def test_is_online(): api = SentinelAPI("mock_user", "mock_password") uuid = '98ca202b-2155-4181-be88-4358b2cbaaa0' invalid_uuid = '98ca202b-2155-4181-be88-xxxxxxxxxxxx' request_url = "'{}')/Online/$value" with requests_mock.mock() as rqst: rqst.get( request_url.format(uuid), text="true", status_code=200 ) assert api.is_online(uuid) == True with requests_mock.mock() as rqst: rqst.get( request_url.format(uuid), text="false", status_code=200 ) assert api.is_online(uuid) == False with requests_mock.mock() as rqst: rqst.get( request_url.format(invalid_uuid), text='{{"error":{{"code":null,"message":{{"lang":"en","value":' 'Invalid key ({}) to access Products}}}}}}'.format(invalid_uuid), status_code=200 ) with pytest.raises(SentinelAPIError) as excinfo: api.is_online(invalid_uuid)
footprint = geojson_to_wkt(read_geojson(site_json)) scenes = download_api.query(footprint, date=(start_date, end_date), productType='GRD', sensoroperationalmode='IW', polarisationmode='VV VH', platformname='Sentinel-1') #cloudcoverpercentage = (0, 30)) scenes_retry = [] for scene_id in scenes: scene = scenes[scene_id] print('date: %s; scene: %s' % (scene['beginposition'][:10], scene['title'])) if not download_api.is_online(scene_id): if not os.path.isfile('%s/' % (download_dir, scene['title'])): scenes_retry.append(scene) else: try:, directory_path=download_dir) except: scenes_retry.append(scene) print('%i scenes remaining to be requested' % len(scenes_retry)) problem_scenes = [] while len(scenes_retry) > 0: scenes_offline = [] for ii, scene in enumerate(scenes_retry): print('%i of %i; date: %s; scene: %s' %
class SentinelWrapper: def __init__(self):"connect to sentinel API") # connection to API for search queries and download requests self.api = SentinelAPI(config.copernicusUser, config.copernicusPW, config.copernicusURL)"sentinel API connected") def get_sentinel_products(self, lat, lon, date_from, date_to, platform, **kwargs):"start sentinel query") # convert geolocation coordinates to wkt format footprint = geojson_to_wkt(Point((lon, lat))) # prepare parameter for cloud coverage if "cloudcoverpercentage" in kwargs: kwargs["cloudcoverpercentage"] = (0, kwargs["cloudcoverpercentage"]) # search query for attempt in range(1, config.serverFailureRequestRepeats + 1): try: result = self.api.query(footprint, date=(date_from, date_to), platformname=platform, **kwargs) break except SentinelAPIError as e: print(repr(e)) if attempt < config.serverFailureRequestRepeats: print( f"Attempt {attempt} failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) f"Attempt {attempt} to connect to Sentinel server failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) time.sleep(60 * config.serverFailureRequestDelay) else: print("Last attempt failed. Aborting.") "Last attempt to connect to Sentinel server failed. Aborting." )"sentinel query complete") return result # download multiple sentinel products (list of product IDs) def download_sentinel_products(self, products): for attempt in range(1, config.serverFailureRequestRepeats + 1): try:"start downloading sentinel product list") self.api.download_all(products, config.bigTilesDir)"download complete") break except SentinelAPIError as e: print(repr(e)) if attempt < config.serverFailureRequestRepeats: print( f"Attempt {attempt} failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) f"Attempt {attempt} to connect to Sentinel server failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) time.sleep(60 * config.serverFailureRequestDelay) else: print("Last attempt failed. Aborting.") "Last attempt to connect to Sentinel server failed. Aborting." ) # download sentinel product with certain product ID def download_sentinel_product(self, product_id): for attempt in range(1, config.serverFailureRequestRepeats + 1): try:"start downloading sentinel product") product_info =, config.bigTilesDir) if not product_info["Online"]:"archived download triggered") return False else: # TODO: Download should be checked"download complete") return True except SentinelAPIError as e: print(repr(e)) if attempt < config.serverFailureRequestRepeats: print( f"Attempt {attempt} failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) f"Attempt {attempt} to connect to Sentinel server failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) time.sleep(60 * config.serverFailureRequestDelay) else: print("Last attempt failed. Aborting.") "Last attempt to connect to Sentinel server failed. Aborting." ) def get_product_data(self, product_id): for attempt in range(1, config.serverFailureRequestRepeats + 1): try: return self.api.get_product_odata(product_id) except SentinelAPIError as e: print(repr(e)) if attempt < config.serverFailureRequestRepeats: print( f"Attempt {attempt} failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) f"Attempt {attempt} to connect to Sentinel server failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) time.sleep(60 * config.serverFailureRequestDelay) else: print("Last attempt failed. Aborting.") "Last attempt to connect to Sentinel server failed. Aborting." ) def ready_for_download(self, product_id): for attempt in range(1, config.serverFailureRequestRepeats + 1): try: return self.api.is_online(product_id) except SentinelAPIError as e: print(repr(e)) if attempt < config.serverFailureRequestRepeats: print( f"Attempt {attempt} failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) f"Attempt {attempt} to connect to Sentinel server failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) time.sleep(60 * config.serverFailureRequestDelay) else: print("Last attempt failed. Aborting.") "Last attempt to connect to Sentinel server failed. Aborting." ) def request_offline_tile(self, last_tile_download_request, product_id): # check if last request not within request delay last_request = utils.minutes_since_last_download_request() if last_request == None or last_request > config.copernicusRequestDelay: if last_tile_download_request == None or \ utils.minutes_since_timestamp(last_tile_download_request) > config.copernicusRepeatRequestAfterMin: for attempt in range(1, config.serverFailureRequestRepeats + 1): try: # HTTP-Code 202: Accepted for retrieval # TODO: handle other HTTP-Codes as well... product_info = self.api.get_product_odata(product_id) if self.api._trigger_offline_retrieval( product_info["url"]) == 202: return True else: return False except SentinelAPIError as e: print(repr(e)) if attempt < config.serverFailureRequestRepeats: print( f"Attempt {attempt} failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) f"Attempt {attempt} to connect to Sentinel server failed. Next try in {config.serverFailureRequestDelay} minutes." ) time.sleep(60 * config.serverFailureRequestDelay) else: print("Last attempt failed. Aborting.") "Last attempt to connect to Sentinel server failed. Aborting." ) else: return False
def main(args): """ Runs dataLayer processing scripts to turn raw dataLayer from (../raw) into cleaned dataLayer ready to be analyzed (saved in ../processed). """ ## Talk to Rune about how dataLayer is handle. If it should be part of the "big" project. ## set number_tiles:1764 config = TrainingConfig() config = update_config(args, config) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'making final dataLayer set from raw dataLayer') userTuple = [['pandagud', 'damp4ever'], ['pandagud2', 'damp4ever'], ['pandagud3', 'damp4ever'], ['au524478', 'Palantir1234']] current_user = random.choice(userTuple) api = SentinelAPI(current_user[0], current_user[1], '') # search by polygon, time, and SciHub query keywords path = r"C:\Users\panda\Downloads\LC80290292014132LGN00.geojson" footprint = geojson_to_wkt(read_geojson(path)) products = api.query(area=footprint, date=('20210101', '20210105'), platformname='Sentinel-2', order_by='+ingestiondate', limit=1) areas = api.to_geodataframe(products) geojson = api.to_geojson(products) api.download_all(products, into=r'C:\Users\panda\Sat_paper\Alfa') products = api.query(area=footprint, date=('20210401', '20210430'), producttype='GRD', platformname='Sentinel-1', sensoroperationalmode='IW', polarisationmode='VV VH', order_by='ingestiondate') firstproduct = next(iter(products)) online_product = '' for i in products: is_online = api.is_online(products.get(i).get('uuid')) if is_online: online_product = i break delete_list = [] for i in products: if i != online_product: delete_list.append(i) for i in delete_list: del products[i] ground_geojsons = read_geojson(path) products_geojsons = api.to_geojson(products) ground_polygon = ground_geojsons.get('features')[0].get('geometry').get( 'coordinates') ground_polygon = geometry.Polygon(ground_polygon[0][0]) import numpy as np titles = [] ids = [] for item in products_geojsons.get('features'): id = item.get('properties').get('id') item = item.get('properties').get('title') item = (item[17:25] + item[48:55]) titles.append(item) ids.append([item, id]) unique = list(set(titles)) union_list = [] for i, element in enumerate(unique): local_polygon = Polygon() for j in range(len(titles)): if titles[j] == element: item = products_geojsons.get('features')[j] item = item.get('geometry').get('coordinates') item = geometry.Polygon(item[0][0]) item = affinity.scale(item, xfact=1.01, yfact=1.01) polygons = [item, local_polygon] local_polygons = unary_union(polygons) local_polygon = item union_list.append([local_polygons, element]) for index, element in enumerate(union_list): wkt = element[0].wkt if ground_polygon.within(element[0]): found_id = element[1] break for i in ids: if found_id != i[0]: del products[i[1]] area_list = [] for index, item in enumerate(products_geojsons.get('features')): item = item.get('geometry').get('coordinates') item = geometry.Polygon(item[0][0]) local_intersection = item.intersection(ground_polygon) local_intersection = [local_intersection.area, index] area_list.append(local_intersection) area_list.sort(reverse=True) for index in range(len(area_list)): item = products_geojsons.get('features')[area_list[index][1]] id = item.get('properties').get('id') item = item.get('geometry').get('coordinates') item = geometry.Polygon(item[0][0]) if item.intersects(ground_polygon): local_intersection = ground_polygon.intersection(item) print(str(ground_polygon.area)) print(str(local_intersection.area)) # ground_polygon = ground_polygon.difference(local_intersection) ground_polygon = (ground_polygon.symmetric_difference( local_intersection)).difference(local_intersection) else: del products[id] import datetime from datetime import timedelta S2_geojson = read_geojson(path) start_S1_date = S2_geojson.get('features')[0].get('properties').get( 'ingestiondate') start_S1_date = start_S1_date.split('T')[0] start_S1_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_S1_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() ## New end date for S1 end_S1_date = start_S1_date + timedelta(days=7) start_S1_date = start_S1_date - timedelta(days=7) start_S1_date_str = str(start_S1_date).replace('-', '') end_S1_date_str = str(end_S1_date).replace('-', '') ## COMBINE FOOTPRINT geom_in_geojson = [] geom_in_geojson.append( geojson.Feature(geometry=ground_polygon, properties={"MissingData": "Test"})) feature_collection = FeatureCollection(geom_in_geojson) pathToFile = r'C:\Users\panda\Sat_paper\missing.geojson' with open(pathToFile, 'w') as f: dump(feature_collection, f) print("Done")