Esempio n. 1
    def test_sqs_apply_custom_facets(self, mock_active):
        Tests that correct query strings are added to search query sets for
        different combinations of custom facets and exclude facets
        This is a regression test. Exclude facets weren't being applied when
        no custom facets were being passed in

        Since this is the first place we're using mock, here's a brief
        explanation. patch.object is a decorator that passes in
        an object (in this case CustomFacet.active_site_facet)
        to our function's local environment (where we've named it mock_active).
        We then override that objects behavior (it's return value in this case)
        to avoid having to set up a chain of sites and configurations
        just to get settings.SITE_ID set so that active_site_facet works

        terms = [unicode(i) for i in range(10)]
        facets = CustomFacet.objects.all()
        self.assertEqual(len(facets), 0)
        facet_ids = [
            factories.CustomFacetFactory(title=term).id for term in terms
        facets = CustomFacet.objects.filter(id__in=facet_ids).order_by('title')
        [factories.SeoSiteFacetFactory(customfacet=facet) for facet in facets]

        site_facet = factories.SeoSiteFacetFactory()
        mock_active.return_value = site_facet

        for split in range(len(terms)):
            cf = facets.filter(title__in=terms[0:split]).order_by('title')
            ef = facets.filter(title__in=terms[split:]).order_by('title')

            with self.assertNumQueries(FuzzyInt(1, 10)):
                sqs = helpers.sqs_apply_custom_facets(custom_facets=cf,

            # Narrow_queries is a set of querystrings. Our current
            # backend should build 1 string starting with NOT for exclude facets
            # and another string for custom facets
            queries = sqs.query.narrow_queries
            self.assertTrue(len(queries) > 0)
            for query in queries:
                if query.find(u'NOT') == -1:
                    present_terms = terms[0:split]
                    missing_terms = terms[split:]
                    present_terms = terms[split:]
                    missing_terms = terms[0:split]

                for term in present_terms:
                    self.assertNotEqual(query.find(term), -1)
                for term in missing_terms:
                    self.assertEqual(query.find(term), -1)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_sqs_apply_custom_facets(self, mock_active):
        Tests that correct query strings are added to search query sets for
        different combinations of custom facets and exclude facets
        This is a regression test. Exclude facets weren't being applied when
        no custom facets were being passed in

        Since this is the first place we're using mock, here's a brief
        explanation. patch.object is a decorator that passes in 
        an object (in this case CustomFacet.active_site_facet) 
        to our function's local environment (where we've named it mock_active).
        We then override that objects behavior (it's return value in this case)
        to avoid having to set up a chain of sites and configurations
        just to get settings.SITE_ID set so that active_site_facet works

        terms = [unicode(i) for i in range(10)]
        facets = CustomFacet.objects.all()
        self.assertEqual(len(facets), 0)
        facet_ids = [factories.CustomFacetFactory(title=term).id
                     for term in terms]
        facets = CustomFacet.objects.filter(id__in=facet_ids).order_by('title')
        [factories.SeoSiteFacetFactory(customfacet=facet) for facet in facets]

        site_facet = factories.SeoSiteFacetFactory()
        mock_active.return_value = site_facet

        for split in range(len(terms)):
            cf = facets.filter(title__in=terms[0:split]).order_by('title')
            ef = facets.filter(title__in=terms[split:]).order_by('title')

            with self.assertNumQueries(FuzzyInt(1, 10)):
                sqs = helpers.sqs_apply_custom_facets(custom_facets=cf,

            # Narrow_queries is a set of querystrings. Our current
            # backend should build 1 string starting with NOT for exclude facets
            # and another string for custom facets
            queries = sqs.query.narrow_queries
            self.assertTrue(len(queries) > 0)
            for query in queries:
                if query.find(u'NOT') == -1:
                    present_terms = terms[0:split]
                    missing_terms = terms[split:]
                    present_terms = terms[split:]
                    missing_terms = terms[0:split]

                for term in present_terms:
                    self.assertNotEqual(query.find(term), -1)
                for term in missing_terms:
                    self.assertEqual(query.find(term), -1)
Esempio n. 3
    def _sqs(self):
        sqs = super(DESolrSitemap, self)._sqs()._clone()

        if self.buids:
            sqs = sqs.narrow("buid:(%s)" % self.buid_str)

        sqs = sqs_apply_custom_facets(settings.DEFAULT_FACET, sqs)

        if self.fields:
            sqs = sqs.fields(self.fields)
        return sqs
Esempio n. 4
    def _sqs(self):
        sqs = super(DESolrSitemap, self)._sqs()._clone()

        if self.buids:
            sqs = sqs.narrow("buid:(%s)" % self.buid_str)

        sqs = sqs_apply_custom_facets(settings.DEFAULT_FACET, sqs)

        if self.fields:
            sqs = sqs.fields(self.fields)

        return sqs