def channel_delete(token, channel_id):
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be in a channel to delete a channel!")

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    u_id = int(u_id)
    channel_id = int(channel_id)

    if not is_inChannel(
            u_id=u_id, channel_id=channel_id, channelsDB=channelsDB):
        raise AccessError(
            description='You must be in the channel to delete a channel!')

    for channel in channelsDB:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            for owner in channel['owner_members']:
                if u_id == owner['u_id']:
                    return {}

    raise ValueError(description='You must be an owner to delete the channel!')
def channels_listall(token):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be logged in to view a list of channels!")

    if not channelsDB:
        return {'channels': []}

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(registeredUsersDB, token)
    u_id = int(u_id)
    pID = get_user_permission(u_id)

    channelListDict = []
    for channel in channelsDB:
        if pID < MEMBER():
            channelDict = channel_name_id_dictionary(channel)

        elif channel['is_public']:
            channelDict = channel_name_id_dictionary(channel)

    return {'channels': channelListDict}
def test_invalid_PID():
    token = O['token']
    u_id = token_to_u_ID(databaseListDict, token)
    permission_id = None

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        OF.admin_permission_change(token, u_id, permission_id)
def channel_name_change(token, channel_id, name):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = load_channel()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be logged in to change the name of a channel!"

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    u_id = int(u_id)
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    if not is_inChannel(
            u_id=u_id, channel_id=channel_id, channelsDB=channelsDB):
        raise AccessError(
            'You must be in the channel to change the name of a channel!')
    for channel in channelsDB:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            for owner in channel['owner_members']:
                if u_id == owner['u_id']:
                    channel['name'] = name
                    return {}
    raise AccessError(
        'You must be an owner of the channel to change the name of the channel!'
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
	registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
	loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
	channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

	email = token_to_email(token)
	if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
		raise AccessError(description="Unauthorised Access")	
	channel_id = int(channel_id)
	channel = getChannel(channelsDB, channel_id)
	u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)

	if not channel['is_standup_running']:
		raise ValueError(description="No standup is running")
	if len(message) > 1000: 
		raise ValueError(description="Message too long")

	if not is_inChannel(channelsDB,channel_id, u_id):
		raise AccessError(description='You must be in a channel to send a standup')

	handle = get_user_handle(registeredUsersDB, u_id)

	message = handle + ' : ' + message +'\n'
	for standup in channel['standups']:
		if standup['isActive']:

			standup['messages'] += message
	return {}
def admin_permission_change(token, u_id, permission_id):
	if permission_id > MEMBER() or permission_id < OWNER():
		raise ValueError(description="Invalid Permission ID")

	registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
	channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

	appointerID = token_to_u_ID(registeredUsersDB, token)
	appointerID = int(appointerID)
	u_id = int(u_id)
	permission_id = int(permission_id)
	appointerPID = get_user_permission(appointerID)
	u_PID = get_user_permission(u_id)

	if appointerPID > permission_id:
		raise ValueError(description="You are not permitted to change a user to higher permission!")

	if appointerPID > u_PID:
		raise ValueError(description="You cannot change a permission of a user with higher permission than you")

	registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
	for user in registeredUsersDB:
		if user['u_id'] == u_id:
			user['permission_id'] = permission_id
			promote_to_owner_all_channels(channelsDB, u_id)
			return {}

	raise ValueError(description=f"User with the user id {u_id} not found")
def test_wrong_PID():
    token = O['token']
    u_id = token_to_u_ID(databaseListDict, token)
    permission_id = 8

    with pytest.raises(OF.ValueError):
        OF.admin_permission_change(token, u_id, permission_id)
def test_tooHigh_PID2():
    token = A['token']
    u_id = token_to_u_ID(databaseListDict, token)
    permission_id = 4

    with pytest.raises(OF.ValueError):
        OF.admin_permission_change(token, u_id, permission_id)
Esempio n. 9
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()
    message_id = int(message_id)
    react_id = int(react_id)


    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    channel = get_channel(channelsDB, message_id)

    if not is_inChannel(channelsDB=channelsDB,
        raise AccessError(
            description='You must be in the channel to unreact to a message!')

    for message in channel['messagesListDict']:
        if message['message_id'] == message_id:
            for reaction in message['reacts']:
                if reaction['react_id'] == react_id:
                    if u_id in reaction['u_ids']:
                        reaction['is_this_user_reacted'] = False
                        for userID in reaction['u_ids']:
                            if get_user_permission(userID) < 2:
                                reaction['is_this_user_reacted'] = True
                        raise ValueError(
                            description='You cant unreact a unreacted message!'
    raise ValueError("Error unreacting")
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="you must be logged in to join of a channel!")


    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    u_id = int(u_id)
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    first_name = get_firstName(u_id)
    last_name = get_lastName(u_id)
    profile_img_url = get_url(u_id)

    permission = get_user_permission(u_id)
    if permission < MEMBER():
        return join_special(channelsDB, channel_id, u_id, first_name,
                            last_name, profile_img_url)

        return join_nonSpecial(channelsDB, channel_id, u_id, first_name,
                               last_name, profile_img_url)

    raise ValueError(description="Invalid Channel ID")
Esempio n. 11
def message_send_later(token, channel_id, message, time_to_send):
    messageQueue = get_global_messageQueue()

    time_to_send = float(time_to_send)
    time_to_send = int(time_to_send)

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError(description="Message too long")

    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()
    messageQueue = get_global_messageQueue()

    channel_id = int(channel_id)

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)

    if not is_inChannel(
            channelsDB=channelsDB, u_id=u_id, channel_id=channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            description='You must join the channel to send a message!')

    timeNow = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() -

    if time_to_send < timeNow:
        raise ValueError(description='You selected a time in the past!')

    length = len(messageQueue) + 1
    msgElement = create_message_later(u_id, message, time_to_send, channel_id)
    # This is just temporary; it will get updated once the message actually sends
    return {'message_id': length}
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="you must be logged in to add an owner to a channel!")

    ownerU_ID = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    add_member_to_owner(channelsDB, ownerU_ID, u_id, channel_id)
    return {}
def channel_details(token, channel_id):
    registeredUsersDB = load_user()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = load_channel()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            "You must be logged in to view the details of a channel!")

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    channelDictionary = get_channel_details(channelsDB, u_id, channel_id)
    return channelDictionary
def user_profile(token, u_id):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)

    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be logged in to view a profile!")

    viewerID = token_to_u_ID(registeredUsersDB, token)

    userDictionary = get_user_profile(registeredUsersDB, u_id)
    return userDictionary
Esempio n. 15
def message_send(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError(description="Message too long")

    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    channel_id = int(channel_id)

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)

    if not is_inChannel(
            channelsDB=channelsDB, u_id=u_id, channel_id=channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            description='You must join the channel to send a message!')
    return send_message_help(u_id, channel_id, message, time_sent)
def channel_leave(token, channel_id):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be logged in to leave a channel!")

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    u_id = int(u_id)
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    remove_user_from_channel(channelsDB, u_id, channel_id)
    return {}
def channels_list(token):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be logged in to view a list of channels!")

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(registeredUsersDB, token)
    if not channelsDB:
        return {'channels': []}

    channelListDict = listUserChannels(channelsDB, u_id)
    return {'channels': channelListDict}
def user_profiles_uploadphoto(token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end,
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    u_id = token_to_u_ID(registeredUsersDB, token)
    u_id = int(u_id)
    if not base:
            update_profile_photo(registeredUsersDB, channelsDB, u_id, img_url)
            return update_online_profile_photo(loggedInUsersDB, u_id, img_url)
            raise AccessError(description="Error uploading the photo")
    base = str(base)
    x_start = int(x_start)
    y_start = int(y_start)
    x_end = int(x_end)
    y_end = int(y_end)

    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError("You must be logged in to change your photo")
        raise ValueError(
            description="Cannot open image URL. Please try other images")

    request.urlretrieve(img_url, f'frontend/prebundle/images/{u_id}.jpg')
    crop_image(f'frontend/prebundle/images/{u_id}.jpg', x_start, y_start,
    port = base[-5:-1]
    port = int(port)
    port += 3000
    string = 'http://localhost:' + str(port) + '/'
    local_url = string + f'images/cropped_{u_id}.jpg'  #adding port and http to match the localhost'port'
    print(local_url, '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n')
    # UNTIL HERE ONLYhttp://localhost
        update_profile_photo(registeredUsersDB, channelsDB, u_id, local_url)
        return update_online_profile_photo(loggedInUsersDB, u_id, local_url)
        raise AccessError(description="Error uploading the photo")
def user_profile_sethandle(token, handle):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be logged in to change your handle")

    check_valid_handle(registeredUsersDB, handle)

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(registeredUsersDB, token)

    update_handle(registeredUsersDB, u_id, handle)
    return {}
def user_setname(token, name_first, name_last):

    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be logged in to change your name!")


    u_id = token_to_u_ID(registeredUsersDB, token)

    update_name(registeredUsersDB, channelsDB, u_id, name_first, name_last)
    return {}
def search(token, query_str):
	loggedInUsers = get_global_loggedInUsers()
	channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()
	u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsers, token)
	messagesDictionary = {'messages':[]}
	for channel in channelsDB:
		for owner in channel['owner_members']:
			if owner['u_id'] == u_id:
				for message in channel['messagesListDict']:
					if query_str in message['message']:
		for member in channel['other_members']:
			if member['u_id'] == u_id:
				for message in channel['messagesListDict']:
					if query_str in message['message']:
	return messagesDictionary
Esempio n. 22
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    message_id = int(message_id)
    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    channel = get_channel(channelsDB, message_id)

    if not is_inChannel(channelsDB=channelsDB,
        raise AccessError(
            description='You must be in the channel to unpin a message!')

    for owner in channel['owner_members']:
        if u_id == owner['u_id']:
            return unpin_message(channel, message_id)
    for member in channel['other_members']:
        if u_id == member['u_id']:
            raise AccessError(
                description="You must be an owner of the channel to unpin!")
def user_profile_delete(token, password):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    password = hashPassword(password)
    email = token_to_email(token)
    u_id = token_to_u_ID(registeredUsersDB, token)
    u_id = int(u_id)

    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError("You must be logged in to delete your account")

    delete_user(registeredUsersDB, u_id, password)
    delete_user(loggedInUsersDB, u_id, password)

    for channel in channelsDB:
        remove_user_from_channel(channelsDB, u_id, channel['channel_id'])

    return {}
Esempio n. 24
def message_edit(token, message_id, editMessage):
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()
    message_id = int(message_id)

    if len(editMessage) > 1000:
        raise ValueError(description="Message too long")

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    channel = get_channel(channelsDB, message_id)

    if not is_inChannel(channelsDB=channelsDB,
        raise AccessError(
            description='You must be in the channel to edit a message!')

    for message in channel['messagesListDict']:
        if message['message_id'] == message_id:
            if message['u_id'] == u_id:
                if editMessage.isspace():
                    message_remove(token, message_id)
                    message['message'] = editMessage
                return {}
                for owner in channel['owner_members']:
                    if u_id == owner['u_id']:
                        if editMessage.isspace():
                            message_remove(token, message_id)
                            message['message'] = editMessage
                        return {}
                raise AccessError(
                    "You did not write this message. You need to be an owner of the channel to edit a message you did not write!"

    raise ValueError(description="Error editting")
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):

    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    start = int(start)
    end = start + PAGINATION()
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    email = token_to_email(token)

    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            "You must be logged in to view the messages of a channel!")

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    channel = getChannel(channelsDB, channel_id)
    messagesLength = len(channel['messagesListDict'])

    if messagesLength < start:
        raise ValueError(description="Starting message too big")

    returnDictionary = {'messages': []}

    if messagesLength < end:
        returnDictionary['end'] = -1
        returnDictionary['start'] = start
        returnDictionary['end'] = end
        returnDictionary['start'] = start

    for message in channel['messagesListDict']:
        if start == end:
        start += 1
    return returnDictionary
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
	registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
	loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
	channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()
	email = token_to_email(token)
	if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
		raise AccessError(description="You should be logged in to start a standup")	
	channel_id = int(channel_id)
	channel = getChannel(channelsDB, channel_id)
	u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)

	if channel['is_standup_running']:
		raise ValueError("Another standup is currently running")
	# Only owner of the channel can start a standup
	found = False
	for owner in channel['owner_members']:
		if owner['u_id'] == u_id:
			found = True
	if not found:
		raise AccessError(description='You must be an owner of a channel to start a standup')

	now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
	time_start = int(now.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp())
	time_end = int(time_start + int(length)) 
	tempDict = {}
	tempDict['u_id'] = u_id
	tempDict['isActive'] = True
	tempDict['time_start'] = time_start
	tempDict['time_end'] = time_end
	tempDict['messages'] = ''
	channel['is_standup_running'] = True

	return {'time_finish': time_end}
def standup_active(token, channel_id):
	registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
	loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
	channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

	email = token_to_email(token)
	if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
		raise AccessError(description="You must be logged in to see if a standup is active!")	
	channel_id = int(channel_id)
	channel = getChannel(channelsDB, channel_id)
	u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)

	if not channel['is_standup_running']:
		for standup in channel['standups']:
			standup['isActive'] = False
		return {'is_active':False, 'time_finish': None}

	for standup in channel['standups']:
		if standup['isActive']:
			return {'is_active':True, 'time_finish': standup['time_end']}

	channel['is_standup_running'] = False
Esempio n. 28
def message_remove(token, message_id):

    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()
    message_id = int(message_id)

    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    channel = get_channel(channelsDB, message_id)
    if not is_inChannel(channelsDB=channelsDB,
        raise AccessError(
            description='You must be in the channel to remove a message!')

    for message in channel['messagesListDict']:
        if message['message_id'] == message_id:
            if message['u_id'] == u_id:
                return {}
            for owner in channel['owner_members']:
                if u_id == owner['u_id']:
                    return {}
    raise AccessError(description="You are not allowed to remove this message")
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()

    email = token_to_email(token)
    u_id = int(u_id)

    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be logged in invite a friend into a channel!"

    if not is_already_registered(registeredUsersDB, email):
        raise ValueError(description=f"User with ID {u_id} does not exist")

    ownerU_ID = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)

    ownerU_ID = int(ownerU_ID)
    channel_id = int(channel_id)

    add_to_channel(channelsDB, ownerU_ID, u_id, channel_id)
    return {}
def channels_create(token, name, is_public):
    registeredUsersDB = get_global_registeredUsers()
    loggedInUsersDB = get_global_loggedInUsers()
    channelsDB = get_global_existingChannels()
    email = token_to_email(token)

    if not is_loggedIn(loggedInUsersDB, email):

        raise AccessError(
            description="You must be logged in to create a channel!")

    is_public = true_or_false(is_public)


    u_id = token_to_u_ID(loggedInUsersDB, token)
    u_id = int(u_id)

    channel_id = generateChannelID(channelsDB, name, u_id)

    first_name = get_firstName(u_id)
    last_name = get_lastName(u_id)
    url = get_url(u_id)

    channelDict = create_channel_details(name=name,


    return {'channel_id': channel_id}