def loadCountyBoundaries(file_name, map): shape_file = ShapeFile(file_name) n_polys =[0] all_verts_ll = [] all_lengths = [ 0 ] for n_poly in xrange(n_polys): shape = shape_file.read_object(n_poly) rings = shape.vertices() for ring in rings: verts = np.array(zip(*ring)) all_verts_ll.append(verts) all_lengths.append(verts.shape[1]) start = datetime.utcnow() vert_glob_ll = np.hstack(tuple(all_verts_ll)) vert_glob_xy = np.array(zip(*map(*vert_glob_ll))) print "Time to map and zip:", datetime.utcnow() - start partitions = np.add.accumulate(all_lengths) all_verts_xy = [] for lbound, ubound in zip(partitions[:-1], partitions[1:]): all_verts_xy.append( vert_glob_xy[lbound:ubound] ) return LineCollection(all_verts_xy, antialiaseds=(1,), color='k', lw=0.5)
def read_census_shapefile(filename): """Read census shapefile and return list of entity-derived objects. Given the base name of a census .shp/.dbf file returns a list of all Entity-derived objects described by the the file. """ try: shp = ShapeFile(filename) except IOError: raise ShapefileError('Could not open %s.shp' % filename) try: dbf = DBFFile(filename) except IOError: raise ShapefileError('Could not open %s.dbf' % filename) shape_count =[0] # shape_count should always equal dbf.record_count() if shape_count != dbf.record_count(): raise ShapefileError('SHP/DBF record count mismatch (SHP=%d, DBF=%d)' % (shape_count, dbf.record_count())) # generator version #for i in xrange([0]): # yield Entity.fromShapefile(shp.read_object(i), dbf.read_record(i)) #[0] is the number of objects return [Entity.from_shapefile(shp.read_object(i), dbf.read_record(i)) for i in xrange(shape_count)]
def main(shapefile, picklefile): if picklefile: [npts, x, y, z, zraw, xil, yil, grid, missing] = cPickle.load(open(picklefile,'rb')) points = np.vstack((x,y)).T # Load administrative area shp = ShapeFile(shapefile) dbf = coastline = [] # Process every shape from the ShapeFile print "Processing shapes ..." for npoly in range([0]): shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) shp_dict = dbf.read_record(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() if "NAME_1" in shp_dict: name = "%s" % (shp_dict["NAME_1"]) else: name = "Unknown" print "Processing %s" % (name) # Extract city polygon vertices (ring per ring) for ring in verts: vx = [] vy = [] for point in ring: vx.append(point[0]) vy.append(point[1]) # Only process big enough rings if len(vx) > 256: # big enough poly_verts = zip(vx,vy) if picklefile: # Compute intersections with the city intersection = points_inside_poly(points, poly_verts) npts = sum(1 for x in points_inside_poly(points, poly_verts) if x) else: npts = 1 # Add this polygon # Add the ring to the coastine if measures inside if npts > 0: polygon = Polygon(poly_verts) if not polygon.is_empty and polygon.is_valid: print "- Add polygon (%d)" % (len(vx)) coastline.append(polygon) else: print "- Skip polygon (%d)" % (len(vx)) print "Union of %d polygons" % len(coastline) coast = cascaded_union(coastline) cPickle.dump(coast,open('coastline.pickle','wb'),-1) print "Done."
def __init__(self, shpfile = "worldmap/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp", dbffile = "worldmap/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.dbf"): shp = ShapeFile(shpfile) dbf = self.countries = {} for i in range([0]): c = dbf.read_record(i)['ISO2'] poly = shp.read_object(i) self.countries[c] = poly.vertices()
def mapcountries(countries): #Map list of countries? from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.7, 8.3)) plt.subplots_adjust() m = Basemap(projection='hammer', resolution=None, lon_0=0) m.drawcountries(linewidth=0.5) m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5) from shapelib import ShapeFile import dbflib from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib import cm #for ctry in countries: shp = ShapeFile(r"borders/world_adm1") dbf ="borders/world_adm1") for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_obj(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) if max(lons) > 721. or min(lons) < -721. or max(lats) > 91. or min( lats) < -91.: raise ValueError('Lats/Lons out of range') x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x, y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) name = shapedict["NAME_1"] shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring + 1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly + 1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) print(name) lines = LineCollection(shpsegs, antialiaseds=(1, )) lines.set_facecolors(cm.jet(0.5)) lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.3) ax.add_collection(lines)
def plotclustering(label, zipcodes, nameee): # print len(zipcodes) label = np.array(label) zipcodes = np.array(zipcodes) cluster1 = zipcodes[label == 1] cluster2 = zipcodes[label == 2] cluster0 = zipcodes[label == 0] cluster3 = zipcodes[label == 3] fig = plt.figure(figsize =(15, 15)) ax = plt.subplot(111) lllat = 40.473; urlat = 40.93; lllon = -74.27; urlon = -73.69 # define the boundary of the map m = Basemap(ax=ax, projection = 'stere', lon_0 = (urlon + lllon)/2, lat_0 = (urlat +lllat)/2, llcrnrlon = lllon, llcrnrlat = lllat, urcrnrlon = urlon, urcrnrlat = urlat, resolution= 'l')# create the basemap # m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() shp = ShapeFile('c:/Users/gang/Desktop/nyczipregion') dbf ='c:/Users/gang/Desktop/nyczipregion') for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons , lats = zip(*verts[ring]) x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x, y)) if ring ==0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) name = shapedict['Zcta5ce00'] lines = LineCollection(shpsegs, antialiaseds=(1,)) if name in cluster0: lines.set_facecolors('b') if name in cluster1: lines.set_facecolors('g') if name in cluster2: lines.set_facecolors('r') if name in cluster3: lines.set_facecolors('y') lines.set_alpha(1) lines.set_edgecolors('k') ax.add_collection(lines) plt.title('Box Clustering Based On Taxi Trips') plt.savefig(nameee+'_box_trip_Clustering.png', dpi=300)
def serialize_tm_world(shapefile_fn, output_fn): print 'serialize ' + shapefile_fn + '.shp' tm_world = world() shp = ShapeFile(shapefile_fn + '.shp') dbf = + '.dbf') nb_records =[0] for i in xrange(nb_records): shp_record = dbf.read_record(i) shp_object = shp.read_object(i) # countries name = shp_record['NAME'] shp_record['SHAPE'] = shp_object.vertices() tm_world.countries[name] = shp_record # regions region = shp_record['REGION'] tm_world.regions[region].append(name) # subregions subregion = shp_record['SUBREGION'] tm_world.subregions[subregion].append(name) pickle.dump(tm_world,,'w'))
def map_G(G): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import as cmx import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10. mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8. mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 6. mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 6. from shapelib import ShapeFile import dbflib from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib import cm import matplotlib.colors as colors ########################################################################################### fig = plt.figure(3) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05,right=0.95,top=0.90,bottom=0.05,wspace=0.15,hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(projection='cyl',\ llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ # projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) # read subpref coordinates subpref_coord = read_in_subpref_lonlat() shp = ShapeFile(r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf ='/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) # if max(lons) > 721. or min(lons) < -721. or max(lats) > 91. or min(lats) < -91: # raise ValueError,msg x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x,y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) #print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring+1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly+1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs,antialiaseds=(1,)) # lines.set_facecolors(col[subpref_id]) lines.set_edgecolors('gray') lines.set_linewidth(0.1) ax.add_collection(lines) if G.has_node(-1): G.remove_node(-1) if G.has_node(0): G.remove_node(0) ########################################################################################################### ### this is the main part: scale weights of # commuters, use colormap by work location and then plot ### all or just the routes with more that 10 commutes ########################################################################################################### # max7s = 0 # min7s = 10000000 # for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True): # if d['weight'] > max7s: # max7s = d['weight'] # if d['weight'] < min7s: # min7s = d['weight'] # # max7s = float(max7s) # print "max", (max7s) # print "min", (min7s) # # scaled_weight = defaultdict(int) # # for i in range(len(G.edges())): # scaled_weight[i] = defaultdict(int) # for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True): # scaled_weight[u][v] = (d['weight'] - min7s) / (max7s - min7s) values = range(256) jet = cm = plt.get_cmap('jet') cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=values[-1]) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): # lo = [] # la = [] # lo.append(subpref_coord[u][0]) # lo.append(subpref_coord[v][0]) # la.append(subpref_coord[u][1]) # la.append(subpref_coord[v][1]) # x, y = m(lo, la) # linewidth7s = scaled_weight[u][v] * 2.5 + 0.25 # m.plot(x,y, linewidth= linewidth7s) # if linewidth7s > 1: # print (linewidth7s) if d['weight'] >= 0: colorVal = scalarMap.to_rgba(values[v]) # linewidth7s = scaled_weight[u][v] * 2.5 + 0.35 # print u, v, d['weight'], scaled_weight[u][v] ########################################################################################################### ### no scaling vs scaling the width of the line ########################################################################################################### # linewidth7s = d['weight'] / 10 m.drawgreatcircle(subpref_coord[u][0], subpref_coord[u][1], \ subpref_coord[v][0], subpref_coord[v][1], linewidth= d['weight']*100, color=colorVal) # m.drawcoastlines() #m.fillcontinents() plt.savefig('/home/sscepano/Project7s/D4D/CI/commuting_centers/Igor/high_betweenes_routes4.png',dpi=700) ###################################################################################################3 return
obama = percent['Obama, Barack'] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) lllat = 21; urlat = 53; lllon = -118; urlon = -62 m = Basemap(ax=ax, projection='stere', lon_0=(urlon + lllon) / 2, lat_0=(urlat + lllat) / 2, llcrnrlat=lllat, urcrnrlat=urlat, llcrnrlon=lllon, urcrnrlon=urlon, resolution='1') m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() shp = ShapeFile('../states/statesp020') dbf ='../states/statesp020') for npoly in range([0]): # draw colored polygons on the map shpseqs = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) x, y = m(lons,lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x,y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) name = shapedict['STATE']
def map_communities_and_commutes(G): G_mod = nx.read_gml("/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/User movements graphs/commuting patterns/1/total_commuting_G_scaled_weights_11COM_713_7115.gml") col = [str]*256 for i in range(256): col[i] = 'w' for node in G_mod.nodes_iter(data=True): #print node[1]['label'] col_gephi = node[1]['graphics']['fill'] while (len(col_gephi) < 7): col_gephi += '0' subpref_gephi = int(float(node[1]['label'])) print subpref_gephi, col_gephi col[subpref_gephi] = col_gephi #print col plt.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05,right=0.95,top=0.90,bottom=0.05,wspace=0.15,hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) # read the shapefile archive s = m.readshapefile('/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE', 'subpref') from shapelib import ShapeFile import dbflib from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib import cm shp = ShapeFile(r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf ='/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x,y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) #print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring+1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly+1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs,antialiaseds=(1,)) lines.set_facecolors(col[subpref_id]) lines.set_edgecolors('gray') lines.set_linewidth(0.3) ax.add_collection(lines) m.drawcoastlines() # # data to plot on the map # lons = [int]*256 # lats = [int]*256 # # # read in coordinates fo subprefs # file_name2 = "/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SUBPREF_POS_LONLAT.TSV" # f2 = open(file_name2, 'r') # # # read subpref coordinates # subpref_coord = {} # for line in f2: # subpref_id, lon, lat = line.split('\t') # lon = float(lon) # lat = float(lat) # subpref_id = int(subpref_id) # subpref_coord.keys().append(subpref_id) # subpref_coord[subpref_id] = (lon, lat) # # f2.close() # # # if wanna plot number of users whose this is home subpref # for subpref in range(1,256): # lons[subpref] = subpref_coord[subpref][0] # lats[subpref] = subpref_coord[subpref][1] # # # if G.has_node(-1): # G.remove_node(-1) # # max7s = 1 # min7s = 1 # for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True): # if d['weight'] > max7s: # max7s = d['weight'] # if d['weight'] < min7s: # min7s = d['weight'] # # max7s = float(max7s) # print max7s # print min7s # # scaled_weight = defaultdict(int) # for i in range(256): # scaled_weight[i] = defaultdict(int) # # for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True): # node1 = G.nodes(data=True)[u][1]['label'] # node2 = G.nodes(data=True)[v][1]['label'] # print u, node1 # print v, node2 # print d # scaled_weight[node1][node2] = (d['weight'] - min7s) / (max7s - min7s) # ## for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True): ## print u,v,d ## node1 = G.nodes(data=True)[u][1]['label'] ## node2 = G.nodes(data=True)[v][1]['label'] ## print node1, G_mod.nodes(data=True)[u][1]['label'] ## print node2, G_mod.nodes(data=True)[v][1]['label'] # # # for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): # node1 = G.nodes(data=True)[u][1]['label'] # node2 = G.nodes(data=True)[v][1]['label'] # print node1 # print node2 # lo = [] # la = [] # print u # print v # lo.append(lons[node1]) # lo.append(lons[node2]) # la.append(lats[node1]) # la.append(lats[node2]) # #m.drawgreatcircle(lons[u],lats[u], lons[v],lats[v]) # x, y = m(lo, la) # #linewidth7s = d['weight'] # #linewidth7s = d['weight'] / max7s # #lons, lats = n.meshgrid(lo,la) # linewidth7s = scaled_weight[node1][node2] * 7 + 0.2 # m.plot(x,y, 'b', linewidth = linewidth7s) # #wave = 0.75*(np.sin(2.*lats)**8*np.cos(4.*lons)) # #mean = 0.5*np.cos(2.*lats)*((np.sin(2.*lats))**2 + 2.) # #m.contour(x,y,linewidth=linewidth7s) # #m.quiver(x,y,lons, lats, latlon=True) ## if linewidth7s > 1: ## print linewidth7s # # # figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/User movements graphs/commuting patterns/1/maps/mod_classes_SCALED_11COM_713_7115.png" # print(figure_name) # plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png",dpi=1000) return
def plot_gspan_res(G, subpref_id, color_val): fig = plt.figure(subpref_id) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05,right=0.95,top=0.90,bottom=0.05,wspace=0.15,hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) # read the shapefile archive s = m.readshapefile('/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE', 'subpref') m.drawcoastlines() shp = ShapeFile(r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf ='/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') msg = "Out of bounds" color_col = [] for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x,y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) #print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id2 = shapedict["ID_SP"] #color_col # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring+1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly+1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) lines = LineCollection(shpsegs,antialiaseds=(1,)) if subpref_id == subpref_id2: lines.set_facecolors('g') lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.3) ax.add_collection(lines) # data to plot on the map lons = [int]*256 lats = [int]*256 num = [] # read in coordinates fo subprefs file_name2 = "/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SUBPREF_POS_LONLAT.TSV" f2 = open(file_name2, 'r') # read subpref coordinates subpref_coord = {} for line in f2: subpref_id, lon, lat = line.split('\t') lon = float(lon) lat = float(lat) subpref_id = int(subpref_id) subpref_coord.keys().append(subpref_id) subpref_coord[subpref_id] = (lon, lat) f2.close() # if wanna plot number of users whose this is home subpref for subpref in range(1,256): lons[subpref] = subpref_coord[subpref][0] lats[subpref] = subpref_coord[subpref][1] for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): lo = [] la = [] lo.append(lons[u]) lo.append(lons[v]) la.append(lats[u]) la.append(lats[v]) x, y = m(lo, la) m.plot(x,y, color = color_val) return plt
def map_commutes(G): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10. mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8. mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 6. mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 6. from shapelib import ShapeFile import dbflib from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib import cm ########################################################################################### fig = plt.figure(3) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05,right=0.95,top=0.90,bottom=0.05,wspace=0.15,hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(projection='cyl',\ llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ # projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) # read subpref coordinates subpref_coord = read_subpref_lonlat() shp = ShapeFile(r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf ='/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) # if max(lons) > 721. or min(lons) < -721. or max(lats) > 91. or min(lats) < -91: # raise ValueError,msg x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x,y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) #print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring+1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly+1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs,antialiaseds=(1,)) # lines.set_facecolors(col[subpref_id]) lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.2) ax.add_collection(lines) if G.has_node(-1): G.remove_node(-1) if G.has_node(0): G.remove_node(0) max7s = 1 min7s = 10000000 for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True): if d['weight'] > max7s: max7s = d['weight'] if d['weight'] < min7s: min7s = d['weight'] max7s = float(max7s) print "max", (max7s) print "min", (min7s) scaled_weight = defaultdict(int) for i in range(256): scaled_weight[i] = defaultdict(int) for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True): scaled_weight[u][v] = (d['weight'] - min7s) / (max7s - min7s) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): # lo = [] # la = [] # lo.append(subpref_coord[u][0]) # lo.append(subpref_coord[v][0]) # la.append(subpref_coord[u][1]) # la.append(subpref_coord[v][1]) # x, y = m(lo, la) # linewidth7s = scaled_weight[u][v] * 2.5 + 0.25 # m.plot(x,y, linewidth= linewidth7s) # if linewidth7s > 1: # print (linewidth7s) linewidth7s = scaled_weight[u][v] * 2.5 + 0.25 m.drawgreatcircle(subpref_coord[u][0], subpref_coord[u][1], \ subpref_coord[v][0], subpref_coord[v][1], linewidth= linewidth7s, color='r') m.drawcoastlines() m.fillcontinents() plt.savefig('/home/sscepano/Project7s/D4D/CI/urban_rural/home_work/OUTPUT_files/maps/hw_commuting_cur.png',dpi=700) ###################################################################################################3 return
def map_commutes(G): mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10. mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8. mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 6. mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 6. ########################################################################################### fig = plt.figure(3) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.15, hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(projection='cyl',\ llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ # projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) # read subpref coordinates subpref_coord = read_in_subpref_lonlat() shp = ShapeFile( r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf = r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) # if max(lons) > 721. or min(lons) < -721. or max(lats) > 91. or min(lats) < -91: # raise ValueError,msg x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x, y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) #print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring + 1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly + 1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs, antialiaseds=(1, )) # lines.set_facecolors(col[subpref_id]) lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.2) ax.add_collection(lines) if G.has_node(-1): G.remove_node(-1) if G.has_node(0): G.remove_node(0) ########################################################################################################### ### this is the main part: scale weights of # commuters, use colormap by work location and then plot ### all or just the routes with more that 10 commutes ########################################################################################################### max7s = 1 min7s = 10000000 for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): if d['weight'] > max7s: max7s = d['weight'] if d['weight'] < min7s: min7s = d['weight'] max7s = float(max7s) print "max", (max7s) print "min", (min7s) scaled_weight = defaultdict(int) for i in range(256): scaled_weight[i] = defaultdict(int) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): scaled_weight[u][v] = (d['weight'] - min7s) / (max7s - min7s) values = range(256) jet = cm = plt.get_cmap('jet') cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=values[-1]) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): # lo = [] # la = [] # lo.append(subpref_coord[u][0]) # lo.append(subpref_coord[v][0]) # la.append(subpref_coord[u][1]) # la.append(subpref_coord[v][1]) # x, y = m(lo, la) # linewidth7s = scaled_weight[u][v] * 2.5 + 0.25 # m.plot(x,y, linewidth= linewidth7s) # if linewidth7s > 1: # print (linewidth7s) if d['weight'] >= 10: colorVal = scalarMap.to_rgba(values[v]) linewidth7s = scaled_weight[u][v] * 2.5 + 0.35 ########################################################################################################### ### no scaling vs scaling the width of the line ########################################################################################################### # linewidth7s = d['weight'] / 10 m.drawgreatcircle(subpref_coord[u][0], subpref_coord[u][1], \ subpref_coord[v][0], subpref_coord[v][1], linewidth= linewidth7s, color=colorVal) m.drawcoastlines() #m.fillcontinents() plt.savefig( '/home/sscepano/Project7s/D4D/CI/urban_rural/home_work/OUTPUT_files/maps/hw_commuting_colored_by_work_gr10commuters.png', dpi=700) ###################################################################################################3 return
def map_num_users(): mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 4.4 ########################################################################################### fig = plt.figure(3) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.15, hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) subpref_users = read_in_subpref_num_users() # read the shapefile archive s = m.readshapefile( '/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE', 'subpref') max7s = 1 min7s = 10000000 for subpref in subpref_users.keys(): if subpref_users[subpref] > max7s: max7s = subpref_users[subpref] if subpref_users[subpref] < min7s: min7s = subpref_users[subpref] max7s = float(max7s) print "max", (max7s) print "min", (min7s) scaled_weight = defaultdict(int) for i in range(256): scaled_weight[i] = defaultdict(int) for subpref in subpref_users.keys(): scaled_weight[subpref] = (subpref_users[subpref] - min7s) / (max7s - min7s) # values = range(256) # jet = cm = plt.get_cmap('jet') # cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=values[-1]) # scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet) # define custom colormap, white -> nicered, #E6072A = RGB(0.9,0.03,0.16) cdict = { 'red': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.9, 1.0)), 'green': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.03, 0.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.16, 0.0)) } custom_map = LinearSegmentedColormap('custom_map', cdict, N=10000) plt.register_cmap(cmap=custom_map) subpref_coord = read_in_subpref_lonlat() shp = ShapeFile( r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf = r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) #print shp_object for ring in range(rings): print ring lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) # if max(lons) > 721. or min(lons) < -721. or max(lats) > 91. or min(lats) < -91: # raise ValueError,msg x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x, y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] # print name, subpref_id # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring + 1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly + 1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs, antialiaseds=(1, )) colorVal = custom_map(subpref_users[subpref_id]) # colorVal = scaled_weight[subpef] lines.set_facecolors(colorVal) lines.set_edgecolors('gray') lines.set_linewidth(0.1) ax.add_collection(lines)
def map_commutes(G): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10. mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8. mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 6. mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 6. from shapelib import ShapeFile import dbflib from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib import cm ########################################################################################### fig = plt.figure(3) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.15, hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(projection='cyl',\ llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ # projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) # read subpref coordinates subpref_coord = read_subpref_lonlat() shp = ShapeFile( r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf = r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) # if max(lons) > 721. or min(lons) < -721. or max(lats) > 91. or min(lats) < -91: # raise ValueError,msg x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x, y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) #print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring + 1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly + 1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs, antialiaseds=(1, )) # lines.set_facecolors(col[subpref_id]) lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.2) ax.add_collection(lines) if G.has_node(-1): G.remove_node(-1) if G.has_node(0): G.remove_node(0) max7s = 1 min7s = 10000000 for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): if d['weight'] > max7s: max7s = d['weight'] if d['weight'] < min7s: min7s = d['weight'] max7s = float(max7s) print "max", (max7s) print "min", (min7s) scaled_weight = defaultdict(int) for i in range(256): scaled_weight[i] = defaultdict(int) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): scaled_weight[u][v] = (d['weight'] - min7s) / (max7s - min7s) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): # lo = [] # la = [] # lo.append(subpref_coord[u][0]) # lo.append(subpref_coord[v][0]) # la.append(subpref_coord[u][1]) # la.append(subpref_coord[v][1]) # x, y = m(lo, la) # linewidth7s = scaled_weight[u][v] * 2.5 + 0.25 # m.plot(x,y, linewidth= linewidth7s) # if linewidth7s > 1: # print (linewidth7s) linewidth7s = scaled_weight[u][v] * 2.5 + 0.25 m.drawgreatcircle(subpref_coord[u][0], subpref_coord[u][1], \ subpref_coord[v][0], subpref_coord[v][1], linewidth= linewidth7s, color='r') m.drawcoastlines() m.fillcontinents() plt.savefig( '/home/sscepano/Project7s/D4D/CI/urban_rural/home_work/OUTPUT_files/maps/hw_commuting_cur.png', dpi=700) ###################################################################################################3 return
def map_fq(fq_scaled): print fq_scaled import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10. mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8. mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 6. mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 6. fig = plt.figure(1) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05,right=0.95,top=0.90,bottom=0.05,wspace=0.15,hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) m.drawcoastlines() from shapelib import ShapeFile import dbflib from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib import cm shp = ShapeFile(r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf ='/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') msg = "Out of bounds" color_col = [] for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x,y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] #num = ["%.2f" % data[subpref_id]] # for name, xc, yc in zip(num, x, y): # plt.text(xc, yc, name) #color_col # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring+1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly+1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs,antialiaseds=(1,)) #print float("%.7f" % fq_scaled[subpref_id]) lines.set_facecolors(str(1.0 - fq_scaled[str(subpref_id)])) lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.3) ax.add_collection(lines) plt.savefig('/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/CLUSTERING/subpref no home res/scaled_subpref_Calling_fq2.png',dpi=1000) return
def main(pickleName, renderCities, sieverts, uncovered): try: [npts, x, y, z, zraw, xil, yil, grid, missing] = cPickle.load(open(pickleName,'rb')) lakes = cPickle.load(open(lakesPickle,'rb')) if uncovered: coastline = cPickle.load(open(coastlinePickle,'rb')) print "Pickle file loaded (%d points)" % npts except: print "An error occurs loading the pickle datas !!!" sys.exit(1) if renderCities: administrativeShapefile = "%s/JPN_adm2" % dataFolder distanceAngle = 5 else: administrativeShapefile = "%s/JPN_adm1" % dataFolder distanceAngle = 45 if sieverts: print "Rendering using uSv/h as unit" renderCPM = False else: print "Rendering using CPM as unit" renderCPM = True # Load locations names and position print "Load locations" shp = ShapeFile(locationShapefile) dbf = lx = [] ly = [] lname = [] for name in range([0]): shp_object = shp.read_object(name) shp_dict = dbf.read_record(name) cx , cy = shp_object.vertices()[0] names = re.split('[()]', shp_dict["NAME"]) if len(names)>1: cityname = names[1] else: cityname = "" lx.append(cx) ly.append(cy) lname.append(cityname) if uncovered: # Compute all uncovered areas difference = coastline.difference(missing) missing = difference # Create the thread pool pool = Pool() # Load Japan administrative area shp = ShapeFile(administrativeShapefile) dbf = # Process every shape from the ShapeFile print "Processing shapes ..." for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] vx = [] vy = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) shp_dict = dbf.read_record(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() # Start building the city map if renderCities: name = "%s" % (shp_dict["NAME_2"]) folder = "%s" % (shp_dict["NAME_1"]) else: name = "%s" % (shp_dict["NAME_1"]) folder = "All" #if (name not in ["Koriyama", "Fukushima", "Tokyo"]): #if (folder not in ["Fukushima"]): #if (shp_dict["NAME_1"] not in ["Fukushima", "Miyagi", "Tokyo", "Chiba", "Ibaraki", "Shizuoka", "Iwate", "Kanagawa"]): # print "Skipping %s" % name # continue # Extract city polygon vertices # Biggest ring only biggestRing = 0 biggestRingSize = 0 for ring in verts: if len(ring) > biggestRingSize: biggestRingSize = len(ring) biggestRing = ring for point in biggestRing: vx.append(point[0]) vy.append(point[1]) poly_verts = zip(vx,vy) # Compute intersections with the city from matplotlib.nxutils import points_inside_poly points = np.vstack((x,y)).T intersection = points_inside_poly(points, poly_verts) # Compute a small statistics for the city measures = [] for i in range(len(intersection)-1): if (intersection[i]): measures.append(zraw[i]) measures = np.array(measures) npts, minCPM, maxCPM, medianCPM = (0,0,0,0) npts = np.size(measures) if npts: minCPM = measures.min() maxCPM = measures.max() medianCPM = np.median(measures) # Only keep cities information inside the region cities_verts = zip(lx,ly) cities_inside = points_inside_poly(cities_verts, poly_verts) cities = [(lx[i], ly[i], lname[i]) for i in range(len(cities_inside)-1) if (cities_inside[i])] if npts>0: title = 'Safecast %s - Griddata (%s points) - %s [%s]\n(min, median, max) = (%d, %d, %d) CPM' % (safecastDatasetName, npts, name, folder, minCPM, medianCPM, maxCPM) #DrawMap(title, 2, vx, vy, min(vx), max(vx), min(vy), max(vy), npts, x, y, z, xil, yil, grid, name, folder, cities, missing, uncovered, lakes) pool.apply_async(DrawMap, (title, 2, vx, vy, min(vx), max(vx), min(vy), max(vy), npts, x, y, z, xil, yil, grid, name, folder, cities, missing, uncovered, lakes)) else: print "Skipping %s" % name # Wait the pool to be completed pool.close() pool.join()
def map_wake_hr(thersholdX): mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 4.4 ########################################################################################### fig = plt.figure(3) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05,right=0.95,top=0.90,bottom=0.05,wspace=0.15,hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) subpref_wake_hr = read_in_subpref_wake_hr(thersholdX) # read the shapefile archive s = m.readshapefile('/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE', 'subpref') max7s = 1 min7s = 10000000 for subpref in subpref_wake_hr.keys(): if subpref_wake_hr[subpref] > max7s: max7s = subpref_wake_hr[subpref] if subpref_wake_hr[subpref] < min7s: min7s = subpref_wake_hr[subpref] max7s = float(max7s) print "max", (max7s) print "min", (min7s) # scaled_weight = defaultdict(int) # for i in range(256): # scaled_weight[i] = defaultdict(int) # for subpref in subpref_wake_hr.keys(): # scaled_weight[subpref] = (subpref_wake_hr[subpref] - min7s) / (max7s - min7s) # values = range(256) # jet = cm = plt.get_cmap('jet') # cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=values[-1]) # scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet) # define custom colormap, white -> nicered, #E6072A = RGB(0.9,0.03,0.16) cdict = {'red': ( (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.9, 1.0) ), 'green':( (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.03, 0.0) ), 'blue': ( (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.16, 0.0) ) } custom_map = LinearSegmentedColormap('custom_map', cdict, N=33) plt.register_cmap(cmap=custom_map) subpref_coord = read_in_subpref_lonlat() shp = ShapeFile(r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf ='/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) # if max(lons) > 721. or min(lons) < -721. or max(lats) > 91. or min(lats) < -91: # raise ValueError,msg x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x,y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) #print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] print name, subpref_id # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring+1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly+1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs,antialiaseds=(1,)) colorVal = custom_map(subpref_wake_hr[subpref_id]) # colorVal = scaled_weight[subpef] lines.set_facecolors(colorVal) lines.set_edgecolors('gray') lines.set_linewidth(0.1) ax.add_collection(lines) # data to plot on the map lons = [] lats = [] num = [] for subpref in subpref_wake_hr.iterkeys(): print(subpref) if subpref <> 0 and subpref <> -1: lons.append(subpref_coord[subpref][0]) lats.append(subpref_coord[subpref][1]) num.append(subpref_wake_hr[subpref]) x, y = m(lons, lats) m.scatter(x, y, color='white') for name, xc, yc in zip(num, x, y): # draw the pref name in a yellow (shaded) box plt.text(xc, yc, name) plt.savefig("/home/sscepano/Project7s/D4D/CI/call_wakeup_sleep_hour/subpref_wake_" + str(thersholdX) + "pct.png",dpi=350)
def map_communities_and_commutes(G): import networkx as nx G_mod = nx.read_gml("/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/User movements graphs/commuting patterns/1/total_commuting_G_10com_775_269_v2.gml") col = [str]*256 for i in range(256): col[i] = 'w' for node in G_mod.nodes_iter(data=True): #print node[1]['label'] col_gephi = node[1]['graphics']['fill'] while (len(col_gephi) < 7): col_gephi += '0' col[int(float(node[1]['label']))] = col_gephi import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10. mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8. mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 6. mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 6. from shapelib import ShapeFile import dbflib from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib import cm ########################################################################################### fig = plt.figure(3) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05,right=0.95,top=0.90,bottom=0.05,wspace=0.15,hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) m.drawcoastlines() shp = ShapeFile(r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf ='/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) # if max(lons) > 721. or min(lons) < -721. or max(lats) > 91. or min(lats) < -91: # raise ValueError,msg x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x,y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) #print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] #color_col # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring+1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly+1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs,antialiaseds=(1,)) lines.set_facecolors(col[subpref_id]) lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.3) ax.add_collection(lines) from collections import defaultdict if G.has_node(-1): G.remove_node(-1) max7s = 1 min7s = 1 for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True): if d['weight'] > max7s: max7s = d['weight'] if d['weight'] < min7s: min7s = d['weight'] max7s = float(max7s) print max7s print min7s scaled_weight = defaultdict(int) for i in range(256): scaled_weight[i] = defaultdict(int) for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True): scaled_weight[u][v] = (d['weight'] - min7s) / (max7s - min7s) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): lo = [] la = [] lo.append(lons[u]) lo.append(lons[v]) la.append(lats[u]) la.append(lats[v]) x, y = m(lo, la) linewidth7s = scaled_weight[u][v] * 6.5 + 0.15 m.plot(x,y, linewidth= linewidth7s) if linewidth7s > 1: print linewidth7s plt.savefig('/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/User movements graphs/commuting patterns/1/maps/mod_classes_10com_775_269_v2.png',dpi=1000) ###################################################################################################3 return
def map_diversity(): #subpref_avg_fq = rd.read_in_subpref_avg_fq() rg = get_scaled_rg() fig = plt.figure(1) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05,right=0.95,top=0.90,bottom=0.05,wspace=0.15,hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-9, \ llcrnrlat=3.8, \ urcrnrlon=-1.5, \ urcrnrlat = 11, \ resolution = 'h', \ projection = 'tmerc', \ lat_0 = 7.38, \ lon_0 = -5.30) m.drawcoastlines() from shapelib import ShapeFile import dbflib from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib import cm shp = ShapeFile(r'/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') dbf ='/home/sscepano/DATA SET7S/D4D/SubPrefecture/GEOM_SOUS_PREFECTURE') msg = "Out of bounds" color_col = [] for npoly in range([0]): shpsegs = [] shpinfo = [] shp_object = shp.read_object(npoly) verts = shp_object.vertices() rings = len(verts) for ring in range(rings): lons, lats = zip(*verts[ring]) x, y = m(lons, lats) shpsegs.append(zip(x,y)) if ring == 0: shapedict = dbf.read_record(npoly) #print shapedict name = shapedict["ID_DEPART"] subpref_id = shapedict["ID_SP"] num = ["%.2f" % rg[subpref_id]] # add information about ring number to dictionary. shapedict['RINGNUM'] = ring+1 shapedict['SHAPENUM'] = npoly+1 shpinfo.append(shapedict) #print subpref_id #print name lines = LineCollection(shpsegs,antialiaseds=(1,)) lines.set_facecolors(str(rg[subpref_id])) lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.3) ax.add_collection(lines) plt.savefig('/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/diversity of travel/diversity_map.png',dpi=500) return