Esempio n. 1
def calculateRA(T, sx, sy, points, P):
    """Calculate Reconstruction Accuracy, as indicated in [Ref2]_. It needs
    1 single-point feature to be extracted for some US images of a calibration 
    quality assessment acquisition. These points (each for different US images)
    are reconstructed in global reference frame. RA is the mean of the norm of
    the difference between these points and the gold-standard points ``P``.
    T : np.ndarray
        N x 4 x 4 array where ``T[i,:,:]`` represents the roto-translation matrix from US image reference frame to global reference frame, for time frame ``i``.
    sx, sy : float
        Number of mm for each pixel in US image, for horizontal and vertical axis (in *mm/pixel*).
    points : dict
        Dictionary where keys are frame numbers and values are lists of tuples, each one representing a point position in the corresponding US image. Only one tuple is needed.
    P : np.ndarray
        Gold-standard 3D positions (in *mm*) for reconstruction accuracy estimation.   
    dist : np.ndarray
        Array containing distances, each on calculated by using a real 3D point and the reconstructed 3D point.
    DA : float
        Mean of ``dist`` ignoring nans.

    # Calculate points in the global reference frame
    pointsGl1 = np.zeros((3,len(points))) * np.nan
    pointsGl2 = np.zeros((3,len(points))) * np.nan
    frames = np.sort(points.keys())
    for i in xrange(0, len(points)):
        if len(points[frames[i]]) <> 1:
#            pointsGl[:,i] = np.nan
        fr = frames[i]
        point = singlePointFeaturesTo3DPointsMatrix(points, sx, sy, idx=(fr,)).squeeze()
        pointsGl1[:,i] =[fr,:,:],point)[0:3]
        if fr < P.shape[0]:
            pointsGl2[:,i] = P[fr,:]
            pointsGl2[:,i] = np.nan
    #pointsGl1 = pointsGl1[0:3,:]
    # Calculate RA
    dist = np.zeros((pointsGl1.shape[1],))
    for i in xrange(0,pointsGl1.shape[1]): # np.linalg.norm has no 'axis' argument for NumPy 1.7.1
        dist[i] = np.linalg.norm(pointsGl1[:,i]-pointsGl2[:,i])
    RA = stats.nanmean(dist)
    return dist, RA
Esempio n. 2
def calculateRP(T, sx, sy, points):
    """Calculate point reconstruction reconstruction precision, as in [Ref1]_. 
    It needs single-point feature to be extracted for some US images of a calibration 
    quality assessment acquisition. The points are the reconstructed in 
    3D space, creating a cloud of points. RP is the mean of the distances
    between each 3D point and the 3D average point.
    T : np.ndarray
        N x 4 x 4 array where ``T[i,:,:]`` represents the roto-translation matrix from US image reference frame to global reference frame, for time frame ``i``.
    sx, sy : float
        Number of mm for each pixel in US image, for horizontal and vertical axis (in *mm/pixel*).
    points : dict
        dictionary where keys are frame numbers and values are lists of tuples, each one representing a point position in the corresponding US image.
        Reconstruction precision value

    # Calculate points in the global reference frame
    pointsGl = np.zeros((4,len(points)))
    frames = np.sort(points.keys())
    for i in xrange(0, len(points)):
        if len(points[frames[i]]) <> 1:
            pointsGl[:,i] = np.nan
        fr = frames[i]
#        point = np.zeros((4,))
#        point[0] = points[frames[i]][0][0] * sx
#        point[1] = points[frames[i]][0][1] * sy
#        point[2:4] = (0, 1)
        point = singlePointFeaturesTo3DPointsMatrix(points, sx, sy, idx=(fr,)).squeeze()
        pointsGl[:,i] =[fr,:,:],point)
    pointsGl = pointsGl[0:3,:]
    # Calculate RP
    meanPoint = stats.nanmean(pointsGl, axis=1)
    pointsNorm = np.zeros((pointsGl.shape[1],))
    for i in xrange(0,len(pointsNorm)): # np.linalg.norm has no 'axis' argument for NumPy 1.7.1
        pointsNorm[i] = np.linalg.norm(pointsGl[:,i]-meanPoint)
    RP = np.mean(pointsNorm)
    return RP
Esempio n. 3
def calculateDA(T, sx, sy, points, L):
    """Calculate Distance Accuracy, as indicated in [Ref2]_. It needs
    2 single-point features to be extracted for some US images of a calibration 
    quality assessment acquisition. These 2 points (each for different US images)
    are reconstructed in and the distance is calculated. This process can be
    repeated for other couples of US images. For instance, if one point is indicated
    for frames 1, 4, 10, 15, 25, 40, then 3 distances are calculated (1-4, 10-15, 25-40).
    DA is the mean of the difference between these distances and the gold-standard
    measured real distance ``L``.
    T : np.ndarray
        N x 4 x 4 array where ``T[i,:,:]`` represents the roto-translation matrix from US image reference frame to global reference frame, for time frame ``i``.
    sx, sy : float
        Number of mm for each pixel in US image, for horizontal and vertical axis (in *mm/pixel*).
    points : dict
        Dictionary where keys are frame numbers and values are lists of tuples, each one representing a point position in the corresponding US image. Only one tuple is needed.
    L : float
        Gold-standard distance (in *mm*) for distance accuracy estimation.   
    listDA : np.ndarray
        Array containing distances, each on calculated by using points from 2 consecutive frame numbers from ``points``.
    DA : float
        Mean of ``listDA`` ignoring nans.

    # Calculate points in the global reference frame
    Nc = np.floor(len(points) / 2.)
    pointsGl1 = np.zeros((4,Nc)) * np.nan
    pointsGl2 = np.zeros((4,Nc)) * np.nan
    frames = np.sort(points.keys())
    c = 0
    for i in xrange(0, len(points)-1, 2):
        if len(points[frames[i]]) <> 1 or len(points[frames[i+1]]) <> 1:
        fr1 = frames[i]
        fr2 = frames[i+1]
#        point1 = np.zeros((4,))
#        point1[0] = points[frames[i]][0][0] * sx
#        point1[1] = points[frames[i]][0][1] * sy
#        point1[2:4] = (0, 1)
#        pointsGl1[:,c] =[fr1,:,:],point1)
#        point2 = np.zeros((4,))
#        point2[0] = points[frames[i+1]][0][0] * sx
#        point2[1] = points[frames[i+1]][0][1] * sy
#        point2[2:4] = (0, 1)
#        pointsGl2[:,c] =[fr2,:,:],point2)
        pointsGl = singlePointFeaturesTo3DPointsMatrix(points, sx, sy, idx=(fr1,fr2,))
        pointsGl1[:,c] =[fr1,:,:],pointsGl[0,:])
        pointsGl2[:,c] =[fr2,:,:],pointsGl[1,:])
        c += 1
    pointsGl1 = pointsGl1[0:3,:]
    pointsGl2 = pointsGl2[0:3,:]
    # Calculate DA
    dist = np.zeros((pointsGl1.shape[1],))
    for i in xrange(0,len(dist)):
        dist[i] = np.linalg.norm(pointsGl1[:,i]-pointsGl2[:,i])
    listDA = np.abs(dist - L)
    DA = stats.nanmean(listDA)
    return listDA, DA