Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, anchor, normal, bounds):
        Struct.__init__(self, anchor=nm.array(anchor, dtype=nm.float64),
                        bounds=nm.asarray(bounds, dtype=nm.float64))
        self.normal = nm.asarray(normal, dtype=nm.float64)

        norm = nm.linalg.norm
        self.normal /= norm(self.normal)

        e3 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
        dd =, self.normal)
        rot_angle = nm.arccos(dd)

        if nm.abs(rot_angle) < 1e-14:
            mtx = nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64)
            bounds2d = self.bounds[:, :2]

            rot_axis = nm.cross([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], self.normal)
            mtx = la.make_axis_rotation_matrix(rot_axis, rot_angle)

            mm = la.insert_strided_axis(mtx, 0, self.bounds.shape[0])
            rbounds = la.dot_sequences(mm, self.bounds)
            bounds2d = rbounds[:, :2]

        assert_(nm.allclose(, self.normal), e3,
                            rtol=0.0, atol=1e-12))

        self.adotn =, self.normal)

        self.rot_angle = rot_angle
        self.mtx = mtx
        self.bounds2d = bounds2d
Esempio n. 2
    def get_fargs(self, kappa, virtual, state,
                  mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs):
        from sfepy.discrete.variables import create_adof_conn, expand_basis

        geo, _ = self.get_mapping(state)

        n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(virtual)

        ebf = expand_basis(, dim)

        aux = nm.einsum('i,...ij->...j', kappa, ebf)[0, :, None, :]
        kebf = insert_strided_axis(aux, 0, n_el)

        if diff_var is None:
            econn = state.field.get_econn('volume', self.region)
            adc = create_adof_conn(nm.arange(state.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32),
                                   econn, n_c, 0)
            vals = state()[adc]
            aux = dot_sequences(kebf, vals[:, None, :, None])
            out_qp = dot_sequences(kebf, aux, 'ATB')
            fmode = 0

            out_qp = dot_sequences(kebf, kebf, 'ATB')
            fmode = 1

        return out_qp, geo, fmode
Esempio n. 3
    def get_coors(self, ig=None):
        Get the coordinates of vertices of unique facets in group `ig`.

        ig : int, optional
            The element group. If None, the coordinates for all groups
            are returned, filled with zeros at places of missing
            vertices, i.e. where facets having less then the full number
            of vertices (`n_v`) are.

        coors : array
            The coordinates in an array of shape `(n_f, n_v, dim)`.
        uid : array
            The unique ids of facets in the order of `coors`.
        cc = self.domain.get_mesh_coors()

        if ig is None:
            uid, ii = unique(self.uid_i, return_index=True)
            facets = self.facets[ii]
            aux = insert_strided_axis(facets, 2, cc.shape[1])
            coors = nm.where(aux >= 0, cc[facets], 0.0)

            uid_i = self.uid_i[self.indx[ig]]
            uid, ii = unique(uid_i, return_index=True)

            coors = cc[self.facets[ii, :self.n_fps[ig]]]

        return coors, uid
Esempio n. 4
    def get_fargs(self,
        from sfepy.discrete.variables import create_adof_conn, expand_basis

        geo, _ = self.get_mapping(state)

        n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(virtual)

        ebf = expand_basis(, dim)

        aux = nm.einsum('i,...ij->...j', kappa, ebf)[0, :, None, :]
        kebf = insert_strided_axis(aux, 0, n_el)

        if diff_var is None:
            econn = state.field.get_econn('volume', self.region)
            adc = create_adof_conn(nm.arange(state.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32),
                                   econn, n_c, 0)
            vals = state()[adc]
            aux = dot_sequences(kebf, vals[:, None, :, None])
            out_qp = dot_sequences(kebf, aux, 'ATB')
            fmode = 0

            out_qp = dot_sequences(kebf, kebf, 'ATB')
            fmode = 1

        return out_qp, geo, fmode
Esempio n. 5
    def get_coors(self, ig=None):
        Get the coordinates of vertices of unique facets in group `ig`.

        ig : int, optional
            The element group. If None, the coordinates for all groups
            are returned, filled with zeros at places of missing
            vertices, i.e. where facets having less then the full number
            of vertices (`n_v`) are.

        coors : array
            The coordinates in an array of shape `(n_f, n_v, dim)`.
        uid : array
            The unique ids of facets in the order of `coors`.
        cc = self.domain.get_mesh_coors()

        if ig is None:
            uid, ii = unique(self.uid_i, return_index=True)
            facets = self.facets[ii]
            aux = insert_strided_axis(facets, 2, cc.shape[1])
            coors = nm.where(aux >= 0, cc[facets], 0.0)

            uid_i = self.uid_i[self.indx[ig]]
            uid, ii = unique(uid_i, return_index=True)

            coors = cc[self.facets[ii,:self.n_fps[ig]]]

        return coors, uid
Esempio n. 6
    def get_fargs(self,
        from sfepy.discrete.variables import create_adof_conn, expand_basis

        geo, _ = self.get_mapping(dvar)

        n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(kvar)

        ebf = expand_basis(, dim)

        aux = nm.einsum('i,...ij->...j', kappa, ebf)[0, :, None, :]
        kebf = insert_strided_axis(aux, 0, n_el)

        div_bf = geo.bfg

        div_bf = div_bf.reshape((n_el, n_qp, 1, dim * n_en))
        div_bf = nm.ascontiguousarray(div_bf)

        if diff_var is None:
            avar = dvar if self.mode == 'kd' else kvar
            econn = avar.field.get_econn('volume', self.region)
            adc = create_adof_conn(nm.arange(avar.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32),
                                   econn, n_c, 0)
            vals = avar()[adc]

            if self.mode == 'kd':
                aux = dot_sequences(div_bf, vals[:, None, :, None])
                out_qp = dot_sequences(kebf, aux, 'ATB')

                aux = dot_sequences(kebf, vals[:, None, :, None])
                out_qp = dot_sequences(div_bf, aux, 'ATB')

            fmode = 0

            if self.mode == 'kd':
                out_qp = dot_sequences(kebf, div_bf, 'ATB')

                out_qp = dot_sequences(div_bf, kebf, 'ATB')

            fmode = 1

        return out_qp, geo, fmode
    def test_tensors(self):
        import numpy as nm
        from sfepy.linalg import dot_sequences, insert_strided_axis

        ok = True

        a = nm.arange(1, 10).reshape(3, 3)
        b = nm.arange(9, 0, -1).reshape(3, 3)

        dab =, b)
        dabt =, b.T)
        datb =, b)
        datbt =, b.T)

        sa = insert_strided_axis(a, 0, 10)
        sb = insert_strided_axis(b, 0, 10)

        dsab = dot_sequences(sa, sb, mode='AB')
        _ok = nm.allclose(dab[None, ...], dsab, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'dot_sequences AB: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        dsabt = dot_sequences(sa, sb, mode='ABT')
        _ok = nm.allclose(dabt[None, ...], dsabt, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'dot_sequences ABT: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        dsatb = dot_sequences(sa, sb, mode='ATB')
        _ok = nm.allclose(datb[None, ...], dsatb, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'dot_sequences ATB: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        dsatbt = dot_sequences(sa, sb, mode='ATBT')
        _ok = nm.allclose(datbt[None, ...], dsatbt, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'dot_sequences ATBT: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        return ok
Esempio n. 8
    def test_tensors(self):
        import numpy as nm
        from sfepy.linalg import dot_sequences, insert_strided_axis

        ok = True

        a = nm.arange(1, 10).reshape(3, 3)
        b = nm.arange(9, 0, -1).reshape(3, 3)

        dab =, b)
        dabt =, b.T)
        datb =, b)
        datbt =, b.T)

        sa = insert_strided_axis(a, 0, 10)
        sb = insert_strided_axis(b, 0, 10)

        dsab = dot_sequences(sa, sb, mode='AB')
        _ok = nm.allclose(dab[None, ...], dsab, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'dot_sequences AB: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        dsabt = dot_sequences(sa, sb, mode='ABT')
        _ok = nm.allclose(dabt[None, ...], dsabt, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'dot_sequences ABT: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        dsatb = dot_sequences(sa, sb, mode='ATB')
        _ok = nm.allclose(datb[None, ...], dsatb, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'dot_sequences ATB: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        dsatbt = dot_sequences(sa, sb, mode='ATBT')
        _ok = nm.allclose(datbt[None, ...], dsatbt, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'dot_sequences ATBT: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        return ok
Esempio n. 9
    def _eval_base(self,
        See PolySpace.eval_base().
        from extmods.lobatto_bases import eval_lobatto_tensor_product as ev
        c_min, c_max = self.bbox[:, 0]

        base = ev(coors, self.nodes, c_min, c_max, self.order, diff)

        if ori is not None:
            ebase = nm.tile(base, (ori.shape[0], 1, 1, 1))

            if self.edge_indx.shape[0]:
                # Orient edge functions.
                ie, ii = nm.where(ori[:, self.edge_indx] == 1)
                ii = self.edge_indx[ii]
                ebase[ie, :, :, ii] *= -1.0

            if self.face_indx.shape[0]:
                # Orient face functions.
                fori = ori[:, self.face_indx]

                # ... normal axis order
                ie, ii = nm.where((fori == 1) | (fori == 2))
                ii = self.face_indx[ii]
                ebase[ie, :, :, ii] *= -1.0

                # ... swapped axis order
                sbase = ev(coors, self.sfnodes, c_min, c_max, self.order, diff)
                sbase = insert_strided_axis(sbase, 0, ori.shape[0])

                # ...overwrite with swapped axes basis.
                ie, ii = nm.where(fori >= 4)
                ii2 = self.face_indx[ii]
                ebase[ie, :, :, ii2] = sbase[ie, :, :, ii]

                # with orientation.
                ie, ii = nm.where((fori == 5) | (fori == 6))
                ii = self.face_indx[ii]
                ebase[ie, :, :, ii] *= -1.0

            base = ebase

        return base
Esempio n. 10
    def _eval_base(self, coors, diff=False, ori=None,
                   suppress_errors=False, eps=1e-15):
        See PolySpace.eval_base().
        from .extmods.lobatto_bases import eval_lobatto_tensor_product as ev
        c_min, c_max = self.bbox[:, 0]

        base = ev(coors, self.nodes, c_min, c_max, self.order, diff)

        if ori is not None:
            ebase = nm.tile(base, (ori.shape[0], 1, 1, 1))

            if self.edge_indx.shape[0]:
                # Orient edge functions.
                ie, ii = nm.where(ori[:, self.edge_indx] == 1)
                ii = self.edge_indx[ii]
                ebase[ie, :, :, ii] *= -1.0

            if self.face_indx.shape[0]:
                # Orient face functions.
                fori = ori[:, self.face_indx]

                # ... normal axis order
                ie, ii = nm.where((fori == 1) | (fori == 2))
                ii = self.face_indx[ii]
                ebase[ie, :, :, ii] *= -1.0

                # ... swapped axis order
                sbase = ev(coors, self.sfnodes, c_min, c_max, self.order, diff)
                sbase = insert_strided_axis(sbase, 0, ori.shape[0])

                # ...overwrite with swapped axes basis.
                ie, ii = nm.where(fori >= 4)
                ii2 = self.face_indx[ii]
                ebase[ie, :, :, ii2] = sbase[ie, :, :, ii]

                # with orientation.
                ie, ii = nm.where((fori == 5) | (fori == 6))
                ii = self.face_indx[ii]
                ebase[ie, :, :, ii] *= -1.0

            base = ebase

        return base
Esempio n. 11
    def get_fargs(self, kappa, kvar, dvar,
                  mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs):
        from sfepy.discrete.variables import create_adof_conn, expand_basis

        geo, _ = self.get_mapping(dvar)

        n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(kvar)

        ebf = expand_basis(, dim)

        aux = nm.einsum('i,...ij->...j', kappa, ebf)[0, :, None, :]
        kebf = insert_strided_axis(aux, 0, n_el)

        div_bf = geo.bfg

        div_bf = div_bf.reshape((n_el, n_qp, 1, dim * n_en))
        div_bf = nm.ascontiguousarray(div_bf)

        if diff_var is None:
            avar = dvar if self.mode == 'kd' else kvar
            econn = avar.field.get_econn('volume', self.region)
            adc = create_adof_conn(nm.arange(avar.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32),
                                   econn, n_c, 0)
            vals = avar()[adc]

            if self.mode == 'kd':
                aux = dot_sequences(div_bf, vals[:, None, :, None])
                out_qp = dot_sequences(kebf, aux, 'ATB')

                aux = dot_sequences(kebf, vals[:, None, :, None])
                out_qp = dot_sequences(div_bf, aux, 'ATB')

            fmode = 0

            if self.mode == 'kd':
                out_qp = dot_sequences(kebf, div_bf, 'ATB')

                out_qp = dot_sequences(div_bf, kebf, 'ATB')

            fmode = 1

        return out_qp, geo, fmode
Esempio n. 12
    def mask_points(self, points):
        mm = la.insert_strided_axis(self.mtx, 0, points.shape[0])
        points2d = la.dot_sequences(mm, points)[:, :2]

        return la.flag_points_in_polygon2d(self.bounds2d, points2d)
Esempio n. 13
def describe_deformation(el_disps, bfg):
    Describe deformation of a thin incompressible 2D membrane in 3D
    space, composed of flat finite element faces.

    The coordinate system of each element (face), i.e. the membrane
    mid-surface, should coincide with the `x`, `y` axes of the `x-y`

    el_disps : array
        The displacements of element nodes, shape `(n_el, n_ep, dim)`.
    bfg : array
        The in-plane base function gradients, shape `(n_el, n_qp, dim-1,

    mtx_c ; array
        The in-plane right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor
        :math:`C_{ij}`, :math:`i, j = 1, 2`.
    c33 : array
        The component :math:`C_{33}` computed from the incompressibility
    mtx_b : array
        The discrete Green strain variation operator.
    sh = bfg.shape
    n_ep = sh[3]

    dim = el_disps.shape[2]
    sym2 = dim2sym(dim-1)

    # Repeat el_disps by number of quadrature points.
    el_disps_qp = insert_strided_axis(el_disps, 1, bfg.shape[1])

    # Transformed (in-plane) displacement gradient with
    # shape (n_el, n_qp, 2 (-> a), 3 (-> i)), du_i/dX_a.
    du = dot_sequences(bfg, el_disps_qp)

    # Deformation gradient F w.r.t. in plane coordinates.
    # F_{ia} = dx_i / dX_a,
    # a \in {1, 2} (rows), i \in {1, 2, 3} (columns).
    mtx_f = du + nm.eye(dim - 1, dim, dtype=du.dtype)

    # Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor C.
    # C_{ab} = F_{ka} F_{kb}, a, b \in {1, 2}.
    mtx_c = dot_sequences(mtx_f, mtx_f, 'ABT')

    # C_33 from incompressibility.
    c33 = 1.0 / (mtx_c[..., 0, 0] * mtx_c[..., 1, 1]
                 - mtx_c[..., 0, 1]**2)

    # Discrete Green strain variation operator.
    mtx_b = nm.empty((sh[0], sh[1], sym2, dim * n_ep), dtype=nm.float64)
    mtx_b[..., 0, 0*n_ep:1*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 0:1]
    mtx_b[..., 0, 1*n_ep:2*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 1:2]
    mtx_b[..., 0, 2*n_ep:3*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 2:3]
    mtx_b[..., 1, 0*n_ep:1*n_ep] = bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 0:1]
    mtx_b[..., 1, 1*n_ep:2*n_ep] = bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 1:2]
    mtx_b[..., 1, 2*n_ep:3*n_ep] = bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 2:3]
    mtx_b[..., 2, 0*n_ep:1*n_ep] = bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 0:1] \
                                   + bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 0:1]
    mtx_b[..., 2, 1*n_ep:2*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 1:2] \
                                   + bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 1:2]
    mtx_b[..., 2, 2*n_ep:3*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 2:3] \
                                   + bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 2:3]

    return mtx_c, c33, mtx_b
Esempio n. 14
def describe_deformation(el_disps, bfg):
    Describe deformation of a thin incompressible 2D membrane in 3D
    space, composed of flat finite element faces.

    The coordinate system of each element (face), i.e. the membrane
    mid-surface, should coincide with the `x`, `y` axes of the `x-y`

    el_disps : array
        The displacements of element nodes, shape `(n_el, n_ep, dim)`.
    bfg : array
        The in-plane base function gradients, shape `(n_el, n_qp, dim-1,

    mtx_c ; array
        The in-plane right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor
        :math:`C_{ij}`, :math:`i, j = 1, 2`.
    c33 : array
        The component :math:`C_{33}` computed from the incompressibility
    mtx_b : array
        The discrete Green strain variation operator.
    sh = bfg.shape
    n_ep = sh[3]

    dim = el_disps.shape[2]
    sym2 = dim2sym(dim-1)

    # Repeat el_disps by number of quadrature points.
    el_disps_qp = insert_strided_axis(el_disps, 1, bfg.shape[1])

    # Transformed (in-plane) displacement gradient with
    # shape (n_el, n_qp, 2 (-> a), 3 (-> i)), du_i/dX_a.
    du = dot_sequences(bfg, el_disps_qp)

    # Deformation gradient F w.r.t. in plane coordinates.
    # F_{ia} = dx_i / dX_a,
    # a \in {1, 2} (rows), i \in {1, 2, 3} (columns).
    mtx_f = du + nm.eye(dim - 1, dim, dtype=du.dtype)

    # Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor C.
    # C_{ab} = F_{ka} F_{kb}, a, b \in {1, 2}.
    mtx_c = dot_sequences(mtx_f, mtx_f, 'ABT')

    # C_33 from incompressibility.
    c33 = 1.0 / (mtx_c[..., 0, 0] * mtx_c[..., 1, 1]
                 - mtx_c[..., 0, 1]**2)

    # Discrete Green strain variation operator.
    mtx_b = nm.empty((sh[0], sh[1], sym2, dim * n_ep), dtype=nm.float64)
    mtx_b[..., 0, 0*n_ep:1*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 0:1]
    mtx_b[..., 0, 1*n_ep:2*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 1:2]
    mtx_b[..., 0, 2*n_ep:3*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 2:3]
    mtx_b[..., 1, 0*n_ep:1*n_ep] = bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 0:1]
    mtx_b[..., 1, 1*n_ep:2*n_ep] = bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 1:2]
    mtx_b[..., 1, 2*n_ep:3*n_ep] = bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 2:3]
    mtx_b[..., 2, 0*n_ep:1*n_ep] = bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 0:1] \
                                   + bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 0:1]
    mtx_b[..., 2, 1*n_ep:2*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 1:2] \
                                   + bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 1:2]
    mtx_b[..., 2, 2*n_ep:3*n_ep] = bfg[..., 0, :] * mtx_f[..., 1, 2:3] \
                                   + bfg[..., 1, :] * mtx_f[..., 0, 2:3]

    return mtx_c, c33, mtx_b