Esempio n. 1
    def DiscretizeImage(self, maxVal=1, minVal=0):

        This function takes an image and finds the median pixel value, then compares
        the value of each pixel to the median.  If a pixel is greater than or equal
        to the median, the pixel value is set to a user supplied value.  If the pixel
        value is less than the median, the pixel value is set to another user
        supplied value.

        :param maxVal: the high value use for pixels
        :param minVal: the low value to use for pixels
        gui = shareGui.getGui()

        if len(self.channels) > 1:
            answer = gui.showMessage('Error', 'Discretization can only be preformed on grayscale images.\nThe current image has the following bands: '
                                     '\n{}\nPress \'Ok\' to continue segmentation without discretizing, or \'Cancel\' to abort.'.format(self.channels), 'warning')
            if answer == 0:
            if answer == 1:
                return False

        shareGui.getGui().updateLog('Discretizing image')

        temp = numpy.zeros(self.size)

        for i in range(self.size):
            temp[i] =[i]

        sorted_values = sorted(
        pixel_values = self.pixels.GetPixelArray()

        if self.size % 2 == 1:
            median = sorted_values[((self.size + 1) / 2) - 1]
            median = float((sorted_values[(self.size + 1) / 2] + sorted_values[(self.size - 1) / 2]) / 2.0)

        for i in range (self.height):
            for j in range(self.width):
                stride = (self.width * i) + j
                if temp[stride] >= median:
                    temp[stride] = maxVal
                    pixel_values[stride] = maxVal
                    temp[stride] = minVal
                    pixel_values[stride] = minVal

        newFile= '{}{}_discretized.{}'.format(self.segmentDir, self.imageFile.split('.')[0], self.fileFormat)
        self.WriteNewImage(temp, newFile)
        return True
Esempio n. 2
    def SmoothImage(self, iterations):

        for i in range(iterations):
            shareGui.getGui().updateLog('Smoothing iteration #%d' % self.iteration)
            newImage = self.dataImage.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH_MORE)
            self.iteration += 1

        self.dataImage = newImage = self.dataImage.getdata()
        self.pixels = PixelArray(self.width, self.height,

Esempio n. 3
    def displayPlots(self):

        figures = plt.get_fignums()
        histogramFignums = []

        for figure in figures:
            if figure % 2 == 0:

        histogramFigures = list(map(plt.figure, histogramFignums))

        shareGui.getGui().addPlots(histogramFigures, 1)
Esempio n. 4
    def CreateMatrix(
        self, sigmaI, sigmaX
    ):  # Creates a process pool and distributes their work to all pixels, to calculate weight matrix

        gui = shareGui.getGui()
        cpus = mp.cpu_count()
        # At most, use all but one core for processes
        poolCount = int(cpus - (math.ceil(cpus * 0.1)))
        args = [(self, sigmaI, sigmaX, i) for i in range(self.numPixels)]
        gui.updateLog("Cpu's on machine: %d" % cpus)
        gui.updateLog("Cpu's to process weight matrix: %d" % poolCount)

        pool = mp.Pool(processes=poolCount)
        gui.updateLog("Mapping pool processes")
        tempData =, args)

        for (
        ) in tempData:  # This puts the data of each pixel, returned from each seperate process, into
            for pixel in pixelList:
      [pixel[1]] = pixel[0]

        self.matrix = numpy.matrix(, self.rows), numpy.float64)
        gui.updateLog("Weight Matrix shape: {}".format(self.matrix.shape))
Esempio n. 5
def getFinalSegments(branches, segmentDir):

    #Goes through all pixel data from the segmentation and specifies which files correspond to final-size segments

    gui = shareGui.getGui()

    dirs = next(os.walk(segmentDir))[1]
    allPixelPaths = []
    finalSegments = [] #each entry is a numpy array (segment) containing pixel indices
    finalData = [] #each entry is a numpy array (segment) containing pixel values
    finalPaths = [] #each entry is a path string to the pixel data of a final segment

    #Finding all pixel files
    for dir in dirs:
        if dir.find('pixels_') != -1:
            dir = '/{}'.format(dir)
            pixelPaths = next(os.walk('{}{}'.format(segmentDir, dir)))[2]
            for n in range(len(pixelPaths)):
                pixelPaths[n] = segmentDir + dir + '/' + pixelPaths[n]

    #checking to see which pixel files correspond to final-size segments
    for n in range(len(branches)):
        if(branches[n] == 0):

    finalSegments = numpy.array(finalSegments)
    gui.updateLog('Algorithm finished with {} final-size segments'.format(len(finalSegments)))

    return finalSegments, finalData, finalPaths
Esempio n. 6
    def displayPlots(self):

        figures = plt.get_fignums()
        scatterFignums = []

        for figure in figures:
            if figure % 2 == 1:
                #on every iteration, the scatter plot is created first, and fignums starts at 1, so if
                #the current fig_num % 2 = 1, then that figure is a scatter plot

        #scatterFigures is a list of matplotlib figures/their emory locations
        scatterFigures = list(map(plt.figure, scatterFignums))

        #The 0 passed to gui.addPlots() indicates that the list being passed is a list of scatters
        shareGui.getGui().addPlots(scatterFigures, 0)
Esempio n. 7
    def CreateMatrix(self, weights):

        for i in range(self.size):
  [i] = weights[i].sum()

        gui = shareGui.getGui()
        temp = numpy.diag(
        self.matrix = numpy.matrix(temp, numpy.float)
        gui.updateLog("Diagonal Matrix shape: {}".format(self.matrix.shape))

Esempio n. 8
def finish(segmentData, maxVar, maxInt):

    #finish up the segmentation, return are necessary final data

    branches, segmentDir, image, dimensions = segmentData[0], segmentData[1], segmentData[2], segmentData[3]
    gui = shareGui.getGui()

    finalSegments, finalData, finalPaths = getFinalSegments(branches, segmentDir)
    finalBackground = findBackground(finalData, maxVar, maxInt)
    finalMap = mapBorders(segmentDir, dimensions, finalSegments, finalBackground)
    cleanup(segmentDir, finalPaths)

    results = [finalSegments, finalBackground, finalMap]
    return results
Esempio n. 9
def toMAPS(segments, backgrounds, dimensions, segmentDir, imageName):

    #takes all the final data gathered from and turns it into hdf5 files, in the format that MAPS expected for ROIs

    gui = shareGui.getGui()
    gui.updateLog('Exporting segment data to MAPS ROIs')
    imageSize = dimensions[0]*dimensions[1]
    pixelIds = numpy.arange(imageSize)
    scanNumber = imageName.split('_')[1].split('.')[0]

    fgSegments = segments[backgrounds==0] #take all indices from 'segments' where the corresponding index in 'backgrounds is 0
    bgSegments = segments[backgrounds==1]
    numFgFiles = int(math.ceil(float(len(fgSegments))/16.0)) #MAPS supports only 16 distinct ROI's in one dataset
    numBgFiles = int(math.ceil(float(len(bgSegments))/16.0)) #so this will find how mant datasets are needed to account for all segs
    fgRois = [numpy.zeros(imageSize, int) for _ in range(numFgFiles)] #list of arrays, each the size of the image to be filled with ints 1-16
    bgRois = [numpy.zeros(imageSize, int) for _ in range(numBgFiles)]
    segs = [fgSegments, bgSegments]
    rois = [fgRois, bgRois]

    for i in range(len(rois)):
        regionNum = 1
        fileNum = 0
        for j in range(len(segs[i])):
            if(regionNum > 16):
                regionNum = 1
                fileNum += 1
            region = segs[i][j]
            for index in region:
                rois[i][fileNum][index] = regionNum
            regionNum += 1

        f,b=0,0 #current foreground segment, current background segment
        for n in range(len(rois[i])):
            nextData = rois[i][n].reshape(dimensions) #next segment
            if i==0:
                file = h5py.File('{}/{}_roi_FG{}.h5'.format(segmentDir, scanNumber, f), 'w') #create a new hdf5 file (should be changed in the future, only one total is really needed
                file.create_dataset('MAPS_ROIS/fg_roi_{}'.format(n), data=nextData) #create a MAPS group, and add a dataset containing the next segment
                file.create_dataset('MAPS_ROIS/pixel_id', data=pixelIds)
            elif i==1:
                file = h5py.File('{}/{}_roi_BG{}.h5'.format(segmentDir, scanNumber, b), 'w')
                file.create_dataset('MAPS_ROIS/bg_roi_{}'.format(n), data=nextData)
                file.create_dataset('MAPS_ROIS/pixel_id', data=pixelIds)

    gui.updateLog('Saved ROIs to MAPS compatible HDF5 formats'.format(segmentDir))

Esempio n. 10
def findBackground(finalData, maxVar, maxInt):

    #flags segments as background or foreground (this will need some work, is farily simple at the moment)

    gui = shareGui.getGui()
    gui.updateLog('Finding background segments background segments:')
    gui.updateLog('Using variance threshold of {}'.format(maxVar))
    gui.updateLog('Using intensity threshold of {}'.format(maxInt))

    background = numpy.zeros(len(finalData), dtype = int)

    #if the current segment has a variance and mean intensity below both of the threshold values, it is set to '1' in the background list,
    #indicating that the segment at that index is a background segment
    for n in range(len(finalData)):
        if(numpy.var(finalData[n]) < maxVar and numpy.mean(finalData[n]) < maxInt):
            background[n] = 1

    return background
Esempio n. 11
def workSegment(haltThreshold, weightMatrix, data, divideType, displayPlots, cutNumber, paths, imageNumber, image):

    #Performs the algorithm

    gui = shareGui.getGui()
    pixel_path, matrix_path = paths[0], paths[1]
    prev_pixel_path, prev_matrix_path = paths[2], paths[3]
    imageSize = data.GetImageSize()
    imageData = data.GetImageData()
    pixelLocations = numpy.arange(imageSize)

    #initial segmentation-----------------------
    if (cutNumber == 1):
        pixelLength = imageSize
        divideData = imageData

    #each subsequent segmentation---------------
        # Get the name of the file without the file extension.
        filename = os.path.splitext(image)[0]

        gui.updateLog("\nWorking on %s" % image)

        # Load the image pixels and pixel locations into arrays
        newPixelsArrays = numpy.load(prev_pixel_path + "/" + filename + ".npz")
        newPixels = newPixelsArrays['pixels']
        divideData = newPixels
        pixelLocations = newPixelsArrays['locations']
        pixelLength = len(newPixels)
        gui.updateLog("Reading array of size %d from file %s.npz" % (newPixels.shape[0], filename))

        #If the size of the loaded image is below the halting threshold, do not segment,
        # and return (ending this branch of the segmentation)
        if(len(newPixels) < haltThreshold):
            gui.updateLog('Skipping file %s: segment size is below specified halting threshold.' % image)
            #return value of '0' means the segmentation on this branch has ended

        # Load the matrix data and create a new WeightMatrix
        temp = numpy.matrix(numpy.load(prev_matrix_path + "/" + filename + ".npy"))
        weightMatrix = WM(temp.shape[0], temp.shape[1])
        gui.updateLog("Reading matrix of size %dx%d from file %s.npy" % (temp.shape[0], temp.shape[1], filename))

    #Create a new diagonal matrix.
    gui.updateLog("Creating diagonal matrix")
    if (cutNumber > 1):
        diagonalMatrix = DM(len(newPixels), 1) #had to change .size to len() to count multi-dimensional array items properly
        diagonalMatrix = DM(data.width, data.height)

    gui.updateLog('Solving for eigenvalues')
    secondVec = solveEigenVectors(diagonalMatrix.GetMatrix(), weightMatrix.GetMatrix())

    # Divide the image into two using the second smallest eigenvector.  There are three options for dividing the image.
    # 1) All pixels corresponding to values in the eignevector greater than zero will be in one image,
    #    while all pixels corresponding to values in the eigenvector less than zero will be in the
    #    other image.
    # 2) As option 1, except that eigenvector values will be compared to the median value of the eignevector.
    # 3) Several different dividing values are tried.  The resulting ratio (edges in segment one / edges removed) +
    #    (edges in segment two / edges removed) is minimized.
    if divideType == 0:
        dividingValue = 0
        numsteps = 1

    if divideType == 1:
        dividingValue = numpy.median(secondVec, axis=0)
        numsteps = 1

    if divideType == 2:
        numSteps = int(secondVec.size / pow(math.log10(secondVec.size), 2))
        stepSize = (numpy.amax(secondVec) - numpy.amin(secondVec)) / numSteps
        if numSteps < 2:
            numSteps = 1
            dividingValue = numpy.median(secondVec, axis=0)
            maxVal = numpy.amax(secondVec)
            minVal = numpy.amin(secondVec)
            stepSize = (maxVal - minVal) / numSteps
            dividingValue = maxVal

    gui.updateLog('Dividing image pixel values')
    segmentInfo = DivideImage(secondVec, divideData, imageSize, pixelLength, pixelLocations, dividingValue)
    segmentOne = segmentInfo['segOne']
    segmentTwo = segmentInfo['segTwo']
    posIndices = segmentInfo['posIndices']
    negIndices = segmentInfo['negIndices']

    # Calculate the weights of the edges that were removed from the image.
    # Reduce the weight matrix to two new matrices, one for each image segment.
    cutSize, matrixOne, matrixTwo = weightMatrix.ReduceMatrix(posIndices, negIndices)
    gui.updateLog("Size of cut = %f" % cutSize)

    if divideType == 2:
        prevCutSize = cutSize
        prevSegInfo = segmentInfo
        prevMatrixOne = matrixOne
        prevMatrixTwo = matrixTwo

        #continue until smallest cut is found
        for i in range(numSteps - 1):
            dividingValue = dividingValue - stepSize
            segmentInfo = DivideImage(secondVec, divideData, imageSize, pixelLength, pixelLocations, dividingValue)
            segmentOne = segmentInfo['segOne']
            segmentTwo = segmentInfo['segTwo']
            posIndices = segmentInfo['posIndices']
            negIndices = segmentInfo['negIndices']

            # Calculate the weights of the edges that were removed from the image.
            # Reduce the weight matrix to two new matrices, one for each image segment.
            #edgeSum, matrixOne, matrixTwo = weightMatrix.ReduceMatrix(posIndices, negIndices)
            cutSize, matrixOne, matrixTwo = weightMatrix.ReduceMatrix(posIndices, negIndices)

            if cutSize < prevCutSize:
                prevCutSize = cutSize
                prevMatrixOne = matrixOne
                prevMatrixTwo = matrixTwo
                prevSegInfo = segmentInfo

        cutSize = prevCutSize
        matrixOne = prevMatrixOne
        matrixTwo = prevMatrixTwo
        gui.updateLog("Size of choosen cut = %f" % cutSize)
        segmentInfo = prevSegInfo
        segmentOne = segmentInfo['segOne']
        segmentTwo = segmentInfo['segTwo']
        posIndices = segmentInfo['posIndices']
        negIndices = segmentInfo['negIndices']

    #Progress output to gui.
    gui.updateLog("Pixels in segment one = %d" % len(posIndices))
    gui.updateLog("Pixels in segment two = %d" % len(negIndices))
    gui.updateLog("Matrix one size = %dx%d" % (matrixOne.GetMatrix().shape[0], matrixOne.GetMatrix().shape[1]))
    gui.updateLog("Matrix two size = %dx%d" % (matrixTwo.GetMatrix().shape[0], matrixTwo.GetMatrix().shape[1]))

    # Create two arrays of pixels from the original image using
    # the indices returned from DivideImage.
    posPixels = numpy.take(divideData, posIndices, axis=0)
    negPixels = numpy.take(divideData, negIndices, axis=0)

    #Final output to image files
    #Segment One-----------------------------------------------
    filename = "/segment_%d_%d" % (cutNumber, imageNumber)
    # Save the pixel locations for each new pixel array.
    posLocations = numpy.take(pixelLocations, posIndices)
    gui.updateLog("Writing pixels file {}.npz".format(filename))
    posArrays = {'pixels':posPixels, 'locations':posLocations}
    numpy.savez(pixel_path + "/%s.npz" % filename, **posArrays)
    gui.updateLog("Writing matrix file {}.npy".format(filename)) + "/%s.npy" % filename, matrixOne.GetMatrix())

    imageNumber += 1

    #Segment Two-----------------------------------------------
    filename = "/segment_%d_%d" % (cutNumber, imageNumber)
    negLocations = numpy.take(pixelLocations, negIndices)
    gui.updateLog("Writing pixels file {}.npz".format(filename))
    negArrays = {'pixels':negPixels, 'locations':negLocations}
    numpy.savez(pixel_path + "/%s.npz" % filename, **negArrays)
    gui.updateLog("Writing matrix file {}.npy".format(filename)) + "/%s.npy" % filename, matrixTwo.GetMatrix())

    #Displays scatter plots and histograms in the results panel in the gui if selected (probably to be removed)
        scatPlt = ScatterPlot("Original Image", secondVec)
        histPlt = HistogramPlot("Original image", secondVec)
        if(cutNumber > 1):
            scatPlt.AddPlot(image, secondVec)
            histPlt.AddPlot(image, secondVec)

    #return value of '1' means the segmentation is still going on this branch (the current working segment will be segmented again)
Esempio n. 12
def start(imagePath, divideType, maxPixelDistance, smoothValue, displayPlots, haltThreshold, numImages):

    #initiates the segmentation; makes directories, loads image data, builds weight matrix, etc.

    :param divideType = Set the type of dividing to be done.
        0 - divide the image using the value of zero
        1 - divide the image using the median value of the eignevector
        2 - try vector.size / (log(vector.size))^2 evenly spaced dividing points
    :param maxPixelDistance = how close 2 pixels must be to have a nonzero weight between them
    :param smoothValue = iterations of smoothing (smoothing not called if smoothValue = 0)
    :param displayPlots = self explanatory boolean
    :param haltThreshold = this is the pixel size that will end the cutting of a segment
    :return segmentDir or None

    gui = shareGui.getGui()
    imageDir, imageFile = os.path.split(imagePath)
    imageName, extension = imageFile.split('.')
    #creates two directories titled as the current date > the original image name, to save all output
    segmentDir = '{}/{}_segmentation/{}'.format(imageDir, time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y"), imageName)
    dateDir = os.path.split(segmentDir)[0]
    suffix = 1

    #This while loop ensures no segmentations of a common image are overwritten
    while(os.path.isdir(segmentDir) == True):
        segmentDir = '{}/{}_segmentation/{}_{}'.format(imageDir, time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y"), imageName, suffix)
        suffix += 1

    #Creates the segmentation directory
    if not os.path.isdir(segmentDir):
        except OSError:
            if not os.path.isdir(segmentDir):

    gui.updateLog('------------------------ Starting on image {} ------------------------\n'.format(imageFile))
    gui.updateLog('Creating segmentation directory at: %s' % segmentDir)
    gui.updateLog('Using image located at: %s' % imagePath)
    gui.updateLog('Using divide type of %d' % divideType)
    gui.updateLog('Using maximum pixel distance of %d' % maxPixelDistance)
    gui.updateLog('Using halting threshold of %d' % haltThreshold)

    #loads selected image into imagedata object, depending on whether the user
    # selected data is a numpy array file (user opened a hdf5), or a nromal image file
    if extension == 'npz':
        data = ImageArrayData(imagePath, segmentDir)
        data = ImageFileData(imagePath, segmentDir)
    gui.updateLog('\n--- Reading Image ---\n')

    if smoothValue > 0:

    imageData = data.GetImageData()
    imageSize = data.GetImageSize()
    dimensions = data.GetImageDimensions()
    channels = data.GetChannels()
    fileFormat = data.GetFileFormat()
    # Create an array of pixel locations, location=sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
    locationValues = data.pixels.CreateLocationArray()
    sigmaI = numpy.var(imageData)
    sigmaX = numpy.var(locationValues)

    #Output image properties
    gui.updateLog("Image mode is %s" % data.GetImageMode())
    gui.updateLog("Data format is %s" % fileFormat)
    gui.updateLog("Data channels are: {}".format(channels))
    gui.updateLog("Number of image pixels = %d" % imageSize)
    gui.updateLog("Image width = %d, image height = %d" % dimensions)
    gui.updateLog("Intensity variance = %f" % sigmaI)
    gui.updateLog("Location variance = %f" % sigmaX)
    #All of these lines change the graphic of the gui's progress bar

    #create weight matrix
    gui.updateLog("\n--- Creating weight matrix ---\n")
    weightMatrix = WM(data.size, data.size)
    weightMatrix.SetPixelData(data.GetPixels(), maxPixelDistance)

    #time weight matrix build
    t0 = time.time()
    weightMatrix.CreateMatrix(sigmaI, sigmaX)
    t2 = '%.2f' % (time.time() - t0)
    gui.updateLog('Parallel building of weight matrix took {} seconds'.format(t2))

    #Starts segmentation
    gui.updateLog('\n--- Starting segmentation---\n')
    t0 = time.time()
    branches = SegmentImage(weightMatrix, data, segmentDir, divideType, displayPlots, haltThreshold, numImages)
    t2 = '%.2f' % (time.time() - t0)
    gui.updateLog('\n\n--- Segmentation completed (took {} seconds) ---\n\n'.format(t2))

    #This is the ultimate return back to the gui, a list of data resultant from the segmentation, for the gui to then pass to and finalize
    segmentData = [branches, segmentDir, data, dimensions]