def delete_inventory(inventory_id): """ Delete an inventory This endpoint will delete an inventory based on the id specified in the path """'Request to delete inventory with id: %s', inventory_id) inventory = Inventory.find(inventory_id) if inventory: inventory.delete() return make_response('', status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
def delete_inventory_item_by_id(inv_id): """ Delete an Inventory Item This endpoint will delete and inventory item based the id specified in the path """"Request to delete inventory item with id: ", inv_id) inv = Inventory.find(inv_id) if inv: inv.delete() return make_response("", status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
def get_inventory(inventory_id): """ Retrieve a single Inventory This endpoint will return an Inventory based on it's id """'Request for inventory with id: %s', inventory_id) inventory = Inventory.find(inventory_id) if not inventory: raise NotFound( "Inventory with inventory_id '{}' was not found.".format( inventory_id)) return make_response(jsonify(inventory.serialize()), status.HTTP_200_OK)
def get(self, inventory_id): """ Retrieve a single Inventory This endpoint will return an Inventory based on it's id """'Request for inventory with id: %s', inventory_id) inventory = Inventory.find(inventory_id) if not inventory: api.abort( status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, "Inventory with id '{}' was not \ found.".format(inventory_id)) return inventory.serialize(), status.HTTP_200_OK
def get_inventory_item_by_id(inv_id): """ Retrieve a record for single Inventory row This endpoint will return an Inventory row based on its id """"Request for pet with id: %", inv_id) inv = Inventory.find(inv_id) if not inv: raise NotFound( "Inventory Item with id '{}' was not found.".format(inv_id)) return make_response(jsonify(inv.serialize()), status.HTTP_200_OK)
def test_find_item(self): """ Find an item by ID """ inv_items = InventoryFactory.create_batch(3) for inv_item in inv_items: inv_item.create() logging.debug(inv_items) # make sure they got saved self.assertEqual(len(Inventory.all()), 3) # find the 2nd inventory item in the list inv_item = Inventory.find(inv_items[1].id) self.assertIsNot(inv_item, None) self.assertEqual(, inv_items[1].id) self.assertEqual(, inv_items[1].name) self.assertEqual(inv_item.sku, inv_items[1].sku)
def update_inventory(inventory_id): """ Update an Inventory This endpoint will update an Inventory based the body that is posted """'Request to update inventory with id: %s', inventory_id) check_content_type('application/json') inventory = Inventory.find(inventory_id) if not inventory: raise NotFound( "Inventory with id '{}' was not found.".format(inventory_id)) inventory.deserialize(request.get_json()) = inventory_id return make_response(jsonify(inventory.serialize()), status.HTTP_200_OK)
def put(self, inventory_id): """ Update an Inventory This endpoint will update an Inventory based the body that is posted """'Request to update inventory with id: %s', inventory_id) check_content_type('application/json') inventory = Inventory.find(inventory_id) if not inventory: api.abort( status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, "Inventory with id '{}' was not \ found.".format(inventory_id)) inventory.deserialize(request.get_json()) = inventory_id return inventory.serialize(), status.HTTP_200_OK
def update_inventory(inv_id): """ Update an inventory item This endpoint will update an inventory item based on the body that is posted """"Request to update inventory with id: %s", inv_id) check_content_type("application/json") inventory = Inventory.find(inv_id) update_item = inventory.deserialize(request.get_json()) if not inventory: raise NotFound("Inventory with id '{}' was not found.".format(inv_id)) = inventory.sku = update_item.sku inventory.quantity = update_item.quantity inventory.restockLevel = update_item.restockLevel return make_response(jsonify(inventory.serialize()), status.HTTP_200_OK)
def test_find(self): """ Find a Inventory by ID """ Inventory(product_id=1, quantity=100, restock_level=50, condition="new", available=False).save() inventory = Inventory(product_id=2, quantity=21, restock_level=20, condition="used", available=True) res = Inventory.find( self.assertIsNot(res, None) self.assertEqual(res.product_id, inventory.product_id) self.assertEqual(res.quantity, inventory.quantity) self.assertEqual(res.condition, inventory.condition) self.assertEqual(res.available, inventory.available) self.assertEqual(,
def test_find_an_inventory(self): """ Find an inventory by id """ new_inventory = Inventory(product_id=1, quantity=100, restock_level=50, condition="new", available=True) used_inventory = Inventory(product_id=2, quantity=21, restock_level=20, condition="used", available=True) inventory = Inventory.find( self.assertNotEqual(inventory, None) self.assertEqual(inventory.product_id, 2) self.assertEqual(inventory.quantity, 21) self.assertEqual(inventory.restock_level, 20) self.assertEqual(inventory.condition, "used") self.assertEqual(inventory.available, True)