def getTechsLevel(self, TechCategory, TimeStamp=None): '''获取玩家的科技等级''' #author:zhoujingjiang #TechCategory - 1兵种,2内政 TimeStamp = TimeStamp if TimeStamp else time.time() TechsLevel = self.db.out_rows('tb_book_tech', ['TechType', 'TechLevel', 'LastEndTime'], 'UserId=%s AND TechCategory=%s' % (self.uid, TechCategory)) TechsDic = dict([(tech['TechType'], tech['TechLevel'] if tech['LastEndTime']<TimeStamp else tech['TechLevel']-1) for tech in TechsLevel]) if TechCategory == 1: Techs = {} SoldierCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_soldier') MaxSortLevel = {} for tech in TechsDic: MaxSortLevel[SoldierCfg[tech]['SoldierSort']] = max(TechsDic[tech], MaxSortLevel.get(SoldierCfg[tech]['SoldierSort'], 0)) for soldier in SoldierCfg: if SoldierCfg[soldier]['SoldierSide'] != 4: Techs[soldier] = TechsDic.get(soldier, 0) else: Techs[soldier] = MaxSortLevel.get(SoldierCfg[soldier]['SoldierSort'], 0) return Techs else: TechTypes = [typ for typ, _ in Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_tech_inter')] for TechType in TechTypes: TechsDic.setdefault(int(TechType), 0) return TechsDic
def getWallGeneralList(self): '''获取布防武将列表 参考getWallGeneralList() @call: WallUI @author: by Lizr ''' kLeader = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BATTLE)["kLeaderAddNum"] SoldierTechs = Gcore.getMod('Book',self.uid).getTechsLevel(1) InListGeneral = self.db.out_list('tb_wall_general','GeneralId',"UserId=%s"%self.uid) #已布防 fields = ['GeneralId','GeneralType','GeneralLevel','ForceValue', 'WitValue','SpeedValue','LeaderValue','TakeType','TakeTypeDefense'] rows = Gcore.getMod('General',self.uid).getMyGenerals(fields) #Gcore.printd( rows ) GeneralList = [] for row in rows: if not row['TakeTypeDefense']: row['TakeTypeDefense'] = row['TakeType'] row['Skill'] = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_general',row['GeneralType'],'SkillId') SoldierType = row['TakeTypeDefense'] SoldierLevel = SoldierTechs.get( SoldierType ) row['SoldierType'] = SoldierType row['SoldierLevel'] = SoldierLevel key = (SoldierType,SoldierLevel) SoldierNum = row['LeaderValue']*kLeader cfg_soldier = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_soldier_up',key) if cfg_soldier: #row['Life'] = cfg_soldier['Life']* row['LeaderValue']*kLeader #row['Attack'] = cfg_soldier['Attack']*row['LeaderValue']*kLeader #row['Denfense'] = cfg_soldier['Defense'] row['Life'] = F.getArmyLife(cfg_soldier['Life'], SoldierNum) row['Attack'] = F.getArmyAttack( generalType = row['GeneralType'], soldierType = row['SoldierType'], landForm = 4, soldierAttack = cfg_soldier['Attack'], soldierNum = SoldierNum, forceValue = row['ForceValue'], ) row['Denfense'] = F.defenseAdd( cfg_soldier['Defense'],row['SpeedValue'],row['GeneralType']) else: row['Life'] = 0 row['Attack'] = 0 row['Denfense'] = 0 row['InWall'] = row['GeneralId'] in InListGeneral #是否在布防中 # del row['ForceValue'] # del row['WitValue'] # del row['SpeedValue'] # del row['LeaderValue'] del row['TakeType'] del row['TakeTypeDefense'] GeneralList.append(row) return GeneralList
def canAddInBag(self, goodsList): '''判断物品列表是否能够全部添加到当前玩家的背包@qiudx @goodsList: [{'GoodsType':xxx, 'GoodsId': xxx, 'GoodsNum': xxx},] @返回True or False ''' needNum = 0 #统计添加物品列表所需的格子数 tmpGoodsList = copy.deepcopy(goodsList) goods = self.db.out_rows(self.tb_bag(), ['*'], 'UserId=%s'%self.uid) for tmpGoods in tmpGoodsList: if tmpGoods['GoodsType'] in (1, 4, 5): #装备,兵书,宝物一个格子只能放一件 equipMod = Gcore.getMod('Equip', self.uid) cfgTable = equipMod.getCfgEquipTB(tmpGoods['GoodsType']) equipCfg = Gcore.getCfg(cfgTable, tmpGoods['GoodsId']) if not equipCfg: continue needNum += tmpGoods['GoodsNum'] elif tmpGoods['GoodsType'] == 2: #道具可能一个格子放多个 itemCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_item', tmpGoods['GoodsId']) if not itemCfg: continue avlNum = int(itemCfg.get('OverlayNum', 1)) for good in goods: if good['GoodsType'] == 2 and good['GoodsId'] == tmpGoods['GoodsId']: tmpGoods['GoodsNum'] -= avlNum - good['GoodsNum'] if tmpGoods['GoodsNum'] <= 0: break needNum += int(math.ceil(float(tmpGoods['GoodsNum']) / avlNum)) maxNum = self.getBagSize()#查询背包容量 avlBag = self._getAvlInBag(goods, maxNum)#查询可用的格仔 if len(avlBag) >= needNum: return True return False
def GetActivitiesUI(self, param={}): '''返回参数1首次充值2签到3成长奖励4活跃度礼包5鸿运当头6在线奖励''' optId = 23001 activities = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act') data = {} acts = [] for act in activities: if activities[act]['Status'] == 1: actId = activities[act]['ActivityId'] if actId == 1:#首冲活动 playerMod = Gcore.getMod('Player',self.uid) vipTotalPay = playerMod.getUserBaseInfo(['VipTotalPay']).get('VipTotalPay') if vipTotalPay: giftState = self.mod.getGift(1, 0, ['isGet']).get('isGet') data['Recharged'] = 1 if giftState == 0 else 0 else: data['Recharged'] = 1 #新号要显示首冲活动 if not data['Recharged']: #1表示可以领首冲礼包或者新号显示首冲活动,0表示不显示 continue elif actId == 5: luckyLog = self.mod.getLuckLog() luckyLog['AwardId'] += 1 goodLuckCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_lucky_award', luckyLog['AwardId']) if not goodLuckCfg: continue acts.append(actId) data['Activities'] = acts return Gcore.out(optId, data)
def randomName(self, icon): '''随机名称 ''' SelectNum = 30 if icon > 2: sex = 2 else: sex = 1 pMod = Gcore.getMod('Player', 1001) lastnameList = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_nickname').get(0) firstnameList = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_nickname').get(sex) lastnameList = random.sample(lastnameList,SelectNum) firstnameList = random.sample(firstnameList,SelectNum) nicknames=[] for i in xrange(SelectNum): nickname = lastnameList[i]+firstnameList[i] nicknames.append(nickname) where = pMod.db.inWhere('NickName',nicknames) rows = pMod.db.out_rows('tb_user','NickName',where) existNickNames = [r['NickName'] for r in rows] notExistNickNames = list(set(nicknames)-set(existNickNames)) NickNames = [] for NickName in notExistNickNames: if Gcore.common.filterInput(NickName,2,16)<0: pass #过滤敏感词的名称 else: NickNames.append(NickName) return NickNames[0]
def GetActivitiesUI(self, param={}): '''返回参数1首次充值2签到3成长奖励4活跃度礼包5鸿运当头6在线奖励''' optId = 23001 activities = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act') data = {} acts = [] for act in activities: if activities[act]['Status'] == 1: actId = activities[act]['ActivityId'] if actId == 1: #首冲活动 playerMod = Gcore.getMod('Player', self.uid) vipTotalPay = playerMod.getUserBaseInfo( ['VipTotalPay']).get('VipTotalPay') if vipTotalPay: giftState = self.mod.getGift(1, 0, ['isGet']).get('isGet') data['Recharged'] = 1 if giftState == 0 else 0 else: data['Recharged'] = 1 #新号要显示首冲活动 if not data['Recharged']: #1表示可以领首冲礼包或者新号显示首冲活动,0表示不显示 continue elif actId == 5: luckyLog = self.mod.getLuckLog() luckyLog['AwardId'] += 1 goodLuckCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_lucky_award', luckyLog['AwardId']) if not goodLuckCfg: continue acts.append(actId) data['Activities'] = acts return Gcore.out(optId, data)
def canAddInBag(self, goodsList): '''判断物品列表是否能够全部添加到当前玩家的背包@qiudx @goodsList: [{'GoodsType':xxx, 'GoodsId': xxx, 'GoodsNum': xxx},] @返回True or False ''' needNum = 0 #统计添加物品列表所需的格子数 tmpGoodsList = copy.deepcopy(goodsList) goods = self.db.out_rows(self.tb_bag(), ['*'], 'UserId=%s' % self.uid) for tmpGoods in tmpGoodsList: if tmpGoods['GoodsType'] in (1, 4, 5): #装备,兵书,宝物一个格子只能放一件 equipMod = Gcore.getMod('Equip', self.uid) cfgTable = equipMod.getCfgEquipTB(tmpGoods['GoodsType']) equipCfg = Gcore.getCfg(cfgTable, tmpGoods['GoodsId']) if not equipCfg: continue needNum += tmpGoods['GoodsNum'] elif tmpGoods['GoodsType'] == 2: #道具可能一个格子放多个 itemCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_item', tmpGoods['GoodsId']) if not itemCfg: continue avlNum = int(itemCfg.get('OverlayNum', 1)) for good in goods: if good['GoodsType'] == 2 and good['GoodsId'] == tmpGoods[ 'GoodsId']: tmpGoods['GoodsNum'] -= avlNum - good['GoodsNum'] if tmpGoods['GoodsNum'] <= 0: break needNum += int(math.ceil(float(tmpGoods['GoodsNum']) / avlNum)) maxNum = self.getBagSize() #查询背包容量 avlBag = self._getAvlInBag(goods, maxNum) #查询可用的格仔 if len(avlBag) >= needNum: return True return False
def _getDropShowList(self): '''获得高级掉落物品列表,在打战役前显示''' showDict = {} for k,rows in Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_pve_drop').iteritems(): DropId,Star = k if DropId not in showDict: showDict[DropId] = [] for row in rows: if row['Ratio'] == 0: continue row['RewardType'] = int(row['RewardType']) if row['RewardType'] in (1,2,4,5,6): cell = {'RewardType':row['RewardType'],'GoodsId':row['GoodsId']} if row['RewardType'] == 1: #装备 Quality = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_equip',row['GoodsId'],'Quality') if Quality>=2: #紫装以上 if cell not in showDict[DropId]: showDict[DropId].append(cell) elif row['RewardType'] == 2: #道具 Quality = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_item',row['GoodsId'],'ItemQuality') if Quality>0: #全掉 if cell not in showDict[DropId]: showDict[DropId].append(cell) else: if cell not in showDict[DropId]: showDict[DropId].append(cell) #break for DropId in showDict: showDict[DropId] = Gcore.common.list2dict(showDict[DropId]) return showDict
def randomName(self, icon): '''随机名称 ''' SelectNum = 30 if icon > 2: sex = 2 else: sex = 1 pMod = Gcore.getMod('Player', 1001) lastnameList = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_nickname').get(0) firstnameList = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_nickname').get(sex) lastnameList = random.sample(lastnameList, SelectNum) firstnameList = random.sample(firstnameList, SelectNum) nicknames = [] for i in xrange(SelectNum): nickname = lastnameList[i] + firstnameList[i] nicknames.append(nickname) where = pMod.db.inWhere('NickName', nicknames) rows = pMod.db.out_rows('tb_user', 'NickName', where) existNickNames = [r['NickName'] for r in rows] notExistNickNames = list(set(nicknames) - set(existNickNames)) NickNames = [] for NickName in notExistNickNames: if Gcore.common.filterInput(NickName, 2, 16) < 0: pass #过滤敏感词的名称 else: NickNames.append(NickName) return NickNames[0]
def checkAndUpdate(self, table): '''查找并更新数据库中建筑费用为NULL的数据''' fields = ['BuildingId', 'UserId', 'BuildingType', 'BuildingLevel', 'CoinType', 'BuildingPrice', 'LastChangedTime', 'CompleteTime'] where = ' CoinType is NULL or BuildingPrice is NULL or LastChangedTime is NULL OR CoinType = 0 OR BuildingPrice = 0 ' tmpRows = self.db.out_rows(table, fields, where) if tmpRows: for row in tmpRows: #print '==PrimaryData:',row tmpData = json.dumps(row) + '\n' self.fd.write(tmpData) if not row['CoinType']: row['CoinType'] = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_building', row['BuildingType'], 'CoinType') if not row['BuildingPrice']: row['BuildingPrice'] = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_building_up', (row['BuildingType'], row['BuildingLevel']), 'CostValue') if not row['LastChangedTime'] and row['LastChangedTime'] != 0: if row['CompleteTime']: row['LastChangedTime'] = row['CompleteTime'] - Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_building_up', (row['BuildingType'], row['BuildingLevel']), 'CDValue') else: row['LastChangedTime'] = 0 if row['LastChangedTime'] < 0: row['LastChangedTime'] = 0 where = 'BuildingId=%s'%row['BuildingId'] data = {'CoinType': row['CoinType'], 'BuildingPrice': row['BuildingPrice'], 'LastChangedTime': row['LastChangedTime']} self.db.update(table, data, where) #print '==ModifiedData:',data tmpData = json.dumps(data) + '\n' self.fd.write(tmpData)
def UpgradeClubTech(self,p={}): ''' :升级军团科技 #todo加一个升级完返回升级后的等级 ''' optId = 15076 techType = p.get('ClubTechType') if techType not in range(1,11): return Gcore.error(optId,-15076999)#参数错误 building = self.mod.getClubBuildingInfo() if building is None: return Gcore.error(optId,-15076901)#外史院建筑不存在 clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId() if not clubId: return Gcore.error(optId,-15076920)#军团不存在 clubInfo = self.mod.getClubInfo(clubId) clubLevel = clubInfo.get('ClubLevel') techLevel = self.mod.getClubTechLevel(techType) openLevel = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_club_up',clubLevel,'OpenLevelTech'+str(techType)) if techLevel >= openLevel: return Gcore.error(optId,-15076001)#已达最大等级 cost = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_club_tech',(techType,techLevel+1),'LearnCost') # print '科技类型',techType # print '科技等级',techLevel # print '学习费用',cost flag = self.mod.payDevote(clubId,cost)#成功返回余额 if flag<0: return Gcore.error(optId,-15076995)#支付失败 newLevel = self.mod.upgradeClubTech(techType) recordData = {'uid':self.uid,'ValType':0,'Val':1,'TechType':techType,'TechLevel':newLevel}#成就记录 return Gcore.out(optId,{'Left':flag,'ClubTechType':techType,'Level':newLevel},achieve=recordData,mission=recordData)
def BuyResource(self, param={}): '''商城购买资源''' optId = 20002 classMethod = '%s,%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) resSaleId = param['ResSaleId'] resSaleCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_shop_res_sale', resSaleId) coinType = resSaleCfg['CoinType'] percent = resSaleCfg['AddPercent'] buildingMod = Gcore.getMod('Building', self.uid) maxCoin = buildingMod.cacStorageSpace(coinType) modCoin = Gcore.getMod('Coin', self.uid) currCoinNum = modCoin.getCoinNum(coinType) if percent < 1: coinValue = maxCoin * percent #增加货币 elif percent == 1: coinValue = maxCoin - currCoinNum #增加货币 percent = coinValue / maxCoin #print 'percent', percent resSaleList = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_shop_res_sale') resSaleList = filter( lambda dic: dic['AddPercent'] <= percent and dic['CoinType'] == coinType, resSaleList.values()) resSaleCfg = max(resSaleList, key=lambda sale: sale['AddPercent']) # print resSaleList # resSaleList.sort(key=lambda sale:sale['AddPercent']) # if resSaleList: # resSaleCfg=resSaleList.pop() else: return Gcore.error(optId, -20002001) #percent错误,大于1 if currCoinNum + coinValue > maxCoin: return Gcore.error(optId, -20002002) #超过资源上限 kPrice1 = resSaleCfg['kPrice1'] kPrice2 = resSaleCfg['kPrice2'] #支付黄金 useCoinValue = int(math.ceil(coinValue * kPrice1 * maxCoin**kPrice2)) re = modCoin.PayCoin(optId, 1, useCoinValue, classMethod, param) if re > 0: re = modCoin.GainCoin(optId, coinType, coinValue, classMethod, param) if re: return Gcore.out(optId, {'Result': re}) else: return Gcore.error(optId, -20002997) #非法操作 else: return Gcore.error(optId, -20002995) #支付失败
def OnlineLottory(self, param={}): '''在线奖励抽奖''' optId = 23011 self.mod.refreashTime() #更新操作时间 lastLottery = self.mod.getOnlineLottery() #获取可抽奖次数(待) #timeCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_limit') timeCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_ACT_ONLINE_LIMIT) dt = lastLottery['DayOnlineTime'] less = 0 lottoryNum = len(timeCfg.keys()) # for i in range(1, len(timeCfg.values())+1): # if dt >= timeCfg[i]['NeedTime']: # less += 1 # dt -= timeCfg[i]['NeedTime'] for i in xrange(1, lottoryNum + 1): if dt >= timeCfg[str(i)]: less += 1 dt -= timeCfg[str(i)] less -= lastLottery['LotteryCount'] if less <= 0: return Gcore.error(optId, -23011001) #可抽奖次数不足 #获取抽到的奖励类型和等级 typeCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_type').values() typeCfg = filter(lambda dic: dic['Ratio'] != 0, typeCfg) #暂时不随机到宝物和兵书 types = [] level = 3 typeValue = random.randint(2, 3) #如果等级是3则在铜钱和军资中随即一个 for i in range(0, 3): theType = common.Choice(typeCfg) for j in range(0, len(types)): if theType['TypeId'] == types[j]: level -= 1 typeValue = theType['TypeId'] break types.append(theType['TypeId']) #进行奖励 awards = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_award', (typeValue, level)) award = random.choice(awards) modReward = Gcore.getMod('Reward', self.uid) award['Gain'] = modReward.reward(optId, param, award['AwardType'], award['GoodsId'], award['GoodsNum']) #更新在线奖励记录 lastLottery['AwardId'] = award['AwardId'] lastLottery['LotteryCount'] += 1 lastLottery['AwardType'] = award['AwardType'] lastLottery['GoodsId'] = award['GoodsId'] lastLottery['GoodsNum'] = award['GoodsNum'] types = [str(t) for t in types] lastLottery['LotteryInfo'] = str.join(',', types) self.mod.updateOnlineLottery(lastLottery) return Gcore.out(optId, { 'LotteryInfo': lastLottery['LotteryInfo'], 'Award': award })
def HandleApply(self, param={}): """处理好友申请""" optId = 19003 timeStamp = param["ClientTime"] friendUserIds = param["FriendUserIds"] handleType = param["HandleType"] recordData = {} # 任务记录 if not friendUserIds: return Gcore.error(optId, -19003999) # 参数错误 if handleType == 0: """拒绝添加""" # self.mod.updateFriendShip(friendUserIds, self.uid, 0, timeStamp) self.mod.refuseApply(friendUserIds, self.uid, timeStamp) mailMod = Gcore.getMod("Mail", self.uid) nickName = self.mod.getUserInfo("NickName") # mailMod.sendMail(friendUserIds, '拒绝好友申请', nickName+'拒绝了你的好友申请', 1)#拒绝好友,调用邮件发送信息给对方 for toUserId in friendUserIds: mailMod.sendSystemMail(toUserId, [], optId, other=[nickName]) elif handleType == 1: """确认添加""" # 判断玩家自己的好友数是否已达上限 uLimitNum = Gcore.getCfg("tb_cfg_friend_limit", self.mod.getUserLevel(), "FriendNumLimit") uNowNum = self.mod.countFriend(2) if uNowNum >= uLimitNum: return Gcore.error(optId, -19003001) # 好友超过上限 # 如果对方好友已达上限,则拒绝本次添加请求 validId = [] for fid in friendUserIds: tmpMod = Gcore.getMod("Friend", fid) limitNum = Gcore.getCfg("tb_cfg_friend_limit", tmpMod.getUserLevel(), "FriendNumLimit") nowNum = tmpMod.countFriend(2) if nowNum >= limitNum: # self.mod.updateFriendShip(fid, self.uid, 0, timeStamp) self.mod.refuseApply(fid, self.uid, timeStamp) else: validId.append(fid) if len(validId) == 0: return Gcore.error(optId, -19003002) # 如果玩家添加的好友数多于所能添加的个数,则失败 if uNowNum + len(validId) > uLimitNum: return Gcore.error(optId, -19003001) for friendUserId in validId: self.mod.insFriendShip(self.uid, friendUserId, 2) self.mod.updateFriendShip(friendUserId, self.uid, 2, timeStamp) recordData = {"uid": self.uid, "ValType": 0, "Val": 1} Gcore.getMod("Mission", friendUserId).missionTrigger(optId) # 触发被同意好友更新 else: return Gcore.error(optId, -19003999) # 参数错误 return Gcore.out(optId, {}, mission=recordData)
def EquipStrengthen(self,p={}): '''强化装备''' optId = 16001 equipId = p['EquipId'] generalId = p['GeneralId'] building = self.mod.getSmithyInfo() if not building: return Gcore.error(optId,-16001901)#建筑不存在 buildingId = building['BuildingId'] equipInfo = self.mod.getEquipInfo(1,equipId)#装备信息 if not equipInfo or equipInfo['UserId'] != self.uid: return Gcore.error(optId,-16001910)#装备不存在 generalMod = Gcore.getMod('General',self.uid) generalInfo = generalMod.getLatestGeneralInfo(GeneralIds=generalId) if not generalInfo: return Gcore.error(optId,-16001001) #武将不存在 if equipId not in self.mod.getEquipsByGeneral(generalId).values(): return Gcore.error(optId,-16001004)#武器不在该武将身上 equipType = equipInfo['EquipType'] equipCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_equip',equipType)#装备配置 strengthenLimit = equipCfg.get('StrengthenLimit') equipPart = equipCfg.get('EquipPart') equipLevel = equipInfo.get('StrengthenLevel') generalLevel = generalInfo.get('GeneralLevel') free = self.mod.getMaxStrength(buildingId)['Available'] if free == 0: return Gcore.error(optId,-16001002)#强化次数不足 elif equipLevel >= generalLevel or equipLevel>= strengthenLimit: return Gcore.error(optId,-16001003)#已达最大等级 equipUpCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_equip_up',(equipLevel+1,equipPart))#装备强化配置 costType = equipUpCfg.get('StrengthenCostType') cost = equipUpCfg.get('CostQuality%s'%equipCfg.get('Quality')) # print '==Pre:',cost #计算内政对强化花费的影响 interMod = Gcore.getMod('Inter',self.uid) cost = interMod.getInterEffect(8,cost) # print '===Reday:',cost flag = self.coinMod.PayCoin(optId,costType,cost,'EquipUI.EquipStrengthen',p) if flag>0: strengthData = {'StrengthenLevel':equipLevel+1, 'EnhanceForce':equipInfo['EnhanceForce']+equipCfg['GrowForce'], 'EnhanceWit':equipInfo['EnhanceWit']+equipCfg['GrowWit'], 'EnhanceSpeed':equipInfo['EnhanceSpeed']+equipCfg['GrowSpeed'], 'EnhanceLeader':equipInfo['EnhanceLeader']+equipCfg['GrowLeader'] } self.mod.equipStrengthen(buildingId, equipId,equipType,strengthData) generalMod.changeAttr(generalId,equipCfg['GrowForce'],equipCfg['GrowSpeed'],equipCfg['GrowWit'],equipCfg['GrowLeader']) recordData = {'uid':self.uid,'ValType':0,'Val':1,'EquipType':equipType,'EquipLevel':equipLevel+1}#成就、任务记录 return Gcore.out(optId,achieve=recordData,mission=recordData) else: return Gcore.error(optId,-16001995) #支付失败
def CreateWallDefense(self,p={}): '''建造防御工事 Lizr''' optId = 92001 defenseType = int(p['DefenseType']) x = p['x'] y = p['y'] xSize = p['xSize'] ySize = p['ySize'] buildingInfo = self.mod.getWallInfo() if buildingInfo is None: return Gcore.error(optId,-92001998)#非法操作 wallLevel = buildingInfo.get('BuildingRealLevel') if defenseType/100 != 2: #200~299 return Gcore.error(optId,-92001998) #非法操作 Size = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_soldier',defenseType,'Size') if str(xSize)+'*'+str(ySize)!=Size and str(ySize)+'*'+str(xSize)!=Size: #非配置的尺寸 1*3 return Gcore.error(optId,-92001001) #尺寸不合法 # if not self.mod.checkWallCoord(x,y): #@todo: 加上布防坐标验证 # return Gcore.error(optId,-92001002) #坐标不合法 maxCount = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_wall',wallLevel,'DefenseType%s'%defenseType) defenseNum = self.mod.getDefenseNum() if defenseNum.get(defenseType,0)>=maxCount: return Gcore.error(optId,-92001003) #超出最大可建数量 bookMod = Gcore.getMod('Book',self.uid) coinMod = Gcore.getMod('Coin',self.uid) defenseLevel = bookMod.getTechsLevel(1).get(defenseType,0)#从书院获取 if defenseLevel==0: defenseLevel=1 defenseCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_soldier_up',(defenseType,defenseLevel)) cost = defenseCfg.get('MakeCost') costType = defenseCfg.get('MakeCostType') payState = coinMod.PayCoin(optId,costType,cost,'WallUI.CreateWallDefense',p) # payState = 1 if payState: data={ 'UserId':self.uid, 'SoldierType':defenseType, 'SoldierLevel':defenseLevel, 'xSize':xSize,'ySize':ySize, 'x':x,'y':y, 'MakeCost':cost, } DefenseId = self.mod.createDefense(data) recordData = {'uid':self.uid,'ValType':0,'Val':1,'Level':defenseLevel} return Gcore.out(optId,{'WallDefenseId':DefenseId},mission=recordData) else: Gcore.error(optId,-92001995) #支付失败
def OnlineLottory(self, param={}): '''在线奖励抽奖''' optId = 23011 self.mod.refreashTime()#更新操作时间 lastLottery = self.mod.getOnlineLottery() #获取可抽奖次数(待) #timeCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_limit') timeCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_ACT_ONLINE_LIMIT) dt = lastLottery['DayOnlineTime'] less = 0 lottoryNum = len(timeCfg.keys()) # for i in range(1, len(timeCfg.values())+1): # if dt >= timeCfg[i]['NeedTime']: # less += 1 # dt -= timeCfg[i]['NeedTime'] for i in xrange(1, lottoryNum + 1): if dt >= timeCfg[str(i)]: less += 1 dt -= timeCfg[str(i)] less -= lastLottery['LotteryCount'] if less <= 0: return Gcore.error(optId, -23011001)#可抽奖次数不足 #获取抽到的奖励类型和等级 typeCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_type').values() typeCfg = filter(lambda dic:dic['Ratio']!=0, typeCfg)#暂时不随机到宝物和兵书 types = [] level = 3 typeValue = random.randint(2, 3)#如果等级是3则在铜钱和军资中随即一个 for i in range(0, 3): theType = common.Choice(typeCfg) for j in range(0, len(types)): if theType['TypeId'] == types[j]: level -= 1 typeValue = theType['TypeId'] break types.append(theType['TypeId']) #进行奖励 awards = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_award', (typeValue, level)) award = random.choice(awards) modReward = Gcore.getMod('Reward', self.uid) award['Gain'] = modReward.reward(optId, param, award['AwardType'], award['GoodsId'], award['GoodsNum']) #更新在线奖励记录 lastLottery['AwardId'] = award['AwardId'] lastLottery['LotteryCount'] += 1 lastLottery['AwardType'] = award['AwardType'] lastLottery['GoodsId'] = award['GoodsId'] lastLottery['GoodsNum'] = award['GoodsNum'] types = [str(t) for t in types] lastLottery['LotteryInfo'] = str.join(',',types) self.mod.updateOnlineLottery(lastLottery) return Gcore.out(optId, {'LotteryInfo': lastLottery['LotteryInfo'], 'Award': award})
def BuyResource(self, param={}): '''商城购买资源''' optId=20002 classMethod = '%s,%s'%(self.__class__.__name__,sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) resSaleId = param['ResSaleId'] resSaleCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_shop_res_sale', resSaleId) coinType = resSaleCfg['CoinType'] percent = resSaleCfg['AddPercent'] buildingMod = Gcore.getMod('Building', self.uid) maxCoin = buildingMod.cacStorageSpace(coinType) modCoin = Gcore.getMod('Coin', self.uid) currCoinNum = modCoin.getCoinNum(coinType) if percent < 1: coinValue = maxCoin*percent#增加货币 elif percent == 1: coinValue = maxCoin - currCoinNum#增加货币 percent = coinValue / maxCoin #print 'percent', percent resSaleList = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_shop_res_sale') resSaleList = filter(lambda dic:dic['AddPercent'] <= percent and dic['CoinType'] == coinType, resSaleList.values()) resSaleCfg = max(resSaleList, key=lambda sale:sale['AddPercent']) # print resSaleList # resSaleList.sort(key=lambda sale:sale['AddPercent']) # if resSaleList: # resSaleCfg=resSaleList.pop() else: return Gcore.error(optId, -20002001)#percent错误,大于1 if currCoinNum + coinValue > maxCoin: return Gcore.error(optId, -20002002)#超过资源上限 kPrice1 = resSaleCfg['kPrice1'] kPrice2 = resSaleCfg['kPrice2'] #支付黄金 useCoinValue = int(math.ceil(coinValue*kPrice1*maxCoin**kPrice2)) re = modCoin.PayCoin(optId, 1, useCoinValue, classMethod, param) if re > 0: re = modCoin.GainCoin(optId, coinType, coinValue, classMethod, param) if re: return Gcore.out(optId, {'Result':re}) else: return Gcore.error(optId, -20002997)#非法操作 else: return Gcore.error(optId, -20002995)#支付失败
def touchActPoint(self,oldLevel,newLevel): '''更新行动力,升级时调用''' newLevelPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point',newLevel,'ActPoint') oldLevelPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point',oldLevel,'ActPoint') diffPoint = newLevelPoint - oldLevelPoint if diffPoint: row = self._lastActRecord() if row: todaytime = Gcore.common.today0time() sql = "UPDATE tb_war_action SET ActPoint=ActPoint+%s WHERE UserId=%s AND LastWarTime>=%s" \ %(diffPoint,self.uid,todaytime) self.db.execute(sql) #如果今日有打过 就修正累计记录
def GetInviteUI(self, param={}): """招贤馆:招募界面""" optId = 15006 BuildingId = param["BuildingId"] RequestTimeStamp = param["ClientTime"] InviteInfo = self.mod.getInvite() modBuilding = Gcore.getMod("Building", self.uid) BuildingInfo = modBuilding.getBuildingById(BuildingId, TimeStamp=RequestTimeStamp) if not BuildingInfo: return Gcore.error(optId, -15006901) # 用户没有该建筑 if BuildingInfo["BuildingState"] == 1: return Gcore.error(optId, -15006902) # 建筑正在建造 if BuildingInfo["BuildingType"] != 13: return Gcore.error(optId, -15006903) # 该建筑不是招贤馆 BuildingLevel = BuildingInfo["BuildingRealLevel"] if not InviteInfo: print "第一次招募" ChosenGenerals = self.mod.chooseGenerals(GeneralNum=3, IsFirst=True) self.mod.insertInvite(ChosenGenerals, BuildingLevel, RequestTimeStamp) RemainedTime = Gcore.getCfg("tb_cfg_building_up", key=(13, BuildingLevel), field="RefreshValue") return Gcore.out( optId, body={"RemainedTime": RemainedTime, "Generals": ChosenGenerals, "CostValue": 5} ) # 系统错误 (招募表中此玩家初始记录) print "InviteInfo", InviteInfo # SpeedCount = self.mod.cacSpeedCount(InviteInfo['SpeedCount'], InviteInfo['LastSpeedDate'], RequestTimeStamp) # SpeedCount += 1 # CostValue = SpeedCount * 2 CostValue = 5 # 读配置 - 招贤馆每次刷新所用的黄金数量 RetDic = {} RetDic["CostValue"] = CostValue if RequestTimeStamp < InviteInfo["EndTime"]: RefreshTimeRemained = InviteInfo["EndTime"] - RequestTimeStamp RetDic["RemainedTime"] = RefreshTimeRemained RetDic["Generals"] = [InviteInfo["GeneralId1"], InviteInfo["GeneralId2"], InviteInfo["GeneralId3"]] return Gcore.out(optId, RetDic) else: RefreshValue = Gcore.getCfg("tb_cfg_building_up", key=(13, BuildingLevel), field="RefreshValue") RefreshTimeRemained = RefreshValue - (RequestTimeStamp - InviteInfo["EndTime"]) % RefreshValue RefreshTimeStamp = RequestTimeStamp - (RequestTimeStamp - InviteInfo["EndTime"]) % RefreshValue ChosenGenerals = self.mod.chooseGenerals() self.mod.updateInvite(ChosenGenerals, BuildingLevel, RefreshTimeStamp) RetDic["RemainedTime"] = RefreshTimeRemained RetDic["Generals"] = ChosenGenerals return Gcore.out(optId, RetDic)
def _calLevelByCost(self,equipType,currentLevel,cost,levelLimit=None): '''根据费用计算装备升级''' equipUpCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_equip_up') equipCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_equip',equipType) eq = equipCfg['Quality'] ep = equipCfg['EquipPart'] if levelLimit is None: levelLimit = equipCfg['StrengthenLimit'] toLevelUpCost = equipUpCfg.get((currentLevel+1,ep)).get('CostQuality%s'%eq) while currentLevel<levelLimit and cost>=toLevelUpCost: currentLevel += 1 cost -= toLevelUpCost toLevelUpCost = equipUpCfg.get((currentLevel+1,ep)).get('CostQuality%s'%eq) return (currentLevel,cost)
def touchActPoint(self, oldLevel, newLevel): '''更新行动力,升级时调用''' newLevelPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point', newLevel, 'ActPoint') oldLevelPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point', oldLevel, 'ActPoint') diffPoint = newLevelPoint - oldLevelPoint if diffPoint: row = self._lastActRecord() if row: todaytime = Gcore.common.today0time() sql = "UPDATE tb_war_action SET ActPoint=ActPoint+%s WHERE UserId=%s AND LastWarTime>=%s" \ %(diffPoint,self.uid,todaytime) self.db.execute(sql) #如果今日有打过 就修正累计记录
def incGeneralExp(self, General, ExpValue, UserLevel=None, flag=True): '''增加武将经验''' # 参数 # + flag - 是否将武将信息更新到武将表 # + + True - 更新到武将表 # + + False - 不更新到武将表 # + General - dict - 武将信息 if not UserLevel:UserLevel = self.getUserLevel() #读配置 GeneralCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_general') GeneralUpCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_general_up') MaxLevel = max(GeneralUpCfg.keys()) #武将的最高等级 #武将基础信息 GeneralId = General['GeneralId'] GeneralLevel = General['GeneralLevel'] GeneralType = General['GeneralType'] General['ExpValue'] += int(ExpValue) #判断升级 for lv in xrange(1, MaxLevel+1, 1): if (lv + GeneralLevel > MaxLevel) or (lv + GeneralLevel > UserLevel): break NxtLvExp = GeneralUpCfg[lv + GeneralLevel]['Exp'] if NxtLvExp > General['ExpValue']: #经验不够升级 break #改变等级,经验值 General['ExpValue'] -= NxtLvExp General['GeneralLevel'] += 1 #属性成长 General['ForceValue'] += GeneralCfg[GeneralType]['GrowForce'] General['WitValue'] += GeneralCfg[GeneralType]['GrowWit'] General['SpeedValue'] += GeneralCfg[GeneralType]['GrowSpeed'] General['LeaderValue'] += GeneralCfg[GeneralType]['GrowLeader'] if flag: #将升级信息写入数据库。 self.updateGeneralById(General, GeneralId) if ExpValue: #added by zhangguanghui modEvent = Gcore.getMod('Event', self.uid) modEvent.generalExpGet(General['GeneralType'], ExpValue) return General
def UpgradeClubTech(self, p={}): ''' :升级军团科技 #todo加一个升级完返回升级后的等级 ''' optId = 15076 techType = p.get('ClubTechType') if techType not in range(1, 11): return Gcore.error(optId, -15076999) #参数错误 building = self.mod.getClubBuildingInfo() if building is None: return Gcore.error(optId, -15076901) #外史院建筑不存在 clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId() if not clubId: return Gcore.error(optId, -15076920) #军团不存在 clubInfo = self.mod.getClubInfo(clubId) clubLevel = clubInfo.get('ClubLevel') techLevel = self.mod.getClubTechLevel(techType) openLevel = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_club_up', clubLevel, 'OpenLevelTech' + str(techType)) if techLevel >= openLevel: return Gcore.error(optId, -15076001) #已达最大等级 cost = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_club_tech', (techType, techLevel + 1), 'LearnCost') # print '科技类型',techType # print '科技等级',techLevel # print '学习费用',cost flag = self.mod.payDevote(clubId, cost) #成功返回余额 if flag < 0: return Gcore.error(optId, -15076995) #支付失败 newLevel = self.mod.upgradeClubTech(techType) recordData = { 'uid': self.uid, 'ValType': 0, 'Val': 1, 'TechType': techType, 'TechLevel': newLevel } #成就记录 return Gcore.out(optId, { 'Left': flag, 'ClubTechType': techType, 'Level': newLevel }, achieve=recordData, mission=recordData)
def exchangeGeneralCard(self, item_id): '''兑换武将卡''' # 不满足兑换所需的数量返回False, # + 满足兑换所需的数量,减少相应的数量,并返回碎片的当前数量 table = 'tb_patch' where = 'UserId=%s AND ItemId=%s' % (self.uid, item_id) #查出碎片数量 fields = ['Patch1', 'Patch2', 'Patch3', 'Patch4'] patch_num = self.db.out_fields(table, fields, where) if not patch_num: return False try: #从配置中查出所需的碎片数量 item = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_general_patch', item_id) for k in item: if k.startswith('PatchNum'): column_name = 'Patch%d' % int(k[-1]) patch_num[column_name] -= item[k] #减少相应的数量 if patch_num[column_name] < 0: return False #更新数据库 self.db.update(table, patch_num, where) return patch_num except Exception: return False else: return True
def initRecord(self, building_id, building_type, time_stamp, building_level, complete_time): '''向士兵生产表插入一条初始记录''' cd_interval = 300 #计算时间间隔 if complete_time <= time_stamp: last_changed_time = time_stamp - (time_stamp - complete_time) % cd_interval else: last_changed_time = complete_time init_data = { 'UserId': self.uid, 'BuildingId': building_id, 'BuildingType': building_type, 'StorageNum': Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_building_up', (building_type, building_level), 'MakeValue'), 'LastChangedTime': last_changed_time, 'LastCalTime': time_stamp, 'CreateTime': time_stamp } self.db.insert(self._soldier_storage, init_data) return init_data
def calClubTechs(self,clubLevel=None): ''' :通过军团等级计算我的的军团科技信等级 :实际军团科技等级,没有军团所有军团科技等级为0 ''' fields = [] for i in range(1,11): fields.append('TechLevelType'+str(i)) levels = self.db.out_fields('tb_club_tech',fields,'UserId=%s'%self.uid) if not levels:#没有军团科技等级记录 self.db.insert('tb_club_tech',{'UserId':self.uid}) return self.db.out_fields('tb_club_tech',fields,'UserId=%s'%self.uid) #查询军团等级 if clubLevel is None: clubId = self.getUserClubId() clubLevel = self.getClubInfo(clubId).get('ClubLevel') if clubId else None #科技等级不高于军团等级限制 clubCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_club_up') for key in levels: techType = int(key[13:]) if clubLevel == 0 or clubLevel is None: levels[key] = 0#没有军团科技等级为0 continue openLevel = clubCfg.get(clubLevel,{}).get('OpenLevelTech%s'%techType) if levels.get(key)>openLevel: levels[key] = openLevel#已学习等级高于军团最高上限时等级为上限 return levels
def getActPoint(self): '''获得 剩余行动点数/最大行动点数''' BuyActPoint = self.getUserInfo('BuyActPoint') row = self._lastActRecord() MaxPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point',self.getUserLevel(),'ActPoint') if not row: RestPoint = MaxPoint + BuyActPoint else: nowtime = Gcore.common.nowtime() PerIncrTime = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('ActPointRecoverTime',1200) if Gcore.TEST and self.uid in [1001,43953]: PerIncrTime = testPerIncrTime if row['ActPoint']>=MaxPoint: #已满,不恢复 RestPoint = row['ActPoint'] else: AccuTime = row['AccuTime'] + ( nowtime - row['LastWarTime'] ) incrTimes = AccuTime//PerIncrTime #回复一点需要多长时间 20分钟 #print 'incrTimes',incrTimes print 'getActPoint.上次剩余',row['ActPoint'] print 'getActPoint.至已经恢复了',incrTimes ActPoint = row['ActPoint'] + incrTimes if ActPoint > MaxPoint: ActPoint = MaxPoint print 'getActPoint.剩余+累计越出上限,设为上限',ActPoint #查看的时候 不更新累计时间 tb_war_action.AccuTime RestPoint = ActPoint #print '剩余次数 最大次数',RestPoint,MaxPoint, 前台显示的是: 剩余次数/最大次数 return (RestPoint,MaxPoint)
def useActPoint(self, point=1): '''战役成功,使用一点行动力''' BuyActPoint = self.getUserInfo('BuyActPoint') if BuyActPoint: if BuyActPoint >= point: cutPoint = point BuyActPoint -= point else: #剩余购买行动力已不够扣减 cutPoint = BuyActPoint #point -= BuyActPoint #剩余部分需在未购买处扣 BuyActPoint = 0 print '剩余购买行动力已不够扣减,point:', point sql = 'UPDATE tb_user SET BuyActPoint=BuyActPoint-%s WHERE UserId=%s' % ( cutPoint, self.uid) self.db.execute(sql) #print '已购买的行动力扣1,剩余',BuyActPoint MaxPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point', self.getUserLevel(), 'ActPoint') row = self.recoverActPoint(point, 0) if row: #今天有打过 pass else: #今天未打过 #print '今天未打过' row = {} row['ActPoint'] = MaxPoint + BuyActPoint row['LastWarTime'] = Gcore.common.nowtime() res = self.db.update('tb_war_action', row, 'UserId=%s' % self.uid) if not res: #从来没有记录 row['UserId'] = self.uid self.db.insert('tb_war_action', row)
def countGoodsNum(self, goodsIds): '''获取道具的数量''' # author:zhoujingjiang # goodsIds - 道具ID 或 道具ID的序列 # 返回值:如果goodIds是单个道具,返回该道具的数量;否则返回字典。 item_ids = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_item').keys() is_single = False if isinstance(goodsIds, (int, long, basestring)): is_single = int(goodsIds) goodsIds = [goodsIds] for goodsId in iter(goodsIds): if int(goodsId) not in item_ids: raise TypeError('%s is not an item' % goodsId) table = self.tb_bag() where = 'UserId=%s AND (GoodsId= ' % self.uid where += ' OR GoodsId= '.join(map(str, iter(goodsIds))) + ' ) ' fields = ['GoodsNum', 'GoodsId'] items = self.db.out_rows(table, fields, where) combined = {} for item in items: combined[item['GoodsId']] = combined.get(item['GoodsId'], 0) \ + item['GoodsNum'] for goodsId in iter(goodsIds): combined.setdefault(int(goodsId), 0) return combined if not is_single else combined[is_single]
def vipAddTotal(self, optId, goldNum): ''' :玩家充值黄金,增加玩家累积黄金,更新Vip等级 @param goldNum:增加的黄金数量 ''' userInfo = self.getUserInfo(['VipLevel', 'VipTotalPay']) curLevel = userInfo.get('VipLevel') curVipTotal = userInfo.get('VipTotalPay') totalPay = goldNum + curVipTotal levelCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_vip_up') levelUp = max([ levelCfg[level]['VipLevel'] for level in levelCfg if totalPay >= levelCfg[level]['TotalPay'] ]) data = {'VipTotalPay': totalPay, 'VipLevel': levelUp} self.db.update('tb_user', data, 'UserId=%s' % self.uid) if levelUp > curLevel: #VIP升级 interMod = Gcore.getMod('Inter', self.uid) interMod.updateInterVip() #更新VIP内政加成 Gcore.setUserData(self.uid, {'VipLevel': levelUp}) #更新用户缓存 Lizr Gcore.push(107, self.uid, {'VipLevel': levelUp}) #推送给前端升级 Lizr if curVipTotal == 0: #增加首冲奖励 Gcore.getMod('Activity', self.uid).insertGifts(1, 0) #发送系统邮件 mailMod = Gcore.getMod('Mail', self.uid) mailMod.sendSystemMail(self.uid, [], optId, other=[ goldNum, ]) return levelUp
def cacAllTrainSoldierNum(self, time_stamp, queues): '''计算某一时刻的产兵量''' soldier_spawn = {} deletes = [] #征完兵的征兵队列 remains = {} #每个ProcessId对应的剩余未生产数量 for _, train_queues in queues.iteritems(): speed = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_building_up', (6, train_queues[0][1]), 'HourValue') speed = int(speed / 3600) start_time = train_queues[0][2] seconds = time_stamp - start_time for train_queue in train_queues: seconds_need = int(math.ceil(train_queue[0]/(speed+0.0))) if seconds >= seconds_need: seconds -= seconds_need soldier_spawn[train_queue[4]] = \ soldier_spawn.setdefault(train_queue[4], 0) + train_queue[0] deletes.append(train_queue[3]) else: soldier_spawn[train_queue[4]] = \ soldier_spawn.setdefault(train_queue[4], 0) + int(seconds * speed) remains[train_queue[3]] = train_queue[0] - int(seconds * speed) break return soldier_spawn, remains, deletes
def getAchievements(self): ''' :获取我的成就 ''' result = {} fields = ['AchieveType','Finished','NextAchieveId','CurrentAchieve'] acs = self.db.out_rows('tb_achieve',fields,'UserId=%s'%self.uid) achCfgs = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_achieve') types = achCfgs.keys() #查找成就记录中还没有的成就 for ac in acs: acType = ac.get('AchieveType') if acType in types: types.remove(acType) #插入还没有初始化的成就数据 if types: insertRows = [] for t in types: # firstAchieve = min(achCfgs[t].keys()) data = {'AchieveType':t, 'UserId':self.uid, 'NextAchieveId':1} insertRows.append(data) data['CurrentAchieve'] = 0 data['Finished'] = 0 result[t] = data self.db.insertmany('tb_achieve',insertRows) #生成以成就类型为key的字典 for ac in acs: result[ac['AchieveType']] = ac return result
def openSoliders(self, time_stamp=None, reverse=False): '''按照顺序返回玩家已开放的兵种''' #reverse-False从低到高,True从高到低 modBuilding = Gcore.getMod('Building', self.uid) Buildings = modBuilding.getBuildingByType(6, TimeStamp=time_stamp) Buildings = [ building for building in Buildings if building['BuildingState'] != 1 ] if not Buildings: return [] max_level = max( [building['BuildingRealLevel'] for building in Buildings]) print 'max_level', max_level soldier_details = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_soldier').values() soldiers = [ soldier_detail for soldier_detail in soldier_details if soldier_detail['OpenLevel'] <= max_level and soldier_detail['SoldierClass'] == 1 and ( soldier_detail['SoldierSide'] == 0 or soldier_detail['SoldierSide'] == self.getUserCamp()) ] soldiers = sorted(soldiers, key=lambda dic: dic['OpenLevel'], reverse=reverse) Techs = Gcore.getMod('Book', self.uid).getTechsLevel(1) return [{ soldier['SoldierType']: Techs.get(soldier['SoldierType']) } for soldier in soldiers]
def GetSignInLog(self, param={}): '''获取签到日志''' optId = 23006 data = self.mod.getSigninLog() a = list(data['SignInDate']) data['SignInDate'] = ','.join(a) #获取全勤奖励信息 awards = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_signin_award').values() fullWorkAwards = filter(lambda dic:dic['AwardId']>=3000 and dic['AwardId']<4000, awards) now = data['FullWorkAwardId'] = fullWorkAwards[now.month-1]['AwardId'] #获取周期奖励信息 finalAwards = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_ACT_SIGNIN)['FinalAwardId'] #awards = finalAwards.split(',') awards = finalAwards signCount = data['SignInCount'] n = signCount / 30 % len(awards) if signCount % 30 == 0: n -= 1 awardId = int(awards[n]) data['FinalAwardId'] = awardId signCount = signCount % 30 data['SignInDays'] = signCount if signCount else 30 #用于前台显示当前周期内的天数,30天一周期 data['Refill'] = 5 - data['Refill'] return Gcore.out(optId, data)
def BuyMap(self,p={}): '''购买地图''' optId = 14002 if 'x' not in p or 'y' not in p: return Gcore.error(optId,-14002001) #非法参数 x = p['x'] y = p['y'] if not self.mod.checkBuyStartCoord(x,y): print self.mod.db.sql return Gcore.error(optId,-14002002) #所传的坐标非可购买坐标的起点 if self.mod.checkHadBuy(x,y): return Gcore.error(optId,-14002003) #你已经购买过此坐标 MapBuyTimes = Gcore.getMod('Player',self.uid).getMapBuyTimes() CostValue = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_map_cost',MapBuyTimes,'Cost') print CostValue #开始支付 modCoin = Gcore.getMod('Coin',self.uid) classMethod = '%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) pay = modCoin.PayCoin(optId, 3, CostValue, classMethod, p) achieve = {'uid':self.uid,'ValType':0,'Val':1}#成就记录 if pay < 0: Gcore.error(optId, -14002995) #支付失败 else: if not self.mod.doBuyMap(x,y): return Gcore.error(optId,-14002004) #购买失败 else: return Gcore.out(optId,achieve=achieve)
def insertGifts(self, activityId, awardId): ''' 添加通用礼包记录 @param activityId:活动Id,1首冲2签到3成长4活跃5鸿运6在线 @param awardId:奖励Id,各个活动的奖励配置表的Id @param TimeStamp:获奖时间 ''' day = self.getDeadline(activityId) if day == 0: perm = 1 else: perm = 0 row = { 'UserId': self.uid, 'ActivityId': activityId, 'AwardId': awardId, 'isGet': 0, 'CreateTime': time.time(), 'LimiteTime': day, 'Perm': perm } table = 'tb_activity_gift' res = self.db.insert(table, row) #by qiudx 属于通用礼包的将推送给前端 if res: activitys = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act').values() actIdList = [ activity['ActivityId'] for activity in activitys if activity['GeneralShow'] == 1 ] #print actIdList if activityId in actIdList: num = self.pushGiftNum() Gcore.push(109, self.uid, {'GiftNum': num}) return res
def GetSignInLog(self, param={}): '''获取签到日志''' optId = 23006 data = self.mod.getSigninLog() a = list(data['SignInDate']) data['SignInDate'] = ','.join(a) #获取全勤奖励信息 awards = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_signin_award').values() fullWorkAwards = filter( lambda dic: dic['AwardId'] >= 3000 and dic['AwardId'] < 4000, awards) now = data['FullWorkAwardId'] = fullWorkAwards[now.month - 1]['AwardId'] #获取周期奖励信息 finalAwards = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_ACT_SIGNIN)['FinalAwardId'] #awards = finalAwards.split(',') awards = finalAwards signCount = data['SignInCount'] n = signCount / 30 % len(awards) if signCount % 30 == 0: n -= 1 awardId = int(awards[n]) data['FinalAwardId'] = awardId signCount = signCount % 30 data[ 'SignInDays'] = signCount if signCount else 30 #用于前台显示当前周期内的天数,30天一周期 data['Refill'] = 5 - data['Refill'] return Gcore.out(optId, data)
def GetPatchNum(self, para={}): '''获取碎片的数量''' optId = 15132 #获得碎片的数量 patchs_num = self.mod.getPatchNum() #获得各种武将卡的数量 cards_num = self.mod.getGeneralCardNum() #是个字典 #武将卡的所有类型 item_ids = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_general_patch').keys() #组合成返回结果 rels = [] for item_id in item_ids: item = { 'ItemId': item_id, 'Number': cards_num.get(item_id, 0), 'Patch1': 0, 'Patch2': 0, 'Patch3': 0, 'Patch4': 0, } for patch_num in patchs_num: if patch_num['ItemId'] == item_id: item.update(patch_num) break #if item['Number'] or item['Patch1'] or item['Patch2'] or \ # item['Patch3'] or item['Patch4']: rels.append(copy.deepcopy(item)) return Gcore.out(optId, rels)
def getClubInfo(self,ClubId=None,fields='*'): '''获取军团信息''' if ClubId is None: return None ClubInfo = self.db.out_fields('tb_club',fields, "ClubId = '%s'"%ClubId) #如果军团信息中包含当前经验,当前等级累积经验,就计算下当前等级剩余经验,升级经验by zhanggh for fie in ['ClubTotalExp','ClubLevelTotalExp','ClubLevel']: if fie not in ClubInfo: return ClubInfo #by Lizr #当前等级剩余经验 ClubInfo['ClubCurrentExp'] = ClubInfo['ClubTotalExp'] - ClubInfo['ClubLevelTotalExp'] #当前等级升级经验 cCfgs = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_club_up') maxLevel = max(cCfgs.keys()) clubLevel = ClubInfo['ClubLevel'] if clubLevel<maxLevel: ClubInfo['ClubCurrentExp'] = ClubInfo['ClubTotalExp'] - ClubInfo['ClubLevelTotalExp'] ClubInfo['ClubUpLevelExp'] = cCfgs[clubLevel+1]['LevelupExp'] else: ClubInfo['ClubCurrentExp'] = cCfgs[maxLevel]['LevelupExp'] ClubInfo['ClubUpLevelExp'] = cCfgs[maxLevel]['LevelupExp'] return ClubInfo
def _test(): '''测试方法''' uid = 1012 c = Building_altarMod(uid) now=time.time() c.getMyBuildingType() #天坛测试 skyAltar=Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_altar_sky') for e in skyAltar.values(): for s in e: print c.distLottery(1, s, now, 10554, 'distLottery') #地坛测试 lankAltar=Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_altar_land') for e in lankAltar.values(): for s in e: print c.distLottery(2, s, now, 10554, 'distLottery')
def getActPoint(self): '''获得 剩余行动点数/最大行动点数''' BuyActPoint = self.getUserInfo('BuyActPoint') row = self._lastActRecord() MaxPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point', self.getUserLevel(), 'ActPoint') if not row: RestPoint = MaxPoint + BuyActPoint else: nowtime = Gcore.common.nowtime() PerIncrTime = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('ActPointRecoverTime', 1200) if Gcore.TEST and self.uid in [1001, 43953]: PerIncrTime = testPerIncrTime if row['ActPoint'] >= MaxPoint: #已满,不恢复 RestPoint = row['ActPoint'] else: AccuTime = row['AccuTime'] + (nowtime - row['LastWarTime']) incrTimes = AccuTime // PerIncrTime #回复一点需要多长时间 20分钟 #print 'incrTimes',incrTimes print 'getActPoint.上次剩余', row['ActPoint'] print 'getActPoint.至已经恢复了', incrTimes ActPoint = row['ActPoint'] + incrTimes if ActPoint > MaxPoint: ActPoint = MaxPoint print 'getActPoint.剩余+累计越出上限,设为上限', ActPoint #查看的时候 不更新累计时间 tb_war_action.AccuTime RestPoint = ActPoint #print '剩余次数 最大次数',RestPoint,MaxPoint, 前台显示的是: 剩余次数/最大次数 return (RestPoint, MaxPoint)
def Exchange(self, para={}): '''货币兑换 by Lizr''' optId = 20001 CoinType = para['CoinType'] CoinValue = para['CoinValue'] if CoinType not in (2, 3): return Gcore.error(optId, -20001998) #非法操作 if type(CoinValue) not in (int, long) or CoinValue <= 0: return Gcore.error(optId, -20001998) #非法操作 storageSpace = Gcore.getMod('Building', self.uid).cacStorageSpace(CoinType) addPercent = CoinValue / storageSpace rateInfos = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_shop_res_sale') rateInfoList = filter(lambda dic:dic['AddPercent'] <= addPercent and dic['CoinType'] == CoinType, rateInfos.values()) rateInfo = max(rateInfoList, key=lambda sale:sale['AddPercent']) rate = rateInfo['kPrice1'] * (storageSpace ** rateInfo['kPrice2']) GoldValue = int(math.ceil(CoinValue * rate)) # rate = Gcore.loadCfg(2001).get('exchange').get(str(CoinType)) # GoldValue = math.ceil(CoinValue/rate) modCoin = Gcore.getMod('Coin', self.uid) classMethod = '%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) pay = modCoin.PayCoin(optId, 1, GoldValue, classMethod, para) if pay < 0: return Gcore.error(optId, -20001995) #支付失败 else: #GainValue = GoldValue*rate #GainValue = int(math.ceil(GoldValue / rate)) #result = modCoin.GainCoin(optId, CoinType, GainValue, classMethod, para) result = modCoin.GainCoin(optId, CoinType, CoinValue, classMethod, para) body = {"CoinType": CoinType, "CoinValue": CoinValue, "GoldUsed": pay} return Gcore.out(optId, body)
def useActPoint(self,point=1): '''战役成功,使用一点行动力''' BuyActPoint = self.getUserInfo('BuyActPoint') if BuyActPoint: if BuyActPoint>=point: cutPoint = point BuyActPoint -= point else: #剩余购买行动力已不够扣减 cutPoint = BuyActPoint #point -= BuyActPoint #剩余部分需在未购买处扣 BuyActPoint =0 print '剩余购买行动力已不够扣减,point:',point sql = 'UPDATE tb_user SET BuyActPoint=BuyActPoint-%s WHERE UserId=%s'%(cutPoint,self.uid) self.db.execute(sql) #print '已购买的行动力扣1,剩余',BuyActPoint MaxPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point',self.getUserLevel(),'ActPoint') row = self.recoverActPoint(point,0) if row: #今天有打过 pass else: #今天未打过 #print '今天未打过' row = {} row['ActPoint'] = MaxPoint + BuyActPoint row['LastWarTime'] = Gcore.common.nowtime() res = self.db.update('tb_war_action',row,'UserId=%s'%self.uid) if not res: #从来没有记录 row['UserId'] = self.uid self.db.insert('tb_war_action',row)
def _test(): '''测试方法''' uid = 1012 c = Building_altarMod(uid) now = time.time() c.getMyBuildingType() #天坛测试 skyAltar = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_altar_sky') for e in skyAltar.values(): for s in e: print c.distLottery(1, s, now, 10554, 'distLottery') #地坛测试 lankAltar = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_altar_land') for e in lankAltar.values(): for s in e: print c.distLottery(2, s, now, 10554, 'distLottery')
def getTechMaxLevel(self,techCategory,techType,bLevel): ''' :查询科技可研究最大等级 @param techCategory: @param techType: ''' # category = 'soldier' if techCategory==1 else 'inter' # field = 'max(%sTechLevel)'%category # where = '%sType=%s AND BookLevelNeed<=%s'%(category,techType,bLevel) # return self.db.out_field('tb_cfg_tech_%s'%category,field,where) if techCategory==1 and techType<200: cfgTable = 'tb_cfg_tech_soldier' tlv = 'SoldierTechLevel' blv = 'BookLevelNeed' tt = 'SoldierType' elif techCategory==1 and techType>=200: cfgTable = 'tb_cfg_wall_school' tlv = 'DefenseLevel' blv = 'WallLevelNeed' tt = 'DefenseType' else: cfgTable = 'tb_cfg_tech_inter' tlv = 'InterTechLevel' blv = 'BookLevelNeed' tt = 'InterType' return max([t[tlv] for t in Gcore.getCfg(cfgTable).values() if bLevel>=t[blv] and t[tt]==techType])
def GetPatchNum(self, para={}): """获取碎片的数量""" optId = 15132 # 获得碎片的数量 patchs_num = self.mod.getPatchNum() # 获得各种武将卡的数量 cards_num = self.mod.getGeneralCardNum() # 是个字典 # 武将卡的所有类型 item_ids = Gcore.getCfg("tb_cfg_general_patch").keys() # 组合成返回结果 rels = [] for item_id in item_ids: item = { "ItemId": item_id, "Number": cards_num.get(item_id, 0), "Patch1": 0, "Patch2": 0, "Patch3": 0, "Patch4": 0, } for patch_num in patchs_num: if patch_num["ItemId"] == item_id: item.update(patch_num) break # if item['Number'] or item['Patch1'] or item['Patch2'] or \ # item['Patch3'] or item['Patch4']: rels.append(copy.deepcopy(item)) return Gcore.out(optId, rels)
def gainRankReward(self, optId=0): '''领取排名奖励''' row = self.db.out_fields('tb_rank_fight_last', 'RankId,Rewarded', 'UserId=%s' % self.uid) MyRewardRankId = row['RankId'] Rewarded = row['Rewarded'] gainRewardList = [] if Rewarded: return gainRewardList cfg_rank_reward = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_rank_reward') affected = self.db.update('tb_rank_fight_last', {'Rewarded': 1}, 'Rewarded=0 AND UserId=%s' % self.uid) if affected: for k, v in cfg_rank_reward.iteritems(): if v['RankFrom'] <= MyRewardRankId and MyRewardRankId <= v[ 'RankTo']: for i in xrange(1, 6): field1 = 'RewardType%s' % i field2 = 'GoodsId%s' % i field3 = 'GoodsNum%s' % i if v[field1] and v[field2]: Gcore.getMod('Reward', self.uid).reward( optId, {}, v[field1], v[field2], v[field3]) gainRewardList.append({ 'RewardType': v[field1], 'GoodsId': v[field2], 'GoodsNum': v[field3] }) break return gainRewardList
def BuyItemEquip(self, param={}): '''商城购买装备或道具''' optId = 20006 ieSaleId = param['IeSaleId'] ieSaleCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_shop_ie_sale', ieSaleId) if ieSaleCfg is None: return Gcore.error(optId, -20006001)#商品不存在 modCoin = Gcore.getMod('Coin', self.uid) modBag = Gcore.getMod('Bag', self.uid) if not modBag.inclueOrNot(ieSaleCfg['SaleType'], ieSaleCfg['GoodsId'], ieSaleCfg['OnceNum']): return Gcore.error(optId, -20006002)#背包空间不足 classMethod = '%s,%s'%(self.__class__.__name__,sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) res = modCoin.PayCoin(optId, 1, ieSaleCfg['Price'], classMethod, param) if res == -2: return Gcore.error(optId, -20006994)#货币不足 if res < 0: return Gcore.error(optId, -20006995)#支付失败或者非法操作 modBag = Gcore.getMod('Bag', self.uid) buyId = modBag.addGoods(ieSaleCfg['SaleType'], ieSaleCfg['GoodsId'], ieSaleCfg['OnceNum'], addLog=optId) recordData = {'uid': self.uid, 'ValType': ieSaleCfg['GoodsId'], 'Val': ieSaleCfg['OnceNum'], 'GoodsType': ieSaleCfg['SaleType']}#成就、任务记录 return Gcore.out(optId, {'Result': buyId}, mission = recordData)
def inclueOrNot(self, goodsType, goodsId, goodsNum=1): ''' :判断背包是否有足够空间存放物品 @param goodsType:物品类型 1.装备,2道具 4兵书5宝物 @param goodsId:装备道具类型 @param goodsNum:存放数量 ''' bagTable = self.tb_bag() maxNum = self.getBagSize() #查询背包容量 goods = self.db.out_rows(bagTable, ['*'], 'UserId=%s' % self.uid) avlBag = self._getAvlInBag(goods, maxNum) #查询可用的格仔 if goodsType in (1, 4, 5): avlNum = len(avlBag) elif goodsType == 2: #物品类型是否为道具 overlayNum = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_item', goodsId, 'OverlayNum') #该类道具最大容量 avlNum = len(avlBag) * overlayNum for good in goods: if good['GoodsType'] == 2 and good['GoodsId'] == goodsId: avlNum += (overlayNum - good['GoodsNum']) if avlNum >= goodsNum: return True else: return False
def achieveTrigger(self,optId,data={'ValType':0,'Val':0}): aCfgs = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_achieve') activeAction = self._getAchieveCache(optId) #查询与OptId对应的成就类型 aData = {} ats = [] for k in aCfgs.keys(): optIds = aCfgs[k][1]['OptId'].strip().split(',') if (str(optId) in optIds) and (k in activeAction): ats.append(k) for at in ats: achieve = self.getAchieveInfo(at) aCfg = aCfgs.get(at) curAchieve = achieve.get('CurrentAchieve') maxAchieve = aCfg[max(aCfg.keys())]['AchieveRequire'] #成就没完成 if achieve.get('Finished')==0 and curAchieve<maxAchieve: updateVal = self.checkUpdateValue(at,data,curAchieve) if updateVal: data = {'CurrentAchieve':updateVal,'NextAchieveId':achieve.get('NextAchieveId')} aData[at] = data #更新任务 if aData: self.updateAchieve(aData)
def inclueOrNot(self,goodsType,goodsId,goodsNum=1): ''' :判断背包是否有足够空间存放物品 @param goodsType:物品类型 1.装备,2道具 4兵书5宝物 @param goodsId:装备道具类型 @param goodsNum:存放数量 ''' bagTable = self.tb_bag() maxNum = self.getBagSize()#查询背包容量 goods = self.db.out_rows(bagTable,['*'],'UserId=%s'%self.uid) avlBag = self._getAvlInBag(goods, maxNum)#查询可用的格仔 if goodsType in (1,4,5): avlNum = len(avlBag) elif goodsType==2:#物品类型是否为道具 overlayNum=Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_item',goodsId,'OverlayNum')#该类道具最大容量 avlNum = len(avlBag)*overlayNum for good in goods: if good['GoodsType']==2 and good['GoodsId']==goodsId: avlNum+=(overlayNum-good['GoodsNum']) if avlNum>=goodsNum: return True else: return False
def vipAddTotal(self, optId, goldNum): ''' :玩家充值黄金,增加玩家累积黄金,更新Vip等级 @param goldNum:增加的黄金数量 ''' userInfo = self.getUserInfo(['VipLevel','VipTotalPay']) curLevel = userInfo.get('VipLevel') curVipTotal = userInfo.get('VipTotalPay') totalPay = goldNum+curVipTotal levelCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_vip_up') levelUp = max([levelCfg[level]['VipLevel'] for level in levelCfg if totalPay>=levelCfg[level]['TotalPay']]) data = {'VipTotalPay':totalPay,'VipLevel':levelUp} self.db.update('tb_user',data,'UserId=%s'%self.uid) if levelUp>curLevel:#VIP升级 interMod = Gcore.getMod('Inter',self.uid) interMod.updateInterVip()#更新VIP内政加成 Gcore.setUserData(self.uid,{'VipLevel':levelUp}) #更新用户缓存 Lizr Gcore.push(107,self.uid,{'VipLevel':levelUp}) #推送给前端升级 Lizr if curVipTotal==0: #增加首冲奖励 Gcore.getMod('Activity',self.uid).insertGifts(1,0) #发送系统邮件 mailMod = Gcore.getMod('Mail', self.uid) mailMod.sendSystemMail(self.uid, [], optId, other=[goldNum,]) return levelUp
def getTechMaxLevel(self, techCategory, techType, bLevel): """ :查询科技可研究最大等级 @param techCategory: @param techType: """ # category = 'soldier' if techCategory==1 else 'inter' # field = 'max(%sTechLevel)'%category # where = '%sType=%s AND BookLevelNeed<=%s'%(category,techType,bLevel) # return self.db.out_field('tb_cfg_tech_%s'%category,field,where) if techCategory == 1 and techType < 200: cfgTable = "tb_cfg_tech_soldier" tlv = "SoldierTechLevel" blv = "BookLevelNeed" tt = "SoldierType" elif techCategory == 1 and techType >= 200: cfgTable = "tb_cfg_wall_school" tlv = "DefenseLevel" blv = "WallLevelNeed" tt = "DefenseType" else: cfgTable = "tb_cfg_tech_inter" tlv = "InterTechLevel" blv = "BookLevelNeed" tt = "InterType" return max([t[tlv] for t in Gcore.getCfg(cfgTable).values() if bLevel >= t[blv] and t[tt] == techType])