def main(config_file, *args): """ Import the incidents to a feature class, filtering out duplicates if necessary, assign geometry using addresses or XY values, and publish the results usign AGOL or ArcGIS for Server. Output is an updated feature class, processign reports, and optionally a service """ # Current date and time for file names fileNow = dt.strftime(, prefix) if isfile(config_file): cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() else: raise Exception(e1.format("Configuration file", config_file, "")) # Get general configuration values incidents = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'spreadsheet') inc_features = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'incident_features') id_field = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'incident_id') report_date_field = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'report_date_field') reports = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'reports') loc_type = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'loc_type') summary_field = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'summary_field') transform_method = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'transform_method') pub_status = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'pub_status') delete_duplicates = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'delete_duplicates') if delete_duplicates in ('true', 'True', True): delete_duplicates = True if report_date_field == "": raise Exception(e16) if delete_duplicates in ('false', 'False'): delete_duplicates = False # Log file if exists(reports): rptLog = join(reports, "{0}_{1}.log".format(fileNow, log_name)) else: raise Exception(e1.format("Report location", reports, w5)) # Scratch workspace tempgdb = arcpy.env.scratchGDB with open(rptLog, "w") as log: try: # Log file header log.write(l1.format(fileNow)) log.write(l2.format(getpass.getuser())) log.write(l3.format(incidents)) log.write(l4.format(inc_features)) if loc_type == "ADDRESSES": log.write(l5.format(cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'locator'))) # Validate output feature class geometry type desc = arcpy.Describe(inc_features) if not desc.shapeType == "Point": raise Exception(e6.format(inc_features)) # Identify field names in both fc and csv if arcpy.Exists(incidents): csvfieldnames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(incidents)] else: raise Exception(e1.format("Spreadsheet", incidents, "")) if arcpy.Exists(inc_features): incfieldnames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(inc_features)] else: raise Exception(e1.format("Feature Class", inc_features, "")) matchfieldnames = [] for name in csvfieldnames: if name in incfieldnames: matchfieldnames.append(name) # If data is to be geocoded if loc_type == "ADDRESSES": # Get geocoding parameters address_field = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'address_field') city_field = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'city_field') state_field = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'state_field') zip_field = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'zip_field') locator = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'locator') # Geocoding field names reqFields = [address_field, id_field]#, report_date_field] opFields = [city_field, state_field, zip_field, summary_field, report_date_field] if locator == "": raise Exception(e13) # Test geolocator fields loc_address_fields = [loc_address_field, loc_city_field, loc_zip_field, loc_state_field] for a in loc_address_fields: if not a == "": if not a in all_locator_fields: raise Exception(e14) # If data has coordinate values else: # Get coordinate parameters lg_field = cfg.get('COORDINATES', 'long_field') lt_field = cfg.get('COORDINATES', 'lat_field') coord_system = cfg.get('COORDINATES', 'coord_system') remove_zeros = cfg.get('COORDINATES', 'ignore_zeros') if remove_zeros in ('true', 'True'): remove_zeros = True if remove_zeros in ('false', 'False'): remove_zeros = False # Coordinate field names reqFields = [id_field, lg_field, lt_field]#, report_date_field] opFields = [summary_field, report_date_field] # Validate required field names field_test(incidents, reqFields, csvfieldnames, True) field_test(inc_features, reqFields, incfieldnames, True) # Validate optional field names field_test(incidents, opFields, csvfieldnames) field_test(inc_features, opFields, incfieldnames) # Validate basic publishing parameters if not pub_status == "": # Get general publishing parameters mxd = cfg.get('PUBLISHING', 'mxd') username = cfg.get('PUBLISHING', 'user_name') password = cfg.get('PUBLISHING', 'password') # Test for required inputs if not arcpy.Exists(mxd): raise Exception(e1.format("Map document", mxd, "")) if splitext(mxd)[1] != ".mxd": raise Exception(e3) # Test for required inputs if username == "" or password == "": if pub_status == "ARCGIS_ONLINE": raise Exception(e8) # Get address fields for geocoding if loc_type == "ADDRESSES": addresses = "" loc_fields = [] adr_string = "{0} {1} VISIBLE NONE;" for loc_field in all_locator_fields: if loc_field == loc_address_field: addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, address_field) loc_fields.append(address_field) elif loc_field == loc_city_field and city_field != "": addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, city_field) loc_fields.append(city_field) elif loc_field == loc_state_field and state_field != "": addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, state_field) loc_fields.append(state_field) elif loc_field == loc_zip_field and zip_field != "": addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, zip_field) loc_fields.append(zip_field) else: addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, "<None>") # Get coordinate fields else: loc_fields = [lg_field, lt_field] total_records = len(field_vals(incidents,id_field)) messages(m17.format(total_records, incidents), log) if not summary_field == "": SumVals = field_vals(incidents, summary_field) listSumVals = [val for val in SumVals if val != None] if not len(SumVals) == len(listSumVals): print m19.format(len(SumVals)-len(listSumVals)) log.write(m19.format(len(SumVals)-len(listSumVals))) listSumVals.sort() log.write(l10.format(summary_field)) dateCount = 1 i = 0 n = len(listSumVals) while i < n: try: if listSumVals[i] == listSumVals[i + 1]: dateCount += 1 else: log.write(l11.format(listSumVals[i], dateCount)) dateCount = 1 except: log.write(l11.format(listSumVals[i], dateCount)) i += 1 log.write("\n") # Remove duplicate incidents if delete_duplicates: timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m13.format(timeNow), log) incidents, req_nulls, countUpdate, countDelete = remove_dups(tempgdb, incidents, inc_features, matchfieldnames, id_field, report_date_field, loc_fields) if not req_nulls == "": req_nulls = "{}\n".format(req_nulls) messages(w3.format(req_nulls), log, 1) if not countUpdate == 0: messages(m14.format(countUpdate,inc_features), log) if countDelete > 0: messages(m15.format(countDelete,inc_features), log) # Create features tempFC = join(tempgdb, "tempDataLE") # Create point features from spreadsheet timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m1.format(timeNow), log) if loc_type == "ADDRESSES": timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m3.format(timeNow), log) # Geocode the incidents arcpy.GeocodeAddresses_geocoding(incidents, locator, addresses, tempFC, "STATIC") # Initiate geocoding report counts countMatch = 0 countTrueMatch = 0 countUnmatch = 0 # Create geocoding reports rptUnmatch = join(reports, "{0}_{1}.csv".format( fileNow, unmatch_name)) fieldnames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(tempFC)] # Sort incidents based on match status statusIndex = fieldnames.index(status) locIndex = fieldnames.index(addr_type) # Write incidents that were not well geocoded to file and # delete from temp directory with open (rptUnmatch, "wb") as umatchFile: unmatchwriter = csv.writer(umatchFile) unmatchwriter.writerow(fieldnames) # Delete incidents that were not Matched countUnmatch = sort_records(tempFC, unmatchwriter, statusIndex, match_value, False, True) if not countUnmatch == 0: messages(w6.format(countUnmatch, rptUnmatch), log, 1) # Incidents that were not matched to an acceptable accuracy countMatch = sort_records(tempFC, unmatchwriter, locIndex, addrOK, False, True) if not countMatch == 0: messages(w7.format(countMatch, addrOK, rptUnmatch), log, 1) countTrueMatch = len(field_vals(tempFC, "OBJECTID")) messages(m16.format(countTrueMatch, inc_features), log) else: # Create temporary output storage tempFL = arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(incidents, lg_field, lt_field, "tempLayerLE", coord_system) # Convert the feature layer to a feature class to prevent # field name changes arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(tempFL, tempFC) arcpy.Delete_management(tempFL) timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m4.format(timeNow, inc_features), log) # Fields that will be copied from geocode results to final fc copyfieldnames = [] copyfieldnames.extend(matchfieldnames) copyfieldnames.append("SHAPE@XY") # Fields for error reporting errorfieldnames = [] errorfieldnames.extend(matchfieldnames) errorfieldnames.insert(0, errorfield) errorfieldnames += [long_field, lat_field] # Reproject the features sr_input = arcpy.Describe(tempFC).spatialReference sr_output = arcpy.Describe(inc_features).spatialReference if sr_input != sr_output: proj_out = "{}_proj".format(tempFC) arcpy.Project_management(tempFC, proj_out, sr_output, transform_method) tempFC = proj_out # Append geocode results to fc rptNoAppend = join(reports, "{0}_{1}.csv".format(fileNow, noappend_name)) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tempFC, copyfieldnames) as csvrows: with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(inc_features, copyfieldnames) as incrows: # Open csv for un-appended records with open(rptNoAppend, "wb") as appendFile: appendwriter = csv.writer(appendFile) appendwriter.writerow(errorfieldnames) # Index of field with incident ID record = errorfieldnames.index(id_field) # Initiate count of successfully appended records countAppend = 0 # List of ids of records not successfully appended errorRecords = [] for csvrow in csvrows: try: if loc_type == "COORDINATES": if remove_zeros: lt_index = copyfieldnames.index(lt_field) lg_index = copyfieldnames.index(lg_field) ltVal = csvrow[lt_index] lgVal = csvrow[lg_index] if ltVal == 0 and lgVal == 0: raise Exception("invalid_coordinates") # If the row can be appended incrows.insertRow(csvrow) countAppend += 1 except Exception as reason: # e.g. 'The value type is incompatible with the # field type. [INCIDENTDAT]' # Alternatively, the exception # 'invalid_coordinates' raised by the # remove_zeros test above # Get the name of the problem field badfield = reason[0].split(" ")[-1] badfield = badfield.strip(" []") # Append field name to start of record csvrow = list(csvrow) csvrow.insert(0, badfield) # Split the coordinate tuple into X and Y lng, lat = list(csvrow[-1]) csvrow[-1] = lng csvrow.append(lat) csvrow = tuple(csvrow) # Write the record out to csv appendwriter.writerow(csvrow) # Add id and field to issue list errorRecords.append(w4.format(csvrow[record], badfield)) # If issues were reported, print them if len(errorRecords) != 0: messages(w1.format(len(errorRecords), inc_features, rptNoAppend), log, 1) messages(m18.format(countAppend, inc_features), log) del incrows, csvrows # Convert times to UTC if publishing to AGOL if pub_status == "ARCGIS_ONLINE": # Get date fields date_fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(inc_features) if f.type == "Date" and in matchfieldnames] # Convert from system timezone to UTC convert_to_utc(inc_features, date_fields) # Publish incidents if not pub_status == "": timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m5.format(timeNow), log) errors = serviceutils.publish_service(cfg, pub_status, mxd, username, password) # Print analysis errors if errors: raise Exception(e4.format(errors)) # Convert times from UTC to system timezone if pub_status == "ARCGIS_ONLINE": convert_from_utc(inc_features, date_fields) timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m8.format(timeNow), log) except arcpy.ExecuteError: print("{}\n{}\n".format(gp_error, arcpy.GetMessages(2))) timeNow = dt.strftime(, "{} {}".format( date_format, time_format)) arcpy.AddError("{} {}:\n".format(timeNow, gp_error)) arcpy.AddError("{}\n".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2))) log.write("{} ({}):\n".format(gp_error, timeNow)) log.write("{}\n".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2))) for msg in range(0, arcpy.GetMessageCount()): if arcpy.GetSeverity(msg) == 2: code = arcpy.GetReturnCode(msg) print("Code: {}".format(code)) print("Message: {}".format(arcpy.GetMessage(msg))) except Exception as ex: print("{}: {}\n".format(py_error, ex)) timeNow = dt.strftime(, "{}".format(time_format)) arcpy.AddError("{} {}:\n".format(timeNow, py_error)) arcpy.AddError("{}\n".format(ex)) log.write("{} {}:\n".format(timeNow, py_error)) log.write("{}\n".format(ex)) finally: # Clean up try: arcpy.Delete_management(tempgdb) except: pass
def main(config_file, *args): """ Import the incidents to a feature class, filtering out duplicates if necessary, assign geometry using addresses or XY values, and publish the results usign AGOL or ArcGIS for Server. Output is an updated feature class, processign reports, and optionally a service """ # Current date and time for file names fileNow = dt.strftime(, prefix) if isfile(config_file): cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() else: raise Exception(e1.format("Configuration file", config_file, "")) # Get general configuration values incidents = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'spreadsheet') inc_features = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'incident_features') id_field = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'incident_id') report_date_field = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'report_date_field') reports = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'reports') loc_type = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'loc_type') summary_field = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'summary_field') transform_method = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'transform_method') pub_status = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'pub_status') delete_duplicates = cfg.get('GENERAL', 'delete_duplicates') if delete_duplicates in ('true', 'True', True): delete_duplicates = True if report_date_field == "": raise Exception(e16) if delete_duplicates in ('false', 'False'): delete_duplicates = False # Log file if exists(reports): rptLog = join(reports, "{0}_{1}.log".format(fileNow, log_name)) else: raise Exception(e1.format("Report location", reports, w5)) # Scratch workspace tempgdb = arcpy.env.scratchGDB with open(rptLog, "w") as log: try: # Log file header log.write(l1.format(fileNow)) log.write(l2.format(getpass.getuser())) log.write(l3.format(incidents)) log.write(l4.format(inc_features)) if loc_type == "ADDRESSES": log.write(l5.format(cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'locator'))) # Validate output feature class geometry type desc = arcpy.Describe(inc_features) if not desc.shapeType == "Point": raise Exception(e6.format(inc_features)) # Identify field names in both fc and csv if arcpy.Exists(incidents): csvfieldnames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(incidents)] else: raise Exception(e1.format("Spreadsheet", incidents, "")) if arcpy.Exists(inc_features): incfieldnames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(inc_features) ] else: raise Exception(e1.format("Feature Class", inc_features, "")) matchfieldnames = [] for name in csvfieldnames: if name in incfieldnames: matchfieldnames.append(name) # If data is to be geocoded if loc_type == "ADDRESSES": # Get geocoding parameters address_field = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'address_field') city_field = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'city_field') state_field = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'state_field') zip_field = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'zip_field') locator = cfg.get('ADDRESSES', 'locator') # Geocoding field names reqFields = [address_field, id_field] #, report_date_field] opFields = [ city_field, state_field, zip_field, summary_field, report_date_field ] if locator == "": raise Exception(e13) # Test geolocator fields loc_address_fields = [ loc_address_field, loc_city_field, loc_zip_field, loc_state_field ] for a in loc_address_fields: if not a == "": if not a in all_locator_fields: raise Exception(e14) # If data has coordinate values else: # Get coordinate parameters lg_field = cfg.get('COORDINATES', 'long_field') lt_field = cfg.get('COORDINATES', 'lat_field') coord_system = cfg.get('COORDINATES', 'coord_system') remove_zeros = cfg.get('COORDINATES', 'ignore_zeros') if remove_zeros in ('true', 'True'): remove_zeros = True if remove_zeros in ('false', 'False'): remove_zeros = False # Coordinate field names reqFields = [id_field, lg_field, lt_field] #, report_date_field] opFields = [summary_field, report_date_field] # Validate required field names field_test(incidents, reqFields, csvfieldnames, True) field_test(inc_features, reqFields, incfieldnames, True) # Validate optional field names field_test(incidents, opFields, csvfieldnames) field_test(inc_features, opFields, incfieldnames) # Validate basic publishing parameters if not pub_status == "": # Get general publishing parameters mxd = cfg.get('PUBLISHING', 'mxd') username = cfg.get('PUBLISHING', 'user_name') password = cfg.get('PUBLISHING', 'password') # Test for required inputs if not arcpy.Exists(mxd): raise Exception(e1.format("Map document", mxd, "")) if splitext(mxd)[1] != ".mxd": raise Exception(e3) # Test for required inputs if username == "" or password == "": if pub_status == "ARCGIS_ONLINE": raise Exception(e8) # Get address fields for geocoding if loc_type == "ADDRESSES": addresses = "" loc_fields = [] adr_string = "{0} {1} VISIBLE NONE;" for loc_field in all_locator_fields: if loc_field == loc_address_field: addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, address_field) loc_fields.append(address_field) elif loc_field == loc_city_field and city_field != "": addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, city_field) loc_fields.append(city_field) elif loc_field == loc_state_field and state_field != "": addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, state_field) loc_fields.append(state_field) elif loc_field == loc_zip_field and zip_field != "": addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, zip_field) loc_fields.append(zip_field) else: addresses += adr_string.format(loc_field, "<None>") # Get coordinate fields else: loc_fields = [lg_field, lt_field] total_records = len(field_vals(incidents, id_field)) messages(m17.format(total_records, incidents), log) if not summary_field == "": SumVals = field_vals(incidents, summary_field) listSumVals = [val for val in SumVals if val != None] if not len(SumVals) == len(listSumVals): print m19.format(len(SumVals) - len(listSumVals)) log.write(m19.format(len(SumVals) - len(listSumVals))) listSumVals.sort() log.write(l10.format(summary_field)) dateCount = 1 i = 0 n = len(listSumVals) while i < n: try: if listSumVals[i] == listSumVals[i + 1]: dateCount += 1 else: log.write(l11.format(listSumVals[i], dateCount)) dateCount = 1 except: log.write(l11.format(listSumVals[i], dateCount)) i += 1 log.write("\n") # Remove duplicate incidents if delete_duplicates: timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m13.format(timeNow), log) incidents, req_nulls, countUpdate, countDelete = remove_dups( tempgdb, incidents, inc_features, matchfieldnames, id_field, report_date_field, loc_fields) if not req_nulls == "": req_nulls = "{}\n".format(req_nulls) messages(w3.format(req_nulls), log, 1) if not countUpdate == 0: messages(m14.format(countUpdate, inc_features), log) if countDelete > 0: messages(m15.format(countDelete, inc_features), log) # Create features tempFC = join(tempgdb, "tempDataLE") # Create point features from spreadsheet timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m1.format(timeNow), log) if loc_type == "ADDRESSES": timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m3.format(timeNow), log) # Geocode the incidents arcpy.GeocodeAddresses_geocoding(incidents, locator, addresses, tempFC, "STATIC") # Initiate geocoding report counts countMatch = 0 countTrueMatch = 0 countUnmatch = 0 # Create geocoding reports rptUnmatch = join(reports, "{0}_{1}.csv".format(fileNow, unmatch_name)) fieldnames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(tempFC)] # Sort incidents based on match status statusIndex = fieldnames.index(status) locIndex = fieldnames.index(addr_type) # Write incidents that were not well geocoded to file and # delete from temp directory with open(rptUnmatch, "wb") as umatchFile: unmatchwriter = csv.writer(umatchFile) unmatchwriter.writerow(fieldnames) # Delete incidents that were not Matched countUnmatch = sort_records(tempFC, unmatchwriter, statusIndex, match_value, False, True) if not countUnmatch == 0: messages(w6.format(countUnmatch, rptUnmatch), log, 1) # Incidents that were not matched to an acceptable accuracy countMatch = sort_records(tempFC, unmatchwriter, locIndex, addrOK, False, True) if not countMatch == 0: messages(w7.format(countMatch, addrOK, rptUnmatch), log, 1) countTrueMatch = len(field_vals(tempFC, "OBJECTID")) messages(m16.format(countTrueMatch, inc_features), log) else: # Create temporary output storage tempFL = arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management( incidents, lg_field, lt_field, "tempLayerLE", coord_system) # Convert the feature layer to a feature class to prevent # field name changes arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(tempFL, tempFC) arcpy.Delete_management(tempFL) timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m4.format(timeNow, inc_features), log) # Fields that will be copied from geocode results to final fc copyfieldnames = [] copyfieldnames.extend(matchfieldnames) copyfieldnames.append("SHAPE@XY") # Fields for error reporting errorfieldnames = [] errorfieldnames.extend(matchfieldnames) errorfieldnames.insert(0, errorfield) errorfieldnames += [long_field, lat_field] # Reproject the features sr_input = arcpy.Describe(tempFC).spatialReference sr_output = arcpy.Describe(inc_features).spatialReference if sr_input != sr_output: proj_out = "{}_proj".format(tempFC) arcpy.Project_management(tempFC, proj_out, sr_output, transform_method) tempFC = proj_out # Append geocode results to fc rptNoAppend = join(reports, "{0}_{1}.csv".format(fileNow, noappend_name)) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tempFC, copyfieldnames) as csvrows: with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(inc_features, copyfieldnames) as incrows: # Open csv for un-appended records with open(rptNoAppend, "wb") as appendFile: appendwriter = csv.writer(appendFile) appendwriter.writerow(errorfieldnames) # Index of field with incident ID record = errorfieldnames.index(id_field) # Initiate count of successfully appended records countAppend = 0 # List of ids of records not successfully appended errorRecords = [] for csvrow in csvrows: try: if loc_type == "COORDINATES": if remove_zeros: lt_index = copyfieldnames.index( lt_field) lg_index = copyfieldnames.index( lg_field) ltVal = csvrow[lt_index] lgVal = csvrow[lg_index] if ltVal == 0 and lgVal == 0: raise Exception( "invalid_coordinates") # If the row can be appended incrows.insertRow(csvrow) countAppend += 1 except Exception as reason: # e.g. 'The value type is incompatible with the # field type. [INCIDENTDAT]' # Alternatively, the exception # 'invalid_coordinates' raised by the # remove_zeros test above # Get the name of the problem field badfield = reason[0].split(" ")[-1] badfield = badfield.strip(" []") # Append field name to start of record csvrow = list(csvrow) csvrow.insert(0, badfield) # Split the coordinate tuple into X and Y lng, lat = list(csvrow[-1]) csvrow[-1] = lng csvrow.append(lat) csvrow = tuple(csvrow) # Write the record out to csv appendwriter.writerow(csvrow) # Add id and field to issue list errorRecords.append( w4.format(csvrow[record], badfield)) # If issues were reported, print them if len(errorRecords) != 0: messages( w1.format(len(errorRecords), inc_features, rptNoAppend), log, 1) messages(m18.format(countAppend, inc_features), log) del incrows, csvrows # Convert times to UTC if publishing to AGOL if pub_status == "ARCGIS_ONLINE": # Get date fields date_fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(inc_features) if f.type == "Date" and in matchfieldnames ] # Convert from system timezone to UTC convert_to_utc(inc_features, date_fields) # Publish incidents if not pub_status == "": timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m5.format(timeNow), log) errors = serviceutils.publish_service(cfg, pub_status, mxd, username, password) # Print analysis errors if errors: raise Exception(e4.format(errors)) # Convert times from UTC to system timezone if pub_status == "ARCGIS_ONLINE": convert_from_utc(inc_features, date_fields) timeNow = dt.strftime(, time_format) messages(m8.format(timeNow), log) except arcpy.ExecuteError: print("{}\n{}\n".format(gp_error, arcpy.GetMessages(2))) timeNow = dt.strftime(, "{} {}".format(date_format, time_format)) arcpy.AddError("{} {}:\n".format(timeNow, gp_error)) arcpy.AddError("{}\n".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2))) log.write("{} ({}):\n".format(gp_error, timeNow)) log.write("{}\n".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2))) for msg in range(0, arcpy.GetMessageCount()): if arcpy.GetSeverity(msg) == 2: code = arcpy.GetReturnCode(msg) print("Code: {}".format(code)) print("Message: {}".format(arcpy.GetMessage(msg))) except Exception as ex: print("{}: {}\n".format(py_error, ex)) timeNow = dt.strftime(, "{}".format(time_format)) arcpy.AddError("{} {}:\n".format(timeNow, py_error)) arcpy.AddError("{}\n".format(ex)) log.write("{} {}:\n".format(timeNow, py_error)) log.write("{}\n".format(ex)) finally: # Clean up try: arcpy.Delete_management(tempgdb) except: pass
def main(indicator_value, *argv): """ Main function to record the number of incidents for a selected performance indicator value since the data/time the previous count of this value was performed, or within a specified number of days. It will also maintain a record of the previous 4 count records. Density of these new incidents will be mapped using the Kernel Density tool. Required arguments: indicator_value -- Performance Indicator value (i.e. Violent Crime) """ # Open log file for reporting. with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ed_log.log'), 'a') as log_file: try: # Check out the Spatial analyst extension. if arcpy.CheckExtension('Spatial') == 'Available': arcpy.CheckOutExtension('Spatial') else: raise Exception(e1) # Set overwrite output option to True. arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # Set performance indicators (tuples) based on the indicator value. try: indicator_values = ic.indicators[indicator_value] except KeyError: raise KeyError(e2.format(indicator_value)) # Select from perform_ind_features where PERFORMIND == indicator_value. dsc = arcpy.Describe(ic.perform_ind_features) cp = os.path.dirname(dsc.catalogPath) if cp.endswith('.gdb'): domains = arcpy.da.ListDomains(cp) else: domains = arcpy.da.ListDomains(os.path.dirname(cp)) for domain in domains: if == 'PerformanceIndicators': c = find_key(domain.codedValues, indicator_value.lower()) if not c: raise Exception(e3.format(indicator_value)) else: break # Create a copy in memory instead using Select perform_ind_lyr =, "perform_ind_lyr", """{0} = {1}""".format(performind, c)) # Update historical count and date fields. row_cnt = if int(row_cnt[0]) > 0: update_observ_fields(perform_ind_lyr) else: raise Exception(e4.format(indicator_value, ic.perform_ind_features, indicator_value)) inc_time_field = indicator_values["inc_time_field"] # Select all incident features where: # 1. If number of days parameter is None, do this. Else, grab last # of days from now if indicator_values["number_of_days"] == '': # a. calltime is more recent than ENDDATE value from PerformanceIndicator where PERFORMIND == domain value with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(perform_ind_lyr, end_date, sql_clause=(None, "ORDER BY {0} DESC".format(end_date))) as dates: last_update_value =[0] d = last_update_value if not last_update_value is None:["inc_features"], 'inc_lyr') incident_lyr ='inc_lyr', "NEW_SELECTION", """{0} > date '{1}'""".format(inc_time_field, str(last_update_value.replace(microsecond=0)))) else: raise Exception(e5) else: # b. Value of inc_time_field is >= the current date minus the number of days specified in number_of_days. d = - datetime.timedelta(days=int(indicator_values["number_of_days"]))["inc_features"], 'inc_lyr') incident_lyr ='inc_lyr', "NEW_SELECTION", """{0} >= date '{1}'""".format(inc_time_field, str(d.replace(microsecond=0)))) # 2. value of inc_type_field is in the list of performance_indicators inc_lyr_count = inc_type_field = indicator_values["inc_type_field"] if not inc_type_field.upper() == "NONE": perform_indicators = indicator_values["perform_indicators"] if type(perform_indicators) == tuple:, "SUBSET_SELECTION", """{0} IN {1}""".format(inc_type_field, perform_indicators)) else:, "SUBSET_SELECTION", """{0} = '{1}'""".format(inc_type_field, perform_indicators)) # Populate OBSERVCURR with a count of the selected incident features. inc_lyr_count =, observcurr, int(inc_lyr_count[0]), "PYTHON") # Populate DATECURR with current date., datecurr, """""", "PYTHON") # Update LASTUPDATE and LASTEDITOR with the current date and username., last_editor, "'{0}'".format(getpass.getuser()), "PYTHON"), last_update, """""", "PYTHON") # Populate STARTDATE and ENDDATE with the date range of the data used. with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(incident_lyr, inc_time_field, sql_clause=(None, "ORDER BY {0} DESC".format(inc_time_field))) as dates: startdate = d, start_date, repr(startdate), "PYTHON") with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(incident_lyr, inc_time_field, sql_clause=(None, "ORDER BY {0} ASC".format(inc_time_field))) as dates: enddate =, end_date, repr(enddate), "PYTHON") # Get the average distance to the specified Nth nearest neighbor for the selected incident features. if not int(inc_lyr_count[0]) > 0: raise Exception(e6.format(indicator_value)) distances = arcpy.stats.CalculateDistanceBand(incident_lyr, indicator_values["neighbors_value"],"EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE") avg_distance = float(distances[1]) # Calculates the density of incident features in a neighborhood using the avg distance (from above). output_density = indicator_values["output_density"], "NONE", output_density, "", avg_distance, "SQUARE_MILES") # Retrieve the mean and standard deviation of the raster pixel values. mean =, "MEAN") std =, "STD") # Exclude from rendering all values from 0 => (mean + (stdev) x (excluded_raster_values)) exclusion_value = indicator_values["exclusion_value"] if not exclusion_value == str(0): mean = float(mean[0]) std = float(std[0]) exclude_values = "0 - {0}".format(str(mean + (std) * (int(exclusion_value)))) else: exclude_values = "0" mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(indicator_values["map_document"]) raster_layer = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd)[0] raster_layer.symbology.excludedValues = exclude_values #TODO: Please review messaging for publishing the services # Publish the services. dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write(m1.format(dt, indicator_values["service_name"])) print m1.format(dt, indicator_values["service_name"]) serviceutils.publish_service(indicator_values["service_name"], mxd, "Map") dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write(m1.format(dt, ic.stats_service_name)) print m1.format(dt, ic.stats_service_name) serviceutils.publish_service(ic.stats_service_name, ic.stats_mxd, "Feature") # Log the results. dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write(m2.format(dt, indicator_value)) except arcpy.ExecuteError: print("{}\n{}\n".format(gp_error, arcpy.GetMessages(2))) dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write("{} ({}):\n".format(gp_error, dt)) log_file.write("{}\n".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2))) except KeyError as ke: print("{} {}\n".format(py_error, ke[0])) dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write("{} ({}):\n".format(py_error, dt)) log_file.write('{}\n'.format(ke[0])) except serviceutils.AGSConnectionError: print("{}: {}\n".format(py_error, e7)) dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write("{} ({}):\n".format(py_error, dt)) log_file.write("{}\n".format(e7)) except Exception as ex: print("{}: {}\n".format(py_error, ex[0])) dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write("{} ({}):\n".format(py_error, dt)) log_file.write("{}\n".format(ex[0]))
def main(indicator_value, *args): """ Main function to record the number of incidents for a selected performance indicator value since the data/time the previous count of this value was performed, or within a specified number of days. It will also maintain a record of the previous 4 count records. Density of these new incidents will be mapped using the Kernel Density tool. Required arguments: indicator_value -- Performance Indicator value (i.e. Violent Crime) """ # Open log file for reporting. with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'ed_log.log'), 'a') as log_file: try: # Check out the Spatial analyst extension. if arcpy.CheckExtension('Spatial') == 'Available': arcpy.CheckOutExtension('Spatial') else: raise Exception(e1) # Set overwrite output option to True. arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # Set performance indicators (tuples) based on the indicator value. try: indicator_values = ic.indicators[indicator_value] except KeyError: raise KeyError(e2.format(indicator_value)) # Select perform_ind_features where PERFORMIND == indicator_value. dsc = arcpy.Describe(ic.perform_ind_features) cp = dirname(dsc.catalogPath) if cp.endswith('.gdb'): domains = arcpy.da.ListDomains(cp) else: domains = arcpy.da.ListDomains(dirname(cp)) for domain in domains: if == 'PerformanceIndicators': c = find_key(domain.codedValues, indicator_value.lower()) if not c: raise Exception(e3.format(indicator_value)) else: break # Create a copy in memory instead using Select perform_ind_lyr = ic.perform_ind_features, "perform_ind_lyr", """{0} = {1}""".format(performind, c)) # Update historical count and date fields. row_cnt = if int(row_cnt[0]) > 0: update_observ_fields(perform_ind_lyr) else: raise Exception( e4.format(indicator_value, ic.perform_ind_features, indicator_value)) # Select all incident features where: # 1. If number of days parameter is None, do this. # Else, grab last # of days from now. inc_time_field = indicator_values["inc_time_field"] if indicator_values["number_of_days"] == '': # a. calltime is more recent than ENDDATE value from PerformanceIndicator where PERFORMIND == domain value with arcpy.da.SearchCursor( perform_ind_lyr, end_date, sql_clause=( None, "ORDER BY {0} DESC".format(end_date))) as dates: last_update_value =[0] d = last_update_value if not last_update_value is None: indicator_values["inc_features"], "inc_lyr") incident_lyr = "inc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION", """{0} > date '{1}'""".format( inc_time_field, str(last_update_value.replace(microsecond=0)))) else: raise Exception(e5) else: # b. Value of inc_time_field is >= the current date minus the number of days specified in number_of_days. d = - datetime.timedelta( days=int(indicator_values["number_of_days"])) indicator_values["inc_features"], "inc_lyr") incident_lyr = "inc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION", """{0} >= date '{1}'""".format( inc_time_field, str(d.replace(microsecond=0)))) # 2. value of inc_type_field is in the list of performance_indicators inc_lyr_count = inc_type_field = indicator_values["inc_type_field"] if not inc_type_field.upper() == "NONE": perform_indicators = indicator_values["perform_indicators"] if type(perform_indicators) == tuple: incident_lyr, "SUBSET_SELECTION", """{0} IN {1}""".format(inc_type_field, perform_indicators)) else: incident_lyr, "SUBSET_SELECTION", """{0} = '{1}'""".format(inc_type_field, perform_indicators)) # Calculate OBSERVCURR with a count of selected incident features. inc_lyr_count =, observcurr, int(inc_lyr_count[0]), "PYTHON") # Populate DATECURR with current date., datecurr, """""", "PYTHON") # Update LASTUPDATE, LASTEDITOR with the current date & username., last_editor, "'{0}'".format(getpass.getuser()), "PYTHON"), last_update, """""", "PYTHON") # Update STARTDATE, ENDDATE with the date range of the data used., start_date, repr(d), "PYTHON"), end_date, repr(, "PYTHON") # Get the average distance to the specified Nth nearest neighbor # for the selected incident features. if not int(inc_lyr_count[0]) > 0: raise Exception(e6.format(indicator_value)) distances = arcpy.stats.CalculateDistanceBand( incident_lyr, indicator_values["neighbors_value"], "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE") # Calculates the density of incident features in a neighborhood using the avg distance (from above). output_density = indicator_values["output_density"], "NONE", output_density, "", float(distances[1]), "SQUARE_MILES") # Retrieve the mean & standard dev. of the raster pixel values. mean =, "MEAN") std =, "STD") # Exclude from rendering all values from 0 => (mean + (stdev) x (excluded_raster_values)) exclusion_value = indicator_values["exclusion_value"] if not exclusion_value == str(0): mean = float(mean[0]) std = float(std[0]) exclude_values = "0 - {0}".format( str(mean + (std) * (int(exclusion_value)))) else: exclude_values = "0" mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(indicator_values["map_document"]) raster_layer = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd)[0] raster_layer.symbology.excludedValues = exclude_values # Publish the services. dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write(m1.format(dt, indicator_values["service_name"])) print(m1.format(dt, indicator_values["service_name"])) serviceutils.publish_service(indicator_values["service_name"], mxd, "Map") dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write(m1.format(dt, ic.stats_service_name)) print(m1.format(dt, ic.stats_service_name)) serviceutils.publish_service(ic.stats_service_name, ic.stats_mxd, "Feature") # Log the results. dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write(m2.format(dt, indicator_value)) except arcpy.ExecuteError: print("{}\n{}\n".format(gp_error, arcpy.GetMessages(2))) dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write("{} ({}):\n".format(gp_error, dt)) log_file.write("{}\n".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2))) except KeyError as ke: print("{} {}\n".format(py_error, ke[0])) dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write("{} ({}):\n".format(py_error, dt)) log_file.write('{}\n'.format(ke[0])) except Exception as ex: print("{}: {}\n".format(py_error, ex[0])) dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_file.write("{} ({}):\n".format(py_error, dt)) log_file.write("{}\n".format(ex[0]))