Esempio n. 1
def test_message_remove():

    # Valid parameters
    token = helper.token_account_1()["token"]
    channel_id = helper.get_valid_channel(token)
    message_id = helper.get_valid_message(token, channel_id)
    message = "This message was produced by the get_valid_message function."

    # Invalid parameters
    unauthorised_token = helper.token_account_2()["token"]
    stub.channel_leave(unauthorised_token, channel_id)

    # Test that it raises an access erorr if the user is not in the channel
    # to remove a message
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.message_remove(unauthorised_token, message_id)

    # Test that it raises an access erorr if the user does not have the proper
    # authority to remove a message
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_join(unauthorised_token, channel_id)
        stub.message_remove(unauthorised_token, message_id)

    # Attempt to successfully remove a message
    assert stub.message_remove(token, message_id) == {}

    # Test that it raises an error if trying to remove a already removed message
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.message_remove(token, message_id)

    # Test that the message disappears from search
    assert message_id not in, message)
Esempio n. 2
def test_message_send():

    # Valid parameters
    token = helper.token_account_1()["token"]
    channel_id = helper.get_valid_channel(token)
    message = "Testing the function message_send."

    # Invalid parameters
    invalid_channel_id = -00000
    invalid_message = message*3000
    unauthorised_token = helper.token_account_2()["token"]

    # Test that it raises an erorr if the channel does not exist
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.message_send(token, invalid_channel_id, message)

    # Test that it raises an erorr if the message is >1000 characters
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.message_send(token, channel_id, invalid_message)

    # Test that it raises an access erorr if the token is not an authorised user.
    # Note: we assume the second account is not part of the channel. This will fail if the second
    # account is in the channel
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_leave(unauthorised_token, channel_id)
        stub.message_send(unauthorised_token, channel_id, message)

    # Test that the function successfully completes with valid parameters
    # (this may require manual verification)
    assert stub.message_send(token, channel_id, message)["message_id"] > -1
Esempio n. 3
def test_channel_invite():

    # Create users for testing
    user1 = helper.token_account_1()
    user2 = helper.token_account_2()

    # create a new channel for testing
    channel_id = helper.channelid_public(user1["token"])

    # Check that error is raised if an invalid token is passed in
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_invite("fake token", channel_id, user1["u_id"])

    # Invalid channel_id
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.channel_invite(user1["token"], -1, user2["u_id"])

    # Invalid u_id
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.channel_invite(user1["token"], channel_id, -1)

    # valid call
    assert stub.channel_invite(user1["token"], channel_id, user2["u_id"]) == {}

    # Test that the user is in the channel
    message_id = stub.message_send(user2["token"], channel_id, "Hi")["message_id"]

    # check that nothing happens if the user is already in the channel
    stub.channel_invite(user1["token"], channel_id, user1["u_id"])

    # check that if an admin/owner of the slackr is invited, they become an owner
    stub.channel_leave(user1["token"], channel_id)
    stub.channel_invite(user2["token"], channel_id, user1["u_id"])
    stub.message_remove(user1["token"], message_id)  # can do this since they should be an owner
Esempio n. 4
def test_channel_messages():

    # Create users for testing
    user1 = helper.token_account_1()
    user1_token = user1["token"]
    user2 = helper.token_account_2()
    user2_token = user2["token"]

    # Create a new channel for testing
    channel_id = helper.channelid_public(user1_token)

    # Leave the channel in case user2 is in the new channel
    stub.channel_leave(user2_token, channel_id)

    # Setting the start & end
    start = 0

    # Check that error is raised if an invalid token is passed in
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_messages("fake token", channel_id, start)

    # Start is a invalid number
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.channel_messages(user1_token, channel_id, -1)

    # Channel doesn't exist
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.channel_messages(user1_token, -1, start)

    # Index of start greater then messages in channel
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.channel_messages(user1_token, channel_id, 1000)

    # user2 is not a member
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_messages(user2_token, channel_id, start)

    # valid call
    message_id = helper.get_valid_message(user1_token, channel_id)
    message = get_info_helper.get_info_about_message(message_id)
    assert stub.channel_messages(user1_token, channel_id, start) == {"messages": [message],
                                                                     "start": 0,
                                                                     "end": -1}

    # now test it with >50 messages sent in the channel
    i = 0
    while i < 70:
        stub.message_send(user1_token, channel_id, "Hello")
        i += 1
    messages = stub.channel_messages(user1_token, channel_id, 10)
    assert messages["start"] == 10
    assert messages["end"] == 60
    assert len(messages["messages"]) == 50
Esempio n. 5
def test_channel_details():
    # Create users for testing
    user1 = helper.token_account_1()
    user1_token = user1["token"]
    user1_id = user1["u_id"]
    user2 = helper.token_account_2()
    user2_token = user2["token"]

    # Create a new channel for testing
    channel_id = helper.channelid_public(user1_token)

    # this is to test things
    channel_name = "Public Channel"
    channel_owner_members = [{"name_first": "Mommy",
                              "name_last": "Pig",
                              "u_id": user1_id,
                              "profile_img_url": "/static/default.jpg"}]
    channel_all_members = [{"name_first": "Mommy",
                            "name_last": "Pig",
                            "u_id": user1_id,
                            "profile_img_url": "/static/default.jpg"}]

    # Check that error is raised if an invalid token is passed in
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_details("fake token", channel_id)

    # Channel doesn't exist
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.channel_details(user1_token, -1)

    # user2 is not a member
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_details(user2_token, channel_id)

    # Valid call
    assert stub.channel_details(user1_token, channel_id) == {"name": channel_name,
                                                             "owner_members": channel_owner_members,
                                                             "all_members": channel_all_members}
Esempio n. 6
def test_message_edit():

    # Valid parameters
    token = helper.token_account_1()["token"]
    channel_id = helper.get_valid_channel(token)
    message_id = helper.get_valid_message(token, channel_id)
    message = "This message was edited by the message_edit function."

    # Invalid parameters
    invalid_message = message*3000
    invalid_message_id = -1
    unauthorised_token = helper.token_account_2()["token"]

    # Test that it raises an error if a user edits a message that is not theirs.
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_join(unauthorised_token, channel_id)
        stub.message_edit(unauthorised_token, message_id, message)
    stub.channel_leave(unauthorised_token, channel_id)

    # Test that it raises an error if invalid message_id
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.message_edit(token, invalid_message_id, message)

    # Test that it raises an error if it is a invalid message being edited
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.message_edit(token, message_id, invalid_message)

    # Attempt to successfully edit a message
    assert stub.message_edit(token, message_id, message) == {}

    # Test that the message is edited in search
    assert, message)["messages"] != []

    # Test that message is deleted if edited with an empty string
    stub.message_edit(token, message_id, "")
    assert stub.channel_messages(token, channel_id, 0)["messages"] == []
Esempio n. 7
def test_message_sendlater():

    # Valid parameters
    token = helper.token_account_1()["token"]
    channel_id = helper.get_valid_channel(token)
    message = "Testing the function message_sendlater."
    time_sent = helper.in_one_second()

    # Invalid parameters
    unauthorised_token = helper.token_account_2()["token"]
    invalid_channel_id = -00000
    invalid_message = message*3000
    invalid_time_sent = datetime(2018, 12, 12)
    stub.channel_leave(unauthorised_token, channel_id)

    # Test that it raises a error if the channel does not exist
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.message_sendlater(token, invalid_channel_id, message, time_sent)

    # Test that it raises an error if the message is >1000 characters
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, invalid_message, time_sent)

    # Test that it raises an error if the time sent is a time in the past
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, invalid_time_sent)

    # Test that it raises an access error if the token is not an authorised user
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.message_sendlater(unauthorised_token, channel_id, message, time_sent)

    # Test that the function successfully completes with valid parameters
    # (this may require manual verification)
    message_id = stub.message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent)["message_id"]
    assert message_id > -1