def cli(ctx, images, hosts, exclude): """pull images on docker machine env for example: \b #default pull on all hosts niuker machine-pull ubuntu alpine \b #pull on specific hosts niuker machine-pull ubuntu alpine -h xxxx -h yyyyy \b #pull exclude some hosts niuker machine-pull ubuntu alpine -e xxxx -e yyyyy """ if not images: return if hosts and exclude: ctx.log('never use hosts and exclude together') return docker_hosts = get_machine_hosts(hosts, exclude) ctx.log('Hosts:\n%s' % '\n'.join(docker_hosts)) ctx.log('sleep 10s waiting for you') sleep(10) pull_images(ctx, docker_hosts, images)
def cli(ctx, image_files, hosts, exclude): """sync images to docker machine hosts for example: \b #sync all hosts niuker machine-sync ubuntu.tar alpine.tar \b #sync to specific hosts niuker machine-sync ubuntu.tar alpine.tar -h xxxx -h yyyyy \b #sync exclude some hosts niuker machine-sync ubuntu.tar alpine.tar -e xxxx -e yyyyy """ if not image_files: return if hosts and exclude: ctx.log('never use hosts and exclude together') return docker_hosts = get_machine_hosts(hosts, exclude) ctx.log('Hosts:\n%s' % '\n'.join(docker_hosts)) ctx.log('sleep 10s waiting for you') sleep(10) sync_images(ctx, docker_hosts, image_files)
def avi_cmd(path): fifo = '/tmp/omxplayer_fifo' sh.rm('-f', fifo) sh.mkfifo(fifo) omx_fifo_cmd = "/usr/bin/omxplayer -r -o hdmi " + path + " < " + fifo + " &" call(omx_fifo_cmd, shell=True) sh.sleep(0.2) call("echo . > " + fifo + " &", shell=True)
def checkConn(ip): logging.debug("Checking ip...") for i in range(5): try: ping('-c', '1', ip, _fg=True) return True except: sleep('5') return False
def master_clear(): printer = StatusPrinter(indent=0) printer("Clearing Device") with Indent(printer): with Indent(printer): d = get_connected_device(printer=printer) cmd = ['shell', 'am', 'broadcast', '-a', 'android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR', '-n', 'android/'] printer('\'' + ' '.join(cmd) + '\'') adb(cmd) sleep(d.get_shutdown_delay())
def main(base_dir, cmd_name, id_range): all_dirs = sorted(glob(join(base_dir, "*"))) id_min, id_max = map(int, id_range.split(",")) used_dirs = all_dirs[id_min:id_max] for each_dir in used_dirs: sbatch_dir = join(each_dir, "sbatch") sh.sleep(0.5) sh.sbatch(cmd_name) print(f"submitted {cmd_name} in {basename(each_dir)}")
def test_background_processes(): from sh import sleep # blocks sleep(3) print '...3 seconds later' # doesn't block p = sleep(3, _bg=True) print 'print immediately!' p.wait() print '...and 3 seconds later'
def wait_ready(printer=StatusPrinter()): if not ready(): printer('waiting for device ', end='') spinner = itertools.cycle(['-', '\\', '|', '/']) while not ready(): sys.stdout.write(next(spinner)) sys.stdout.flush() sleep(1) sys.stdout.write('\b') sys.stdout.flush() sleep(1) printer(' ... ready')
def set_target(self, target, url, printer=StatusPrinter()): self.wait_ready() if re.match('http://.*', url): url = url[7:] printer("Targeting device to: " + url) with Indent(printer): cmd = ['su', '1000', 'content', 'call', '--uri', 'content://com.clover.service.provider', '--method', 'changeTarget', '--extra', 'target:s:{}:{}'.format(target, url)] printer('\'' + ' '.join(cmd) + '\'') # the above call causes a reset # wait until the adb connection is lost printer("Waiting {} seconds for device to begin reboot..." .format(self.get_shutdown_delay())) sleep(self.get_shutdown_delay())
def test_timeout(self): from sh import sleep from time import time # check that a normal sleep is more or less how long the whole process # takes sleep_for = 3 started = time() sh.sleep(sleep_for).wait() elapsed = time() - started self.assertTrue(abs(elapsed - sleep_for) < 0.1) # now make sure that killing early makes the process take less time sleep_for = 3 timeout = 1 started = time() sh.sleep(sleep_for, _timeout=timeout).wait() elapsed = time() - started self.assertTrue(abs(elapsed - timeout) < 0.1)
def run_trial(fs, trial_num, run_type): print "%s: trial %d, %s" % (fs, trial_num, run_type) trace_filename = fs + '.' + run_type + '.' + str(trial_num) if run_type == 'write': while True: try: sh.sudo('hadoop fs -rmr -skipTrash /benchmarks'.split()) break except sh.ErrorReturnCode_255: print "failed to delete benchmark data; retrying in 5 seconds..." sh.sleep(5) for server in servers: server.start_blktrace(server.hostname + '.' + trace_filename) #server.start_blktrace('data/blktrace/%s/%s.%d' % (fs, server.hostname, trial_num)) sh.sleep(1) try: """ sh.time( 'sudo hadoop jar /usr/share/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.0.4.jar teragen 1000000000 /tera'.split(), _err = 'data/%s.gen.%d' % (fs, trial_num) ) sh.time( 'sudo hadoop jar /usr/share/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.0.4.jar terasort -Dmapred.reduce.tasks=10 /tera /sorted'.split(), _err = 'data/%s.sort.%d' % (fs, trial_num) ) """ sh.time( ('sudo hadoop jar /usr/share/hadoop/hadoop-test-1.0.4.jar TestDFSIO -%s -fileSize 100 -nrFiles 100' % run_type).split(), _err = 'data/%s/%s.%d' % (run_type, fs, trial_num) ) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_255: print "WARNING: test failed" for server in servers: server.end_blktrace() sh.scp(('root@%s:%s.* %s' % (server.hostname, server.hostname + '.' + trace_filename, 'data/blktrace/%s/' % fs)).split())
def wait(): """not yet implemented""" try: instances = fgrep(nova('list'), prefix) total = _count(instances) exit bar = Bar('Processing', max=total) old = total while True: # _status() current = _count(instances) if old != current: if current == 0: bar.finish() break sleep(2) instances = fgrep(nova('list'), prefix) except: print 'done'
def test_background(self): from sh import sleep import time start = time.time() sleep_time = .5 p = sleep(sleep_time, _bg=True) now = time.time() self.assertTrue(now - start < sleep_time) p.wait() now = time.time() self.assertTrue(now - start > sleep_time)
def process(self): cmd = self.opt("cmd") script = cmd if cmd else self.opt("script") timeout = self.opt("timeout") concurrent = self.opt("concurrent") assets = self.opt("assets") wait_for_success = self.opt("wait-for-success") back_off = self.opt("back-off") retries = self.opt("retries") timeout_delta = None if timeout: start_time = timeout_delta = start_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) if not concurrent: concurrent = False if not retries: retries = 0 retries_count = 0"Running: {script}") if assets:"\tbuilding assets") for asset in assets: is_executable = asset.get("is-executable", False) if "source-blob" in asset: self._handle_source_blob(asset["source-blob"], asset["destination"], is_executable) elif "source-file" in asset: self._handle_source_file(asset["source-file"], asset["destination"], is_executable) def _do_run(): self._run_script(script, timeout, concurrent=concurrent) try: _do_run() except sh.TimeoutException: raise SpecProcessException(f"Timeout exceeded") except sh.ErrorReturnCode as error: if wait_for_success: app.log.debug(f"\twait for success initiated.") while wait_for_success and retries <= retries_count: app.log.debug(f"\tretrying command.") if timeout_delta: current_time = time_left = timeout_delta - current_time app.log.debug( f"\twill timeout in {time_left.seconds} seconds.") if timeout_delta < current_time: raise SpecProcessException( f"Failed: timeout exceeded.") if back_off: f"\tsleeping for {back_off} seconds, retrying.") sh.sleep(back_off) try: _do_run() except sh.ErrorReturnCode as error:"\tfailure detected, initiating retry.") retries_count += 1 raise
def after_rm(): from sh import sleep print("We are testing the auto-discard " + "functionality of the fs") sleep("10")
logging.debug("Master IP != cur IP...") return False, masterIp while True: try: check, masterIp = compareIp() if check: logging.debug("Starting server...") with sudo: sed('-i', f's/#advertise_addr = ""/advertise_addr = "{masterIp}"/', '/etc/consul.d/consul.hcl') consul('agent', "-config-file", "/etc/consul.d/consul.hcl", "-log-file", "/home/max/", _bg=True) #changing consul ip in nomad cfg sed('-i', f's/{masterIp}/', '/etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl') server(_out=sys.stdout) sleep(10) else: check = checkConn(masterIp) if check: with sudo: logging.debug("Starting client...") #changing consul ip sed('-i', f's/{masterIp}/', '/etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl') client('-servers', masterIp, _out=sys.stdout) sleep(10) else: logging.debug("Something wrong...") print('Something wrong...') print('Try to start manualy...') print('Press alt+f2 to start inreractive prompt...') print('Here soe envs for you:')
def _i3_get_current_windows(): def find(element, results=[]): if 'focused' in element and element['focused']: results.append(element) if 'nodes' in element: for node in element['nodes']: find(node, results) return results tree = json.loads(sh.i3_msg('-t', 'get_tree').stdout) return find(tree) if __name__ == '__main__': # Sleep some time to provide time to release all pressed keys sh.sleep(1) try: with open(config_file_path) as f: window = json.load(f) print(f"Using '{config_file_path}' config: {window}") print("Delete config file if you need to change windows:") print(f" rm {config_file_path}") try: current_window_id = _i3_get_current_windows()[0]['window'] sh.xdotool('windowactivate', window['id']) sh.xdotool('key', window['key']) sh.xdotool('windowactivate', current_window_id) except sh.ErrorReturnCode: print("Some command fails")
#coding=utf8 from sh import sleep #非阻塞执行 # blocks sleep(3) print("...3 seconds later") # doesn't block p = sleep(3, _bg=True) print("prints immediately!") p.wait() print("...and 3 seconds later")