def main(): # get input arguments for download link args = parse_input_args() download_url = args.download_url output_filename = download_url.split('/')[-1] # check if COSMIC login credentials ENV variable exists cosmic_db_creds = environ.get('COSMIC_DB_CREDS') if cosmic_db_creds == None: print( 'COSMIC database login credentials not found in this system. Please ensure that COSMIC_DB_CREDS environment variable exists.' ) print('Exiting program') sys.exit(1) # use the cosmic credentials to get the download link. print('Fetching authorized download link...') auth_download_link = get_cosmic_download_link(download_url, cosmic_db_creds) print('Got authorized download link.') # download the actual database file print('Downloading file from COSMIC...') sh.bash("-c", f"curl '{auth_download_link}' -o {output_filename}", _fg=True)
def process_mut_export(filename, sites): # run a shell command to create intermediate file sites_file = 'sites.tmp' print('Preprocessing cosmic mutant export file...') # check operating system gz_decomp = get_gzip_app() sh.bash("-c", f"{gz_decomp} {filename} | cut -f 7,8,17 >{sites_file}") print('Calculating file size...') row_count = int(sh.bash("-c", f"cat {sites_file} | wc -l")) # parse the intermediate file print('Parsing intermediate file...') counter = 0 with progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=row_count) as pbar: for sites_item in read_sites_file(sites_file): temp_arr = sites_item.strip('\n').split('\t') cosmic_id = temp_arr[2] site = temp_arr[1] tumor_id = temp_arr[0] if cosmic_id in sites: if site in sites[cosmic_id]: sites[cosmic_id][site].add(tumor_id) else: sites[cosmic_id][site] = {tumor_id} else: temp_dict = {} temp_dict[site] = {tumor_id} sites[cosmic_id] = temp_dict counter += 1 pbar.update(counter) print('Parsing complete.') print('Removing temporary file...')
def execBashFile(self, path): try: sh.bash(path) return True except Exception as e: logException(e, self, location="execBashFile") return False
def test_flakehell_passes(cookies: Cookies, context: Dict[str, str], context_override: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Generated project should pass flakehell.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={**context, **context_override}) try: # The black step is executed by the post hooks # we need to run everything in the same step so that flakehell uses the # virtualenv. sh.bash( "-c", "virtualenv -p `which python3.7` env; " "source env/bin/activate; " "pip install pip-tools; " "pip-compile -U --allow-unsafe; " "pip-compile -U --allow-unsafe " " --output-file requirements-dev.txt; " "pip install -r requirements-dev.txt; " "pip install -e .; " "black --exclude env .; " "flakehell lint src tests", _cwd=str(result.project), ) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as error:
def calibrate_coarse(self, monte_carlo_iterations=50): """ Run SLEUTH coarse calibration. Parameters: - `monte_carlo_iterations`: iterations for the coarse calibration step. """ coarse_dir = join(self.output_path, 'coarse') create_dir(coarse_dir) coarse_params = { 'diff': 50, 'diff_start': 0, 'diff_step': 25, 'diff_end': 100, 'brd': 50, 'brd_start': 0, 'brd_step': 25, 'brd_end': 100, 'sprd': 50, 'sprd_start': 0, 'sprd_step': 25, 'sprd_end': 100, 'slp': 50, 'slp_start': 0, 'slp_step': 25, 'slp_end': 100, 'rg': 50, 'rg_start': 0, 'rg_step': 25, 'rg_end': 100, 'output_dir': coarse_dir + '/' } with open(join(self.output_path, 'scenario.%s.coarse' % self.location), 'w') as f: scenario_file_path = f.write( self.create_scenario_file(coarse_params, monte_carlo_iterations)) self.status['calibration']['coarse']['start'] = self.status['calibration']['coarse']['params'] = coarse_params self.save_status() if config['use_mpi']: mpirun('-np', config['mpi_cores'], config['grow_binary'], 'calibrate', scenario_file_path, _out=join(coarse_dir, 'mpi_out.log'), _err=join(coarse_dir, 'mpi_err.log')) else: bash( '-c', "%s calibrate %s" % (config['grow_binary'], scenario_file_path)) self.status['calibration']['coarse']['end'] = self.save_status()
def run_python_tests(self: object) -> None: bash_command_string = ". {0}; ./nosetests/".format( self.rip_environment_path) sh.bash("-c", bash_command_string, _cwd=self.normalized_path, _out=sys.stdout.buffer, _err=sys.stderr.buffer)
def get_mace(configs, abis, output_dir, build_mace): if build_mace: sh.bash("tools/", abis, os.path.abspath(output_dir), _fg=True) else: file_path = download_file(configs, "", output_dir) sh.unzip("-o", file_path, "-d", "third_party/mace")
def stop_tor(): log.debug('stop tor') cancel_timer() try: sh.bash('-c', 'service tor stop') except Exception as exc: print(exc) # it doesnt matter if it's already stopped pass
def start_tor(): log.debug('start tor') try: sh.bash('-c', 'service tor start') except Exception as exc: print(exc) raise else: reset_timer()
def chargingbackend(ctx): print("Installing charging backend") name = charg.get("url").split("/")[-1][:-4] cd(name) virtualenv("virtenv") bash("") cd("..")
def run_runtests(self: object, test_path) -> None: if test_path is None: test_path = "{0}/tests".format(self.normalized_path) bash_command_string = ". {0}; runtests {1}".format( self.rip_environment_path, test_path) sh.bash("-c", bash_command_string, _cwd=self.normalized_path, _out=sys.stdout.buffer, _err=sys.stderr.buffer)
def rebootstrap_site(name, folder, python, mr_developer=False): """ (Re)run & buildout. This will make Plone buildout.cfg setup pull are Python code needed to run the site from and various other sources. This includes site addon code. Sudo first before doing this. :param mr_developer: Do Mr. Developer activation of src/ packages """ from sh import bash def build_it_out(_ok_code=[0]): """ Little helper """ # We really want to capture all output here since buildout is a bitch exit_code = bash("-c", "cd %s && bin/buildout" % folder, _out_bufsize=0, _out=_unbuffered_stdout, _err=_unbuffered_stdout, _ok_code=_ok_code ).wait().exit_code return exit_code # We cannot pass current working folder (cd) through sudo # we do a trick here by running the command through bash bash("-c", "cd %s && %s" % (folder, python)) print "Running buildout on %s, Mr. Developer support is %s" % (folder, "activated" if mr_developer else "deactivated") _ok_code = [0] # Mr. Developer based buildouts will bonk with exit code 1 on first run if mr_developer: _ok_code.append(1) exit_code = build_it_out(_ok_code) # This is generated by first buildout run, # before bo fails on unknown pkg develop = os.path.join(folder, "bin", "develop") if mr_developer and (exit_code == 1) and os.path.exists(develop): # Buildout return 1 when it encounters non-activated pkg # which is in src/ bash("-c", "cd %s && bin/develop activate ''" % folder, _out_bufsize=0, _out=_unbuffered_stdout, _err=_unbuffered_stdout, ).wait() # Here we go again build_it_out()
def _execute(self, command_line): LOG.debug( 'Begin executing commmand: %s', ' '.join("'" + arg + "'" for arg in command_line)) self.status = "EXECUTING" self.exit_code = None try: sh.bash('-x', *command_line, _out=self.write_stdout, _err=self.write_stderr) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as error: exit_code = error.exit_code status = "FAILED" severity = logging.ERROR except Exception: exit_code = 1 status = "ERROR" severity = logging.ERROR LOG.exception('Internal error.') except BaseException: exit_code = 1 severity = logging.WARNING status = "INTERRUPTED" else: exit_code = 0 status = 'SUCCESS' severity = logging.DEBUG self.exit_code = exit_code self.status = status if exit_code != 0 and self.log_level < logging.ERROR: stream = sys.stderr stream.write('=' * 79 + '\n') sh.tail('-n', '100', self.log_path + '.ansi', _out=stream) stream.write('=' * 79 + '\n') LOG.log( severity, 'Finished executing command:\n' ' Command line: %s\n' ' Status: %s\n' ' Exit code: %s\n' ' Log file: %s\n', command_line, status, exit_code, self.log_path) return exit_code
def build_wasm(args): crate_path = os.path.normpath(args.crate_path) sh.bash(os.path.join(crate_path, ""), "--with-npm-install", **SH_KWARGS) output_dir_path = os.path.join(args.upload_path, APP_NAME) os.makedirs(output_dir_path) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(args.crate_path, "dist"), os.path.join(output_dir_path, "v%s" % args.version)) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(args.crate_path, "dist"), os.path.join(output_dir_path, "%s" % args.branch))
def index(request): if request.method == 'POST': error = '' try: bash(conf.TUTORIALS_UPDATE_SCRIPT.get()) except Exception, ex: error = unicode(ex) result = { 'tutorials': _get_tutorials_version(), 'error': error } return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result))
def test_modes(): err_count = 0 for i in modes: bash(c='make clean', _timeout=2) app_cmd = i[0] + ' ' + i[1] if app_cmd.isspace(): print('DEFAULT', end=": ", flush=True) else: print(app_cmd, end=": ", flush=True) str = bash(c='./ ' + app_cmd, _timeout=10) err_count += test_library(str) return err_count
def run(self, commands, quiet=False): """ Run a command or a script of commands on the local machine. Obviously this is silly, the point is to have the same api for all four environments: local, vz, ssh, and ssh to vz. """ if quiet: return sh.bash(_in=commands) else: return sh.bash(_in=commands, _out=pse, _err=pse, _tee=True)
def postprocessing(cn, jobid, execute='slurm', packyear=True, rmyear=True, endmon=12): ''' tfile - template file ''' cn['year'] = str(cn['date_present'].year) cn['mon'] = str(cn['date_present'].month).zfill(2) cn['day'] = str( calendar.monthrange(cn['date_present'].year, cn['date_present'].month)[1]).zfill(2) cn['nyear'] = str(cn['date_next'].year) cn['nmon'] = str(cn['date_next'].month).zfill(2) cn['jobid'] = str(jobid) cn['packyear'] = packyear # if we pack years after endmon ( usually 12) cn['rmyear'] = rmyear # if we have to clean up after endmon (usually 12) cn['endmon'] = str(endmon).zfill( 2) # month of the year after wich we pack everything for a year ofile = open('', 'w') out_init = TEMP_ENV.get_template(cn['postprocessing_template']).render(cn) ofile.write(out_init) ofile.close() if execute == 'shell': os.system('chmod +x ./')'postprocessing start') process = Popen('./', shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = process.communicate() logging.debug(out) logging.debug(err)'postprocessing is over') elif execute == 'slurm': submit_job("./") elif execute == 'back': os.system('chmod +x ./')'postprocessing start in background mode, good luck...') sh.bash('./', _bg=True, _timeout=1200, _out='o.txt', _err='e.txt') else: pass
def run(self, threshold=3.0, cleanup=True): # Clean up # if cleanup: shutil.rmtree(self.p.working_dir) for f in self.files_to_keep: os.remove(self.base_dir + f) if os.path.exists(self.base_dir + f) else None # Move to the working dir # self.saved_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.p.working_dir) # Make the abundances file # self.taxonomy.otu_csv_norm.transpose(self.abundances, d=',') # Make the most abundant OTU file (launching one perl command per OTU sequence takes forever) # path = "centers_N%i.fa" % self.N if len(self.taxonomy.centers) <= self.N: self.taxonomy.centers.copy(path) else: otus = self.taxonomy.otu_table_norm.sum() otus.sort() highest_otus = otus[-self.N:] sequences = (seq for seq in SeqIO.parse(self.taxonomy.centers, 'fasta') if in highest_otus) with open(path, 'w') as handle: SeqIO.write(sequences, handle, 'fasta') # Run the Quince pipeline with a special version of R # header = 'module load R/3.0.1' + '\n' header += 'export R_LIBS="$HOME/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.0/"' + '\n' header += 'unset R_HOME' + '\n' # Log standard out and standard error as well as both together # tee = "((%s | tee stdout.log) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee stderr.log) &> stdboth.log" # See seqenv documentation for parameters # identity = 100 - threshold params = [ '-f', self.taxonomy.centers, '-s', self.abundances, '-n', self.N, '-m', identity, '-p', '-c', nr_threads ] # Activate bash debug mode # command = "bash -x " + seqenv_script + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str, params)) # Launch the whole thing with sh # self.script = header + tee % command sh.bash(TmpFile.from_string(self.script), _out=self.p.out, _err=self.p.err) # Move things into place # if cleanup: for f in self.files_to_keep: shutil.move(f, "../") # Go back # os.chdir(self.saved_cwd)
def build_wasm(args): crate_paths = [os.path.normpath(crate_path) for crate_path in args.crate_path] for crate_path in crate_paths: sh.npm("install", "--prefix", crate_path, **SH_KWARGS) sh.bash(os.path.join(crate_path, ""), **SH_KWARGS) output_dir_path = os.path.join(args.upload_path, APP_NAME) os.makedirs(output_dir_path) shutil.copytree( os.path.join(crate_path, "dist"), os.path.join(output_dir_path, "v%s" % args.version)) shutil.copytree( os.path.join(crate_path, "dist"), os.path.join(output_dir_path, "%s" % args.branch))
def xxd_diff(old, new): ''' just for fun ''' # xxd -p for pure hexdump # -p must pass in before file name shell = check_shell() # support : bash, zsh # not support : dash cmd = 'diff <(xxd -p {}) <(xxd -p {})'.format(old, new) if shell['bash']: return sh.bash('-c', cmd, _ok_code=[0, 1]) elif shell['zsh']: return sh.zsh('-c', cmd, _ok_code=[0, 1]) else: tmp_old = '/var/tmp/old_hex' tmp_new = '/var/tmp/new_hex' sh.xxd('-p', old, _out=tmp_old) sh.xxd('-p', new, _out=tmp_new) patch = sh.diff(old, new, _iter=True, _ok_code=[0, 1]) sh.rm('-f', tmp_old) sh.rm('-f', tmp_new) return patch
def run_pysource_script( self, commands=(), bg=False, env=None, strip=True, _in=None, _out=None): commands = list(commands) script_path = self._create_script(commands) if env is None: env = os.environ.copy() env[PYSOURCE_HOME_ENV] = self.workdir conf = {'_env': env} if _in is not None: conf['_in'] = _in conf['_in_bufsize'] = 0 if _out is not None: conf['_out'] = _out conf['_out_bufsize'] = 0 if bg: conf['_bg'] = True bash(script_path, **conf) else: output = sh.bash(script_path, **conf).wait() if strip: output = output.strip() return output
def execute_bash(code, stdin=None):"Executing bash script") logger.debug(code) if stdin is not None: if not stdin.strip():"Skipping execution with empty content") return True, stdin stdin = stdin.encode("utf-8") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fp: logger.debug("Saving code to %r", fp.write(code.encode('utf-8')) fp.flush() logger.debug("Launching script %r", try: result = sh.bash(, _in=stdin) ok = True except sh.ErrorReturnCode as exc: result = exc ok = False stdout = result.stdout.decode('utf-8') stderr = result.stderr.decode('utf-8') if ok: log = logger.debug report = stdout else: log = logger.error report = stderr log("Bash exit_code: %r", result.exit_code) log("Bash stdout: %s", stdout) log("Bash stderr: %s", stderr) return ok, report
def assert_completion(self, expected, args=None, filter_non_options=False): args = args or [] args += ["''"] cmd = ['clue'] + list(args) partial_word = cmd[-1] cmdline = ' '.join(cmd) lines = [ 'set -e', 'eval "$(register-python-argcomplete clue)"', 'export COMP_LINE="{}"'.format(cmdline), 'export COMP_WORDS=({})'.format(cmdline), 'export COMP_CWORD={}'.format(cmd.index(partial_word)), 'export COMP_POINT={}'.format(len(cmdline)), '_python_argcomplete {}'.format(cmd[0]), 'echo ${COMPREPLY[*]}' ] script_path = self.workdir / '' script_path.write_text('\n'.join(lines)) p = sh.bash(script_path) completions = p.stdout.strip().split(' ') if filter_non_options: completions = [c for c in completions if c.startswith('-')] self.assertEqual( len(expected), len(completions), 'expected: {}, actual: {}'.format(expected, completions)) for expected_completion in expected: self.assertIn(expected_completion, completions)
def release(): """Release/publish the code. """ # Rebase and push the master with tags to origin. print("Here are the remaining TODO items:") print(bash('')) print() if not util.yes( "Do you still want to rebase and push the master with tags " "to origin (y/n)?"): util.delayed_exit() git.rebase('-i', 'origin/master') git.push('--tags', 'origin', 'master') # Upload to PyPI. if not util.yes("Do you want to upload to PyPI (this is permanent!) " "(y/n)?"): util.delayed_exit() setup.sdist.upload() # Reset the version number. # In CHANGES.txt: newheading = ('TBD (in `GitHub <>`_ ' 'only) -- Updates:') newlink = ('.. _vx.x.x: ' '') rpls = [(r'(<>`_\.)', r'\1\n\n' + newheading), (r'(Initial release\n\n\n)', r'\1%s\n' % newlink)] util.replace('CHANGES.txt', rpls)
def release(): """Release/publish the code. """ # Rebase and push the master with tags to origin. print("Here are the remaining TODO items:") print(bash('')) print() if not util.yes("Do you still want to rebase and push the master with tags " "to origin (y/n)?"): util.delayed_exit() git.rebase('-i', 'origin/master') git.push('--tags', 'origin', 'master') # Upload to PyPI. if not util.yes("Do you want to upload to PyPI (this is permanent!) " "(y/n)?"): util.delayed_exit() setup.sdist.upload() # Reset the version number. # In natu/ set_version('None') # In CHANGES.txt: newheading = ('TBD (in `GitHub <>`_ ' 'only) -- Updates:') newlink = ('.. _vx.x.x: ' '') rpls = [(r'(<>`_\.)', r'\1\n\n' + newheading), (r'(Initial release\n\n\n)', r'\1%s\n' % newlink)] util.replace('CHANGES.txt', rpls)
def assert_completion(self, expected, args=None, filter_non_options=False): args = args or [] args += ["''"] cmd = ['claw'] + list(args) partial_word = cmd[-1] cmdline = ' '.join(cmd) lines = [ 'set -e', 'eval "$(register-python-argcomplete claw)"', 'export COMP_LINE="{}"'.format(cmdline), 'export COMP_WORDS=({})'.format(cmdline), 'export COMP_CWORD={}'.format(cmd.index(partial_word)), 'export COMP_POINT={}'.format(len(cmdline)), '_python_argcomplete {}'.format(cmd[0]), 'echo ${COMPREPLY[*]}' ] script_path = self.workdir / '' script_path.write_text('\n'.join(lines)) p = sh.bash(script_path) completions = p.stdout.strip().split(' ') if filter_non_options: completions = [c for c in completions if c.startswith('-')] self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(completions)) for expected_completion in expected: self.assertIn(expected_completion, completions)
def resource(charm_entity, channel, builder, out_path, resource_spec): out_path = Path(out_path) resource_spec = yaml.load(Path(resource_spec).read_text()) resource_spec_fragment = resource_spec.get(charm_entity, None) click.echo(resource_spec_fragment) if not resource_spec_fragment: raise SystemExit('Unable to determine resource spec for entity') os.makedirs(str(out_path), exist_ok=True) charm_id =, '--channel', channel, 'id') charm_id = yaml.load(charm_id.stdout.decode()) try: resources = sh.charm('list-resources', charm_id['id']['Id'], channel=channel, format='yaml') except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: click.echo('No resources found for {}'.format(charm_id)) return resources = yaml.load(resources.stdout.decode()) builder_sh = Path(builder).absolute() click.echo(builder_sh) for line in sh.bash(str(builder_sh), _cwd=out_path, _iter=True): click.echo(line.strip()) for line in glob('{}/*'.format(out_path)): resource_path = Path(line) resource_fn =[-1] resource_key = resource_spec_fragment.get(resource_fn, None) if resource_key: out = sh.charm.attach(charm_entity, '--channel', channel, '{}={}'.format(resource_key, resource_path)) click.echo(out)
def _run_bash(self, bash_input): log.debug('Running bash command: "{}"'.format(bash_input)) f = None if self.log_file: f = open(self.log_file, 'a+') output = {'stdout': ''} try: def process_line(line): log.debug('Got line: %s' % line) output['stdout'] += line log.debug('BashExec stdout: {}'.format(line)) if f: f.write(line) if self.event_mgr: if len(line)>0 and line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] self.event_mgr.trigger('on_task_event', {'output': line}) proc = bash(_in=bash_input, _out=process_line, _err=process_line) proc.wait() log.debug('Finished: %s, %s, %s' % (proc.exit_code, proc.stdout, proc.stderr)) except ErrorReturnCode as e: log.debug('BashExec failed') raise BashExecuteError(e.stderr, e.exit_code) return output['stdout']
def proxyCommand(host, port, chargingport, glassfishport): print("Installing logic proxy") name = proxy.get("url").split("/")[-1][:-4] cd(name) bash('') if not os.path.isfile("config.js"): shutil.copy2("config.js.template", "config.js") with open("config.js") as f: text = text = text.replace("config.port = 80", "config.port = {}".format(port))\ .replace("'/proxy'", "''") texts = text.split("\n") texts = texts[:59] + generate_endpoints(glassfishport, chargingport) + texts[121:] text = "\n".join(texts) with open("config.js", "w") as f: f.write(text) if os.path.isdir('indexes'): rm('-rf', 'indexes') mkdir('indexes') node('fill_indexes.js') print(""" Finished! Now, go to your IdM instance (e.g. and create an application with this settings: - URL: http://{host}:{port} - Callback URL: http://{host}:{port}/auth/fiware/callback Create a role called "seller" Attach the role to the users you prefer. Modify config.js file with: - config.oauth2.clientID: The client ID that you got when you created the Application - config.oauth2.clientSecret: The client Secret that you got when you created the Application - config.oauth2.callbackURL = http://{host}:{port}/auth/fiware/callback Please refer to for details on configuration settings """.format(host=host, port=port))
def run_sync(self, cmd: str, fail_on_error: bool = False, single_result=True, _out: str = None, _err: str = None, _tee: bool = False): def _prepare_kwargs(_err, _out, _tee): kwargs = {} if _out: kwargs['_out'] = _out if _err: kwargs['_err'] = _err if _tee: kwargs['_tee'] = True return kwargs"Running command: {}".format(cmd)) output = [] exit_code = None try: kwargs = _prepare_kwargs(_err, _out, _tee) if "_out" not in kwargs: # TODO There were problems passing this lambda from _prepare_kwargs process = sh.bash("-c", cmd, **kwargs, _out=lambda line: output.append(line)) else: process = sh.bash("-c", cmd, **kwargs) process.wait() exit_code = process.exit_code except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: if fail_on_error: raise e return e.stdout, e.exit_code except Exception as e: self.LOG.error("Error while executing command {}:\n {}".format( cmd, str(e)))" ".join(output)) # Remove trailing newlines from each line output = [line.rstrip() for line in output] if len(output) == 1 and single_result: output = output[0] return output, exit_code
def clean_all(): bash(c="./fortran_static_library/", _timeout=2) bash(c="./fortran_dynamic_library/", _timeout=2) bash(c="./cpp_static_library/", _timeout=2) bash(c="./cpp_dynamic_library/", _timeout=2) #------------------------------------------------------ # add script here #------------------------------------------------------ print('', flush=True)
def run_interactive_shell(message: str = None): logger = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}') message = message or f'launching a subshell. when done, exit the shell' return sh.bash('-i', _fg=True)
def run_runtests(self: object, test_path) -> None: rip_ini_file = "{0}/etc/machinekit/machinekit.ini".format( self.normalized_path) new_ini_items = "ANNOUNCE_IPV4=0\nANNOUNCE_IPV6=0\n" with open(rip_ini_file, "a") as writer: writer.write(new_ini_items) if test_path is None: test_path = "{0}/tests".format(self.normalized_path) rip_environment_path = "{0}/scripts/rip-environment".format( self.normalized_path) bash_command_string = ". {0}; runtests {1}".format( rip_environment_path, test_path) sh.bash("-c", bash_command_string, _cwd=self.normalized_path, _out=sys.stdout.buffer, _err=sys.stderr.buffer)
def get_aliases(): aliases = {} for alias in bash("-i", "-c", "alias", _iter=True): res = re.match('alias (.+)=\'(.+)\'', alias) if res: aliases[] = return aliases
def setup_package(): """ Sets up docker images and host containers for running the STs. """ # Pull and save each image, so we can use them inside the host containers. if not do_build(): print "Using pre-build calicoctl and calico-node images" return print sh.bash("./").stdout"--output", "calico_containers/calico-node.tar", "calico/node") if not os.path.isfile("calico_containers/busybox.tar"): docker.pull("busybox:latest")"--output", "calico_containers/busybox.tar", "busybox:latest") # Create the calicoctl binary here so it will be in the volume mounted on the hosts. print sh.bash("./")
def run_interactive_shell(message: str = None): logger = logging.getLogger(f"{__name__}") message = message or f"launching a subshell. when done, exit the shell" return sh.bash("-i", _fg=True)
def run(self): """ctool commands are run directly on the stress node""" cmd = self.cmd(include_envs=False) output = sh.bash('-c', "{}".format(cmd),, _env=self.envs)
def configure_source(self: object): if self.configure_src_cmd is None: sys.stderr.write( "No configureSourceCmd specified; doing nothing\n") return self.assert_parent_dir_writable() # May write orig.tar.gz file sys.stderr.write("Running configureSourceCmd '{}':\n".format( self.configure_src_cmd)) try: sh.bash('-c', self.configure_src_cmd, _out=sys.stdout.buffer, _err=sys.stderr.buffer, _cwd=self.normalized_path) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: message = "Configure source command '{}' failed:\n{}".format( self.configure_src_cmd, e) raise ValueError(message)
def chargingbackend(ctx): print("Installing charging backend") name = charg.get("url").split("/")[-1][:-4] cd(name) virtualenv("virtenv") bash("") cd('src') mkdir('media') cd('media') mkdir('assets') mkdir('bills') cd("..") cd("..") cd("..")
def build_it_out(_ok_code=[0]): """ Little helper """ # We really want to capture all output here since buildout is a bitch exit_code = bash("-c", "cd %s && bin/buildout" % folder, _out_bufsize=0, _out=_unbuffered_stdout, _err=_unbuffered_stdout, _ok_code=_ok_code ).wait().exit_code return exit_code
def setup_package(): """ Sets up docker images and host containers for running the STs. """ # Pull and save each image, so we can use them inside the host containers. print sh.bash("./").stdout"--output", "calico-node.tar", "calico/node") if not os.path.isfile("busybox.tar"): docker.pull("busybox:latest")"--output", "busybox.tar", "busybox:latest") if not os.path.isfile("nsenter.tar"): docker.pull("jpetazzo/nsenter:latest")"--output", "nsenter.tar", "jpetazzo/nsenter:latest") if not os.path.isfile("etcd.tar"): docker.pull("")"--output", "etcd.tar", "") # Create the calicoctl binary here so it will be in the volume mounted on the hosts. print sh.bash("./") print "Calicoctl binary created."
def cli(self, call_args, _iter=False): if self.docker_exe is None: raise click.ClickException("Cannot find docker executable in your" " PATH") args = call_args[:] args.insert(0, self.docker_exe) shell_args = ' '.join(args) self.ctx.vlog("Running : %s" % shell_args) if _iter: return bash("-c", shell_args, _iter=True) else: return call(args)
def tor_running(): running = False try: result = sh.bash('-c', 'service tor status') except Exception as exc: log.debug(exc) else: if NOT_RUNNING in str(result): log.debug('service tor status: {}'.format(str(result))) else: running = True return running
def test_cdconfiguration(self): self.init() self.claw.generate(tests.STUB_CONFIGURATION) script = [ 'eval "$(claw cdconfiguration)"', 'cdconfiguration {0}'.format(tests.STUB_CONFIGURATION), 'echo $PWD' ] script_path = self.workdir / '' script_path.write_text('\n'.join(script)) self.assertEqual( self.settings.configurations / tests.STUB_CONFIGURATION, sh.bash(script_path).stdout.strip())
def generate_partial(work_env, from_dir, to_dir, dest_mar, channel_ids, version): log.debug("Generating partial %s", dest_mar) env = work_env.env env["MOZ_PRODUCT_VERSION"] = version env["MOZ_CHANNEL_ID"] = channel_ids make_incremental_update = os.path.join(work_env.workdir, "") out = sh.bash(make_incremental_update, dest_mar, from_dir, to_dir, _cwd=work_env.workdir, _env=env, _timeout=900, _err_to_out=True) if out: log.debug(out)
def postprocessing(cn, jobid, execute='slurm', packyear=True, rmyear=True, endmon = 12): ''' tfile - template file ''' cn['year'] = str(cn['date_present'].year) cn['mon'] = str(cn['date_present'].month).zfill(2) cn['day'] = str(calendar.monthrange(cn['date_present'].year,cn['date_present'].month)[1]).zfill(2) cn['nyear'] = str(cn['date_next'].year) cn['nmon'] = str(cn['date_next'].month).zfill(2) cn['jobid'] = str(jobid) cn['packyear'] = packyear # if we pack years after endmon ( usually 12) cn['rmyear'] = rmyear # if we have to clean up after endmon (usually 12) cn['endmon'] = str(endmon).zfill(2) # month of the year after wich we pack everything for a year ofile = open('', 'w') out_init = TEMP_ENV.get_template(cn['postprocessing_template']).render(cn) ofile.write(out_init) ofile.close() if execute=='shell': os.system('chmod +x ./')'postprocessing start') process = Popen('./', shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out,err) = process.communicate() logging.debug(out) logging.debug(err)'postprocessing is over') elif execute=='slurm': submit_job("./") elif execute=='back': os.system('chmod +x ./')'postprocessing start in background mode, good luck...') sh.bash('./', _bg=True, _timeout=1200, _out='o.txt', _err='e.txt') else: pass
def processLog(self):"starting to process sqldump file") # Bash scripts are in 'data' folder cd('data') # get the pointer pointer = self.findPointer()"> found pointer in file") return # Try to process this file output = bash('', self.infile, self.outfile, pointer) if int(output.trim()) == 0: raise Exception"> created out file")"finished processing sqldump file")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='cross compile build for golang') parser.add_argument('--repo', dest='repo', required=True) parser.add_argument('--tag', dest='tag', default='branch:master') args = parser.parse_args() global reponame reponame = args.repo tag = args.tag outjson['repo'] = reponame outjson['tag'] = tag outjson['created'] = int(time.time()) outjson['version'] = '%s%s' %(sh.go.version(), sh.gopm('-v')) outjson['files'] = {} print 'Fetching', reponame fetch(reponame, tag) rdir = pathjoin(os.getenv('GOPATH'), 'src', args.repo) os.chdir(rdir) # change directory outjson['gobuildrc'] = open('.gobuild.yml').read() if os.path.exists('.gobuild.yml') else '# nothing' os_archs = [('linux','amd64'), ('linux','386'), ('linux','arm'), ('windows','amd64'), ('windows','386'), ('darwin','amd64'), ('darwin','386')] for goos, arch in os_archs: print '\033[92mBuilding for %s,%s\033[0m' %(goos, arch) # green color env = {} if goos == 'darwin': exportenv = str(sh.bash('-c', osxenv)) for (key, value) in re.findall(r'export\s+([\w_]+)=([^\s]+)', exportenv): env[key] = value build(goos, arch, env=env) outjson['time_used'] = int(time.time())-outjson['created'] print 'Saving state to out.json' print '------------ out.json -------------' with open(pathjoin(OUTDIR, 'out.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(outjson, f) print json.dumps(outjson, indent=4)
def generate_partial_mar(to_mar, from_mar, channel_id, product_version, working_dir): """ to_mar is the path of the newer complete .mar file from_mar is the path of the older complete .mar file """ my_env = os.environ.copy() my_env['MAR'] = MAR my_env['MBSDIFF'] = MBSDIFF my_env['MOZ_CHANNEL_ID'] = channel_id my_env['MOZ_PRODUCT_VERSION'] = product_version my_env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' to_mar_name = os.path.basename(to_mar) to_mar_wd = os.path.join(working_dir, to_mar_name) os.mkdir(to_mar_wd)'Unwrapping "to" MAR') unwrap_cmd = sh.Command(UNWRAP) out = unwrap_cmd(to_mar, _cwd=to_mar_wd, _env=my_env, _timeout=120, _err_to_out=True) log.debug("Command returned:\n%s", out) from_mar_name = os.path.basename(from_mar) from_mar_wd = os.path.join(working_dir, from_mar_name) os.mkdir(from_mar_wd)'Unwrapping "from" MAR') out = unwrap_cmd(from_mar, _cwd=from_mar_wd, _env=my_env, _timeout=120, _err_to_out=True) log.debug("Command returned:\n%s", out) partial_name = '-'.join([from_mar_name, to_mar_name]) partial_mar = os.path.join(working_dir, partial_name)'Generating partial mar @ %s', partial_mar) out = sh.bash(MAKE_INCREMENTAL, partial_mar, from_mar_wd, to_mar_wd, _cwd=working_dir, _env=my_env, _timeout=300, _err_to_out=True) log.debug("Command returned: %s", out)'Partial now available at path: %s', partial_mar) return partial_mar
def _run_bash(self, bash_input): log.debug('Running bash command: "{}"'.format(bash_input)) from sh import bash stdout = '' f = None if self.log_file: f = open(self.log_file, 'a+') try: for line in bash(_in=bash_input, _iter=True): log.debug('BashExec stdout: {}'.format(line)) stdout += line if f: f.write(line) except ErrorReturnCode as e: log.debug('BashExec failed') raise BashExecuteError(e.stderr, e.exit_code) return stdout
def test_cdconfiguration_bash_completion(self): self.init() self.claw.generate(tests.STUB_CONFIGURATION) cmd = ['cdconfiguration', "''"] partial_word = cmd[-1] cmdline = ' '.join(cmd) lines = [ 'eval "$(claw cdconfiguration)"', 'export COMP_LINE="{}"'.format(cmdline), 'export COMP_WORDS=({})'.format(cmdline), 'export COMP_CWORD={}'.format(cmd.index(partial_word)), 'export COMP_POINT={}'.format(len(cmdline)), '__claw_cdconfiguration_completion'.format(cmd[0]), 'echo ${COMPREPLY[*]}' ] script_path = self.workdir / '' script_path.write_text('\n'.join(lines)) self.assertEqual( set([tests.STUB_CONFIGURATION, '_']), set(sh.bash(script_path).stdout.strip().split(' ')))
def assert_completion(self, expected, args=None, filter_non_options=False): project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(clash.__file__)) this_file = os.path.basename(__file__) if this_file.endswith('.pyc'): this_file = this_file[:-1] this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) args = args or [] args += ["''"] cmd = [this_file] + list(args) partial_word = cmd[-1] cmdline = ' '.join(cmd) lines = [ 'set -e', 'export PATH={}:$PATH'.format(this_dir), 'export PYTHONPATH={}:$PYTHONPATH'.format(project_dir), 'eval "$(register-python-argcomplete {})"'.format(this_file), 'export COMP_LINE="{}"'.format(cmdline), 'export COMP_WORDS=({})'.format(cmdline), 'export COMP_CWORD={}'.format(cmd.index(partial_word)), 'export COMP_POINT={}'.format(len(cmdline)), '_python_argcomplete {}'.format(this_file), 'echo ${COMPREPLY[*]}' ] script_path = self.workdir / '' script_path.write_text('\n'.join(lines)) try: p = sh.bash(script_path) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e:'out: {}, err: {}'.format(e.stdout, e.stderr)) completions = p.stdout.strip().split(' ') if filter_non_options: completions = [c for c in completions if c.startswith('-')] self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(completions), 'expected: {}, actual: {}'.format(expected, completions)) for expected_completion in expected: self.assertIn(expected_completion, completions)
def assert_completion(self, expected, args=None, filter_non_options=False): args = args or [] args += ["''"] cmd = ["claw"] + list(args) partial_word = cmd[-1] cmdline = " ".join(cmd) lines = [ "set -e", 'eval "$(register-python-argcomplete claw)"', 'export COMP_LINE="{}"'.format(cmdline), "export COMP_WORDS=({})".format(cmdline), "export COMP_CWORD={}".format(cmd.index(partial_word)), "export COMP_POINT={}".format(len(cmdline)), "_python_argcomplete {}".format(cmd[0]), "echo ${COMPREPLY[*]}", ] script_path = self.workdir / "" script_path.write_text("\n".join(lines)) p = sh.bash(script_path) completions = p.stdout.strip().split(" ") if filter_non_options: completions = [c for c in completions if c.startswith("-")] self.assertEqual(set(expected), set(completions))
def parse_pkgbuild(pkgbuild): json_str = bash(SourceRepo._parse_script, pkgbuild).stdout.decode('utf-8') return json.loads(json_str)
return ping.do_one('') > 0 except: with open('/tmp/pings', 'a') as o: traceback.print_exc(file=o) o.write('\n') return False # try for 3 seconds i = 0 while not pinger() and i < 6: time.sleep(0.5) i += 1 if vmdevel: tr('ads join - skipping (devel mode)') else: sh.bash(vms('')) tr('ads join - done') ########################################################################### ################ ##################### ################ PAM ##################### ################ ##################### ########################################################################### if not vmreload: tr('pam') for i in glob.glob(vms('pam.d/*')): shutil.copy(i, '/etc/pam.d/')
def gen_mace_version(codegen_path="mace/codegen"): sh.mkdir("-p", "%s/version" % codegen_path) sh.bash("mace/tools/git/", "%s/version/" % codegen_path)
def deploy(job_name, server_list, app_path, source_address, project_id, auth_info): cmd = "" p1 = Delivery.objects.get(job_name_id=project_id) job_workspace = "/var/opt/adminset/workspace/{0}/".format(job_name) log_path = job_workspace + 'logs/' log_name = 'deploy-' + str(p1.deploy_num) + ".log" with open(log_path + log_name, 'wb+') as f: f.writelines("<h4>Deploying project {0} for {1}th</h4>".format(job_name, p1.deploy_num)) if not app_path.endswith("/"): app_path += "/" # clean build code p1.bar_data = 20 sleep(1) if p1.build_clean or p1.version: try: shutil.rmtree("{0}code/".format(job_workspace)) except Exception as msg: print("code dir is not exists, build clean over") if p1.job_name.source_type == "git": cmd = git_clone(job_workspace, auth_info, source_address, p1) if p1.job_name.source_type == "svn": cmd = svn_clone(job_workspace, auth_info, source_address, p1) data = cmd_exec(cmd) p1.bar_data = 30 with open(log_path + log_name, 'ab+') as f: f.writelines(cmd) f.writelines(data) if deploy_shell = job_workspace + 'scripts/deploy-' + str(p1.deploy_num) + ".sh" deploy_shell_name = 'deploy-' + str(p1.deploy_num) + ".sh" with open(deploy_shell, 'wb+') as f: f.writelines( cmd = "/usr/bin/dos2unix {}".format(deploy_shell) data = cmd_exec(cmd) for server in server_list: cmd = "rsync --progress -raz --delete --exclude '.git' --exclude '.svn' {0}/code/ {1}:{2}".format( job_workspace, server, app_path) data = cmd_exec(cmd) with open(log_path + log_name, 'ab+') as f: f.writelines(cmd) f.writelines(data) if and not p1.shell_position: cmd = "scp {0} {1}:/tmp".format(deploy_shell, server) data = cmd_exec(cmd) with open(log_path + log_name, 'ab+') as f: f.writelines(data) cmd = "ssh {1} '/usr/bin/bash /tmp/{0}'".format(deploy_shell_name, server) data = cmd_exec(cmd) with open(log_path + log_name, 'ab+') as f: f.writelines(data) if p1.bar_data <= 125: cur_bar = p1.bar_data p1.bar_data = cur_bar+5 if and p1.shell_position: # cmd = "/usr/bin/bash {0}'".format(deploy_shell) data = sh.bash(deploy_shell) with open(log_path + log_name, 'ab+') as f: f.writelines(data) p1.bar_data = 130 p1.status = False with open(log_path + log_name, 'ab+') as f: f.writelines("<h4>Project {0} have deployed for {1}th </h4>".format(p1.job_name, p1.deploy_num)) return data