Esempio n. 1
def __install_extension(ext_path, dest_dir, logger):
    Installs the supplied extension path by unzipping it directly into the
    supplied destination directory.

    :param ext_path: The path to the .zxp extension.
    :param dest_dir: The CEP extension's destination

    # move the installed extension to the backup directory
    if os.path.exists(dest_dir):
        backup_ext_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        logger.debug("Backing up the installed extension to: %s" %
                     (backup_ext_dir, ))
            backup_folder(dest_dir, backup_ext_dir)
        except Exception:
            raise sgtk.TankError(
                "Unable to create backup during extension update.")

        # now remove the installed extension
        logger.debug("Removing the installed extension directory...")
        except Exception:
            # try to restore the backup
            move_folder(backup_ext_dir, dest_dir)
            raise sgtk.TankError(
                "Unable to remove the old extension during update.")

    logger.debug("Installing bundled extension: '%s' to '%s'" %
                 (ext_path, dest_dir))

    # make sure the bundled extension exists
    if not os.path.exists(ext_path):
        # retrieve backup before aborting install
        move_folder(backup_ext_dir, dest_dir)
        raise sgtk.TankError(
            "Expected CEP extension does not exist. Looking for %s" %
            (ext_path, ))

    # extract the .zxp file into the destination dir
    with contextlib.closing(zipfile.ZipFile(ext_path, "r")) as ext_zxp:

    # if we're here, the install was successful. remove the backup
        logger.debug("Install success. Removing the backed up extension.")
    except Exception:
        # can't remove temp dir. no biggie.
Esempio n. 2
def _ensure_extension_up_to_date():
    Ensure the basic adobe extension is installed in the OS-specific location
    and that it matches the extension bundled with the installed engine.

    extension_name = ""

    # the CEP install directory is OS-specific
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        app_data = os.getenv("APPDATA")
    elif sys.platform == "darwin":
        app_data = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support")
        raise Exception("This engine only runs on OSX & Windows.")

    # the adobe CEP install directory. This is where the extension is stored.
    adobe_cep_dir = os.path.join(app_data, "Adobe", "CEP", "extensions")
    logger.debug("Adobe CEP extension dir: %s" % (adobe_cep_dir, ))

    # make sure the directory exists. create it if not.
    if not os.path.exists(adobe_cep_dir):
        logger.debug("Extension folder does not exist. Creating it.")

    # get the path to the installed engine's .zxp file. the extension_name file i
    # is 3 levels up from this file.
    bundled_ext_path = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir,
                     "%s.zxp" % (extension_name, )))

    if not os.path.exists(bundled_ext_path):
        raise Exception("Could not find bundled extension. Expected: '%s'" %
                        (bundled_ext_path, ))

    # now get the version of the bundled extension
    version_file = "%s.version" % (extension_name, )

    bundled_version_file_path = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir,

    if not os.path.exists(bundled_version_file_path):
        raise Exception("Could not find bundled version file. Expected: '%s'" %
                        (bundled_version_file_path, ))

    # get the bundled version from the version file
    with open(bundled_version_file_path, "r") as bundled_version_file:
        bundled_version =

    # check to see if the extension is installed in the CEP extensions directory
    installed_ext_dir = os.path.join(adobe_cep_dir, extension_name)

    # if not installed, install it
    if not os.path.exists(installed_ext_dir):
        logger.debug("Extension not installed. Installing it!")
        _install_extension(bundled_ext_path, installed_ext_dir)

    # ---- already installed, check for udpate

    logger.debug("Bundled extension's version is: %s" % (bundled_version, ))

    # get the version from the installed extension's build_version.txt file
    installed_version_file_path = os.path.join(installed_ext_dir, version_file)

    logger.debug("The installed version file path is: %s" %
                 (installed_version_file_path, ))

    if not os.path.exists(installed_version_file_path):
        raise Exception("Could not find installed version file '%s'" %
                        (installed_version_file_path, ))

    # the version of the installed extension
    installed_version = None

    # get the installed version from the installed version info file
    with open(installed_version_file_path, "r") as installed_version_file:
        logger.debug("Extracting the version from the installed extension.")
        installed_version =

    if installed_version is None:
        raise Exception(
            "Could not determine version for the installed extension.")

    logger.debug("Installed extension's version is: %s" %
                 (installed_version, ))

    from sgtk.util.version import is_version_older
    if bundled_version != "dev" and installed_version != "dev":
        if (bundled_version == installed_version
                or is_version_older(bundled_version, installed_version)):

            # the bundled version is the same or older. or it is a 'dev' build
            # which means always install that one.
                "Installed extension is equal to or newer than the bundled "
                "build. Nothing to do!")

    # ---- extension in engine is newer. update!

    if bundled_version == "dev":
        logger.debug("Installing the bundled 'dev' version of the extension.")
            "Bundled extension build is newer than the installed extension " +
            "build! Updating...")

    # move the installed extension to the backup directory
    backup_ext_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    logger.debug("Backing up the installed extension to: %s" %
                 (backup_ext_dir, ))
        backup_folder(installed_ext_dir, backup_ext_dir)
    except Exception:
        raise Exception("Unable to create backup during extension update.")

    # now remove the installed extension
    logger.debug("Removing the installed extension directory...")
    except Exception:
        # try to restore the backup
        move_folder(backup_ext_dir, installed_ext_dir)
        raise Exception("Unable to remove the old extension during update.")

    # install the bundled .zxp file
    _install_extension(bundled_ext_path, installed_ext_dir)

    # if we're here, the install was successful. remove the backup
        logger.debug("Install success. Removing the backed up extension.")
    except Exception:
        # can't remove temp dir. no biggie.