def setUp(self): """ Set up before every test. """ self.client = app.test_client() app.config['TESTING'] = True # connect to test database connect_to_db(app, 'postgresql:///testdb') # create tables and add sample data db.create_all() load_dummy_data() # Make mock def _load_message_and_send(_): message_status = {'labelIds': ['SENT']} return message_status # Make mock def _get_random_quote(): return { 'media': '', 'author': 'Roxana Jones' } server.load_message_and_send = _load_message_and_send server.get_random_quote = _get_random_quote
def setUp(self): """ Set up before every test. """ self.client = app.test_client() app.config['TESTING'] = True # connect to test database connect_to_db(app, 'postgresql:///testdb') # create tables and add sample data db.create_all() load_dummy_data()
def setUp(self): """ Set up before every test. """ self.client = app.test_client() app.config['TESTING'] = True # connect to test database connect_to_db(app, 'postgresql:///testdb') # create tables and add sample data db.create_all() load_dummy_data() # Make mock def _send_text_message(from_, body, to): class Message(): """ simple Message mock with error_code attribute. """ def __init__(self): self.error_code = None new_message = Message() return new_message server.send_text_message = _send_text_message