Esempio n. 1
class Model(ndb.Model):
    """Superclass for all others; contains generic properties and methods."""

    # This id is an encoding of the entity's key. For root entities (those
    # with no ancestors), it's a class name (same as a GAE "kind") and
    # an identifier separated by an underscore.
    # Example: Theme_mW4iQ4cO
    # For entities in a group (those with ancestors), their full heirarchy is
    # encoded, ending with the root entity, separated by periods.
    # Example: Comment_p46aOHS6.User_80h41Q4c
    # An id is always sufficient to look up an entity directly.
    # N.B.: We can't just call it 'id' because that breaks ndb.
    uid = sndb.TextProperty(default=None)
    short_uid = sndb.TextProperty(default=None, search_type=search.AtomField)
    deleted = sndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    created = sndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True,
    modified = sndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True,
    listed = sndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)

    # Do NOT use sndb.JsonProperty here! That stores the data as a blob, which
    # is DROPPED upon export to BigQuery. Instead, this stores the JSON as a
    # string, which you can cleanly asscess as a python object through the
    # `json_properties` property, below.
    json_properties_string = sndb.TextProperty(default='{}')

    def json_properties(self):
        return json.loads(self.json_properties_string)

    def json_properties(self, value):
        self.json_properties_string = json.dumps(
            value, default=util.json_dumps_default)
        return value

    def create(klass, **kwargs):
        # ndb expects parents to be set with a key, but we find it more
        # convenient to pass in entities. Do the translation here.
        if 'parent' in kwargs:
            parent = kwargs['parent']  # used in id generation
            kwargs['parent'] = kwargs['parent'].key
            parent = None

        if 'id' in kwargs:
            # User has supplied their own id. That's okay (it makes certain
            # URLs nice and readable), but it's not a real uid yet b/c it
            # doesn't adhere to our ClassName_identifierXYZ convention. We'll
            # pass it into generated_uid() later.
            identifier = kwargs['id']
            del kwargs['id']
            identifier = None

        # ndb won't recognize the simulated json_properties if passed directly
        # as a keyword argument. Translate that too.
        if 'json_properties' in kwargs:
            kwargs['json_properties_string'] = json.dumps(
            del kwargs['json_properties']

        # ndb won't recognize the simulated template_data if passed directly
        # as a keyword argument. Translate that too.
        if 'template_data' in kwargs:
            kwargs['template_data_string'] = json.dumps(
            del kwargs['template_data']

        # Make sure id is unique, otherwise "creating" this entity will
        # overwrite an existing one, which could be a VERY hard bug to chase
        # down.
        for x in range(5):
            uid = klass.generate_uid(parent, identifier)
            existing_entity = Model.get_by_id(uid)
            if not existing_entity:
        if existing_entity:
            if identifier:
                raise Exception("Entity {} already exists.".format(uid))
                raise Exception("After five tries, could not generate a "
                                "unique id. This should NEVER happen.")

        kwargs['uid'] = uid
        kwargs['short_uid'] = klass.convert_uid(uid)
        return klass(id=uid, **kwargs)

    def generate_uid(klass, parent=None, identifier=None, existing=False):
        """Make a gobally unique id string, e.g. 'Program_mW4iQ4cO'.

        Using 8 random chars, if we made 10,000 entities of the same kind (and
        comments by a single user count as a kind), the probability of
        duplication is 2E-7. Combined with the five attempts at uniqueness
        in Model.create(), chances of duplication are essentially nil.

        If a parent entity is specified, it becomes part of the uid, like this:

        If an identifier is specified, it is used instead of random characters:
        if identifier:
            if not re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9\-]+$', identifier):
                raise Exception("Invalid identifier: {}. Letters, numbers, "
                                "and hyphens only.".format(identifier))
            suffix = identifier
            chars = (string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase +
            suffix = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(8))
        uid = klass.__name__ + '_' + suffix

        # Because comments exist as descendants of other entities, a simple
        # id-as-key-name is insufficient. We must store information about its
        # ancestry as well. Example:
        # Comment_p46aOHS6.User_80h41Q4c
        if parent:
            uid += '.' + parent.uid

        return uid

    def convert_uid(klass, short_or_long_uid):
        """Changes long-form uid's to short ones, and vice versa.

        Long form example: Theme_growth-mindset-is-cool
        Short form exmaple: growth-mindset-is-cool
        if '_' in short_or_long_uid:
            return short_or_long_uid.split('_')[1]
            return klass.generate_uid(identifier=short_or_long_uid)

    def get_long_uid(klass, short_or_long_uid):
        """Changes short or long-form uid's to long ones.

        Long form example: Theme_growth-mindset-is-cool
        Short form exmaple: growth-mindset-is-cool
        if '_' in short_or_long_uid:
            return short_or_long_uid
            # Check the characters to make sure this could be valid
            if re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9\-]+$', short_or_long_uid):
                return klass.generate_uid(identifier=short_or_long_uid)
                # Original UID is invalid anyway, return None

    def get_parent_uid(klass, uid):
        """Don't use the datastore; get parent ids based on convention."""
        if '.' not in uid:
            raise Exception("Can't get parent of id: {}".format(uid))
        return '.'.join(uid.split('.')[1:])

    def get_kind(klass, obj):
        """Get the kind (class name string) of an entity, key, or id.

        * For a Theme entity, the kind is 'Theme'
        * For the id 'Comment_p46aOHS6.User_80h41Q4c',
          the kind is 'Comment'.
        if isinstance(obj, basestring):
            return str(obj.split('_')[0])
        elif isinstance(obj, Model):
            return obj.__class__.__name__
        elif isinstance(obj, ndb.Key):
            return obj.kind()
            raise Exception('Model.get_kind() invalid input: {} ({}).'.format(
                obj, str(type(obj))))

    def get_class(klass, kind):
        """Convert a class name string (same as a GAE kind) to a class.

        return getattr(sys.modules['model'], kind, None)

    def id_to_key(klass, id):
        parts = id.split('.')
        pairs = [(Model.get_kind(p), '.'.join(parts[-x:]))
                 for x, p in enumerate(parts)]
        return ndb.Key(pairs=reversed(pairs))

    def get_by_id(klass, id_or_list):
        """The main way to get entities with known ids.

            id_or_list: A single perts id string, or a list of such strings,
                of any kind or mixed kinds.
        Returns an entity or list of entities, depending on input.

        # Sanitize input to a list of strings.
        if type(id_or_list) in [str, unicode]:
            ids = [id_or_list]
        elif type(id_or_list) is list:
            ids = id_or_list
            # I don't think we should be blocking code here
            # Problem was occuring when you search a bad id or just None
            # Ex. "/topics/foobar."
            return None
            raise Exception("Invalid id / id: {}.".format(id_or_list))

        # Iterate through the list, generating a key for each id
        keys = []
        for id in ids:
        results = ndb.get_multi(keys)

        # Wrangle results into expected structure.
        if len(results) is 0:
            return None
        if type(id_or_list) in [str, unicode]:
            return results[0]
        if type(id_or_list) is list:
            return results

    def __str__(self):
        """A string represenation of the entity. Goal is to be readable.

        Returns, e.g. <id_model.User User_oha4tp8a>.
        Native implementation does nothing useful.
        return '<{}>'.format(

    def __repr__(self):
        """A unique representation of the entity. Goal is to be unambiguous.

        But our ids are unambiguous, so we can just forward to __str__.

        Native implemention returns a useless memory address, e.g.
            <id_model.User 0xa5e418cdd>
        The big benefit here is to be able to print debuggable lists of
        entities, without need to manipulate them first, e.g.
            print [ for entity in entity_list]
        Now you can just write
            print entity_list
        return self.__str__()

    # special methods to allow comparing entities, even if they're different
    # instances according to python
    def __eq__(self, value):
        """Allows entity == entity to be True if keys match.

        Is NOT called by `foo is bar`."""
        if self.__class__ == value.__class__:
            return ==
            return False

    # Because we defined the 'equals' method, eq, we must also be sure to
    # define the 'not equals' method, ne, otherwise you might get A == B is
    # True, and A != B is also True!
    def __ne__(self, value):
        """Allows entity != entity to be False if keys match."""
        if self.__class__ == value.__class__:
            # if they're the same class, compare their keys
            return !=
            # if they're not the same class, then it's definitely True that
            # they're not equal.
            return True

    def __hash__(self):
        """Allows entity in entity_list to be True."""
        return hash(str(self.key))

    def _post_put_hook(self, future):
        """Executes after an entity is put.

        1. Updates search index

        To allow for batch processing (i.e. doing the stuff this function does
        for many entities all at once, instead of doing it here one by one),
        this function can be disabled by adding an emphemeral attribute (one
        not saved to the datastore) to the entity. Example:

            # Don't do post-put processing for these entities, so we can handle
            # them in a batch later.
            for e in entities:
                e.forbid_post_put_hook = True
        if getattr(self, 'forbid_post_put_hook', False):

        if self.get_kind(self) in config.indexed_models:
            index = search.Index(config.content_index)
            if self.listed:
      "Indexing content for search.")
                # Unlisted entities should be actively removed from search.
      "Removing unlisted content from search.")

    def _post_delete_hook(klass, key, future):
        """We rarely truely delete entities, but when we do, we prefer Dos
        Equis. I mean, we want to delete them from the search index."""
        if klass.get_kind(key) in config.indexed_models:
                "Removing hard-deleted content from search: {}".format(

    def to_client_dict(self, override=None):
        """Convert an app engine entity to a dictionary.

        Ndb provides a to_dict() method, but we want to add creature-features:
        1. Put properties in a predictable order so they're easier to read.
        2. Remove or mask certain properties based on the preferences of our
        3. Handle our string-based json_properties correctly.
        4. Ndb (different from db) stores datetimes as true python datetimes,
           which JSON.dumps() doesn't know how to handle. We'll convert them
           to ISO strings (e.g. "2010-04-20T20:08:21.634121")

            override: obj, if provided, method turns this object into
                a dictionary, rather than self.
        output = self.to_dict()

        output['json_properties'] = self.json_properties
        del output['json_properties_string']

        for k, v in output.items():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                for k2, v2 in output.items():
                    if hasattr(v2, 'isoformat'):
                        output[k][k2] = v2.isoformat()
            if hasattr(v, 'isoformat'):
                output[k] = v.isoformat()

        client_safe_output = {}
        for k, v in output.items():
            if k in config.client_private_properties:
                client_safe_output['_' + k] = v
            elif k not in config.client_hidden_properties:
                client_safe_output[k] = v

        # order them so they're easier to read
        ordered_dict = collections.OrderedDict(
            sorted(client_safe_output.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))

        return ordered_dict

    def _get_search_fields(self):
        fields = []
        klass = self.__class__

        # Scan the properties in entity's class definition for information on
        # how the entity should be converted to a search document. Properties
        # can have search field types defined; we use those to construct the
        # document.
        for prop_name in dir(klass):
            # This is the abstract property object in the class definition.
            # E.g. sndb.StringProperty()
            prop = getattr(klass, prop_name)
            # This is the actual data defined on the entity
            value = getattr(self, prop_name)
            # This is (maybe) the type of search field the property should be
            # converted to.
            search_type = getattr(prop, 'search_type', None)

            # The dir() function iterates all object attributes; only deal with
            # those which 1) are datastore properties, 2) aren't private, and
            # 3) have a search type defined.
            is_field = (isinstance(prop, ndb.model.Property)
                        and not prop_name.startswith('_') and search_type)

            if is_field:
                # Search documents field names aren't unique; storing a list of
                # values means making many fields of the same name. For
                # brevity, make everything as a (possibly single-element) list.
                if not type(value) is list:
                    value = [value]
                for v in value:
                    # It will probably be common to put a boolean in a search
                    # document. The easiest way is to make it a string in an
                    # atom field.
                    if type(v) is bool and search_type is search.AtomField:
                        v = 'true' if v else 'false'
                    fields.append(search_type(name=prop_name, value=v))

        # kind is not a field, but it's useful as a filter.

        return fields

    def to_search_document(self, rank=None):
        fields = self._get_search_fields()
        # Our uid's are already globally unique, so it's fine (as well as
        # extremely convenient) to use them as search document ids as well.
        # N.B. english language hard coded here. If we ever internationalize,
        # will need to be dynamic.
        return search.Document(doc_id=self.uid,
Esempio n. 2
class User(Model):
    """Serve as root entities for Comments and Practices."""

    # see config.auth_types
    last_login = sndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    auth_id = sndb.StringProperty(required=True,
                                  validator=lambda prop, value: value.lower())
    facebook_id = sndb.StringProperty(default=None,
    google_id = sndb.StringProperty(default=None, search_type=search.TextField)
    hashed_password = sndb.StringProperty(default=None)
    first_name = sndb.StringProperty(default='', search_type=search.TextField)
    last_name = sndb.StringProperty(default='', search_type=search.TextField)
    email = sndb.StringProperty(required=True,
                                validator=lambda prop, value: value.lower(),
    is_admin = sndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    receives_updates = sndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
    image_url = sndb.StringProperty(default='')
    short_bio = sndb.StringProperty(default='')
    # Username for display
    username = sndb.StringProperty(search_type=search.TextField)
    # Username for uniqueness checking
    canonical_username = sndb.ComputedProperty(
        lambda self: self.username.lower() if self.username else '')
    authorship_invites = sndb.StringProperty(repeated=True, default=None)

    # App Engine can only run pure-python external libraries, and so we can't get
    # a native (C-based) implementation of bcrypt. Pure python implementations are
    # so slow that [the feasible number of rounds is insecure][1]. This uses the
    # [algorithm recommended by passlib][2].
    # [1]:
    # [2]:
    password_hashing_context = CryptContext(
        schemes=['sha512_crypt', 'sha256_crypt'],
        # Can change hashing rounds here. 656,000 is the default.
        # sha512_crypt__default_rounds=656000,
        # sha256_crypt__default_rounds=656000,

    def create(klass, check_uniqueness=True, **kwargs):
        """Checks email uniqueness before creating; raises DuplicateUser.

        Checking uniqueness always generates a Unique entity (an entity of
        class 'Unique') that permanently reserves the email address. But
        checking is also optional, and can be passed as False for testing.


        # If no username, generate one!
        if 'username' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['username'] = User.create_username(**kwargs)

            if User.is_valid_username(kwargs['username']):
                raise InvalidUsername(
                    "Invalid username {}. Use only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores."

        # Check for uniqueness of email and username
        if check_uniqueness:
            uniqueness_key = '' + kwargs['email']
            is_unique_email = Unique.create(uniqueness_key)
            if not is_unique_email:
                raise DuplicateUser(
                    "There is already a user with email {}.".format(

            uniqueness_key = 'User.username:'******'username'].lower()
            is_unique_username = Unique.create(uniqueness_key)
            if not is_unique_username:
                # Need to also delete the unused email!
                # To ensure that this works on retry
                raise DuplicateUser(
                    "There is already a user with username {}.".format(

        # Register user for the mailchimp list
        should_subscribe = kwargs.pop('should_subscribe', False)
        if should_subscribe is not False:
            fields = {}
            if 'first_name' in kwargs:
                fields['first_name'] = kwargs['first_name']
            if 'last_name' in kwargs:
                fields['last_name'] = kwargs['last_name']
            subscribed = mailchimp.subscribe(kwargs['email'], **fields)
            if subscribed:
                kwargs['receives_updates'] = True

        # Add new user to user full text search index
        kwargs['listed'] = True
        kwargs['created'] =
        kwargs['modified'] =
        newUser = super(klass, klass).create(**kwargs)
        index = search.Index(config.user_index)
        return newUser

    def hash_password(klass, password):
        if re.match(config.password_pattern, password) is None:
            raise BadPassword(u'Bad password: {}'.format(password))
        return klass.password_hashing_context.encrypt(password)

    def verify_password(klass, password, hashed_password):
        return (klass.password_hashing_context.verify(
            password, hashed_password) if hashed_password else False)

    def get_auth_id(klass, auth_type, third_party_id):
        if auth_type not in config.auth_types:
            raise Exception("Invalid auth type: {}.".format(auth_type))

        return '{}:{}'.format(auth_type, third_party_id)

    def auth_type(self):
        return self.auth_id.split(':')[0]

    def full_name(self):
        if self.first_name and self.last_name:
            return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name
        if self.first_name:
            return self.first_name
        return self.username

    def profile_image(self):
        return self.image_url or '{}/static/images/default-user.png'.format(

    def set_password(self, new_password):
        """May raise BadPassword.""""Setting new password {} for user {}.".format(
            new_password, self))

        self.hashed_password = self.hash_password(new_password)

        # Alert the user that their password has been changed.
            subject="Your BELE Library password has been changed.",
                'domain': 'https://{}'.format(os.environ['HOSTING_DOMAIN']),

    def check_email_uniqueness(self, email):
        """Check if email is used"""
        unique = Unique.get_by_id('' + email.lower())
        return unique is None

    def check_username_uniqueness(self, username):
        """Check if username is used"""
        unique = Unique.get_by_id('User.username:'******'[^A-Za-z0-9\-\_]')
        return username != regex.sub('', username)

    def create_username(klass, **kwargs):
        unformatted_username = ''
        if 'first_name' in kwargs and 'last_name' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['last_name'] is not None:
                unformatted_username = kwargs['first_name'] + kwargs[
                unformatted_username = kwargs['first_name']
        elif 'email' not in kwargs:
                u"User doesn't have an email address {}".format(kwargs))
            unformatted_username = kwargs['email'].split('@')[0]
        regex = re.compile('[^A-Za-z0-9\-\_]')
        username = regex.sub('', unformatted_username)
        if not User.check_username_uniqueness(username):
            # If not unique, iterate through available names
            raw_username = username
            for n in range(1, 1000):
                username = raw_username + str(n)
                if User.check_username_uniqueness(username):
                if n == 999:
                    raise Exception(
                        "No unique username found after 1000 tries.")
        return username

    def set_subscription(self, email, should_subscribe):
        """Sets user's subscription status to Update List on mailchimp
        # Use 'resubscribe' and 'unsubscribe' methods
        if should_subscribe is True:
            subscribed = mailchimp.resubscribe(email)
            # if resubscription failed, they might not be subscribed at all!
            if not subscribed:
                subscribed = mailchimp.subscribe(email)
        elif should_subscribe is False:
            subscribed = mailchimp.unsubscribe(email)
        return subscribed

    def _post_put_hook(self, value):
        super(User, self)._post_put_hook(value)
        index = search.Index(config.user_index)
        if self.listed:

    def _post_delete_hook(self, key, value):
        super(User, self)._post_delete_hook(key, value)

    def update_email(self, email):
        # Remove old email from unique keys so it can be re-used!
        old_email =
        uniqueness_key = '' + old_email
        # Update to new email and check uniqueness
        setattr(self, 'email', email)
        uniqueness_key = '' + email
        unique = Unique.create(uniqueness_key)
        if not unique:
            raise DuplicateField(
                "There is already a user with email {}.".format(email))
        # Also need to update the user in our mailchimp
        if self.receives_updates:
            subscribed = mailchimp.subscribe(email)
            # if subscription failed, they might need to resubscribe!
            if not subscribed:
                subscribed = mailchimp.resubscribe(email)
        return unique

    def update_username(self, username):
        if self.username is not None:
            uniqueness_key = 'User.username:'******'username', username)
        uniqueness_key = 'User.username:'******'' +
        uniqueness_key_username = '******' + self.username
        Unique.delete_multi([uniqueness_key_email, uniqueness_key_username])

    def add_user_image(self, blob_key):
        """Save dictionary of user image urls.

        Create permenant link to user image --
        You can resize and crop the image dynamically by specifying
        the arguments in the URL '=sxx' where xx is an integer from 0-1600
        representing the length, in pixels, of the image's longest side

        image_url = images.get_serving_url(blob_key, secure_url=True)
        self.image_url = image_url

        # Create a UserImage object pointing to blobstore object
        # Reference used for removal of old UserImages
        user_image = UserImage.create(

    def remove_user_image(self):
        """Removes existing user's image completely"""
        self.image_url = ''

        # Find associated UserImage
        user_image = UserImage.query(user_id=self.uid)

        # Remove permenant link for image

        user_image.deleted = True
Esempio n. 3
class User(Model):
    """Serve as root entities for Comments and Practices."""

    # see config.auth_types
    last_login = sndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    auth_id = sndb.StringProperty(required=True,
                                  validator=lambda prop, value: value.lower())
    facebook_id = sndb.StringProperty(default=None)
    google_id = sndb.StringProperty(default=None)
    hashed_password = sndb.StringProperty(default=None)
    first_name = sndb.StringProperty(default='')
    last_name = sndb.StringProperty(default='')
    email = sndb.StringProperty(required=True,
                                validator=lambda prop, value: value.lower())
    is_admin = sndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    receives_updates = sndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
    image_url = sndb.StringProperty(default='')
    short_bio = sndb.StringProperty(default='')
    # Username for display
    username = sndb.StringProperty()
    # Username for uniqueness checking
    canonical_username = sndb.ComputedProperty(
        lambda self: self.username.lower() if self.username else '')

    def create(klass, check_uniqueness=True, **kwargs):
        """Checks email uniqueness before creating; raises DuplicateUser.

        Checking uniqueness always generates a Unique entity (an entity of
        class 'Unique') that permanently reserves the email address. But
        checking is also optional, and can be passed as False for testing.


        # If no username, generate one!
        if 'username' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['username'] = User.create_username(**kwargs)

            if User.is_valid_username(kwargs['username']):
                raise InvalidUsername(
                    "Invalid username {}. Use only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores."

        # Check for uniqueness of email and username
        if check_uniqueness:
            uniqueness_key = '' + kwargs['email']
            is_unique_email = Unique.create(uniqueness_key)
            if not is_unique_email:
                raise DuplicateUser(
                    "There is already a user with email {}.".format(

            uniqueness_key = 'User.username:'******'username'].lower()
            is_unique_username = Unique.create(uniqueness_key)
            if not is_unique_username:
                # Need to also delete the unused email!
                # To ensure that this works on retry
                raise DuplicateUser(
                    "There is already a user with username {}.".format(

        # Register user for the mailchimp list
        should_subscribe = kwargs.pop('should_subscribe', False)
        if should_subscribe is not False:
            fields = {}
            if 'first_name' in kwargs:
                fields['first_name'] = kwargs['first_name']
            if 'last_name' in kwargs:
                fields['last_name'] = kwargs['last_name']
            subscribed = mailchimp.subscribe(kwargs['email'], **fields)
            if subscribed:
                kwargs['receives_updates'] = True

        return super(klass, klass).create(**kwargs)

    def get_auth_id(klass, auth_type, third_party_id):
        if auth_type not in config.auth_types:
            raise Exception("Invalid auth type: {}.".format(auth_type))

        return '{}:{}'.format(auth_type, third_party_id)

    def auth_type(self):
        return self.auth_id.split(':')[0]

    def full_name(self):
        if self.first_name and self.last_name:
            return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name
            return self.username

    def profile_image(self):
        if self.image_url:
            return self.image_url
        elif self.facebook_id:
            return '{}/picture?type=square'.format(
            return ''

    def set_password(self, new_password):
        """May raise util.BadPassword.""""Setting new password {} for user {}.".format(
            new_password, self))

        self.hashed_password = util.hash_password(new_password)

        # Alert the user that their password has been changed.
            subject="Your Mindset Kit password has been changed.",
        )'User.set_password queueing an email to: {}'.format(

    def check_email_uniqueness(self, email):
        """Check if email is used"""
        unique = Unique.get_by_id('' + email.lower())
        return unique is None

    def check_username_uniqueness(self, username):
        """Check if username is used"""
        unique = Unique.get_by_id('User.username:'******'[^A-Za-z0-9\-\_]')
        return username != regex.sub('', username)

    def create_username(klass, **kwargs):
        unformatted_username = ''
        if 'first_name' in kwargs and 'last_name' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['last_name'] is not None:
                unformatted_username = kwargs['first_name'] + kwargs[
                unformatted_username = kwargs['first_name']
        elif 'email' not in kwargs:
                u"User doesn't have an email address {}".format(kwargs))
            unformatted_username = kwargs['email'].split('@')[0]
        regex = re.compile('[^A-Za-z0-9\-\_]')
        username = regex.sub('', unformatted_username)
        if not User.check_username_uniqueness(username):
            # If not unique, iterate through available names
            raw_username = username
            for n in range(1, 1000):
                username = raw_username + str(n)
                if User.check_username_uniqueness(username):
                if n == 999:
                    raise Exception(
                        "No unique username found after 1000 tries.")
        return username

    def set_subscription(self, email, should_subscribe):
        """Sets user's subscription status to Update List on mailchimp
        # Use 'resubscribe' and 'unsubscribe' methods
        if should_subscribe is True:
            subscribed = mailchimp.resubscribe(email)
            # if resubscription failed, they might not be subscribed at all!
            if not subscribed:
                subscribed = mailchimp.subscribe(email)
        elif should_subscribe is False:
            subscribed = mailchimp.unsubscribe(email)
        return subscribed

    def update_email(self, email):
        # Remove old email from unique keys so it can be re-used!
        old_email =
        uniqueness_key = '' + old_email
        # Update to new email and check uniqueness
        setattr(self, 'email', email)
        uniqueness_key = '' + email
        unique = Unique.create(uniqueness_key)
        if not unique:
            raise DuplicateField(
                "There is already a user with email {}.".format(email))
        # Also need to update the user in our mailchimp
        if self.receives_updates:
            subscribed = mailchimp.subscribe(email)
            # if subscription failed, they might need to resubscribe!
            if not subscribed:
                subscribed = mailchimp.resubscribe(email)
        return unique

    def update_username(self, username):
        if self.username is not None:
            uniqueness_key = 'User.username:'******'username', username)
        uniqueness_key = 'User.username:'******'' +
        uniqueness_key_username = '******' + self.username
        Unique.delete_multi([uniqueness_key_email, uniqueness_key_username])

    def add_user_image(self, blob_key):
        """Save dictionary of user image urls.

        Create permenant link to user image --
        You can resize and crop the image dynamically by specifying
        the arguments in the URL '=sxx' where xx is an integer from 0-1600
        representing the length, in pixels, of the image's longest side

        image_url = images.get_serving_url(blob_key)
        self.image_url = image_url

        # Create a UserImage object pointing to blobstore object
        # Reference used for removal of old UserImages
        user_image = UserImage.create(

    def remove_user_image(self):
        """Removes existing user's image completely"""
        self.image_url = ''

        # Find associated UserImage
        user_image = UserImage.query(user_id=self.uid)

        # Remove permenant link for image

        user_image.deleted = True
Esempio n. 4
class ErrorChecker(ndb.Model):
    Check for recent errors using log api

    The error checker will keep track of how long it has been since a check
    occured and how long since an email alert was sent.

    It will also facilite searching the error log.

    orginal author
    bmh October 2013

    # constants
    # How long will we wait between emails?
    minimum_seconds_between_emails = 60 * 60  # 1 hour
    maximum_requests_to_email = 100     # how long can the log be
    maximum_entries_per_request = 100   # how long can the log be

    # error levels
    level_map = collections.defaultdict(lambda x: 'UNKNOWN')
    level_map[logservice.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG] = 'DEBUG'
    level_map[logservice.LOG_LEVEL_INFO] = 'INFO'
    level_map[logservice.LOG_LEVEL_WARNING] = 'WARNING'
    level_map[logservice.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR] = 'ERROR'
    level_map[logservice.LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL] = 'CRITICAL'

    # email stuff
    to_addresses = config.to_dev_team_email_addresses
    from_address = config.from_server_email_address
    subject = "Error(s) during calls to: "
    body = ("General Krang,\n\n"
            "The continuing growth of your brain is threatened. More "
            "information is available on the dashboard.\n\n"
            "We haven't taken over the world, YET.\n\n"
            "The Mindset Kit\n")

    # Data
    last_check = sndb.DateTimeProperty()
    last_email = sndb.DateTimeProperty()

    def datetime(self):
        return datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    def to_unix_time(self, dt):
        return calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple())

    def to_utc_time(self, unix_time):
        return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_time)

    def any_new_errors(self):
        since = self.last_check if self.last_check else self.datetime()
        log_stream = logservice.fetch(

        return next(iter(log_stream), None) is not None

    def get_recent_log(self):
        """ see api
        out = ""
        since = self.last_check if self.last_check else self.datetime()
        log_stream = logservice.fetch(
        requests = itertools.islice(
            log_stream, 0, self.maximum_requests_to_email)

        for r in requests:
            log = itertools.islice(
                r.app_logs, 0, self.maximum_entries_per_request)
            log = [
                self.level_map[l.level] + '\t' +
                str(self.to_utc_time(l.time)) + '\t' +
                l.message + '\n'
                for l in log
            out = out + r.combined + '\n' + ''.join(log) + '\n\n'

        return out

    def get_error_summary(self):
        """ A short high level overview of the error.

        This was designed to serve as the email subject line so that
        developers could quickly see if an error was a new type of error.

        It returns the resources that were requested as a comma
        seperated string:

            /api/put/pd, /api/...

        see google api
        # Get a record of all the requests which generated an error
        # since the last check was performed, typically this will be
        # at most one error, but we don't want to ignore other errors if
        # they occurred.
        since = self.last_check if self.last_check else self.datetime()
        log_stream = logservice.fetch(
        # Limit the maximum number of errors that will be processed
        # to avoid insane behavior that should never happen, like
        # emailing a report with a googleplex error messages.
        requests = itertools.islice(
            log_stream, 0, self.maximum_requests_to_email

        # This should return a list of any requested resources
        # that led to an error.  Usually there will only be one.
        # for example:
        #   /api/put/pd
        # or
        #   /api/put/pd, /api/another_call
        out = ', '.join(set([r.resource for r in requests]))

        return out

    def should_email(self):
        since_last = ((self.datetime() - self.last_email).seconds
                      if self.last_email else 10000000)
        return since_last > self.minimum_seconds_between_emails

    def mail_log(self):
        body = self.body + self.get_recent_log()
        subject = self.subject + self.get_error_summary()
        # Ignore the normal email queueing / spam-prevention system because the
        # addressees are devs, and they can customize the deluge themselves.
        for to in self.to_addresses:
            # We want to send this immediately, not in batches.

        self.last_email =
        return (subject, body)

    def check(self): = self.datetime()
        should_email = self.should_email()
        new_errors = self.any_new_errors()

        # check for errors
        if new_errors and should_email:
            message = self.mail_log()
            message = None"any_new_errors: {}, should_email: {}, message: {}"
                     .format(new_errors, should_email,
                             'None' if message is None else message[0]))

        self.last_check =

        # TODO(benjaminhaley) this should return simpler output, ala
        #                     chris's complaint
        return {
            'email content': message,
            'checked for new errors': should_email