def __init__(self, filesystem, user_namespace=None, private_net=None, hostname=None, links=None): self.filesystem = filesystem if user_namespace is None: self.user_namespace = UserNamespace(None, None) else: self.user_namespace = user_namespace self.private_net = private_net self.hostname = hostname self.links = links
def run(obj, container_id, command, bridge, entrypoint, env, force, from_image, ip, link, rm, target_uid, target_gid, user, workdir): shoebox_dir = obj['shoebox_dir'] repo = obj['repo'] if bridge != 'None' and ip is not None: private_net = PrivateNetwork(bridge, ip) else: private_net = None links = [] if link is not None: if private_net and ip: for l in link: source, alias = l.split(':', 1) link_ct = Container(shoebox_dir, source) links.append(ContainerLink(link_ct, alias)) else: logging.warning( 'Ignoring container links when running without private networking' ) userns = UserNamespace(target_uid, target_gid) if from_image is None: container = load_container(container_id, shoebox_dir) else: container = clone_image(force, from_image, repo, shoebox_dir, userns) run_container(container, userns, shoebox_dir, command, entrypoint, user, workdir, rm, private_net, links, env)
def build(obj, base_dir, force, target_uid, target_gid): repo = obj['repo'] shoebox_dir = obj['shoebox_dir'] os.chdir(base_dir) dockerfile = parse_dockerfile(open('Dockerfile').read(), repo=repo) userns = UserNamespace(target_uid, target_gid) container = build_container(os.getcwd(), force, dockerfile, repo, shoebox_dir, userns) print container.container_id
class ContainerNamespace(object): def __init__(self, filesystem, user_namespace=None, private_net=None, hostname=None, links=None): self.filesystem = filesystem if user_namespace is None: self.user_namespace = UserNamespace(None, None) else: self.user_namespace = user_namespace self.private_net = private_net self.hostname = hostname self.links = links def __repr__(self): return 'FS: {0!r}, USER: {1!r}, NET: {2!r}'.format(self.filesystem, self.user_namespace, self.private_net) def linked_hostnames(self): if not self.links: return ip_names = defaultdict(set) ip_aliases = defaultdict(set) aliases = set() for link in self.links: ip_names[link.target_ip].add(link.source_container.container_id) ip_aliases[link.target_ip].add(link.alias) aliases.add(link.alias) for ip, names in ip_names.items(): yield ip, list(ip_aliases[ip]) + [n for n in names if n not in aliases] def etc_hosts(self): base_hosts = """ localhost # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters """ hosts = [] if self.private_net and self.private_net.ip_address and self.hostname: hosts.append('{0} {1}'.format(self.private_net.ip_address, self.hostname)) for ip, names in self.linked_hostnames(): hosts.append('{0} {1}'.format(ip, ' '.join(names))) return '\n'.join(hosts) + base_hosts def etc_resolv_conf(self): resolvconf = [] for line in open('/etc/resolv.conf'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('nameserver'): _, ns = line.split() if ns.startswith('127.') and self.private_net and self.private_net.ip_address: resolvconf.append('nameserver {0}'.format(self.private_net.gateway)) continue resolvconf.append(line) return '\n'.join(resolvconf) def build(self): self.filesystem.check_root_dir() resolvconf = self.etc_resolv_conf() with self.user_namespace.setup_userns(): namespaces = CLONE_NEWUSER | CLONE_NEWNS | CLONE_NEWIPC | CLONE_NEWUTS | CLONE_NEWPID if self.private_net: namespaces |= CLONE_NEWNET with self.private_net.setup_netns(): unshare(namespaces) else: unshare(namespaces) if self.hostname: sethostname(self.hostname) if self.filesystem.special_fs: with open('/etc/hosts', 'w') as hosts: print >> hosts, self.etc_hosts() with open('/etc/resolv.conf', 'w') as resolv: print >> resolv, resolvconf drop_caps() os.setgroups([os.getgid()]) def execns(self, ns_func, *args, **kwargs): exitcode = 1 # noinspection PyBroadException try: ns_func(*args, **kwargs) exitcode = 0 except: logger.exception('Exception inside namespace {0!r}'.format(self)) finally: # noinspection PyProtectedMember os._exit(exitcode) def run(self, ns_func, *args, **kwargs): pid = os.fork() if pid: _, ret = os.waitpid(pid, 0) exitcode = ret >> 8 exitsig = ret & 0x7f if exitsig: raise RuntimeError('Subprocess caught signal {0}'.format(exitsig)) elif exitcode: raise RuntimeError('Subprocess exited with status {0}'.format(exitcode)) else: self.execns(ns_func, *args, **kwargs)
def rm(obj, container_id, target_uid, target_gid, volumes): shoebox_dir = obj['shoebox_repo'] userns = UserNamespace(target_uid, target_gid) for container in container_id: remove_container(shoebox_dir, container, userns, volumes)
class ContainerNamespace(object): def __init__(self, filesystem, user_namespace=None, private_net=None, hostname=None, links=None): self.filesystem = filesystem if user_namespace is None: self.user_namespace = UserNamespace(None, None) else: self.user_namespace = user_namespace self.private_net = private_net self.hostname = hostname self.links = links def __repr__(self): return 'FS: {0!r}, USER: {1!r}, NET: {2!r}'.format( self.filesystem, self.user_namespace, self.private_net) def linked_hostnames(self): if not self.links: return ip_names = defaultdict(set) ip_aliases = defaultdict(set) aliases = set() for link in self.links: ip_names[link.target_ip].add(link.source_container.container_id) ip_aliases[link.target_ip].add(link.alias) aliases.add(link.alias) for ip, names in ip_names.items(): yield ip, list( ip_aliases[ip]) + [n for n in names if n not in aliases] def etc_hosts(self): base_hosts = """ localhost # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters """ hosts = [] if self.private_net and self.private_net.ip_address and self.hostname: hosts.append('{0} {1}'.format(self.private_net.ip_address, self.hostname)) for ip, names in self.linked_hostnames(): hosts.append('{0} {1}'.format(ip, ' '.join(names))) return '\n'.join(hosts) + base_hosts def etc_resolv_conf(self): resolvconf = [] for line in open('/etc/resolv.conf'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('nameserver'): _, ns = line.split() if ns.startswith( '127.' ) and self.private_net and self.private_net.ip_address: resolvconf.append('nameserver {0}'.format( self.private_net.gateway)) continue resolvconf.append(line) return '\n'.join(resolvconf) def build(self): self.filesystem.check_root_dir() resolvconf = self.etc_resolv_conf() with self.user_namespace.setup_userns(): namespaces = CLONE_NEWUSER | CLONE_NEWNS | CLONE_NEWIPC | CLONE_NEWUTS | CLONE_NEWPID if self.private_net: namespaces |= CLONE_NEWNET with self.private_net.setup_netns(): unshare(namespaces) else: unshare(namespaces) if self.hostname: sethostname(self.hostname) if self.filesystem.special_fs: with open('/etc/hosts', 'w') as hosts: print >> hosts, self.etc_hosts() with open('/etc/resolv.conf', 'w') as resolv: print >> resolv, resolvconf drop_caps() os.setgroups([os.getgid()]) def execns(self, ns_func, *args, **kwargs): exitcode = 1 # noinspection PyBroadException try: ns_func(*args, **kwargs) exitcode = 0 except: logger.exception('Exception inside namespace {0!r}'.format(self)) finally: # noinspection PyProtectedMember os._exit(exitcode) def run(self, ns_func, *args, **kwargs): pid = os.fork() if pid: _, ret = os.waitpid(pid, 0) exitcode = ret >> 8 exitsig = ret & 0x7f if exitsig: raise RuntimeError( 'Subprocess caught signal {0}'.format(exitsig)) elif exitcode: raise RuntimeError( 'Subprocess exited with status {0}'.format(exitcode)) else: self.execns(ns_func, *args, **kwargs)