class SourceWidget(QWidget): """ Used to display summary information about a source in the list view. """ CSS = ''' QWidget#color_bar { background-color: #9211ff; } QLabel#source_name { font-family: Open Sans; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #000; } QLabel#timestamp { font-family: Open Sans; font-size: 12px; color: #000; } ''' def __init__(self, source: Source): super().__init__() # Store source self.source = source # Set css id self.setObjectName('source_widget') # Set styles self.setStyleSheet(self.CSS) # Set layout layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(layout) # Remove margins and spacing layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) layout.setSpacing(0) # Set up gutter self.gutter = QWidget() self.gutter.setObjectName('gutter') self.gutter.setFixedWidth(30) gutter_layout = QVBoxLayout(self.gutter) gutter_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) gutter_layout.setSpacing(0) = StarToggleButton(self.source) spacer = QWidget() gutter_layout.addWidget( gutter_layout.addWidget(spacer) # Set up summary self.summary = QWidget() self.summary.setObjectName('summary') summary_layout = QVBoxLayout(self.summary) summary_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) summary_layout.setSpacing(0) = QLabel()'source_name') self.preview = QLabel('') self.preview.setObjectName('preview') self.preview.setWordWrap(True) summary_layout.addWidget( summary_layout.addWidget(self.preview) # Set up metadata self.metadata = QWidget() self.metadata.setObjectName('metadata') metadata_layout = QVBoxLayout(self.metadata) metadata_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) metadata_layout.setSpacing(0) self.attached = SvgLabel('paperclip.svg', QSize(16, 16)) self.attached.setObjectName('paperclip') self.attached.setFixedSize(QSize(20, 20)) spacer = QWidget() metadata_layout.addWidget(self.attached, 1, Qt.AlignRight) metadata_layout.addWidget(spacer, 1) # Set up source row self.source_row = QWidget() source_row_layout = QHBoxLayout(self.source_row) source_row_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) source_row_layout.setSpacing(0) source_row_layout.addWidget(self.gutter, 1) source_row_layout.addWidget(self.summary, 1) source_row_layout.addWidget(self.metadata, 1) # Set up timestamp self.updated = QLabel() self.updated.setObjectName('timestamp') # Add widgets to main layout layout.addWidget(self.source_row, 1) layout.addWidget(self.updated, 1, Qt.AlignRight) self.update() def setup(self, controller): """ Pass through the controller object to this widget. """ self.controller = controller def update(self): """ Updates the displayed values with the current values from self.source. """ self.updated.setText(arrow.get(self.source.last_updated).humanize())"<strong>{}</strong>".format( html.escape(self.source.journalist_designation))) if self.source.document_count == 0: self.attached.hide() def delete_source(self, event): if self.controller.api is None: self.controller.on_action_requiring_login() return else: messagebox = DeleteSourceMessageBox(self, self.source, self.controller) messagebox.launch()
class ErrorStatusBar(QWidget): """ A pop-up status bar for displaying messages about application errors to the user. Messages will be displayed for a given duration or until the message is cleared or updated with a new message. """ CSS = ''' #error_vertical_bar { background-color: #f22b5d; } #error_icon { background-color: qlineargradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #fff, stop: 0.2 #fff, stop: 1 #fff ); } #error_status_bar { background-color: qlineargradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #fff, stop: 0.2 #fff, stop: 1 #fff ); font-weight: bold; color: #f22b5d; } ''' def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Set styles self.setStyleSheet(self.CSS) # Set layout layout = QHBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(layout) # Remove margins and spacing layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) # Error vertical bar self.vertical_bar = QWidget() self.vertical_bar.setObjectName('error_vertical_bar') # Set css id self.vertical_bar.setFixedWidth(10) # Error icon self.label = SvgLabel('error_icon.svg', svg_size=QSize(32, 32)) self.label.setObjectName('error_icon') # Set css id self.label.setFixedWidth(42) # Error status bar self.status_bar = QStatusBar() self.status_bar.setObjectName('error_status_bar') # Set css id self.status_bar.setSizeGripEnabled(False) # Add widgets to layout layout.addWidget(self.vertical_bar) layout.addWidget(self.label) layout.addWidget(self.status_bar) # Hide until a message needs to be displayed self.vertical_bar.hide() self.label.hide() self.status_bar.hide() # Only show errors for a set duration self.status_timer = QTimer() self.status_timer.timeout.connect(self._on_status_timeout) def _hide(self): self.vertical_bar.hide() self.label.hide() self.status_bar.hide() def _show(self): def _on_status_timeout(self): self._hide() def update_message(self, message: str, duration: int): """ Display a status message to the user for a given duration. """ self.status_bar.showMessage(message, duration) self.status_timer.start(duration) self._show() def clear_message(self): """ Clear any message currently in the status bar. """ self.status_bar.clearMessage() self._hide()