Esempio n. 1
    def play_music(self, x, y):
        Generate sounds from data to be used for each coordinate.
        x and y are the coordinates of any image point.
        scale = build_scale('C', mode='major', octaves=1)
        notes = note_number(, scale)
        note = notes[y,x]

        melody = parse(note_name(note, scale))
        midi_out = StringIO()
        write('Oc.midi', [melody])

        os.system('fluidsynth --audio-driver=alsa /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 Oc.midi')
Esempio n. 2
    def play_music(self, x, y):
        Generate sounds from data to be used for each coordinate.
        x and y are the coordinates of any image point.
        scale = build_scale('C', mode='major', octaves=1)
        notes = note_number(, scale)
        note = notes[y,x]

        melody = parse(note_name(note, scale))
        midi_out = StringIO()
        write('Oc.midi', [melody])


        music = pygame.mixer.Sound('Oc.midi')'Oc.midi')
Esempio n. 3
    def test_write_midi(self):
        Writing out test.mid to ensure midi processing works.

        This isn't really a test.
        from sebastian.core import OSequence, Point
        from sebastian.core import OFFSET_64, MIDI_PITCH, DURATION_64
        test = OSequence([
            Point({OFFSET_64: o, MIDI_PITCH: m, DURATION_64: d}) for (o, m, d) in [
                (0, 60, 16), (16, 72, 16), (32, 64, 16), (48, 55, 16),
                (64, 74, 16), (80, 62, 16), (96, 50, 16), (112, 48, 16),
                (128, 36, 16), (144, 24, 16), (160, 40, 16), (176, 55, 16),
                (192, 26, 16), (208, 38, 16), (224, 50, 16), (240, 48, 16)

        from sebastian.midi.write_midi import write
        write("test.mid", [test])
Esempio n. 4
    def test_write_midi_multi_tacks(self):
        Writing out test.mid to ensure midi processing works.

        This isn't really a test.
        from sebastian.core import OSequence, Point
        from sebastian.core import OFFSET_64, MIDI_PITCH, DURATION_64
        test1 = OSequence([
            Point({OFFSET_64: o, MIDI_PITCH: m, DURATION_64: d}) for (o, m, d) in [
                (0, 60, 16), (16, 72, 16), (32, 64, 16), (48, 55, 16),
        test2 = OSequence([
            Point({OFFSET_64: o, MIDI_PITCH: m, DURATION_64: d}) for (o, m, d) in [
                (0, 55, 16), (16, 55, 16), (32, 64, 16), (48+16, 55, 16*10),
        from sebastian.midi.write_midi import write
        write("test2.mid", [test1, test2], instruments=[0,16], title="test song")
Esempio n. 5
    # Create the basic interval pattern.
    intervals = HSeq({DEGREE: x} for x in [1, 5, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1])

    # Create the rhythm
    rhythm = HSeq({DURATION_64: x} for x in [128, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64])

    # Set specific chords to be used in certain measures.
    intervals[1]["chord"] = (-3, -1, 0, 2)  # second inversion 7th
    intervals[3]["chord"] = (-3, 0, 2)      # second inversion
    intervals[5]["chord"] = (-5, -3, 0)     # first inversion

    # Combine the sequences, make them chords, produce alberti on the chords, 
    # fill with each being 8, expand it to a flat sequence.
    melody = intervals & rhythm | chord() | alberti | fill(8) | expand

    # Define our key
    C_major = Key("C", major_scale)


    # Set the degree, add the midi pitch, make it an OSequence, add debugging information.
    return melody | degree_in_key_with_octave(C_major, 5) | midi_pitch() | OSequence | debug

if __name__ == "__main__":
    movement = build_movement()
    for point in movement:
    write_midi.write("first_movement.mid", [movement])
Esempio n. 6
from sebastian.lilypond import write_lilypond

# construct sequences using lilypond syntax
melody = parse("e4 e f g g f e d c c d e")
A = parse("e4. d8 d2")
Aprime = parse("d4. c8 c2")

two_bars = melody + A + melody + Aprime
two_bars = two_bars | midi_to_pitch()
two_bars = two_bars | add({"octave": 5})

velocities = [
    "pppppp", "ppppp", "pppp", "ppp", "pp", "p", "mp", "mf", "f", "ff", "fff",

for d in velocities:
    two_bars_with_dynamics = two_bars | dynamics(d)
    write_midi.write("ode_%s.mid" % (d, ), [two_bars_with_dynamics])

two_bars_ff_lily = two_bars | dynamics("ff") | lilypond()
write_lilypond.write("", two_bars_ff_lily)

crescendo = two_bars | dynamics("ppp", "ff")
write_midi.write("ode_crescendo.mid", [crescendo])
write_lilypond.write("", crescendo | lilypond())

diminuendo = two_bars | dynamics("mf", "pppp")
write_midi.write("ode_diminuendo.mid", [diminuendo])
write_lilypond.write("", diminuendo | lilypond())
Esempio n. 7
from sebastian.lilypond.interp import parse
from sebastian.core.transforms import dynamics, lilypond, midi_to_pitch, add
from sebastian.midi import write_midi
from sebastian.lilypond import write_lilypond

# construct sequences using lilypond syntax
melody = parse("e4 e f g g f e d c c d e")
A = parse("e4. d8 d2")
Aprime = parse("d4. c8 c2")

two_bars = melody + A + melody + Aprime
two_bars = two_bars | midi_to_pitch()
two_bars = two_bars | add({"octave": 5})

velocities = ["pppppp", "ppppp", "pppp", "ppp", "pp", "p", "mp", "mf", "f", "ff", "fff", "ffff"]

for d in velocities:
    two_bars_with_dynamics = two_bars | dynamics(d)
    write_midi.write("ode_%s.mid" % (d,), [two_bars_with_dynamics])

two_bars_ff_lily = two_bars | dynamics("ff") | lilypond()
write_lilypond.write("", two_bars_ff_lily)

crescendo = two_bars | dynamics("ppp", "ff")
write_midi.write("ode_crescendo.mid", [crescendo])
write_lilypond.write("", crescendo | lilypond())

diminuendo = two_bars | dynamics("mf", "pppp")
write_midi.write("ode_diminuendo.mid", [diminuendo])
write_lilypond.write("", diminuendo | lilypond())
Esempio n. 8
def end(scale):
    return HSeq(scale[i] for i in [2, 1]) | add(quaver_point)

def h2(scale):
    return HSeq(scale[i] for i in [0, 4, 3, 4]) | add(quaver_point)

def h2_end1(scale):
    return HSeq(scale[i] for i in [0, 4]) | add(quaver_point)

# there's two important quarter notes used at the ends of sections
e1 = HSeq(scale[3]) | add(quarter_point)
e2 = HSeq(scale[0]) | add(quarter_point)

partA = h1(scale) + h1_end1(scale) + e1 + h1(scale) + end(scale) + e2
partB = h2(scale) + h2_end1(scale) + e1 + h2(scale) + end(scale) + e2

# here we see the basic structure of the song
oseq = OSequence((partA * 2) + (partB * 2))

C_major = Key("C", major_scale)

# note values filled-out for C major in octave 5 then MIDI pitches calculated
seq = oseq | degree_in_key_with_octave(C_major, 5) | midi_pitch()

# write to file:
write_midi.write("shortning_bread_1.mid", [seq])
Esempio n. 9
The main title theme to HBO's Game of Thrones by Ramin Djawadi

from sebastian.core import Point, HSeq, OSequence
from sebastian.core.transforms import midi_pitch, degree_in_key, add
from sebastian.core.notes import Key, major_scale, minor_scale
from sebastian.midi import write_midi

C_Major = Key("C", major_scale)
C_minor = Key("C", minor_scale)

motive_degrees = HSeq(Point(degree=n) for n in [5, 1, 3, 4])

motive_rhythm_1 = HSeq(Point(duration_64=n) for n in [16, 16, 8, 8])
motive_rhythm_2 = HSeq(Point(duration_64=n) for n in [48, 48, 8, 8, 32, 32, 8, 8])

motive_1 = motive_degrees & motive_rhythm_1
motive_2 = (motive_degrees * 2) & motive_rhythm_2

# add key and octave
seq1 = (motive_1 * 4) | add({"octave": 5}) | degree_in_key(C_minor)
seq2 = (motive_1 * 4) | add({"octave": 5}) | degree_in_key(C_Major)
seq3 = motive_2 | add({"octave": 4}) | degree_in_key(C_minor)

seq = (seq1 + seq2 + seq3) | midi_pitch() | OSequence

write_midi.write("game_of_thrones.mid", [seq], instruments=[49], tempo=350000)
Esempio n. 10
seq2 = parse("e f g")

# concatenate
seq3 = seq1 + seq2

# transpose and reverse
seq4 = seq3 | transpose(12) | reverse()

# merge
seq5 = seq3 // seq4

# play MIDI[seq5])

# write to MIDI
write_midi.write("seq5.mid", [seq5])

# contruct a horizontal sequence of scale degrees
seq6 = HSeq(Point(degree=degree) for degree in [1, 2, 3, 2, 1])

# put that sequence into C major, octave 4 quavers
C_MAJOR = Key("C", major_scale)
seq7 = seq6 | add({"octave": 4, DURATION_64: 8}) | degree_in_key(C_MAJOR)

# convert to MIDI pitch and play[OSequence(seq7 | midi_pitch())])

# sequence of first four degree of a scale
seq8 = HSeq(Point(degree=n) for n in [1, 2, 3, 4])

# add duration and octave
Esempio n. 11
seq2 = parse("e f g")

# concatenate
seq3 = seq1 + seq2

# transpose and reverse
seq4 = seq3 | transpose(12) | reverse()

# merge
seq5 = seq3 // seq4

# play MIDI[seq5])

# write to MIDI
write_midi.write("seq5.mid", [seq5])

# contruct a horizontal sequence of scale degrees
seq6 = HSeq(Point(degree=degree) for degree in [1, 2, 3, 2, 1])

# put that sequence into C major, octave 4 quavers
C_MAJOR = Key("C", major_scale)
seq7 = seq6 | add({"octave": 4, DURATION_64: 8}) | degree_in_key(C_MAJOR)

# convert to MIDI pitch and play[OSequence(seq7 | midi_pitch())])

# sequence of first four degree of a scale
seq8 = HSeq(Point(degree=n) for n in [1, 2, 3, 4])
Esempio n. 12
The main title theme to HBO's Game of Thrones by Ramin Djawadi

from sebastian.core import Point, HSeq, OSequence
from sebastian.core.transforms import midi_pitch, degree_in_key, add
from sebastian.core.notes import Key, major_scale, minor_scale
from sebastian.midi import write_midi

C_Major = Key("C", major_scale)
C_minor = Key("C", minor_scale)

motive_degrees = HSeq(Point(degree=n) for n in [5, 1, 3, 4])

motive_rhythm_1 = HSeq(Point(duration_64=n) for n in [16, 16, 8, 8])
motive_rhythm_2 = HSeq(
    Point(duration_64=n) for n in [48, 48, 8, 8, 32, 32, 8, 8])

motive_1 = motive_degrees & motive_rhythm_1
motive_2 = (motive_degrees * 2) & motive_rhythm_2

# add key and octave
seq1 = (motive_1 * 4) | add({"octave": 5}) | degree_in_key(C_minor)
seq2 = (motive_1 * 4) | add({"octave": 5}) | degree_in_key(C_Major)
seq3 = motive_2 | add({"octave": 4}) | degree_in_key(C_minor)

seq = (seq1 + seq2 + seq3) | midi_pitch() | OSequence

write_midi.write("game_of_thrones.mid", [seq], instruments=[49], tempo=350000)
Esempio n. 13
    # Create the basic interval pattern.
    intervals = HSeq({DEGREE: x} for x in [1, 5, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1])

    # Create the rhythm
    rhythm = HSeq({DURATION_64: x} for x in [128, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64])

    # Set specific chords to be used in certain measures.
    intervals[1]["chord"] = (-3, -1, 0, 2)  # second inversion 7th
    intervals[3]["chord"] = (-3, 0, 2)      # second inversion
    intervals[5]["chord"] = (-5, -3, 0)     # first inversion

    # Combine the sequences, make them chords, produce alberti on the chords,
    # fill with each being 8, expand it to a flat sequence.
    melody = intervals & rhythm | chord() | alberti | fill(8) | expand

    # Define our key
    C_major = Key("C", major_scale)


    # Set the degree, add the midi pitch, make it an OSequence, add debugging information.
    return melody | degree_in_key_with_octave(C_major, 5) | midi_pitch() | OSequence | debug

if __name__ == "__main__":
    movement = build_movement()
    for point in movement:
    write_midi.write("first_movement.mid", [movement])
Esempio n. 14
from sebastian.core.transforms import midi_pitch, degree_in_key_with_octave, add
from sebastian.core.notes import Key, major_scale

from sebastian.midi import write_midi

def alberti(triad):
    takes a VSeq of 3 notes and returns an HSeq of those notes in an
    alberti figuration.
    return HSeq(triad[i] for i in [0, 2, 1, 2])

# an abstract VSeq of 3 notes in root position (degree 1, 3 and 5)
root_triad = VSeq(Point(degree=n) for n in [1, 3, 5])

quaver_point = Point({DURATION_64: 8})

# an OSequence with alberti figuration repeated 16 times using quavers
alberti_osequence = OSequence(alberti(root_triad) * 16 | add(quaver_point))

C_major = Key("C", major_scale)

# note values filled-out for C major in octave 5 then MIDI pitches calculated
seq = alberti_osequence | degree_in_key_with_octave(C_major, 5) | midi_pitch()

# write to file:
write_midi.write("alberti.mid", [seq])
Esempio n. 15
#!/usr/bin/env python

from sebastian.lilypond.interp import parse
from sebastian.midi import write_midi

# construct sequences using lilypond syntax
seq1 = parse("e4. d c r")
seq2 = parse("g4. f4 f8 e4.")
seq2a = parse("r4.")
seq2b = parse("r4 g8")
seq3 = parse("c'4 c'8 b a b c'4 g8 g4")
seq3a = parse("g8")
seq3b = parse("f8")

# concatenate
mice = (seq1 * 2) + (seq2 + seq2a) + (seq2 + seq2b) + (
    (seq3 + seq3a) * 2) + (seq3 + seq3b) + seq1

# write to MIDI
write_midi.write("mice.mid", [mice])
Esempio n. 16
from sebastian.core import VSeq, HSeq, Point, OSequence
from sebastian.core.transforms import midi_pitch, degree_in_key_with_octave, add
from sebastian.core.notes import Key, major_scale

from sebastian.midi import write_midi

def alberti(triad):
    takes a VSeq of 3 notes and returns an HSeq of those notes in an
    alberti figuration.
    return HSeq(triad[i] for i in [0, 2, 1, 2])

# an abstract VSeq of 3 notes in root position (degree 1, 3 and 5)
root_triad = VSeq(Point(degree=n) for n in [1, 3, 5])

quaver_point = Point({DURATION_64: 8})

# an OSequence with alberti figuration repeated 16 times using quavers
alberti_osequence = OSequence(alberti(root_triad) * 16 | add(quaver_point))

C_major = Key("C", major_scale)

# note values filled-out for C major in octave 5 then MIDI pitches calculated
seq = alberti_osequence | degree_in_key_with_octave(C_major, 5) | midi_pitch()

# write to file:
write_midi.write("alberti.mid", [seq])