def SendKey(self, request, context): """ Sends encrypted symmetric key, signature over key, and filename of data that was encrypted using the symmetric key """ # Get encrypted symmetric key, signature, and filename from request enc_sym_key = request.enc_sym_key key_size = request.key_size signature = request.signature sig_len = request.sig_len crypto_utils = xgb.CryptoUtils() result = crypto_utils.add_client_key(enc_sym_key, key_size, signature, sig_len) return remote_attestation_pb2.Status(status=result)
def run(channel_addrs, key_path, keypair): """ The client will make 4 calls to the server that will run computation 1. A call to retrieve the attestation report from the server. The client will use this report to verify that the it can trust the server. 2. A call to send the symmetric key used to encrypt the data to the server. 3. A call to commence computation. """ # Perform attestation and send the client key to each node in the enclave cluster for channel_addr in channel_addrs: print("Connecting to", channel_addr) # Get remote report from enclave with grpc.insecure_channel(channel_addr) as channel: stub = remote_attestation_pb2_grpc.RemoteAttestationStub(channel) response = stub.GetAttestation( remote_attestation_pb2.Status(status=1)) pem_key = response.pem_key key_size = response.key_size remote_report = response.remote_report remote_report_size = response.remote_report_size print("Report received from remote enclave") # Verify report enclave_reference = xgb.Enclave(create_enclave=False) enclave_reference.set_report_attrs(pem_key, key_size, remote_report, remote_report_size) enclave_reference.verify_remote_report_and_set_pubkey() print("Report successfully verified") # Encrypt and sign symmetric key used to encrypt data key_file = open(key_path, 'rb') sym_key = # The key will be type bytes key_file.close() crypto_utils = xgb.CryptoUtils() # Encrypt symmetric key enc_sym_key, enc_sym_key_size = crypto_utils.encrypt_data_with_pk( sym_key, len(sym_key), pem_key, key_size) print("Encrypted symmetric key") # Sign encrypted symmetric key sig, sig_len = crypto_utils.sign_data(keypair, enc_sym_key, enc_sym_key_size) print("Signed ciphertext") # Send data key to the server with grpc.insecure_channel(channel_addr) as channel: stub = remote_attestation_pb2_grpc.RemoteAttestationStub(channel) print("Sending key...") response = stub.SendKey( remote_attestation_pb2.DataMetadata(enc_sym_key=enc_sym_key, key_size=enc_sym_key_size, signature=sig, sig_len=sig_len)) print("Symmetric key for data sent to server") print("Waiting for training to finish...") # Open up a channel to each node to signal start channels = [] for channel_addr in channel_addrs: # Signal start channels.append(grpc.insecure_channel(channel_addr)) # Store futures in a list # Futures hold the result of asynchronous calls to each gRPC server futures = [] for channel in channels: stub = remote_attestation_pb2_grpc.RemoteAttestationStub(channel) # Asynchronous calls to start job on each node response_future = stub.SignalStartCluster.future( remote_attestation_pb2.ClusterParams(num_workers=2)) futures.append(response_future) results = [] for future in futures: results.append(future.result().status) # If any node returned a non zero exit status if sum(results) == 0: print("Training succeeded! Encrypted model has been saved.") else: print("Training failed")
def run(channel_addr, key_path, keypair): """ The client will make 4 calls to the server that will run computation 1. A call to retrieve the attestation report from the server. The client will use this report to verify that the it can trust the server. 2. A call to send the symmetric key used to encrypt the data to the server. 3. A call to commence computation. """ # Get remote report from enclave with grpc.insecure_channel(channel_addr) as channel: stub = remote_attestation_pb2_grpc.RemoteAttestationStub(channel) response = stub.GetAttestation(remote_attestation_pb2.Status(status=1)) pem_key = response.pem_key key_size = response.key_size remote_report = response.remote_report remote_report_size = response.remote_report_size print("Report received from remote enclave") # Verify report enclave_reference = xgb.Enclave(create_enclave=False) enclave_reference.set_report_attrs(pem_key, key_size, remote_report, remote_report_size) enclave_reference.verify_remote_report_and_set_pubkey() print("Report successfully verified") # Encrypt and sign symmetric key used to encrypt data key_file = open(key_path, 'rb') sym_key = # The key will be type bytes key_file.close() crypto_utils = xgb.CryptoUtils() # Encrypt symmetric key enc_sym_key, enc_sym_key_size = crypto_utils.encrypt_data_with_pk( sym_key, len(sym_key), pem_key, key_size) print("Encrypted symmetric key") # Sign encrypted symmetric key sig, sig_len = crypto_utils.sign_data(keypair, enc_sym_key, enc_sym_key_size) print("Signed ciphertext") # Send data key to the server with grpc.insecure_channel(channel_addr) as channel: stub = remote_attestation_pb2_grpc.RemoteAttestationStub(channel) response = stub.SendKey( remote_attestation_pb2.DataMetadata(enc_sym_key=enc_sym_key, key_size=enc_sym_key_size, signature=sig, sig_len=sig_len)) print("Symmetric key for data sent to server") # Signal start with grpc.insecure_channel(channel_addr) as channel: stub = remote_attestation_pb2_grpc.RemoteAttestationStub(channel) print("Waiting for training to finish...") response = stub.SignalStart(remote_attestation_pb2.Status(status=1)) if response.status == 1: print("Training succeeded! Decrypting predictions...") enc_preds_serialized = response.predictions num_preds = response.num_preds enc_preds = proto_to_pointer(enc_preds_serialized) preds = crypto_utils.decrypt_predictions(sym_key, enc_preds, num_preds) print("Predictions: ", preds) else: print("Training failed")
"tree_method": "hist", "n_gpus": "0", "objective": "binary:logistic", "min_child_weight": "1", "gamma": "0.1", "max_depth": "3", "verbosity": "1" } # Train and evaluate num_rounds = 5 booster = xgb.train(params, dtrain, num_rounds, evals=[(dtrain, "train"), (dtest, "test")]) # Get encrypted predictions print("\n\nModel Predictions: ") predictions, num_preds = booster.predict(dtest) key_file = open("../key_zeros.txt", 'rb') sym_key = # The key will be type bytes key_file.close() crypto = xgb.CryptoUtils() # Decrypt predictions print(crypto.decrypt_predictions(sym_key, predictions, num_preds)) xgb.rabit.finalize()
import securexgboost as xgb import os HOME_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../../../" KEY_FILE = "key.txt" crypto_utils = xgb.CryptoUtils() crypto_utils.generate_client_key(KEY_FILE) crypto_utils.encrypt_file(HOME_DIR + "demo/data/agaricus.txt.train", "train.enc", KEY_FILE)