Esempio n. 1
# The intended value has to be in the primes list, meaning < limit.
# The biggest possible sequence will involve the smallest primes that add up
# to limit.
def get_max_sequence():
    seq = 0
    s = 0
    while (s < limit):
        s += primes_list[seq]
        seq += 1
    return seq

limit = 1000000
# Generate list of primes.
soa = SieveOfAtkin(limit)
primes = set(soa.getPrimes())
# Because result is given as a set, turn into a list and sort it.
primes_list = list(primes)
# We know that the sequence will have a maximum:
#	- only consider sequences of that size or smaller
for l in xrange(get_max_sequence(), 1, -1):
    i = 0
    value = sum(primes_list[i:i + l])
    # Because the value has to be in primes_list, no need to check values bigger
    # than the limit.
    while value < limit:
        if value in primes:
            print l, value
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    primes_sieve = SieveOfAtkin(100000)

    return primes_sieve.get_nth_prime(10001)
Esempio n. 3
from sieve_of_atkin import SieveOfAtkin
from math import sqrt, pow

soa = SieveOfAtkin(1000)
primes = soa.getPrimes()
nmax = 0

# Taken from here:
def is_prime(n):
    if n == 2 or n == 3: return True
    if n < 2 or n % 2 == 0: return False
    if n < 9: return True
    if n % 3 == 0: return False
    r = int(sqrt(n))
    f = 5
    while f <= r:
        if n % f == 0: return False
        if n % (f + 2) == 0: return False
        f += 6
    return True

# b has to be prime, so that when n = 0 the result is prime
for a, b in [(a, b) for a in range(-1000, 1000) for b in primes]:
    n = 1
    while is_prime(pow(n, 2) + a * n + b):
        n += 1

    if n > nmax:
        nmax, product = n, a * b
Esempio n. 4
 def testIsPrime(self):
     soa = SieveOfAtkin(100)
Esempio n. 5

# We don't need the actual factorization, only the number of factors
def distinct_prime_factors(number):
    distinct_prime_factors = 0
    for p in primes:
        if number % p == 0:
            distinct_prime_factors += 1
            number /= p

    return distinct_prime_factors

number_of_distinc_primes = 0
number = 2

# For this specfic of the problem, we only need primes up to 700.
# To a more generic number factorization, we would need primes up to number/2.
soa = SieveOfAtkin(700)
primes = set(soa.getPrimes())
while number_of_distinc_primes != 4:
    # If number of distinct primes is 4, count it
    if distinct_prime_factors(number) == 4:
        number_of_distinc_primes += 1
    # If not, reset to 0
        number_of_distinc_primes = 0
    number += 1

print "The first number is:", number - 4
Esempio n. 6
from sieve_of_atkin import SieveOfAtkin

soa = SieveOfAtkin(800000)
primes = set(soa.getPrimes())

def truncableRight(val):
    s = str(val)
    for i in range(len(s), 0, -1):
        if int(s[:i]) not in primes:
            return False
    return True

def truncableLeft(val):
    s = str(val)
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if int(s[i:]) not in primes:
            return False
    return True

result = 0
for i in (i for i in primes if i > 7):
    if truncableRight(i) and truncableLeft(i):
        result += i

print result