def process_statement(args: argparse.Namespace, coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, command: str, result_file: TextIO) -> None: if coq.proof_context: prev_tactics = coq.prev_tactics context = coq.proof_context if args.relevant_lemmas == "local": relevant_lemmas = [ re.sub("\n", " ", lemma) for lemma in coq.local_lemmas[:-1] ] elif args.relevant_lemmas == "hammer": relevant_lemmas = coq.get_hammer_premises() elif args.relevant_lemmas == "searchabout": relevant_lemmas = coq.get_lemmas_about_head() else: assert False, args.relevant_lemmas result_file.write( json.dumps({ "relevant_lemmas": relevant_lemmas, "prev_tactics": prev_tactics, "context": context.to_dict(), "tactic": command })) else: result_file.write(json.dumps(command)) result_file.write("\n") coq.run_stmt(command, timeout=600)
def run_to_next_vernac(coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, pbar: tqdm, initial_full_context: FullContext, lemma_statement: str) -> List[TacticInteraction]: nonlocal commands_run nonlocal commands_in coq.run_stmt(lemma_statement) original_tactics: List[TacticInteraction] = [] lemma_name = serapi_instance.lemma_name_from_statement(lemma_statement) try: while coq.full_context != None: next_in_command = commands_in.pop(0) context_before = coq.fullContext original_tactics.append( TacticInteraction(next_in_command, context_before)) coq.run_stmt(next_in_command) pbar.update(1) body_tactics = [t.tactic for t in original_tactics] if next_in_command.strip() == "Defined.": append_to_solution_vfile( args.output_dir, args.filename, [f"Reset {lemma_name}.", lemma_statement] + body_tactics) commands_run.append(lemma_statement) commands_run += body_tactics except: commands_in = [lemma_statement] + \ [t.tactic for t in original_tactics] \ + commands_in raise return original_tactics
def process_statement(coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, command: str, result_file: TextIO) -> None: if not re.match("\s*[{}]\s*", command): if coq.proof_context: prev_tactics = coq.prev_tactics prev_hyps = coq.hypotheses prev_goal = coq.goals result_file.write( format_context(prev_tactics, prev_hyps, prev_goal, "")) result_file.write(format_tactic(command)) else: subbed_command = re.sub(r"\n", r"\\n", command) result_file.write(subbed_command + "\n-----\n") coq.run_stmt(command)
def generate_lifted(commands : List[str], coq : serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, pbar : tqdm) \ -> Iterator[str]: lemma_stack = [] # type: List[List[str]] for command in commands: if serapi_instance.possibly_starting_proof(command): coq.run_stmt(command) if coq.proof_context: lemma_stack.append([]) coq.cancel_last() if len(lemma_stack) > 0 and not lifted_vernac(command): lemma_stack[-1].append(command) else: pbar.update(1) yield command if serapi_instance.ending_proof(command): pending_commands = lemma_stack.pop() pbar.update(len(pending_commands)) yield from pending_commands assert len(lemma_stack) == 0, f"Stack still contains {lemma_stack}"
def run_to_next_proof(coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, pbar: tqdm) -> str: nonlocal commands_run nonlocal commands_in nonlocal blocks_out nonlocal module_stack vernacs: List[str] = [] assert not coq.full_context while not coq.full_context and len(commands_in) > 0: next_in_command = commands_in.pop(0) # Longer timeout for vernac stuff (especially requires) coq.run_stmt(next_in_command, timeout=60) if not coq.full_context: vernacs.append(next_in_command) update_module_stack(next_in_command, module_stack) pbar.update(1) if len(vernacs) > 0: blocks_out.append(VernacBlock(vernacs)) commands_run += vernacs append_to_solution_vfile(args.output_dir, args.filename, vernacs) return next_in_command
def run_prediction(coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, prediction: str) -> Tuple[str, str, Optional[Exception]]: prediction = prediction.lstrip("-+*") coq.quiet = True try: coq.run_stmt(prediction) context = coq.proof_context coq.cancel_last() assert isinstance(context, str) return (prediction, context, None) except (ParseError, LexError, BadResponse, CoqExn, TimeoutError) as e: return (prediction, "", e) finally: coq.quiet = False
def tryPrediction( args: argparse.Namespace, coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, g: SearchGraph, predictionNode: LabeledNode) -> Tuple[FullContext, int, int, int]: coq.quiet = True if coq.use_hammer: coq.run_stmt(predictionNode.prediction, timeout=30) else: coq.run_stmt(predictionNode.prediction, timeout=5) num_stmts = 1 subgoals_closed = 0 while coq.count_fg_goals() == 0 and not completed_proof(coq): g.setNodeColor(predictionNode, "blue") coq.run_stmt("}") subgoals_closed += 1 num_stmts += 1 if coq.count_fg_goals() > 1 or \ (coq.count_fg_goals() > 0 and subgoals_closed > 0): subgoals_opened = 1 coq.run_stmt("{") num_stmts += 1 else: subgoals_opened = 0 context_after = coq.fullContext return context_after, num_stmts, subgoals_closed, subgoals_opened
def replay_solution_vfile(args : argparse.Namespace, coq : serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, model_name : str, filename : str, commands_in : List[str], module_stack : List[str], bar_idx : int) \ -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[DocumentBlock], int, int, int, int]: blocks_out: List[DocumentBlock] = [] num_proofs = 0 num_proofs_failed = 0 num_proofs_completed = 0 num_original_commands_run = 0 in_proof = False skip_sync_next_lemma = False curLemma = "" curProofInters: List[TacticInteraction] = [] curVernacCmds: List[str] = [] with open(f"{args.output_dir}/{escape_filename(filename)}.v", 'r') as f: f_iter = check_solution_vfile_args(args, model_name, iter(f)) svfile_commands = serapi_instance.read_commands_preserve( args, bar_idx, "".join(f_iter)) commands_in_iter = iter(commands_in) for saved_command in tqdm(svfile_commands, unit="cmd", file=sys.stdout, desc="Replaying", disable=(not args.progress), leave=False, position=(bar_idx * 2), dynamic_ncols=True, bar_format=mybarfmt): context_before = coq.fullContext if coq.full_context else FullContext( []) if not (coq.full_context != None and len(coq.fullContext.subgoals) == 0 and not serapi_instance.ending_proof(saved_command)): coq.run_stmt(saved_command) if coq.full_context == None: if in_proof: in_proof = False num_proofs += 1 if re.match("Qed\.", saved_command): search_status = SearchStatus.SUCCESS num_proofs_completed += 1 elif re.match("Admitted \(\*FAILURE\*\)\.", saved_command): search_status = SearchStatus.FAILURE num_proofs_failed += 1 else: search_status = SearchStatus.INCOMPLETE coq.cancel_last() try: while coq.full_context != None: coq.cancel_last() except serapi_instance.CoqExn as e: raise serapi_instance.CoqAnomaly( f"While cancelling: {e}") origProofInters = [] if not skip_sync_next_lemma: proof_cmds = list( serapi_instance.next_proof(commands_in_iter)) coq.run_stmt(proof_cmds[0]) num_original_commands_run += len(proof_cmds) for proof_cmd in tqdm(proof_cmds[1:], unit="tac", file=sys.stdout, desc="Running original proof", disable=(not args.progress), leave=False, position=(bar_idx * 2) + 1, dynamic_ncols=True, bar_format=mybarfmt): context_before_orig = coq.fullContext coq.run_stmt(proof_cmd) origProofInters.append( TacticInteraction(proof_cmd, context_before_orig)) blocks_out.append( ProofBlock(curLemma, ".".join(module_stack), search_status, curProofInters, origProofInters)) curVernacCmds = [] else: for proof_cmd in proof_cmds: coq.run_stmt(proof_cmd) skip_sync_next_lemma = False else: if re.match("Reset .*\.", saved_command): skip_sync_next_lemma = True continue loaded_command = next(commands_in_iter) update_module_stack(saved_command, module_stack) if not re.sub("\s*", " ", loaded_command.strip()) == \ re.sub("\s*", " ", saved_command.strip()): raise SourceChangedException( f"Command {loaded_command} doesn't match {saved_command}" ) curVernacCmds.append(loaded_command) else: if not in_proof: in_proof = True curLemma = saved_command blocks_out.append(VernacBlock(curVernacCmds)) curProofInters = [] curProofInters.append( TacticInteraction(saved_command, context_before)) assert not in_proof if curVernacCmds: blocks_out.append(VernacBlock(curVernacCmds)) return svfile_commands, list(commands_in_iter), blocks_out,\ num_proofs, num_proofs_failed, num_proofs_completed, num_original_commands_run
def reinforce_lemma(args: argparse.Namespace, predictor: tactic_predictor.TacticPredictor, estimator: q_estimator.QEstimator, coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, lemma_statement: str, epsilon: float, gamma: float, memory: List[LabeledTransition]) -> None: lemma_name = coq.cur_lemma_name graph = ReinforceGraph(lemma_name) for episode in trange(args.num_episodes, disable=(not args.progress), leave=False): cur_node = graph.start_node proof_contexts_seen = [unwrap(coq.proof_context)] episode_memory = [] for t in range(args.episode_length): with print_time("Getting predictions", guard=args.verbose): context_before = coq.tactic_context(coq.local_lemmas[:-1]) proof_context_before = unwrap(coq.proof_context) predictions = predictor.predictKTactics( context_before, args.num_predictions) if random.random() < epsilon: ordered_actions = [p.prediction for p in random.sample(predictions, len(predictions))] else: with print_time("Picking actions using q_estimator", guard=args.verbose): q_choices = zip(estimator( [(context_before, prediction.prediction) for prediction in predictions]), [p.prediction for p in predictions]) ordered_actions = [p[1] for p in sorted(q_choices, key=lambda q: q[0], reverse=True)] with print_time("Running actions", guard=args.verbose): action = None for try_action in ordered_actions: try: coq.run_stmt(try_action) proof_context_after = unwrap(coq.proof_context) if any([serapi_instance.contextSurjective( proof_context_after, path_context) for path_context in proof_contexts_seen]): coq.cancel_last() transition = assign_failed_reward( context_before.relevant_lemmas, context_before.prev_tactics, proof_context_before, proof_context_after, try_action, -50) assert transition.reward < 2000 memory.append(transition) if args.ghosts: ghost_node = graph.addGhostTransition( cur_node, try_action) transition.graph_node = ghost_node continue action = try_action break except (serapi_instance.ParseError, serapi_instance.CoqExn, serapi_instance.TimeoutError): transition = assign_failed_reward( context_before.relevant_lemmas, context_before.prev_tactics, proof_context_before, proof_context_before, try_action, -500) assert transition.reward < 2000 memory.append(transition) if args.ghosts: ghost_node = graph.addGhostTransition(cur_node, try_action) transition.graph_node = ghost_node pass if action is None: # We'll hit this case of we tried all of the # predictions, and none worked graph.setNodeColor(cur_node, "red") break # Break from episode transition = assign_reward(context_before.relevant_lemmas, context_before.prev_tactics, proof_context_before, proof_context_after, action) cur_node = graph.addTransition(cur_node, action, transition.reward) transition.graph_node = cur_node assert transition.reward < 2000 episode_memory.append(transition) memory.append(transition) proof_contexts_seen.append(proof_context_after) if coq.goals == "": graph.mkQED(cur_node) memory += (episode_memory * (args.success_repetitions - 1)) break with print_time("Assigning scores", guard=args.verbose): transition_samples = sample_batch(memory, args.batch_size) training_samples = assign_scores(transition_samples, estimator, predictor, args.num_predictions, gamma, # Passing this graph # in so we can # maintain a record # of the most recent # q score estimates # in the graph graph) with print_time("Training", guard=args.verbose): estimator.train(training_samples) # Clean up episode coq.run_stmt("Admitted.") coq.run_stmt(f"Reset {lemma_name}.") coq.run_stmt(lemma_statement) graphpath = (args.graphs_dir / lemma_name).with_suffix(".png") graph.draw(str(graphpath)) pass
def linearize_commands(args: argparse.Namespace, file_idx: int, commands_sequence: Iterable[str], coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, filename: str, relative_filename: str, skip_nochange_tac: bool, known_failures: List[List[str]]): commands_iter = iter(commands_sequence) command = next(commands_iter, None) assert command, "Got an empty sequence!" while command: # Run up to the next proof while coq.count_fg_goals() == 0: coq.run_stmt(command) if coq.count_fg_goals() == 0: yield command command = next(commands_iter, None) if not command: return # Cancel the proof starting command so that we're right before the proof coq.cancel_last() # Pull the entire proof from the lifter into command_batch command_batch = [] while command and not serapi_instance.ending_proof(command): command_batch.append(command) command = next(commands_iter, None) # Get the QED on there too. if command: command_batch.append(command) # Now command_batch contains everything through the next # Qed/Defined. theorem_statement = serapi_instance.kill_comments(command_batch.pop(0)) theorem_name = theorem_statement.split(":")[0].strip() coq.run_stmt(theorem_statement) yield theorem_statement if [relative_filename, theorem_name] in known_failures: eprint("Skipping {}".format(theorem_name), guard=args.verbose >= 1) for command in command_batch: coq.run_stmt(command) yield command command = next(commands_iter, None) continue # This might not be super robust? match = re.fullmatch("\s*Proof with (.*)\.\s*", command_batch[0]) if match and with_tactic = else: with_tactic = "" orig = command_batch[:] command_batch = list(prelinear_desugar_tacs(command_batch)) try: try: batch_handled = list(handle_with(command_batch, with_tactic)) linearized_commands = list( linearize_proof(coq, theorem_name, batch_handled, args.verbose, skip_nochange_tac)) yield from linearized_commands except (BadResponse, CoqExn, LinearizerCouldNotLinearize, ParseError, TimeoutError, NoSuchGoalError) as e: if args.verbose: eprint("Aborting current proof linearization!") eprint("Proof of:\n{}\nin file {}".format( theorem_name, filename)) eprint() if args.hardfail: raise e coq.run_stmt("Abort.") coq.run_stmt(theorem_statement) for command in orig: if command: coq.run_stmt(command, timeout=360) yield command except CoqAnomaly: eprint( f"Anomaly! Raising with {[relative_filename, theorem_name]}", guard=args.verbose >= 1) raise CoqAnomaly([relative_filename, theorem_name]) command = next(commands_iter, None)
def linearize_proof(coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, theorem_name: str, command_batch: List[str], verbose: int = 0, skip_nochange_tac: bool = False) -> Iterable[str]: pending_commands_stack: List[Union[str, List[str], None]] = [] while command_batch: while coq.count_fg_goals() == 0: indentation = " " * (len(pending_commands_stack)) if len(pending_commands_stack) == 0: while command_batch: command = command_batch.pop(0) if "Transparent" in command or \ serapi_instance.ending_proof(command): coq.run_stmt(command) yield command return coq.run_stmt("}") yield indentation + "}" if coq.count_fg_goals() > 0: coq.run_stmt("{") yield indentation + "{" pending_commands = pending_commands_stack[-1] if isinstance(pending_commands, list): next_cmd, *rest_cmd = pending_commands dotdotmatch = re.match("(.*)<\.\.>", next_cmd, flags=re.DOTALL) for cmd in rest_cmd: dotdotmatch = re.match("(.*)<\.\.>", cmd, flags=re.DOTALL) if dotdotmatch: continue assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(cmd), \ f"\"{cmd}\" is not a valid command" if (not rest_cmd) and dotdotmatch: pending_commands_stack[-1] = [next_cmd] assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(, \ f"\"{}\" is not a valid command" command_batch.insert(0, else: assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(next_cmd), \ f"\"{next_cmd}\" is not a valid command" command_batch.insert(0, next_cmd) pending_commands_stack[-1] = rest_cmd if rest_cmd else None pass elif pending_commands: assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(pending_commands), \ f"\"{command}\" is not a valid command" command_batch.insert(0, pending_commands) else: popped = pending_commands_stack.pop() if isinstance(popped, list) and len(popped) > 0 and len( pending_commands_stack) > 1: if pending_commands_stack[-1] is None: pending_commands_stack[-1] = popped elif isinstance(pending_commands_stack[-1], list): if isinstance(popped, list) and "<..>" in popped[-1]: raise LinearizerCouldNotLinearize pending_commands_stack[ -1] = popped + pending_commands_stack[-1] command = command_batch.pop(0) assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(command), \ f"command is \"{command}\", command_batch is {command_batch}" comment_before_command = "" command_proper = command while re.fullmatch("\s*\(\*.*", command_proper, flags=re.DOTALL): next_comment, command_proper = \ split_to_next_matching("\(\*", "\*\)", command_proper) command_proper = command_proper[1:] comment_before_command += next_comment if comment_before_command: yield comment_before_command if re.match("\s*[*+-]+\s*|\s*[{}]\s*", command): continue command = serapi_instance.kill_comments(command_proper) if verbose >= 2: eprint(f"Linearizing command \"{command}\"") goal_selector_match = re.fullmatch(r"\s*(\d+)\s*:\s*(.*)\.\s*", command) if goal_selector_match: goal_num = int( rest = if goal_num < 2: raise LinearizerCouldNotLinearize if pending_commands_stack[-1] is None: completed_rest = rest + "." assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(rest + "."),\ f"\"{completed_rest}\" is not a valid command in {command}" pending_commands_stack[-1] = ["idtac."] * (goal_num - 2) + [ completed_rest ] elif isinstance(pending_commands_stack[-1], str): pending_cmd = pending_commands_stack[-1] pending_commands_stack[-1] = [pending_cmd] * (goal_num - 2) + \ [rest + " ; " + pending_cmd] + [pending_cmd + "<..>"] else: assert isinstance(pending_commands_stack[-1], list) pending_cmd_lst = pending_commands_stack[-1] try: old_selected_cmd = pending_cmd_lst[goal_num - 2] except IndexError: raise LinearizerCouldNotLinearize match = re.match("(.*)\.$", old_selected_cmd, re.DOTALL) assert match, f"\"{old_selected_cmd}\" doesn't match!" cmd_before_period = unwrap(match).group(1) new_selected_cmd = f"{cmd_before_period} ; {rest}." pending_cmd_lst[goal_num - 2] = new_selected_cmd continue if split_by_char_outside_matching("\(", "\)", "\|\||&&", command): coq.run_stmt(command) yield command continue if re.match("\(", command.strip()): inside_parens, after_parens = split_to_next_matching( '\(', '\)', command) command = inside_parens.strip()[1:-1] + after_parens # Extend this to include "by \(" as an opener if you don't # desugar all the "by"s semi_match = split_by_char_outside_matching("try \(|\(|\{\|", "\)|\|\}", "\s*;\s*", command) if semi_match: base_command, rest = semi_match rest = rest.lstrip()[1:] coq.run_stmt(base_command + ".") indentation = " " * (len(pending_commands_stack) + 1) yield indentation + base_command.strip() + "." if re.match("\(", rest) and not \ split_by_char_outside_matching("\(", "\)", "\|\|", rest): inside_parens, after_parens = split_to_next_matching( '\(', '\)', rest) rest = inside_parens[1:-1] + after_parens bracket_match = re.match("\[", rest.strip()) if bracket_match: bracket_command, rest_after_bracket = \ split_to_next_matching('\[', '\]', rest) rest_after_bracket = rest_after_bracket.lstrip()[1:] clauses = multisplit_matching("\[", "\]", "(?<!\|)\|(?!\|)", bracket_command.strip()[1:-1]) commands_list = [ cmd.strip() if cmd.strip().strip(".") != "" else "idtac" + cmd.strip() for cmd in clauses ] assert commands_list, command dotdotpat = re.compile(r"(.*)\.\.($|\W)") ending_dotdot_match = dotdotpat.match(commands_list[-1]) if ending_dotdot_match: commands_list = commands_list[:-1] + \ ([] * (coq.count_fg_goals() - len(commands_list) + 1)) else: starting_dotdot_match = dotdotpat.match(commands_list[0]) if starting_dotdot_match: starting_tac = commands_list = [starting_tac] * (coq.count_fg_goals() - len(commands_list) + 1)\ + commands_list[1:] else: for idx, command_case in enumerate( commands_list[1:-1]): middle_dotdot_match = dotdotpat.match(command_case) if middle_dotdot_match: commands_list = \ commands_list[:idx] + \ [command_case] * (coq.count_fg_goals() - len(commands_list) + 1) + \ commands_list[idx+1:] break if rest_after_bracket.strip(): command_remainders = [ cmd + ";" + rest_after_bracket for cmd in commands_list ] else: command_remainders = [cmd + "." for cmd in commands_list] assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(command_remainders[0]), \ f"\"{command_remainders[0]}\" is not a valid command" command_batch.insert(0, command_remainders[0]) if coq.count_fg_goals() > 1: for command in command_remainders[1:]: assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(command), \ f"\"{command}\" is not a valid command" pending_commands_stack.append(command_remainders[1:]) coq.run_stmt("{") yield indentation + "{" else: if coq.count_fg_goals() > 0: assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(rest), \ f"\"{rest}\" is not a valid command, from {command}" command_batch.insert(0, rest) if coq.count_fg_goals() > 1: assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(rest), \ f"\"{rest}\" is not a valid command, from {command}" pending_commands_stack.append(rest) coq.run_stmt("{") yield indentation + "{" elif coq.count_fg_goals() > 0: coq.run_stmt(command) indentation = " " * (len(pending_commands_stack) + 1) if command.strip() != "Proof." else "" yield indentation + command.strip() if coq.count_fg_goals() > 1: pending_commands_stack.append(None) coq.run_stmt("{") yield indentation + "{" pass
def linearize_proof(coq: serapi_instance.SerapiInstance, theorem_name: str, command_batch: List[str], debug: bool = False, skip_nochange_tac: bool = False) -> Iterable[str]: pending_commands_stack: List[Union[str, List[str], None]] = [] while command_batch: while coq.count_fg_goals() == 0: indentation = " " * (len(pending_commands_stack)) if len(pending_commands_stack) == 0: while command_batch: command = command_batch.pop(0) if "Transparent" in command or \ serapi_instance.ending_proof(command): coq.run_stmt(command) yield command return coq.run_stmt("}") yield indentation + "}" if coq.count_fg_goals() > 0: coq.run_stmt("{") yield indentation + "{" pending_commands = pending_commands_stack[-1] if isinstance(pending_commands, list): next_cmd, *rest_cmd = pending_commands dotdotmatch = re.match("(.*)<\.\.>", next_cmd) if (not rest_cmd) and dotdotmatch: pending_commands_stack[-1] = [next_cmd] command_batch.insert(0, else: command_batch.insert(0, next_cmd) pending_commands_stack[-1] = rest_cmd if rest_cmd else None pass elif pending_commands: command_batch.insert(0, pending_commands) else: popped = pending_commands_stack.pop() if isinstance(popped, list) and len(popped) > 0 and len( pending_commands_stack) > 1: if pending_commands_stack[-1] is None: pending_commands_stack[-1] = popped elif isinstance(pending_commands_stack[-1], list): pending_commands_stack[ -1] = popped + pending_commands_stack[-1] command = command_batch.pop(0) assert serapi_instance.isValidCommand(command), \ f"command is \"{command}\", command_batch is {command_batch}" comment_before_command = "" command_proper = command while "(*" in command_proper: next_comment, command_proper = \ split_to_next_matching("\(\*", "\*\)", command_proper) command_proper = command_proper[1:] comment_before_command += next_comment if comment_before_command: yield comment_before_command if re.match("\s*[*+-]+\s*|\s*[{}]\s*", command): continue command = command_proper if debug: eprint(f"Linearizing command \"{command}\"") goal_selector_match = re.match(r"\s*(\d*)\s*:\s*(.*)\.\s*", command) if goal_selector_match: goal_num = int( rest = assert goal_num >= 2 if pending_commands_stack[-1] is None: pending_commands_stack[-1] = ["idtac."] * (goal_num - 2) + [ rest + "." ] elif isinstance(pending_commands_stack[-1], str): pending_cmd = pending_commands_stack[-1] pending_commands_stack[-1] = [pending_cmd] * (goal_num - 2) + \ [rest + " ; " + pending_cmd] + [pending_cmd + "<..>"] else: assert isinstance(pending_commands_stack[-1], list) continue if split_by_char_outside_matching("\(", "\)", "\|\||&&", command): coq.run_stmt(command) yield command continue if re.match("\(", command.strip()): inside_parens, after_parens = split_to_next_matching( '\(', '\)', command) command = inside_parens.strip()[1:-1] + after_parens # Extend this to include "by \(" as an opener if you don't # desugar all the "by"s semi_match = split_by_char_outside_matching("try \(|\(|\{\|", "\)|\|\}", "\s*;\s*", command) if semi_match: base_command, rest = semi_match rest = rest.lstrip()[1:] coq.run_stmt(base_command + ".") indentation = " " * (len(pending_commands_stack) + 1) yield indentation + base_command.strip() + "." if re.match("\(", rest) and not \ split_by_char_outside_matching("\(", "\)", "\|\|", rest): inside_parens, after_parens = split_to_next_matching( '\(', '\)', rest) rest = inside_parens[1:-1] + after_parens bracket_match = re.match("\[", rest.strip()) if bracket_match: bracket_command, rest_after_bracket = \ split_to_next_matching('\[', '\]', rest) rest_after_bracket = rest_after_bracket.lstrip()[1:] clauses = multisplit_matching("\[", "\]", "(?<!\|)\|(?!\|)", bracket_command.strip()[1:-1]) commands_list = [ cmd.strip() if cmd.strip().strip(".") != "" else "idtac" + cmd.strip() for cmd in clauses ] dotdotpat = re.compile(r"(.*)\.\.($|\W)") ending_dotdot_match = dotdotpat.match(commands_list[-1]) if ending_dotdot_match: commands_list = commands_list[:-1] + \ ([] * (coq.count_fg_goals() - len(commands_list) + 1)) else: starting_dotdot_match = dotdotpat.match(commands_list[0]) if starting_dotdot_match: starting_tac = commands_list = [starting_tac] * (coq.count_fg_goals() - len(commands_list) + 1)\ + commands_list[1:] else: for idx, command_case in enumerate( commands_list[1:-1]): middle_dotdot_match = dotdotpat.match(command_case) if middle_dotdot_match: commands_list = \ commands_list[:idx] + \ [command_case] * (coq.count_fg_goals() - len(commands_list) + 1) + \ commands_list[idx+1:] break if rest_after_bracket.strip(): command_remainders = [ cmd + ";" + rest_after_bracket for cmd in commands_list ] else: command_remainders = [cmd + "." for cmd in commands_list] command_batch.insert(0, command_remainders[0]) if coq.count_fg_goals() > 1: pending_commands_stack.append(command_remainders[1:]) coq.run_stmt("{") yield indentation + "{" else: if coq.count_fg_goals() > 0: command_batch.insert(0, rest) if coq.count_fg_goals() > 1: pending_commands_stack.append(rest) coq.run_stmt("{") yield indentation + "{" elif coq.count_fg_goals() > 0: coq.run_stmt(command) indentation = " " * (len(pending_commands_stack) + 1) if command.strip() != "Proof." else "" yield indentation + command.strip() if coq.count_fg_goals() > 1: pending_commands_stack.append(None) coq.run_stmt("{") yield indentation + "{" pass