Esempio n. 1
def disable(commanddict, modulename):
    Disables a module and removes its commands from the seash commanddict.

    modulename: The module to disable.

  <Side Effects>
    All commands inside the specified module will be removed from the seash

    A file (modulename.disabled) will be created under /modules/ indicating that
    this module has been disabled.

    Exceptions raised by merge_commanddict()

  # Is this an installed module?
  if not modulename in module_data:
    raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Error, module '"+modulename+"' is not installed")
  # Is this module enabled?
  if not _is_module_enabled(modulename):
    raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Module is not enabled.")

  remove_commanddict(commanddict, module_data[modulename]['command_dict'])

  # We mark this module as disabled by adding a modulename.disabled file.
  open(MODULES_FOLDER_PATH + os.sep + modulename + ".disabled", 'w')
Esempio n. 2
def get(input_dict, environment_dict):
    Gets the specified vessels.

    input_dict:  The commanddict representing the user's input.
    environment_dict:  The dictionary representing the current seash

  <Side Effects>
    Connects to the Clearinghouse and acquires vessels.
    Adds the acquired vessels to the list of valid targets.



    if environment_dict[
            'currentkeyname'] is None or not seash_global_variables.keys[
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            "Error, must get as an identity with a private key")

    # Activate secure mode if user did not specify the insecure keyword
    allow_ssl_insecure = _get_user_argument(input_dict, 'insecure') is not None
    vesselcount = int(_get_user_argument(input_dict, 'vesselcount'))

        vesseltype = _get_user_argument(input_dict, 'type')
    # User may not have specified a vesseltype
    except IndexError:
        vesseltype = None

    if not vesseltype in ['wan', 'lan', 'nat', None]:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Error, unknown vessel type '" +
                                         vesseltype + "'")

    client = _connect_to_clearinghouse(environment_dict['currentkeyname'],

    # Get the vessels!
        if vesseltype is None:
            vesseldicts = client.acquire_random_resources(vesselcount)
            vesseldicts = client.acquire_resources(vesseltype, vesselcount)

        _update_targets(vesseldicts, environment_dict)
    except (seattleclearinghouse_xmlrpc.UnableToAcquireResourcesError,
            seattleclearinghouse_xmlrpc.NotEnoughCreditsError), e:
        print str(e)
Esempio n. 3
def set_user_variable(input_dict, environment_dict):
    Seash callback to allow user to define a custom variable and assign a value
    to it.
    input_dict: Input dictionary generated by seash_dictionary.parse_command().
    environment_dict: Dictionary describing the current seash environment.
    For more information, see's module docstring.
  <Side Effects>
    A new variable will be added to the uservariables dictionary.
    UserError: The user did not provide a value to assign to the variable
    # Iterates through the dictionary to retrieve the variable name
    command_key = input_dict.keys()[0]
    while input_dict[command_key]['name'] is not 'variable_name':
        input_dict = input_dict[command_key]['children']
        variable_name = command_key = input_dict.keys()[0]

    # User may accidentally omit this value, we must catch the exception and
    # return something readable...
        # Iterates through the dictionary to retrieve the variable value
        while input_dict[command_key]['name'] is not 'variable_value':
            input_dict = input_dict[command_key]['children']
            variable_value = command_key = input_dict.keys()[0]
    except IndexError, e:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            "Error, expected a value to assign to variable")
Esempio n. 4
def show_coordinates(input_dict, environment_dict):

    if not environment_dict['currenttarget']:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Error, command requires a target")


    # we should only visit a node once...
    printedIPlist = []

    for longname in seash_global_variables.targets[
        thisnodeIP = seash_global_variables.vesselinfo[longname]['IP']

        # if we haven't visited this node
        if thisnodeIP not in printedIPlist:
            location_dict = geoip_record_by_addr(thisnodeIP)

            if location_dict:
                print str(seash_global_variables.vesselinfo[longname]
                          ['ID']) + '(' + str(thisnodeIP) + '): ' + str(
                              location_dict['latitude']) + ", " + str(

                print str(seash_global_variables.vesselinfo[longname]['ID']
                          ) + '(' + str(thisnodeIP) + '): Location unknown'
Esempio n. 5
def print_module_help(input_dict, environment_dict):
    Displays the module level help for a module.

    input_dict:  The commanddict representing the user's input.
    environment_dict:  The dictionary representing the current seash 

  <Side Effects>
    The helptext for the module specified in the 'modulename' node will be 
    printed to stdout.

      input_dict did not contain a 'modulename' node, or the user specified
      a module that is not installed.


    # Get the modulename
    dict_mark = input_dict
        command = dict_mark.keys()[0]
        while dict_mark[command]['name'] != 'modulename':
            dict_mark = input_dict[command]['children']
            command = dict_mark.keys()[0]
        modulename = command
    except IndexError:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            "Error, command requires a modulename")

    # Is this module installed?
    if not modulename in seash_modules.module_data:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Module is not installed.")

    print seash_modules.module_data[modulename]['help_text']

    # Now, print out all the commands under this module
    print "Commands in this module:"
    print '\n'.join(
Esempio n. 6
def check_key_set(name):

    if (name in seash_global_variables.keys
            and 'publickey' in seash_global_variables.keys[name]
            and 'privatekey' in seash_global_variables.keys[name]
            and seash_global_variables.keys[name]['publickey']
            and seash_global_variables.keys[name]['privatekey']):

        if not check_key_pair_compatibility(name):
            raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
                "Error: Mis-matched Public/Private key pair!")
Esempio n. 7
def disable_module(input_dict, environment_dict):
    Disables an enabled module.

    input_dict:  The commanddict representing the user's input.
    environment_dict:  The dictionary representing the current seash 

  <Side Effects>
    The module specified in the 'modulename' node will be enabled.

      input_dict did not contain a 'modulename' node, or the user tried to
      disable this module.


    # Get the modulename
    dict_mark = input_dict
        command = dict_mark.keys()[0]
        while dict_mark[command]['name'] != 'modulename':
            dict_mark = input_dict[command]['children']
            command = dict_mark.keys()[0]
        modulename = command
    except IndexError:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            "Error, command requires a modulename")

    if modulename == 'modules':
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            "Error, cannot disable the 'modules' module")

    seash_modules.disable(seash_dictionary.seashcommanddict, modulename)
Esempio n. 8
def enable(commanddict, modulename):
    Enables a module and imports its commands into the seash commanddict.

    modulename: The module to import.

  <Side Effects>
    All commands inside the specified module will be inserted into the seash
    commanddict if possible.

    The file modulename.disabled will be removed from /modules/ indicating that
    this module has been enabled.

    Exceptions raised by merge_commanddict()

  # Is this an installed module?
  if not modulename in module_data:
    raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Error, module '"+modulename+"' is not installed")

  if _is_module_enabled(modulename):
    raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Module is already enabled.")

  merge_commanddict(commanddict, module_data[modulename]['command_dict'])

    # We mark this module as enabled by deleting the modulename.disabled file
    os.remove(MODULES_FOLDER_PATH + os.sep + modulename + ".disabled") 
  except OSError, e:
    # If the file was deleted before we were able to delete it, it should not
    # be a problem.
    if not "cannot find the file" in str(e):
Esempio n. 9
def _connect_to_clearinghouse(identity, allow_ssl_insecure):
    return seattleclearinghouse_xmlrpc.SeattleClearinghouseClient(

  except ImportError, e:
    if "M2Crypto" in str(e):
      raise seash_exceptions.UserError("You must have M2Crypto " +
        "installed to connect to the Clearinghouse securely.\n" +
        "For more information, run 'modulehelp clearinghouse'.")
    # Unknown error...
Esempio n. 10
def savestate(statefn, handleinfo, host, port, expnum, filename, cmdargs,
              defaulttarget, defaultkeyname, autosave, currentkeyname):

    # obtain the handle info dictionary
    for longname in seash_global_variables.vesselinfo.keys():
        vessel_handle = seash_global_variables.vesselinfo[longname]['handle']
        handleinfo[longname] = fastnmclient.nmclient_get_handle_info(

    state = {}
    state['targets'] = seash_global_variables.targets
    state['keys'] = seash_global_variables.keys
    state['vesselinfo'] = seash_global_variables.vesselinfo
    state['nextid'] = seash_global_variables.nextid
    state['handleinfo'] = handleinfo
    state['host'] = host
    state['port'] = port
    state['expnum'] = expnum
    state['filename'] = filename
    state['cmdargs'] = cmdargs
    state['defaulttarget'] = defaulttarget
    state['defaultkeyname'] = defaultkeyname
    state['autosave'] = autosave
    state['globalseashtimeout'] = seash_global_variables.globalseashtimeout
    state['globaluploadrate'] = seash_global_variables.globaluploadrate

    # serialize states and encrypt
    if seash_global_variables.keys.has_key(defaultkeyname):
        cypher = rsa_encrypt(
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError("The keyname '" + defaultkeyname +
                                         "' is not loaded.")

    # writing encrypted serialized states to file
    # Exceptions are caught outside of the method
        state_obj = open(statefn, 'w')
Esempio n. 11
def show_coordinates(input_dict, environment_dict):

    if not environment_dict['currenttarget']:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Error, command requires a target")


    # we should only visit a node once...
    printedIPlist = []

    for longname in seash_global_variables.targets[
        thisnodeIP = seash_global_variables.vesselinfo[longname]['IP']

        # if we haven't visited this node
        if thisnodeIP not in printedIPlist:

                # The GeoIP server doesn't understand hostnames. thisnodeIP
                # will be a hostname if it is a NAT node and we're using
                # Affixes.
                node_ip = gethostbyname(thisnodeIP)
                location_dict = geoip_record_by_addr(node_ip)
            # Name resolution and geoip lookups could fail, in which case
            # we just don't know where the node is.
                location_dict = None

            if location_dict:
                print str(seash_global_variables.vesselinfo[longname]
                          ['ID']) + '(' + str(thisnodeIP) + '): ' + str(
                              location_dict['latitude']) + ", " + str(

                print str(seash_global_variables.vesselinfo[longname]['ID']
                          ) + '(' + str(thisnodeIP) + '): Location unknown'
Esempio n. 12
def enable_module(input_dict, environment_dict):
    Enables an installed module.

    input_dict:  The commanddict representing the user's input.
    environment_dict:  The dictionary representing the current seash 

  <Side Effects>
    The module specified in the 'modulename' node will be enabled.

    UserError:  input_dict did not contain a 'modulename' node.


    # Get the modulename
    dict_mark = input_dict
        command = dict_mark.keys()[0]
        while dict_mark[command]['name'] != 'modulename':
            dict_mark = input_dict[command]['children']
            command = dict_mark.keys()[0]
        modulename = command
    except IndexError:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            "Error, command requires a modulename")

        seash_modules.enable(seash_dictionary.seashcommanddict, modulename)
    except seash_exceptions.ModuleConflictError, e:
        print "Module cannot be imported due to the following conflicting command:"
        print str(e)
Esempio n. 13
def upload_directory_contents(input_dict, environment_dict):
    """This function serves to upload every file in a user-supplied 
  source directory to all of the vessels in the current target group.
  It essentially calls seash's `upload` function repeatedly, each 
  time with a file name taken from the source directory.

  A note on the input_dict argument:
  `input_dict` contains our own `command_dict` (see below), with 
  the `"[ARGUMENT]"` sub-key of `children` renamed to what 
  argument the user provided. In our case, this will be the source 
  dir to read from. (If not, this is an error!)
    # Check user input and seash state:
    # 1, Make sure there is an active user key.
    if environment_dict["currentkeyname"] is None:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            """Error: Please set an identity before using 'uploaddir'!

 !> loadkeys your_user_name
 !> as your_user_name
your_user_name@ !>

    # 2, Make sure there is a target to work on.
    if environment_dict["currenttarget"] is None:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            """Error: Please set a target to work on before using 'uploaddir'!
your_user_name@ !> on browsegood
your_user_name@browsegood !> 

    # 3, Complain if we don't have a source dir argument
        source_directory = input_dict["uploaddir"]["children"].keys()[0]
    except IndexError:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            """Error: Missing operand to 'uploaddir'

Please specify which source directory's contents you want uploaded, e.g.
your_user_name@browsegood !> uploaddir a_local_directory


    # Sanity check: Does the source dir exist?
    if not os.path.exists(source_directory):
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Error: Source directory '" +
                                         source_directory +
                                         "' does not exist.")

    # Sanity check: Is the source dir a directory?
    if not os.path.isdir(source_directory):
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            "Error: Source directory '" + source_directory +
            "' is not a directory.\nDid you mean to use the 'upload' command instead?"

    # Alright --- user input and seash state seem sane, let's do the work!
    # These are the files we will need to upload:
    file_list = os.listdir(source_directory)

    for filename in file_list:
        # We construct the filename-to-be uploaded from the source dir,
        # the OS-specific path separator, and the actual file name.
        # This is enough for `upload_target` to find the file.
        path_and_filename = source_directory + os.sep + filename
        if not os.path.isdir(path_and_filename):
            print "Uploading '" + path_and_filename + "'..."
            # Construct an input_dict containing command args for seash's
            # `upload FILENAME` function.
            # XXX There might be a cleaner way to do this.
            faked_input_dict = {
                "upload": {
                    "name": "upload",
                    "children": {
                        path_and_filename: {
                            "name": "filename"
            print "Skipping sub-directory '" + filename + "'. You may upload it separately."
Esempio n. 14
def simplify_command(input_dict, environment_dict):
    """This function simplifies three library files specified in `start`:
  dylink.r2py, encasementlib.r2py, and sensor_layer.r2py. When a program
  is run by `execute`, these three files do not need to be specified.

  A note on the input_dict argument:
  `input_dict` contains our own `command_dict` (see below), with 
  the `"[ARGUMENT]"` sub-key of `children` renamed to what 
  argument the user provided. 

    #print "In simplify_command, input_dict is ",

    # Check user input and seash state:
    # 1, Make sure there is an active user key.
    if environment_dict["currentkeyname"] is None:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError("""Error: Please set an identity!

 !> loadkeys your_user_name
 !> as your_user_name
your_user_name@ !>

    # 2, Make sure there is a target to work on.
    if environment_dict["currenttarget"] is None:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            """Error: Please set a target to work on!
your_user_name@ !> on browsegood
your_user_name@browsegood !> 

    # currently support one experiment with a (unlimited) number of args
    experiment = input_dict['execute']['children'].keys()[0]

    # Construct an input_dict containing command args for seash's
    # `upload FILENAME` function.
    # XXX There might be a cleaner way to do this.
    faked_input_dict = {
        "start": {
            "name": "start",
            "callback": None,
            "children": {
                "dylink.r2py": {
                    "name": "filename",
                    "callback": command_callbacks.start_remotefn,
                    "children": {
                        "encasementlib.r2py sensor_layer.r2py " + experiment: {
                            "name": "args",
                            "callback": command_callbacks.start_remotefn_arg,
                            "children": {}

    command_callbacks.start_remotefn_arg(faked_input_dict, environment_dict)
Esempio n. 15

  except ImportError, e:
    if "M2Crypto" in str(e):
      raise seash_exceptions.UserError("You must have M2Crypto " +
        "installed to connect to the Clearinghouse securely.\n" +
        "For more information, run 'modulehelp clearinghouse'.")
    # Unknown error...

  except seattleclearinghouse_xmlrpc.SeattleClearinghouseError, e:
    if not allow_ssl_insecure and "No CA certs found in file" in str(e):
      print ("Your CA Certs file is corrupt or does not exist.\n" +
        "You need to download a CA certs file (you can do so here: \n" +
        " and place it in the following location.")
      # Re-raise to get Seash to print out this error message
      raise seash_exceptions.UserError(str(e))
    # Unknown error...

def _get_user_argument(input_dict, argname):
  # Iterates through the dictionary to retrieve the user's argument
  command_key = input_dict.keys()[0]
  while input_dict[command_key]['name'] is not argname:
     input_dict = input_dict[command_key]['children']
     # No more children, argument couldn't be found.
     if not input_dict:
      return None
     command_key = input_dict.keys()[0]
  return command_key
Esempio n. 16
def preprocess_user_variables(userinput):
    Command parser for user variables.  Takes the raw userinput and replaces
    each user variable with its set value.
    userinput: A raw user string
  <Side Effects>
    Each user variable will be replaced by the value that it was previously
    set to.
    UserError: User typed an unrecognized or invalid variable name
    The preprocessed string
    retstr = ""
    while '$' in userinput:
        text_before_variable, variable_delimiter, userinput = userinput.partition(
        retstr += text_before_variable

        # Treat $$ as an escape for a single $.
        # Also escape if there is nothing left
        if not userinput or userinput.startswith('$'):
            retstr += '$'
            userinput = userinput[1:]

        # Look for the next space, or the next $.  The closest one of these will be
        # used as the delimiter.  Then update the remaining user input.
        space_variable_length = userinput.find(' ')
        dollarsign_variable_length = userinput.find('$')

        # If the length is -1, then the delimiter was not found.
        # We use the length of the entire string to represent this.
        # If there was one delimiter found, then that delimiter's value
        # will always be less than the string's length.
        # If it is a tie, then it simply means that the entire string
        # is the variable name.
        if space_variable_length == -1:
            space_variable_length = len(userinput)
        if dollarsign_variable_length == -1:
            dollarsign_variable_length = len(userinput)

        variable_length = min(space_variable_length,
        variable_name = userinput[:variable_length]
        userinput = userinput[variable_length +
                              1:]  # Skip the actual delimiter

        # Perform the replacement!
        # User may type in a variable that has not yet been defined
            retstr += uservariables[variable_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise seash_exceptions.UserError("Variable does not exist: " +

        # The user expects a space before the string right after the variable.
        # e.g. 'loadkeys $myname as awesome' should turn into
        #      'loadkeys theusername as awesome'
        if space_variable_length < dollarsign_variable_length:
            retstr += ' '

    # Now add the remaining text after the last variable
        retstr += userinput

    return retstr
Esempio n. 17
def command_loop(test_command_list):
  # If a test command list is passed, filter the tab completion warning
  if test_command_list:
    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Auto tab completion is off, because it is not available on your operating system.",

  # Things that may be set herein and used in later commands.
  # Contains the local variables of the original command loop.
  # Keeps track of the user's state in seash. Referenced 
  # during command executions by the command_parser.
  environment_dict = {
    'host': None, 
    'port': None, 
    'expnum': None,
    'filename': None,
    'cmdargs': None,
    'defaulttarget': None,
    'defaultkeyname': None,
    'currenttarget': None,
    'currentkeyname': None,
    'autosave': False,
    'handleinfo': {},
    'showparse': True,


  # Set up the tab completion environment (Added by Danny Y. Huang)
  if tabcompletion:
    # Initializes seash's tab completer
    completer = tab_completer.Completer()
    readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
    # Determines when a new tab complete instance should be initialized,
    # which, in this case, is never, so the tab completer will always take
    # the entire user's string into account
    # Sets the completer function that readline will utilize
    warnings.warn("Auto tab completion is off, because it is not available on your operating system.",ImportWarning)

  # If passed a list of commands, do not prompt for user input
  if test_command_list:
    # Iterates through test_command_list in sequential order
    for command_strings in test_command_list:
      # Saving state after each command? (Added by Danny Y. Huang)
      if environment_dict['autosave'] and environment_dict['defaultkeyname']:
          # State is saved in file "autosave_username", so that user knows which
          # RSA private key to use to reload the state.
          autosavefn = "autosave_" + str(environment_dict['defaultkeyname'])
          seash_helper.savestate(autosavefn, environment_dict['handleinfo'], environment_dict['host'], 
                                 environment_dict['port'], environment_dict['expnum'], 
                                 environment_dict['filename'], environment_dict['cmdargs'], 
                                 environment_dict['defaulttarget'], environment_dict['defaultkeyname'], 
                                 environment_dict['autosave'], environment_dict['defaultkeyname'])
        except Exception, error:
          raise seash_exceptions.UserError("There is an error in autosave: '" + str(error) + "'. You can turn off autosave using the command 'set autosave off'.")

      # Returns the dictionary of dictionaries that correspond to the
      # command string
      cmd_input = seash_dictionary.parse_command(command_strings, display_parsed_result=environment_dict['showparse'])
      # by default, use the target specified in the prompt
      environment_dict['currenttarget'] = environment_dict['defaulttarget']
      # by default, use the identity specified in the prompt
      environment_dict['currentkeyname'] = environment_dict['defaultkeyname']

      # calls the command_dispatch method of seash_dictionary to execute the callback
      # method associated with the command the user inputed
      seash_dictionary.command_dispatch(cmd_input, environment_dict)
Esempio n. 18
def print_factoids(input_dict, environment_dict):
    Used to print seash factoids when user uses 'show factoids'
    input_dict: Input dictionary generated by seash_dictionary.parse_command().
    environment_dict: Dictionary describing the current seash environment.
    For more information, see's module docstring.
  <Side Effects>
    Prints factoids onto the screen.
    UserError: If user does not type appropriate command.
    ValueError: If user does not provide valid input (integer).

    # User will insert an argument regarding how many factoids should be printed.
    # We have to find what is user argument.
    # User can type any positive number or he can type 'all' to see all factoids.
    dict_mark = input_dict
        command = dict_mark.keys()[0]
        while dict_mark[command]['name'] != 'args':
            dict_mark = dict_mark[command]['children']
            command = dict_mark.keys()[0]
        args = command
    except IndexError:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            "\nError, Syntax of the command is: show factoids [number of factoids]/all \n"

    # User decided to print all factoids
    if args == 'all':
        for factoid in factoids:
            print factoid

    # User can not insert other than integer number.
        no_of_factoids = int(args)
    except ValueError:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError("\nYou have to enter number only.\n")

    # If number of factoids decided by user is greater than total number of
    # available factoids than whole factoids list is printed.
    if (no_of_factoids > (len(factoids))):
        print "\nWe have only %d factoids. Here is the list of factoids:" % (
        no_of_factoids = len(factoids)
    elif (no_of_factoids <= 0):
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            "\nYou have to enter positive number only.\n")

    # 'factoids' list will be shuffled every time for printing random factoids.

    # Factoids will be printed.
    for factoid in factoids[:no_of_factoids]:
        print factoid
Esempio n. 19
        # Saving state after each command? (Added by Danny Y. Huang)
        if environment_dict['autosave'] and environment_dict['defaultkeyname']:
            # State is saved in file "autosave_username", so that user knows which
            # RSA private key to use to reload the state.
            autosavefn = "autosave_" + str(environment_dict['defaultkeyname'])
            seash_helper.savestate(autosavefn, environment_dict['handleinfo'], environment_dict['host'], 
                                   environment_dict['port'], environment_dict['expnum'], 
                                   environment_dict['filename'], environment_dict['cmdargs'], 
                                   environment_dict['defaulttarget'], environment_dict['defaultkeyname'], 
                                   environment_dict['autosave'], environment_dict['defaultkeyname'])
          except Exception, error:
            raise seash_exceptions.UserError("There is an error in autosave: '" + str(error) + "'. You can turn off autosave using the command 'set autosave off'.")

        prompt = ''
        if environment_dict['defaultkeyname']:
          prompt = seash_helper.fit_string(environment_dict['defaultkeyname'],20)+"@"

        # display the thing they are acting on in their prompt (if applicable)
        if environment_dict['defaulttarget']:
          prompt = prompt + seash_helper.fit_string(environment_dict['defaulttarget'],20)

        prompt = prompt + " !> "
        # the prompt should look like: justin@good !> 
        # get the user input
        userinput = raw_input(prompt)
Esempio n. 20
def simplify_command(input_dict, environment_dict):
    """This function simplifies the `start` command for the user 
  by including three libraries:
  dylink.r2py, encasementlib.r2py, and sensor_layer.r2py
  When a program is run by `execute`, these three filenames do not 
  need to be specified.

  A note on the `input_dict` argument:
  `input_dict` contains our own `command_dict` (see below), with 
  the `"[ARGUMENT]"` sub-key of `children` renamed to what 
  argument the user provided. 
    # Check user input and seash state:
    # 1, Make sure there is an active user key.
    if environment_dict["currentkeyname"] is None:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            """Error: Please set an identity before using 'execute'!

 !> loadkeys your_user_name
 !> as your_user_name
your_user_name@ !>

    # 2, Make sure there is a target to work on.
    if environment_dict["currenttarget"] is None:
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError(
            """Error: Please set a target to work on before using 'execute'!
your_user_name@ !> on browsegood
your_user_name@browsegood !> 

        user_files_and_args = input_dict["execute"]["children"].keys()[0]
    except IndexError:
        # The user didn't specify files to execute.
        raise seash_exceptions.UserError("""Error: Missing operand to 'execute'
Please specify which file(s) I should execute, e.g.
your_user_name@browsegood !> execute my_sensor_program.r2py

    # `commands_list`'s first item is the filename to feed into
    # `command_callbacks.start_remotefn`; all other items plus
    # the user-specified filenames/args are collected here:
    filenames_and_args = " ".join(
        commands_list[1:]) + " " + user_files_and_args

    # Construct an input_dict containing command args for seash's
    # `start FILENAME [ARGS]` function.
    # XXX There might be a cleaner way to do this.
    faked_input_dict = {
        "start": {
            "name": "start",
            'callback': None,
            "children": {
                commands_list[0]: {
                    "callback": command_callbacks.start_remotefn,
                    "name": "filename",
                    "children": {
                        filenames_and_args: {
                            "callback": command_callbacks.start_remotefn_arg,
                            "children": {},
                            "name": "args"

    command_callbacks.start_remotefn_arg(faked_input_dict, environment_dict)