def test_custom_reward(self):
        from gym.envs.registration import register
                     'patient_name': 'adolescent#003',
                     'reward_fun': custom_reward

        env = gym.make('simglucose-adolescent3-v0')
        ctrller = BBController()

        reward = 1
        done = False
        info = {'sample_time': 3, 'patient_name': 'adolescent#002', 'meal': 0}

        observation = env.reset()
        for t in range(200):
            # action = env.action_space.sample()
            ctrl_action = ctrller.policy(observation, reward, done, **info)
            action = ctrl_action.basal + ctrl_action.bolus
            observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
            print("Reward = {}".format(reward))
            if observation.CGM > 180:
                self.assertEqual(reward, -1)
            elif observation.CGM < 70:
                self.assertEqual(reward, -2)
                self.assertEqual(reward, 1)
            if done:
                print("Episode finished after {} timesteps".format(t + 1))
    def test_batch_sim(self):
        # specify start_time as the beginning of today
        now =
        start_time = datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time())

        # --------- Create Random Scenario --------------
        # Create a simulation environment
        patient = T1DPatient.withName('adolescent#001')
        sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=1)
        pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet')
        scenario = RandomScenario(start_time=start_time, seed=1)
        env = T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario)

        # Create a controller
        controller = BBController()

        # Put them together to create a simulation object
        s1 = SimObj(env, controller, timedelta(
            days=2), animate=True, path=save_folder)
        results1 = sim(s1)

        # --------- Create Custom Scenario --------------
        # Create a simulation environment
        patient = T1DPatient.withName('adolescent#001')
        sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=1)
        pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet')
        # custom scenario is a list of tuples (time, meal_size)
        scen = [(7, 45), (12, 70), (16, 15), (18, 80), (23, 10)]
        scenario = CustomScenario(start_time=start_time, scenario=scen)
        env = T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario)

        # Create a controller
        controller = BBController()

        # Put them together to create a simulation object
        s2 = SimObj(env, controller, timedelta(
            days=2), animate=False, path=save_folder)
        results2 = sim(s2)

        # --------- batch simulation --------------
        s1.animate = False
        s = [s1, s2]
        results_para = batch_sim(s, parallel=True)

        s = [s1, s2]
        results_serial = batch_sim(s, parallel=False)

        assert_frame_equal(results_para[0], results1)
        assert_frame_equal(results_para[1], results2)
        for r1, r2 in zip(results_para, results_serial):
            assert_frame_equal(r1, r2)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_results_consistency(self):
        # Test data
        results_exp = pd.read_csv(TESTDATA_FILENAME, index_col=0)
        results_exp.index = pd.to_datetime(results_exp.index)

        # specify start_time as the beginning of today
        start_time = datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)

        # --------- Create Random Scenario --------------
        # Create a simulation environment
        patient = T1DPatient.withName('adolescent#001')
        sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=1)
        pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet')
        scenario = RandomScenario(start_time=start_time, seed=1)
        env = T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario)

        # Create a controller
        controller = BBController()

        # Put them together to create a simulation object
        s = SimObj(env,
        results = sim(s)
        assert_frame_equal(results, results_exp)
    def test_gym_random_agent(self):
        from gym.envs.registration import register
                 kwargs={'patient_name': 'adolescent#002'})

        env = gym.make('simglucose-adolescent2-v0')
        ctrller = BBController()

        reward = 0
        done = False
        info = {'sample_time': 5, 'patient_name': 'adolescent#002', 'meal': 0}

        observation = env.reset()
        for t in range(150):
            # action = env.action_space.sample()
            ctrl_action = ctrller.policy(observation, reward, done, **info)
            action = ctrl_action.basal + ctrl_action.bolus
            observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
            if done:
                print("Episode finished after {} timesteps".format(t + 1))
def pick_controller():
    while True:
        print('Select controller:')
        print('[1] Basal-Bolus Controller')
        input_value = input('>>>')
            selection = int(input_value)
        except ValueError:
            print('Please input an integer!')
        if selection < 1 or selection > 1:
            print('Please input a number from the list!')
    if selection == 1:
        controller = BBController()
    return controller
Esempio n. 6
def bbsim():
    for patient in patients:
        patient = T1DPatient.withName(patient)
        sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=1)
        pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet')
        for seed in range(10, 20):
            scenario = RandomScenario(start_time=start_time,
                                      seed=randint(10, 99999))
            env = T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario)
            # Create a controller
            controller = BBController()

            # Put them together to create a simulation object
            s1 = SimObj(env,
                        path=path + str(seed))
            results1 = sim(s1)
            print('Complete:',, '-', seed)
    print('All done!')
now =
start_time = datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time())

# --------- Create Random Scenario --------------
# Specify results saving path
path = './results'

# Create a simulation environment
patient = T1DPatient.withName('adolescent#001')
sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=1)
pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet')
scenario = RandomScenario(start_time=start_time, seed=1)
env = T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario)

# Create a controller
controller = BBController()

# Put them together to create a simulation object
s1 = SimObj(env, controller, timedelta(days=1), animate=False, path=path)
results1 = sim(s1)

# --------- Create Custom Scenario --------------
# Create a simulation environment
patient = T1DPatient.withName('adolescent#001')
sensor = CGMSensor.withName('Dexcom', seed=1)
pump = InsulinPump.withName('Insulet')
# custom scenario is a list of tuples (time, meal_size)
scen = [(7, 45), (12, 70), (16, 15), (18, 80), (23, 10)]
scenario = CustomScenario(start_time=start_time, scenario=scen)
env = T1DSimEnv(patient, sensor, pump, scenario)
    def run(es=None,policy=None,patient_id=1,Initial_Bg=0):
        env = gym.make('simglucose-adult{}-CHO{}-v0'.format(Initial_Bg,patient_id+1))

        ctrller = BBController()
        # ctrller = PIDController(P=0.001, I=0.00001, D=0.001)
        # ctrller = PIDController(P=PID_parameters[patient_id][0], I=PID_parameters[patient_id][1], D=PID_parameters[patient_id][2])

        reward = 0
        done = False
        info = {'sample_time': 5,
                'patient_name': 'adult#001',
                'meal': 0}

        observation = env.reset()
        pre_glucose = 0
        pre_rate = 0

        Monitor = 2#2 #0:CAWT; 1:MPC 2:DT
        Mitigation_Enable = True
        threshold_col = threshold_col_list[patient_id]+'_CV0'
        if Mitigation_Enable:
        #====read threshold files############
            mitigate_H1_flag = False
            mitigate_H2_flag = False
            if Monitor == 2:
                import numpy as np
                from sklearn.externals import joblib
                model_name = '/home/uva-dsa/Research/Medical/test/openaps_monitor/Reseult/script_jupyternotebook/saved_model_Uva/DT/DT3_NoFIlabel_model_{}.sav'.format(threshold_col)
                print("Load model {} now!".format(model_name))
                clf = joblib.load(model_name)
        delBg = 0
        delIob = 0
        delInsulinRate = 0
        pre_insulinRate = 0
        pre_iob =0
        pre_bg =0


        for t1 in range(150):
            t = t1 -30 #wait 30*5=150 minutes
            # env.render(mode='human')
            glucose = observation.CGM
            # print(observation)
            glucose_refresh = True 
            rate_refresh = True # update the glucose reading and rate output command

            #Fault injection Hook################

            #hold the glucose value when fresh signal is false
            if glucose_refresh != True:
                glucose = pre_glucose
            #update observation
            if observation.CGM != glucose:


            #get the action beased on policy and observation
            # (1) random action
            # action = env.action_space.sample()
            # (2) PID or BB control action
            ctrl_action = ctrller.policy(observation, reward, done, **info)
            action = ctrl_action.basal + ctrl_action.bolus
            # # (3) RL or DDPG action     
            # action,_ = policy.get_action(observation)# action = es.get_action(t, observation, policy) #algo.policy.get_action(observation)
            # print(action)
            # print(es.get_action(t, observation, policy))

            #Fault injection Hook################

            #hold the action value when fresh signal is false
            if rate_refresh != True:
                action = pre_rate

            #take the action
            observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
            #update previous glucose and rate value
            pre_glucose = glucose

            #==========mitigation code####++==============
            if Mitigation_Enable:
                insulinRate = action
                bgTarget = 140
                iob =cal_single_iob(insulinRate)
                if t1 >1:
                    delBg = bg-pre_bg #data["CGM_glucose"][i] - data["CGM_glucose"][i-1]
                    delIob = iob - pre_iob #data["IOB"][i] - data["IOB"][i-1]
                    delInsulinRate = insulinRate-pre_insulinRate #data["rate"][i] - data["rate"][i-1]

                if t1 >5:
                    sub_alert_msg = ""
                    if Monitor==0: #CAWT
                        sub_alert_flag = False
                        if bg > 180 and delBg > 5: #insufficient insulin
                                if iob <threshold[6] and insulinRate<0.1 :
                                        sub_alert_flag = True
                                        sub_alert_msg = "row_7" # rule14->7

                        if bg > bgTarget+10: #+10?  >150
                                #if delBg >= -3:
                                # if bg>180 and iob < -0.120728641206 and insulinRate == 0: # row_37
                                # if bg>180 and 

                                if delBg > 0.3:
                                        # if bg>190:
                                        if delBg>2.5 and delIob <= 0 and iob <threshold[4]:#-0.3: #row_10 IOB is falling 
                                                if delInsulinRate == 0 and insulinRate<0.1: #keep insulin
                                                        sub_alert_flag = True
                                                        sub_alert_msg = "row_5" # rule10 ->5
                                        elif delIob < 0 and iob <  0:#threshold[0]:#0.145605040799: # row_1
                                                if delInsulinRate < 0: #dec_insulin
                                                        sub_alert_flag = True
                                                        sub_alert_msg = "row_1"
                                        elif delIob == 0 and iob <  threshold[1]: # row_2
                                                if delInsulinRate < 0:  #dec_insulin
                                                        sub_alert_flag = True
                                                        sub_alert_msg = "row_2"

                        else:   #BG<HBGT 
                            if bg < threshold[8]:#bgLowerTh:
                                if insulinRate != 0 :#and iob>-0.5:#zero insulin
                                    sub_alert_flag = True
                                    sub_alert_msg = "row_9"

                            elif bg < bgTarget+10: #110

                                if delBg < -0.3:
                                    if delIob >=0 and iob >threshold[5]:#0.3: # IOB is not falling
                                        if delInsulinRate == 0 and insulinRate>0.05 :
                                            sub_alert_flag = True
                                            sub_alert_msg = "row_6" # rule12->6
                                    # checking if BG is falling more than the threshold
                                    #if delBg < thBgFall:
                                    # if bg<80: 
                                    if delIob > 0 and iob > threshold[2]:#-0.199631233636: # row_7->3
                                        if delInsulinRate > 0.05:
                                            sub_alert_flag = True
                                            sub_alert_msg = "row_3"
                                    elif delIob == 0 and iob > threshold[3]: # row_8->4
                                        if delInsulinRate > 0.05:
                                            sub_alert_flag = True
                                            sub_alert_msg = "row_4"
                        if sub_alert_flag:
                            if sub_alert_msg in ["row_3","row_4","row_6","row_9","row_13"]:#H1hazard
                                mitigate_H1_flag = True
                            elif sub_alert_msg in ["row_1","row_2","row_5","row_7"]:#H2hazard
                                mitigate_H2_flag = True

                    #==========mitigation code####++==============
                    elif Monitor ==1: #MPC
                        if glucose <70 :#H1hazard
                            # insulinRate = 0
                            # loaded_suggested_data["fault"] = "yes"
                            # loaded_suggested_data["fault_reason"] = sub_alert_msg+"_Mitigation" 
                            # print("\n***************************************")
                            # print("********** Unsafe Action !!!!! *************")    
                            sub_alert_msg = 'H1'
                            mitigate_H1_flag = True
                        elif glucose>180:#H2hazard
                            # insulinRate  = 2.1
                            # loaded_suggested_data["fault"] = "yes"
                            # loaded_suggested_data["fault_reason"] = sub_alert_msg+"_Mitigation" 
                            # print("\n***************************************")
                            # print("********** Unsafe Action !!!!! *************")    
                            sub_alert_msg = 'H2'
                            mitigate_H2_flag = True

                    elif Monitor == 2: #DT
                        if int(np.argmax(predict_proba,axis=1)):
                            if glucose < bgTarget:
                                sub_alert_msg = 'H1'
                                mitigate_H1_flag = True
                                sub_alert_msg = 'H2'
                                mitigate_H2_flag = True

                    #########start to mitigate#########
                    if mitigate_H1_flag == True: 
                        if insulinRate   < pre_insulinRate or glucose>bgTarget+10:#if fault is removed stop mitigation
                            mitigate_H1_flag = False #reset hazard flag
                        insulinRate = 0

                        print("********** Unsafe Action !!!!! *************")    

                    elif mitigate_H2_flag == True: 
                        if insulinRate  > pre_insulinRate or glucose<bgTarget+40:#if fault is removed stop mitigation
                            mitigate_H2_flag = False
                        insulinRate  = 0.1 #0.1

                        print("********** Unsafe Action !!!!! *************")    

                pre_insulinRate = insulinRate
                pre_iob = iob
                pre_bg =bg                                
            #######################33End of mitigation######################################

            pre_rate = action

            # if done:
            #     print("Episode finished after {} timesteps".format(t + 1))
            #     break
        # print(env.show_history())

# if __name__ == "__main__":
#     Run_simulation(argv[1],argv[2])