Esempio n. 1
    def test_extract_1(self):
        html = \
            "<h1>1</h1>" \
            "<h1>2</h1>" \
            "<h2>2.1</h2>" \
            "<h2>2.2</h2>" \
            "<h2>2.3</h2>" \
            "<h2>2.4</h2>" \
            "<h1>3</h1>" \

        presentation = {'h1_1':set([PC('myclass1')]),
                        'newcol_h2_4':set([NEWCOL, PC('myclass2')]),
        combined = format_html(html, presentation)
        pres2, html2 = extract_presentation(combined)
        self.assertEqual(presentation, pres2)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_extract_2(self):
        # Full featured, proper test
        html = """
<div class="row columns3"><div class="column firstcolumn"><div class="myclass"><h1>Hello Jane</h1><p>Some fancy content, entered using WYMeditor</p><p>Another paragraph</p><p>Hello</p></div></div><div class="column doublewidth"><div><h1>Another &lt;heading&gt;</h1><h2>this is a test</h2><h2>hello1</h2><h3>hello2</h3><h3>hello3</h3><h3>hello4</h3></div></div><div class="column lastcolumn"><div><h1>hello5</h1><h2>hello6</h2><p>asdasd</p><p>asdxx</p></div></div></div>
        pres = {'newrow_h1_1':set([NEWROW]),
                'newcol_h1_1':set([NEWCOL, PC('myclass')]),
                'newcol_h1_2':set([NEWCOL, PC('doublewidth', column_equiv=2)]),
                'p_1': set(),
                'p_2': set(),
                'p_3': set(),
                'p_4': set(),
                'p_5': set(),

        pres2, html2 = extract_presentation(html)
        self.assertEqual(pres, pres2)
Esempio n. 3
 def _handled():
     pres, html = extract_presentation(data)
     # Rewrite pres so that we can serialise it to JSON
     pres2 = {}
     for k, v in pres.items():
         pres2[k] = [PI_to_dict(p) for p in v]
     return dict(presentation=pres2, html=html)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_extract_presentation(self):
     html = "<h1 class=\"foo\">Heading 1</h1><h2 class=\"bar baz\">Heading 2</h2><p class=\"whatsit\">Some paragraph</p>"
     pres, html2 = extract_presentation(html)
                       'h2_1':set([PC('bar'), PC('baz')]),
                       }, pres)
     self.assertEqual("<h1 id=\"h1_1\">Heading 1</h1><h2 id=\"h2_1\">Heading 2</h2><p id=\"p_1\">Some paragraph</p>", html2)
 def _handled():
     pres, html = extract_presentation(data)
     # Rewrite pres so that we can serialise it to JSON
     pres2 = {}
     for k, v in pres.items():
         pres2[k] = [PI_to_dict(p) for p in v]
     return dict(presentation=pres2,
Esempio n. 6
 def test_div_extract_hack(self):
     Check that a div with class "div" is recognised and turned back into a 'p'
     when extracting
     html = '<div class="div">Test</div>'
     pres, html2 = extract_presentation(html)
     self.assertEqual({'p_1':set([PC('div')])}, pres)
     self.assertEqual('<p id="p_1">Test</p>', html2);
Esempio n. 7
 def test_extract_nested_layout(self):
     Tests that we can properly extract a layout created using inner rows/columns.
     pres = {'newrow_h1_1':set([NEWROW]),
     html = ('<div class="row columns3">'
               '<div class="column firstcolumn">'
               '<div class="column">'
                   '<div class="row columns2">'
                     '<div class="column firstcolumn">'
                     '<div class="column lastcolumn">'
               '<div class="column lastcolumn">'
             '<div class="row columns2">'
               '<div class="column firstcolumn">'
               '<div class="column lastcolumn">'
     pres2, html2 = extract_presentation(html)
     self.assertEqual(pres, pres2)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_extract_3(self):
        # Tests some other boundary conditions e.g. 1 column row,
        html = """
<div class="row"><div><div><h1>1</h1><h2>1.1</h2><h2>1.2</h2></div></div></div>
        pres = {'h1_1': set(),
                'h2_1': set(),
                'h2_2': set(),
        pres2, html2 = extract_presentation(html)
        self.assertEqual(pres, pres2)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_extract_nested_layout_2(self):
     Issue 37
     pres = {'newrow_p_1':set([NEWROW]),
     html = ('<div class="row columns2">'
               '<div class="column firstcolumn">'
                   '<div class="row columns2">'
                     '<div class="column firstcolumn">'
                     '<div class="column lastcolumn">'
               '<div class="column firstcolumn">'
                   '<div class="row columns2">'
                     '<div class="column firstcolumn">'
                     '<div class="column lastcolumn">'
     pres2, html2 = extract_presentation(html)
     self.assertEqual(pres, pres2)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_extract_no_inner_col_div_2(self):
        # Tests that we can extract column structure if we don't have 
        # an inner column div.
        # This is important for the case where LayoutDetails.use_inner_column_div = False

        # Double col structure
        html = """
<div class="row"><div class="column firstcolumn"><h1>1</h1></div><div class="column lastcolumn"><h2>1.1</h2></div></div>
        pres = {'h1_1': set(),
                'h2_1': set(),
        pres2, html2 = extract_presentation(html)
        self.assertEqual(pres, pres2)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_round_trip(self):
     # Test the round trip of html -> extract_presentation -> format_html
     stored_html = "<h1>Hello</h1>"
     pres, simple_html = extract_presentation(stored_html)
     formatted = format_html(simple_html, pres)
     self.assertEqual(formatted, stored_html)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_format_pre(self):
     html = "<pre>This\r\nis\r\na\r\ntest</pre>"
     # check that format_html doesn't do anything nasty inside the pre
     html2 = format_html(html, {})
     pres, html3 = extract_presentation(html2)
     self.assertEqual(html, html3)
Esempio n. 13
 def test_extract_empty(self):
     pres, out_html = extract_presentation('')
     self.assertEqual('', out_html)