Esempio n. 1
    def get_parcels(self):
        Function to generate various parcels and parcel
        Returns nothing, but sets the following

        self.mupcl : Most Unstable Parcel
        self.sfcpcl : Surface Based Parcel
        self.mlpcl : Mixed Layer Parcel
        self.fcstpcl : Forecast Surface Parcel
        self.ebottom : The bottom pressure level of
            the effective inflow layer
        self.etop : the top pressure level of
            the effective inflow layer
        self.ebotm : The bottom, meters (agl), of the
            effective inflow layer
        self.etopm : The top, meters (agl), of the
            effective inflow layer


        self.mupcl = params.parcelx( self, flag=3 )
        if self.mupcl.lplvals.pres == self.pres[self.sfc]:
            self.sfcpcl = self.mupcl
            self.sfcpcl = params.parcelx( self, flag=1 )
        self.fcstpcl = params.parcelx( self, flag=2 )
        self.mlpcl = params.parcelx( self, flag=4 )
        self.usrpcl = params.Parcel()

        ## get the effective inflow layer data
        self.ebottom, self.etop = params.effective_inflow_layer( self, mupcl=self.mupcl )

        ## if there was no effective inflow layer, set the values to masked
        if self.etop is ma.masked or self.ebottom is ma.masked:
            self.ebotm = ma.masked; self.etopm = ma.masked
            self.effpcl = self.sfcpcl # Default to surface parcel, as in params.DefineProfile().

        ## otherwise, interpolate the heights given to above ground level
            self.ebotm = interp.to_agl(self, interp.hght(self, self.ebottom))
            self.etopm = interp.to_agl(self, interp.hght(self, self.etop))
            # The below code was adapted from params.DefineProfile()
            # Lifting one additional parcel probably won't slow the program too much.
            # It's just one more lift compared to all the lifts in the params.effective_inflow_layer() call.
            mtha = params.mean_theta(self, self.ebottom, self.etop)
            mmr = params.mean_mixratio(self, self.ebottom, self.etop)
            effpres = (self.ebottom+self.etop)/2.
            efftmpc = thermo.theta(1000., mtha, effpres)
            effdwpc = thermo.temp_at_mixrat(mmr, effpres)
            self.effpcl = params.parcelx(self, flag=5, pres=effpres, tmpc=efftmpc, dwpc=effdwpc) #This is the effective parcel.
Esempio n. 2
    def get_parcels(self):
        Function to generate various parcels and parcel
        Returns nothing, but sets the following

        self.mupcl : Most Unstable Parcel
        self.sfcpcl : Surface Based Parcel
        self.mlpcl : Mixed Layer Parcel
        self.fcstpcl : Forecast Surface Parcel
        self.ebottom : The bottom pressure level of
            the effective inflow layer
        self.etop : the top pressure level of
            the effective inflow layer
        self.ebotm : The bottom, meters (agl), of the
            effective inflow layer
        self.etopm : The top, meters (agl), of the
            effective inflow layer


        self.mupcl = params.parcelx( self, flag=3 )
        if self.mupcl.lplvals.pres == self.pres[self.sfc]:
            self.sfcpcl = self.mupcl
            self.sfcpcl = params.parcelx( self, flag=1 )
        self.fcstpcl = params.parcelx( self, flag=2 )
        self.mlpcl = params.parcelx( self, flag=4 )
        self.usrpcl = params.Parcel()

        ## get the effective inflow layer data
        self.ebottom, self.etop = params.effective_inflow_layer( self, mupcl=self.mupcl )

        ## if there was no effective inflow layer, set the values to masked
        if self.etop is ma.masked or self.ebottom is ma.masked:
            self.ebotm = ma.masked; self.etopm = ma.masked
            self.effpcl = self.sfcpcl # Default to surface parcel, as in params.DefineProfile().

        ## otherwise, interpolate the heights given to above ground level
            self.ebotm = interp.to_agl(self, interp.hght(self, self.ebottom))
            self.etopm = interp.to_agl(self, interp.hght(self, self.etop))
            # The below code was adapted from params.DefineProfile()
            # Lifting one additional parcel probably won't slow the program too much.
            # It's just one more lift compared to all the lifts in the params.effective_inflow_layer() call.
            mtha = params.mean_theta(self, self.ebottom, self.etop)
            mmr = params.mean_mixratio(self, self.ebottom, self.etop)
            effpres = (self.ebottom+self.etop)/2.
            efftmpc = thermo.theta(1000., mtha, effpres)
            effdwpc = thermo.temp_at_mixrat(mmr, effpres)
            self.effpcl = params.parcelx(self, flag=5, pres=effpres, tmpc=efftmpc, dwpc=effdwpc) #This is the effective parcel.