Esempio n. 1
 def test_all(self):
         s('one, two, /, three, four, *five, six, seven, **eight'),
             s(''), [p('one, /'), p('two, /')],
             [p('three'), p('four')], p('*five'),
             OrderedDict((('six', p('*, six')), ('seven', p('*, seven')))),
Esempio n. 2
def embed(use_varargs=True, use_varkwargs=True, *signatures):
    """Embeds a signature within another's ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``
    parameters, as if a function with the outer signature called a function with
    the inner signature with just ``f(*args, **kwargs)``.

    :param inspect.Signature signatures: The signatures to embed within
        one-another, outermost first.
    :param bool use_varargs: Make use of the ``*args``-like parameter.
    :param bool use_varkwargs: Make use of the ``*kwargs``-like parameter.

    :returns: a `inspect.Signature` object
    :raises: `IncompatibleSignatures`


        >>> from sigtools import signatures, support
        >>> print(signatures.embed(
        ...     support.s('one, *args, **kwargs'),
        ...     support.s('two, *args, kw, **kwargs'),
        ...     support.s('last'),
        ...     ))
        (one, two, last, *, kw)
        >>> # use signatures.mask() to remove self-like parameters
        >>> print(signatures.embed(
        ...     support.s('self, *args, **kwargs'),
        ...     signatures.mask(
        ...         support.s('self, *args, keyword, **kwargs'), 1),
        ...     ))
        (self, *args, keyword, **kwargs)
    assert signatures
    ret = sort_params(signatures[0])
    for i, sig in enumerate(signatures[1:], 1):
            ret = _embed(ret, sort_params(sig), use_varargs, use_varkwargs)
        except ValueError:
            raise IncompatibleSignatures(sig, signatures[:i])
    return apply_params(signatures[0], *ret)
Esempio n. 3
def merge(*signatures):
    """Tries to compute a signature for which a valid call would also validate
    the given signatures.

    It guarantees any call that conforms to the merged signature will
    conform to all the given signatures. However, some calls that don't
    conform to the merged signature may actually work on all the given ones

    :param inspect.Signature signatures: The signatures to merge together.

    :returns: a `inspect.Signature` object
    :raises: `IncompatibleSignatures`


        >>> from sigtools import signatures, support
        >>> print(signatures.merge(
        ...     support.s('one, two, *args, **kwargs'),
        ...     support.s('one, two, three, *, alpha, **kwargs'),
        ...     support.s('one, *args, beta, **kwargs')
        ...     ))
        (one, two, three, *, alpha, beta, **kwargs)

    The resulting signature does not necessarily validate all ways of
    conforming to the underlying signatures::

        >>> from sigtools import signatures
        >>> from inspect import signature
        >>> def left(alpha, *args, **kwargs):
        ...     return alpha
        >>> def right(beta, *args, **kwargs):
        ...     return beta
        >>> sig_left = signature(left)
        >>> sig_right = signature(right)
        >>> sig_merged = signatures.merge(sig_left, sig_right)
        >>> print(sig_merged)
        (alpha, /, *args, **kwargs)
        >>> kwargs = {'alpha': 'a', 'beta': 'b'}
        >>> left(**kwargs), right(**kwargs) # both functions accept the call
        ('a', 'b')
        >>> sig_merged.bind(**kwargs) # the merged signature doesn't
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
          File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/", line 2642, in bind
            return args[0]._bind(args[1:], kwargs)
          File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/", line 2542, in _bind
            raise TypeError(msg) from None
        TypeError: 'alpha' parameter is positional only, but was passed as a keyword

    assert signatures, "Expected at least one signature"
    ret = sort_params(signatures[0])
    for i, sig in enumerate(signatures[1:], 1):
        sorted_params = sort_params(sig)
            ret = _merge(ret, sorted_params)
        except ValueError:
            raise IncompatibleSignatures(sig, signatures[:i])
    return apply_params(signatures[0], *ret)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_roundtrip(self):
     sig_str = 'one, two, /, three, four, *five, six, seven, **eight'
     sig = s(sig_str)
     self.assertEqual(apply_params(s(''), *sort_params(sig)), sig)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_empty(self):
     self.assertSigsEqual(s(''), apply_params(s(''), [], [], None, {},