def setPermission(self, auth_capability, auth_recommendedlevel, auth_fail_callback=None): """ Sets permission information for say or client commands """ services.use('auth').registerCapability(auth_capability, auth_recommendedlevel) self.auth_capability = auth_capability self.auth_fail_callback = auth_fail_callback
def execute(self, args): """ When told to execute the function we need to pass the userid of the player who used the command as well as the command's arguments. We also need to determine if the player is authorized to use the command. """ userid = es.getcmduserid() # No auth? No fuss. if not self.auth_capability is None: # Check whether the userid is authorized is_authed = services.use('auth').isUseridAuthorized(userid, self.auth_capability) if not is_authed: # If a callback has been specified for auth failure then execute that function if self.auth_fail_callback: if callable(self.auth_fail_callback): self.auth_fail_callback(userid, args) else: es.doblock(self.auth_fail_callback) # We have yet to inform the player they aren't authorized so we need to do it else: es.tell(userid, 'You are not authorized to use the ' + + ' command.') return if callable(self.callback): self.callback(userid, args) else: es.server.queuecmd('es_xdoblock ' + self.callback)
def execute(self, args): """ When told to execute the function we need to pass the userid of the player who used the command as well as the command's arguments. We also need to determine if the player is authorized to use the command. """ userid = es.getcmduserid() # No auth? No fuss. if not self.auth_capability is None: # Check whether the userid is authorized is_authed = services.use('auth').isUseridAuthorized(userid, self.auth_capability) if not is_authed: # If a callback has been specified for auth failure then execute that function if self.auth_fail_callback: if isinstance(self.auth_fail_callback, collections.Callable): self.auth_fail_callback(userid, args) else: es.doblock(self.auth_fail_callback) # We have yet to inform the player they aren't authorized so we need to do it else: es.tell(userid, 'You are not authorized to use the ' + + ' command.') return if isinstance(self.callback, collections.Callable): self.callback(userid, args) else: es.server.queuecmd('es_xdoblock ' + self.callback)
def permissionToInteger(permission): """ Converts a text permission level ('ROOT', 'ADMIN', etc) to its integer equivalent """ if isinstance(permission, int): return permission value = services.use('auth').__getattribute__(permission) if isinstance(value, int): return value raise NameError, "'%s' is not a valid auth permission" % permission
def permissionToInteger(permission): """ Converts a text permission level ('ROOT', 'ADMIN', etc) to its integer equivalent """ if isinstance(permission, int): return permission value = services.use('auth').__getattribute__(permission) if isinstance(value, int): return value raise NameError(f"'{permission}' is not a valid auth permission")
self.con = sqlite.connect(path) self.cur = self.con.cursor() def execute(self,sql): self.cur.execute(sql) self.con.commit() def query(self,sql): self.cur.execute(sql) return self.cur.fetchall() def close(self): self.con.close() xaauthmanage = xa.register(info.basename) lang = xaauthmanage.language.getLanguage() auth = services.use('auth') authaddon = if authaddon not in ('group_auth','basic_auth'): raise ImportError('Unsupported Auth Provider!') prefix = '#green[AuthManage]#default' ################################################### # EVENTS def load(): es.dbgmsg(1,'*****authmanage load') xaauthcmd = xaauthmanage.addCommand('xa_auth', _sendmain, 'manage_auth', 'ADMIN') xaauthcmd.register('say') if authaddon == 'group_auth':
""" Load the dictionary """ dictPath = os.path.join( es.getAddonPath( info.basename ), "data.db" ) if os.path.isfile(dictPath): fileStream = open(dictPath, 'r') mapDicts = cPickle.load(fileStream) fileStream.close() """ Load the languages """ langPath = os.path.join( es.getAddonPath( info.basename ), "strings.ini" ) if os.path.isfile(langPath): text = langlib.Strings(langPath) """ Set up an auth check service, to return whether or not the user is authed. """ if services.isRegistered('auth'): auth_service = services.use('auth') auth_service.registerCapability('surftimer', auth_service.ADMIN) isAuthed = lambda x: auth_service.isUseridAuthorized(x, 'surftimer') else: isAuthed = lambda x: False def load(): """ If the script is loaded halfway through a load, ensure the delays start """ if str(currentMap): es_map_start({'mapname':str(currentMap)}) es.regsaycmd('!restart', 'surftimer/restart', 'Teleport back to start') def unload(): del started[:] players.clear() fileStream = open(dictPath, 'w')
def execute(self, sql): self.cur.execute(sql) self.con.commit() def query(self, sql): self.cur.execute(sql) return self.cur.fetchall() def close(self): self.con.close() xaauthmanage = xa.register(info.basename) lang = xaauthmanage.language.getLanguage() auth = services.use('auth') authaddon = if authaddon not in ('group_auth', 'basic_auth'): raise ImportError('Unsupported Auth Provider!') prefix = '#green[AuthManage]#default' ################################################### # EVENTS def load(): es.dbgmsg(1, '*****authmanage load') xaauthcmd = xaauthmanage.addCommand('xa_auth', _sendmain, 'manage_auth', 'ADMIN') xaauthcmd.register('say')
def player_spawn(event_var): user = int(event_var['userid']) auth = services.use("auth") if not auth.isUseridAuthorized(user, "can_spawn2"): es.sexec(user, "kill")
def load(): auth = services.use("auth") auth.registerCapability("can_spawn2", auth.ADMIN)
cfg.text("*****************************************************************") cfg.text("*** %s Config" cfg.text("*****************************************************************") cfg.text(' ') SA_DURATION = cfg.cvar('sa_duration', 11, 'Duration of one advert to stay. Minimum is 11!') SA_DEFAULT_COLOR = cfg.cvar('sa_default_color', '#red', 'Default color if none was specified for an advert. List of colors below.') SA_REFRESH_ON_ROUND = cfg.cvar('sa_refresh_on_round', 0, 'Refresh advert list every round') cfg.text(' ') cfg.text('List of available colors:') for color in sorted(COLORS): cfg.text(" -" + color) cfg.write() cfg.execute() if services.isRegistered('auth'): auth_service = services.use('auth') auth_service.registerCapability('add_ad_permission', auth_service.ADMIN) isAuthed = lambda x: auth_service.isUseridAuthorized(x, 'add_ad_permission') else: isAuthed = lambda x: False def load(): global adverts adverts = getAdverts() printAdverts() def unload(): gamethread.cancelDelayed('adverts_delay') cmdlib.unregisterClientCommand('add_advert') cmdlib.unregisterClientCommand('delete_advert') cmdlib.unregisterServerCommand('add_advert')