealing:') print('\tSolution: ' + str(annealing_solution)) print('\tValue: ' + str(travel.value(annealing_solution)))
def main(): args = parser.parse_args() bounds, ghosts, pacman, goal = mapPositions(args.layout) print('Barreiras:', bounds) print('Fantasmas:', ghosts) print('Pacman:', pacman) print('Gol:', goal) print() #Problema e algoritmos problem = PacmanProblem(obstacles=bounds | ghosts, initial=pacman, goal=goal) gfsProblem = greedy_best_first_search(problem) astarProblem = astar_search(problem) bfsProblem = breadth_first_graph_search(problem) dfsProblem = depth_first_graph_search(problem) hcProblem = hill_climbing(problem) print('Greedy Best First Search:') print('Caminho:', gfsProblem.path()) print('Gol:', gfsProblem) print('A* Search:') print('Caminho:', astarProblem.path()) print('Solução:', astarProblem.solution()) print('Estados:', path_states(astarProblem)) print('Gol:', astarProblem) print('Breadth-First Search:') print('Caminho:', bfsProblem.path()) print('Solução:', bfsProblem.solution()) print('Estados:', path_states(bfsProblem)) print('Gol:', dfsProblem) print('Depth-First Search:') print('Caminho:', dfsProblem.path()) print('Solução:', dfsProblem.solution()) print('Estados:', path_states(dfsProblem)) print('Gol:', dfsProblem) print('Hill Climbing:') print('Caminho:', hcProblem.path()) print('Solução:', hcProblem.solution()) print('Estados:', path_states(hcProblem)) print('Gol:', dfsProblem) print() print('Gerando saídas...') generateOutput( set(gfsProblem.solution()) - {pacman, goal}, gfsProblem.explored - {pacman, goal}, args.layout, 'gfs') generateOutput( set(astarProblem.solution()) - {pacman, goal}, astarProblem.explored - {pacman, goal}, args.layout, 'astar') generateOutput( set(bfsProblem.solution()) - {pacman, goal}, bfsProblem.explored - {pacman, goal}, args.layout, 'bfs') generateOutput( set(dfsProblem.solution()) - {pacman, goal}, dfsProblem.explored - {pacman, goal}, args.layout, 'dfs') generateOutput( set(hcProblem.solution()) - {pacman, goal}, hcProblem.explored - {pacman, goal}, args.layout, 'hc') print() print('Desempenho:') report([ greedy_best_first_search, astar_search, breadth_first_graph_search, depth_first_graph_search, hill_climbing ], [problem])
def value(self, x): return math.fabs(x * math.sin(x)) if __name__ == '__main__': # Formulate a problem with a 2D hill function and a single maximum value. maximum = 30 initial = randrange(0, maximum) p = SineVariant(initial, maximum, delta=1.1) print('Initial x: ' + str(p.initial) + '\t\tvalue: ' + str(p.value(initial))) # Solve the problem using hill-climbing. hill_solution = hill_climbing(p) annealing_solution = simulated_annealing( p, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=1000)) hill_restarts = hill_solution hill_value_accumulator = 0 hill_x_accumulator = 0 annealing_restarts = annealing_solution annealing_value_accumulator = 0 annealing_x_accumulator = 0 restarts = 100 for i in range(restarts): initial = randrange(0, maximum) p = SineVariant(initial, maximum, delta=1.1)
class TSP2(Problem): def __init__(self, n, initial): self.n = n self.initial = initial def actions(self, state): actions = [] for column in range(self.n): for row in [x for x in range(self.n) if x != state[column]]: actions.append([column, row]) for i in range(1,10): return actions def result(self, state, move): """Makes the given move on a copy of the given state.""" new_state = state[:] new_state[move[0]] = move[1] return new_state def goal_test(self, state): """Check to see if there are no conflicts.""" return not any(self.conflicted(state, state[col], col) for col in range(len(state))) def conflicted(self, state, row, col): """Check to see if placing a queen at (row, col) would conflict with anything. """ return any(self.conflict(row, col, state[c], c) for c in range(col)) def conflict(self, row1, col1, row2, col2): """Check to see if two queens placed in (row1, col1) and (row2, col2) respectively would conflict with each other. """ return (row1 == row2 # # same row or col1 == col2 # # same column or row1 - col1 == row2 - col2 # # same \ diagonal or row1 + col1 == row2 + col2) # # same / diagonal def value(self, state): """This method computes a value of given state based on the number of conflicting pairs of queens. It doesn't follow AIMA-Python's NQueens gradient-descent formulation; instead, it counts the number of non-conflicting pairs (e.g., top score: 28 for a 8-queen problem; worst score: 0). """ # Start with the highest possible score (n combined 2). value = math.factorial(self.n) / (2 * math.factorial(self.n - 2)) # Loop through all pairs, subtracting one for every conflicted pair. for pair in itertools.combinations(range(self.n), 2): if self.conflict(state[pair[0]], pair[0], state[pair[1]], pair[1]): value -= 1 return value if __name__ == '__main__': # Set the board size. n = 8 # Initialize the board with all queens in the first row. board = [0] * n print('Start: ' + str(board)) # Initialize the NQueens problem p = TSP2(n, board) print('Value: ' + str(p.value(board))) # Solve the problem using hill climbing. hill_solution = hill_climbing(p) print('Hill-climbing:') print('\tSolution: ' + str(hill_solution)) print('\tValue: ' + str(p.value(hill_solution))) print('\tGoal? ' + str(p.goal_test(hill_solution))) # Solve the problem using simulated annealing. annealing_solution = simulated_annealing( p, exp_schedule(k=20, lam=0.005, limit=10000) ) print('Simulated annealing:') print('\tSolution: ' + str(annealing_solution)) print('\tValue: ' + str(p.value(annealing_solution))) print('\tGoal? ' + str(p.goal_test(annealing_solution)))