def test_regenerate_user_key(self):
    pubkey = "1 2"
    privkey = "3 4 5"
    donor_key = "6 7"
    # Create a user who will be doing the acquiring.
    user = maindb.create_user("testuser", "password", "*****@*****.**", "affiliation", 
                              pubkey, privkey, donor_key)
    userport = user.usable_vessel_port

    vesselcount = 4
    # Have every vessel acquisition to the backend request succeed.
    calls_results = [True] * vesselcount
    testutil.create_nodes_on_different_subnets(vesselcount, [userport])

    # Acquire all vessels on behalf of this user.
    all_vessels_list = interface.acquire_vessels(user, vesselcount, 'rand')

    # Release 2 vessels.
    released_vessels_list = all_vessels_list[:2]
    kept_vessels_list = all_vessels_list[2:]
    interface.release_vessels(user, released_vessels_list)
    # Ensure all of the vessels are marked as having user keys in sync.
    for vessel in all_vessels_list:
      # Get a fresh vessel from the db.
      vessel = maindb.get_vessel(vessel.node.node_identifier,

    # We expect a single key to be generated through the keygen api (the new
    # user public key).
    mocklib.mock_keygen_generate_keypair([("55 66", "77 88 99")])
    interface.change_user_keys(user, pubkey=None)
    # Get a new user object from the database.
    user = maindb.get_user(user.username)
    # Make sure the user's key changed.
    self.assertEqual(user.user_pubkey, "55 66")
    self.assertEqual(user.user_privkey, "77 88 99")
    # Make sure that all of the vessels the user has access to (and no other
    # vessels) are marked as needing user keys to be sync'd.
    # Ensure all of the vessels are marked as having user keys in sync.
    for vessel in kept_vessels_list:
      # Get a fresh vessel from the db.
      vessel = maindb.get_vessel(vessel.node.node_identifier,

    for vessel in released_vessels_list:
      # Get a fresh vessel from the db.
      vessel = maindb.get_vessel(vessel.node.node_identifier,
Esempio n. 2
def change_key(request):
        user = _validate_and_get_geniuser(request)
    except LoggedInButFailedGetGeniUserError:
        return _show_failed_get_geniuser_page(request)
    info = ""
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return direct_to_template(request, 'control/change_key.html', {
            'username': user.username,
            'error_msg': ""

    # This is a POST, so figure out if a file was uploaded or if we are supposed
    # to generate a new key for the user.
    if request.POST.get('generate', False):
        interface.change_user_keys(user, pubkey=None)
        msg = "Your new keys have been generated. You should download them now."
        return profile(request, msg)

        file = request.FILES.get('pubkey', None)
        if file is None:
            msg = "You didn't select a public key file to upload."
            return profile(request, info, msg)
            #return direct_to_template(request, 'control/change_key.html',
            #                          {'username' : user.username,
            #                           'error_msg' : msg})

        if file.size == 0 or file.size > forms.MAX_PUBKEY_UPLOAD_SIZE:
            msg = "Invalid file uploaded. The file size limit is "
            msg += str(forms.MAX_PUBKEY_UPLOAD_SIZE) + " bytes."
            return profile(request, info, msg)
            #direct_to_template(request, 'control/change_key.html',
            #                          {'username' : user.username,
            #                           'error_msg' : msg})

        pubkey =

        except ValidationError:
            msg = "Invalid public key uploaded."
            return profile(request, info, msg)
            #direct_to_template(request, 'control/change_key.html',
            #                          {'username' : user.username,
            #                           'error_msg' : msg})

        # If we made it here, the uploaded key is good.
        interface.change_user_keys(user, pubkey=pubkey)
        msg = "Your public key has been successfully changed."
        return profile(request, msg)
Esempio n. 3
def change_key(request):
    user = _validate_and_get_geniuser(request)
  except LoggedInButFailedGetGeniUserError:
    return _show_failed_get_geniuser_page(request)
  info = ""
  if request.method == 'GET':
    return direct_to_template(request, 'control/change_key.html',
                              {'username' : user.username,
                               'error_msg' : ""})

  # This is a POST, so figure out if a file was uploaded or if we are supposed
  # to generate a new key for the user.
  if request.POST.get('generate', False):
    interface.change_user_keys(user, pubkey=None)
    msg = "Your new keys have been generated. You should download them now."
    return profile(request, msg)
    file = request.FILES.get('pubkey', None)
    if file is None:
      msg = "You didn't select a public key file to upload." 
      return profile(request, info, msg)
      #return direct_to_template(request, 'control/change_key.html',
      #                          {'username' : user.username,
      #                           'error_msg' : msg})
    if file.size == 0 or file.size > forms.MAX_PUBKEY_UPLOAD_SIZE:
      msg = "Invalid file uploaded. The file size limit is " 
      msg += str(forms.MAX_PUBKEY_UPLOAD_SIZE) + " bytes."
      return profile(request, info, msg) 
      #direct_to_template(request, 'control/change_key.html',
      #                          {'username' : user.username,
      #                           'error_msg' : msg})
    pubkey =
    except ValidationError:
      msg = "Invalid public key uploaded."
      return profile(request, info, msg)
      #direct_to_template(request, 'control/change_key.html',
      #                          {'username' : user.username,
      #                           'error_msg' : msg})
    # If we made it here, the uploaded key is good.
    interface.change_user_keys(user, pubkey=pubkey)
    msg = "Your public key has been successfully changed."
    return profile(request, msg)
Esempio n. 4
 def set_public_key(pwauth, pubkeystring):
   Sets the user account's public key. This requires authenticating with the
   account password rather than the current API key.
     An authorization dict that includes a password instead of an apikey.
     The account's new public key.
   Raises xmlrpclib Fault Objects:
     FAULTCODE_INVALIDREQUEST if pubkey is invalid.
     geni_user = _pwauth(pwauth)
         interface.change_user_keys(geni_user, pubkeystring)
     except ValidationError, e:
         raise xmlrpclib.Fault(FAULTCODE_INVALIDREQUEST, "Invalid public key: %s" % e)
Esempio n. 5
 def set_public_key(pwauth, pubkeystring):
     Sets the user account's public key. This requires authenticating with the
     account password rather than the current API key.
       An authorization dict that includes a password instead of an apikey.
       The account's new public key.
     Raises xmlrpclib Fault Objects:
       FAULTCODE_INVALIDREQUEST if pubkey is invalid.
   geni_user = _pwauth(pwauth)
     interface.change_user_keys(geni_user, pubkeystring)
   except ValidationError, e:
     raise xmlrpclib.Fault(FAULTCODE_INVALIDREQUEST, "Invalid public key: %s" % e)