Esempio n. 1
 def update(
 ):  # in the future, pass in the current rate of long_mpc to accurate calculate disconnect time
     phantomData = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.phantom_Data_sock)
     if phantomData is not None: = {
             "status": phantomData.phantomData.status,
             "speed": phantomData.phantomData.speed,
             "angle": phantomData.phantomData.angle,
             "time": phantomData.phantomData.time
         self.last_phantom_data = dict(
         self.last_receive_counter = 0
         self.to_disable = not["status"]
         if self.to_disable:  # if last message is status: False, disable phantom mode, also disable by default
    = {"status": False, "speed": 0.0}
         elif self.last_receive_counter > int(
                 rate * 1.0
         ) and self.timeout:  # lost connection, don't disable. keep phantom on but set speed to 0
    = {
                 "status": True,
                 "speed": 0.0,
                 "angle": 0.0,
                 "time": 0.0
         else:  # if waiting between messages from app, message becomes none, this uses the data from last message
    = dict(self.last_phantom_data)
         self.last_receive_counter = min(self.last_receive_counter + 1,
                                         900)  # don't infinitely increment
Esempio n. 2
def calibrationd_thread(gctx=None, addr=""):
    context = zmq.Context()

    live100 = messaging.sub_sock(context,
    orbfeatures = messaging.sub_sock(context,
    livecalibration = messaging.pub_sock(context,

    calibrator = Calibrator(param_put=True)

    # buffer with all the messages that still need to be input into the kalman
    while 1:
        of = messaging.recv_one(orbfeatures)
        l100 = messaging.recv_one_or_none(live100)

        new_vp = calibrator.handle_orb_features(of)
        if DEBUG and new_vp is not None:
            print 'got new vp', new_vp
        if l100 is not None:
        if DEBUG:

Esempio n. 3
def fingerprint(msgs, pub_socks, sub_socks):
    print "start fingerprinting"

    can = pub_socks["can"]
    logMessage = messaging.sub_sock(service_list["logMessage"].port)


    # controlsd waits for a health packet before fingerprinting
    msg = messaging.new_message()

    canmsgs = filter(lambda msg: msg.which() == "can", msgs)
    for msg in canmsgs[:200]:

        log = messaging.recv_one_or_none(logMessage)
        if log is not None and "fingerprinted" in log.logMessage:
    print "finished fingerprinting"
Esempio n. 4
    def update(self, sendcan, enabled, CS, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd,

        if not self.enable_camera:

        if CS.camcan > 0:
            if self.checksum == "NONE":
                self.checksum = learn_checksum(self.packer, CS.lkas11)
                print("Discovered Checksum", self.checksum)
                if self.checksum == "NONE":
        elif CS.steer_error == 1:
            if self.checksum_learn_cnt > 200:
                self.checksum_learn_cnt = 0
                if self.checksum == "NONE":
                    print("Testing 6B Checksum")
                    self.checksum == "6B"
                elif self.checksum == "6B":
                    print("Testing 7B Checksum")
                    self.checksum == "7B"
                elif self.checksum == "7B":
                    print("Testing CRC8 Checksum")
                    self.checksum == "crc8"
                    self.checksum == "NONE"
                self.checksum_learn_cnt += 1

        force_enable = False

        # I don't care about your opinion, deal with it!
        if (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("alwon") > 0) and CS.acc_active:
            enabled = True
            force_enable = True

        if (self.car_fingerprint in FEATURES["soft_disable"]
                and CS.v_wheel < 16.8):
            enabled = False
            force_enable = False

        if (CS.left_blinker_on == 1 or CS.right_blinker_on == 1):
            self.turning_signal_timer = 100  # Disable for 1.0 Seconds after blinker turned off

        #update custom UI buttons and alerts
        if (self.cnt % 100 == 0):
            CS.UE.uiSetCarEvent(CS.cstm_btns.car_folder, CS.cstm_btns.car_name)

        # Get the angle from ALCA.
        alca_enabled = False
        alca_steer = 0.
        alca_angle = 0.
        turn_signal_needed = 0
        # Update ALCA status and custom button every 0.1 sec.
        if == None:
        self.ALCA.update_status(CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("alca") > 0)

        alca_angle, alca_steer, alca_enabled, turn_signal_needed = self.ALCA.update(
            enabled, CS, self.cnt, actuators)
        if force_enable and not CS.acc_active:
            apply_steer = int(
                round(actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX))
            apply_steer = int(round(alca_steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX))

        # SPAS limit angle extremes for safety
        apply_steer_ang_req = np.clip(actuators.steerAngle,
                                      -1 * (SteerLimitParams.STEER_ANG_MAX),
        # SPAS limit angle rate for safety
        if abs(self.apply_steer_ang - apply_steer_ang_req) > 0.6:
            if apply_steer_ang_req > self.apply_steer_ang:
                self.apply_steer_ang += 0.5
                self.apply_steer_ang -= 0.5
            self.apply_steer_ang = apply_steer_ang_req

        # Limit steer rate for safety
        apply_steer = limit_steer_rate(apply_steer, self.apply_steer_last,

        if alca_enabled:
            self.turning_signal_timer = 0

        if self.turning_signal_timer > 0:
            self.turning_signal_timer = self.turning_signal_timer - 1
            turning_signal = 1
            turning_signal = 0

        # Use LKAS or SPAS
        if CS.mdps11_stat == 7 or CS.v_wheel > 2.7:
            self.lkas = True
        elif CS.v_wheel < 0.1:
            self.lkas = False
        if self.spas_present:
            self.lkas = True

        # If ALCA is disabled, and turning indicators are turned on, we do not want OP to steer,
        if not enabled or (turning_signal and not alca_enabled):
            if self.lkas:
                apply_steer = 0
                self.apply_steer_ang = 0.0
                self.en_cnt = 0

        steer_req = 1 if enabled and self.lkas else 0

        self.apply_steer_last = apply_steer

        can_sends = []

        self.lkas11_cnt = self.cnt % 0x10
        self.clu11_cnt = self.cnt % 0x10
        self.mdps12_cnt = self.cnt % 0x100
        self.spas_cnt = self.cnt % 0x200

        can_sends.append(create_lkas11(self.packer, self.car_fingerprint, apply_steer, steer_req, self.lkas11_cnt, \
                                      enabled if self.lkas else False, False if CS.camcan == 0 else CS.lkas11, hud_alert, (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("cam") > 0), \
                                      (False if CS.camcan == 0 else True), self.checksum))

        if CS.camcan > 0:
            can_sends.append(create_mdps12(self.packer, self.car_fingerprint, self.mdps12_cnt, CS.mdps12, CS.lkas11, \
                                          CS.camcan, self.checksum))

        # SPAS11 50hz
        if (self.cnt % 2) == 0 and not self.spas_present:
            if CS.mdps11_stat == 7 and not self.mdps11_stat_last == 7:
                self.en_spas == 7
                self.en_cnt = 0

            if self.en_spas == 7 and self.en_cnt >= 8:
                self.en_spas = 3
                self.en_cnt = 0

            if self.en_cnt < 8 and enabled and not self.lkas:
                self.en_spas = 4
            elif self.en_cnt >= 8 and enabled and not self.lkas:
                self.en_spas = 5

            if self.lkas or not enabled:
                self.apply_steer_ang = CS.mdps11_strang
                self.en_spas = 3
                self.en_cnt = 0

            self.mdps11_stat_last = CS.mdps11_stat
            self.en_cnt += 1
                create_spas11(self.packer, (self.spas_cnt / 2), self.en_spas,
                              self.apply_steer_ang, self.checksum))

        # SPAS12 20Hz
        if (self.cnt % 5) == 0 and not self.spas_present:

        # Force Disable
        if pcm_cancel_cmd and (not force_enable):
                create_clu11(self.packer, CS.clu11, Buttons.CANCEL, 0))
        elif CS.stopped and (self.cnt - self.last_resume_cnt) > 5:
            self.last_resume_cnt = self.cnt
                create_clu11(self.packer, CS.clu11, Buttons.RES_ACCEL, 0))

        # Speed Limit Related Stuff  Lot's of comments for others to understand!
        # Run this twice a second
        if (self.cnt % 50) == 0:
            if self.params.get("LimitSetSpeed") == "1" and self.params.get(
                    "SpeedLimitOffset") is not None:
                # If Not Enabled, or cruise not set, allow auto speed adjustment again
                if not (enabled and CS.acc_active_real):
                    self.speed_adjusted = False
                # Attempt to read the speed limit from zmq
                map_data = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.map_data_sock)
                # If we got a message
                if map_data != None:
                    # See if we use Metric or dead kings extremeties for measurements, and set a variable to the conversion value
                    if bool(self.params.get("IsMetric")):
                        self.speed_conv = CV.MS_TO_KPH
                        self.speed_conv = CV.MS_TO_MPH

                    # If the speed limit is valid
                    if map_data.liveMapData.speedLimitValid:
                        last_speed = self.map_speed
                        # Get the speed limit, and add the offset to it,
                        v_speed = (map_data.liveMapData.speedLimit +
                        ## Stolen curvature code from, and updated it for us
                        v_curvature = 45.0
                        if map_data.liveMapData.curvatureValid:
                            v_curvature = math.sqrt(
                                1.85 /
                                max(1e-4, abs(map_data.liveMapData.curvature)))
                        # Use the minimum between Speed Limit and Curve Limit, and convert it as needed
                        #self.map_speed = min(v_speed, v_curvature) * self.speed_conv
                        self.map_speed = v_speed * self.speed_conv
                        # Compare it to the last time the speed was read.  If it is different, set the flag to allow it to auto set our speed
                        if last_speed != self.map_speed:
                            self.speed_adjusted = False
                        # If it is not valid, set the flag so the cruise speed won't be changed.
                        self.map_speed = 0
                        self.speed_adjusted = True
                self.speed_adjusted = True

        # Ensure we have cruise IN CONTROL, so we don't do anything dangerous, like turn cruise on
        # Ensure the speed limit is within range of the stock cruise control capabilities
        # Do the spamming 10 times a second, we might get from 0 to 10 successful
        # Only do this if we have not yet set the cruise speed
        if CS.acc_active_real and not self.speed_adjusted and self.map_speed > (
                8.5 * self.speed_conv) and (self.cnt % 9 == 0
                                            or self.cnt % 9 == 1):
            # Use some tolerance because of Floats being what they are...
            if (CS.cruise_set_speed * self.speed_conv) > (self.map_speed *
                    create_clu11(self.packer, CS.clu11, Buttons.SET_DECEL,
                                 (1 if self.cnt % 9 == 1 else 0)))
            elif (CS.cruise_set_speed * self.speed_conv) < (self.map_speed /
                    create_clu11(self.packer, CS.clu11, Buttons.RES_ACCEL,
                                 (1 if self.cnt % 9 == 1 else 0)))
            # If nothing needed adjusting, then the speed has been set, which will lock out this control
                self.speed_adjusted = True

        ### If Driver Overrides using accelerator (or gas for the antiquated), cancel auto speed adjustment
        if CS.pedal_gas:
            self.speed_adjusted = True
        ### Send messages to canbus
            can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan').to_bytes())

        self.cnt += 1
Esempio n. 5
def ui_thread(addr, frame_address):
  context = zmq.Context()

  # TODO: Detect car from replay and use that to select carparams
  CP = ToyotaInterface.get_params("TOYOTA PRIUS 2017", {})
  VM = VehicleModel(CP)

  CalP = np.asarray([[0, 0], [MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], 0], [MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1]], [0, MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1]]])
  vanishing_point = np.asarray([[MODEL_CX, MODEL_CY]])

  assert pygame_modules_have_loaded()

  if HOR:
    size = (640+384+640, 960)
    write_x = 5
    write_y = 680
    size = (640+384, 960+300)
    write_x = 645
    write_y = 970

  pygame.display.set_caption("openpilot debug UI")
  screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.DOUBLEBUF)

  alert1_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 30)
  alert2_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20)
  info_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 15)

  camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((640, 480), 0, 24).convert()
  cameraw_surface = pygame.surface.Surface(MODEL_INPUT_SIZE, 0, 24).convert()
  cameraw_test_surface = pygame.surface.Surface(MODEL_INPUT_SIZE, 0, 24)
  top_down_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((UP.lidar_x, UP.lidar_y),0,8)

  frame = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
  frame.connect(frame_address or "tcp://%s:%d" % (addr, service_list['frame'].port))
  frame.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")

  carState = sub_sock(context, service_list['carState'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  plan = sub_sock(context, service_list['plan'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  carControl = sub_sock(context, service_list['carControl'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  radar_state_sock = sub_sock(context, service_list['radarState'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  liveCalibration = sub_sock(context, service_list['liveCalibration'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  controls_state_sock = sub_sock(context, service_list['controlsState'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  liveTracks = sub_sock(context, service_list['liveTracks'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  model = sub_sock(context, service_list['model'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  test_model = sub_sock(context, 8040, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  liveMpc = sub_sock(context, service_list['liveMpc'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)
  liveParameters = sub_sock(context, service_list['liveParameters'].port, addr=addr, conflate=True)

  v_ego, angle_steers, angle_steers_des, model_bias = 0., 0., 0., 0.
  params_ao, params_ao_average, params_stiffness, params_sr = None, None, None, None

  enabled = False

  gas = 0.
  accel_override = 0.
  computer_gas = 0.
  brake = 0.
  steer_torque = 0.
  curvature = 0.
  computer_brake = 0.
  plan_source = 'none'
  long_control_state = 'none'

  model_data = None
  test_model_data = None
  a_ego = 0.0
  a_target = 0.0

  d_rel, y_rel, lead_status  = 0., 0., False
  d_rel2, y_rel2, lead_status2 = 0., 0., False

  v_ego, v_pid, v_cruise, v_override = 0., 0., 0., 0.
  brake_lights = False

  alert_text1, alert_text2 = "", ""

  intrinsic_matrix = None

  calibration = None
  #img = np.zeros((FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1], FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0], 3), dtype='uint8')
  img = np.zeros((480, 640, 3), dtype='uint8')
  imgff = np.zeros((FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1], FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
  imgw = np.zeros((160, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8)  # warped image
  good_lt = None
  lid_overlay_blank = get_blank_lid_overlay(UP)
  img_offset = (0, 0)
  if vision_test:
    visiontest = VisionTest(FULL_FRAME_SIZE, MODEL_INPUT_SIZE, None)

  # plots
  name_to_arr_idx = { "gas": 0,
                      "computer_gas": 1,
                      "user_brake": 2,
                      "computer_brake": 3,
                      "v_ego": 4,
                      "v_pid": 5,
                      "angle_steers_des": 6,
                      "angle_steers": 7,
                      "steer_torque": 8,
                      "v_override": 9,
                      "v_cruise": 10,
                      "a_ego": 11,
                      "a_target": 12,
                      "accel_override": 13}

  plot_arr = np.zeros((100, len(name_to_arr_idx.values())))

  plot_xlims = [(0, plot_arr.shape[0]), (0, plot_arr.shape[0]), (0, plot_arr.shape[0]), (0, plot_arr.shape[0])]
  plot_ylims = [(-0.1, 1.1), (-5., 5.), (0., 75.), (-3.0, 2.0)]
  plot_names = [["gas", "computer_gas", "user_brake", "computer_brake", "accel_override"],
                ["angle_steers", "angle_steers_des", "steer_torque"],
                ["v_ego", "v_override", "v_pid", "v_cruise"],
                ["a_ego", "a_target"]]
  plot_colors = [["b", "b", "g", "r", "y"],
                 ["b", "g", "r"],
                 ["b", "g", "r", "y"],
                 ["b", "r"]]
  plot_styles = [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-"],
                 ["-", "-", "-"],
                 ["-", "-", "-", "-"],
                 ["-", "-"]]

  draw_plots = init_plots(plot_arr, name_to_arr_idx, plot_xlims, plot_ylims, plot_names, plot_colors, plot_styles, bigplots=True)

  while 1:

    lid_overlay = lid_overlay_blank.copy()
    top_down = top_down_surface, lid_overlay

    # ***** frame *****
    fpkt = recv_one(frame)
    yuv_img = fpkt.frame.image

    if fpkt.frame.transform:
      yuv_transform = np.array(fpkt.frame.transform).reshape(3,3)
      # assume frame is flipped
      yuv_transform = np.array([
        [-1.0,  0.0, FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0]-1],
        [ 0.0, -1.0, FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1]-1],
        [ 0.0,  0.0, 1.0]

    if yuv_img and len(yuv_img) == FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0] * FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1] * 3 // 2:
      yuv_np = np.frombuffer(yuv_img, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1] * 3 // 2, -1)

      cv2.cvtColor(yuv_np, cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB_I420, dst=imgff)
      cv2.warpAffine(imgff,, _BB_TO_FULL_FRAME)[:2],
        (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), dst=img, flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP)

      intrinsic_matrix = eon_intrinsics
      intrinsic_matrix = np.eye(3)

    if calibration is not None and yuv_img and vision_test:
      model_input_yuv = visiontest.transform_contiguous(yuv_img,, calibration.model_to_full_frame).reshape(-1).tolist())
        np.frombuffer(model_input_yuv, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1] * 3 // 2, -1),
    imgw_test_model = imgw.copy()

    # ***** controlsState *****
    controls_state = recv_one_or_none(controls_state_sock)
    if controls_state is not None:
      v_ego = controls_state.controlsState.vEgo
      angle_steers = controls_state.controlsState.angleSteers
      model_bias = controls_state.controlsState.angleModelBias
      curvature = controls_state.controlsState.curvature
      v_pid = controls_state.controlsState.vPid
      enabled = controls_state.controlsState.enabled
      alert_text1 = controls_state.controlsState.alertText1
      alert_text2 = controls_state.controlsState.alertText2
      long_control_state = controls_state.controlsState.longControlState

    cs = recv_one_or_none(carState)
    if cs is not None:
      gas = cs.carState.gas
      brake_lights = cs.carState.brakeLights
      a_ego = cs.carState.aEgo
      brake = cs.carState.brake
      v_cruise = cs.carState.cruiseState.speed

    cc = recv_one_or_none(carControl)
    if cc is not None:
      v_override = cc.carControl.cruiseControl.speedOverride
      computer_brake = cc.carControl.actuators.brake
      computer_gas = cc.carControl.actuators.gas
      steer_torque = cc.carControl.actuators.steer * 5.
      angle_steers_des = cc.carControl.actuators.steerAngle
      accel_override = cc.carControl.cruiseControl.accelOverride

    p = recv_one_or_none(plan)
    if p is not None:
      a_target = p.plan.aTarget
      plan_source = p.plan.longitudinalPlanSource

    plot_arr[:-1] = plot_arr[1:]
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['angle_steers']] = angle_steers
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['angle_steers_des']] = angle_steers_des
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['gas']] = gas
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['computer_gas']] = computer_gas
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['user_brake']] = brake
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['steer_torque']] = steer_torque
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['computer_brake']] = computer_brake
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_ego']] = v_ego
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_pid']] = v_pid
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_override']] = v_override
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_cruise']] = v_cruise
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['a_ego']] = a_ego
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['a_target']] = a_target
    plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['accel_override']] = accel_override

    # ***** model ****

    # live model
    md = recv_one_or_none(model)
    if md:
      model_data = extract_model_data(md)

    if model_data:
      plot_model(model_data, VM, v_ego, curvature, imgw, calibration,

    if test_model is not None:
      test_md = recv_one_or_none(test_model)
      if test_md:
        test_model_data = extract_model_data(test_md)

    if test_model_data:
      plot_model(test_model_data, VM, v_ego, curvature, imgw_test_model,
                 calibration, top_down, 215)

    # MPC
    mpc = recv_one_or_none(liveMpc)
    if mpc:
      draw_mpc(mpc, top_down)

    # LiveParams
    params = recv_one_or_none(liveParameters)
    if params:
      params_ao = params.liveParameters.angleOffset
      params_ao_average = params.liveParameters.angleOffsetAverage
      params_stiffness = params.liveParameters.stiffnessFactor
      params_sr = params.liveParameters.steerRatio

    # **** tracks *****

    # draw all radar points
    lt = recv_one_or_none(liveTracks)
    if lt is not None:
      good_lt = lt
    if good_lt is not None:
      maybe_update_radar_points(good_lt, top_down[1])

    # ***** radarState *****

    radar_state = recv_one_or_none(radar_state_sock)
    if radar_state is not None:
      d_rel = radar_state.radarState.leadOne.dRel + RDR_TO_LDR
      y_rel = radar_state.radarState.leadOne.yRel
      lead_status = radar_state.radarState.leadOne.status
      d_rel2 = radar_state.radarState.leadTwo.dRel + RDR_TO_LDR
      y_rel2 = radar_state.radarState.leadTwo.yRel
      lead_status2 = radar_state.radarState.leadTwo.status

    lcal = recv_one_or_none(liveCalibration)
    if lcal is not None:
      calibration_message = lcal.liveCalibration
      extrinsic_matrix = np.asarray(calibration_message.extrinsicMatrix).reshape(3, 4)

      warp_matrix = np.asarray(calibration_message.warpMatrix2).reshape(3, 3)
      calibration = CalibrationTransformsForWarpMatrix(warp_matrix, intrinsic_matrix, extrinsic_matrix)

    # draw red pt for lead car in the main img
    if lead_status:
      if calibration is not None:
        dx, dy = draw_lead_on(img, d_rel, y_rel, img_offset, calibration, color=(192,0,0))
      # draw red line for lead car
      draw_lead_car(d_rel, top_down)

    # draw red pt for lead car2 in the main img
    if lead_status2:
      if calibration is not None:
        dx2, dy2 = draw_lead_on(img, d_rel2, y_rel2, img_offset, calibration, color=(192,0,0))
      # draw red line for lead car
      draw_lead_car(d_rel2, top_down)

    # *** blits ***
    pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, img.swapaxes(0,1))
    screen.blit(camera_surface, (0, 0))

    # display alerts
    alert_line1 = alert1_font.render(alert_text1, True, (255,0,0))
    alert_line2 = alert2_font.render(alert_text2, True, (255,0,0))
    screen.blit(alert_line1, (180, 150))
    screen.blit(alert_line2, (180, 190))

    if calibration is not None and img is not None:
      cpw = warp_points(CalP, calibration.model_to_bb)
      vanishing_pointw = warp_points(vanishing_point, calibration.model_to_bb)
      pygame.draw.polygon(screen, BLUE, tuple(map(tuple, cpw)), 1), BLUE, map(int, map(round, vanishing_pointw[0])), 2)

    if HOR:
      screen.blit(draw_plots(plot_arr), (640+384, 0))
      screen.blit(draw_plots(plot_arr), (0, 600))

    pygame.surfarray.blit_array(cameraw_surface, imgw.swapaxes(0, 1))
    screen.blit(cameraw_surface, (320, 480))

    pygame.surfarray.blit_array(cameraw_test_surface, imgw_test_model.swapaxes(0, 1))
    screen.blit(cameraw_test_surface, (0, 480))

    screen.blit(top_down[0], (640,0))

    i = 0
    SPACING = 25

    # enabled
    enabled_line = info_font.render("ENABLED", True, GREEN if enabled else BLACK)
    screen.blit(enabled_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
    i += 1

    # brake lights
    brake_lights_line = info_font.render("BRAKE LIGHTS", True, RED if brake_lights else BLACK)
    screen.blit(brake_lights_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
    i += 1

    # speed
    v_ego_line = info_font.render("SPEED: " + str(round(v_ego, 1)) + " m/s", True, YELLOW)
    screen.blit(v_ego_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
    i += 1

    # angle offset
    model_bias_line = info_font.render("MODEL BIAS: " + str(round(model_bias, 2)) + " deg", True, YELLOW)
    screen.blit(model_bias_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
    i += 1

    # long control state
    long_control_state_line = info_font.render("LONG CONTROL STATE: " + str(long_control_state), True, YELLOW)
    screen.blit(long_control_state_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
    i += 1

    # long mpc source
    plan_source_line = info_font.render("LONG MPC SOURCE: " + str(plan_source), True, YELLOW)
    screen.blit(plan_source_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
    i += 1

    if params_ao is not None:
      i += 1
      angle_offset_avg_line = info_font.render("ANGLE OFFSET (AVG): " + str(round(params_ao_average, 2)) + " deg", True, YELLOW)
      screen.blit(angle_offset_avg_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
      i += 1

      angle_offset_line = info_font.render("ANGLE OFFSET (INSTANT): " + str(round(params_ao, 2)) + " deg", True, YELLOW)
      screen.blit(angle_offset_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
      i += 1

      angle_offset_line = info_font.render("STIFFNESS: " + str(round(params_stiffness * 100., 2)) + " %", True, YELLOW)
      screen.blit(angle_offset_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
      i += 1

      steer_ratio_line = info_font.render("STEER RATIO: " + str(round(params_sr, 2)), True, YELLOW)
      screen.blit(steer_ratio_line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING))
      i += 1

    # this takes time...vsync or something
Esempio n. 6
def mapsd_thread():
  global last_gps

  context = zmq.Context()
  gps_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocation'].port, conflate=True)
  gps_external_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port, conflate=True)
  map_data_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['liveMapData'].port)

  cur_way = None
  curvature_valid = False
  curvature = None
  upcoming_curvature = 0.
  dist_to_turn = 0.
  road_points = None

  while True:
    gps = messaging.recv_one(gps_sock)
    gps_ext = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_external_sock)

    if gps_ext is not None:
      gps = gps_ext.gpsLocationExternal
      gps = gps.gpsLocation

    last_gps = gps

    fix_ok = gps.flags & 1
    if not fix_ok or last_query_result is None or not cache_valid:
      cur_way = None
      curvature = None
      curvature_valid = False
      upcoming_curvature = 0.
      dist_to_turn = 0.
      road_points = None
      map_valid = False
      map_valid = True
      lat = gps.latitude
      lon = gps.longitude
      heading = gps.bearing
      speed = gps.speed

      cur_way = Way.closest(last_query_result, lat, lon, heading, cur_way)
      if cur_way is not None:
        pnts, curvature_valid = cur_way.get_lookahead(lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)

        xs = pnts[:, 0]
        ys = pnts[:, 1]
        road_points = [float(x) for x in xs], [float(y) for y in ys]

        if speed < 10:
          curvature_valid = False
        if curvature_valid and pnts.shape[0] <= 3:
          curvature_valid = False

        # The curvature is valid when at least MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE of road is found
        if curvature_valid:
          # Compute the curvature for each point
          with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            circles = [circle_through_points(*p) for p in zip(pnts, pnts[1:], pnts[2:])]
            circles = np.asarray(circles)
            radii = np.nan_to_num(circles[:, 2])
            radii[radii < 10] = np.inf
            curvature = 1. / radii

          # Index of closest point
          closest = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(pnts, axis=1))
          dist_to_closest = pnts[closest, 0]  # We can use x distance here since it should be close

          # Compute distance along path
          dists = list()
          for p, p_prev in zip(pnts, pnts[1:, :]):
            dists.append(dists[-1] + np.linalg.norm(p - p_prev))
          dists = np.asarray(dists)
          dists = dists - dists[closest] + dist_to_closest
          dists = dists[1:-1]

          close_idx = np.logical_and(dists > 0, dists < 500)
          dists = dists[close_idx]
          curvature = curvature[close_idx]

          if len(curvature):
            # TODO: Determine left or right turn
            curvature = np.nan_to_num(curvature)

            # Outlier rejection
            new_curvature = np.percentile(curvature, 90, interpolation='lower')

            k = 0.6
            upcoming_curvature = k * upcoming_curvature + (1 - k) * new_curvature
            in_turn_indices = curvature > 0.8 * new_curvature

            if np.any(in_turn_indices):
              dist_to_turn = np.min(dists[in_turn_indices])
              dist_to_turn = 999
            upcoming_curvature = 0.
            dist_to_turn = 999


    dat = messaging.new_message()

    if last_gps is not None:
      dat.liveMapData.lastGps = last_gps

    if cur_way is not None:
      dat.liveMapData.wayId =

      # Seed limit
      max_speed = cur_way.max_speed()
      if max_speed is not None:
        dat.liveMapData.speedLimitValid = True
        dat.liveMapData.speedLimit = max_speed

        # TODO: use the function below to anticipate upcoming speed limits
        #max_speed_ahead, max_speed_ahead_dist = cur_way.max_speed_ahead(max_speed, lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)
        #if max_speed_ahead is not None and max_speed_ahead_dist is not None:
        #  dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadValid = True
        #  dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAhead = float(max_speed_ahead)
        #  dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadDistance = float(max_speed_ahead_dist)

      advisory_max_speed = cur_way.advisory_max_speed()
      if advisory_max_speed is not None:
        dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisoryValid = True
        dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisory = advisory_max_speed

      # Curvature
      dat.liveMapData.curvatureValid = curvature_valid
      dat.liveMapData.curvature = float(upcoming_curvature)
      dat.liveMapData.distToTurn = float(dist_to_turn)
      if road_points is not None:
        dat.liveMapData.roadX, dat.liveMapData.roadY = road_points
      if curvature is not None:
        dat.liveMapData.roadCurvatureX = [float(x) for x in dists]
        dat.liveMapData.roadCurvature = [float(x) for x in curvature]

    dat.liveMapData.mapValid = map_valid

Esempio n. 7
    def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
        # copy can_valid
        self.can_valid = cp.can_valid
        self.cam_can_valid = cp_cam.can_valid

        msg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.gps_location)
        if msg is not None:
            gps_pkt = msg.gpsLocationExternal
            self.inaccuracy = gps_pkt.accuracy
            self.prev_distance = self.distance
            self.distance, self.includeradius, self.approachradius, self.speedlimit = gps_distance(
                gps_pkt.latitude, gps_pkt.longitude, gps_pkt.altitude,
            #self.distance = 6371010*acos(sin(radians(gps_pkt.latitude))*sin(radians(48.12893908))+cos(radians(gps_pkt.latitude))*cos(radians(48.12893908))*cos(radians(gps_pkt.longitude-9.797879048)))
        # update prevs, update must run once per loop
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on

        self.door_all_closed = not any([
        self.seatbelt = not cp.vl["SEATS_DOORS"]['SEATBELT_DRIVER_UNLATCHED']

        self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["BRAKE_MODULE"]['BRAKE_PRESSED']
        if self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS']
            self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["GAS_PEDAL"]['GAS_PEDAL']
        self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas
        self.esp_disabled = cp.vl["ESP_CONTROL"]['TC_DISABLED']

        # calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
        self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel = float(
                self.v_wheel_fl, self.v_wheel_fr, self.v_wheel_rl,

        # Kalman filter
        if abs(
                self.v_wheel - self.v_ego
        ) > 2.0:  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_x = np.matrix([[self.v_wheel], [0.0]])

        self.v_ego_raw = self.v_wheel
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(self.v_wheel)
        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
        #self.standstill = not self.v_wheel > 0.001
        self.standstill = False

        self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_ANGLE'] + cp.vl[
        self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_RATE']
        can_gear = int(cp.vl["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR'])
        self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear, self.shifter_values)
        self.main_on = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['MAIN_ON']
        self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 1
        self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 2
        self.blind_spot_side = cp.vl["DEBUG"]['BLINDSPOTSIDE']

        if (cp.vl["DEBUG"]['BLINDSPOTD1'] >
                10) or (cp.vl["DEBUG"]['BLINDSPOTD1'] > 10):
            self.blind_spot_on = bool(1)
            self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)

        # we could use the override bit from dbc, but it's triggered at too high torque values
        self.steer_override = abs(
            cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"]['STEER_TORQUE_DRIVER']) > 100

        # 2 is standby, 10 is active. TODO: check that everything else is really a faulty state
        self.steer_state = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE']
        self.steer_error = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE'] not in [
            1, 5, 9, 17, 25
        self.ipas_active = cp.vl['EPS_STATUS']['IPAS_STATE'] == 3
        self.brake_error = 0
        self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"][
        self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"][
        if bool(cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]
                ['LANE_WARNING']) <> self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev:
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on = bool(
            if self.lane_departure_toggle_on:
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("lka", 1)
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("lka", 0)
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev = self.lane_departure_toggle_on
            if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("lka") == 0:
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True

        self.distance_toggle = cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]['ACC_DISTANCE']
        self.read_distance_lines = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_SM"]['DISTANCE_LINES']
        if self.distance_toggle <> self.distance_toggle_prev:
            if self.read_distance_lines == self.distance_toggle:
                self.distance_toggle_prev = self.distance_toggle
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("tr", 1)
        if self.read_distance_lines <> self.read_distance_lines_prev:
            self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("tr", 0)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 1:
                                             "Following distance set to 0.9s",
                                             200, 3)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 2:
                                             "Following distance set to 1.8s",
                                             200, 3)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 3:
                                             "Following distance set to 2.7s",
                                             200, 3)
            self.read_distance_lines_prev = self.read_distance_lines

        if bool(cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]['ACC_SLOW']) <> self.acc_slow_on_prev:
            self.acc_slow_on = bool(cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]['ACC_SLOW'])
            if self.acc_slow_on:
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("slow", 1)
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("slow", 0)
            self.acc_slow_on_prev = self.acc_slow_on
            if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("slow") == 0:
                self.acc_slow_on = False
                self.acc_slow_on = True

        # we could use the override bit from dbc, but it's triggered at too high torque values
        self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD

        self.user_brake = 0
        if self.acc_slow_on:
            self.v_cruise_pcm = max(7,
                                    cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['SET_SPEED'] - 34.0)
            self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['SET_SPEED']
        self.v_cruise_pcm = int(
                interp(abs(self.angle_steers), self.Angle, self.Angle_Speed)))
        #print "distane"
        #print self.distance
        if self.distance < self.approachradius + self.includeradius:
            print "speed"
            print self.prev_distance - self.distance
            #if speed is 5% higher than the speedlimit
            if self.prev_distance - self.distance > self.speedlimit * 0.00263889:
                if self.v_cruise_pcm > self.speedlimit:
                    self.v_cruise_pcm = self.speedlimit
        if self.distance < self.includeradius:
            print "inside"
            if self.v_cruise_pcm > self.speedlimit:
                self.v_cruise_pcm = self.speedlimit

        self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['CRUISE_STATE']
        self.pcm_acc_active = bool(cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['CRUISE_ACTIVE'])
        self.gas_pressed = not cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['GAS_RELEASED']
        self.low_speed_lockout = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"][
            'LOW_SPEED_LOCKOUT'] == 2
        self.brake_lights = bool(cp.vl["ESP_CONTROL"]['BRAKE_LIGHTS_ACC']
                                 or self.brake_pressed)
        if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
            self.generic_toggle = cp.vl["AUTOPARK_STATUS"]['STATE'] != 0
            self.generic_toggle = bool(cp.vl["LIGHT_STALK"]['AUTO_HIGH_BEAM'])
Esempio n. 8
def manager_thread():
  # now loop
  global manager_sock
  context = zmq.Context()
  thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['thermal'].port)
  gps_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocation'].port, conflate=True)
  manager_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['managerData'].port)"manager start"){"environ": os.environ})

  # save boot log["./loggerd", "--bootlog"], cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd"))

  for p in persistent_processes:

  # start frame
  system("am start -n")

  if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None:

  params = Params()
  logger_dead = False
  while 1:
    # get health of board, log this in "thermal"
    msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)
    gps = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_sock)
    if gps:
      if 47.3024876979 < gps.gpsLocation.latitude < 54.983104153 and 5.98865807458 < gps.gpsLocation.longitude < 15.0169958839:
        logger_dead = True
        logger_dead = False
    # uploader is gated based on the phone temperature
    if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow:

    if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.18:
      logger_dead = True

    if msg.thermal.started:
      for p in car_started_processes:
        if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead:
      logger_dead = False
      for p in car_started_processes:

    # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
    #for p in running:
    #  cloudlog.debug("   running %s %s" % (p, running[p]))

    # is this still needed?
    if params.get("DoUninstall") == "1":
Esempio n. 9
    def update_pdl(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed,
                   speed_limit_ms, set_speed_limit_active, speed_limit_offset,
        idx = self.pedal_idx

        self.prev_speed_limit_kph = self.speed_limit_kph

        # Determine pedal "zero"
        #save position for cruising (zero acc, zero brake, no torque) when we are above 10 MPH
        if (CS.torqueLevel < TORQUE_LEVEL_ACC
                and CS.torqueLevel > TORQUE_LEVEL_DECEL
                and CS.v_ego >= 10. * CV.MPH_TO_MS and
                abs(CS.torqueLevel) < abs(self.lastTorqueForPedalForZeroTorque)
                and self.prev_tesla_accel > 0.):
            self.PedalForZeroTorque = self.prev_tesla_accel
            self.lastTorqueForPedalForZeroTorque = CS.torqueLevel
            #print ("Detected new Pedal For Zero Torque at %s" % (self.PedalForZeroTorque))
            #print ("Torque level at detection %s" % (CS.torqueLevel))
            #print ("Speed level at detection %s" % (CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_MPH))

        if set_speed_limit_active and speed_limit_ms > 0:
            self.speed_limit_kph = (speed_limit_ms +
                                    speed_limit_offset) * CV.MS_TO_KPH
            if int(self.prev_speed_limit_kph) != int(self.speed_limit_kph):
                self.pedal_speed_kph = self.speed_limit_kph
                # reset MovingAverage for fleet speed when speed limit changes
        else:  # reset internal speed limit, so double pull doesn't set higher speed than current (e.g. after leaving the highway)
            self.speed_limit_kph = 0.
        self.pedal_idx = (self.pedal_idx + 1) % 16

        if not self.pcc_available or not enabled:
            return 0., 0, idx
        # Alternative speed decision logic that uses the lead car's distance
        # and speed more directly.
        # Bring in the lead car distance from the radarState feed
        radSt = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.radarState)
        mapd = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.live_map_data)
        if radSt is not None:
            self.lead_1 = radSt.radarState.leadOne
            if _is_present(self.lead_1):
                self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
                self.continuous_lead_sightings += 1
                self.continuous_lead_sightings = 0

        v_ego = CS.v_ego
        following = self.lead_1.status and self.lead_1.dRel < MAX_RADAR_DISTANCE and self.lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and self.lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0
        accel_limits = [float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego)]
        accel_limits[1] *= _accel_limit_multiplier(CS, self.lead_1)
        accel_limits[0] = _decel_limit(accel_limits[0], CS.v_ego, self.lead_1,
                                       CS, self.pedal_speed_kph)
        jerk_limits = [
            min(-0.1, accel_limits[0] / 2.),
            max(0.1, accel_limits[1] / 2.)
        ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
        #accel_limits = limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego, CS.angle_steers, accel_limits, CS.CP)

        output_gb = 0
        # this mode (Follow) uses the Follow logic created by JJ for ACC
        # once the speed is detected we have to use our own PID to determine
        # how much accel and break we have to do
        if PCCModes.is_selected(FollowMode(), CS.cstm_btns):
            enabled = self.enable_pedal_cruise and self.LoC.long_control_state in [
      , LongCtrlState.stopping
            # determine if pedal is pressed by human
            self.prev_accelerator_pedal_pressed = self.accelerator_pedal_pressed
            self.accelerator_pedal_pressed = CS.pedal_interceptor_value > 10
            #reset PID if we just lifted foot of accelerator
            if (not self.accelerator_pedal_pressed
                ) and self.prev_accelerator_pedal_pressed:

            if self.enable_pedal_cruise and not self.accelerator_pedal_pressed:
                self.v_pid = self.calc_follow_speed_ms(CS, alca_enabled)

                if mapd is not None:
                    v_curve = max_v_in_mapped_curve_ms(mapd.liveMapData,
                    if v_curve:
                        self.v_pid = min(self.v_pid, v_curve)
                # take fleet speed into consideration
                self.v_pid = min(
                        CS, self.pedal_speed_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS, frame))
                # cruise speed can't be negative even if user is distracted
                self.v_pid = max(self.v_pid, 0.)

                jerk_min, jerk_max = _jerk_limits(CS.v_ego, self.lead_1,
                                                  self.v_pid * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
                self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                    jerk_limits[0],  #jerk_max, jerk_min,

                # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
                self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)

                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
                self.v_acc_future = self.v_pid

                # Interpolation of trajectory
                self.a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (_DT / _DT_MPC) * (
                    self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
                self.v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + _DT * (
                    self.a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0

                self.v_acc_start = self.v_acc_sol
                self.a_acc_start = self.a_acc_sol

                # we will try to feed forward the pedal position.... we might want to feed the last_output_gb....
                # op feeds forward self.a_acc_sol
                # it's all about testing now.
                vTarget = clip(self.v_acc_sol, 0, self.v_cruise)
                self.vTargetFuture = clip(self.v_acc_future, 0, self.v_pid)
                feedforward = self.a_acc_sol
                #feedforward = self.last_output_gb
                t_go, t_brake = self.LoC.update(
                    self.enable_pedal_cruise, CS.v_ego, CS.brake_pressed != 0,
                    CS.standstill, False, self.v_cruise, vTarget,
                    self.vTargetFuture, feedforward, CS.CP)
                output_gb = t_go - t_brake
                #print ("Output GB Follow:", output_gb)
                #print ("PID reset")
                output_gb = 0.
                starting = self.LoC.long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
                a_ego = min(CS.a_ego, 0.0)
                reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else CS.v_ego
                reset_accel = CS.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
                self.v_acc = reset_speed
                self.a_acc = reset_accel
                self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
                self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
                self.v_cruise = reset_speed
                self.a_cruise = reset_accel
                self.v_acc_sol = reset_speed
                self.a_acc_sol = reset_accel
                self.v_pid = reset_speed
                self.last_speed_kph = None

        # This mode uses the longitudinal MPC built in OP
        # we use the values from actuator.accel and actuator.brake
        elif PCCModes.is_selected(OpMode(), CS.cstm_btns):
            output_gb = actuators.gas - actuators.brake
            self.v_pid = -10.

        self.last_output_gb = output_gb
        # accel and brake
        apply_accel = clip(
            output_gb, 0.,
            _accel_pedal_max(CS.v_ego, self.v_pid, self.lead_1,
                             self.prev_tesla_accel, CS))
        apply_brake = -clip(
            output_gb * MPC_BRAKE_MULTIPLIER,
            _brake_pedal_min(CS.v_ego, self.v_pid, self.lead_1, CS,
                             self.pedal_speed_kph), 0.)

        # if speed is over 5mph, the "zero" is at PedalForZeroTorque; otherwise it is zero
        pedal_zero = 0.
        if CS.v_ego >= 5. * CV.MPH_TO_MS:
            pedal_zero = self.PedalForZeroTorque
        tesla_brake = clip((1. - apply_brake) * pedal_zero, 0, pedal_zero)
        tesla_accel = clip(apply_accel * (MAX_PEDAL_VALUE - pedal_zero), 0,
                           MAX_PEDAL_VALUE - pedal_zero)
        tesla_pedal = tesla_brake + tesla_accel

        tesla_pedal = self.pedal_hysteresis(tesla_pedal, enabled)

        tesla_pedal = clip(tesla_pedal, self.prev_tesla_pedal - PEDAL_MAX_DOWN,
                           self.prev_tesla_pedal + PEDAL_MAX_UP)
        tesla_pedal = clip(tesla_pedal, 0.,
                           MAX_PEDAL_VALUE) if self.enable_pedal_cruise else 0.
        enable_pedal = 1. if self.enable_pedal_cruise else 0.

        self.torqueLevel_last = CS.torqueLevel
        self.prev_tesla_pedal = tesla_pedal * enable_pedal
        self.prev_tesla_accel = apply_accel * enable_pedal
        self.prev_v_ego = CS.v_ego

        return self.prev_tesla_pedal, enable_pedal, idx
Esempio n. 10
    lines.append(ax.plot(x[i], y[i])[0])

  for l in lines:

  cur_t = 0.
  ax.set_xlabel('time [s]')

  while 1:
    print 1./(time.time() - cur_t)
    cur_t = time.time()
    for i, s in enumerate(subs):
      #msg = messaging.recv_sock(s)
      msg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(s)
      if msg is not None:
        x[i] = np.append(x[i], getattr(msg, 'logMonoTime') / float(1e9))
        x[i] = np.delete(x[i], 0)
        y[i] = np.append(y[i], recursive_getattr(msg, subs_name[i]))
        y[i] = np.delete(y[i], 0)


    ax.autoscale_view(True, scaley=True, scalex=True)

Esempio n. 11
def mapsd_thread():
    global last_gps

    context = zmq.Context()
    gps_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context,
    gps_external_sock = messaging.sub_sock(
        context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port, conflate=True)
    map_data_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context,

    cur_way = None
    curvature_valid = False
    curvature = None
    upcoming_curvature = 0.
    dist_to_turn = 0.
    road_points = None

    xx = np.arange(0, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE, 10)

    while True:
        gps = messaging.recv_one(gps_sock)
        gps_ext = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_external_sock)

        if gps_ext is not None:
            gps = gps_ext.gpsLocationExternal
            gps = gps.gpsLocation

        last_gps = gps

        fix_ok = gps.flags & 1
        if not fix_ok or last_query_result is None:
            cur_way = None
            curvature = None
            curvature_valid = False
            upcoming_curvature = 0.
            dist_to_turn = 0.
            road_points = None
            lat = gps.latitude
            lon = gps.longitude
            heading = gps.bearing
            speed = gps.speed

            cur_way = Way.closest(last_query_result, lat, lon, heading,
            if cur_way is not None:
                pnts, curvature_valid = cur_way.get_lookahead(
                    last_query_result, lat, lon, heading,

                xs = pnts[:, 0]
                ys = pnts[:, 1]
                road_points = map(float, xs), map(float, ys)

                if speed < 10:
                    curvature_valid = False
                if curvature_valid and pnts.shape[0] <= 3:
                    curvature_valid = False

                # The curvature is valid when at least MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE of road is found
                if curvature_valid:
                    # Compute the curvature for each point
                    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
                        circles = [
                            for p in zip(pnts, pnts[1:], pnts[2:])
                        circles = np.asarray(circles)
                        radii = np.nan_to_num(circles[:, 2])
                        radii[radii < 10] = np.inf
                        curvature = 1. / radii

                    # Index of closest point
                    closest = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(pnts, axis=1))
                    dist_to_closest = pnts[
                        0]  # We can use x distance here since it should be close

                    # Compute distance along path
                    dists = list()
                    for p, p_prev in zip(pnts, pnts[1:, :]):
                        dists.append(dists[-1] + np.linalg.norm(p - p_prev))
                    dists = np.asarray(dists)
                    dists = dists - dists[closest] + dist_to_closest

                    # TODO: Determine left or right turn
                    curvature = np.nan_to_num(curvature)
                    curvature_interp = np.interp(xx, dists[1:-1], curvature)
                    curvature_lookahead = curvature_interp[:int(
                        speed * LOOKAHEAD_TIME / 10)]

                    # Outlier rejection
                    new_curvature = np.percentile(curvature_lookahead, 90)

                    k = 0.9
                    upcoming_curvature = k * upcoming_curvature + (
                        1 - k) * new_curvature
                    in_turn_indices = curvature_interp > 0.8 * new_curvature
                    if np.any(in_turn_indices):
                        dist_to_turn = np.min(xx[in_turn_indices])
                        dist_to_turn = 999

        dat = messaging.new_message()

        if last_gps is not None:
            dat.liveMapData.lastGps = last_gps

        if cur_way is not None:
            dat.liveMapData.wayId =

            # Seed limit
            max_speed = cur_way.max_speed
            if max_speed is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimitValid = True
                dat.liveMapData.speedLimit = max_speed

            # Curvature
            dat.liveMapData.curvatureValid = curvature_valid
            dat.liveMapData.curvature = float(upcoming_curvature)
            dat.liveMapData.distToTurn = float(dist_to_turn)
            if road_points is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.roadX, dat.liveMapData.roadY = road_points
            if curvature is not None:
                dat.liveMapData.roadCurvatureX = map(float, xx)
                dat.liveMapData.roadCurvature = map(float, curvature_interp)

Esempio n. 12
 def update(self, CS, frame, ahbLead1):
     tms_now = _current_time_millis()
     ahbInfoMsg = self.ahbInfo.receive(non_blocking=True)
     frameInfoMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.frameInfo)
     if ahbInfoMsg is not None:
         self.ahbInfoData = tesla.AHBinfo.from_bytes(ahbInfoMsg)
     if frameInfoMsg is not None:
         self.frameInfoData = frameInfoMsg.frame
         frameInfoGain = self.frameInfoData.globalGain
         exposureTime = self.frameInfoData.androidCaptureResult.exposureTime
         frameDuration = self.frameInfoData.androidCaptureResult.frameDuration
         if frameInfoGain != self.frameInfoGain:
             self.frameInfoGain = frameInfoGain
         _debug("AHB Camera has new data [ frame - " +
                str(self.frameInfoData.frameId) + "]  = " +
                str(frameInfoGain) + ", exposure = " + str(exposureTime) +
                ", frame duration = " + str(frameDuration))
     #if AHB not enabled, then return OFF
     if CS.ahbEnabled != 1:
         _debug("AHB not enabled in CID")
         highLowBeamStatus = AHBDecision.DAS_HIGH_BEAM_UNDECIDED
         highLowBeamReason = AHBReason.HIGH_BEAM_OFF_REASON_SNA
         return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
     #if stalk is not in the high beam position, return UNDECIDED
     if (CS.ahbHighBeamStalkPosition != 1):
         _debug("High Beam not on")
         highLowBeamStatus = AHBDecision.DAS_HIGH_BEAM_UNDECIDED
         highLowBeamReason = AHBReason.HIGH_BEAM_OFF_REASON_SNA
         self.ahbIsEnabled = False
         return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
         self.ahbIsEnabled = True
     #if moving below 10mph take no decision, then return undecided
     if CS.v_ego < 4.47:
         _debug("moving too slow for decision")
         highLowBeamStatus = self.prev_highLowBeamStatus
         highLowBeamReason = self.prev_highLowBeamReason
         return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
     if self.ahbInfoData is None:
         _debug("No radar info")
         highLowBeamStatus = AHBDecision.DAS_HIGH_BEAM_UNDECIDED
         highLowBeamReason = AHBReason.HIGH_BEAM_OFF_REASON_SNA
         return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
     # if gain less than max, we might see incoming car
     if self.frameInfoGain < 510:
         _debug("OP camera gain < 510")
         self.time_last_car_detected = tms_now
         highLowBeamStatus = AHBDecision.DAS_HIGH_BEAM_OFF
         return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
     #if lead car detected by radarD, i.e. OP has Lead, then reset timer and return OFF
     if False and ahbLead1 is not None:
         _debug("OP detected car")
         self.time_last_car_detected = tms_now
         highLowBeamStatus = AHBDecision.DAS_HIGH_BEAM_OFF
         return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
     #if lead car detected by radar, then reset timer and return OFF
     if self.ahbInfoData.radarCarDetected:
         _debug("Radar detected car")
         self.time_last_car_detected = tms_now
         highLowBeamStatus = AHBDecision.DAS_HIGH_BEAM_OFF
         return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
     #if lead car detected by vision, then reset timer and return OFF
     if self.ahbInfoData.cameraCarDetected:
         _debug("Vision detected car")
         self.time_last_car_detected = tms_now
         highLowBeamStatus = AHBDecision.DAS_HIGH_BEAM_OFF
         return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
     #if still waiting for the delay after car detected, send off
     if (tms_now - self.time_last_car_detected < 1000 * CS.ahbOffDuration):
         _debug("Waiting for time delay since last car")
         highLowBeamStatus = AHBDecision.DAS_HIGH_BEAM_OFF
         return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
     #we got here, high beam should be on
     highLowBeamStatus = AHBDecision.DAS_HIGH_BEAM_UNDECIDED
     highLowBeamReason = AHBReason.HIGH_BEAM_ON
     _debug("All conditions met, turn lights ON")
     return self.set_and_return(CS, frame, highLowBeamStatus,
Esempio n. 13
    def update_acc(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed,
                   speed_limit_kph, set_speed_limit_active,
        # Adaptive cruise control
        self.prev_speed_limit_kph = self.speed_limit_kph
        if set_speed_limit_active and speed_limit_kph > 0:
            self.speed_limit_kph = speed_limit_kph + speed_limit_offset
            if int(self.prev_speed_limit_kph) != int(self.speed_limit_kph):
                self.acc_speed_kph = self.speed_limit_kph
        else:  # reset internal speed limit, so double pull doesn't set higher speed than current (e.g. after leaving the highway)
            self.speed_limit_kph = 0.
        current_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
        if CruiseButtons.should_be_throttled(CS.cruise_buttons):
            self.human_cruise_action_time = current_time_ms
        button_to_press = None

        # If ACC is disabled, disengage traditional cruise control.
        if ((self.prev_enable_adaptive_cruise)
                and (not self.enable_adaptive_cruise)
                and (CS.pcm_acc_status == CruiseState.ENABLED)):
            button_to_press = CruiseButtons.CANCEL

        #if non addaptive and we just engaged ACC but pcm is not engaged, then engage
        if (not self.adaptive) and self.enable_adaptive_cruise and (
                CS.pcm_acc_status != CruiseState.ENABLED):
            button_to_press = CruiseButtons.MAIN

        #if plain cc, not adaptive, then just return None or Cancel
        if (not self.adaptive) and self.enable_adaptive_cruise:
            self.acc_speed_kph = CS.v_cruise_actual  #if not CS.imperial_speed_units else CS.v_cruise_actual * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
            return button_to_press

        #disengage if cruise is canceled
        if (not self.enable_adaptive_cruise) and (CS.pcm_acc_status >= 2) and (
                CS.pcm_acc_status <= 4):
            button_to_press = CruiseButtons.CANCEL
        lead_1 = None
        #if enabled:
        lead = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.radarState)
        if lead is not None:
            lead_1 = lead.radarState.leadOne
            if lead_1.dRel:
                self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = current_time_ms
        if self.enable_adaptive_cruise and enabled:  # and (button_to_press == None):
            if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_label2(
                    ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME) in ["OP", "AutoOP"]:
                button_to_press = self._calc_button(CS, pcm_speed)
                self.new_speed = pcm_speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH
                # Alternative speed decision logic that uses the lead car's distance
                # and speed more directly.
                # Bring in the lead car distance from the radarState feed

                button_to_press = self._calc_follow_button(
                    CS, lead_1, speed_limit_kph, set_speed_limit_active,
                    speed_limit_offset, frame)
        if button_to_press:
            self.automated_cruise_action_time = current_time_ms
            # If trying to slow below the min cruise speed, just cancel cruise.
            # This prevents a SCCM crash which is triggered by repeatedly pressing
            # stalk-down when already at min cruise speed.
            if (CruiseButtons.is_decel(button_to_press)
                    and CS.v_cruise_actual - 1 <
                    self.MIN_CRUISE_SPEED_MS * CV.MS_TO_KPH):
                button_to_press = CruiseButtons.CANCEL
            if button_to_press == CruiseButtons.CANCEL:
                self.fast_decel_time = current_time_ms
            # Debug logging (disable in production to reduce latency of commands)
            #print "***ACC command: %s***" % button_to_press
        return button_to_press
Esempio n. 14
File: Progetto: SS-JIA/tools
  speed_txt = ax.text(-500, 900, '')
  curv_txt = ax.text(-500, 775, '')

  ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
  curvature_plt, = ax.plot([0.0], [0.0], "--xk")
  ax.set_xlim([0, 500])
  ax.set_ylim([0, 1e-2])
  ax.set_xlabel('Distance along path [m]')
  ax.set_ylabel('Curvature [1/m]')

  while True:
    m = messaging.recv_one_or_none(live_map_sock)
    p = messaging.recv_one_or_none(plan_sock)
    if p is not None:
      v = p.plan.vCurvature * CV.MS_TO_MPH
      speed_txt.set_text('Desired curvature speed: %.2f mph' % v)

    if m is not None:
      print("Current way id: %d" % m.liveMapData.wayId)
      curv_txt.set_text('Curvature valid: %s   Dist: %03.0f m\nSpeedlimit valid: %s   Speed: %.0f mph' %
                          m.liveMapData.speedLimit * CV.MS_TO_MPH))

Esempio n. 15
  def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, \
             pcm_speed, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, pcm_accel, \
             hud_v_cruise, hud_show_lanes, hud_show_car, hud_alert, \
             snd_beep, snd_chime,leftLaneVisible,rightLaneVisible):

    if (not enabled) and (self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled):
      self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled = False
      self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled_counter = 0
      self.warningNeeded = 1
    if self.warningCounter > 0:
      self.warningCounter = self.warningCounter - 1
      if self.warningCounter == 0:
        self.warningNeeded = 1
    if self.warningCounter == 0 or not enabled:
        # when zero reset all warnings
        self.DAS_222_accCameraBlind = 0 #we will see what we can use this for
        self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed = 0
        self.DAS_220_lcTempUnavailableRoad = 0
        self.DAS_221_lcAborting = 0
        self.DAS_211_accNoSeatBelt = 0
        self.DAS_207_lkasUnavailable = 0 #use for manual not in drive?
        self.DAS_208_rackDetected = 0 #use for low battery?
        self.DAS_202_noisyEnvironment = 0 #use for planner error?
        self.DAS_025_steeringOverride = 0 #use for manual steer?
        self.DAS_206_apUnavailable = 0 #Ap disabled from CID

    if CS.keepEonOff:
      if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("dsp") != 9:
      if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("dsp") != 1:
    # """ Controls thread """

    if not CS.useTeslaMapData:
      if self.speedlimit is None:
        self.speedlimit = messaging.sub_sock('liveMapData', conflate=True)

    # *** no output if not enabled ***
    if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
      # send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
      pcm_cancel_cmd = True

    # vehicle hud display, wait for one update from 10Hz 0x304 msg
    if hud_show_lanes:
      hud_lanes = 1
      hud_lanes = 0

    # TODO: factor this out better
    if enabled:
      if hud_show_car:
        hud_car = 2
        hud_car = 1
      hud_car = 0
    # For lateral control-only, send chimes as a beep since we don't send 0x1fa
    #if CS.CP.radarOffCan:

    #print chime, alert_id, hud_alert
    fcw_display, steer_required, acc_alert = process_hud_alert(hud_alert)

    hud = HUDData(int(pcm_accel), int(round(hud_v_cruise)), 1, hud_car,
                  0xc1, hud_lanes, int(snd_beep), snd_chime, fcw_display, acc_alert, steer_required)
    if not all(isinstance(x, int) and 0 <= x < 256 for x in hud):
      print ("INVALID HUD", hud)
      hud = HUDData(0xc6, 255, 64, 0xc0, 209, 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    # **** process the car messages ****

    # *** compute control surfaces ***

    # Prevent steering while stopped
    vehicle_moving = (CS.v_ego >= MIN_STEERING_VEHICLE_VELOCITY)

    #upodate custom UI buttons and alerts
    if (frame % 100 == 0):
      #read speed limit params
      if CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
        self.set_speed_limit_active = True
        self.speed_limit_offset = CS.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph
        self.set_speed_limit_active = (self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset") is not None) and (self.params.get("LimitSetSpeed") == "1")
        if self.set_speed_limit_active:
          self.speed_limit_offset = float(self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset"))
          if not self.isMetric:
            self.speed_limit_offset = self.speed_limit_offset * CV.MPH_TO_MS
          self.speed_limit_offset = 0.
    if CS.useTeslaGPS and (frame % 10 == 0):
      if self.gpsLocationExternal is None:
        self.gpsLocationExternal = messaging.pub_sock('gpsLocationExternal')
      sol = gen_solution(CS)
      sol.logMonoTime = int(realtime.sec_since_boot() * 1e9)

    #get pitch/roll/yaw every 0.1 sec
    if (frame %10 == 0):
      (self.accPitch, self.accRoll, self.accYaw),(self.magPitch, self.magRoll, self.magYaw),(self.gyroPitch, self.gyroRoll, self.gyroYaw) = self.GYRO.update(CS.v_ego,CS.a_ego,CS.angle_steers)
      CS.UE.uiGyroInfoEvent(self.accPitch, self.accRoll, self.accYaw,self.magPitch, self.magRoll, self.magYaw,self.gyroPitch, self.gyroRoll, self.gyroYaw)

    # Update statuses for custom buttons every 0.1 sec.
    if (frame % 10 == 0):
      self.ALCA.update_status((CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("alca") > 0) and ((CS.enableALCA and not CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration) or (CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration and CS.alcaEnabled)))

    self.blinker.update_state(CS, frame)

    # update PCC module info
    pedal_can_sends = self.PCC.update_stat(CS, frame)
    if self.PCC.pcc_available:
      self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
      # Update ACC module info.
      self.ACC.update_stat(CS, True)
      self.PCC.enable_pedal_cruise = False

    # update CS.v_cruise_pcm based on module selected.
    speed_uom_kph = 1.
    if CS.imperial_speed_units:
      speed_uom_kph = CV.KPH_TO_MPH
    if self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise:
      CS.v_cruise_pcm = self.ACC.acc_speed_kph * speed_uom_kph
    elif self.PCC.enable_pedal_cruise:
      CS.v_cruise_pcm = self.PCC.pedal_speed_kph * speed_uom_kph
      CS.v_cruise_pcm = max(0., CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH) * speed_uom_kph
    self.alca_enabled = self.ALCA.update(enabled, CS, actuators, self.alcaStateData, frame, self.blinker)
    self.should_ldw = self._should_ldw(CS, frame)
    apply_angle = -actuators.steerAngle  # Tesla is reversed vs OP.
    # Update HSO module info.
    human_control = self.HSO.update_stat(self,CS, enabled, actuators, frame)
    human_lane_changing = CS.turn_signal_stalk_state > 0 and not self.alca_enabled
    enable_steer_control = (enabled
                            and not human_lane_changing
                            and not human_control 
                            and  vehicle_moving)
    angle_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_MAX_BP, ANGLE_MAX_V)
    apply_angle = clip(apply_angle, -angle_lim, angle_lim)
    # Windup slower.
    if self.last_angle * apply_angle > 0. and abs(apply_angle) > abs(self.last_angle):
      angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP, ANGLE_DELTA_V)
      angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP, ANGLE_DELTA_VU)

    #BB disable limits to test 0.5.8
    # apply_angle = clip(apply_angle , self.last_angle - angle_rate_lim, self.last_angle + angle_rate_lim) 
    # If human control, send the steering angle as read at steering wheel.
    if human_control:
      apply_angle = CS.angle_steers

    # Send CAN commands.
    can_sends = []

    #if using radar, we need to send the VIN
    if CS.useTeslaRadar and (frame % 100 == 0):
      if CS.useTeslaRadar:
      self.radarVin_idx += 1
      self.radarVin_idx = self.radarVin_idx  % 3

    #First we emulate DAS.
    # DAS_longC_enabled (1),DAS_speed_override (1),DAS_apUnavailable (1), DAS_collision_warning (1),  DAS_op_status (4)
    # DAS_speed_kph(8), 
    # DAS_turn_signal_request (2),DAS_forward_collision_warning (2), DAS_hands_on_state (3), 
    # DAS_cc_state (2), DAS_usingPedal(1),DAS_alca_state (5),
    # DAS_acc_speed_limit (8),
    # DAS_speed_limit_units(8)
    #send fake_das data as 0x553
    # TODO: forward collision warning

    if frame % 10 == 0:
        speedlimitMsg = None
        if self.speedlimit is not None:
          speedlimitMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.speedlimit)
        icLeadsMsg = self.icLeads.receive(non_blocking=True)
        radarStateMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.radarState)
        alcaStateMsg = self.alcaState.receive(non_blocking=True)
        pathPlanMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.pathPlan)
        icCarLRMsg = self.icCarLR.receive(non_blocking=True)
        trafficeventsMsgs = None
        if self.trafficevents is not None:
          trafficeventsMsgs = messaging.recv_sock(self.trafficevents)
        if CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
          self.speed_limit_ms = CS.speed_limit_ms
        if (speedlimitMsg is not None) and not CS.useTeslaMapData:
          lmd = speedlimitMsg.liveMapData
          self.speed_limit_ms = lmd.speedLimit if lmd.speedLimitValid else 0
        if icLeadsMsg is not None:
          self.icLeadsData = tesla.ICLeads.from_bytes(icLeadsMsg)
        if radarStateMsg is not None:
          #to show lead car on IC
          if self.icLeadsData is not None:
            can_messages = self.showLeadCarOnICCanMessage(radarStateMsg = radarStateMsg)
        if alcaStateMsg is not None:
          self.alcaStateData =  tesla.ALCAState.from_bytes(alcaStateMsg)
        if pathPlanMsg is not None:
          #to show curvature and lanes on IC
          if self.alcaStateData is not None:
            self.handlePathPlanSocketForCurvatureOnIC(pathPlanMsg = pathPlanMsg, alcaStateData = self.alcaStateData,CS = CS)
        if icCarLRMsg is not None:
          can_messages = self.showLeftAndRightCarsOnICCanMessages(icCarLRMsg = tesla.ICCarsLR.from_bytes(icCarLRMsg))
        if trafficeventsMsgs is not None:
          can_messages = self.handleTrafficEvents(trafficEventsMsgs = trafficeventsMsgs)

    op_status = 0x02
    hands_on_state = 0x00
    forward_collision_warning = 0 #1 if needed
    if hud_alert == AH.FCW:
      forward_collision_warning = hud_alert[1]
      if forward_collision_warning > 1:
        forward_collision_warning = 1
    #cruise state: 0 unavailable, 1 available, 2 enabled, 3 hold
    cc_state = 1 
    alca_state = 0x00 
    speed_override = 0
    collision_warning = 0x00
    speed_control_enabled = 0
    accel_min = -15
    accel_max = 5
    acc_speed_kph = 0
    send_fake_warning = False
    send_fake_msg = False
    if enabled:
      #self.opState  0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabling, 3-unavailable, 5-warning
      alca_state = 0x01
      if self.opState == 0:
        op_status = 0x02
      if self.opState == 1:
        op_status = 0x03
      if self.opState == 2:
        op_status = 0x08
      if self.opState == 3:
        op_status = 0x01
      if self.opState == 5:
        op_status = 0x03
      if self.blinker.override_direction > 0:
        alca_state = 0x08 + self.blinker.override_direction
      elif (self.lLine > 1) and (self.rLine > 1):
        alca_state = 0x08
      elif (self.lLine > 1):
        alca_state = 0x06
      elif (self.rLine > 1): 
        alca_state = 0x07
        alca_state = 0x01
      #canceled by user
      if self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled and (self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled_counter > 0):
        alca_state = 0x14
      #min speed for ALCA
      if (CS.CL_MIN_V > CS.v_ego):
        alca_state = 0x05
      #max angle for ALCA
      if (abs(actuators.steerAngle) >= CS.CL_MAX_A):
        alca_state = 0x15
      if not enable_steer_control:
        #op_status = 0x08
        hands_on_state = 0x02
      if hud_alert == AH.STEER:
        if snd_chime == CM.MUTE:
          hands_on_state = 0x03
          hands_on_state = 0x05
      if self.PCC.pcc_available:
        acc_speed_kph = self.PCC.pedal_speed_kph
      if hud_alert == AH.FCW:
        collision_warning = hud_alert[1]
        if collision_warning > 1:
          collision_warning = 1
        #use disabling for alerts/errors to make them aware someting is goin going on
      if (snd_chime == CM.DOUBLE) or (hud_alert == AH.FCW):
        op_status = 0x08
      if self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise:
        acc_speed_kph = self.ACC.new_speed #pcm_speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH
      if (self.PCC.pcc_available and self.PCC.enable_pedal_cruise) or (self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise):
        speed_control_enabled = 1
        cc_state = 2
        if not self.ACC.adaptive:
            cc_state = 3
        CS.speed_control_enabled = 1
        CS.speed_control_enabled = 0
        if (CS.pcm_acc_status == 4):
          #car CC enabled but not OP, display the HOLD message
          cc_state = 3
      if (CS.pcm_acc_status == 4):
        cc_state = 3
    if enabled:
      if frame % 2 == 0:
        send_fake_msg = True
      if frame % 25 == 0:
        send_fake_warning = True
      if frame % 23 == 0:
        send_fake_msg = True
      if frame % 60 == 0:
        send_fake_warning = True
    if frame % 10 == 0:
    speed_override = 0
    if (CS.pedal_interceptor_value > 10) and (cc_state > 1):
      speed_override = 0 #force zero for now
    if (not enable_steer_control) and op_status == 3:
      #hands_on_state = 0x03
      self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed = 1
      self.warningCounter = 100
      self.warningNeeded = 1
    if enabled and self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled and (not CS.steer_override) and (CS.turn_signal_stalk_state == 0) and (self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled_counter > 0):
      self.DAS_221_lcAborting = 1
      self.warningCounter = 300
      self.warningNeeded = 1
    if CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
      highLowBeamStatus,highLowBeamReason,ahbIsEnabled = self.AHB.update(CS,frame,self.ahbLead1)
      if frame % 5 == 0:
        self.cc_counter = (self.cc_counter + 1) % 40 #use this to change status once a second
        self.fleet_speed_state = 0x00 #fleet speed unavailable
        if FleetSpeed.is_available(CS):
          if self.ACC.fleet_speed.is_active(frame) or self.PCC.fleet_speed.is_active(frame):
            self.fleet_speed_state = 0x02 #fleet speed enabled
            self.fleet_speed_state = 0x01 #fleet speed available
    if (self.cc_counter < 3) and (self.fleet_speed_state == 0x02):
      CS.v_cruise_pcm = CS.v_cruise_pcm + 1 
      send_fake_msg = True
    if (self.cc_counter == 3):
      send_fake_msg = True
    if send_fake_msg:
      if enable_steer_control and op_status == 3:
        op_status = 0x5
      park_brake_request = int(CS.ahbEnabled)
      if park_brake_request == 1:
        print("Park Brake Request received")
      adaptive_cruise = 1 if (not self.PCC.pcc_available and self.ACC.adaptive) or self.PCC.pcc_available else 0
      can_sends.append(teslacan.create_fake_DAS_msg(speed_control_enabled,speed_override,self.DAS_206_apUnavailable, collision_warning, op_status, \
            acc_speed_kph, \
            self.blinker.override_direction,forward_collision_warning, adaptive_cruise,  hands_on_state, \
            cc_state, 1 if self.PCC.pcc_available else 0, alca_state, \
            1 if enable_steer_control else 0,
    if send_fake_warning or (self.opState == 2) or (self.opState == 5) or (self.stopSignWarning != self.stopSignWarning_last) or (self.stopLightWarning != self.stopLightWarning_last) or (self.warningNeeded == 1) or (frame % 100 == 0):
      #if it's time to send OR we have a warning or emergency disable
      can_sends.append(teslacan.create_fake_DAS_warning(self.DAS_211_accNoSeatBelt, CS.DAS_canErrors, \
            self.DAS_202_noisyEnvironment, CS.DAS_doorOpen, CS.DAS_notInDrive, CS.enableDasEmulation, CS.enableRadarEmulation, \
            self.stopSignWarning, self.stopLightWarning, \
            self.DAS_222_accCameraBlind, self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed, self.DAS_220_lcTempUnavailableRoad, self.DAS_221_lcAborting, \
            self.DAS_207_lkasUnavailable,self.DAS_208_rackDetected, self.DAS_025_steeringOverride,self.ldwStatus,0,CS.useWithoutHarness))
      self.stopLightWarning_last = self.stopLightWarning
      self.stopSignWarning_last = self.stopSignWarning
      self.warningNeeded = 0
    # end of DAS emulation """
    if frame % 100 == 0: # and CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
        #IF WE HAVE softPanda RUNNING, send a message every second to say we are still awake

    # send enabled ethernet every 0.2 sec
    if frame % 20 == 0:
    if (not self.PCC.pcc_available) and frame % 5 == 0: # acc processed at 20Hz
      cruise_btn = self.ACC.update_acc(enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed, \
                    self.speed_limit_ms * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
                    self.set_speed_limit_active, self.speed_limit_offset)
      if cruise_btn:
          cruise_msg = teslacan.create_cruise_adjust_msg(
            turnIndLvr_Stat= 0,
          # Send this CAN msg first because it is racing against the real stalk.
          can_sends.insert(0, cruise_msg)
    apply_accel = 0.
    if self.PCC.pcc_available and frame % 5 == 0: # pedal processed at 20Hz
      apply_accel, accel_needed, accel_idx = self.PCC.update_pdl(enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed, \
                    self.set_speed_limit_active, self.speed_limit_offset * CV.KPH_TO_MS, self.alca_enabled)
      can_sends.append(teslacan.create_pedal_command_msg(apply_accel, int(accel_needed), accel_idx))
    self.last_angle = apply_angle
    self.last_accel = apply_accel
    return pedal_can_sends + can_sends