Esempio n. 1
class LateralPlanner():
    def __init__(self, CP, use_lanelines=True, wide_camera=False):
        self.use_lanelines = use_lanelines
        self.LP = LanePlanner(wide_camera)

        self.last_cloudlog_t = 0
        self.steer_rate_cost = CP.steerRateCost

        self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
        self.lane_change_state =
        self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
        self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0
        self.prev_one_blinker = False
        self.desire = log.LateralPlan.Desire.none

        self.path_xyz = np.zeros((TRAJECTORY_SIZE, 3))
        self.path_xyz_stds = np.ones((TRAJECTORY_SIZE, 3))
        self.plan_yaw = np.zeros((TRAJECTORY_SIZE, ))
        self.t_idxs = np.arange(TRAJECTORY_SIZE)
        self.y_pts = np.zeros(TRAJECTORY_SIZE)

        # dp
        self.dp_lc_auto_allowed = False
        self.dp_lc_auto_timer = None
        self.dp_lc_auto_delay = 2.
        self.dp_lc_auto_cont = False
        self.dp_lc_auto_completed = False

    def setup_mpc(self):
        self.libmpc = libmpc_py.libmpc

        self.mpc_solution ="log_t *")
        self.cur_state ="state_t *")
        self.cur_state[0].x = 0.0
        self.cur_state[0].y = 0.0
        self.cur_state[0].psi = 0.0
        self.cur_state[0].curvature = 0.0

        self.desired_curvature = 0.0
        self.safe_desired_curvature = 0.0
        self.desired_curvature_rate = 0.0
        self.safe_desired_curvature_rate = 0.0

    def update(self, sm, CP):
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        active = sm['controlsState'].active
        measured_curvature = sm['controlsState'].curvature

        md = sm['modelV2']
        if len(md.position.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE and len(
                md.orientation.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
            self.path_xyz = np.column_stack(
                [md.position.x, md.position.y, md.position.z])
            self.t_idxs = np.array(md.position.t)
            self.plan_yaw = list(md.orientation.z)
        if len(md.orientation.xStd) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
            self.path_xyz_stds = np.column_stack(
                [md.position.xStd, md.position.yStd, md.position.zStd])

        # Lane change logic
        one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < (sm['dragonConf'].dpLcMinMph *

        if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX):
            self.lane_change_state =
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
            if self.lane_change_state == and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
                self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0

            # dp alc
            cur_time = sec_since_boot()
            if not below_lane_change_speed and sm[
                    'dragonConf'].dpLateralMode == 2 and v_ego >= (
                        sm['dragonConf'].dpLcAutoMinMph * CV.MPH_TO_MS):
                # we allow auto lc when speed reached dragon_auto_lc_min_mph
                self.dp_lc_auto_allowed = True
                # if too slow, we reset all the variables
                self.dp_lc_auto_allowed = False
                self.dp_lc_auto_timer = None

            # disable auto lc when continuous is off and already did auto lc once
            if self.dp_lc_auto_allowed and not sm[
                    'dragonConf'].dpLcAutoCont and self.dp_lc_auto_completed:
                self.dp_lc_auto_allowed = False

            # LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
                # Set lane change direction
                if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
                    self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
                elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
                    self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right
                else:  # If there are no blinkers we will go back to
                    self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none

                torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                                ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                                  (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

                blindspot_detected = (
                    (sm['carState'].leftBlindspot and
                     self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                    (sm['carState'].rightBlindspot and
                     self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

                # dp alc
                if self.dp_lc_auto_allowed:
                    if self.dp_lc_auto_timer is None:
                        self.dp_lc_auto_timer = cur_time + sm[
                    elif cur_time >= self.dp_lc_auto_timer:
                        # if timer is up, we set torque_applied to True to fake user input
                        torque_applied = True
                        self.dp_lc_auto_completed = True

                # we reset the timers when torque is applied regardless
                if torque_applied and not blindspot_detected:
                    self.dp_lc_auto_timer = None

                if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
                    self.lane_change_state =
                elif torque_applied and not blindspot_detected:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting

            # LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
                # fade out over .5s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob - 2 * DT_MDL, 0.0)

                # 98% certainty
                lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob
                if lane_change_prob < 0.02 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.01:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

            # LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
                # fade in laneline over 1s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
                if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                elif self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state =

                # dp when finishing, we reset timer to none.
                self.dp_lc_auto_timer = None

        if self.lane_change_state in [
      , LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
            self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

        if self.prev_one_blinker and not one_blinker:
            self.dp_lc_auto_completed = False

        self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

        self.desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][

        # Turn off lanes during lane change
        if self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
            self.LP.lll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
            self.LP.rll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
        if self.use_lanelines:
            d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
            self.libmpc.set_weights(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING,
            d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
            path_cost = np.clip(
                abs(self.path_xyz[0, 1] / self.path_xyz_stds[0, 1]), 0.5,
                5.0) * MPC_COST_LAT.PATH
            # Heading cost is useful at low speed, otherwise end of plan can be off-heading
            heading_cost = interp(v_ego, [5.0, 10.0],
                                  [MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, 0.0])
            self.libmpc.set_weights(path_cost, heading_cost, CP.steerRateCost)
        y_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:LAT_MPC_N + 1],
                          np.linalg.norm(d_path_xyz, axis=1), d_path_xyz[:, 1])
        heading_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:LAT_MPC_N + 1],
                                np.linalg.norm(self.path_xyz, axis=1),
        self.y_pts = y_pts

        assert len(y_pts) == LAT_MPC_N + 1
        assert len(heading_pts) == LAT_MPC_N + 1
        # for now CAR_ROTATION_RADIUS is disabled
        # to use it, enable it in the MPC
        assert abs(CAR_ROTATION_RADIUS) < 1e-3
        self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                            float(v_ego), CAR_ROTATION_RADIUS, list(y_pts),
        # init state for next
        self.cur_state.x = 0.0
        self.cur_state.y = 0.0
        self.cur_state.psi = 0.0
        self.cur_state.curvature = interp(DT_MDL, self.t_idxs[:LAT_MPC_N + 1],

        #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
        mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution.curvature)
        t = sec_since_boot()
        if mpc_nans:
            self.cur_state.curvature = measured_curvature

            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if self.mpc_solution[
                0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:  # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
            self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
            self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0

    def publish(self, sm, pm):
        plan_solution_valid = self.solution_invalid_cnt < 2
        plan_send = messaging.new_message('lateralPlan')
        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=[
            'carState', 'controlsState', 'modelV2', 'dragonConf'
        plan_send.lateralPlan.laneWidth = float(self.LP.lane_width)
        plan_send.lateralPlan.dPathPoints = [float(x) for x in self.y_pts]
        plan_send.lateralPlan.psis = [
            float(x) for x in self.mpc_solution.psi[0:CONTROL_N]
        plan_send.lateralPlan.curvatures = [
            float(x) for x in self.mpc_solution.curvature[0:CONTROL_N]
        plan_send.lateralPlan.curvatureRates = [
            float(x) for x in self.mpc_solution.curvature_rate[0:CONTROL_N - 1]
        ] + [0.0]
        plan_send.lateralPlan.lProb = float(self.LP.lll_prob)
        plan_send.lateralPlan.rProb = float(self.LP.rll_prob)
        plan_send.lateralPlan.dProb = float(self.LP.d_prob)

        plan_send.lateralPlan.mpcSolutionValid = bool(plan_solution_valid)

        plan_send.lateralPlan.desire = self.desire
        plan_send.lateralPlan.laneChangeState = self.lane_change_state
        plan_send.lateralPlan.laneChangeDirection = self.lane_change_direction
        plan_send.lateralPlan.dpALCAllowed = self.dp_lc_auto_allowed

        pm.send('lateralPlan', plan_send)

        if LOG_MPC:
            dat = messaging.new_message('liveMpc')
            dat.liveMpc.x = list(self.mpc_solution.x)
            dat.liveMpc.y = list(self.mpc_solution.y)
            dat.liveMpc.psi = list(self.mpc_solution.psi)
            dat.liveMpc.curvature = list(self.mpc_solution.curvature)
            dat.liveMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution.cost
            pm.send('liveMpc', dat)
class LateralPlanner():
    def __init__(self, CP, use_lanelines=True, wide_camera=False):
        self.use_lanelines = use_lanelines
        self.LP = LanePlanner(wide_camera)

        self.last_cloudlog_t = 0
        self.steer_rate_cost = CP.steerRateCost

        self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
        self.lane_change_state =
        self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
        self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0
        self.keep_pulse_timer = 0.0
        self.prev_one_blinker = False
        self.desire = log.LateralPlan.Desire.none

        self.path_xyz = np.zeros((TRAJECTORY_SIZE, 3))
        self.path_xyz_stds = np.ones((TRAJECTORY_SIZE, 3))
        self.plan_yaw = np.zeros((TRAJECTORY_SIZE, ))
        self.t_idxs = np.arange(TRAJECTORY_SIZE)
        self.y_pts = np.zeros(TRAJECTORY_SIZE)
        self.d_path_w_lines_xyz = np.zeros((TRAJECTORY_SIZE, 3))

        self.lat_mpc = LateralMpc()

        self.d_path_w_lines_xyz = np.zeros((TRAJECTORY_SIZE, 3))
        # dp
        self.dp_torque_apply_length = 1.5  # secs of torque we apply for
        self.dp_lc_auto_start = 0.  # time to start alc
        self.dp_lc_auto_start_in = 0.  # remaining time to start alc
        self.dp_lc_auto_torque_end = 0.  # time to end applying torque
        self.dp_torque_apply = False  # should we apply torque?

        self.laneless_mode = 2  # AUTO
        self.laneless_mode_status = False
        self.laneless_mode_status_buffer = False

    def reset_mpc(self, x0=np.zeros(6)):
        self.x0 = x0
        self.desired_curvature = 0.0
        self.safe_desired_curvature = 0.0
        self.desired_curvature_rate = 0.0
        self.safe_desired_curvature_rate = 0.0

    def update(self, sm, CP):
        self.use_lanelines = not sm['dragonConf'].dpLaneLessModeCtrl
        self.laneless_mode = sm['dragonConf'].dpLaneLessMode
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        active = sm['controlsState'].active
        measured_curvature = sm['controlsState'].curvature

        md = sm['modelV2']
        if len(md.position.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE and len(
                md.orientation.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
            self.path_xyz = np.column_stack(
                [md.position.x, md.position.y, md.position.z])
            self.t_idxs = np.array(md.position.t)
            self.plan_yaw = list(md.orientation.z)
        if len(md.position.xStd) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
            self.path_xyz_stds = np.column_stack(
                [md.position.xStd, md.position.yStd, md.position.zStd])

        # Lane change logic
        one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < (sm['dragonConf'].dpLcMinMph *

        if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX):
            self.lane_change_state =
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
            reset = False
            if one_blinker:
                cur_time = sec_since_boot()
                # reach auto lc condition
                if not below_lane_change_speed and sm[
                        'dragonConf'].dpLateralMode == 2 and v_ego >= (
                            sm['dragonConf'].dpLcAutoMinMph * CV.MPH_TO_MS):
                    # work out alc start time and torque apply end time
                    if self.dp_lc_auto_start == 0.:
                        self.dp_lc_auto_start = cur_time + sm[
                        self.dp_lc_auto_torque_end = self.dp_lc_auto_start + self.dp_torque_apply_length
                        # work out how long til alc start
                        # for display only
                        self.dp_lc_auto_start_in = self.dp_lc_auto_start - cur_time
                        self.dp_torque_apply = True if self.dp_lc_auto_start < cur_time <= self.dp_lc_auto_torque_end else False
                reset = True

            # reset all vals
            if not active or reset:
                self.dp_lc_auto_start = 0.
                self.dp_lc_auto_start_in = 0.
                self.dp_lc_auto_torque_end = 0.
                self.dp_torque_apply = False

            if self.lane_change_state == and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
                self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0

            # LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
                # Set lane change direction
                if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
                    self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
                elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
                    self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right
                else:  # If there are no blinkers we will go back to
                    self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none

                torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                                ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                                  (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

                blindspot_detected = (
                    (sm['carState'].leftBlindspot and
                     self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                    (sm['carState'].rightBlindspot and
                     self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

                # if human made lane change prior alca, we should stop alca until new blinker (off -> on)
                self.dp_lc_auto_start = self.dp_lc_auto_torque_end if torque_applied else self.dp_lc_auto_start
                torque_applied = self.dp_torque_apply if self.dp_torque_apply else torque_applied
                if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
                    self.lane_change_state =
                elif torque_applied and not blindspot_detected:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting

            # LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
                # fade out over .5s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob - 2 * DT_MDL, 0.0)

                # 98% certainty
                lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob
                if lane_change_prob < 0.02 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.01:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

            # LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
                # fade in laneline over 1s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
                if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                elif self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state =

        if self.lane_change_state in [
      , LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
            self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

        self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

        self.desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][

        # Send keep pulse once per second during LaneChangeStart.preLaneChange
        if self.lane_change_state in [
      , LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting
            self.keep_pulse_timer = 0.0
        elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
            self.keep_pulse_timer += DT_MDL
            if self.keep_pulse_timer > 1.0:
                self.keep_pulse_timer = 0.0
            elif self.desire in [
                self.desire = log.LateralPlan.Desire.none

        # Turn off lanes during lane change
        if self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
            self.LP.lll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
            self.LP.rll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
        self.d_path_w_lines_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs,
        if self.use_lanelines:
            d_path_xyz = self.d_path_w_lines_xyz
            self.lat_mpc.set_weights(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING,
            self.laneless_mode_status = False
        elif self.laneless_mode == 0:
            d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
            self.lat_mpc.set_weights(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING,
            self.laneless_mode_status = False
        elif self.laneless_mode == 1:
            d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
            path_cost = np.clip(
                abs(self.path_xyz[0, 1] / self.path_xyz_stds[0, 1]), 0.5,
                5.0) * MPC_COST_LAT.PATH
            # Heading cost is useful at low speed, otherwise end of plan can be off-heading
            heading_cost = interp(v_ego, [5.0, 10.0],
                                  [MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, 0.0])
            self.lat_mpc.set_weights(path_cost, heading_cost, CP.steerRateCost)
            self.laneless_mode_status = True
        elif self.laneless_mode == 2 and (
            (self.LP.lll_prob + self.LP.rll_prob) / 2 <
                0.3) and self.lane_change_state ==
            d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
            path_cost = np.clip(
                abs(self.path_xyz[0, 1] / self.path_xyz_stds[0, 1]), 0.5,
                5.0) * MPC_COST_LAT.PATH
            # Heading cost is useful at low speed, otherwise end of plan can be off-heading
            heading_cost = interp(v_ego, [5.0, 10.0],
                                  [MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, 0.0])
            self.lat_mpc.set_weights(path_cost, heading_cost, CP.steerRateCost)
            self.laneless_mode_status = True
            self.laneless_mode_status_buffer = True
        elif self.laneless_mode == 2 and ((self.LP.lll_prob + self.LP.rll_prob)/2 > 0.5) and \
         self.laneless_mode_status_buffer and self.lane_change_state ==
            d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
            self.lat_mpc.set_weights(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING,
            self.laneless_mode_status = False
            self.laneless_mode_status_buffer = False
        elif self.laneless_mode == 2 and self.laneless_mode_status_buffer == True and self.lane_change_state ==
            d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
            path_cost = np.clip(
                abs(self.path_xyz[0, 1] / self.path_xyz_stds[0, 1]), 0.5,
                5.0) * MPC_COST_LAT.PATH
            # Heading cost is useful at low speed, otherwise end of plan can be off-heading
            heading_cost = interp(v_ego, [5.0, 10.0],
                                  [MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, 0.0])
            self.lat_mpc.set_weights(path_cost, heading_cost, CP.steerRateCost)
            self.laneless_mode_status = True
            d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
            self.lat_mpc.set_weights(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING,
            self.laneless_mode_status = False
            self.laneless_mode_status_buffer = False

        y_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:LAT_MPC_N + 1],
                          np.linalg.norm(d_path_xyz, axis=1), d_path_xyz[:, 1])
        heading_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:LAT_MPC_N + 1],
                                np.linalg.norm(self.path_xyz, axis=1),
        self.y_pts = y_pts

        assert len(y_pts) == LAT_MPC_N + 1
        assert len(heading_pts) == LAT_MPC_N + 1
        self.x0[4] = v_ego, v_ego, CAR_ROTATION_RADIUS, y_pts,
        # init state for next
        self.x0[3] = interp(DT_MDL, self.t_idxs[:LAT_MPC_N + 1],
                            self.lat_mpc.x_sol[:, 3])

        #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
        mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.lat_mpc.x_sol[:, 3])
        t = sec_since_boot()
        if mpc_nans or self.lat_mpc.solution_status != 0:
            self.x0[3] = measured_curvature
            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if self.lat_mpc.cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:
            self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
            self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0

    def publish(self, sm, pm):
        plan_solution_valid = self.solution_invalid_cnt < 2
        plan_send = messaging.new_message('lateralPlan')
        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=[
            'carState', 'controlsState', 'modelV2', 'dragonConf'
        plan_send.lateralPlan.laneWidth = float(self.LP.lane_width)
        plan_send.lateralPlan.dPathPoints = [float(x) for x in self.y_pts]
        plan_send.lateralPlan.psis = [
            float(x) for x in self.lat_mpc.x_sol[0:CONTROL_N, 2]
        plan_send.lateralPlan.curvatures = [
            float(x) for x in self.lat_mpc.x_sol[0:CONTROL_N, 3]
        plan_send.lateralPlan.curvatureRates = [
            float(x) for x in self.lat_mpc.u_sol[0:CONTROL_N - 1]
        ] + [0.0]
        plan_send.lateralPlan.lProb = float(self.LP.lll_prob)
        plan_send.lateralPlan.rProb = float(self.LP.rll_prob)
        plan_send.lateralPlan.dProb = float(self.LP.d_prob)

        plan_send.lateralPlan.mpcSolutionValid = bool(plan_solution_valid)

        plan_send.lateralPlan.desire = self.desire
        plan_send.lateralPlan.useLaneLines = self.use_lanelines
        plan_send.lateralPlan.laneChangeState = self.lane_change_state
        plan_send.lateralPlan.laneChangeDirection = self.lane_change_direction
        # dp
        plan_send.lateralPlan.dpLaneLessModeStatus = bool(
        plan_send.lateralPlan.dpALCAStartIn = self.dp_lc_auto_start_in

        plan_send.lateralPlan.dPathWLinesX = [
            float(x) for x in self.d_path_w_lines_xyz[:, 0]
        plan_send.lateralPlan.dPathWLinesY = [
            float(y) for y in self.d_path_w_lines_xyz[:, 1]

        pm.send('lateralPlan', plan_send)