Esempio n. 1
def test__get_revision_dict_errs():
    tests getting a revision dictionary method when the deckhand
    client has raised an exception
    def _raise_dre():
        raise DeckhandResponseError(status_code=9000,
                                    response_message='This is bogus')

    def _raise_nree():
        raise NoRevisionsExistError()

    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
    helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = _raise_dre

    with pytest.raises(AppError):

    helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = _raise_nree
    rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict()
    committed = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED)
    buffer = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.BUFFER)
    latest = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LATEST)
    count = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.REVISION_COUNT)
    assert committed is None
    assert buffer is None
    assert latest is None
    assert count == 0
Esempio n. 2
def test_get_collection_docs():
    Returns the representation of the yaml docs from deckhand
    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
    helper.deckhand.get_docs_from_revision = (
        lambda revision_id, bucket_id: "{'yaml': 'yaml'}")
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_EMPTY_DICT
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_EMPTY_DICT)

    with pytest.raises(ApiError):
        helper.get_collection_docs(configdocs_helper.BUFFER, 'mop')

    with pytest.raises(ApiError):
        helper.get_collection_docs(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED, 'mop')

    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_COMMIT_AND_BUFFER_DICT
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_COMMIT_AND_BUFFER_DICT)
    yaml_str = helper.get_collection_docs(configdocs_helper.BUFFER, 'mop')
    assert len(yaml_str) == 16

    yaml_str = helper.get_collection_docs(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED, 'mop')
    assert len(yaml_str) == 16
Esempio n. 3
def test_get_revision_dict_last_site_action_and_successful_site_action():
    Tests the processing of revision dict response from deckhand
    for last_site_action and successful_site_action revision
    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
    helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = lambda: yaml.load("""
  - id: 1
    url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/1
    createdAt: 2018-04-30T21:23Z
    buckets: [mop]
    tags: [committed, site-action-success]
        status: succeeded
  - id: 2
    url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/2
    createdAt: 2018-04-30T23:35Z
    buckets: [flop, mop]
    tags: [committed, site-action-failure]
        status: succeeded
    rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict()
    successful_site_action = rev_dict.get(
    last_site_action = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LAST_SITE_ACTION)
    assert successful_site_action.get('id') == 1
    assert last_site_action.get('id') == 2
Esempio n. 4
def test_is_buffer_emtpy():
    Test the method to check if the configdocs buffer is empty
    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT
    assert not helper.is_buffer_empty()

    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFF_EMPTY_DICT
    assert helper.is_buffer_empty()

    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_NO_COMMIT_DICT
    assert not helper.is_buffer_empty()

    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_EMPTY_DICT
    assert helper.is_buffer_empty()
Esempio n. 5
def test__get_revision_dict_commit_and_buff():
    Tests the processing of revision dict response from deckhand
    with a committed and a buffer revision
    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
    helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = lambda: yaml.load("""
  - id: 1
    url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/1
    createdAt: 2017-07-14T21:23Z
    buckets: [mop]
    tags: [a, b, committed]
        status: failed
  - id: 2
    url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/2
    createdAt: 2017-07-16T01:15Z
    buckets: [flop, mop]
    tags: [b]
        status: succeeded
    rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict()
    committed = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED)
    buffer = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.BUFFER)
    latest = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LATEST)
    count = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.REVISION_COUNT)
    assert committed.get('id') == 1
    assert buffer.get('id') == 2
    assert latest.get('id') == 2
    assert count == 2
Esempio n. 6
def test_tag_buffer():
    Tests that the tag buffer method attempts to tag the right version
    with patch.object(ConfigdocsHelper, 'tag_revision') as mock_method:
        helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
        helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT

    mock_method.assert_called_once_with(5, 'artful')
Esempio n. 7
def test_add_collection():
    Tests the adding of a collection to deckhand - primarily
    error handling
    with patch.object(DeckhandClient, 'put_bucket') as mock_method:
        helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
        helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT
        assert helper.add_collection('mop', 'yaml:yaml') == 5

    mock_method.assert_called_once_with('mop', 'yaml:yaml')
Esempio n. 8
def test_is_collection_in_buffer():
    Test that collections are found in the buffer
    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_BUFFER_DICT)
    # mop is not in buffer; chum and slop are in buffer.
    # unmodified means it is not in buffer
    assert not helper.is_collection_in_buffer('mop')
    # created means it is in buffer
    assert helper.is_collection_in_buffer('slop')
    # deleted means it is in buffer
    assert helper.is_collection_in_buffer('chum')

    def _raise_dre():
        raise DeckhandResponseError(status_code=9000,
                                    response_message='This is bogus')

    helper._get_revision_dict = _raise_dre

    with pytest.raises(DeckhandResponseError):
        helper.is_collection_in_buffer('does not matter')
def test_is_buffer_empty():
    Test the method to check if the configdocs buffer is empty
    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)

    # BUFFER revision is none, short circuit case (no buffer revision)
    # buffer is empty.
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFF_EMPTY_DICT
    assert helper.is_buffer_empty()

    # BUFFER revision is none, also a short circuit case (no revisions at all)
    # buffer is empty
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_EMPTY_DICT
    assert helper.is_buffer_empty()

    # BUFFER revision is not none, collections have been modified
    # buffer is NOT empty.
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_BUFFER_DICT)
    assert not helper.is_buffer_empty()

    # BUFFER revision is not none, all collections unmodified
    # buffer is empty.
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_NO_COMMIT_DICT
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: UNMOD_BUFFER_DICT)
    assert helper.is_buffer_empty()

    # BUFFER revision is not none, no collections listed (deleted, rollback 0)
    # buffer is empty.
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_NO_COMMIT_DICT
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: EMPTY_BUFFER_DICT)
    assert helper.is_buffer_empty()
Esempio n. 10
def test__get_revision_dict_empty():
    Tests the processing of revision dict response from deckhand
    where the response is an empty list
    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
    helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = lambda: []
    rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict()
    committed = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED)
    buffer = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.BUFFER)
    latest = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LATEST)
    count = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.REVISION_COUNT)
    assert committed is None
    assert buffer is None
    assert latest is None
    assert count == 0
Esempio n. 11
def test_get_configdocs_status():
    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT
    helper._get_ordered_versions = lambda versions: ORDERED_VER
    helper._get_versions_name_id = lambda ordered_versions: REV_NAME_ID
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_BUFFER_DICT)
    result = helper.get_configdocs_status()

    expected = [{
        "collection_name": 'chum',
        "base_version": 'committed',
        "base_revision": 3,
        "new_version": 'buffer',
        "new_revision": 5,
        "new_status": 'created',
        "base_status": 'not present'
    }, {
        "collection_name": 'mop',
        "base_version": 'committed',
        "base_revision": 3,
        "new_version": 'buffer',
        "new_revision": 5,
        "new_status": 'unmodified',
        "base_status": 'present'
    }, {
        "collection_name": 'slop',
        "base_version": 'committed',
        "base_revision": 3,
        "new_version": 'buffer',
        "new_revision": 5,
        "new_status": 'deleted',
        "base_status": 'present'

    assert expected == sorted(result, key=lambda x: x['collection_name'])
Esempio n. 12
def test_is_buffer_valid_for_bucket():
    def is_buffer_valid_for_bucket(self, collection_id, buffermode)
    def set_revision_dict(helper, revision_dict, diff_dict):
        helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: revision_dict
        helper.deckhand.get_diff = lambda: diff_dict

    helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX)
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_BUFFER_DICT)
    helper.deckhand.rollback = lambda target_revision_id: (set_revision_dict(
    # patch the deckhand client method to set to empty if reset_to_empty
    # is invoked.
    helper.deckhand.reset_to_empty = lambda: (set_revision_dict(

    # can add 'mop' on append, it was unmodified in buffer
    # can add 'water' on append, it was not anywhere before
    # can't add 'slop' on append, it was deleted (modified in buffer)
    # can't add 'chum' on append, it is already in buffer
    # can't add anything on rejectoncontents
    # can add anything on replace
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.APPEND)
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('water', BufferMode.APPEND)
    assert not helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('slop', BufferMode.APPEND)
    assert not helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('chum', BufferMode.APPEND)
    assert not helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('new',

    # because of the patched methods above, replace mode will set the
    # buffer/diff to values as if it were rolled back.
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.REPLACE)
    # should be able to replace mode even if no buffer contents.
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.REPLACE)
    # in rolled back state as per last two commands, should be ok
    # to use rejectoncontents to add.
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop',

    # set up as if there is no committed revision yet
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_NO_COMMIT_DICT
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_NO_COMMIT_DICT)

    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('slop', BufferMode.APPEND)
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('chum', BufferMode.APPEND)
    # buffer is not empty, reject on contents.
    assert not helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('new',

    # This should rollback to "nothing" using reset to empty.
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.REPLACE)
    assert helper.is_buffer_empty()

    # set up as if there is nothing in deckhand.
    helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_EMPTY_DICT
    helper.deckhand.get_diff = (
        lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_EMPTY_DICT)
    # should be able to add in any mode.
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('slop', BufferMode.APPEND)
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('chum', BufferMode.APPEND)
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('new',
    assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.REPLACE)