def get_access_advisor(region, principal_stats, json_account_auth_details, args): for principal_auth in [ *json_account_auth_details['UserDetailList'], *json_account_auth_details['RoleDetailList'] ]: stats = {} stats['auth'] = principal_auth job_id = get_parameter_file(region, 'iam', 'generate-service-last-accessed-details', principal_auth['Arn'])['JobId'] json_last_access_details = get_parameter_file( region, 'iam', 'get-service-last-accessed-details', job_id) stats['last_access'] = json_last_access_details stats['is_inactive'] = True job_completion_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( json_last_access_details['JobCompletionDate'][0:10], '%Y-%m-%d') for service in json_last_access_details['ServicesLastAccessed']: if 'LastAuthenticated' in service: last_access_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( service['LastAuthenticated'][0:10], '%Y-%m-%d') service['days_since_last_use'] = (job_completion_date - last_access_date).days if service['days_since_last_use'] < args.max_age: stats['is_inactive'] = False break principal_stats[principal_auth['Arn']] = stats
def audit_s3_buckets(region): buckets_json = query_aws(region.account, "s3-list-buckets", region) buckets = pyjq.all('.Buckets[].Name', buckets_json) for bucket in buckets: # Check policy try: policy_file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 's3', 'get-bucket-policy', bucket) # Find the entity we need policy_string = policy_file_json['Policy'] # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): print('- Internet accessible S3 bucket {}: {}'.format( bucket, policy_string)) except Exception as e: print('- Exception checking policy of S3 bucket {}: {}; e'.format( bucket, policy_string, e)) # Check ACL try: file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 's3', 'get-bucket-acl', bucket) for grant in file_json['Grants']: uri = grant['Grantee'].get('URI', "") if (uri == '' or uri == '' ): print('- Public grant to S3 bucket {}: {}'.format( bucket, grant)) except Exception as e: print('- Exception checking ACL of S3 bucket {}: {}; {}'.format( bucket, grant, e))
def api_endpoints(accounts, config): for account in accounts: account = Account(None, account) for region_json in get_regions(account): region = Region(account, region_json) # Look for API Gateway json_blob = query_aws(region.account, 'apigateway-get-rest-apis', region) for api in json_blob.get('items', []): rest_id = api['id'] deployments = get_parameter_file(region, 'apigateway', 'get-deployments', rest_id) if deployments is None: continue for deployment in deployments['items']: deployment_id = deployment['id'] stages = get_parameter_file(region, 'apigateway', 'get-stages', rest_id) if stages is None: continue for stage in stages['item']: if stage['deploymentId'] == deployment_id: resources = get_parameter_file(region, 'apigateway', 'get-resources', rest_id) if resources is None: continue for resource in resources['items']: print('{}.execute-api.{}{}{}'.format( api['id'],, stage['stageName'], resource['path']))
def get_elbs(subnet, outputfilter): # ELBs elb_instances = query_aws(subnet.account, "elb-describe-load-balancers", subnet.region) elb_resource_filter = '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[] | select(.VPCId == "{}") | select(.Subnets[] == "{}")' elbs = pyjq.all( elb_resource_filter.format(subnet.vpc.local_id, subnet.local_id), elb_instances) # ALBs and NLBs alb_instances = query_aws(subnet.account, "elbv2-describe-load-balancers", subnet.region) alb_resource_filter = '.LoadBalancers[] | select(.VpcId == "{}") | select(.AvailabilityZones[].SubnetId == "{}")' albs = pyjq.all( alb_resource_filter.format(subnet.vpc.local_id, subnet.local_id), alb_instances) if 'tags' not in outputfilter: return elbs + albs # There are tags requested, so we need to filter these tag_filter = "" tag_set_conditions = [] for tag_set in outputfilter.get("tags", []): conditions = [c.split("=") for c in tag_set.split(",")] condition_queries = [] for pair in conditions: if len(pair) == 2: condition_queries.append('.{} == "{}"'.format( pair[0], pair[1])) tag_set_conditions.append('(' + ' and '.join(condition_queries) + ')') tag_filter = 'select(.TagDescriptions[0].Tags | from_entries | ' + ' or '.join( tag_set_conditions) + ')' filtered_elbs = [] for elb in elbs: tags = get_parameter_file(subnet.region, 'elb', 'describe-tags', elb['LoadBalancerName']) if tags is None: continue if pyjq.first(tag_filter, tags) is not None: filtered_elbs.append(elb) for elb in albs: tags = get_parameter_file(subnet.region, 'elbv2', 'describe-tags', elb['LoadBalancerArn']) if tags is None: continue if pyjq.first(tag_filter, tags) is not None: filtered_elbs.append(elb) return filtered_elbs
def audit_s3_buckets(findings, region): buckets_json = query_aws(region.account, "s3-list-buckets", region) buckets = pyjq.all('.Buckets[].Name', buckets_json) for bucket in buckets: # Check policy try: policy_file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 's3', 'get-bucket-policy', bucket) if policy_file_json is not None: # Find the entity we need policy_string = policy_file_json['Policy'] # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): if len(policy.statements) == 1 and len(policy.statements[0].actions) == 1 and 's3:GetObject' in policy.statements[0].actions: findings.add(Finding( region, 'S3_PUBLIC_POLICY_GETOBJECT_ONLY', bucket)) else: findings.add(Finding( region, 'S3_PUBLIC_POLICY', bucket, resource_details=policy_string)) region, issue_id, resource_id, resource_details except Exception as e: findings.add(Finding( region, 'EXCEPTION', bucket, resource_details={'policy': policy_string, 'exception': e, 'location': 'Exception checking policy of S3 bucket'})) # Check ACL try: file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 's3', 'get-bucket-acl', bucket) for grant in file_json['Grants']: uri = grant['Grantee'].get('URI', "") if (uri == '' or uri == ''): findings.add(Finding( region, 'S3_PUBLIC_ACL', bucket, resource_details=grant)) except Exception as e: findings.add(Finding( region, 'EXCEPTION', bucket, resource_details={'grant': grant, 'exception': e, 'location': 'Exception checking ACL of S3 bucket'}))
def audit_sqs(region): # Check for publicly accessible sqs. json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "sqs-list-queues", region) if json_blob is None: # Service not supported in the region return for queue in json_blob.get('QueueUrls', []): # Check policy attributes = get_parameter_file(region, 'sqs', 'get-queue-attributes', queue) if attributes is None: # No policy continue # Find the entity we need attributes = attributes['Attributes'] if 'Policy' in attributes: policy_string = attributes['Policy'] else: # No policy set continue # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): print('- Internet accessible SQS {}: {}'.format( name, policy_string))
def audit_es(findings, region): json_blob = query_aws(region.account, 'es-list-domain-names', region) for domain in json_blob.get('DomainNames', []): name = domain['DomainName'] # Check policy policy_file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'es', 'describe-elasticsearch-domain', name) # Find the entity we need policy_string = policy_file_json['DomainStatus']['AccessPolicies'] # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) # ES clusters or either public, with an "Endpoint" (singular), which is bad, or # they are VPC-only, in which case they have an "Endpoints" (plural) array containing a "vpc" element if policy_file_json['DomainStatus'].get( 'Endpoint', '') != '' or policy_file_json['DomainStatus'].get( 'Endpoints', {}).get('vpc', '') == '': if policy.is_internet_accessible(): findings.add( Finding(region, 'ES_PUBLIC', name, resource_details=policy_string))
def audit_sns(findings, region): # Check for publicly accessible sns. json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "sns-list-topics", region) if json_blob is None: # Service not supported in the region return for topic in json_blob.get('Topics', []): # Check policy attributes = get_parameter_file(region, 'sns', 'get-topic-attributes', topic['TopicArn']) if attributes is None: # No policy continue # Find the entity we need attributes = attributes['Attributes'] if 'Policy' in attributes: policy_string = attributes['Policy'] else: # No policy set continue # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): findings.add(Finding( region, 'SNS_PUBLIC', topic['TopicArn'], resource_details=policy_string))
def audit_sqs(findings, region): # Check for publicly accessible sqs. json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "sqs-list-queues", region) if json_blob is None: # Service not supported in the region return for queue in json_blob.get('QueueUrls', []): queue_name = queue.split("/")[-1] # Check policy queue_attributes = get_parameter_file(region, 'sqs', 'get-queue-attributes', queue) if queue_attributes is None: # No policy continue # Find the entity we need attributes = queue_attributes['Attributes'] if 'Policy' in attributes: policy_string = attributes['Policy'] else: # No policy set continue # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): findings.add(Finding( region, 'SQS_PUBLIC', queue_name, resource_details=policy_string))
def audit_glacier(findings, region): # Check for publicly accessible vaults. json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "glacier-list-vaults", region) if json_blob is None: # Service not supported in the region return for vault in json_blob.get('VaultList', []): name = vault['VaultName'] # Check policy policy_file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'glacier', 'get-vault-access-policy', name) if policy_file_json is None: # No policy continue # Find the entity we need policy_string = policy_file_json['policy']['Policy'] # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): findings.add(Finding( region, 'GLACIER_PUBLIC', name, resource_details=policy_string))
def audit_kms(findings, region): # Check for publicly accessible KMS keys. json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "kms-list-keys", region) if json_blob is None: # Service not supported in the region return for key in json_blob.get('Keys', []): name = key['KeyId'] # Check policy policy_file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'kms', 'get-key-policy', name) if policy_file_json is None: # No policy continue # Find the entity we need policy_string = policy_file_json['Policy'] # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): findings.add(Finding( region, 'KMS_PUBLIC', name, resource_details=policy_string))
def audit_ebs_snapshots(findings, region): json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "ec2-describe-snapshots", region) for snapshot in json_blob['Snapshots']: try: file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'ec2', 'describe-snapshot-attribute', snapshot['SnapshotId']) if file_json == None: # Not technically an exception, but an unexpected situation findings.add(Finding( region, 'EXCEPTION', snapshot, resource_details={'location': 'EBS snapshot has no attributes'})) continue for attribute in file_json['CreateVolumePermissions']: if attribute.get('Group', 'self') != 'self': findings.add(Finding( region, 'EBS_SNAPSHOT_PUBLIC', snapshot, resource_details={'Entities allowed to restore': attribute['Group']})) except OSError: findings.add(Finding( region, 'EXCEPTION', None, resource_details={ 'location': 'Could not open EBS snapshot file', 'file_name': file_name}))
def audit_rds_snapshots(findings, region): json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "rds-describe-db-snapshots", region) for snapshot in json_blob.get('DBSnapshots', []): try: file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'rds', 'describe-db-snapshot-attributes', snapshot['DBSnapshotIdentifier']) for attribute in file_json['DBSnapshotAttributesResult'][ 'DBSnapshotAttributes']: if attribute['AttributeName'] == 'restore': if "all" in attribute['AttributeValues']: findings.add( Finding(region, 'RDS_PUBLIC_SNAPSHOT', snapshot, resource_details={ 'Entities allowed to restore': attribute['AttributeValues'] })) except OSError: findings.add( Finding(region, 'EXCEPTION', None, resource_details={ 'location': 'Could not open RDS snapshot file', 'file_name': file_name }))
def audit_ebs_snapshots(region): json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "ec2-describe-snapshots", region) for snapshot in json_blob['Snapshots']: try: file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'ec2', 'describe-snapshot-attribute', snapshot['SnapshotId']) for attribute in file_json['CreateVolumePermissions']: if attribute['Group'] != 'self': print('- EBS snapshot in {} is public: {}, entities allowed to restore: {}'.format(, snapshot, attribute['Group'])) except OSError: print('WARNING: Could not open {}'.format(file_name))
def audit_rds_snapshots(region): json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "rds-describe-db-snapshots", region) for snapshot in json_blob.get('DBSnapshots', []): try: file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'rds', 'describe-db-snapshot-attributes', snapshot['DBSnapshotIdentifier']) for attribute in file_json['DBSnapshotAttributesResult']['DBSnapshotAttributes']: if attribute['AttributeName'] == 'restore': if "all" in attribute['AttributeValues']: print('- RDS snapshot in {} is public: {}, entities allowed to restore: {}'.format(, snapshot, attribute['AttributeValues'])) except OSError: print('WARNING: Could not open {}'.format(file_name))
def audit_ecr_repos(region): json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "ecr-describe-repositories", region) for repo in json_blob.get('repositories', []): name = repo['repositoryName'] # Check policy policy_file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'ecr', 'get-repository-policy', name) # Find the entity we need policy_string = policy_file_json['policyText'] # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): print('- Internet accessible ECR repo {}: {}'.format(name, policy_string))
def audit_s3_block_policy(region): caller_identity_json = query_aws(region.account, "sts-get-caller-identity", region) block_policy_json = get_parameter_file(region, 's3control', 'get-public-access-block', caller_identity_json['Account']) if block_policy_json is None: print('- S3 Control Access Block is not on') else: conf = block_policy_json['PublicAccessBlockConfiguration'] if not conf['BlockPublicAcls'] or not conf[ 'BlockPublicPolicy'] or not conf[ 'IgnorePublicAcls'] or not conf['RestrictPublicBuckets']: print('- S3 Control Access Block is not blocking all access: {}'. format(block_policy_json))
def audit_s3_block_policy(findings, region): caller_identity_json = query_aws(region.account, "sts-get-caller-identity", region) block_policy_json = get_parameter_file(region, 's3control', 'get-public-access-block', caller_identity_json['Account']) if block_policy_json is None: findings.add(Finding( region, 'S3_ACCESS_BLOCK_OFF', None)) else: conf = block_policy_json['PublicAccessBlockConfiguration'] if not conf['BlockPublicAcls'] or not conf['BlockPublicPolicy'] or not conf['IgnorePublicAcls'] or not conf['RestrictPublicBuckets']: findings.add(Finding( region, 'S3_ACCESS_BLOCK_ALL_ACCESS_TYPES', None, resource_details=block_policy_json))
def audit_guardduty(findings, region): for region_json in get_regions(region.account): region = Region(region.account, region_json) detector_list_json = query_aws(region.account, "guardduty-list-detectors", region) if not detector_list_json: # GuardDuty must not exist in this region (or the collect data is old) continue is_enabled = False for detector in detector_list_json['DetectorIds']: detector_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'guardduty', 'get-detector', detector) if detector_json['Status'] == 'ENABLED': is_enabled = True if not is_enabled: findings.add(Finding(region, 'GUARDDUTY_OFF', None, None))
def audit_lambda(region): # Check for publicly accessible functions. They should be called from apigateway or something else. json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "lambda-list-functions", region) for function in json_blob.get('Functions', []): name = function['FunctionName'] # Check policy policy_file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'lambda', 'get-policy', name) if policy_file_json is None: # No policy continue # Find the entity we need policy_string = policy_file_json['Policy'] # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): print('- Internet accessible Lambda {}: {}'.format(name, policy_string))
def audit_ecr_repos(region): json_blob = query_aws(region.account, "ecr-describe-repositories", region) for repo in json_blob.get('repositories', []): name = repo['repositoryName'] # Check policy policy_file_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'ecr', 'get-repository-policy', name) if policy_file_json is None: # This means only the owner can access the repo, so this is fine. # The collect command would have received the exception # `RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException` for this to happen. continue # Find the entity we need policy_string = policy_file_json['policyText'] # Load the string value as json policy = json.loads(policy_string) policy = Policy(policy) if policy.is_internet_accessible(): print('- Internet accessible ECR repo {}: {}'.format( name, policy_string))
def audit_guardduty(region): regions_without = [] possible_regions = 0 for region_json in get_regions(region.account): region = Region(region.account, region_json) detector_list_json = query_aws(region.account, "guardduty-list-detectors", region) if not detector_list_json: # GuardDuty must not exist in this region (or the collect data is old) continue possible_regions += 1 is_enabled = False for detector in detector_list_json['DetectorIds']: detector_json = get_parameter_file(region, 'guardduty', 'get-detector', detector) if detector_json['Status'] == 'ENABLED': is_enabled = True if not is_enabled: regions_without.append( if len(regions_without) != 0: print('- GuardDuty not turned on for {}/{} regions: {}'.format( len(regions_without), possible_regions, regions_without))
def get_rds_instances(subnet, outputfilter): instances = query_aws(subnet.account, "rds-describe-db-instances", subnet.region) resource_filter = '.DBInstances[] | select(.DBSubnetGroup.Subnets != null and .DBSubnetGroup.Subnets[].SubnetIdentifier == "{}")' rds_instances = pyjq.all(resource_filter.format(subnet.local_id), instances) if 'tags' not in outputfilter: return rds_instances # There are tags requested, so we need to filter these tag_filter = "" tag_set_conditions = [] for tag_set in outputfilter.get("tags", []): conditions = [c.split("=") for c in tag_set.split(",")] condition_queries = [] for pair in conditions: if len(pair) == 2: condition_queries.append('.{} == "{}"'.format( pair[0], pair[1])) tag_set_conditions.append('(' + ' and '.join(condition_queries) + ')') tag_filter = 'select(.TagList | from_entries | ' + ' or '.join( tag_set_conditions) + ')' filtered_instances = [] for rds in rds_instances: tags = get_parameter_file(subnet.region, 'rds', 'list-tags-for-resource', rds['DBInstanceArn']) if tags is None: continue if pyjq.first(tag_filter, tags) is not None: filtered_instances.append(rds) return filtered_instances