Esempio n. 1
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_2 = {
                'name' : 'lobpcg',
                'kind' : 'eig.scipy_lobpcg',

                'i_max' : 20,
                'n_eigs' : 5,
                'eps_a' : None,
                'largest' : True,
                'precond' : None,
                'verbosity' : 0,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = EigenvalueSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(i_max=get('i_max', 20),
                      n_eigs=get('n_eigs', None),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', None),
                      largest=get('largest', True),
                      precond=get('precond', None),
                      verbosity=get('verbosity', 0)) + common
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: mfkiwl/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_120 = {
                'name' : 'ls120',
                'kind' : 'ls.petsc',

                'method' : 'cg', # ksp_type
                'precond' : 'icc', # pc_type
                'precond_side' : 'left', # ksp_pc_side
                'eps_a' : 1e-12, # abstol
                'eps_r' : 1e-12, # rtol
                'eps_d' : 1e5, # divtol
                'i_max' : 1000, # maxits
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = LinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(method=get('method', 'cg'),
                      precond=get('precond', 'icc'),
                      precond_side=get('precond_side', None),
                      i_max=get('i_max', 100),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', 1e-8),
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1e-8),
                      eps_d=get('eps_d', 1e5)) + common
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: LeiDai/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Setup solver configuration options.

        Example configuration::

            solvers = {
                'ls': ('ls.schur_generalized',
                        {'u': ['displacement1', 'displacement2'],
                         'v': ['velocity1', 'velocity2'],
                         'w': ['pressure1', 'pressure2'],
                        'function': my_schur,
                        'needs_problem_instance': True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = ScipyDirect.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return Struct(blocks=get('blocks', None,
                                 'missing "blocks" in options!'),
                      function=get('function', None,
                                   'missing "function" in options!'),
                      needs_problem_instance=True) + common
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: LeiDai/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'ls',
                'kind' : 'ls.petsc_parallel',

                'log_dir' : '.', # Store logs here.
                'n_proc' : 5, # Number of processes to run.

                'method' : 'cg', # ksp_type
                'precond' : 'bjacobi', # pc_type
                'sub_precond' : 'icc', # sub_pc_type
                'eps_a' : 1e-12, # abstol
                'eps_r' : 1e-12, # rtol
                'eps_d' : 1e5, # divtol
                'i_max' : 1000, # maxits
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = PETScKrylovSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return Struct(log_dir=get('log_dir', '.'),
                      n_proc=get('n_proc', 1),
                      sub_precond=get('sub_precond', 'icc')) + common
Esempio n. 5
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_2 = {
                'name' : 'lobpcg',
                'kind' : 'eig.scipy_lobpcg',

                'i_max' : 20,
                'n_eigs' : 5,
                'eps_a' : None,
                'largest' : True,
                'precond' : None,
                'verbosity' : 0,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = EigenvalueSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(i_max=get('i_max', 20),
                      n_eigs=get('n_eigs', None),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', None),
                      largest=get('largest', True),
                      precond=get('precond', None),
                      verbosity=get('verbosity', 0)) + common
Esempio n. 6
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_2 = {
                'name' : 'eigen1',
                'kind' : 'eig.pysparse',

                'i_max' : 150,
                'eps_a' : 1e-5,
                'tau' : -10.0,
                'method' : 'qmrs',
                'verbosity' : 0,
                'strategy' : 1,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = EigenvalueSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(i_max=get('i_max', 100),
                      n_eigs=get('n_eigs', 5),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', 1e-5),
                      tau=get('tau', 0.0),
                      method=get('method', 'qmrs'),
                      verbosity=get('verbosity', 0),
                      strategy=get('strategy', 1)) + common
Esempio n. 7
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are left to scipy defaults. Unused options are ignored.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'broyden',
                'kind' : 'nls.scipy_broyden_like',

                'method'  : 'broyden3',
                'i_max'   : 10,
                'alpha'   : 0.9,
                'M'       : 5,
                'w0'      : 0.1,
                'verbose' : True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = NonlinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(method=get('method', 'broyden3'),
                      i_max=get('i_max', 10),
                      alpha=get('alpha', 0.9),
                      M=get('M', 5),
                      w0=get('w0', 0.1),
                      verbose=get('verbose', False)) + common
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: mfkiwl/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'ls',
                'kind' : 'ls.petsc_parallel',

                'n_proc' : 5, # Number of processes to run.

                'method' : 'cg', # ksp_type
                'precond' : 'bjacobi', # pc_type
                'sub_precond' : 'icc', # sub_pc_type
                'eps_a' : 1e-12, # abstol
                'eps_r' : 1e-12, # rtol
                'eps_d' : 1e5, # divtol
                'i_max' : 1000, # maxits
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = PETScKrylovSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return Struct(n_proc=get('n_proc', 1),
                      sub_precond=get('sub_precond', 'icc')) + common
Esempio n. 9
File: Progetto: ZJLi2013/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Setup solver configuration options.

        Example configuration::

            solvers = {
                'ls': ('ls.cm_pb',
                       {'others': [''],
                        'coupling_variables': ['g'],
                        'needs_problem_instance': True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = ScipyDirect.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return (
                others=get("others", None, 'missing "others" in options!'),
                coupling_variables=get("coupling_variables", None, 'missing "coupling_variables"!'),
            + common
Esempio n. 10
File: Progetto: mfkiwl/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Setup solver configuration options.

        Example configuration::

            solvers = {
                'ls': ('ls.schur_generalized',
                        {'u': ['displacement1', 'displacement2'],
                         'v': ['velocity1', 'velocity2'],
                         'w': ['pressure1', 'pressure2'],
                        'function': my_schur,
                        'needs_problem_instance': True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = ScipyDirect.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return Struct(
            blocks=get('blocks', None, 'missing "blocks" in options!'),
            function=get('function', None, 'missing "function" in options!'),
            needs_problem_instance=True) + common
Esempio n. 11
File: Progetto: LeiDai/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_110 = {
                'name' : 'ls110',
                'kind' : 'ls.scipy_iterative',

                'method' : 'cg',
                'precond' : None,
                'callback' : None,
                'i_max' : 1000,
                'eps_r' : 1e-12,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = LinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(method=get('method', 'cg'),
                      precond=get('precond', None),
                      callback=get('callback', None),
                      i_max=get('i_max', 100),
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1e-8)) + common
Esempio n. 12
File: Progetto: ZJLi2013/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_102 = {
                'name' : 'ls102',
                'kind' : 'ls.pyamg',

                'method' : 'smoothed_aggregation_solver',
                'accel' : 'cg'
                'eps_r' : 1e-12,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = LinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return (
                method=get("method", "smoothed_aggregation_solver"),
                accel=get("accel", None),
                eps_r=get("eps_r", 1e-8),
            + common
Esempio n. 13
File: Progetto: ZJLi2013/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1100 = {
                'name' : 'dls1100',
                'kind' : 'ls.scipy_direct',

                'method' : 'superlu',
                'presolve' : False,
                'warn' : True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = LinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return (
                method=get("method", "auto"),
                presolve=get("presolve", False),
                warn=get("warn", True),
            + common
Esempio n. 14
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_2 = {
                'name' : 'eigen1',
                'kind' : 'eig.pysparse',

                'i_max' : 150,
                'eps_a' : 1e-5,
                'tau' : -10.0,
                'method' : 'qmrs',
                'verbosity' : 0,
                'strategy' : 1,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = EigenvalueSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(i_max=get('i_max', 100),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', 1e-5),
                      tau=get('tau', 0.0),
                      method=get('method', 'qmrs'),
                      verbosity=get('verbosity', 0),
                      strategy=get('strategy', 1)) + common
Esempio n. 15
File: Progetto: mfkiwl/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_110 = {
                'name' : 'ls110',
                'kind' : 'ls.scipy_iterative',

                'method' : 'cg',
                'precond' : None,
                'callback' : None,
                'i_max' : 1000,
                'eps_r' : 1e-12,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = LinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(method=get('method', 'cg'),
                      precond=get('precond', None),
                      callback=get('callback', None),
                      i_max=get('i_max', 100),
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1e-8)) + common
Esempio n. 16
File: Progetto: LeiDai/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_120 = {
                'name' : 'ls120',
                'kind' : 'ls.petsc',

                'method' : 'cg', # ksp_type
                'precond' : 'icc', # pc_type
                'precond_side' : 'left', # ksp_pc_side
                'eps_a' : 1e-12, # abstol
                'eps_r' : 1e-12, # rtol
                'eps_d' : 1e5, # divtol
                'i_max' : 1000, # maxits
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = LinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(method=get('method', 'cg'),
                      precond=get('precond', 'icc'),
                      precond_side=get('precond_side', None),
                      i_max=get('i_max', 100),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', 1e-8),
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1e-8),
                      eps_d=get('eps_d', 1e5)) + common
Esempio n. 17
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'oseen',
                'kind' : 'nls.oseen',

                'needs_problem_instance' : True,
                'stabil_mat' : 'stabil',

                'adimensionalize' : False,
                'check_navier_stokes_rezidual' : False,

                'i_max'      : 10,
                'eps_a'      : 1e-8,
                'eps_r'      : 1.0,
                'macheps'    : 1e-16,
                'lin_red'    : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red).
                'log'        : {'text' : 'oseen_log.txt',
                                'plot' : 'oseen_log.png'},
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = NonlinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        # Compulsory.
        needs_problem_instance = get('needs_problem_instance', True)
        if not needs_problem_instance:
            msg = 'set solver option "needs_problem_instance" to True!'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        stabil_mat = get('stabil_mat', None, 'missing "stabil_mat" in options!')

        # With defaults.
        adimensionalize = get('adimensionalize', False)
        if adimensionalize:
            raise NotImplementedError

        check = get('check_navier_stokes_rezidual', False)

        log = get_logging_conf(conf)
        log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log)
        is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None)

        return Struct(needs_problem_instance=needs_problem_instance,
                      i_max=get('i_max', 1),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', 1e-10),
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1.0),
                      macheps=get('macheps', nm.finfo(nm.float64).eps),
                      lin_red=get('lin_red', 1.0),
                      lin_precision=get('lin_precision', None),
                      is_any_log=is_any_log) + common
Esempio n. 18
File: Progetto: sdurve/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Process configuration options.
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return Struct(mass=get('mass', None, 'missing "mass" in options!'),
                      lumped=get('lumped', False)) + common
Esempio n. 19
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values for a linear problem.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'newton',
                'kind' : 'nls.newton',

                'i_max' : 2,
                'eps_a' : 1e-8,
                'eps_r' : 1e-2,
                'macheps' : 1e-16,
                'lin_red' : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red).
                'lin_precision' : None,
                'ls_red' : 0.1,
                'ls_red_warp' : 0.001,
                'ls_on' : 0.99999,
                'ls_min' : 1e-5,
                'give_up_warp' : False,
                'check' : 0,
                'delta' : 1e-6,
                'is_plot' : False,
                'log' : None, # 'nonlinear' or 'linear' (ignore i_max)
                'problem' : 'nonlinear',
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = NonlinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        log = get_logging_conf(conf)
        log = Struct(name="log_conf", **log)
        is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None)

        return (
                i_max=get("i_max", 1),
                eps_a=get("eps_a", 1e-10),
                eps_r=get("eps_r", 1.0),
                macheps=get("macheps", nm.finfo(nm.float64).eps),
                lin_red=get("lin_red", 1.0),
                lin_precision=get("lin_precision", None),
                ls_red=get("ls_red", 0.1),
                ls_red_warp=get("ls_red_warp", 0.001),
                ls_on=get("ls_on", 0.99999),
                ls_min=get("ls_min", 1e-5),
                give_up_warp=get("give_up_warp", False),
                check=get("check", 0),
                delta=get("delta", 1e-6),
                is_plot=get("is_plot", False),
                problem=get("problem", "nonlinear"),
            + common
Esempio n. 20
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_0 = {
                'name'      : 'fmin_sd',
                'kind'      : 'opt.fmin_sd',

                'i_max'      : 10,
                'eps_rd'     : 1e-5, # Relative delta of objective function
                'eps_of'     : 1e-4,
                'eps_ofg'    : 1e-8,
                'norm'      : nm.Inf,
                'ls'        : True, # Linesearch.
                'ls_method'  : 'backtracking', # 'backtracking' or 'full'
                'ls0'       : 0.25,
                'ls_red'     : 0.5,
                'ls_red_warp' : 0.1,
                'ls_on'      : 0.99999,
                'ls_min'     : 1e-5,
                'check'     : 0,
                'delta'     : 1e-6,
                'output'    : None, # 'itc'
                'log'       : {'text' : 'output/log.txt',
                               'plot' : 'output/log.png'},
                'yscales'   : ['linear', 'log', 'log', 'linear'],
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = OptimizationSolver.process_conf(conf)

        log = get_logging_conf(conf)
        log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log)
        is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None)

        return Struct(i_max=get('i_max', 10),
                      eps_rd=get('eps_rd', 1e-5),
                      eps_of=get('eps_of', 1e-4),
                      eps_ofg=get('eps_ofg', 1e-8),
                      norm=get('norm', nm.Inf),
                      ls=get('ls', True),
                      ls_method=get('ls_method', 'backtracking'),
                      ls0=get('ls0', 0.25),
                      ls_red=get('ls_red', 0.5),
                      ls_red_warp=get('ls_red_warp', 0.1),
                      ls_on=get('ls_on', 0.99999),
                      ls_min=get('ls_min', 1e-5),
                      check=get('check', 0),
                      delta=get('delta', 1e-6),
                      output=get('output', None),
                                  ['linear', 'log', 'log', 'linear']),
                      is_any_log=is_any_log) + common
Esempio n. 21
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_0 = {
                'name'      : 'fmin_sd',
                'kind'      : 'opt.fmin_sd',

                'i_max'      : 10,
                'eps_rd'     : 1e-5, # Relative delta of objective function
                'eps_of'     : 1e-4,
                'eps_ofg'    : 1e-8,
                'norm'      : nm.Inf,
                'ls'        : True, # Linesearch.
                'ls_method'  : 'backtracking', # 'backtracking' or 'full'
                'ls0'       : 0.25,
                'ls_red'     : 0.5,
                'ls_red_warp' : 0.1,
                'ls_on'      : 0.99999,
                'ls_min'     : 1e-5,
                'check'     : 0,
                'delta'     : 1e-6,
                'output'    : None, # 'itc'
                'log'       : {'text' : 'output/log.txt',
                               'plot' : 'output/log.png'},
                'yscales'   : ['linear', 'log', 'log', 'linear'],
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = OptimizationSolver.process_conf(conf)

        log = get_logging_conf(conf)
        log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log)
        is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None)

        return Struct(i_max=get('i_max', 10),
                      eps_rd=get('eps_rd', 1e-5),
                      eps_of=get('eps_of', 1e-4),
                      eps_ofg=get('eps_ofg', 1e-8),
                      norm=get('norm', nm.Inf),
                      ls=get('ls', True),
                      ls_method=get('ls_method', 'backtracking'),
                      ls0=get('ls0', 0.25),
                      ls_red=get('ls_red', 0.5),
                      ls_red_warp=get('ls_red_warp', 0.1),
                      ls_on=get('ls_on', 0.99999),
                      ls_min=get('ls_min', 1e-5),
                      check=get('check', 0),
                      delta=get('delta', 1e-6),
                      output=get('output', None),
                                  ['linear', 'log', 'log', 'linear']),
                      is_any_log=is_any_log) + common
Esempio n. 22
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Process configuration options.
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return Struct(mass=get('mass', None,
                               'missing "mass" in options!'),
                      lumped=get('lumped', False)) + common
Esempio n. 23
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values for a linear problem.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'newton',
                'kind' : 'nls.newton',

                'i_max' : 2,
                'eps_a' : 1e-8,
                'eps_r' : 1e-2,
                'eps_mode' : 'or',
                'macheps' : 1e-16,
                'lin_red' : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red).
                'lin_precision' : None,
                'ls_on' : 0.99999,
                'ls_red' : 0.1,
                'ls_red_warp' : 0.001,
                'ls_min' : 1e-5,
                'give_up_warp' : False,
                'check' : 0,
                'delta' : 1e-6,
                'log' : None, # 'nonlinear' or 'linear' (ignore i_max)
                'problem' : 'nonlinear',
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = NonlinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        log = get_logging_conf(conf)
        log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log)
        is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None)

        return Struct(i_max=get('i_max', 1),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', 1e-10),
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1.0),
                      eps_mode=get('eps_mode', 'and'),
                      lin_red=get('lin_red', 1.0),
                      lin_precision=get('lin_precision', None),
                      ls_red=get('ls_red', 0.1),
                      ls_red_warp=get('ls_red_warp', 0.001),
                      ls_on=get('ls_on', 0.99999),
                      ls_min=get('ls_min', 1e-5),
                      give_up_warp=get('give_up_warp', False),
                      check=get('check', 0),
                      delta=get('delta', 1e-6),
                      problem=get('problem', 'nonlinear'),
                      is_any_log=is_any_log) + common
Esempio n. 24
File: Progetto: sdurve/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Process configuration options.
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0),
                      t1=get('t1', 1.0),
                      dt=get('dt', None),
                      n_step=get('n_step', 10),
                      quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common
Esempio n. 25
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Process configuration options.
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = TimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(t0=get('t0', 0.0),
                      t1=get('t1', 1.0),
                      dt=get('dt', None),
                      n_step=get('n_step', 10),
                      quasistatic=get('quasistatic', False)) + common
Esempio n. 26
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Process configuration options.
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        adt = Struct(red_factor=get('dt_red_factor', 0.2),
                     red_max=get('dt_red_max', 1e-3),
                     inc_factor=get('dt_inc_factor', 1.25),
                     inc_on_iter=get('dt_inc_on_iter', 4),
                     inc_wait=get('dt_inc_wait', 5),
                     red=1.0, wait=0, dt0=0.0)

        return Struct(adapt_fun=get('adapt_fun', adapt_time_step),
                      adt=adt) + common
Esempio n. 27
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_20 = {
                'name' : 'eigen2',
                'kind' : 'eig.sgscipy',

                'force_n_eigs' : True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = EigenvalueSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(force_n_eigs=get('force_n_eigs', False)) + common
Esempio n. 28
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_20 = {
                'name' : 'eigen2',
                'kind' : 'eig.sgscipy',

                'force_n_eigs' : True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = EigenvalueSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(force_n_eigs=get('force_n_eigs', False)) + common
Esempio n. 29
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'semismooth_newton',
                'kind' : 'nls.semismooth_newton',

                'semismooth' : True,

                'i_max'      : 10,
                'eps_a'      : 1e-8,
                'eps_r'      : 1e-2,
                'macheps'   : 1e-16,
                'lin_red'    : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red).
                'ls_red_reg' : 0.1,
                'ls_red_alt' : 0.01,
                'ls_red_warp' : 0.001,
                'ls_on'      : 0.9,
                'ls_min'     : 1e-10,
                'log'        : {'plot' : 'convergence.png'},
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = NonlinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        log = get_logging_conf(conf)
        log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log)
        is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None)

        return Struct(semismooth=get('semismooth', True),
                      i_max=get('i_max', 1),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', 1e-10),
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1.0),
                      lin_red=get('lin_red', 1.0),
                      ls_red=get('ls_red', 0.1),
                      ls_red_warp=get('ls_red_warp', 0.001),
                      ls_on=get('ls_on', 0.99999),
                      ls_min=get('ls_min', 1e-5),
                      is_any_log=is_any_log) + common
Esempio n. 30
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Process configuration options.
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        adt = Struct(red_factor=get('dt_red_factor', 0.2),
                     red_max=get('dt_red_max', 1e-3),
                     inc_factor=get('dt_inc_factor', 1.25),
                     inc_on_iter=get('dt_inc_on_iter', 4),
                     inc_wait=get('dt_inc_wait', 5),

        return Struct(adapt_fun=get('adapt_fun', adapt_time_step),
                      adt=adt) + common
Esempio n. 31
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'semismooth_newton',
                'kind' : 'nls.semismooth_newton',

                'semismooth' : True,

                'i_max'      : 10,
                'eps_a'      : 1e-8,
                'eps_r'      : 1e-2,
                'macheps'   : 1e-16,
                'lin_red'    : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red).
                'ls_red_reg' : 0.1,
                'ls_red_alt' : 0.01,
                'ls_red_warp' : 0.001,
                'ls_on'      : 0.9,
                'ls_min'     : 1e-10,
                'log'        : {'plot' : 'convergence.png'},
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = NonlinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        log = get_logging_conf(conf)
        log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log)
        is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None)

        return Struct(semismooth=get('semismooth', True),
                      i_max=get('i_max', 1),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', 1e-10),
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1.0),
                      macheps=get('macheps', nm.finfo(nm.float64).eps),
                      lin_red=get('lin_red', 1.0),
                      ls_red=get('ls_red', 0.1),
                      ls_red_warp=get('ls_red_warp', 0.001),
                      ls_on=get('ls_on', 0.99999),
                      ls_min=get('ls_min', 1e-5),
                      is_any_log=is_any_log) + common
Esempio n. 32
File: Progetto: brbr520/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_102 = {
                'name' : 'ls102',
                'kind' : 'ls.pyamg',

                'method' : 'smoothed_aggregation_solver',
                'accel' : 'cg'
                'eps_r' : 1e-12,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = LinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(method=get('method', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver'),
                      accel = get('accel', None),
                      i_max=None, eps_a=None,
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1e-8)) + common
Esempio n. 33
File: Progetto: brbr520/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1100 = {
                'name' : 'dls1100',
                'kind' : 'ls.scipy_direct',

                'method' : 'superlu',
                'presolve' : False,
                'warn' : True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = LinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        return Struct(method=get('method', 'auto'),
                      presolve=get('presolve', False),
                      warn=get('warn', True),
                      i_max=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None) + common
Esempio n. 34
File: Progetto: mfkiwl/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Setup solver configuration options.

        Example configuration::

            solvers = {
                'ls': ('ls.cm_pb',
                       {'others': [''],
                        'coupling_variables': ['g'],
                        'needs_problem_instance': True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = ScipyDirect.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return Struct(others=get('others', None,
                                 'missing "others" in options!'),
                      coupling_variables=get('coupling_variables', None,
                                             'missing "coupling_variables"!'),
                      needs_problem_instance=True) + common
Esempio n. 35
File: Progetto: LeiDai/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Setup solver configuration options.

        Example configuration::

            solvers = {
                'ls': ('ls.schur_complement',
                       {'eliminate': ['displacement'],
                        'keep': ['pressure'],
                        'needs_problem_instance': True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        conf.blocks = {'1': get('eliminate', None,
                                'missing "eliminate" in options!'),
                       '2': get('keep', None,
                                'missing "keep" in options!'),}
        conf.function = SchurComplement.schur_fun
        common = SchurGeneralized.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return common
Esempio n. 36
File: Progetto: mfkiwl/sfepy
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Setup solver configuration options.

        Example configuration::

            solvers = {
                'ls': ('ls.schur_complement',
                       {'eliminate': ['displacement'],
                        'keep': ['pressure'],
                        'needs_problem_instance': True,
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        conf.blocks = {
            '1': get('eliminate', None, 'missing "eliminate" in options!'),
            '2': get('keep', None, 'missing "keep" in options!'),
        conf.function = SchurComplement.schur_fun
        common = SchurGeneralized.process_conf(conf, kwargs)

        return common
Esempio n. 37
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are left to SciPy defaults. Unused options are ignored.

        Besides 'i_max', use option names according to scipy.optimize
        function arguments. The 'i_max' translates either to 'maxiter'
        or 'maxfun' as available.

        Example configuration::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'fmin',
                'kind' : 'nls.scipy_fmin_like',

                'method'  : 'bfgs',
                'i_max'   : 10,
                'verbose' : True,

                'gtol' : 1e-7
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = OptimizationSolver.process_conf(conf)

        opts = Struct(method=get('method', 'fmin'),
                      i_max=get('i_max', 10),
                      verbose=get('verbose', False)) + common

        other = {}
        keys = opts.to_dict().keys()

        for key, val in conf.to_dict().iteritems():
            if key not in keys:
                other[key] = val

        return opts + Struct(**other)
Esempio n. 38
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are left to SciPy defaults. Unused options are ignored.

        Besides 'i_max', use option names according to scipy.optimize
        function arguments. The 'i_max' translates either to 'maxiter'
        or 'maxfun' as available.

        Example configuration::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'fmin',
                'kind' : 'nls.scipy_fmin_like',

                'method'  : 'bfgs',
                'i_max'   : 10,
                'verbose' : True,

                'gtol' : 1e-7
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = OptimizationSolver.process_conf(conf)

        opts = Struct(method=get('method', 'fmin'),
                      i_max=get('i_max', 10),
                      verbose=get('verbose', False)) + common

        other = {}
        keys = opts.to_dict().keys()

        for key, val in conf.to_dict().iteritems():
            if key not in keys:
                other[key] = val

        return opts + Struct(**other)
Esempio n. 39
    def process_conf(conf, kwargs):
        Missing items are set to default values.

        Example configuration, all items::

            solver_1 = {
                'name' : 'oseen',
                'kind' : 'nls.oseen',

                'needs_problem_instance' : True,
                'stabil_mat' : 'stabil',

                'adimensionalize' : False,
                'check_navier_stokes_rezidual' : False,

                'i_max'      : 10,
                'eps_a'      : 1e-8,
                'eps_r'      : 1.0,
                'macheps'    : 1e-16,
                'lin_red'    : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red).
                'log'        : {'text' : 'oseen_log.txt',
                                'plot' : 'oseen_log.png'},
        get = make_get_conf(conf, kwargs)
        common = NonlinearSolver.process_conf(conf)

        # Compulsory.
        needs_problem_instance = get('needs_problem_instance', True)
        if not needs_problem_instance:
            msg = 'set solver option "needs_problem_instance" to True!'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        stabil_mat = get('stabil_mat', None,
                         'missing "stabil_mat" in options!')

        # With defaults.
        adimensionalize = get('adimensionalize', False)
        if adimensionalize:
            raise NotImplementedError

        check = get('check_navier_stokes_rezidual', False)

        log = get_logging_conf(conf)
        log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log)
        is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None)

        return Struct(needs_problem_instance=needs_problem_instance,
                      i_max=get('i_max', 1),
                      eps_a=get('eps_a', 1e-10),
                      eps_r=get('eps_r', 1.0),
                      lin_red=get('lin_red', 1.0),
                      lin_precision=get('lin_precision', None),
                      is_any_log=is_any_log) + common