def _init_info(self, nddshome=None): if not nddshome: nddshome = get_nddshome() if not nddshome or not nddshome.exists(): logger.debug("NDDSHOME not found: '{}'", nddshome) return rti_versions = pathlib.Path(f"{nddshome}/rti_versions.xml") if not rti_versions.exists(): raise ValueError("required path not found: {}", rti_versions) # read installed architectures result = cut( cut( grep( grep("-A", "1", "RTI Connext DDS Pro Target Package Installed", str(rti_versions)), "<architecture>"), "-d>", "-f2-"), "-d<", "-f1") targets = frozenset(result.stdout.decode("utf-8").split("\n")[:-1]) rs_path = pathlib.Path(f"{nddshome}/bin/rtiroutingservice") if not rs_path.exists(): raise ValueError("required path not found: {}", rs_path) svc = types.SimpleNamespace(routing_service=rs_path) py = types.SimpleNamespace( build=functools.partial(build_connextddspy, nddshome)) self._info = types.SimpleNamespace(path=nddshome, targets=targets, service=svc, copy_to=functools.partial( copy_nddshome, nddshome), py=py)
def delete_Depart_User(departName): try: ldap_res = sh.cut( sh.cut( sh.cut( sh.grep( sh.ldapsearch('-x', '-D', 'cn=root,dc=limikeji,dc=com', '-w', 'limikeji', 'cn=%s' % departName), 'uid'), '-d', ' ', '-f2'), '-d', ',', '-f1'), '-d', '=', '-f2').stdout.decode('utf-8') ldap_resList = str(ldap_res).split('\n')[:-1] #部门所有的人员姓名 if 'test' in ldap_resList: ldap_resList.remove('test') print('删除组%s' % departName) # 再删除部门中的用户,如果只是删除用户的话,那么部门中仍然可以看到用户,只是用户的dn是不可用的,显示结果为一个红叉 for user in ldap_resList: try: ldap_res = sh.grep( sh.ldapsearch('-x', '-D', 'cn=root,dc=limikeji,dc=com', '-w', 'limikeji', 'uid=%s' % user), 'mail').stdout.decode('utf-8') print(ldap_res) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: with open('/tmp/temp_user_delete_attr.ldif', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_handler: file_handler.write( ATTR_DELETE_MODIFY.format_map({ 'depart_name': departName, 'username': user })) sh.ldapadd('-x', '-D', 'cn=root,dc=limikeji,dc=com', '-w', 'limikeji', '-f', '/tmp/temp_user_delete_attr.ldif') else: print('删除组%s' % departName) for user in ldap_resList: try: ldap_res = sh.grep( sh.ldapsearch('-x', '-D', 'cn=root,dc=limikeji,dc=com', '-w', 'limikeji', 'uid=%s' % user), 'mail').stdout.decode('utf-8') print(ldap_res) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: with open('/tmp/temp_user_delete_attr.ldif', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_handler: file_handler.write( ATTR_DELETE_MODIFY.format_map({ 'depart_name': departName, 'username': user })) sh.ldapadd('-x', '-D', 'cn=root,dc=limikeji,dc=com', '-w', 'limikeji', '-f', '/tmp/temp_user_delete_attr.ldif') except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: pass
def parse(filename, **kwargs): # cat outfile | grep ip | cut -d '|' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '.' -f 4 | sort -n | wc -l return sh.sort(cut(cut(cut(grep(cat(filename), "ip"), d="|", f=2), d=" ", f=3), d=".", f=4), "-n", _out=kwargs.get("_out"))
def ipv4_nslookup(ip): ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip) from sh import awk, cut, nslookup, rev # nslookup ${ip} | cut -d= -f2- | awk '{print $1;}' | rev | cut -d. -f2- | rev hostname = str( rev( cut(rev(awk(cut(nslookup(str(ip)), "-d=", "-f2-"), "{print $1;}")), "-d.", "-f2-"))).strip() if hostname: return hostname raise StopIteration()
def get_container_id(): "get container id" id_ = sh.cut(sh.head("/proc/self/cgroup"), "-n", "1"), "-d", "/", "-f4").strip() if not id_: return "unknown" return id_
def get_files(usaf, wban): output = sh.grep("%s %s" % (usaf, wban), "isd-history.txt").strip().split(" ") end = int(output.pop()[0:4]) start = int(output.pop()[0:4]) sh.mkdir("-p", "%s-%s" % (usaf, wban)) os.chdir("%s-%s" % (usaf, wban)) for year in range(start, end + 1): fn = "%s-%s-%s.gz" % (usaf, wban, year) if not os.path.exists(fn): sh.wget("" % (year, fn)) print(fn) output_fn = "%s-%s-data.csv" % (usaf, wban) h = open(output_fn, "w") sh.sort(sh.cut( sh.grep( sh.cut(sh.zcat(glob.glob("*.gz")), "--output-delimiter=,", "-c16-27,88-92"), "-v", "\+9999"), "--output-delimiter=.", "-c1-17,18"), _out=h) sh.gzip(output_fn)"%s.gz" % (output_fn), "..")
def split_vcf(in_file, config, out_dir=None): """ split a VCF file into separate files by chromosome requires tabix to be installed """ if out_dir is None: out_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(in_file), "split") fasta_file = config["ref"]["fasta"] fasta_index = fasta_file + ".fai" samtools_path = config["program"].get("samtools", "samtools") tabix_path = config["program"].get("tabix", "tabix") if not file_exists(fasta_index): samtools = sh.Command(samtools_path) samtools.faidx(fasta_file) # if in_file is not compressed, compress it (_, ext) = os.path.splitext(in_file) if ext is not ".gz": gzip_file = in_file + ".gz" if not file_exists(gzip_file): sh.bgzip("-c", in_file, _out=gzip_file) in_file = gzip_file # create tabix index tabix_index(in_file) # find the chromosome names from the fasta index file chroms = str(sh.cut("-f1", fasta_index)).split() # make outfile from chromosome name def chr_out(chrom): out_file = replace_suffix(append_stem(in_file, chrom), ".vcf") return os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(out_file)) # run tabix to break up the vcf file def run_tabix(chrom): tabix = sh.Command(tabix_path) out_file = chr_out(chrom) if file_exists(out_file): return out_file with file_transaction(out_file) as tmp_out_file: tabix("-h", in_file, chrom, _out=tmp_out_file) return out_file out_files = map(run_tabix, chroms) return out_files
def compareIp(): logging.debug("Comparing ip...") #ip a s eth0 | egrep -o 'inet [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | cut -d' ' -f2 curIp = str(cut(egrep(ip('a', 's', 'eth0'), '-o', 'inet [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'), '-d', ' ', '-f2')).strip() masterNetworkCfg = cat('/etc/systemd/network/').split('\n') for i in range(len(masterNetworkCfg)): if masterNetworkCfg[i] == '[Address]': masterIp = masterNetworkCfg[i+1].split('=')[1].strip() logging.debug("Master ip found, breaking the loop...") break if curIp==masterIp: logging.debug("Master IP == cur IP...") return True, masterIp logging.debug("Master IP != cur IP...") return False, masterIp
def _break_vcf(self, in_file): if not file_exists(self.fasta_index): sh.samtools.faidx(self.fasta_file) # if file is not compressed, compress it (_, ext) = os.path.splitext(in_file) if ext is not ".gz": gzip_file = in_file + ".gz" sh.bgzip("-c", in_file, _out=gzip_file) in_file = gzip_file # create tabix index if it does not exist already if not file_exists(in_file + ".tbi"): sh.tabix("-p", "vcf", in_file) # find the chromosome names from the fasta index file chroms = str(sh.cut("-f1", self.fasta_index)).split() break_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(in_file), "break") safe_makedir(break_dir) def chr_out(chrom): out_file = os.path.join(break_dir, append_stem(in_file, chrom)) out_file = replace_suffix(out_file, "vcf") return out_file def tabix(chrom): out_file = chr_out(chrom) if file_exists(out_file): return out_file with file_transaction(out_file) as tmp_out_file: sh.tabix("-h", in_file, chrom, _out=tmp_out_file) return out_file # use tabix to separate out the variants based on chromosome out_files = map(tabix, chroms) return out_files
events.append(int(line)) # /eos/atlas/atlastier0/rucio/data15_cos/express_express/00266661/data15_cos.00266661.express_express.merge.RAW files = [x[:-1] for x in list(, _iter=True))] if args.bylb: for i, file in enumerate(["root://eosatlas/%s/%s" % (args.eos, x) for x in files]): lb = run = output = "run%s_lb%s.RAW" % (run, lb) if os.path.exists(output): print("%d/%d Skip %s" % (i, len(files), file)) continue else: print("%d/%d Process %s" % (i, len(files), file)) file_events = set(int(x[:-1]) for x in list(cut(cut(tail(atl_list("-l", file), '-n+12'), '-d', " ", '-f3'), '-d', '=', '-f2', _iter=True)) if len(str(x[:-1])) > 1) extract_events = file_events.intersection(events) if not extract_events: continue params = [] for e in extract_events: params += ["-e", e] params += ["-o", output] params += [file] atl_copy(*params) print("Created %s file with events %s" % (output, str(extract_events))) else: run = None params = [] for e in events:
DATA_BASES = DATA_BASES[ 1:] # first entry is 'Database' which is not a Database DATA_BASES += ['All-Databases'] DATA_BASES = ['trading_oanda_d1'] DATESTAMP ="+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M").strip() for DB in DATA_BASES: for DD in [DATA_DIR, LOG_DIR]: # step a): delete all except the latest two files for each database print(f'database: {DB}; dir: {DD}') a = sh.find(DATA_DIR, '-maxdepth', '1', '-type', 'f', '-regextype', 'sed', '-regex', f'^/.*{DB}\-[0-9].*', '-printf', '%Ts\t%p\n') b = sh.sort(a, '-n') c = sh.head(b, '-n', '-2') d = sh.cut(c, '-f', '2-') print(d.strip()) e = sh.xargs(d, 'rm', '-rf') # step b): export the databases FILENAME = Path.joinpath(DATA_DIR, f'{DB}-{DATESTAMP}.sql.gz') print(f'FILENAME: {FILENAME}') LOGFILENAME = Path.joinpath(LOG_DIR, f'{DB}-{DATESTAMP}.log') print(f'LOGFILENAME: {LOGFILENAME}') # cmd = "mysqldump -v --single-transaction --quick --lock-tables=false ${DB} 2>'${LOGFILENAME}' | pigz > '${FILENAME}' " # sh.mysqldump('-v', '--single-transaction', '--quick', '--lock-tables=false', DB, _out=FILENAME, _err=LOGFILENAME), _out=FILENAME) print() # b = sh.head(sh.sort(sh.find(DATA_DIR, '-type', 'd', '-regextype', 'sed', '-regex', '^/.*testDB\-[0-9].*', '-printf', '%Ts\t%p\n'), '-n'), '-n', '-2') # print(b)
if len(gitIgnorePath) < 1: print >> sys.stderr, "Couldn't find git repo." sys.exit(1) elif len(gitIgnorePath) > 1: print >> sys.stderr, "Found more than one .gitignore, using least nested for filtering." gitIgnorePath = [ min(gitIgnorePath, key=lambda x: op.normpath(x).count(os.sep)) ] print ".gitignore path: " + op.join(gitIgnorePath[0], ".gitignore") # Figure out which files git will ignore os.chdir(gitIgnorePath[0]) ignored_files = sh.cut( sh.git("ls-files", "--others", "-i", "--exclude-standard"), "-d ", "-f3-").stdout.split("\n") relative_git_path = op.relpath(gitIgnorePath[0], args.dir) ignored_set = set() for f in ignored_files: if f: # Usually one empty newline to filter ignored_set.add(op.join(relative_git_path, f).lstrip("./")) print "Ignored files: " + str(ignored_set) print "Ignored executables: " + str(executable) print "Too large before: " + str(tooLarge) tooLarge -= ignored_set tooLarge -= executable print "Too large after: " + str(tooLarge) doExit = False
def do_mcl(self, inflation = 1.5, resource = 4): sh.cut("-f", "1,2,11", self.blast, _out = sh.mcxload("-abc",, "--stream-mirror", "--stream-neg-log10", "-stream-tf", "ceil(200)", "-o", self.mci, "-write-tab" , sh.mcl(self.mci, "-I", inflation , "-resource", resource, "-use-tab",, "-o", self.raw_clusters)
def get_password(username="******", shadow_file="/etc/shadow"): return cut(grep(username, shadow_file), "-f", 2, "-d", ":").strip()
dicti = { : len(s) for s in SeqIO.parse(file,"fasta")} qcov = 0.40 identity = 30 blast_covs = (raw_blast['subjectend']-raw_blast['subjectstart']+1)/ [float(dicti[n]) for n in raw_blast.index.get_level_values(0)] # -raw_blast['mismatches']- raw_blast['gapopenings'] filtered_blast = raw_blast[blast_covs > qcov] filtered_blast = filtered_blast[filtered_blast['identity'] > identity] print "MCL ing" filtered_blast.to_csv(genes +".blast",sep="\t", header=False) resource = 4 inflation = 1.1 sh.cut("-f", "1,2,11", genes +".blast", _out = genes +".abc") sh.mcxload("-abc", genes +".abc", "--stream-mirror", "--stream-neg-log10", "-stream-tf", "ceil(200)", "-o", genes +".mci", "-write-tab" , genes +".tab") sh.mcl(genes +".mci", "-use-tab", genes +".tab", "-o", genes +".raw.clust") with open(genes +".raw.clust") as c_file: clusters=[l[:-1].split("\t") for l in c_file.readlines()] clusters = [[g.split("(")[0] for g in v ] for v in clusters] clusters_p = [] with open(all_syntrophos,"r") as fas: id2name_map = {s.description.split(" ")[0] : " ".join(s.description.split(" ")[1:]) for s in SeqIO.parse(fas, "fasta")} for i,c in enumerate(clusters): clusters_p.append(GeneCluster(id2name_map , c)) with open(genes + ".proc.clust", 'w') as outfile:
#************************************************************************************ #* * #* Code below show cases cut function via SH repository * #* * #* * #************************************************************************************ import sh var = sh.cut('-d', '-', '-f5', 'index001.txt') print(var)
def shortURL(url): return sh.cut("-d' '", "-f2", sh.grep("Location: ", sh.curl("-i", "", "-F", "url=")))
fileinfo = sh.file(path) if "ELF" in fileinfo and "executable" in fileinfo: executable.add(relpath) if len(gitIgnorePath) < 1: print >> sys.stderr, "Couldn't find git repo." sys.exit(1) elif len(gitIgnorePath) > 1: print >> sys.stderr, "Found more than one .gitignore, using least nested for filtering." gitIgnorePath = [min(gitIgnorePath, key=lambda x: op.normpath(x).count(os.sep))] print ".gitignore path: " + op.join(gitIgnorePath[0], ".gitignore") # Figure out which files git will ignore os.chdir(gitIgnorePath[0]) ignored_files = sh.cut(sh.git("ls-files", "--others", "-i", "--exclude-standard"), "-d ", "-f3-").stdout.split("\n") relative_git_path = op.relpath(gitIgnorePath[0], args.dir) ignored_set = set() for f in ignored_files: if f: # Usually one empty newline to filter ignored_set.add(op.join(relative_git_path, f).lstrip("./")) print "Ignored files: " + str(ignored_set) print "Ignored executables: " + str(executable) print "Too large before: " + str(tooLarge) tooLarge -= ignored_set tooLarge -= executable print "Too large after: " + str(tooLarge) doExit = False while tooLarge:
def cmd_vbox_launch(): o = output(shdmenu(cut(vboxmanage('list', 'vms'), '-d"', '-f2'))) vboxmanage('-q', 'startvm', o, '--type', 'gui')
# boucle sur les fichiers récupérés for filename in os.listdir(temp_dir): if filename.endswith(".mp3"): cnt_f = cnt_f + 1 # reencode pour prendre moins de place[ 'lame', '--mp3input', '-b', '32', temp_dir + "/" + filename, temp_dir + "/B_" + filename ], shell=False) os.rename(temp_dir + "/B_" + filename, temp_dir + "/" + filename) # construction des items à ajouter dans le feed.xml titre = sh.cut( sh.grep( sh.ffprobe("-v", "error", "-show_format", temp_dir + "/" + filename), "title"), "-d", "=", "-f2") titre = str(titre) titre = titre.replace('\n', '') fichier = open(temp_dir + "/" + "items.xml", "a") fichier.write("<item>\n") fichier.write("<title><![CDATA[" + titre + "]]></title>\n") fichier.write( "<link>" + filename + "</link>\n") fichier.write( '<enclosure url="' + filename + '" length="30066338" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure>\n') fichier.write(
import sh print(sh.wpa_cli("-i", "wlan0", "list_networks")) search1 = "SmashCam01" networkNum = sh.cut(sh.grep(sh.wpa_cli("-i", "wlan0", "list_networks"), search1), "-f", "1") sh.wpa_cli("-i", "wlan0", "select_network", networkNum) print(sh.wpa_cli("-i", "wlan0", "list_networks"))
import threading from http.server import HTTPServer import socket import logging as log import atexit # get_ip_address from sh import ip, awk, cut import prometheus_client import consul # Do not use addr and remove the address option from the register function # if you are running this on a regular instance with a local Consul agent addr = cut(awk(ip("addr", "show", "dev", "eth0"), "/inet / { print $2 }"), "-d/", "-f1").strip() print(addr) # consul should be a hostname that is accessible from the clever app container c = consul.Consul(host="consul") def deregister_id(service_id): def dereg(): c.agent.service.deregister(service_id) return dereg def start_prometheus_server(name, port_range): for port in range(*port_range): try: httpd = HTTPServer(("", port), prometheus_client.MetricsHandler) except (OSError, socket.error): # Python 2 raises socket.error, in Python 3 socket.error is an