Esempio n. 1
class RedisBufferTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.buf = RedisBuffer()

    def test_coerce_val_handles_foreignkeys(self):
        assert self.buf._coerce_val(Project(id=1)) == b"1"

    def test_coerce_val_handles_unicode(self):
        assert self.buf._coerce_val("\u201d") == "”".encode()

    @mock.patch("sentry.buffer.redis.RedisBuffer._make_key", mock.Mock(return_value="foo"))
    def test_process_pending_one_batch(self, process_incr):
        self.buf.incr_batch_size = 5
        with as client:
            client.zadd("b:p", {"foo": 1, "bar": 2})
        assert len(process_incr.apply_async.mock_calls) == 1
        process_incr.apply_async.assert_any_call(kwargs={"batch_keys": ["foo", "bar"]})
        client = self.buf.cluster.get_routing_client()
        assert client.zrange("b:p", 0, -1) == []

    @mock.patch("sentry.buffer.redis.RedisBuffer._make_key", mock.Mock(return_value="foo"))
    def test_process_pending_multiple_batches(self, process_incr):
        self.buf.incr_batch_size = 2
        with as client:
            client.zadd("b:p", {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3})
        assert len(process_incr.apply_async.mock_calls) == 2
        process_incr.apply_async.assert_any_call(kwargs={"batch_keys": ["foo", "bar"]})
        process_incr.apply_async.assert_any_call(kwargs={"batch_keys": ["baz"]})
        client = self.buf.cluster.get_routing_client()
        assert client.zrange("b:p", 0, -1) == []

    @mock.patch("sentry.buffer.redis.RedisBuffer._make_key", mock.Mock(return_value="foo"))
    def test_process_does_bubble_up_json(self, process):
        client = self.buf.cluster.get_routing_client()
                "e+foo": '["s","bar"]',
                "e+datetime": '["d","1493791566.000000"]',
                "f": '{"pk": ["i","1"]}',
                "i+times_seen": "2",
                "m": "sentry.models.Group",
        columns = {"times_seen": 2}
        filters = {"pk": 1}
        extra = {"foo": "bar", "datetime": datetime(2017, 5, 3, 6, 6, 6, tzinfo=timezone.utc)}
        signal_only = None
        process.assert_called_once_with(Group, columns, filters, extra, signal_only)

    @mock.patch("sentry.buffer.redis.RedisBuffer._make_key", mock.Mock(return_value="foo"))
    def test_process_does_bubble_up_pickle(self, process):
        client = self.buf.cluster.get_routing_client()
                "e+foo": "S'bar'\np1\n.",
                "f": "(dp1\nS'pk'\np2\nI1\ns.",
                "i+times_seen": "2",
                "m": "sentry.models.Group",
        columns = {"times_seen": 2}
        filters = {"pk": 1}
        extra = {"foo": "bar"}
        signal_only = None
        process.assert_called_once_with(Group, columns, filters, extra, signal_only)

    def test_get(self):
        model = mock.Mock()
        model.__name__ = "Mock"
        columns = ["times_seen"]
        filters = {"pk": 1}
        # If the value doesn't exist we just assume 0
        assert self.buf.get(model, columns, filters=filters) == {"times_seen": 0}
        self.buf.incr(model, {"times_seen": 1}, filters)
        assert self.buf.get(model, columns, filters=filters) == {"times_seen": 1}
        self.buf.incr(model, {"times_seen": 5}, filters)
        assert self.buf.get(model, columns, filters=filters) == {"times_seen": 6}

    def test_incr_saves_to_redis(self):
        now = datetime(2017, 5, 3, 6, 6, 6, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
        client = self.buf.cluster.get_routing_client()
        model = mock.Mock()
        model.__name__ = "Mock"
        columns = {"times_seen": 1}
        filters = {"pk": 1, "datetime": now}
        key = self.buf._make_key(model, filters=filters)
        self.buf.incr(model, columns, filters, extra={"foo": "bar", "datetime": now})
        result = client.hgetall(key)
        # Force keys to strings
        result = {force_text(k): v for k, v in result.items()}

        f = result.pop("f")
        assert pickle.loads(f) == {"pk": 1, "datetime": now}
        assert pickle.loads(result.pop("e+datetime")) == now
        assert pickle.loads(result.pop("e+foo")) == "bar"
        assert result == {"i+times_seen": b"1", "m": b"unittest.mock.Mock"}

        pending = client.zrange("b:p", 0, -1)
        assert pending == [key.encode("utf-8")]
        self.buf.incr(model, columns, filters, extra={"foo": "baz", "datetime": now})
        result = client.hgetall(key)
        # Force keys to strings
        result = {force_text(k): v for k, v in result.items()}
        f = result.pop("f")
        assert pickle.loads(f) == {"pk": 1, "datetime": now}
        assert pickle.loads(result.pop("e+datetime")) == now
        assert pickle.loads(result.pop("e+foo")) == "baz"
        assert result == {"i+times_seen": b"2", "m": b"unittest.mock.Mock"}

        pending = client.zrange("b:p", 0, -1)
        assert pending == [key.encode("utf-8")]

    @mock.patch("sentry.buffer.redis.RedisBuffer._make_key", mock.Mock(return_value="foo"))
    def test_process_pending_partitions_none(self, process_pending, process_incr):
        self.buf.pending_partitions = 2
        with as client:
            client.zadd("b:p:0", {"foo": 1})
            client.zadd("b:p:1", {"bar": 1})
            client.zadd("b:p", {"baz": 1})

        # On first pass, we are expecting to do:
        # * process the buffer that doesn't have a partition (b:p)
        # * queue up 2 jobs, one for each partition to process.
        assert len(process_incr.apply_async.mock_calls) == 1
        process_incr.apply_async.assert_any_call(kwargs={"batch_keys": ["baz"]})
        assert len(process_pending.apply_async.mock_calls) == 2
        assert process_pending.apply_async.mock_calls == [
  {"partition": 0}),
  {"partition": 1}),

        # Confirm that we've only processed the unpartitioned buffer
        client = self.buf.cluster.get_routing_client()
        assert client.zrange("b:p", 0, -1) == []
        assert client.zrange("b:p:0", 0, -1) != []
        assert client.zrange("b:p:1", 0, -1) != []

        # partition 0
        assert len(process_incr.apply_async.mock_calls) == 2
        process_incr.apply_async.assert_any_call(kwargs={"batch_keys": ["foo"]})
        assert client.zrange("b:p:0", 0, -1) == []

        # Make sure we didn't queue up more
        assert len(process_pending.apply_async.mock_calls) == 2

        # partition 1
        assert len(process_incr.apply_async.mock_calls) == 3
        process_incr.apply_async.assert_any_call(kwargs={"batch_keys": ["bar"]})
        assert client.zrange("b:p:1", 0, -1) == []

        # Make sure we didn't queue up more
        assert len(process_pending.apply_async.mock_calls) == 2

    @mock.patch("sentry.buffer.redis.RedisBuffer._make_key", mock.Mock(return_value="foo"))
    def test_process_uses_signal_only(self, process):
        client = self.buf.cluster.get_routing_client()
                "f": '{"pk": ["i","1"]}',
                "i+times_seen": "1",
                "m": "unittest.mock.Mock",
                "s": "1",
        process.assert_called_once_with(mock.Mock, {"times_seen": 1}, {"pk": 1}, {}, True)