class Client: """EPP client API. Process whole EPP communication with server. Defaults values you can save into config file. Every function does: - check input parameters - fill missing params from config - build EPP command - send EPP command to the server - waiting for answer - receive EPP server ansver - compile answer to the dictionary - returns dict whith values from server dict has this format: code: (int) number of answer code reason: (str) message witt reason errors: (list) errors data: (dict) individual values - see doc or help in functions Functions accept parameters in this formats: (for example) - string login("user","pass") - list check_domain(['domain1','domain2','domain3']) - dict create_domain(period={'num':6, 'unit':'y'}, ... - list of dict update_nsset('handle_nsset', {'dns':[{'name':'ns.name1', 'addr':''}, {'name':'ns.name2', 'addr':''}, ...], 'tech':'...'}, ...) Exception is raised if any error occurs. """ def __init__(self, cwd=None): self._cwd = cwd self._epp = ManagerReceiver(cwd=self._cwd) def get_epp(self): return self._epp def connect(self): 'Connect to the server.' self._epp.connect() def close(self): 'Close connection with server.' self._epp.close() #============================================================== def check_contact(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'check_contact' command is used to determine if an contact can be provisioned within a repository. It provides a hint that allows a client to anticipate the success or failure of provisioning an contact using the 'create_contact' command as contact provisioning requirements are ultimately a matter of server policy. SYNTAX: check_contact name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Contact ID (unbounded list) cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('check_contact', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def check_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'check_domain' command is used to determine if an domain can be provisioned within a repository. It provides a hint that allows a client to anticipate the success or failure of provisioning an domain using the 'create_domain' command as domain provisioning requirements are ultimately a matter of server policy. SYNTAX: check_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name (unbounded list) cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('check_domain', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def check_nsset(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'check_nsset' command is used to determine if an NSSET can be provisioned within a repository. It provides a hint that allows a client to anticipate the success or failure of provisioning an nsset using the 'create_nsset' command as NSSET provisioning requirements are ultimately a matter of server policy. SYNTAX: check_nsset name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) NSSET ID (unbounded list) cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('check_nsset', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def check_keyset(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'check_keyset' command is used to determine if an KEYSET can be provisioned within a repository. It provides a hint that allows a client to anticipate the success or failure of provisioning an keyset using the 'create_keyset' command as KEYSET provisioning requirements are ultimately a matter of server policy. SYNTAX: check_keyset name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) KEYSET ID (unbounded list) cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('check_keyset', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def create_contact(self, contact_id, name, email, street, city, pc, cc, sp=None, org=None, auth_info=None, voice=None, fax=None, disclose=None, vat=None, ident=None, notify_email=None, cltrid=None, extensions=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'create_contact' command is used to create an instance of the contact. Contact can be used for values of the owner, registrant or technical contact. Names what are not included into disclose list are set to opposite value of the disclose flag value. Identificator type can be: op Number identity card passport Number of passport mpsv Number of Ministry of Labour and social affairs ico Number of company birthday Birthday date SYNTAX: create_contact contact_id name email city cc [other_options] OPTIONS: contact_id (required) Contact ID name (required) Name email (required) Email street (required) Street (list with max 3 items.) city (required) City pc (required) Postal code cc (required) Country code sp State or province org Organisation auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer voice Phone fax Fax disclose Disclose flag (required) Disclose flag (default y) (y,n) data Data for with is set the flag value (list with max 9 items.) (voice,fax,email,vat,ident,notify_email) vat VAT (Value-added tax) ident Identificator number (required) Identificator number type (required) Identificator type (op,passport,mpsv,ico,birthday) notify_email Notification email cltrid Client transaction ID extensions Extensions mailing_addr (required) Mailing address street (required) Street (list with max 3 items.) city (required) City pc (required) Postal code cc (required) Country code sp State or province """ if extensions: if extensions.keys() != ["mailing_addr"]: raise ClientUsageException( "Extensions dict must have only one key 'mailing_addr'.") self.check_address_keys(extensions["mailing_addr"].keys()) return self._epp.api_command( 'create_contact', { 'contact_id': contact_id, 'name': name, 'email': email, 'city': city, 'cc': cc, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'org': org, 'street': street, 'sp': sp, 'pc': pc, 'voice': voice, 'fax': fax, 'disclose': disclose, 'vat': vat, 'ident': ident, 'notify_email': notify_email, 'cltrid': cltrid, 'extensions': extensions }) def create_domain(self, name, registrant, auth_info=None, nsset=None, keyset=None, period=None, admin=None, val_ex_date=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'create_domain' command is used to create domain. A domain can be created for an indefinite period of time, or a domain can be created for a specific validity period. Basicly you can create two types of the domain: cz and ENUM. The difference is in parameter val_ex_date. It is required for ENUM domains. SYNTAX: create_domain name registrant [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name registrant (required) Registrant ID auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer nsset NSSET ID keyset KEYSET ID period Period num (required) Number of months or years unit (required) Period unit (y year(default), m month) admin Administrative contact ID (unbounded list) val_ex_date Validation expires at date. This value is required for ENUM domains. cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command( 'create_domain', { 'name': name, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'period': period, 'registrant': registrant, 'nsset': nsset, 'keyset': keyset, 'admin': admin, 'val_ex_date': val_ex_date, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def create_nsset(self, nsset_id, dns, tech, auth_info=None, reportlevel=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'create_nsset' command is used to create a record of the NSSET. Report level sets depth level of the technical test. These tests are maintained in regular intervals and in case of the problem the technical contact is informed. Report level is also applied on the test executed by the request throught EPP. Every test has report level (number) and run just a parts what have equal or lower level number. Valid range is from 0 to 10. SYNTAX: create_nsset id dns tech [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID dns (required) LIST of DNS (minimum 2 items, list with max 9 items.) name (required) Name server addr Server address (unbounded list) tech (required) Technical contact (unbounded list) auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer reportlevel Report level. Range 0 - 10 cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command( 'create_nsset', { 'id': nsset_id, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'dns': dns, 'tech': tech, 'reportlevel': reportlevel, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def create_keyset(self, keyset_id, dnskey, dnskeyref, tech, auth_info=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'create_keyset' command is used to create a record of the KEYSET. SYNTAX: create_keyset id dnskey tech [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID dnskey LIST of keys (list with max DNSKEY_LIST_MAX items.) flags (required) Flags protocol (required) Protocol alg (required) Algorithm pub_key (required) Public key code dnskeyref LIST of filenames with dns keys (list with max DNSKEY_LIST_MAX items.) tech (required) Technical contact (unbounded list) auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command( 'create_keyset', { 'id': keyset_id, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'dnskey': dnskey, 'dnskeyref': dnskeyref, 'tech': tech, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def delete_contact(self, contact_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'delete_contact' command is used to remove a record of the contact. SYNTAX: delete_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('delete_contact', { 'id': contact_id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def delete_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'delete_domain' command is used to remove a record of the domain. SYNTAX: delete_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('delete_domain', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def delete_nsset(self, nsset_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'delete_nsset' command is used to remove a record of the nsset. SYNTAX: delete_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('delete_nsset', { 'id': nsset_id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def delete_keyset(self, keyset_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'delete_keyset' command is used to remove a record of the keyset. SYNTAX: delete_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('delete_keyset', { 'id': keyset_id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def hello(self): """DESCRIPTION: Command 'hello' is used to obtain information from the server. The server answer to 'hello' command is Greeting message. This message is used usualy at the begining of the session for getting some variables usefull for communication. Within Server version or ID you can got available languages, Data Collection policy etc. Command 'hello' you can call at any time. SYNTAX: hello OPTIONS: """ return self._epp.api_command('hello') def info_contact(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'info_contact' command is used to retrieve information associated with an existing contact. The value 'Password for transfer' is shown only for privileged user. SYNTAX: info_contact name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('info_contact', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def info_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'info_domain' command is used to retrieve information associated with an existing domain. The value 'Password for transfer' is shown only for privileged user. In addition for domain ENUM type the private values are also 'Registrant ID' and 'Administrative contact'. SYNTAX: info_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('info_domain', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def info_nsset(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'info_nsset' command is used to retrieve information associated with an existing NSSET. The value 'Password for transfer' is shown only for privileged user. SYNTAX: info_nsset name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('info_nsset', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def info_keyset(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'info_keyset' command is used to retrieve information associated with an existing KEYSET. The value 'Password for transfer' is shown only for privileged user. SYNTAX: info_keyset name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('info_keyset', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def login(self, username, password, new_password=None, lang=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The "login" command establishes an ongoing server session that preserves client identity and authorization information during the duration of the session. Parametr "lang" set session and client language together. Language is possible to set also by option on the command line, or define it in configuration file or set by client command 'lang'. Using parameter 'new_password' you can change password. SYNTAX: login username password [other_options] OPTIONS: username (required) Username password (required) Password new_password New password lang Language version cltrid Client transaction ID""" if self._epp._conf: # if parameters are set as a list, use first item only. This list haven't been never empty. if type(username) in (list, tuple): username = username[0] if type(password) in (list, tuple): password = password[0] # We need save username+password to config section epp_login. # It is used by function get_actual_username_and_password() for obtain # actual login values. This is used in unittest for check value equality. self._epp._conf.set(self._epp._section_epp_login, 'username', username) self._epp._conf.set(self._epp._section_epp_login, 'password', password) return self._epp.api_command( 'login', { 'username': username, 'password': password, 'new_password': new_password, 'lang': lang, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def logout(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP "logout" command is used to end a session with the server. But client will be still running. For close client type 'quit' (see help). Before quit the client send logout automaticly. SYNTAX: logout [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('logout', {'cltrid': cltrid}) def poll(self, op, msg_id=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Poll command is used to discover and retrieve service messages. They are saved in the message queue. When you send poll with parameter op = req, you get only the last message from the queue. But this message still remains on the queue. For remove message from the queue set poll op = ack and ID of this message. So you needs to send two poll commands for manage one message: 1. reading, 2. removing. See help poll_autoack for client function that sends this commands together. SYNTAX: poll op [other_options] OPTIONS: op (required) Query type msg_id (required) Index of message (required only with op = 'ack') cltrid Client transaction ID""" if type(msg_id) is int: msg_id = str(msg_id) # allowed strings only return self._epp.api_command('poll', { 'op': op, 'msg_id': msg_id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def sendauthinfo_contact(self, contact_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_contact' command transmit request for send password to contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_contact', { 'id': contact_id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def sendauthinfo_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_domain' command transmit request for send password to registrant email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_domain', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def sendauthinfo_nsset(self, nsset_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_nsset' command transmit request for send password to technical contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_nsset', { 'id': nsset_id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def sendauthinfo_keyset(self, keyset_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_keyset' command transmit request for send password to technical contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_keyset', { 'id': keyset_id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def credit_info(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'credit_info' command returns credit information. SYNTAX: credit_info [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('credit_info', {'cltrid': cltrid}) def renew_domain(self, name, cur_exp_date, period=None, val_ex_date=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: A domain names have a specified validity period. The server policy supports domain validity periods and the validity period is defined when a domain is created. This validity can be extended by the EPP 'renew_domain' command. Validity periods are measured in years or months with the appropriate units specified using the 'unit' attribute. Valid values for the 'unit' attribute are 'y' for years and 'm' for months. The minimum and maximum allowable period is defined in the Communication rules. SYNTAX: renew_domain name cur_exp_date [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cur_exp_date (required) Expiration date period Period num (required) Number of months or years unit (required) Period unit (y year(default), m month) val_ex_date Validation expires at cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command( 'renew_domain', { 'name': name, 'cur_exp_date': cur_exp_date, 'period': period, 'val_ex_date': val_ex_date, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def transfer_contact(self, name, auth_info, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'transfer_contact' command makes change in contact sponsorship of a designated registrar. New password for authorisation will be generated automaticly after succefull transfer. SYNTAX: transfer_contact name auth_info [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Contact ID auth_info (required) Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('transfer_contact', { 'name': name, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def transfer_domain(self, name, auth_info, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'transfer_domain' command makes change in domain sponsorship of a designated registrar. New password for authorisation will be generated automaticly after succefull transfer. SYNTAX: transfer_domain name auth_info [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name of domain to change sponsorship auth_info (required) Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('transfer_domain', { 'name': name, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def transfer_nsset(self, name, auth_info, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'transfer_nsset' command makes change in NSSET sponsorship of a designated registrar. New password for authorisation will be generated automaticly after succefull transfer. SYNTAX: transfer_nsset name auth_info [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) NSSET ID auth_info (required) Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('transfer_nsset', { 'name': name, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def transfer_keyset(self, name, auth_info, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'transfer_keyset' command makes change in KEYSET sponsorship of a designated registrar. New password for authorisation will be generated automaticly after succefull transfer. SYNTAX: transfer_keyset name auth_info [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) KEYSET ID auth_info (required) Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('transfer_keyset', { 'name': name, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def update_contact(self, contact_id, chg=None, cltrid=None, extensions=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'update_contact' command is used to update values in the contact. Names what are not included into disclose list are set to opposite value of the disclose flag value. Identificator type can be: op Number identity card passport Number of passport mpsv Number of Ministry of Labour and social affairs ico Number of company birthday Birthday date SYNTAX: update_contact contact_id [other_options] OPTIONS: contact_id (required) Contact ID chg Change values postal_info Postal informations name Name org Organisation addr Address street (required) Street (list with max 3 items.) city (required) City pc (required) Postal code cc (required) Country code sp State or province voice Phone fax Fax email Email auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer disclose Disclose flag (required) Disclose flag (default y) data data for with is set the flag value (list with max 6 items.) vat VAT ident Identificator type (required) Identificator type number (required) Identificator number notify_email Notification email rem Remove values mailing_addr Mailing address cltrid Client transaction ID extensions Extensions chg Change value(s) mailing_addr (required) Mailing address street (required) Street (list with max 3 items.) city (required) City pc (required) Postal code cc (required) Country code sp State or province rem Remove value(s) mailing_addr (required) Mailing address """ if extensions: ext_keys = extensions.keys() if not (ext_keys == ["chg"] or ext_keys == ["rem"]): raise ClientUsageException( "Extensions dict must have only one key: 'chg' or 'rem'.") names = extensions["rem"] if ext_keys == [ "rem" ] else extensions["chg"].keys() if names != ["mailing_addr"]: raise ClientUsageException( "Item 'chg' or 'rem' accept only key 'mailing_addr'.") if ext_keys == ["chg"]: self.check_address_keys( extensions["chg"]["mailing_addr"].keys()) return self._epp.api_command( 'update_contact', { 'contact_id': contact_id, 'chg': chg, 'cltrid': cltrid, 'extensions': extensions }) @staticmethod def check_address_keys(addr): if not (len(addr) > 3 and set(addr) <= set(['street', 'city', 'pc', 'cc', 'sp'])): raise ClientUsageException( "Address must have keys 'street', 'city', 'pc', 'cc', 'sp' and optional 'sp'." ) def update_domain(self, name, add_admin=None, rem_admin=None, rem_tempc=None, chg=None, val_ex_date=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'update_domain' command is used to update values in the domain. SYNTAX: update_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name add_admin Administrative contact ID (unbounded list) rem_admin Administrative contact ID (unbounded list) rem_tempc Temporary contact ID (unbounded list) chg Change values nsset NSSET ID keyset KEYSET ID registrant Registrant ID auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer val_ex_date Validation expires at cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command( 'update_domain', { 'name': name, 'add_admin': add_admin, 'rem_admin': rem_admin, 'rem_tempc': rem_tempc, 'chg': chg, 'val_ex_date': val_ex_date, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def update_nsset(self, nsset_id, add=None, rem=None, auth_info=None, reportlevel=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'update_nsset' command is used to update values in the NSSET. SYNTAX: update_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID add Add values dns List of DNS (list with max 9 items.) name (required) Name server addr Server address (unbounded list) tech Technical contact ID (unbounded list) rem Remove values name Name server (list with max 9 items.) tech Technical contact ID (unbounded list) auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer reportlevel Report level. Range 0 - 10 cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command( 'update_nsset', { 'id': nsset_id, 'add': add, 'rem': rem, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'reportlevel': reportlevel, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def update_keyset(self, keyset_id, add=None, rem=None, auth_info=None, reportlevel=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'update_keyset' command is used to update values in the KEYSET. SYNTAX: update_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID add Add values dnskey LIST of keys (list with max DNSKEY_LIST_MAX items.) flags (required) Flags protocol (required) Protocol alg (required) Algorithm pub_key (required) Public key code dnskeyref LIST of filenames with dns keys (list with max DNSKEY_LIST_MAX items.) tech Technical contact ID (unbounded list) rem Remove values dnskey LIST of keys (list with max DNSKEY_LIST_MAX items.) flags (required) Flags protocol (required) Protocol alg (required) Algorithm pub_key (required) Public key code dnskeyref LIST of filenames with dns keys (list with max DNSKEY_LIST_MAX items.) tech Technical contact ID (unbounded list) auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command( 'update_keyset', { 'id': keyset_id, 'add': add, 'rem': rem, 'auth_info': auth_info, 'reportlevel': reportlevel, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def sendauthinfo_contact(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_contact' command transmit request for send password to contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_contact', { 'id': id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def sendauthinfo_nsset(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_nsset' command transmit request for send password to technical contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_nsset', { 'id': id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def sendauthinfo_keyset(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_keyset' command transmit request for send password to technical contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_keyset', { 'id': id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def sendauthinfo_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_domain' command transmit request for send password to registrant email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_domain', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def credit_info(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'credit_info' command returns credit information. SYNTAX: credit_info [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('credit_info', {'cltrid': cltrid}) def technical_test(self, id, level=None, name=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'technical_test' command transmit request for technical test for particular NSSET and domain. The result of the test will be saved into the message queue from where the registrant can fetch it by poll command. Every test has report level (number) and run just a parts what have equal or lower level number. Valid range is from 0 to 10. Set report level in the command create_nsset and update_nsset. SYNTAX: technical_test id name [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID level Report range level (0 - 10; higher = more detailed) name Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('technical_test', { 'id': id, 'level': level, 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def get_results(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Get results from server buffer. Server returns chunk of the list. Call 'get_results' again until you got all data. SYNTAX: get_results [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: get_results""" return self._epp.api_command('get_results', {'cltrid': cltrid}) def prep_contacts(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare list of the contacts. This command fills server buffer by list of contacts and set pointer at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_contacts [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_contacts""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_contacts', {'cltrid': cltrid}) def prep_nssets(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare list of the NSSETs. This command fills server buffer by list of nssets and set pointer at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_nssets [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_nssets""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_nssets', {'cltrid': cltrid}) def prep_keysets(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare list of the KEYSETs. This command fills server buffer by list of keysets and set pointer at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_keysets [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_keysets""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_keysets', {'cltrid': cltrid}) def prep_domains(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare list of the domains. This command fills server buffer by list of domains and set pointer at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_domains [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_domains""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_domains', {'cltrid': cltrid}) def prep_domains_by_nsset(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare domains by NSSET. This command fills server buffer by list of domains connected with defined nsset ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_domains_by_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_domains_by_nsset NSSID-VALID""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_domains_by_nsset', { 'id': id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def prep_domains_by_keyset(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare domains by KEYSET. This command fills server buffer by list of domains connected with defined keyset ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_domains_by_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_domains_by_keyset KEYSID-VALID""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_domains_by_keyset', { 'id': id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def prep_domains_by_contact(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare domains by contact. This command fills server buffer by list of domains where occurs defined contact ID. It can be Registrant ID or Admin ID or Temporary ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_domains_by_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_domains_by_contact CID-TECH""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_domains_by_contact', { 'id': id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def prep_nssets_by_contact(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare NSSETs by contact. This command fills server buffer by list of nssets connected with defined technical contact ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_nssets_by_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Technical contact cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_nssets_by_contact CID-ADMIN""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_nssets_by_contact', { 'id': id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def prep_keysets_by_contact(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare KEYSETs by contact. This command fills server buffer by list of keysets connected with defined technical contact ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_keysets_by_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Technical contact cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_keysets_by_contact CID-ADMIN""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_keysets_by_contact', { 'id': id, 'cltrid': cltrid }) def prep_nssets_by_ns(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare NSSETs by NS. This command fills server buffer by list of nssets connected with defined name server. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_nssets_by_ns name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Name server cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_nssets_by_ns""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_nssets_by_ns', { 'name': name, 'cltrid': cltrid }) #============================================================== def get_answer_dct(self): """Returns dict object answer. Same as every function returns. You can use this if you dont catch retvals from functions. """ return self._epp._dct_answer def get_answer(self, dct=None): "Returns str of dict object." return self._epp.get_answer(dct) def print_answer(self, dct=None): "Show dict object." self._epp.print_answer(dct) def print_errors(self): 'Display interal results.' self._epp.display() def src(self): 'Display EPP sources of the command and answer.' return '%s:\n%s\n%s\n%s:\n%s' % ('Command', self._epp._raw_cmd, '-' * 60, 'Answer', self._epp._raw_answer) def set_validate(self, mode): 'Set process validate ON/OFF. mode: 0/1.' self._epp.set_validate(mode) def is_val(self, names='code', dct=None): """Returns safetly value form dict (treat missing keys). Parametr names can by str or list ro tuple. """ return self._epp.get_value_from_dict(names, dct) def is_logon(self): 'Check if client is login on the server.' return self._epp.is_logon() def load_config(self, session=''): 'Load config file.' if len(session): translate.options['session'] = session return self._epp.load_config(translate.options) def set_data_connect(self, dc): 'Set data for connection: dc = {host: str, port: str, priv_key: str, cert: str, timeout: str }' return self._epp.set_data_connect(dc)
class Client: """EPP client API. Process whole EPP communication with server. Defaults values you can save into config file. Every function does: - check input parameters - fill missing params from config - build EPP command - send EPP command to the server - waiting for answer - receive EPP server ansver - compile answer to the dictionary - returns dict whith values from server dict has this format: code: (int) number of answer code reason: (str) message witt reason errors: (list) errors data: (dict) individual values - see doc or help in functions Functions accept parameters in this formats: (for example) - string login("user","pass") - list check_domain(['domain1','domain2','domain3']) - dict create_domain(period={'num':6, 'unit':'y'}, ... - list of dict update_nsset('handle_nsset', {'dns':[{'name':'ns.name1', 'addr':''}, {'name':'ns.name2', 'addr':''}, ...], 'tech':'...'}, ...) Exception is raised if any error occurs. """ def __init__(self, cwd=None): self._cwd = cwd self._epp = ManagerReceiver(cwd=self._cwd) def get_epp(self): return self._epp def connect(self): 'Connect to the server.' self._epp.connect() def close(self): 'Close connection with server.' self._epp.close() #============================================================== def check_contact(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'check_contact' command is used to determine if an contact can be provisioned within a repository. It provides a hint that allows a client to anticipate the success or failure of provisioning an contact using the 'create_contact' command as contact provisioning requirements are ultimately a matter of server policy. SYNTAX: check_contact name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Contact ID (unbounded list) cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('check_contact', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def check_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'check_domain' command is used to determine if an domain can be provisioned within a repository. It provides a hint that allows a client to anticipate the success or failure of provisioning an domain using the 'create_domain' command as domain provisioning requirements are ultimately a matter of server policy. SYNTAX: check_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name (unbounded list) cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('check_domain', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def check_nsset(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'check_nsset' command is used to determine if an NSSET can be provisioned within a repository. It provides a hint that allows a client to anticipate the success or failure of provisioning an nsset using the 'create_nsset' command as NSSET provisioning requirements are ultimately a matter of server policy. SYNTAX: check_nsset name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) NSSET ID (unbounded list) cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('check_nsset', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def check_keyset(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'check_keyset' command is used to determine if an KEYSET can be provisioned within a repository. It provides a hint that allows a client to anticipate the success or failure of provisioning an keyset using the 'create_keyset' command as KEYSET provisioning requirements are ultimately a matter of server policy. SYNTAX: check_keyset name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) KEYSET ID (unbounded list) cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('check_keyset', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def create_contact(self, contact_id, name, email, street, city, pc, cc, sp=None, org=None, auth_info=None, voice=None, fax=None, disclose=None, vat=None, ident=None, notify_email=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'create_contact' command is used to create an instance of the contact. Contact can be used for values of the owner, registrant or technical contact. Names what are not included into disclose list are set to opposite value of the disclose flag value. Identificator type can be: op Number identity card passport Number of passport mpsv Number of Ministry of Labour and social affairs ico Number of company birthday Birthday date SYNTAX: create_contact contact_id name email city cc [other_options] OPTIONS: contact_id (required) Contact ID name (required) Name email (required) Email street (required) Street (list with max 3 items.) city (required) City pc (required) Postal code cc (required) Country code sp State or province org Organisation auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer voice Phone fax Fax disclose Disclose flag (required) Disclose flag (default y) (y,n) data Data for with is set the flag value (list with max 9 items.) (voice,fax,email,vat,ident,notify_email) vat VAT (Value-added tax) ident Identificator number (required) Identificator number type (required) Identificator type (op,passport,mpsv,ico,birthday) notify_email Notification email cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('create_contact', { 'contact_id':contact_id, 'name':name, 'email':email, 'city':city, 'cc':cc, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'org':org, 'street':street, 'sp':sp, 'pc':pc, 'voice':voice, 'fax':fax, 'disclose':disclose, 'vat':vat, 'ident':ident, 'notify_email':notify_email, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def create_domain(self, name, registrant, auth_info=None, nsset=None, keyset=None, period=None, admin=None, val_ex_date=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'create_domain' command is used to create domain. A domain can be created for an indefinite period of time, or a domain can be created for a specific validity period. Basicly you can create two types of the domain: cz and ENUM. The difference is in parameter val_ex_date. It is required for ENUM domains. SYNTAX: create_domain name registrant [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name registrant (required) Registrant ID auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer nsset NSSET ID keyset KEYSET ID period Period num (required) Number of months or years unit (required) Period unit (y year(default), m month) admin Administrative contact ID (unbounded list) val_ex_date Validation expires at date. This value is required for ENUM domains. cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('create_domain', {'name':name, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'period':period, 'registrant':registrant, 'nsset':nsset, 'keyset':keyset, 'admin':admin, 'val_ex_date':val_ex_date, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def create_nsset(self, nsset_id, dns, tech, auth_info=None, reportlevel=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'create_nsset' command is used to create a record of the NSSET. Report level sets depth level of the technical test. These tests are maintained in regular intervals and in case of the problem the technical contact is informed. Report level is also applied on the test executed by the request throught EPP. Every test has report level (number) and run just a parts what have equal or lower level number. Valid range is from 0 to 10. SYNTAX: create_nsset id dns tech [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID dns (required) LIST of DNS (minimum 2 items, list with max 9 items.) name (required) Name server addr Server address (unbounded list) tech (required) Technical contact (unbounded list) auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer reportlevel Report level. Range 0 - 10 cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('create_nsset', {'id':nsset_id, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'dns':dns, 'tech':tech, 'reportlevel':reportlevel, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def create_keyset(self, keyset_id, dnskey, dnskeyref, tech, auth_info=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'create_keyset' command is used to create a record of the KEYSET. SYNTAX: create_keyset id dnskey tech [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID dnskey LIST of keys (list with max 9 items.) flags (required) Flags protocol (required) Protocol alg (required) Algorithm pub_key (required) Public key code dnskeyref LIST of filenames with dns keys (list with max 9 items.) tech (required) Technical contact (unbounded list) auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('create_keyset', {'id':keyset_id, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'dnskey':dnskey, 'dnskeyref':dnskeyref, 'tech':tech, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def delete_contact(self, contact_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'delete_contact' command is used to remove a record of the contact. SYNTAX: delete_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('delete_contact', {'id':contact_id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def delete_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'delete_domain' command is used to remove a record of the domain. SYNTAX: delete_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('delete_domain', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def delete_nsset(self, nsset_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'delete_nsset' command is used to remove a record of the nsset. SYNTAX: delete_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('delete_nsset', {'id':nsset_id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def delete_keyset(self, keyset_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'delete_keyset' command is used to remove a record of the keyset. SYNTAX: delete_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('delete_keyset', {'id':keyset_id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def hello(self): """DESCRIPTION: Command 'hello' is used to obtain information from the server. The server answer to 'hello' command is Greeting message. This message is used usualy at the begining of the session for getting some variables usefull for communication. Within Server version or ID you can got available languages, Data Collection policy etc. Command 'hello' you can call at any time. SYNTAX: hello OPTIONS: """ return self._epp.api_command('hello') def info_contact(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'info_contact' command is used to retrieve information associated with an existing contact. The value 'Password for transfer' is shown only for privileged user. SYNTAX: info_contact name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('info_contact', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def info_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'info_domain' command is used to retrieve information associated with an existing domain. The value 'Password for transfer' is shown only for privileged user. In addition for domain ENUM type the private values are also 'Registrant ID' and 'Administrative contact'. SYNTAX: info_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('info_domain', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def info_nsset(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'info_nsset' command is used to retrieve information associated with an existing NSSET. The value 'Password for transfer' is shown only for privileged user. SYNTAX: info_nsset name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('info_nsset', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def info_keyset(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'info_keyset' command is used to retrieve information associated with an existing KEYSET. The value 'Password for transfer' is shown only for privileged user. SYNTAX: info_keyset name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('info_keyset', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def login(self, username, password, new_password=None, lang=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The "login" command establishes an ongoing server session that preserves client identity and authorization information during the duration of the session. Parametr "lang" set session and client language together. Language is possible to set also by option on the command line, or define it in configuration file or set by client command 'lang'. Using parameter 'new_password' you can change password. SYNTAX: login username password [other_options] OPTIONS: username (required) Username password (required) Password new_password New password lang Language version cltrid Client transaction ID""" if self._epp._conf: # if parameters are set as a list, use first item only. This list haven't been never empty. if type(username) in (list, tuple): username = username[0] if type(password) in (list, tuple): password = password[0] # We need save username+password to config section epp_login. # It is used by function get_actual_username_and_password() for obtain # actual login values. This is used in unittest for check value equality. self._epp._conf.set(self._epp._section_epp_login, 'username', username) self._epp._conf.set(self._epp._section_epp_login, 'password', password) return self._epp.api_command('login', {'username':username, 'password':password, 'new_password':new_password, 'lang':lang, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def logout(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP "logout" command is used to end a session with the server. But client will be still running. For close client type 'quit' (see help). Before quit the client send logout automaticly. SYNTAX: logout [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('logout', {'cltrid':cltrid}) def poll(self, op, msg_id=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Poll command is used to discover and retrieve service messages. They are saved in the message queue. When you send poll with parameter op = req, you get only the last message from the queue. But this message still remains on the queue. For remove message from the queue set poll op = ack and ID of this message. So you needs to send two poll commands for manage one message: 1. reading, 2. removing. See help poll_autoack for client function that sends this commands together. SYNTAX: poll op [other_options] OPTIONS: op (required) Query type msg_id (required) Index of message (required only with op = 'ack') cltrid Client transaction ID""" if type(msg_id) is int: msg_id = str(msg_id) # allowed strings only return self._epp.api_command('poll', {'op':op, 'msg_id':msg_id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def sendauthinfo_contact(self, contact_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_contact' command transmit request for send password to contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_contact', {'id':contact_id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def sendauthinfo_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_domain' command transmit request for send password to registrant email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_domain', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def sendauthinfo_nsset(self, nsset_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_nsset' command transmit request for send password to technical contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_nsset', {'id':nsset_id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def sendauthinfo_keyset(self, keyset_id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_keyset' command transmit request for send password to technical contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_keyset', {'id':keyset_id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def credit_info(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'credit_info' command returns credit information. SYNTAX: credit_info [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('credit_info', {'cltrid':cltrid}) def renew_domain(self, name, cur_exp_date, period=None, val_ex_date=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: A domain names have a specified validity period. The server policy supports domain validity periods and the validity period is defined when a domain is created. This validity can be extended by the EPP 'renew_domain' command. Validity periods are measured in years or months with the appropriate units specified using the 'unit' attribute. Valid values for the 'unit' attribute are 'y' for years and 'm' for months. The minimum and maximum allowable period is defined in the Communication rules. SYNTAX: renew_domain name cur_exp_date [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cur_exp_date (required) Expiration date period Period num (required) Number of months or years unit (required) Period unit (y year(default), m month) val_ex_date Validation expires at cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('renew_domain', {'name':name, 'cur_exp_date':cur_exp_date, 'period':period, 'val_ex_date':val_ex_date, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def transfer_contact(self, name, auth_info, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'transfer_contact' command makes change in contact sponsorship of a designated registrar. New password for authorisation will be generated automaticly after succefull transfer. SYNTAX: transfer_contact name auth_info [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Contact ID auth_info (required) Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('transfer_contact', {'name':name, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def transfer_domain(self, name, auth_info, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'transfer_domain' command makes change in domain sponsorship of a designated registrar. New password for authorisation will be generated automaticly after succefull transfer. SYNTAX: transfer_domain name auth_info [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name of domain to change sponsorship auth_info (required) Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('transfer_domain', {'name':name, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def transfer_nsset(self, name, auth_info, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'transfer_nsset' command makes change in NSSET sponsorship of a designated registrar. New password for authorisation will be generated automaticly after succefull transfer. SYNTAX: transfer_nsset name auth_info [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) NSSET ID auth_info (required) Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('transfer_nsset', {'name':name, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def transfer_keyset(self, name, auth_info, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'transfer_keyset' command makes change in KEYSET sponsorship of a designated registrar. New password for authorisation will be generated automaticly after succefull transfer. SYNTAX: transfer_keyset name auth_info [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) KEYSET ID auth_info (required) Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('transfer_keyset', {'name':name, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def update_contact(self, contact_id, chg=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'update_contact' command is used to update values in the contact. Names what are not included into disclose list are set to opposite value of the disclose flag value. Identificator type can be: op Number identity card passport Number of passport mpsv Number of Ministry of Labour and social affairs ico Number of company birthday Birthday date SYNTAX: update_contact contact_id [other_options] OPTIONS: contact_id (required) Contact ID chg Change values postal_info Postal informations name Name org Organisation addr Address street (required) Street (list with max 3 items.) city (required) City pc (required) Postal code cc (required) Country code sp State or province voice Phone fax Fax email Email auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer disclose Disclose flag (required) Disclose flag (default y) data data for with is set the flag value (list with max 6 items.) vat VAT ident Identificator type (required) Identificator type number (required) Identificator number notify_email Notification email cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('update_contact', {'contact_id':contact_id, 'chg':chg, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def update_domain(self, name, add_admin=None, rem_admin=None, rem_tempc=None, chg=None, val_ex_date=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'update_domain' command is used to update values in the domain. SYNTAX: update_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name add_admin Administrative contact ID (unbounded list) rem_admin Administrative contact ID (unbounded list) rem_tempc Temporary contact ID (unbounded list) chg Change values nsset NSSET ID keyset KEYSET ID registrant Registrant ID auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer val_ex_date Validation expires at cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('update_domain', {'name':name, 'add_admin':add_admin, 'rem_admin':rem_admin, 'rem_tempc':rem_tempc, 'chg':chg, 'val_ex_date':val_ex_date, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def update_nsset(self, nsset_id, add=None, rem=None, auth_info=None, reportlevel=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'update_nsset' command is used to update values in the NSSET. SYNTAX: update_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID add Add values dns List of DNS (list with max 9 items.) name (required) Name server addr Server address (unbounded list) tech Technical contact ID (unbounded list) rem Remove values name Name server (list with max 9 items.) tech Technical contact ID (unbounded list) auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer reportlevel Report level. Range 0 - 10 cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('update_nsset', {'id':nsset_id, 'add':add, 'rem':rem, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'reportlevel':reportlevel, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def update_keyset(self, keyset_id, add=None, rem=None, auth_info=None, reportlevel=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'update_keyset' command is used to update values in the KEYSET. SYNTAX: update_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID add Add values dnskey LIST of keys (list with max 9 items.) flags (required) Flags protocol (required) Protocol alg (required) Algorithm pub_key (required) Public key code dnskeyref LIST of filenames with dns keys (list with max 9 items.) tech Technical contact ID (unbounded list) rem Remove values dnskey LIST of keys (list with max 9 items.) flags (required) Flags protocol (required) Protocol alg (required) Algorithm pub_key (required) Public key code dnskeyref LIST of filenames with dns keys (list with max 9 items.) tech Technical contact ID (unbounded list) auth_info Password required by server to authorize the transfer cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('update_keyset', {'id':keyset_id, 'add':add, 'rem':rem, 'auth_info':auth_info, 'reportlevel':reportlevel, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def sendauthinfo_contact(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_contact' command transmit request for send password to contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_contact', {'id':id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def sendauthinfo_nsset(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_nsset' command transmit request for send password to technical contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_nsset', {'id':id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def sendauthinfo_keyset(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_keyset' command transmit request for send password to technical contact email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_keyset', {'id':id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def sendauthinfo_domain(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'sendauthinfo_domain' command transmit request for send password to registrant email. This command is usefull during transfer when owner and new registrar needn't require previous registrar for password. SYNTAX: sendauthinfo_domain name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('sendauthinfo_domain', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def credit_info(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'credit_info' command returns credit information. SYNTAX: credit_info [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('credit_info', {'cltrid':cltrid}) def technical_test(self, id, level=None, name=None, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: The EPP 'technical_test' command transmit request for technical test for particular NSSET and domain. The result of the test will be saved into the message queue from where the registrant can fetch it by poll command. Every test has report level (number) and run just a parts what have equal or lower level number. Valid range is from 0 to 10. Set report level in the command create_nsset and update_nsset. SYNTAX: technical_test id name [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID level Report range level (0 - 10; higher = more detailed) name Domain name cltrid Client transaction ID""" return self._epp.api_command('technical_test', {'id':id, 'level':level, 'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def get_results(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Get results from server buffer. Server returns chunk of the list. Call 'get_results' again until you got all data. SYNTAX: get_results [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: get_results""" return self._epp.api_command('get_results', {'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_contacts(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare list of the contacts. This command fills server buffer by list of contacts and set pointer at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_contacts [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_contacts""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_contacts', {'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_nssets(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare list of the NSSETs. This command fills server buffer by list of nssets and set pointer at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_nssets [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_nssets""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_nssets', {'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_keysets(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare list of the KEYSETs. This command fills server buffer by list of keysets and set pointer at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_keysets [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_keysets""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_keysets', {'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_domains(self, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare list of the domains. This command fills server buffer by list of domains and set pointer at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_domains [other_options] OPTIONS: cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_domains""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_domains', {'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_domains_by_nsset(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare domains by NSSET. This command fills server buffer by list of domains connected with defined nsset ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_domains_by_nsset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) NSSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_domains_by_nsset NSSID:VALID""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_domains_by_nsset', {'id':id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_domains_by_keyset(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare domains by KEYSET. This command fills server buffer by list of domains connected with defined keyset ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_domains_by_keyset id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) KEYSET ID cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_domains_by_keyset KEYSID:VALID""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_domains_by_keyset', {'id':id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_domains_by_contact(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare domains by contact. This command fills server buffer by list of domains where occurs defined contact ID. It can be Registrant ID or Admin ID or Temporary ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_domains_by_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Contact ID cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_domains_by_contact CID:TECH""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_domains_by_contact', {'id':id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_nssets_by_contact(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare NSSETs by contact. This command fills server buffer by list of nssets connected with defined technical contact ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_nssets_by_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Technical contact cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_nssets_by_contact CID:ADMIN""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_nssets_by_contact', {'id':id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_keysets_by_contact(self, id, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare KEYSETs by contact. This command fills server buffer by list of keysets connected with defined technical contact ID. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_keysets_by_contact id [other_options] OPTIONS: id (required) Technical contact cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_keysets_by_contact CID:ADMIN""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_keysets_by_contact', {'id':id, 'cltrid':cltrid}) def prep_nssets_by_ns(self, name, cltrid=None): """DESCRIPTION: Prepare NSSETs by NS. This command fills server buffer by list of nssets connected with defined name server. The pointer is set at the beginning of the list. The list is taken in sequence by calling command 'get_results' repeatedly until any data comming. SYNTAX: prep_nssets_by_ns name [other_options] OPTIONS: name (required) Name server cltrid Client transaction ID EXAMPLES: prep_nssets_by_ns""" return self._epp.api_command('prep_nssets_by_ns', {'name':name, 'cltrid':cltrid}) #============================================================== def get_answer_dct(self): """Returns dict object answer. Same as every function returns. You can use this if you dont catch retvals from functions. """ return self._epp._dct_answer def get_answer(self, dct=None): "Returns str of dict object." return self._epp.get_answer(dct) def print_answer(self, dct=None): "Show dict object." self._epp.print_answer(dct) def print_errors(self): 'Display interal results.' self._epp.display() def src(self): 'Display EPP sources of the command and answer.' return '%s:\n%s\n%s\n%s:\n%s' % ('Command', self._epp._raw_cmd, '-' * 60, 'Answer', self._epp._raw_answer) def set_validate(self, mode): 'Set process validate ON/OFF. mode: 0/1.' self._epp.set_validate(mode) def is_val(self, names='code', dct=None): """Returns safetly value form dict (treat missing keys). Parametr names can by str or list ro tuple. """ return self._epp.get_value_from_dict(names, dct) def is_logon(self): 'Check if client is login on the server.' return self._epp.is_logon() def load_config(self, session=''): 'Load config file.' if len(session): translate.options['session'] = session return self._epp.load_config(translate.options) def set_data_connect(self, dc): 'Set data for connection: dc = {host: str, port: str, priv_key: str, cert: str, timeout: str }' return self._epp.set_data_connect(dc)
def __init__(self, cwd=None): self._cwd = cwd self._epp = ManagerReceiver(cwd=self._cwd)