def on_put(self, req, resp, id): jobj = req.context['doc'] username = req.context["user"] jobj["_id"] = id self._validate_doc(jobj, username) existing_doc = self.db.get_doc(DB_FRIEND_GROUPS, id) if username != existing_doc["group_owner"]: raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Permission denied", "You are not the owner of the group") merge_private(jobj, existing_doc) resp.body = self.db.save_doc(DB_FRIEND_GROUPS, jobj)
def on_put(self, req, resp, event_id=None): jobj = req.context['doc'] username = req.context["user"] jobj["_id"] = event_id self._validate_doc(jobj, username) existing_doc = self.db.get_doc(DB_EVENTS, event_id) if username != existing_doc["creator"]: raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Permission denied", "You are not the creator of this event") # Get fields used by other routes from existing doc merge_private(jobj, existing_doc) jobj["suggestions"] = existing_doc["suggestions"] jobj["comments"] = existing_doc["comments"] resp.body = self.db.save_doc(DB_EVENTS, jobj)