from sentry.integrations.vsts.issues import VstsIssueSync from sentry.pipeline import NestedPipelineView from sentry.identity.pipeline import IdentityProviderPipeline from sentry.identity.vsts import VSTSIdentityProvider from sentry.utils.http import absolute_uri from .client import VstsApiClient from .repository import VstsRepositoryProvider DESCRIPTION = """ VSTS """ metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), author='The Sentry Team', noun=_('Account'), issue_url= '', source_url= '', aspects={}, ) class VstsIntegration(Integration, VstsIssueSync): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(VstsIntegration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default_identity = None def get_client(self): if self.default_identity is None: self.default_identity = self.get_default_identity()
from .client import JiraApiClient alert_link = { 'text': 'Visit the **Atlassian Marketplace** to install this integration.', # TODO(jess): update this when we have our app listed on the # atlassian marketplace 'link': '', } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description='Sync Sentry and JIRA issues.', author='The Sentry Team', noun=_('Instance'), issue_url='', source_url='', aspects={ 'alert_link': alert_link, }, ) # A list of common builtin custom field types for JIRA for easy reference. JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES = { 'select': 'com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select', 'textarea': 'com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textarea', 'multiuserpicker': 'com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiuserpicker', 'tempo_account': 'com.tempoplugin.tempo-accounts:accounts.customfield' } class JiraIntegration(Integration, IssueSyncMixin):
pipeline.bind_state('name', request.POST['name']) return pipeline.next_step() return HttpResponse(self.TEMPLATE) DESCRIPTION = """ This is an example integration * Descriptions support _markdown rendering_. """ metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), author='The Sentry Team', noun='example', issue_url='', source_url='', aspects={}, ) class ExampleIntegration(Integration, IssueSyncMixin): def create_comment(self): pass def get_link_issue_config(self, group, **kwargs): return [{ 'name': 'externalIssue', 'label': 'Issue', 'default': '', 'type': 'string',
IntegrationFeatures.ISSUE_BASIC, ), FeatureDescription( """ Link Sentry issues to existing Bitbucket issues """, IntegrationFeatures.ISSUE_BASIC, ), ] metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author='The Sentry Team', noun=_('Installation'), issue_url= '', source_url= '', aspects={}, ) # see scopes = ( 'issue:write', 'pullrequest', 'webhook', ) class BitbucketIntegration(IntegrationInstallation, BitbucketIssueBasicMixin, RepositoryMixin):
), ] setup_alert = { 'type': 'info', 'text': 'The Pagerduty integration adds a new Alert Rule action to all projects. To enable automatic alerts sent to Pagerduty you must create a rule using the pagerduty account action in your project settings.', } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=_(DESCRIPTION.strip()), features=FEATURES, author='Kumarappan Arumugam', noun=_('Installation'), issue_url= '', source_url= '', aspects={ 'alerts': [setup_alert], }) class InstallationForm(forms.Form): service_name = forms.CharField( label="Provide a name of the pagerduty service for the integration", # choices=[], help_text= _('It will be easier to idenify the integration on the alert rules page with the name.' ), widget=forms.TextInput(
Visit the Jira Marketplace to install this integration. After installing the Sentry add-on, access the settings panel in your Jira instance to enable the integration for this Organization. """ external_install = { "url": "", "buttonText": _("Jira Marketplace"), "noticeText": _(INSTALL_NOTICE_TEXT.strip()), } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=_(DESCRIPTION.strip()), features=FEATURE_DESCRIPTIONS, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Instance"), issue_url="", source_url="", aspects={"externalInstall": external_install}, ) # Hide linked issues fields because we don't have the necessary UI for fully specifying # a valid link (e.g. "is blocked by ISSUE-1"). HIDDEN_ISSUE_FIELDS = ["issuelinks"] # A list of common builtin custom field types for Jira for easy reference. JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES = { "select": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select", "textarea": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textarea", "multiuserpicker": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiuserpicker", "tempo_account": "com.tempoplugin.tempo-accounts:accounts.customfield",
Sentry add-on, access the settings panel in your Jira instance to enable the integration for this Organization. """ external_install = { 'url': '', 'buttonText': _('Jira Marketplace'), 'noticeText': _(INSTALL_NOTICE_TEXT.strip()), } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=_(DESCRIPTION.strip()), features=FEATURE_DESCRIPTIONS, author='The Sentry Team', noun=_('Instance'), issue_url='', source_url='', aspects={ 'externalInstall': external_install, }, ) # hide sprint, epic link, parent and linked issues fields because they don't work # since sprint and epic link are "custom" we need to search for them by name HIDDEN_ISSUE_FIELDS = { 'keys': ['parent', 'issuelinks'], 'names': ['Sprint', 'Epic Link'], } # A list of common builtin custom field types for Jira for easy reference. JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES = {
'icon-warning-sm', 'text': 'Your GitHub enterprise instance must be able to communicate with' ' Sentry. Sentry makes outbound requests from a [static set of IP' ' addresses]( that you may wish' ' to whitelist to support this integration.', } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author='The Sentry Team', noun=_('Installation'), issue_url= '', source_url= '', aspects={ 'disable_dialog': disable_dialog, 'removal_dialog': removal_dialog, 'alerts': [setup_alert], }, ) API_ERRORS = { 404: 'GitHub Enterprise returned a 404 Not Found error.', 401: ERR_UNAUTHORIZED, } class GitHubEnterpriseIntegration(IntegrationInstallation, GitHubIssueBasic,
external_install = { "url": "{}".format( options.get("")), "buttonText": _("Teams Marketplace"), "noticeText": _(INSTALL_NOTICE_TEXT), } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Installation"), issue_url= "", source_url= "", aspects={"externalInstall": external_install}, ) class MsTeamsIntegration(IntegrationInstallation): pass class MsTeamsIntegrationProvider(IntegrationProvider): key = "msteams" name = "Microsoft Teams" can_add = False
"warning", "icon": "icon-warning-sm", "text": "Your Jira instance must be able to communicate with Sentry." " Sentry makes outbound requests from a [static set of IP" " addresses]( that you may wish" " to allow in your firewall to support this integration.", } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=_(DESCRIPTION.strip()), features=FEATURE_DESCRIPTIONS, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Installation"), issue_url= "", source_url= "", aspects={"alerts": [setup_alert]}, ) class InstallationForm(forms.Form): url = forms.CharField( label=_("Jira URL"), help_text= _("The base URL for your Jira Server instance, including the host and protocol." ), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={"placeholder": ""}),
DESCRIPTION = """ This is an example integration. Descriptions support _markdown rendering_. """ FEATURES = [ FeatureDescription( "This is a feature description. Also *supports markdown*", IntegrationFeatures.ISSUE_SYNC) ] metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun="example", issue_url="", source_url="", aspects={}, ) class ExampleIntegration(IntegrationInstallation, IssueSyncMixin): comment_key = "sync_comments" outbound_status_key = "sync_status_outbound" inbound_status_key = "sync_status_inbound" outbound_assignee_key = "sync_assignee_outbound" inbound_assignee_key = "sync_assignee_inbound" def get_issue_url(self, key): return u"https://example/issues/{}".format(key)
* Configure rule based Slack notifications to automatically be posted into the specified channel. """ alert_link = { 'text': 'Looking to send Sentry alerts to Slack? Add an **Alert Rule** to a project.', 'link': '/settings/:orgId/:projectId/alerts/rules/' } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), author='The Sentry Team', noun=_('Workspace'), issue_url= '', source_url= '', aspects={ 'alert_link': alert_link, }) class SlackIntegrationProvider(IntegrationProvider): key = 'slack' name = 'Slack' metadata = metadata identity_oauth_scopes = frozenset([ 'channels:read', 'groups:read',
DESCRIPTION = """ This is an example integration. Descriptions support _markdown rendering_. """ FEATURES = [ FeatureDescription( "This is a feature description. Also *supports markdown*", IntegrationFeatures.ISSUE_SYNC) ] metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun="example", issue_url= "", source_url="", aspects={}, ) class ExampleIntegration(IntegrationInstallation, IssueSyncMixin): comment_key = "sync_comments" outbound_status_key = "sync_status_outbound" inbound_status_key = "sync_status_inbound" outbound_assignee_key = "sync_assignee_outbound" inbound_assignee_key = "sync_assignee_inbound" def get_issue_url(self, key): return f"https://example/issues/{key}"
] setup_alert = { "type": "warning", "icon": "icon-warning-sm", "text": "Your Bitbucket Server instance must be able to communicate with Sentry." " Sentry makes outbound requests from a [static set of IP" " addresses]( that you may wish" " to explicitly allow in your firewall to support this integration.", } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Installation"), issue_url="", source_url="", aspects={}, ) class InstallationForm(forms.Form): url = forms.CharField( label=_("Bitbucket URL"), help_text=_( "The base URL for your Bitbucket Server instance, including the host and protocol." ), widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"placeholder": ""}), validators=[URLValidator()], )
from sentry.utils.http import absolute_uri from sentry.integrations.github.integration import GitHubIntegrationProvider from sentry.integrations.github.utils import get_jwt from .repository import GitHubEnterpriseRepositoryProvider from .client import GitHubEnterpriseAppsClient DESCRIPTION = """ Fill me out (Enterprise) """ metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), author='The Sentry Team', noun=_('Installation'), issue_url= '', source_url= '', aspects={}) API_ERRORS = { 404: 'GitHub Enterprise returned a 404 Not Found error.', 401: ERR_UNAUTHORIZED, } class GitHubEnterpriseIntegration(Integration, RepositoryMixin): def get_client(self): return GitHubEnterpriseAppsClient( base_url=self.model.metadata['domain_name'],
'icon': 'icon-warning-sm', 'text': 'Your Jira instance must be able to communicate with Sentry.' ' Sentry makes outbound requests from a [static set of IP' ' addresses]( that you may wish' ' to whitelist to support this integration.', } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=_(DESCRIPTION.strip()), features=FEATURE_DESCRIPTIONS, author='The Sentry Team', noun=_('Installation'), issue_url= '', source_url= '', aspects={ 'alerts': [setup_alert], }, ) class InstallationForm(forms.Form): url = forms.CharField( label=_('Jira URL'), help_text= _('The base URL for your Jira Server instance, including the host and protocol.' ), widget=forms.TextInput(
), ] setup_alert = { "type": "info", "text": "The Slack integration adds a new Alert Rule action to all projects. To enable automatic notifications sent to Slack you must create a rule using the slack workspace action in your project settings.", } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=_(DESCRIPTION.strip()), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Workspace"), issue_url= "", source_url= "", aspects={"alerts": [setup_alert]}, ) class SlackIntegrationProvider(IntegrationProvider): key = "slack" name = "Slack" metadata = metadata features = frozenset([ IntegrationFeatures.ACTION_NOTIFICATION, IntegrationFeatures.CHAT_UNFURL, IntegrationFeatures.ALERT_RULE,
"noticeText": _(INSTALL_NOTICE_TEXT), } configure_integration = {"title": _("Connect Your Projects")} create_project_instruction = _( "Don't have a project yet? Click [here]({}) to create one.") install_source_code_integration = _( "Install a [source code integration]({}) and configure your repositories.") metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Installation"), issue_url= "", source_url= "", aspects={ "externalInstall": external_install, "configure_integration": configure_integration, }, ) internal_integration_overview = ( "This internal integration was auto-generated during the installation process of your Vercel" " integration. It is needed to provide the token used to create a release. If this integration is " "deleted, your Vercel integration will stop working!") class VercelIntegration(IntegrationInstallation): @property
disable_dialog = { "actionText": _("Visit Vercel"), "body": _("In order to uninstall this integration, you must go" " to Vercel and uninstall there by clicking 'Remove Configuration'."), } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Installation"), issue_url= "", source_url= "", aspects={ "externalInstall": external_install, "configure_integration": configure_integration, "disable_dialog": disable_dialog, }, ) internal_integration_overview = ( "This internal integration was auto-generated during the installation process of your Vercel" " integration. It is needed to provide the token used to create a release. If this integration is " "deleted, your Vercel integration will stop working!") class VercelIntegration(IntegrationInstallation):
from sentry.utils.http import absolute_uri DESCRIPTION = """ Define a relationship between Sentry and your Slack workspace(s). * Unfurls Sentry URLs in slack, providing context and actionability on issues directly within your Slack workspace. * Resolve, ignore, and assign issues with minimal context switching. * Configure rule based Slack notifications to automatically be posted into the specified channel. """ metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), author='The Sentry Team', issue_url= '', source_url= '' ) class SlackIntegration(Integration): key = 'slack' name = 'Slack' metadata = metadata identity_oauth_scopes = frozenset([ 'bot', 'channels:read', 'chat:write:bot', 'commands',
""", IntegrationFeatures.ISSUE_BASIC, ), FeatureDescription( """ Link Sentry issues to existing GitLab issues """, IntegrationFeatures.ISSUE_BASIC, ), ] metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Installation"), issue_url="", source_url="", aspects={}, ) class GitlabIntegration(IntegrationInstallation, GitlabIssueBasic, RepositoryMixin): repo_search = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GitlabIntegration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default_identity = None def get_group_id(self): return self.model.metadata["group_id"]
removal_dialog = { "actionText": "Delete", "body": "Deleting this integration will delete all associated repositories" " and commit data. This action cannot be undone. Are you sure you" " want to delete your integration?", } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Installation"), issue_url= "", source_url= "", aspects={ "disable_dialog": disable_dialog, "removal_dialog": removal_dialog }, ) API_ERRORS = { 404: "If this repository exists, ensure" " that your installation has permission to access this repository" " (", 401: ERR_UNAUTHORIZED, }
IntegrationFeatures.ISSUE_SYNC, ), FeatureDescription( """ Automatically create Azure DevOps work items based on Issue Alert conditions. """, IntegrationFeatures.TICKET_RULES, ), ] metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Installation"), issue_url= "", source_url= "", aspects={}, ) logger = logging.getLogger("sentry.integrations") class VstsIntegration(IntegrationInstallation, RepositoryMixin, VstsIssueSync): # type: ignore logger = logger comment_key = "sync_comments" outbound_status_key = "sync_status_forward" inbound_status_key = "sync_status_reverse"
setup_alert = { "type": "warning", "icon": "icon-warning-sm", "text": "Your GitHub enterprise instance must be able to communicate with" " Sentry. Sentry makes outbound requests from a [static set of IP" " addresses]( that you may wish" " to allow in your firewall to support this integration.", } metadata = IntegrationMetadata( description=DESCRIPTION.strip(), features=FEATURES, author="The Sentry Team", noun=_("Installation"), issue_url="", source_url="", aspects={ "disable_dialog": disable_dialog, "removal_dialog": removal_dialog, "alerts": [setup_alert], }, ) API_ERRORS = { 404: "If this repository exists, ensure" + " that your installation has permission to access this repository" + " (", 401: ERR_UNAUTHORIZED, }