def current_user(self): if self.user: user = util.model_to_dict(self.user) if self.user.church_key: user['church'] = model.get_mini_church_info( self.user.church_key) self.write_response(user) else: self.write_response({'status': 'no active user session'})
def update_profile(self): # try: data = self.request_data() user = model.update_user(, data) user = util.model_to_dict(user) if self.user.church_key: user['church'] = model.get_mini_church_info( self.user.church_key) self.write_response(user) except Exception as e: self.error_response('Update failed..')
def filter_feed(item): if item.ref_key.kind() == 'Sermon': sermon = item.ref_key.get() if user.church_key and user.church_key == sermon.church_key: sermon_dict = util.model_to_dict(sermon) sermon_dict['kind'] = sermon.key.kind() sermon_dict['comments'] = get_comments(sermon.key.kind(),, page_size=5) sermon_dict['user'] = User.query( User.key == sermon.created_by).get(projection=[ User.first_name, User.last_name, User.profile_photo, User.title ]) return sermon_dict
def _process_note(note): note_ = util.model_to_dict(note) if note.sermon_key: sermon = note.sermon_key.get() note_['sermon'] = { 'id':, 'title': sermon.title, 'pastor': get_mini_user_info(sermon.created_by), 'church': get_mini_church_info(sermon.church_key) } else: if note.church_key: note_['church'] = get_mini_church_info(note.church_key) if note.pastor_key: note_['pastor'] = get_mini_user_info(note.pastor_key) return note_
def filter(sermon): """Filter sermon and add extra data.""" if sermon.privacy == PRIVACY_MEMBER and ( not user or user.church_key != sermon.church_key): return pastor = sermon.created_by.get() church = sermon.church_key.get() sermon_ = util.model_to_dict(sermon) sermon_['pastor'] = { 'id':, 'title': pastor.title, 'first_name': pastor.first_name, 'last_name': pastor.last_name } sermon_['church'] = {'id':, 'name':} return sermon_
def get_comment_replies(comment_id, cursor=None, page_size=10): """Returns replies to a comment. Args: comment_id: The id of the comment for which we want the replies. cursor: An option value that specifies what point to start fetching the replies from. page_size: The number of items to return. Returns: A dict similar the response of the {get_comments} function. """ try: q = Comment.query(Comment.reply_to == ndb.Key('Comment', int( comment_id))).order(-Comment.created_at) if cursor: comments, next_curs, more = q.fetch_page(page_size, start_cursor=cursor) else: comments, next_curs, more = q.fetch_page(page_size) replies = [] for c in comments: reply = util.model_to_dict(c) reply['user'] = User.query(User.key == c.created_by).get( projection=[ User.first_name, User.last_name, User.title, User.profile_photo ]) replies.append(reply) return { 'comments': replies, 'next': next_curs.url_safe() if more and next_curs else None } except Exception as e: print e
def _user_response(self, user_object): user = util.model_to_dict(user_object) if user_object.church_key: user['church'] = model.get_mini_church_info(user_object.church_key) return user
def _process_sermon(sermon): sermon_ = util.model_to_dict(sermon) sermon_['pastor'] = get_mini_user_info(sermon.created_by) sermon_['church'] = get_mini_church_info(sermon.church_key) return sermon_
def get_comments(type, id, cursor=None, page_size=20): """ Returns comments associated with the object type with the input id. If a cursor is provided, start querying from the cursor. We also include the replies with the result, the replies also paged, so a cursor is returned along with the replies for the caller to load more replies. Args: type: A string representing the Kind of object. id: The object id. cursor: An optional value that when specified indicates the starting point of the fetch. page_size: The number of items to return. Returns: Returns a dict with a key (comments) mapped to the list of comments and a key (next) with the cursor value. The field comments contains an array of comment objects represent as dict. Each comment has the user field with info of the creator, as well as field replies that contains dict with the replies to the comment. Example { "comments": [ { "like_count": 1, "reply_to": null, "user": { "title": "Pastor", "last_name": "Anjorin Jnr", "first_name": "Tola", "id": 5629499534213120 }, ... "likes_key": [ 5629499534213120 ], "comment": "This is comment", "created_at": 1452982257257, "replies": { "comments": [ { ... "user": { "title": "", "last_name": "Anjorin", "first_name": "Ebby", "id": 5733953138851840 }, "comment": "reply...", } ], "next": null } } ], "next": null } """ q = Comment.query(Comment.ref_key == ndb.Key(type, int(id)), Comment.reply_to == None).order(-Comment.created_at) if cursor: comments, next_curs, more = q.fetch_page(page_size, start_cursor=cursor) else: comments, next_curs, more = q.fetch_page(page_size) data = [] for c in comments: comment = util.model_to_dict(c) comment['ref_kind'] = c.ref_key.kind() comment['replies'] = get_comment_replies( comment['user'] = User.query(User.key == c.created_by).get(projection=[ User.first_name, User.last_name, User.profile_photo, User.title ]) data.append(comment) return { 'comments': data, 'next': next_curs.url_safe() if more and next_curs else None }
def test_get_feed(self): # create some sample feeds. u = model.User(first_name='foo', last_name='bar') u.key = u.put() c = model.Church(name='my church') c.key = c.put() s1 = model.Sermon(title='sermon 1', church_key=c.key, created_by=u.key) s1.key = s1.put() s2 = model.Sermon(title='sermon 2', church_key=c.key, created_by=u.key) s2.key = s2.put() s3 = model.Sermon(title='sermon 3', church_key=c.key, created_by=u.key) s3.key = s3.put() s = model.Sermon(title='sermon excl', church_key=ndb.Key('Church', '999')) s.key = s.put() model.Feed(ref_key=s1.key).put() model.Feed(ref_key=s2.key).put() model.Feed(ref_key=s3.key).put() m = model.User(first_name='john', last_name='doe', church_key=c.key) m.key = m.put() _user = model.User.query(model.User.key == u.key).get( projection=[model.User.first_name, model.User.last_name, model.User.title]) # load first feed initial = model.get_feed(, page_size=1) data = util.model_to_dict(s3) data['user'] = _user data['kind'] = 'Sermon' data['comments'] = {'comments': [], 'next': None} self.assertEquals([data], initial['feeds']) # scroll to load more more = model.get_feed(, cursor=initial['next'], page_size=1) data = util.model_to_dict(s2) data['user'] = _user data['kind'] = 'Sermon' data['comments'] = {'comments': [], 'next': None} self.assertEquals([data], more['feeds']) # new feed since last fetch s4 = model.Sermon(title='sermon 4', church_key=c.key, created_by=u.key) s4.key = s4.put() model.Feed(ref_key=s4.key).put() new = model.get_feed(, last_time=initial['ts'], page_size=1) data = util.model_to_dict(s4) data['user'] = _user data['kind'] = 'Sermon' data['comments'] = {'comments': [], 'next': None} self.assertEquals([data], new['feeds']) # scroll to load more more = model.get_feed(, cursor=more['next'], page_size=1) data = util.model_to_dict(s1) data['user'] = _user data['kind'] = 'Sermon' data['comments'] = {'comments': [], 'next': None} self.assertEquals([data], more['feeds']) self.assertIsNone(more['next'])