def __init__(self, uri='mongodb://localhost:27017/', db='monroeminutesdb', DEBUG=False): self.DEBUG = DEBUG if self.DEBUG: print "Starting Access() INIT ..." self.dbclient = MongoClient(uri) self.db = self.dbclient[db] self.documents = self.db['documents'] self.entities = self.db['entities'] self.orgs = self.db['orgs'] self.runs = self.db['runs'] self.statuses = self.db['statuses'] self.searches = self.db['searches'] self.searchapi = Search() if self.DEBUG: print "Access() INIT completed successfully."
def __init__(self,uri='mongodb://localhost:27017/',db='monroeminutesdb',DEBUG=False): self.DEBUG = DEBUG if self.DEBUG: print "Starting Access() INIT ..." self.dbclient = MongoClient(uri) self.db = self.dbclient[db] self.documents = self.db['documents'] self.entities = self.db['entities'] self.orgs = self.db['orgs'] self.runs = self.db['runs'] self.statuses = self.db['statuses'] self.searches = self.db['searches'] self.searchapi = Search() if self.DEBUG: print "Access() INIT completed successfully."
class Access(object): def __init__(self, uri='mongodb://localhost:27017/', db='monroeminutesdb', DEBUG=False): self.DEBUG = DEBUG if self.DEBUG: print "Starting Access() INIT ..." self.dbclient = MongoClient(uri) self.db = self.dbclient[db] self.documents = self.db['documents'] self.entities = self.db['entities'] self.orgs = self.db['orgs'] self.runs = self.db['runs'] self.statuses = self.db['statuses'] self.searches = self.db['searches'] self.searchapi = Search() if self.DEBUG: print "Access() INIT completed successfully." def addentity(self, entity): # # TODO: sanity check entity input has correct fields within dict # """ entity = { 'name':'Brighton, NY', 'description':'Town of Brighton, NY', 'website':'', 'creationdatetime':'2014-02-23 21:24:26', } """ # add entity to the database entity['creationdatetime'] = str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) self.entities.insert(entity) return True def getentities(self): # get all of the entities results = self.entities.find() docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def addorg(self, org): # # TODO: snity check org input has correct fields within dict # """ org = { 'name': 'Brighton Town Board', 'description': 'Brighton, NY Town Board', 'matchs': [ 'town board', 'brighton', ] 'entityid': ObjectID(' ... '), 'creationdatetime': '2014-03-14 22:01:30', } """ org['creationdatetime'] = str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) self.orgs.insert(org) return True def setdocorg(self, doc, orgid): # update the orgid field doc['orgid'] = orgid origdoc = doc # update the doc in the database newdoc = self.documents.update( {'docurl': doc['docurl']}, doc, ) return origdoc def getorgs(self): # get all of the orgs from the database results = self.orgs.find() docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def geturls(self): # get all of the URLs from the engities results = self.getentities() docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result['website']) return docs def logrun(self, stats): # log the scraper run tot he database success = True try: self.runs.insert(stats) except: success = False return success def getruns(self): # get all the runs try: data = self.runs.find() scraperruns = [] for d in data: scraperruns.append(d) except: scraperruns = None return scraperruns def logstatus(self, scraperid, statuspacket): #try: if True: # update the dict to include the scraper id, as we will be # querying off of that statuspacket['scraperid'] = scraperid statuspacket['date'] = str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) statuspacket['time'] = str(strftime("%H:%M:%S")) # log the status of the scraper result = self.statuses.update( {'scraperid': scraperid}, statuspacket, True, # upsert ) success = True #except: # success = False return success def getstatuses(self): #try: if True: results = self.statuses.find() statuses = [] for result in results: statuses.append(result) #success = True #except: # statuses = [] # #success = False return statuses def getdocbydocurl(self, docurl): # get the document by docurl. If it does not exist, it will be None try: result = self.documents.find_one({'docurl': docurl}) except: result = None return result def adddoc(self, docurl, linktext, docname, filename, scrapedatetime, urldata): # see if we already have the doc in the database result = self.documents.find_one({'docurl': docurl}) # if the doc doesn't exist, create it if result == None: doc = { 'docurl': docurl, 'linktext': linktext, 'docname': filename, 'filename': docname, 'scrapedatetime': scrapedatetime, 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, 'pdftext': '', 'pdfhash': '', 'created': '', 'minutesdate': '', 'orgid': '', 'entityid': urldata['entityid'], 'urldata': urldata, } docid = self.documents.insert(doc) else: # doc already in db docid = None pass return docid def getdoc(self, docurl): # get the entry based on the docurl result = self.documents.find_one({'docurl': docurl}) return result def getdocsbyentityid(self, entityid): # get the entries based on the entity results = self.documents.find({'entityid': entityid}) docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def getdocs(self): # return all docs in the database results = self.documents.find() docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def getconverted(self): # return all docs in the database results = self.documents.find({ 'converted': True, }) docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def _clearall(self): # blow away the entire database self.documents.remove() self.entities.remove() self.runs.remove() self.orgs.remove() return True def getunprocessed(self, entityid=None): if entityid == None: query = { 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, } else: query = { 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, 'entityid': entityid, } # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query=query, update={ '$set': { 'being_processed': True }, }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def setprocessed(self, docurl): # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={'docurl': docurl}, update={ '$set': { 'being_processed': False, 'processed': True }, }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def setprocessdata(self, entityid, orgid, minutesdate): # update the doc with the pdftext, and return the new doc doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={'docurl': docurl}, update={ '$set': { 'entityid': entityid, 'orgid': orgid, 'minutesdate': minutesdate, } }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def getunconverted(self, entityid=None): if entityid == None: query = { 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, } else: query = { 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, 'entityid': entityid, } # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query=query, update={'$set': { 'being_converted': True }}, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def resetprocessed(self): docs = self.getdocs() for d in docs: doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={'_id': d['_id']}, update={ '$set': { 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, } }, full_response=False, multi=True, ) return True def resetconverted(self, entityid): doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={'entityid': entityid}, update={'$set': { 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, }}, full_response=False, multi=True, ) return True def setconverted(self, docurl): # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={'docurl': docurl}, update={'$set': { 'being_converted': False, 'converted': True, }}, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def setconvertdata(self, docurl, pdftext, pdfhash, created): # update the doc with the pdftext, and return the new doc doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={'docurl': docurl}, update={ '$set': { 'pdftext': pdftext, 'pdfhash': pdfhash, 'created': created, } }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def resetflags(self): # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag docs = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={}, update={ '$set': { 'being_converted': False, 'being_processed': False, }, }, full_response=False, multi=True, ) return len(docs) def _resetstates(self): # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag docs = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={}, update={ '$set': { 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, }, }, full_response=False, multi=True, ) return len(docs) # # elastic search functions # def search(self, phrase, orgid='', entityid='', pagesize=20, page=0): results =, orgid=orgid, entityid=entityid, pagesize=pagesize, page=page) search = { 'phrase': phrase, 'orgid': orgid, 'entityid': entityid, 'datetime': str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), } self.searches.insert(search) return results def getsearches(self): docs = self.searches.find() results = [] for d in docs: d['_id'] = str(d['_id']) results.append(d) return results def indexdoc(self, doc): """ Note: orgid and entityid are mongodb str( ObjectID() ) doc = { 'docurl': '', 'linktext': 'Minutes for Jan 23rd, 2014', 'docname': 'town_board_minutes_2014_01_23.pdf', 'filename: '/downloads/', 'scrapedatetime': '2014-02-23 21:24:26', 'being_converted': False, 'converted': True, 'being_processed': False, 'processed': True, 'pdftext': ' ... ', 'pdfhash': ' ... ', 'created': '???', 'minutesdate': '2014-01-30', 'orgid': '507f1f77bcf86cd799439011', 'entityid': '507f191e810c19729de860ea', 'urldata': { 'targeturl': '', 'title': 'Henrietta, NY', 'description': 'Town of Henrietta, NY', 'maxlinklevel': 4, 'creationdatetime': '2014-02-16 07:13:46', 'doctype': 'application/pdf', 'frequency': 10080, }, } """ doc.pop('_id', None) # = str(doc['_id']) #doc['orgid'] = " " + doc['orgid'] #doc['entityid'] = " " + doc['entityid'] success = self.searchapi.indexdoc(body=doc, ) return success
class Access(object): def __init__(self,uri='mongodb://localhost:27017/',db='monroeminutesdb',DEBUG=False): self.DEBUG = DEBUG if self.DEBUG: print "Starting Access() INIT ..." self.dbclient = MongoClient(uri) self.db = self.dbclient[db] self.documents = self.db['documents'] self.entities = self.db['entities'] self.orgs = self.db['orgs'] self.runs = self.db['runs'] self.statuses = self.db['statuses'] self.searches = self.db['searches'] self.searchapi = Search() if self.DEBUG: print "Access() INIT completed successfully." def addentity(self,entity): # # TODO: sanity check entity input has correct fields within dict # """ entity = { 'name':'Brighton, NY', 'description':'Town of Brighton, NY', 'website':'', 'creationdatetime':'2014-02-23 21:24:26', } """ # add entity to the database entity['creationdatetime'] = str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) self.entities.insert(entity) return True def getentities(self): # get all of the entities results = self.entities.find() docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def addorg(self,org): # # TODO: snity check org input has correct fields within dict # """ org = { 'name': 'Brighton Town Board', 'description': 'Brighton, NY Town Board', 'matchs': [ 'town board', 'brighton', ] 'entityid': ObjectID(' ... '), 'creationdatetime': '2014-03-14 22:01:30', } """ org['creationdatetime'] = str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) self.orgs.insert(org) return True def setdocorg(self,doc,orgid): # update the orgid field doc['orgid'] = orgid origdoc = doc # update the doc in the database newdoc = self.documents.update( { 'docurl': doc['docurl'] }, doc, ); return origdoc def getorgs(self): # get all of the orgs from the database results = self.orgs.find() docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def geturls(self): # get all of the URLs from the engities results = self.getentities() docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result['website']) return docs def logrun(self,stats): # log the scraper run tot he database success = True try: self.runs.insert(stats) except: success = False return success def getruns(self): # get all the runs try: data = self.runs.find() scraperruns = [] for d in data: scraperruns.append(d) except: scraperruns = None return scraperruns def logstatus(self, scraperid, statuspacket): #try: if True: # update the dict to include the scraper id, as we will be # querying off of that statuspacket['scraperid'] = scraperid statuspacket['date'] = str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) statuspacket['time'] = str(strftime("%H:%M:%S")) # log the status of the scraper result = self.statuses.update( { 'scraperid': scraperid }, statuspacket, True, # upsert ) success = True #except: # success = False return success def getstatuses(self): #try: if True: results = self.statuses.find() statuses = [] for result in results: statuses.append(result) #success = True #except: # statuses = [] # #success = False return statuses def getdocbydocurl(self,docurl): # get the document by docurl. If it does not exist, it will be None try: result = self.documents.find_one({'docurl': docurl}) except: result = None return result def adddoc(self,docurl,linktext,docname,filename,scrapedatetime,urldata): # see if we already have the doc in the database result = self.documents.find_one({'docurl': docurl}) # if the doc doesn't exist, create it if result == None: doc = { 'docurl': docurl, 'linktext': linktext, 'docname': filename, 'filename': docname, 'scrapedatetime': scrapedatetime, 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, 'pdftext': '', 'pdfhash': '', 'created': '', 'minutesdate': '', 'orgid': '', 'entityid': urldata['entityid'], 'urldata': urldata, } docid = self.documents.insert(doc) else: # doc already in db docid = None pass return docid def getdoc(self,docurl): # get the entry based on the docurl result = self.documents.find_one( {'docurl': docurl} ) return result def getdocsbyentityid(self,entityid): # get the entries based on the entity results = self.documents.find( {'entityid': entityid} ) docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def getdocs(self): # return all docs in the database results = self.documents.find() docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def getconverted(self): # return all docs in the database results = self.documents.find({ 'converted':True, }) docs = [] for result in results: docs.append(result) return docs def _clearall(self): # blow away the entire database self.documents.remove() self.entities.remove() self.runs.remove() self.orgs.remove() return True def getunprocessed(self,entityid=None): if entityid == None: query = { 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, } else: query = { 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, 'entityid': entityid, } # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query=query, update={ '$set':{ 'being_processed': True }, }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def setprocessed(self,docurl): # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={ 'docurl':docurl }, update={ '$set': { 'being_processed': False, 'processed': True }, }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def setprocessdata(self,entityid,orgid,minutesdate): # update the doc with the pdftext, and return the new doc doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={ 'docurl': docurl }, update={ '$set': { 'entityid': entityid, 'orgid': orgid, 'minutesdate': minutesdate, } }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def getunconverted(self,entityid=None): if entityid == None: query = { 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, } else: query = { 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, 'entityid': entityid, } # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query=query, update={ '$set':{ 'being_converted': True } }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def resetprocessed(self): docs = self.getdocs() for d in docs: doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query = { '_id': d['_id'] }, update={ '$set':{ 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, } }, full_response=False, multi=True, ) return True def resetconverted(self,entityid): doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={ 'entityid': entityid }, update={ '$set':{ 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, } }, full_response=False, multi=True, ) return True def setconverted(self,docurl): # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={ 'docurl': docurl }, update={ '$set': { 'being_converted': False, 'converted': True, } }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def setconvertdata(self,docurl,pdftext,pdfhash,created): # update the doc with the pdftext, and return the new doc doc = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={ 'docurl': docurl }, update={ '$set': { 'pdftext': pdftext, 'pdfhash': pdfhash, 'created': created, } }, full_response=False, multi=False, ) return doc def resetflags(self): # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag docs = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={ }, update={ '$set':{ 'being_converted': False, 'being_processed': False, }, }, full_response=False, multi=True, ) return len(docs) def _resetstates(self): # get the doc, and mark the 'being_processed' flag docs = self.documents.find_and_modify( query={ }, update={ '$set':{ 'being_converted': False, 'converted': False, 'being_processed': False, 'processed': False, }, }, full_response=False, multi=True, ) return len(docs) # # elastic search functions # def search(self,phrase,orgid='',entityid='',pagesize=20,page=0): results = phrase=phrase, orgid=orgid, entityid=entityid, pagesize=pagesize, page=page ) search = { 'phrase': phrase, 'orgid': orgid, 'entityid': entityid, 'datetime': str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), } self.searches.insert(search) return results def getsearches(self): docs = self.searches.find() results = [] for d in docs: d['_id'] = str(d['_id']) results.append(d) return results def indexdoc(self,doc): """ Note: orgid and entityid are mongodb str( ObjectID() ) doc = { 'docurl': '', 'linktext': 'Minutes for Jan 23rd, 2014', 'docname': 'town_board_minutes_2014_01_23.pdf', 'filename: '/downloads/', 'scrapedatetime': '2014-02-23 21:24:26', 'being_converted': False, 'converted': True, 'being_processed': False, 'processed': True, 'pdftext': ' ... ', 'pdfhash': ' ... ', 'created': '???', 'minutesdate': '2014-01-30', 'orgid': '507f1f77bcf86cd799439011', 'entityid': '507f191e810c19729de860ea', 'urldata': { 'targeturl': '', 'title': 'Henrietta, NY', 'description': 'Town of Henrietta, NY', 'maxlinklevel': 4, 'creationdatetime': '2014-02-16 07:13:46', 'doctype': 'application/pdf', 'frequency': 10080, }, } """ doc.pop('_id',None) # = str(doc['_id']) #doc['orgid'] = " " + doc['orgid'] #doc['entityid'] = " " + doc['entityid'] success = self.searchapi.indexdoc( body=doc, ) return success