Esempio n. 1
def user_sheet_list_api(request, user_id):
	API for listing the sheets that belong to user_id.
	if int(user_id) !=
		return jsonResponse({"error": "You are not authorized to view that."})
	return jsonResponse(sheet_list(user_id))
Esempio n. 2
def sheet_list_api(request):
	API for listing available sheets
	if request.method == "GET":
		return jsonResponse(sheet_list())

	# Save a sheet
	if request.method == "POST":
		if not request.user.is_authenticated():
			return jsonResponse({"error": "You must be logged in to save."})
		j = request.POST.get("json")
		if not j:
			return jsonResponse({"error": "No JSON given in post data."})
		sheet = json.loads(j)
		if "id" in sheet:
			existing = get_sheet(sheet["id"])
			if "error" not in existing  and \
				not can_edit(request.user, existing) and \
				not can_add(request.user, existing):
				return jsonResponse({"error": "You don't have permission to edit this sheet."})
		responseSheet = save_sheet(sheet,
		if "rebuild" in responseSheet and responseSheet["rebuild"]:
			# Don't bother adding user links if this data won't be used to rebuild the sheet
			responseSheet["sources"] = annotate_user_links(responseSheet["sources"])

		return jsonResponse(responseSheet)
Esempio n. 3
def add_ref_to_sheet_api(request, sheet_id):
	API to add a source to a sheet using only a ref.
	ref = request.POST.get("ref")
	if not ref:
		return jsonResponse({"error": "No ref given in post data."})
	return jsonResponse(add_ref_to_sheet(int(sheet_id), ref))
Esempio n. 4
def add_source_to_sheet_api(request, sheet_id):
	API to add a fully formed source (posted as JSON) to sheet_id.
	source = json.loads(request.POST.get("source"))
	if not source:
		return jsonResponse({"error": "No source to copy given."})
	return jsonResponse(add_source_to_sheet(int(sheet_id), source))
Esempio n. 5
def copy_source_to_sheet_api(request, sheet_id):
	API to copy a source from one sheet to another. 
	copy_sheet = request.POST.get("sheet")
	copy_source = request.POST.get("source")
	if not copy_sheet and copy_source:
		return jsonResponse({"error": "Need both a sheet and source number to copy."})
	return jsonResponse(copy_source_to_sheet(int(sheet_id), int(copy_sheet), int(copy_source)))
Esempio n. 6
def sheet_api(request, sheet_id):
	API for accessing and individual sheet.
	if request.method == "GET":
		sheet = get_sheet(int(sheet_id))
		return jsonResponse(sheet)

	if request.method == "POST":
		return jsonResponse({"error": "TODO - save to sheet by id"})
Esempio n. 7
def unlike_sheet_api(request, sheet_id):
	API to unlike sheet_id.
	if not request.user.is_authenticated():
		return jsonResponse({"error": "You must be logged in to like sheets."})
	if request.method != "POST":
		return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsupported HTTP method."})

	return jsonResponse({"status": "ok"})
Esempio n. 8
def delete_sheet_api(request, sheet_id):
	Deletes sheet with id, only if the requester is the sheet owner. 
	id = int(sheet_id)
	sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": id})
	if not sheet:
		return jsonResponse({"error": "Sheet %d not found." % id})

	if != sheet["owner"]:
		return jsonResponse({"error": "Only the sheet owner may delete a sheet."})

	db.sheets.remove({"id": id})

	return jsonResponse({"status": "ok"})
Esempio n. 9
def check_sheet_modified_api(request, sheet_id, timestamp):
	Check if sheet_id has been modified since timestamp.
	If modified, return the new sheet. 
	sheet_id = int(sheet_id)
	last_mod = get_last_updated_time(sheet_id)
	if not last_mod:
		return jsonResponse({"error": "Couldn't find last modified time."})

	if timestamp >= last_mod:
		return jsonResponse({"modified": False})

	sheet = get_sheet(sheet_id)
	if "error" in sheet:
		return jsonResponse(sheet)

	sheet["modified"] = True
	sheet["sources"] = annotate_user_links(sheet["sources"])
	return jsonResponse(sheet)	
Esempio n. 10
def sheet_likers_api(request, sheet_id):
	API to retrieve the list of peopke who like sheet_id.
	response = {"likers": likers_list_for_sheet(sheet_id)}
	return jsonResponse(response)
Esempio n. 11
def update_sheet_tags_api(request, sheet_id):
	API to update tags for sheet_id. 
	tags = json.loads(request.POST.get("tags"))
	return jsonResponse(update_sheet_tags(int(sheet_id), tags))